Shame on You – Not CV

Guest Post by tr4head

Mask mandates across the Nation are seemingly being followed without rational thought by ignorant, obsequious people willing to do whatever a tyrannical government says.    I see whole families with young children walking the streets of my town with masks donned in the heat of summer.    Not to mention those people driving alone with masks on.  I can’t imagine the media induced fear they must have.  People don’t wear masks in their cars, alone, unless they are in a state of terror about their world, the things they touch and the air they breathe.  If not fear, they are making a political statement for Marxism.  In either case, it’s not good for America and Americans.   The mainstream media thinks it’s nothing to wreck human lives that are in their path.  Misery loves company.

I know now, without question if I ever heard a question, that the mainstream media (MSM) lies or distorts truth every time they open their collective mouths.  For my own sanity, I thank the good Lord that I can think rationally.  I happen to know that “Coronavirus ™” is possible death for .5%-1%  (likely lowering every day with increasing confirmed cases not resulting in death) , a bad flu season for some and asymptomatic for up to 80% of the population.  Please note that the MSM periodically does “self-checks” that all members of the information monopoly are in lockstep by phrase-coding to see who is not following the rules, in this case eliminating “The” from “The Coronavirus” in their around the clock scare broadcasts.  So now, you will generally hear every 15 minutes on the radio “more people are dying from Coronavirus”.  Not “more people are dying from The Coronavirus”.  This is a subtle difference that doesn’t change the narrative but shows how the information monopoly keeps the Deep State on board with the proper narrative.

Sadly, many small businesses in our nice little community in Hendersonville NC and elsewhere will be out of business in 6 months, regardless of the November elections  They are not helping themselves by restricting their customers even when business is declining at a rapid pace as their costs are going up in service industries.   The Leftist Shame Game is on steroids now so if businesses don’t fall in line with Mask mandates, even though they are illegal, they are openly derided as wanting to kill people.  Let me explain.

I used to belong to the Nextdoor social media site.  Nextdoor used to be a great place for verified neighbors to find the best local places to eat, get a good recommendation on tree work and the like.     It was also a site where you could post things that you thought was of general community interest.  The rules prevented you from openly campaigning for a candidate, which made sense since it would otherwise be littered with political ads.   But you COULD discuss things that good people could disagree with, like mask mandates, if there was a community interest.  What could the community be more interested in these days than CV19?   Well that thought fell right on its mask covered face. You see, shaming and bullying for the right cause (namely Democratic causes) is apparently the correct kind of shaming and bullying with Nextdoor management.

A not so neighborly woman recently did a shame-posting indicating that she personally knew of a local business that was going way overboard with hygiene, mask requirements and social distancing because, as she stated, this particular business did not want people “TO DIE”.   Her posting was titled a “Positive Message”.   Positively tyrannical.   Imagine if you will a struggling business unable to meet those requirements because of your physical layout or, heaven forbid, the business owners just didn’t believe anybody walking into their store would be killed by a virus obtained inside said store if everyone did not wear an uncomfortable mask.    Or maybe they felt, correctly, that their Governor (in my case Roy Cooper in NC) went illegally over the top mandating masks in retail establishments he personally allowed to open and also in indoor public spaces or even when outside in a public space.

So, I posted a reply to my friendly Shame Mongering neighbor and said it was not a particularly “positive message” to imply that businesses that did not want to fall in line with illegal mandates would conversely want to “kill people”.    Killing your customers is not a good thing, especially when you are hanging on by a financial thread.   Well, that statement caused a Nextdoor firestorm.   I was summarily attacked by a bunch of largely fanatical Leftist women.  When they could not deal with my arguments  about the mask debacle by prominent researchers and scientists they ran to Mommy (aka Nextdoor Corporate) and said my ideas needed to be censored.  They went so far as to say that I was bullying them simply by providing another point of view.  In fact, it was yours truly who was immediately harassed by my friendly neighbors for disagreeing that masks be worn by the local public per a State mandate.  So, for opposing the “positive message” destroying small business, my account was disabled by Nextdoor management.  As of the date of this article,   my hysterical Nextdoor neighbors are continuing using their Leftist Shame Game rants to push a narrative designed to wreck the economy, not improve their health.  Its also good for Leftists to make life as miserable for us as it is for them and mandating masks when the heat index is 100 is helpful.

