Martial Law Is Unacceptable Regardless Of The Circumstances

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

Back in 2014, hundreds if not thousands of conservatives and liberty movement activists converged on a farm in rural Clark County, Nevada. The purpose was to protest the incursion of federal government agents onto the property of the Bundy family, who had defied pressure from the Bureau of Land Management to stop allowing their cattle to feed on “federal land” in a form of free ranging. It was a practice that had been going on for decades and one that was required for the Bundy farm to survive, ended abruptly by environmental laws protecting a tortoise.

The Bundy family had been improving on the area with aquifers and other measures for generations without interference. The claim by the BLM and other agencies was that the farmers were destroying wildlife habitat with their cattle, yet the Bundy’s land improvements had actually allowed wildlife to THRIVE in areas where animals would find life difficult or impossible otherwise.

The federal government became fixated on the Bundy’s, and decided to make an example out of them. Their defiance of the crackdown on their use of the land was met with extreme measures, including their cattle impounded, their farm being surrounded and sniper teams placed in the hills nearby. The liberty movement saw this as the last straw, and so reacted at a grassroots level. The concern was that Bundy Ranch could become another Waco. They locked and loaded and went to defend the Bundy’s.

I completely agreed at the time with the efforts surrounding Bundy Ranch and I still agree with them today. The federal government had overstepped its bounds on multiple occasions when it came to rural farmers in sagebrush country and everyone had finally had enough. The feds were faced with a group of armed liberty movement members and eventually ran away. They even gave the Bundy’s back the cattle the feds had initially tried to confiscate. This event showcased the power of the people to repel tyranny when necessary.

The claim that the public is impotent against government force was summarily trounced.  The action was not perfect, and there were many internal disputes and a plethora of mistakes, but overall it had achieved its goal.  It sent a message to the establishment that if you try to assert unconstitutional force against the citizenry there is a chance a Bundy Ranch scenario might happen again, and next time it might not simply be a defensive measure.

I mention Bundy Ranch because I want to remind conservatives of their roots. We are a constitutional movement. We are a small government movement. We believe in individual rights, states rights and the 10th Amendment, as well as strict limitations placed on the federal government and state governments when they try to violate the Bill of Rights.  If you don’t believe in these things, you are not a conservative or a constitutionalist.

No government, whether state or federal, supersedes the boundaries placed upon them by the constitution. Once they violate those boundaries, they must be put in check by the citizenry, for the constitution is merely an object that represents an ideal. It can’t defend itself. If a government undermines constitutional protections, it is not a failure of the constitution, it is a failure by the public to act.

Sadly, there are “conservatives” out there who supported the efforts at Bundy Ranch in 2014, but are now calling for federal overreach and martial law today. The very same people who argued vehemently against unconstitutional actions back then are arguing for bending or breaking the rules of the constitution now. This is something I have been warning about for years…

The greatest threat to freedom is not the government, extreme leftists or the globalist cabal; the greatest threat is when freedom fighters foresake their own principles and start rationalizing tyranny because it happens to benefit them in the moment. If freedom fighters stop fighting for freedom, who remains pick up the mantle? No one. And thus, the globalists and collectivists win the long game.

Right now there are two sides calling for martial law-like restrictions on the public, and both sides think they are doing what is best for society at large. They both believe they are morally justified and that totalitarian actions are necessary for “the greater good”. Both sides are wrong.

The Pandemic Puritans

On one side, we have a group made up primarily of political leftists but also some conservatives who say that the coronavius pandemic creates a scenario in which medical tyranny must be established to protect the public from itself. Leftists enjoy control in general and the pandemic simply offers an opportunity for them to act out their totalitarian fantasies in real life.

These are the people who wag their fingers at others on the street or in the park or at the beach for not “social distancing” properly. These are the people that inform on their neighbors, or inform on local businesses for not following strict guidelines. These are the people that get a thrill from forcing other people to conform.

This is not to say that precautions are not warranted, they certainly are. However, these precautions MUST be up to individuals, not enforced by bureaucracy. The moment you hand government ultimate power to dictate people’s health decisions, personal daily activities, freedom of assembly and their ability to participate in the economy, you have given the government ultimate power to destroy our very culture. No government should be allowed to have that kind of influence.

