It’s Time for Us Conservatives to Riot

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

It’s Time for Us Conservatives to Riot

The appointment of ACB took some of the focus off it, but if you look around, all you see are LARPing leftist jerks from Antifa and BLM rioting, always under the air cover of cowardly Dem mayors and Soros-bought DAs. Sure, there are no more riots in Lancaster where the cops and DAs refuse to play along, but there is still plenty of violence wherever they think they can get away with it. And it has become tiresome As amusing as it is that they burn liberal cities and harass the dipwad leftists who elected the scumbags’ enablers, it’s time to put a stop to it.

Conservatives must riot.

And we must riot mercilessly and ruthlessly to cause as much damage to the liberal project as is humanly possible. Burn it all down, figuratively.

The lefty fantasies of secession and civil war by the likes of Lanny Davis aside. These Democrat clowns are 0-1 and won’t break their streak in the very off chance they aren’t all-talk wusses posing to score with the mediocre chick-identifying beings of their little commie clubs. Their tantrum is not going to be resolved in the streets. After all, why would we ever fight them on their chosen battlefield? We have something to lose should there be battles in the streets. We have jobs, homes and families.

All that can be stolen in a flash by some Democrat DA who prosecutes patriots while high-fiving the Joe Biden supporting traitors. Look at Kyle Rittenhouse, the hero who defended himself by shooting, among others, the most on-brand Joe Biden supporter ever – a convicted pedo attacking a minor. Kyle will walk. Too bad the jury can’t give him a medal as well as an acquittal – but the process itself is the punishment (Tangent: Time to outflank the Soros prosecutors with a federal law codifying a right to self-defense by those under politically-motivated attack).

The enemy – and the Marxist cretins of Antifa and the rest are the enemies of all decent American patriots – has nothing to lose. There are three visible components to the enemy force (there is another invisible component we will discuss later). None of the three types of rioters is significantly imperiled when staying within the staged confines of the blue city revolutionary theater.

There is the cadre, the trained and funded operators who organize and arrange logistics. One of them is the creature that rented the famous Louisville U-Haul and filled it with gear. The cadre have no real possessions or jobs to lose, and getting busted for an hour or two actually enhances their street cred. Then there are the street criminals, the methy, scuzzy dregs who love the thrill of violence and would be happy to put on Mickey ears and enlist with the Marxist Mouseketeers if that would give them a chance to hurt something or someone. They don’t have anything to lose.

The last component are the affluent daddy issues division types, the spoiled and stupid college kids who shave half their head, get a piercing, and decide to take some time off from getting their Trans Pottery degree at Oberlin to try to find meaning as one of the Anarchkids. These dorks have a guaranteed soft landing since daddy will always bailout his little princexx should xe get busted. Their colleges – which need to be on our list of institutions to tear down – will certainly hold open their slot, as long as daddy’s check clears. These pampered role players get to fill their soft, empty lives with something like excitement by rioting. It’s even fun for them.

In other words, we normal people have something to lose using these riotous riot tactics. The visible enemy only has something to gain personally, but also strategically. As I have explained in past brilliant and insightful columns, the fight is not over who controls a street corner or a park. This is an information operation, where Democrat municipal leaders tolerate and even encourage performance art violence designed to send the message that the thugs are in charge and we all better behave or else.

It’s a lie. They have nothing real. They have no combat power, no tactical control of anything besides a few square blocks, and they only have that because the cops are held back by liberal city leaders. They have no more than the power we give them by fearing them and reacting to them.

So, civilians kicking their sissy tails is a meaningless exercise. For us, a riotous riot gets us nothing. Plus, we own the stuff that would get burned down. That means a traditional riotous riot is a dumb strategy for us, a counterproductive move that would play into the left’s nearly-nonexistent strengths while exposing our weaknesses.

Instead, we should riot our way. That is, attack the enemy in a manner the enemy can neither limit nor control and both cause real damage to its forces while demonstrating, as part of our own information operation, that we are in control.