I live in beautiful Hendersonville NC, located in the Western North Carolina mountains.  As a result of complaints by my some of my friendly Nextdoor trolls, one of our tyrannical city council members, Jerry Smith, just promoted and passed a Mask mandate resolution by 3-2 vote.   The resolution wants our Police to cite and issue misdemeanor fines our many already struggling small businesses for not complying with our other Tyrant’s (Gov. Roy Cooper) unconstitutional executive order that requires masks in public places and businesses.   Brilliantly, Jerry Smith said it wasn’t fair for the “compliant” businesses that “non-compliant” businesses want to open the doors to all customers.   Why not kick a man when he is down?

The snowflake children on the Left, some running our states and cities, have never grown up after the 2016 election.  Even growing older by 4 years hasn’t helped.  Waaaahhhh has become DESTROYYYY!    Making our city look like rank amateurs, a Colorado city (Englewood) wants a year in jail and up to $2600 fine for people not wearing masks  And Governor Newsome has just closed most small businesses in California.   Uneducated people with bad intentions are ruling over us now and want us to be ignorant.    Per Orwell, Ignorance is Strength.

Businesses need to know that not all of us are happy for not being allowed to be their customer and keep them running.  Who would have thought that economically distressed businesses would not want as many customers as they can muster?  Suicide is not always painless.

I was thinking about how I could let some of my area businesses know that not everyone, especially long time customers, appreciates being told they can no longer do business with them if they don’t wear a mask.  To be clear, I don’t intend to hurt any business and want all to survive and prosper.   But many businesses won’t survive unless they fight back.  Because CV mask mandates reduces business by reducing customers, businesses must push back against this sort of tyranny and know they have reason and rationality on their side.

Until the elections, local Businesses have the most immediate power to force governments to change CV policies wrecking our country.    So, if I am not allowed inside a business because I must wear an unhealthy mask, I politely ask for the owner/manager to contact their local representative to tell our elected officials to loosen up on Liberty so I will be able to shop, dine or drink (which happens these days).   I then hand them the simple message below.  I tell them I won’t be back unless they allow me to enter without a mask.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Postscript.  On July 14, a man in Michigan who did not wear a mask under a new and improved criminal mask mandate by Governor Gretchen Whitmer was shamed by a 77 yr old man.   He stabbed the man who survived but was subsequently shot and killed by the Police.  Wrong as Biden but Governments are pushing people to breaking points.   Gov. Whitmer, the Master of Shame, would probably say he deserved to die for wanting to harm others.

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 17, 2020 7:53 pm

Nextdoor will not let you use the term China Flu, either. It has to be Coronavirus or COVID. I made a post and used COVID-19 (84) and it was allowed. Our Nextdoor neighborhood Karen’s and Kevin’s have been shaming anyone not wearing a mask in their posts, even so far at to tell us it is the “Christian” thing to do.

  TN Patriot
July 17, 2020 8:31 pm

a woman was going to start a nextdoor site in my neighborhood so i checked them out–
a frisco based tech company?massive red flag–
yep,the movers/shakers in the company are hardcore antigun–

EC -Spelling Nazi
EC -Spelling Nazi
July 18, 2020 1:54 pm

We got a flyer inviting us to join a neighborhood Nextdoor site. Hmm, from my observation of the Beautiful Blonde’s efforts with a similar facebook site in her little town, it turns folks into prying busybodies. A simple neighbor’s gripe becomes a neighborhood agenda and mob rule becomes the law.

  TN Patriot
July 17, 2020 9:45 pm

It’s all propaganda. Call it what it is. The fake news flu. It serves the purpose of striking fear in the majority, forcing compliance , identifying the noncompliant and eventually subjugating US all.

July 17, 2020 11:07 pm
July 18, 2020 7:35 am

By machines this Bolshevik meant Western civilization. It was boiling the frog.

July 18, 2020 10:29 pm
July 18, 2020 1:50 am

….and by destroying the economy they think it will hurt Trump and lead to a Biden victory. The callousness and perversion in such people is beyond reprehensible.

July 18, 2020 11:52 am

There are those who are truly very fearful of the beer virus. I ran into an older lady I know who wanted to know if I was more concerned over the relentless heat wave or the beer virus and I said the heat. She was shocked and dumbfounded. I didn’t bother to explain, no point.

Most people get their propaganda from the teevee and that is non-stop ‘be afraid of beer virus’ interspersed with massive doses of Orange Man Bad. The onslaught of fear PA announcements is nonstop as well. The contradictions are rampant and glaring but in a populace that lacks critical thinking skills, no one is capable of questioning the bullshit nor do they appreciate how seriously they are being gaslit.

A 73 yo Canadian man was killed for not wearing a mask. Yes, it is getting that bad. Support mental illness or I will kill you bad.