The issue here is one of the greater EVIL, not the greater good. What is the greater evil? To avoid unconstitutional measures, avoid violating individual rights and allow the virus to spread faster than it normally would? Or, to completely throw out the Bill of Rights, individual liberty and economic security in the name of a brand of “safety” that is ambiguous and undefined?

As I write this, the state of New Jersey among others is implementing a draconian response against businesses that defy lockdown orders. NJ just arrested the owners of a gymnasium in Bellmawr who refused to close down. Even though they used social distancing measures and applied their own guidelines, the state has decided that citizens are children that must be controlled rather than adults that can make their own choices. This sets a dangerous precedence for the whole country.

Understand that small businesses that are not deemed “essential” by arbitrary decree from the state are on the verge of bankruptcy and collapse. Millions of people are having their livelihoods threatened by the lockdowns. Millions of jobs are at risk. Is the coronavirus really worth destroying our own economic system? Because that is EXACTLY what is happening right now. The US economy was already suffering from destabilization, and now the pandemic response is putting the final nail in the coffin.

If the economy tanks far more people will die from the resulting crisis of poverty, crime and civil unrest than will EVER die from the coronavirus pandemic. When you look at the big picture, how can anyone justify medical tyranny and martial law measures? There is simply no logical explanation for violating the economic and personal freedom of Americans in response to a disease. If some people die from the virus, so be it. Its a small price to pay to keep our freedoms intact.  Furthermore, I would stand by that argument even if I get sick from the virus.

Sock Puppet Conservatives

There are people out there that like constitutional rights and civil liberties “in theory”, but in practice they view these rights as inconvenient to their goals.  For these so-called “conservatives”, the Bill of Rights is only for peacetime. When war or domestic conflict rolls around, our rights are suddenly forfeit.

I use this particular metaphor often but I really can’t find a better one:

Government power is like the “one ring” in Lord Of The Rings. Everyone desperately wants control of it. The side of evil thirsts for it. The side of good thinks that if only they had it they could use it for honorable ends; they think they can use it to defeat evil. They are wrong.

The “one ring” (government power) corrupts ALL. It cannot be controlled. It cannot be used for good. Eventually, it warps the minds of those who hold it, twisting them into something grotesque. Good people who exploit the ring end up becoming the very monsters they were trying to defeat, and evil wins.

Right now through the Trump Administration conservatives are being tempted with the “one ring”. We are being tempted with ultimate government power. The leftist hordes and their actions are egregious. They act irrationally and foolishly. Their communist ideology and mindless zealotry is destructive and they openly seek the collapse of western civilization. But in the end this doesn’t matter.  They are nothing more than useful idiots for a greater agenda.

It’s interesting that the only solution I see being presented in conservative circles lately is the use of federal power to crush the protests and riots. Again, this might seem like a reasonable action in the face of so much lawlessness, but if taken too far the implications are horrifying.

Some conservative groups are cheering the deployment of federal agencies to cities like Portland in the name of stopping civil unrest, but there is a fine line between law enforcement and martial law. And by martial law, I mean ANY government force that is designed to suppress or break civil protections. This does not only include a military presence, it can also include federal agencies overstepping their bounds, just as they did at Bundy Ranch.

In Portland and other cities like New York, federal agents and police have been snatching protesters off the street in unmarked vans without identifying themselves.  Essentially, they are black-bagging people. This is the kind of behavior which real conservatives traditionally despise.

Yes, some of these protesters did in fact loot or participate in property damage; and some of them did absolutely nothing.  This is being done under 40 US Code 1315 which was signed into law by Neo-con president George W. Bush after the 9/11 attacks as part of the tidal wave of unconstitutional Patriot Act measures that were railroaded through during mass fear and panic.

Conservatives have been warning for years about the potential for misuse of these laws to violate people’s rights. Will we now support them because they are being enforced against people we don’t like? I will say this: If an unmarked van with unidentified armed people tried to grab me off the street, I would do everything in my power to put a bullet in each and every one of them.  And, I would not hold it against any person who did the same, even if they were my ideological opponent.