There are two components to our riot. The first is a riot at the ballot box. We need to ruthlessly eliminate all opposing candidates of either party. That means mobilizing to turn out votes and to vote viciously. Your nice city councilman who is kind and gentle and sort of squishy? He cut the ribbon at the petting zoo and send you emails about a library book drive? Yeah, he needs to go in favor of the bomb-thrower who wants to buy the cops a new armored personnel carrier. No Democrats, not ever. No soft Republicans, not ever. Only harsh conservatives who loudly live the dogma. Elect conservawoke candidates who understand the threat, and who savor the opportunity to use their political power to harm the left in every way they can.

Sorry, Nikki! and other hands-across-the-aisle establishment types, but bipartisan hugging and business as usual is a loser’s game, and we’re sick of losers.

Then there’s the second kind of riot, the political one. And Donald Trump is doing it. He is refusing to fight according to the establishment rules that the Fredocons eagerly allowed to tie our hands for decades. The Never Trumpers need to keep their weird bondage fantasies between them, their disappointed wives, and their eager pool boys – a modern Republicans need to unleash our inner Genghis Khans and destroy everything liberal in our path.

Trump has the right idea. No wimpy games and hand-wringing about RBG and her zombie wishes. We’re filling that seat so fast the libs will fill their drawers. ACB’s appointment will cause more damage to the left than a million dorks in black each smashing a Seattle Starbucks window can ever cause us. And we’re pillaging of the left’s formerly safe cultural and political spaces. For example, we’re banning the racist lies of critical race theory from being imposed on normal Americans via the government. Next on the list – regulating big tech.

And under Honey Badger Barr, we’re prosecuting the Antifa punks using federal law. Now that’s important. Under federal law, suddenly they aren’t protected from the consequences of their actions like they were when clutched to the bosom of the blue city Sorosite DAs. All of the categories of rioters have something to lose – like five-to-ten in the federal pokey. And that’s when the fourth type of rioter, the invisible funders, get exposed and indicted. These rich lib manipulators do have something to lose, which is why they want to stay far in the background. We need to pull them to the forefront and hold them accountable for the violence and pain their checkbooks have subsidized. No quarter.

We must riot ruthlessly, meaning we must ignore the alleged and intermittent norms and rules that serve only to reinforce liberal power. And we’re starting to get it. The GOP laughed at the idea that RBG’s alleged death rattle request for Trump not to fill her seat and put up Amy Coney Barrett to bring them the pain. We are investigating that malignant dwarf Bloomberg for buying votes in the form of paying off Florida felons’ fines. Can you imagine Jeb! having the stones to do that? And we are going to give Trump four more years to bulldoze the whole damn establishment flat.

Hey libs, you sorry collection of gender-confused losers, do you actually think you’re going to bring the system down? You’re its half-wit pawns! We’re the real rioters, and we’re burning your whole garbage liberal establishment to the ground.

Figuratively, of course.

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September 28, 2020 7:28 am

What hallucinogen did he dip his Thai stick in last night ?

22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
September 28, 2020 7:49 am

Probably T4C’s hopium.
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On The Beach
On The Beach
  22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
September 28, 2020 8:09 am

Mormontard Romney troll.

22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
  On The Beach
September 28, 2020 9:04 am

Ezra Taft Benson (1965) > On The Beach (2020)

  22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
September 28, 2020 5:04 pm

LOL, trust the plan.

September 28, 2020 8:20 am

Only read the headline and a similar thought came to mind immediately. Conservatives are utterly useless. They are only good for rolling over for Wall Street, starting new wars abroad, and complaining in front of their Fox News. And don’t get me started about the evangelicals.

September 28, 2020 10:25 am

It sounded like you were talking about Democrats.

September 28, 2020 10:58 am

It’s really all just the Uniparty.