I live in Texas and a mask is mandated in public places, stores are fined $1,000 if they allow a customer in sans mask. The Karens are essentially simple-minded (read stupid) Never Trumpers who are given a soap box/bully pulpit that they can wield as a cudgel.

July 18, 2020 12:19 pm

Lol. I think I have caught the Beer virus

July 18, 2020 12:44 pm

Here’s a good video on the topic of mask mandates and what the ultimate goal of said mandates is.

July 18, 2020 3:18 pm

The Left-Right ideological struggle is not real. Even the Nationalist-Globalist conflict is essentially a proxy for the real war, which is between Christian and Promethean, between the servants of the Creator God and the servants of the god of this world.
Vox Day

July 19, 2020 10:19 am

Dennis Prager said years ago that we are in the midst of a colossal struggle for world domination. There are 3 factions: Judeo-Christian American, Secular (Globalist) and Islam. I think he is right. Domination and tyranny is not the goal of only one group (Judeo Christian) who can win the people if there is sufficient revival and help from above.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
  TN Patriot
July 18, 2020 9:52 am

Yeah, it’s really Christian to aid those who intend to stomp you to oblivion hell.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
July 17, 2020 8:08 pm


On 12/9-10/18 it snowed 20″ in Blowing Rock. That did it for me. I moved to the SC Lowcountry on 12/14. Now selling my house I’ve owned since 1988. Younger daughter lives in West Asheville and now hates it. But, they bought a house and her job (she’s the breadwinner) keeps them there. They had a great place in Black Mtn but wanted to be closer to the music scene 2 yrs ago. Now it’s dead…

You should consider Brevard. Spent a lot of time there over the last several years, have a client whose family developed Lake Toxaway, ther split time between Brevard & the lake. He buys anything he can in downtown.

  lamont cranston
July 18, 2020 7:39 am

The undesignated,although more apt name for West Asheville is “Worst Asheville”.

  lamont cranston
July 18, 2020 12:23 pm

I had a bit of a tête-à-tête with our Mayor on the citations. She is unmoved but I guarantee if the dying businesses revolt she would change her tune. Hard enough to hire restaurant staff without making them mask.

  lamont cranston
July 18, 2020 7:39 pm

Brevard for the win! Mayberrys w/ the best breakfast!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 17, 2020 8:11 pm

“No matter how cynical I become, I can’t keep up.”

-Lily Tomlin

July 17, 2020 8:28 pm

I believe it may be time for a Boston Mask Party..

July 17, 2020 8:52 pm

a suburban county just outside nyc has up to a $2,000 /DAY fine for not cooperating w/contact tracers–
forbes magazine thinks that is great,think about that b4 you renew your subscription–

July 18, 2020 12:26 pm

Forbes cant get deeper into Deep State.

Ken Russell
Ken Russell
July 17, 2020 9:09 pm

I do feel for you TR4. But I do keep hearing of these sorts of arguments/disagreements/points-of-view/etc. ALL THE DAMN TIME, now. It is the way of the other side. It just happened to a good friend, too. Please allow me to pass on the advice I gave her: “Chose your battles; the other side uses weapons that we will not even consider using.” I wish you, and the rest of us NORMAL People, well.

July 17, 2020 9:09 pm

was tempted to sign up for Next Door.
Soooooooooooo glad I didn’t.
Keep them guessing what your stance is, on many topics. A low profile is best. For now.
No traceable public opinion posts, no bumper stickers, no lawn signs, no group labels, such as NRA, 2A, etc.
Bullseyes on your back, if you will.

The irrational, emotionally retarded far left progressives are, simply put, out of their fucking minds.
And their ranks are growing.
Bad enough you can’t use reason and logic to carry on civil discourse.
It degrades into elevated BP, bulging veins, verbal attacks, and ultimately, revenge, doxxing, and destruction.
That’s the level of hatred they are projecting, teaching, practicing, executing, and rewarding. En masse.

The saddest part of it all?
They have infested the legal process, with corrupt judges, attorneys, politicians, and abandoned the Constitution and the rule of law, stacking the deck of liberty and justice for them, but shackles and punishment for their enemies.

He’s just one guy, but why can’t somebody eliminate G. Soros? Or is he just a pawn, in a much more complex game?
He’s funding lawlessness. He already funded the campaigns that got these people elected at the local levels, as AG’s, Governors, and judges. Now the system is so rotten with the kind of people we all know, and it’s probably too late to
do anything much about it, short of CW-II. What will be our Alamo?

