Meet one of the black New York teacher applicants who just got $2 MILLION for not passing a test (you read that right). The smoke detector in the background is 👨‍🍳🤌

Via Not the Bee

I may have just stumbled into peak clown world.

What a time to be alive.

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Is There a Vaccine Against Pandering?

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Is There a Vaccine Against Pandering?

It now appears that the greatest threat to black Americans isn’t COVID, it’s being pandered to death.

As the distribution of vaccines got underway last week, the Centers for Disease Control was trying to ensure that black people would get the vaccine before the elderly (too white!), while the media were focused on rationalizing black people’s opposition to taking the vaccine at all.

— NPR’s “Weekend Edition”:

Scott Simon: “Help us understand why many black Americans may be skeptical of a vaccine.”

Liz Walker: “Well, Scott, you know, black people have been traumatized by a betrayal of the system forever for generations. … We have all now talked about the experiment that used people with syphilis in Tuskegee. We all know about Henrietta Lacks.”

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The Black Privilege Complex

Submitted by RiNS

Guest Post by Deborah C. Tyler

The superiority complex is an ego-defensive, compensatory mental disorder that has been continuously researched in modern psychology for over one hundred years. A superiority complex can become established in the psychology of individuals who regard themselves as possessing some form of mental supremacy over others. The complex is a disorder of antisocial privilege in that the inflated self-image plays out in the social environment in relationships with perceived inferiors. The complex demands recognition of the claimed specialness and prevents the afflicted from entering into a mutually respectful relationship with anyone who challenges their self-image of superiority.

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