September 28, 2020 12:50 pm

I see down votes so how’s this to clarify –

Liberals are utterly useless. They are only good for rolling over for Wall Street, starting new wars abroad, and complaining in front of their MSNBC. And don’t get me started about the “reformed” religion adherents.

There, now I’ve bagged just about everybody. But then (((they))) are still in control as we fight each other.

olde reb
olde reb
September 28, 2020 2:06 pm

Your notation of Wall Street’s nexus of the problem is most astute. When we learn that the Federal Reserve is being used by WS illegally as a honey-pot to finance the social turmoil, and have the GAO audit their handling of government money in the Treasury auction accounts, their perfidy will be exposed.

  olde reb
September 28, 2020 2:38 pm

The government no longer needs to tell us anything regarding funds. Fitts has more detailed reports on FASAB 56 accounting rules but this is a good primer.

September 28, 2020 3:13 pm

There really are no conservatives in government, those who talk the ” conservative book” stand only as the left’s shadow following every where they go.

September 28, 2020 7:44 am

How many dimensions of chess will it be when the orange god is dethroned because of tax fraud? It’s all coming together. The case against Trump and why he has fought tooth and nail to not release his tax returns despite promising to in his 2016 campaign. You will soon see that the orange messiah is mortal after all.
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September 28, 2020 8:17 am

Keep dreaming. You’ve been dreaming up ways to get rid of the bad orange man for four years now… Chip

September 28, 2020 8:58 am

Keep dreaming. You’ve been dreaming up ways to get rid of the bad orange man for four years now

Not my dreams Simpleton. I didn’t create these facts, Trump did. Before this recent NYT revelation surfaced yesterday NY according to legal experts, federal prosecutors could be ready to indict Trump on one or more of these felonies as early as the first quarter of 2021. Trump is not only a draft dodger, but is now confirmed a tax dodger. How American is that?

Truth hurts but Trump hates the constitution and the BOR as he has signed off on legislation that strips Americans of these protections while he himself gets a free pass. No wonder he gave 40% tax cuts to the rich. He legalized tax fraud for the rich, so now it’s not illegal. Trump hates taxes for himself and his fellow parasites. He’s a socialist. He enjoys socialism for himself and his rich prick friends while everyone else must pay and are beholden to the strict terms of capitalism.

I don’t have to dream of getting rid of Trump. It’s becoming a reality from the reality shit show man himself.

After someone is sentenced in New York City, their next stop is Rikers Island. Once there, as Trump awaited transfer to a state prison, the man who’d treated the presidency like a piggy bank would receive yet another handout at the public expense: a toothbrush and toothpaste, bedding, a towel, and a green plastic cup.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 28, 2020 12:40 pm

Another shithead propagandist sent by the Prog overlords. You might as well have a neon sign you dumb fuque. Soreass and Eisen didn’t get much for their money with you.

September 28, 2020 8:35 am

Well Jim Q, you know TBP has hit the big time when it’s assigned its own trolls.

September 28, 2020 9:15 am

Big time is when you get de-platformed.

September 28, 2020 10:30 am

I always figured this site is lucky to stay up.

22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
September 28, 2020 8:59 am


But forget the taxes, Trumpy is committing broad-daylight obstruction of justice by sitting on Durham’s report.

September 28, 2020 10:29 am

All this worrying about Trump’s tax records. when they finally get them they will find that he has really good accountants and lawyers and on paper, he owns little and writes everything off. Biden? he doesn’t seem that bright about money.

September 28, 2020 12:35 pm

“All this worrying about Trump’s tax records.” Agreed. I will care about Trumps finances right after they look into Clinton’s, Obama’s and Biden’s.

September 28, 2020 2:07 pm

Trumps tax returns are a trap, a dead end designed to draw real insider tax cheats out. At that level, nobody really knows what is owed, it is only about muscle, legal and political.
Your failure to intuit this, tells us all right where you are at every April.

olde reb
olde reb
September 28, 2020 2:12 pm

Of what interest should we demand access to his tax records ?