July 17, 2020 9:12 pm

In the city mask wearers include bus drivers, taxi and ride share drivers, bicyclists and crane operators. Keep your ears and eyes open for the fatalities to follow. Nothing like having a driver lose consciousness from lack oxygen.

July 17, 2020 9:40 pm

SCOTUS has already established that compulsory vaccines are constitutional. In the near future, if you refuse the Covid vaccine, your body will be declared a bioweapon and you a bioterrorist thus a threat to national security which makes you on par with the likes of Osama bin Laden.

More on that here from the Corbett Report.

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
July 17, 2020 9:46 pm

Seattle just created a snitch hotline for people to report restaurants which stray from official mask edicts. Karen is always watching.

New city rule ‘to help enforce state-mandated business requirements’ aimed at COVID-19 prevention

  deplorably stanley
July 17, 2020 10:03 pm

this is about antifa,not masks,but south of seattle in portland there have been 47 straight nights of rioting–antifa & blm have been so violent there that they barricaded a police precinct w/cops inside & set it on fire–they have also repeatedly tried to burn down the federal courthouse–
the feds are quietly fighting back–they are using unmarked vans & snatching rioters off the street & arresting them–
go trump–

July 17, 2020 10:20 pm

MD says there are no safe vaccinations.

July 17, 2020 10:34 pm

I live in beautiful Hendersonville NC, located in the Western North Carolina mountains. – I’m sure it is indeed a beautiful city, but unfortunately, it’s populated with flaming libtard morons.
America’s conditioning began long ago and is now reaching the desired level as to tolerate any and all tyrannical edicts being spewed by the communist cabal that has seized this nation by the throat. It may be unpalatable to some, but a solution can be on the horizon.
Der Fuhrer faced a similar problem in Germany when communists of the same ilk that we face today attempted to takeover Germany and turn it into a communist hellhole. Der Fuhrer being a devout nationalist and devoted to the German people would have none of it and launched a counter-offensive with by organizing and deploying the brown shirts to beat the holy crap out of the crazed commie lunatics.
You can write letters to your Congressman until you work your fingers to the bone and all you’ll get for your efforts will be bony fingers.
The communists (and that is what you’re dealing with, BTW) are using tried and true methods to destroy our will to resist and to implement their heinous plans of slavery and death. We, on the other hand, are writing letters that will fall on deaf ears and continue to complain about our overlords abuse of power. Complaining while still complying is not a winning strategy.
Remember what Mike Tyson said “Everybody has a plan until he gets punched in the mouth.”
You’re already in deep shit in your neck of the woods, as I just saw where the libtard assholes on the council in Asheville unanimously voted to pay reparations to blacks. You can’t get any more ignorant than that and still remember to breathe.
Keep writing letters that no one will read and continue to wear your mask and complain, or put together a battle plan that will rock those libtards world. The choice is yours to make.

July 17, 2020 10:59 pm

Once thirty years ago, Hendersonville and Asheville were such great places, populated by hospitable ridge runners who would invite strangers to supper and put you up for a night. What changed?

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
July 18, 2020 7:40 am

It’s simple. You have been overrun by Yankees & Calidiots. My old home from 1987-2018, Blowing Rock, has a great mayor and hasn’t been affected too much, as there is no apartment zoning anymore (q24 or 32 total), and the average house in $400K+.

Have Tryon & Saluda gine down the Rabbit Hole too?

  lamont cranston
July 18, 2020 8:18 am

“the average house in $400K+. ” Few of the native Blowing Rock citizens could ever afford a 400 thousand dollar house. Where did they go after the asshats from the big shitties came in a inflated the property values thus property tax and wrote restrictive zoning laws which benefited the retired residential while oppressing the young entrepreneur which forced the working class into deeper debt and often financial ruin. Your not mountain folk and never will be…just another fucking transient transplant who came and with money forced his bullshit zoning ordinances on working class rural people and increased the taxes on all. The same shit happened in my hometown. A pox on you all.

  lamont cranston
July 18, 2020 9:01 am

This is how liberal fags come in and take over entire regions. They price the working class out and soon enough, shitlibs take over completely. It’s happened all over the Appalachians.

” The median price of homes currently listed in Blowing Rock is $579,900. ”

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2020 4:48 am

North Carolina is becoming more Democrat by the year. Used to be a great state. Some parts of it still are.

July 17, 2020 10:34 pm

Want to wear a mask? Don’t care.
Don’t want to wear a mask? Don’t care.
Business bans people wearing masks? Don’t care.
Business bans people not wearing masks? Don’t care. I will buy elsewhere or online.