Some conservatives are calling for much more, including the deployment of the National Guard or a standing military presence. The use of such tactics opens the door to serious consequences, and I believe if we allow the federal government to bend the rules now, we set the stage for expansive martial law in the near future. By extension, labeling looters or rioters as “terrorists” also has dangerous implications.  Those of us that were activists during the Obama years know how freely that label is thrown around by government and the media.

We might feel righteous in violating the civil liberties of social justice Marxists because of their insane behavior and the threat they pose to the stability of the country, but, what happens when the roles are reversed? During Bundy Ranch, conservatives were also being labeled “terrorists”, and who is to say we won’t find ourselves in that position again?   Would defying the pandemic lockdowns also be considered an existential threat to the country?

Uncomfortable Questions

There are some questions in all of this that are either not being asked or are being deliberately avoided.  For example:

1) Why is it that the Trump Administration has not bothered to go after the elites and globalists FUNDING Antifa and BLM groups behind the unrest?  Why does George Soros and his Open Society Foundation get to operate in the US with impunity?  And what about the Ford Foundation?  Members of that institution openly admit that they have been funding and organizing the social justice cult for decades.  Shouldn’t the men behind the curtain paying for the entire thing be targeted first, instead of going after the useful idiots?  Perhaps the fact that Trump is surrounded by those very same elites in his cabinet has something to do with it…

2) If we support martial law measures, WHO are we giving that power to?  Is it Trump, or the deep state ghouls that advise him daily?  People like Wilber Ross, a New York Rothschild banking agent, Mike Pompeo, a long time Neo-con warmonger and promoter of mass surveillance, Robert Lightheizer, a member of the globalist Council On Foreign Relations, Steve Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs banker, Larry Kudlow, former Federal Reserve, etc.  Even if you think Trump has the best of intentions, can anyone honestly say the same for his cabinet?

3) When the left is “defeated” and the riots stop, will martial law simply fade away, or, is it a Pandora’s Box that can never be closed again?  And if it doesn’t end, will supporters justify fighting against not just leftists, but also conservatives who will not tolerate it?  I for one will be among the people that will not tolerate it.

Real Solutions

There are other much better solutions than martial law when confronting the leftist riots or the pandemic.

For the pandemic, stop trying to dictate public behavior.  If individuals feel they are at risk from the virus, then they can take their own precautions.  The only other option is to continue on the path of shutdowns and an informant society that will destroy this nation in a matter of months.

For the leftists, communities that stage an armed presence in the face of protests have ALL escaped riots and property damage. Sometimes Antifa and BLM decide to not even show up. We DON’T NEED a federal presence or a military presence to get the job done. We can do it ourselves. We already have proof that this strategy works.

And, if the lefties want to burn down their own neighborhoods and cities and local governments don’t want to stop them, then I say let it happen. It’s sad for the people in these places that had no dog in the fight, but maybe this will teach the locals to speak out against BLM or Antifa instead of remaining silent or virtue signaling their support in the hopes that their businesses won’t be attacked.  Maybe they should look for better government officials as well.

Finally, it’s far past time to go after the elites that fund and engineer such groups.  Remove their influence and I suspect many people will be shocked at how fast all this unrest and chaos suddenly disappears.  Isn’t this what people wanted Trump to do from the very beginning?  And yet, nothing happens to the vampires at the top.

Only cowards demand everyone else give up their freedoms just so they can feel safe.  The establishment is trying to pit the American people against each other as a means to pave a path to tyranny. I believe what the elites want more than anything else is to trick conservatives into forsaking their own principles. If we do, we become hypocrites that can no longer sustain a movement for freedom. By becoming the monster to fight the monster we hand our enemies victory. This is unacceptable.

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August 1, 2020 8:31 am

Whether or not Trump realizes it, the use of the militarized Federal agencies against the Antifa goons is setting the stage for them to be used against Patriots at some later date. Maybe that is one of the goals of the Commies: bait Trump; they are not going to lose either way because their human drones are expendable.

August 1, 2020 9:35 am

Did you forget Waco? Ruby Ridge? And all the rest during Clinton’s time?

August 1, 2020 10:50 am

No, I never excused Clinton either.

August 1, 2020 11:36 am

-the use of the militarized Federal agencies against the Antifa goons is setting the stage for them to be used against Patriots at some later date.

Then-No, I never excused Clinton either.

Which makes your first statement nonsense.

Or you just don’t like Trump?

August 1, 2020 6:00 pm

Your spinning bowtie is noted.

August 1, 2020 9:08 am

Every Brandon Smith article talks about the “Liberty Movement”. Where is this masked man? I don’t see it anywhere. If there were such a movement, it would be out in force right now protesting lock downs and the constant erosion of our freedoms. We’re on our own… Chip

August 1, 2020 2:57 pm

We have always been on our own. Expecting FEDERAL anything is a complete waste of your brain – government only solves problems by issuing more edicts, and they never narrow in scope. This entire thing is a giant problem-reaction-solution thing, and it has always been so – they do not have any new tricks, as they are linear thinkers.

I still maintain my sanity, primarily by only viewing news at select times (as in Saturday morning) and then by selecting places where comments are allowed. I never participated in SM – never saw the reason, as I am NOT a shut-in.

I live my life as I always have – I obey the rules where they are logical and fair, and I do not obey them when they are obviously unfair or completely stupid. You only retain the freedoms you choose to exercise. I go into stores maskless, conduct my business without any social intercourse, and leave. I have been insulted, threatened, scolded and even had a can of soup tossed my way (I hate veggy soup, btw…) But I am not going to surrender my right to dress or walk where I please in public spaces. Ladies (loosely) can wear masks and let their bottom biscuits hang free in the wind, but I have to wear a mask and keep my boys in jail? Everyone needs to sharpen their Hanlon Razor…

I pay property taxes, and that may be going by the wayside. It will be very much worth my expense to sue the county for taxing me for services they no longer render. I can tie them up for years in court for far less than they say I owe them. Counties are bloated pools of deep-staters in almost every case, be they my neighbors or no. Time to wean them on my own.

We are all on our own, and always have been. When things get dicey (and they are only dicey for most of us if you watch the national news feeds), there will be a few like me who just say no and stand – instances of this have already occurred. it isn’t anything organized – it is us apes deciding that we aren’t going to be rolled over and standing together.

Live your principles or else STFU. Whiny bitching just seems silly af to me. When the storm comes to your door, you will know what you have to do. Until then, carry on in the face of stupidity here in the Idiocracy.

August 1, 2020 8:07 pm

I was called a MotherFuc** by of all people an overweight Dollar store employee as I was entering the store sans mask. Nice. We have become insane with media induced terror.

August 2, 2020 9:40 am

Amen Oilman2! Like you I have been bad mouthed, tossed out and challenged by idiots. I shall continue to not wear a mask. We as a free people have to stand tall and stop giving up ground.

August 1, 2020 9:43 am

1) Why is it that the Trump Administration has not bothered to go after the elites and globalists FUNDING Antifa and BLM groups behind the unrest? Why does George Soros and his Open Society Foundation get to operate in the US with impunity? And what about the Ford Foundation?

Prove it ! if you know it to be fact.
Oh I see. Use real Intel.. Like put out soundbites every hour on the hour. Hey MSM! we shut down 12 Soros recruiting sites and froze 6 FF accounts for funding anarchists. Stay tuned for more updates in the upcoming hour

Get Lost!

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 1, 2020 9:49 am

A most useful article, well-reasoned and to the point. I disagree on one issue. I don’t think anybody on our side “wants” martial law. What I see are ordinary Americans disgusted, angry and afraid when witnessing the tactics of the Left. It is absolutely true that the Trump Administration has for the most part failed to strike at the root of the problem. His first mistake was his failure to demand a wholesale purge of the CIA, the military, the DOJ, and other critical institutions now largely in the hands of leftists (yes, the upper ranks of the military are rotten with generals and admirals like Mattis, McRaven, McMaster, and Milley, men “educated” at places such as Princeton and Harvard, generals who have never won a war). His second was in not launching an all-out legal attack on subversives such as George Soros and his “foundations”, the Clinton’s, Obama, the universities (funded by me and you to turn our kids into Marxist idiots), Big Tech, and the whole raft of “charitable foundations” which are really Democrat political action organizations. Third, he should have reversed the legislation – such as the so-called “Patriot Act”, written by foreign agents – and other unconstitutional laws enacted in the wake of 9/11.

Let us see what happens. Frankly, I have no problem with a few hundred Federal agents busting the heads of the Communist swine in Antifa and BLM. Dragging them into unmarked vans is OK by me. A quick review of American history will show that these actions, if limited to the immediate zone of disorder and subversion, do not represent an imminent threat to the rest of us. At almost any other point in American history the Portland “protesters” would all be either dead or in chains for life for their impertinence in attacking a Federal courthouse. Live ammo would have been used on day two of the riots.

Brandon Smith is right that what we might applaud today can be turned against us tomorrow. That horse, unfortunately, left the barn long ago. Right now keeping the maniacs out of power IS important. In fact, it is a life or death proposition. If “conservatives” win in November, we have a chance to roll back the worst aspects of police state control which George Bush, no doubt in a drunken stupor, saddled on the American people. If the Democrats win we will not have to worry about martial law. We will be in a civil war and there will be no neutrals.

The incredible performance of the Democrats at the Barr hearing should wake up even the most hardened of “the Constitution will protect us” crowd. For these freaks, there is no Constitution, no law, just raw power.

Let me add a personal observation related to the Barr hearings. Never in my life have I seen such a collection of misshapen, hideous gargoyles in human form as I did on the Democrat side. Nadler? No human being should look like him. There was some loud mouth Hindu woman who looked like a nightmare. The rest were equally ugly or so thuggish as to be beyond belief. Some gasbag from Rhode Island looked like an extra from the Sopranos. I could only gaze in disbelief at this herd and think that Americans had voted for them.

  Southern Sage
August 1, 2020 10:53 am

I like your thoughts although I disagree with some of it. I think Trump not cleaning house with the CIA and FBI misses the point. I’m sure you recall Jack Kennedy threatening to break up the CIA and scatter it to the winds. What actually got scattered to the winds was his skull. There is no way to fix the government. It’s every bit as corrupt as ancient Rome and headed in the same direction-taking us with it. He knows Kennedy got whacked. Trump campaigned on releasing the rest of the JFK documents and was told no. He knows if he fucks with the real power behind those sock-puppets in congress he gets epsteined. It’s why I’m such a pain in the ass about not voting. We have to keep waking people up one mind at a time and pray for non-compliance. Fire the bastards.

August 1, 2020 1:21 pm

” It’s why I’m such a pain in the ass about not voting. We have to keep waking people up one mind at a time and pray for non-compliance. Fire the bastards.”

i’ll bite,but what happens when our side quits voting & the evil fukkers keep voting ? will we make it to the other side?
do we go to a hot civil war,very few of which turn out well?

August 3, 2020 1:40 pm

RMN had a midnight massacre of 1700 CIA agents, and closed the CIA school at Leadville teaching Tibetans to invade China, and the CIA deliberately bungled their Watergate burgeral to frame him. Carter fired 1500 CIA agents and torpeded a $3 billion nuclear AC carrier and Cheny and Bush arranged October Surprise to prevent reelection. Ike planned a Peace Talk in Paris and the CIA contramanded the grounding of U-2 to anger Krustrese. Ref. Fletcher Prouty. JFK opened back channel communication with Moscow and threatened to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces after Dulles deliberately sabatoged the Bay of Pigs invasion and JFK foolishly rode in a convertible in Dallas. Wall Street had recruited their crony Allen Dulles to create the CIA to hide their nefarious acts behind the cloak of ‘national security.’ Wall Street worked with FDR with sanctions for 17 months to pressure Japan to attach Pearl Harbor and start WW II. Ref. John Stinnett, DAY OF DECEIT.

I think you had best place your blame above the CIA.

  Southern Sage
August 1, 2020 10:53 am

Sage, I agree on most everything. The one point I disagree somewhat on is Soros, the Universities, the Clinton foundation, Obama and oh yeah Big Tech? If you have an idea on a plan of attack to go after Bezos and the rest of those CEO’s, I’m all ears. They’re bigger than anything Teddy Roosevelt ever would attempt to take on. True, there hasn’t been an “all out attack” as you put it, but look at the list you mentioned. Just who is Trump supposed to turn to ? Who’s supposedly on his side to take them all down?

August 1, 2020 12:35 pm

I’m afraid Teddy was a hoax.
“The Imperial Cruise” by James Bradley is a good starting point.
The Swamp can’t drain the Swamp.

August 1, 2020 5:39 pm

hey baggs, no thanks the swamp matters to me as much as the spider living in my garage. Finding enjoyment out of life and using the time given wisely is tough. Its one thing everyone thinks about on there deathbed, wishing they had been given more of when they know they’re ready to leave earth.
I don’t use it up like toilet paper pontificating about crap no one has control over or gives two good shits about

August 1, 2020 5:49 pm

You’re pontificating on the swamp and then try to claim you don’t give two cents about the swamp. Meanwhile implying Teddy was a swamp drainer..
Piss off asswipe.

August 1, 2020 10:09 pm

you da man!
ps. I think he -is- the spider living in his garage. Every “movement” has its timeline…. the TP comes later.

August 1, 2020 10:47 pm

He’s one of those guys who works hard to be a bigger buttwipe than he was yesterday.

August 1, 2020 4:29 pm

Hard to argue with you. It is a sad situation.

August 1, 2020 8:10 pm

Easy on Bezos. Cancel your Amazon account.

  Southern Sage
August 1, 2020 11:06 am

Thanks for weighing in, SS. I look forward to your commentary on just about every issue. Gargoyle Nadler was particularly repulsive, demanding respect and giving none, behaving like a spoiled brat.

August 1, 2020 10:24 am

Here is the real problem. Smith is just rehashing the same old symptoms which delights the Banksters.
Name the Enemy or Lose America
July 30, 2020

Resistance to the Communist takeover of America has been feeble because we are not allowed to utter the enemy’s name: The Rothschild banking cartel, Organized Jewry, and Freemasonry.

The banking system is run by a criminal cartel consisting mainly of Cabalist (Satanist) Jews lead by the Rothschilds. They have harnessed Freemasonry (Cabalism for goyim) to subvert all social institutions, posing as Communists, Zionists, liberals, neocons, and progressives. Most of our so-called “leaders” are Freemasons (Satanists.)

Freemasonry, the elephant in the room, has been undermining Western civilization for hundreds of years. The goal is to control mankind through a world government. They are actively destroying all nations and all national institutions using debt, #scamdemic, migration, gender dysphoria, and BLM. Unless we name the enemy — The Rothschild banking cartel, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry — we are helpless to stop this rot.

This Communist takeover signals the beginning of a New Dark Age that could last a thousand years. In the name of all that is decent, it must be stopped. Labeling patriots as “bigots” and “racists” is a tired Communist smear tactic. If it is antisemitic to uphold truth, democracy, and freedom, then everybody is going to be an antisemite.

Any writer who fails to identify the enemy, as Michael Snyder below, is complicit in their cover-up. They are wringing their hands while our birthright slips away.

We Are In The Process Of Completely Losing America

August 1, 2020 11:02 am

The Bundys owed a lot of money for grazing fees if I remember it right. They also were using property that wasn’t legally theirs. In the end, it will come down to the second amendment. Many self-styled Rambos will just give up.

August 1, 2020 11:23 am

The land was promised to China.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
August 1, 2020 1:19 pm

That snake Harry Reid….good riddance.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
August 1, 2020 1:16 pm

Wrong, they were hit with lots of fines and penalties and interest on the fines and penalties. The Bundy’s were happy to pay to the State of Nevada but did not recognize the authority of the Federal BLM……since the Bundy family was grazing their livestock there long before Nevada became a state……..Pretty good reasoning for a couple of toothless rednecks! The Feds tried to bulldoze and intimidate the Bundy’s just like they successfully did with 50 other ranchers in the area….forcing them to sell for pennies.

Then the Bundy’s epically fucked up in Malfluer and lost the moral high ground.

Doesn’t seem like you understand the West and ranching. Nevada being extremely dry requires enormous amounts of land to raise cattle. So the ranchers lease it and since the asshole Feds lay claim to ownership of the land most go along and pay grazing leases to the BLM. BLM is the most heinous obnoxious of petty bureaucrats you will ever see…they strut around like they personally own the land…….very Nottingham Sheriff stuff. FUck them.

All of the Federal land ownership claims are illegal and unconstitutional except for DC and military bases.

  Martel's Hammer
August 1, 2020 2:08 pm

Yeah, I understand Cattle Ranchers. A lot of them are total assholes who think all the land is for their use. I do sympathize with anyone dealing with any Gov. agency. Once they fell behind their payments for grazing they were screwed. Maybe grazing in dry places is a bad idea.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
August 2, 2020 5:59 pm

Yeah, not good cattle country at all. Our MT Angus cow/calf operations produce high-quality beef but even here it is 10 acres per cow. Probably 100 in NV. Yellowstone is shot mostly in the next valley over from me…fat and happy cattle. Yes the ranchers are pretty rabid about wolves and bears, more than they need to be. Then the Feds and bunny huggers lie all day long about how endangered they are……BS…..the damn grizzlies are like rats now in SW MT. Wolves eventually settle into a balance but only after destroying all the elk and everything else first…..what BS about wolves rebuilding Yellowstone. I think a wolf pack will eat you if given the chance……had them come in a couple of times while bowhunting for elk…….envelopment pincher movement by the pack damned smart.

August 1, 2020 11:53 am

What does Miles Mathis think of all this?

August 1, 2020 1:10 pm

I can take a guess! :<D

August 1, 2020 11:54 am

Great questions. And it seems to me that Soros doing the old perp walk might stop some of this nonsense.

August 1, 2020 12:09 pm

For me the prime directive is the 14 words. All else is secondary.

I lean hard libertarian, but also know that ideals based on freedom and individual rights will work only in White homogeneous, or perhaps in White-controlled, societies.

We face a war for our very survival, which necessitates a will to power. Throughout human history, as in nature, physical violence always and everywhere has been the final arbiter. And to Fleabaggs oft-repeated point, we fail at the outset if we do not first identify the enemy.

August 1, 2020 6:24 pm

Hear, hear!

ursel doran
ursel doran
August 1, 2020 12:53 pm

All should review the critical issues here.
1. Bundy was being driven off his land leased from the FEDERAL government, which was confiscated from the state government decades ago. That is why he was not paying his leasing fees.
2. The article is correct about the desert tortoise issue which at the time the media never addressed. The animal was put on the endangered species list by the greenies in the EPA to stop a gold mine in Commiefornia years earlier.
3. The kiddie greenies in the Las Vegas office of the Bureau of Land Management had driven three other ranchers in the area off their leased land because….THE POSSIBILITY OF THE COWS STEPPING ON THE TORTOISE endangered species was a gospel to hire more kiddies and do more studies per the operating of the agency ever expanding greenie agenda.
Bundy said no, and the multitude of heavily armed patriots jumped in to help him, against the dozens of heavily armed government guys from the Forest service in Nevada and Utah with the shiny new trucks and full auto AR 15’s .

NOT THE SAME as the current government dealing with well financed, armed Marxists terrorist looting, burning, pillaging criminals, to facilitate the overthrow of the standing government, by strife and chaos to influence the CHANGE for the election, encouraged and allowed by the Democrat governors.

Does anyone know of the constitutional or state empowered legal rights for the state governors to MANDATE anything they chose, like wearing masks?? The powers of the ancient kings to issue mandates, to take down usurpers to the stealing power, like Robin hood

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 1, 2020 1:44 pm

Brandon will never have an omellette since he so fears breaking eggs. He appears to demand perfection in an imperfect world. When there are communist terror mobs burning and maiming, perfection to me looks a lot like piles of dead Antifuques. It’s hard to worry about Constitutional this or that when you have an opponent bent on obliterating it entirely and enslaving you in the process. We can repair the document, but only if people who believe in it and respect it are left to do so. SAT CONG!

  Harrington Richardson
August 1, 2020 2:28 pm

Exactly. It’s downright sickening.
We’re being Murdered, shot, burned alive, beaten into cripples, and confined to our homes while it happens and all we do is discuss the contsitutionality or fear of setting precedents.
They didn’t just declare war on us. They are making war on us. There is no constitution left to violate. The Federal , State, and local Governments have canceled it.
We’re sitting here telling each other how unconstitutional it is for them to kill us and the teacher won’t make them stop.


Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 2, 2020 1:50 pm

“A well-regulatia militia, necessary to the security of a free state,” says it all. The authorities in so many Democrat shit holes have failed to execute their oaths of office. It has now constitutionally fallen to the armed citizens in these places to protect this “free state” from these “enemies domestic.”
Progs whistle past the concept of when they fail to enforce the peace, the Constitution gives the people the right to do it. Those who show up armed in order to riot and terrorize have given up any legal protection and are fair game in my opinion.

August 1, 2020 2:21 pm

If I had the power and a desire to rule the world, my biggest obstacle would be the U.S. Constitution and hundreds of millions of guns in the possession of American conservatives. I would realize their bullets could potentially serve as termite bites in the foundation of my planned New World Order. Therefore, I would manufacture a global War on Terror to establish a worldwide surveillance network, stage a plandemic to introduce societal control mechanisms via mandates issued through global health organizations, crash the old economy, and, then, eliminate cash in order to tax and control all financial transactions.

Furthermore, in order to nullify the protestations of liberty-minded, conservative gun owners – I would dampen their ability and desire to meet privately and publically through fear of a RNA-virus and cause them to focus on Leftist Useful Idiots setting cities on fire.

But even that would not be enough.

The cherry on the top of my grand deception(s) would include a presidential hologram lulling patriots to sleep by speaking truth to power, agitating the Leftist Useful Idiots into increasing chaos, promoting a global vaccine agenda administrated by Big Pharma, and campaigning against the second-most corrupt and enfeebled presidential candidate in U.S. history.

I would need a technocratic matrix of delusion, complete with a distracting online digital Quotient.

I would need a woman in a red dress until it was my time for revelations.

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August 1, 2020 3:07 pm

Brandon, I’m in the same camp with your statements. It’s been a long time since I’ve visited your site, see you soon.

old white guy
old white guy
August 1, 2020 3:20 pm

OK, tell me who are you prepared to kill to retain your freedom? It is coming to that, like it or not, write a thousand word thesis explaining how you think and feel but it comes down to the short strokes when the evil you are dealing with cannot be controlled by discourse. I have said for decades that if you are unwilling or unable to kill your enemies they WILL kill you. What we are experiencing is getting way beyond discourse, the communists cannot be in the same society as a freeman.

  old white guy
August 1, 2020 10:25 pm

In your first sentence change the word “freedom” to “life” there… fixed it for ya!
your welcome.

22winmag - TBP's Latter Day Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Latter Day Shit-poster
August 1, 2020 10:22 pm

I’m glad I don’t have time to comment on these stupid DHS exercises.

Bundy Ranch 2014 and Malheur Wildlife 2016 “occupation” collected names and intelligence on right wing nuts. Ammon Bundy, spokes-mouth .gov agent, later went on to speak in favor of open borders and fake human caravans.

Anyone stupid enough to participate in these events can’t say the government was “defeated” and tucked tail. There is no “liberty movement” to speak of, and the Oath Keepers psyop also evaporated down the memory hole.
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The Patriot 1998, Steven Seagal


Reality is something most people choose to remain unaware of simply out of fear.
When all ‘news’ is controlled and we have a single payer system in politics, it’s the same as it ever was in history. There has never been a choice placed on the table for us, not even Hobsonian…

You get the amount of freedom you are willing to live, no more.

It will collapse of it’s own complexity and corruption right in front of us, regardless of their efforts to contain it. Things are not going to get better, but they will get simpler.

August 2, 2020 12:33 pm

Freedom and rights are pay as you go.

August 3, 2020 1:07 pm

Seizure of the Bundy ranch is the same territorial control Wall Street has patterned for the world for 60 years. The pattern within the US government is concealed behind the wizard’s curtain—but is becoming much more visible and widespread. Wall Street funding for world-wide control is theorized to be based on Federal Reserve covert gain from auctions of Treasury securities to the tune of >$4 billion daily. Ref. ..

THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC: Biggest and Deadliest Medical Fraud Ever Perpetrated on the Human Race

olde reb
olde reb
August 3, 2020 1:56 pm

Smith chooses to ignore the Constitution forbids a standing army in time of undeclared war. The Constitutional army was the called-out state militias with officers selected by the states. A standing army without a war did not exist until 1946.