September 28, 2020 7:58 am

I consider it a badge of honor to not feed the beast, using the beast’s own rules…

September 28, 2020 8:07 am

“Time to outflank the Soros prosecutors with a federal law codifying a right to self-defense by those under politically-motivated attack”.


Time for the law (and all levels of govt.)to recognize the right to self defense to ANY ONE who is attacked,no matter what the reason.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 28, 2020 8:39 am
22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
  Iska Waran
September 28, 2020 8:56 am

That’s gay.
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  22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
September 28, 2020 10:32 am

You talk a bit too much about others being gay. Some hidden desire?

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
September 28, 2020 9:11 am

Any public figure who hijacks the legal system for political purposes deserves the worst we can send them. Those morons in the street are just that- morons. The real targets are those who organize, fund, and excuse them. Know your DA and his/her staff. Democrat DAs who prosecute patriots should be on the list.

Remember Jake Gardner

22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
  Horseless Headsman
September 28, 2020 10:02 am

Don’t forget the biggest lefty DA of all.
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Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
September 28, 2020 9:16 am

My Goodness, the trolls are out in force this morning!

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Horseless Headsman
September 28, 2020 12:46 pm

Important targets are guarded by lots of AAA. Must be right over the Norm Fucking Eisen target. Pilot to Bombadier, it’s your plane!

September 28, 2020 9:26 am

The “conservatives” out there who still believe Trump is their champion can and will believe anything.

22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
September 28, 2020 9:54 am

Some of the articles and comments from early this year are such a scream!
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September 28, 2020 10:11 am

Why such a hard on hatred for Trump? Yeah, in ways he’s despicable.
One trick pony.
Almost every damn comment of yours on any topic comes around to faulting Trump as the cause, of every cynical effect you see.
Give it a rest.

September 28, 2020 11:31 am

It is true, I treat betrayal seriously. Until we are willing and able to throw the traitors out of power, nothing will change. If you want a pro-Trump echo chamber love fest, you might try going over to the Conservative Tree House. Fortunately, Quinn allows facts and truth on TBP, no matter how many feelings get hurt in the process.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 28, 2020 12:49 pm

Pretty sure JQ merely believes in letting all have their say without necessarily endorsing what any of us say.

September 28, 2020 11:52 am

He’s not blaming Trump, he’s pointing out that Trump is playing us for Chumps. If you are that well acquainted with his comments you would know who he blames. When I want to attack someone for their viewpoints as opposed to the accuracy of their comments, I just do it outright. Here’s how it’s done. Homer is a Trump groupie. See how easy that was. You should try it. You’ll have more time to focus on real things that way.

September 28, 2020 10:35 am

it’s a shame the Democrats couldn’t come up with an electable candidate.

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
September 28, 2020 3:29 pm

Not to mention the GOP
But that’s been our desire since time began.

September 28, 2020 7:32 pm

What do you mean, that is the best Dem there is.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
September 28, 2020 9:50 am

Mr. Schlichter has revealed himself (incontrovertibly this time) to be just another propagandizing tool. His purpose is to encourage the neutered to stay neutered. Does it work? I doubt it. Anyone persuaded to his approach was never likely to have been of much use.

This is a power play, for keeps. No voting, peaceful “rioting”, “Conservawoke” candidates, or academy-avoiding is worth a damn. The entire establishment is inside the Prog/lib/Marxist/whatever corral. No exceptions, not even Schlichter. All of them, and many of us want desperately to believe that we can just sneak by, keep our shit, and avoid taking a real stand. We really hope that it will be comfortably tolerable even if it is a virtual prison cell. Maybe, but hope ain’t much of a plan, or is depending on others (captured cops and government apparatchik wannabes) to do the ratkilling that needs to be done.

Not to go all Patriot, but compare Schilchter’s “We have jobs, homes and families. All that can be stolen by some Democrat DA in a second…” as a reason to be mealymouthed to to “…We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” as a declaration of fidelity in the face of probable destruction.

You are either in the fight or in the way. If you are in the way, you are on the wrong side.

  Brian Reilly
September 28, 2020 10:39 am

Well said.

Common Cents
Common Cents
September 28, 2020 10:19 am

It’s crystal clear that BOTH sides are part of the show and BOTH are enthusiastically stoking the flames of chaos and division.

Take the ACB nomination for one obvious example:

1. Why was she not nominated until Saturday? Why not last Monday? Out of respect for RBG? Give me a break.
2. Why are the confirmation hearings not starting until October 12th? A TWO WEEK DELAY??? Why?
3. Why are there any hearings at all? The vote is going to be 51-47-2. Everyone has already said how they are going to vote. The supposed Republicans are in complete control, yet the process is being dragged out to where she may not get in at all. And the Dems are being given a FULL MONTH to create havoc over this. Why?

She could have been nominated last Monday. Confirmed last Wednesday and sworn in last Friday. If that had been done, this subject would now be resolved and closed. There is NO reason that could not have been done.

The ACB nonsense is just one example. Start asking the same type of questions about Bill Barr, John Durham, Cornavirus, HCQ, Antifa, BLM, George Floyd, the stock market, Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci and about a hundred other subjects. None of these issues can withstand even the most superficial scrutiny.

We are being played for fools and it is not even being hidden any more. Maybe it is better if this whole edifice is torn down and we start over again. It will be incredibly painful, but it seems more and more obvious that it is the only solution.

  Common Cents
September 28, 2020 10:41 am


22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
September 28, 2020 11:00 am


The only collusion worth mentioning the last few decades is LEFT-RIGHT collusion.

September 28, 2020 11:06 am

“Burn it all down, figuratively.” Pussy civic nat shill.

At this point in time, figuratively is no longer an option. The so called greatest generation should have done on their own soil what they did to the German cities of defenseless civilians, with the exception of centering all that firepower on one city; the cesspool of Bolshevism on the Potomac. Since 1965, America has been bent, broken and twisted into something none of us alive before that time of national naivety can any longer recognize. Diversity has robbed Americans of our nation. America was stolen while a nation of working stiffs watched Big Valley and Gunsmoke on black and white TV.
Conservatism has been total failure. It will now take war to save even a semblance of our once great Republic,

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If you truly want to see the real enemy of We The People. look no further than Congress. Americans never asked for waves of foreign invaders or growth at any cost capitalism. The price we now pay for uncontrolled growth is 24/7 violence, political upheaval, debt slavery and the loss of common everyday liberties we used to take for granted, like travel, work, privacy and education, all of which are regulated, taxed, documented and indoctrinated beyond our immediate control.

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Which brings me to the reason behind this commentary. America is overpopulated and the culprit is personal greed or as some like to call it, muh capitalism. The greedy don’t care about our nation, culture, tradition or family. They want their profit at any cost and Congress, being the organization of criminals it is are happy to help out; for a small campaign contribution of course. The nation is being torn apart because the greedy want their cheap labor and increased debt slavery pool, which the Bolsheviks push as freedom of open borders and the party of Cucks parade about as muh free market, both of which lead to the same results. Americans get replaced. Demographics is destiny and America has no champion. Conservatism i.e. civic cuckery has doomed US all to civil war and national destruction. Good job GOPers.

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Besides America, the entire earth is overpopulated and before the blah, blah, blah, starts, area does not equal resources, besides huge swathes of the earth are uninhabitable. That said,while government is arguably totally evil, they’re are not stupid, and population control is a real issue, which gives us comprehensible reason for the sudden global lockdown and rise of authoritarian control even in Western states. I believe like Clive Maund that a great thinning of the herd is being planned, which will be accomplished with war, famine, manufactured disease and depravity from economic collapse, including exposure to the elements due to loss of housing and proper clothing. In the minds of global government planners, depopulation is a necessary evil, and it may be, but no one wants to be culled, so there’s that. Regardless, We the People no longer have as say. The New World Order is a done deal.

George H W Bush( When we are successful, and we will be” New World Order Speech

“There has never been a better opportunity to crash the world’s population than is being presented right now, and here we should keep in mind that in doing so, the NWO elites might actually be acting to some extent with altruistic motives, for the greater long-term good of those who survive and certainly for the beleaguered plants and animals of the planet, what’s left of them that is. The end will justify the means will be their view, kind of like Madeline Albright when she claimed that the sacrifice of 500,000 Iraqi children’s lives was “worth it”. From a purely logical objective standpoint I cannot but agree with them. If the long-term goal is to get the population down to a sustainable 1.5 billion, you would want to take it down 3 billion to 5 billion just for starters, and as soon as possible. There are now, thanks to the Plannedemic, a range of options available to achieve this. ”

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
September 28, 2020 1:01 pm

This dude must be a GatesTard!

September 28, 2020 11:20 am

“He is refusing to fight according to the establishment rules.” More and more I suspect that Trump is refusing to fight at all. He keeps tolerating people in the executive branch who do not promote his agenda. The justice department has been a joke for 4 years.

September 28, 2020 11:56 am

This was ghost written by Tampa Red and Otto.

September 28, 2020 2:58 pm

To be honest, I am not the biggest fan of Kurt’s, he is ok. He makes some fair points in the above. I dont like his use of the term Liberal. The left has abandoned it, I would like it back.
Enjoy the show!!

September 28, 2020 3:19 pm

These progs are too far left for liberals.

September 28, 2020 12:58 pm

You can’t fix a corrupt broken system by using the corrupt broken system. “Riot at the ballot box”?
When Donald won on 2016, I hoped he was everything he claimed to be. I hoped he wasn’t a conservative Obama. Think about it, Mr. Hope and Change came in on a tidal wave of enthusiasm and could have actually made all the changes he promised. 2 years later Gitmo was still open and the NSA was still spying on everyone. Now the senate is no longer his and “ohhh the obstructionists there won’t let him get shit done”!
Sound familiar? Yeah the left was having a shit fit after Donald came in but same thing. If ever there was a time for him to get shit done it was RIGHT THEN. Push things through and demand the legislative to either enact his policies or out themselves as frauds. Play hardball motherfucker it’s the only chance you have to get it done. Nope, 2 years in and the senate is gone. Gee golly got to start working on reelection if we want anything done. It’s all a dog and pony show to keep the people with guns passive for another few years while the controlled demolition of our country continues as planned and on schedule.
Riot at the ballot box? Fuck you Kurt. You are either delusional or part of the problem.

September 28, 2020 1:47 pm


September 28, 2020 2:11 pm

“Burn it all down, figuratively.”

Figurative riots? Bwahahahahahaha!!

You know what I did yesterday? I had a figurative fuck. Really. Some of you might call it masturbation.

That’s what the author of this article is engaging in … mental masturbation.

September 28, 2020 3:17 pm

“but the process itself is the punishment”

This is a very perceptive observation, which is surprising coming from Kurt Schlichter. The “justice” system in this country uses prosecution tactics to wear down, demoralize, and bankrupt people. They don’t even have to get a conviction. They just use their nearly unlimited resources to endlessly investigate, indict, and prosecute anyone they want to target. If they bankrupt their victim that is almost as good as a conviction. And if they’re really lucky they can get the victim to commit suicide like the Omaha bar owner Jake Gardner who recently committed suicide after he was charged for simply defending his own bar from rioters.

September 28, 2020 3:24 pm

We better do something. I just watched an inning of baseball for the first time in years. It’s not good news.
Empty stadium, Players in dugout wearing masks, cardboard cutouts of fans and fake fan noises.