I do not care. People and business can do what they want far as I am concerned. Just leave me the fuck alone.

That said, when they make these things mandatory, I start to fucking care.

July 17, 2020 11:00 pm

Better get ready to start caring.

July 17, 2020 11:04 pm

Btw, Loopy.Just had a thought. Are you the last big dog left on TBP ? I can’t think of any more, besides admin of course.

July 18, 2020 2:44 am

I am hoping Stuck comes back. But there are many that qualify still. I put you, EC, HSF, and other (apologies for and to those not named) in that group. Despite our ancient tiffs, you are a mainstay of this place, and I thank you.

July 18, 2020 7:38 am

Not that those you listed are not BDs , but I’m talking the old crew that came over from The Raging Debate.

July 18, 2020 12:04 pm

In many places the face mask is definitely mandatory. Best to start caring because it will come to you, it is programmed in to the agenda. Even a normally intelligent man like Gov. Abbott in Texas has succumbed and mandated the mask.

July 19, 2020 7:38 am

Why not wear a Halloween mask? Since the “type” of mask has not been codified, a Halloween mask, preferably one with a “message” might get (some) people to think. It IS a mask…
I have a “Guy Fawkes” mask as used in the movie “V For Vendetta” that has been used to gain access to stores. The bewildered looks of the official store “mask screener” speaks volumes.
Try it…you’ll like it.
The alternative is to wear a mask to gain access, then take it off once inside of the store. You can always claim that you are “light-headed” because of the mask. I don’t think that a store employee would push the issue further.
We have to “monkey-wrench” the system. The above suggestions are a start.

July 18, 2020 12:17 am

People are scared shitless. Try to get an appointment and see a doctor at a hospital. It should be an interesting next few months. The media is saying all kinds of outrageous BS.

July 18, 2020 2:01 am

It’s easy to pick us off one at a time. These businesses must get together via a townhall type meeting and make a concerted stand. When is enough, enough?
Only by creating a strong and large group can we combat the madness.

old white guy
old white guy
July 18, 2020 8:07 am

A vigorous application of the second amendment is long overdue.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
July 18, 2020 9:50 am

Reading this article and the comments was a trip down memory lane. I was born in Asheville and grew up between Hendersonville and Brevard. Looking back, it was an idyllic childhood. No one locked their doors and neighbors were close knit.

What happened? We were invaded by the North who built houses on top of the mountain to look down upon the peasants. Then they started demanding all the amenities they had up North. Taxes went up and so did land prices.

Now Asheville is San Francisco East, a place my parents would not recognize. I still have family that live in the area and they avoid it like the plague.

That’s how we got the current governor, Comrade Cooper. If there’s an election this year, I’m voting against that sob.

Thanks for the article. I love the mountains, but right now the coast of NC is home. It’s turning into a cesspool too. Sigh.

  Craven Warrior
July 18, 2020 3:25 pm

It’s happening in many idyllic rural areas. Liberal fags move in. Tax rates and property values increase. Local working folks are forced to find cheaper digs and the commie shitstain spreads. The sniveling bedwetters imagine their money makes them immune to everything , but time will prove them wrong.

July 18, 2020 10:18 am

The “asymptomatic spreader” euphemism is FUD used to smear healthy people as dangerous or untrustworthy.
Notice the terrorism of the last generation or so has been replaced with an unseen, ever present virus that everywhere, and nowhere at the same time.
Oh yes, the virus is real but the effects are exaggerated. The question is why.

July 18, 2020 11:23 am

Most Nextdoor, posts are moderated locally, so whether a post or poster, are removed is largely the decision of local moderators. Surprisingly, I’m still allowed to post on Nextdoor, here in Olympiaf WA, despite repeated requests by multiple neighbors to have me and my respectful but contrarian (anti-mask) posts removed.

July 18, 2020 12:45 pm

My local moderator (a pastor) went to bat for me once. A persistent Leftist can appeal to corporate and then you are toast. Burned at the stake.

July 18, 2020 8:04 pm

In Denver they passed an ‘order’ to MAKE people driving alone in their car wear a mask- or else HUT HUT HUT. That’s why a lot of people are wearing them.

July 18, 2020 10:37 pm

I am walking into a Market Basket Monday without a mask. If some employee tells me its mandatory, I am going to tell them I am going in and to call the cops if they don’t like it. I’ve got ADA and HIPPA on my side. Fuck them, arrest me or “am I free to go”. If my wife won’t bail me out, do I have any takers in NH?? Someone has to stand up for freedom. I am done with this shit!

A bullet in your fucking head: