Reparations. Then, we get along. OK??


I never thought I would agree with the MSM and my neighbors to the North in Asheville NC, but I do think there should be reparations.

There is a lot of talk these days about Reparations.     If Biden (heaven forbid) is elected POTUS by the fake election campaign we seem unable to do anything about, there is no doubt that we will go down this road to Civil War.    So, I have decided that it is better to agree and submissively comply given my racist White DNA (per Lesson 1 of my 12 Step Program from my Alma Mater) than to fight a Civil War.

A vast sum of money would be needed to compensate the victims of this horrible tragedy in human existence.

Although I cannot begin to place a price on reparations, and how mooch should be given to the oppressed group (no amount would be truly sufficient!), I can only say that monetary reparations are needed and should be brought up on the federal level as soon as possible. This should deserve our immediate attention, and the attention of our Congress.

Yes, I am talking about reparations paid by African-Americans to Non African-Americans for the unfair financial burden they have imposed on taxpayers.

Welfare.  The trillions we have spent on welfare programs as a result of the Great Society, which unintentionally demeaned black Americans by saying they could not make it on their own, went DISPROPORTIONATELY to the black underclass. I believe the amount spent on welfare programs in excess of their 14% population should be returned to the taxpayers.

Criminal Justice.  As a group, African -Americans have also been a tremendous financial hardship for federal, state and local governments that have had to spend ever increasing taxpayer dollars on our prisons and other aspects of our criminal justice systems. Blacks born and raised in America (African-Americans) subject to Democratic party plantations have unfairly utilized our prison system to an extent much greater than their population would indicate. In prison, African-Americans get free cable TV and better exercise equipment than in my local YMCA, which I have to pay for.  Three meals a day, every day, paid for by the taxpayer.

The average American pays over $10,000 a year on health care for insurance premiums and out of pocket expenditures under high deductibles. In prison its “free”, paid for mainly by non African-Americans as part of our commitment to societal rehabilitation.

The direct social costs from violent crime, disproportionately involving African-Americans by a 10 to 1 ratio (e.g. African-American males vs non African-American males), should also be added in to our reparations game. Lost wages (and lost taxes) from crime induced injury or death to all people of all colors is staggering. Care to add this one up?

War.  364,511 largely White Europeans gave their lives in the Civil War, presumably fighting for the abolition of slavery. Then, in WW2, another 405,399 largely White Europeans died to prevent Nazis from subjugating and enslaving Blacks worldwide in ways that would make the Rebels look tame.    There were a total of 708 Blacks killed in combat during World War II.    So, that gives us 769,202 White European lives sacrificed for African-Americans to assure they are no longer slaves, at least in the legal sense.

Therefore, the excess amount of these benefits, in proportion to the African-American US population, should be returned to the taxpayers of other colors, and White is a color.  Remember, we are living in an age when equal outcomes are required. 

Add it all up, and you wind up with a reparations bill payable to White Europeans from African-Americans of $117,878,888,090,000 (give or take).

But, how much do we owe African-Americans for Slavery reparations? We need look no further than to one of our most brilliant citizens for the answer. After a detailed analysis of the societal costs of Slavery (eliminated over 150 years ago) using economic modeling algorithms and mathematical regression formulas, the esteemed economist, historian, philosopher and rapper Azalea Banks has determined that we owe African-Americans $100,000,000,000,000 for reparations. Brilliant.


“I hate everything about this country. Like, I hate fat white Americans. All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these …” Azalea

So, based on my calculations (just as accurate), African-Americans actually owe all non African-Americans something on the order of $17,878,888,090,000 (give or take).


$117,878,888,090,000 (give or take)

– $100,000,000,000,000 (exactly)

$17,878,888,090,000 (give or take).

Since this amount is a debt so large that not even the US could pay it off without selling off all of our National Parks to Hunter Biden, I would suggest that we could waive the charge because this country is populated by forgiving people (the exceptions of course would include the likes of Southern Poverty Law Center, Olberman, Pelosi, Schumer, BLM, Antifa and Civil Rights leaders everywhere).

Right.  The above is obvious parody to show the absurdity of requiring by law that one group of people (White Europeans, or percent thereof) give cash to another group of people (African-Americans, or percent thereof) because of their race, for past sins that were never committed by the payer.

We officially leveled the playing field back in 1964 with the Civil Rights Act, long overdue and needed to fight the remnants of Slavery ala Jim Crow. But we did. In today’s America if you don’t hire or promote African-Americans solely due to the color of their skin, you not only have the EEOC on your side but will be contacted by any of the throngs of Civil Rights lawyers to bankrupt the racist who won’t follow the law and enrich both you and your Lawyer working on contingency. Case closed on that problem.

The New Leftist Democratic party of Karl Marx loves social justice but all this reparations talk turns Social Justice on it’s head. Reparations is nothing more than a financial attack based on greed, not “justice”, to enrich people because of the very entitlement mentality that shackles them financially, socially and politically.

I think we should move on and avoid this kind of antagonistic race baiting that hurts society deeply.


So, why can’t we just get along Rodney?   Well, with all this talk about reparations, odds are pretty good that we never will. And you kind of squandered your $3M in reparations for resisting arrest anyway.   But, in the words of an old and corrupt Secretary of State, “What difference at this point does it make?”   We just want our money!

Well, well.   Say it ain’t so.    The MSM says Republicans, and specifically Donald J Trump,  are the dividers.

Sic Semper Tyrannis —

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Author: tr4head

Economy, Social Issues, Politics, History, Science NonFiction, Religion

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Foot in the Forest
Foot in the Forest
October 23, 2020 9:40 pm

Funny and correct, but how many actually read it ?

October 23, 2020 9:41 pm

I personally did not have slaves/did you pick cotton/work on the plantations?

No,we are done.

TX Patriot
TX Patriot
October 23, 2020 10:16 pm

We did not have slaves, so we had to pick our own damn cotton. Dragging a tow sack and sore hands for a couple of weeks each year. Could not afford no freaking machine to pick it for us. Cotton bolls will rip your hands to shreds. I can verify from experience. So, I am done with paying any reparations for sure.

  TX Patriot
October 24, 2020 12:44 am

Why do Negroes hate to take aspirin? Picking the cotton ball out of the bottle reminds them too much of picking cotton.

Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
October 23, 2020 11:45 pm

My ancestors weren’t in this country until the 1920’s. They didn’t own any slaves. I didn’t either.
They (and I) have paid plenty since 1964.
Piss off.

October 23, 2020 10:04 pm

Send them to wakanda where da wuz kangs! Kangs I tell ya!!

October 23, 2020 10:13 pm

We’ve already offered them all the fat ugly white chicks with housing vouchers and bus passes. All that’s required is showing up at the nearest section 8 apartment complex or waffle house. I say that’s enough.

October 23, 2020 11:42 pm

The time is fast approaching to decide …. do you die on your knees or get carried out on your shield.

The Cold Backhand of God
The Cold Backhand of God
October 24, 2020 8:37 am

No shield these days, but know what you mean.
Dragged by your body armor would be more modern. This is why drag loops are sewn on.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
October 24, 2020 12:03 am

Why isn’t there any discussion about the predominant color of slaves pre-1760? I’ll leave it at that. You do a DuckDuckGo on that…Google lies

  lamont cranston
October 24, 2020 12:57 am

Irish Catholics. You could by the for 5 pence each, work them to death and throw them in a ditch and get a new one. Blacks cost 50 pence.
The people of Barbados were dark tan because of a breeding program to cross Irish with Negros in the hopes of getting a harder working heat and mosquito resistant slave. I don’t know how well it worked. I
suspect they ended up with lazy drunks.

anthony aaron
anthony aaron
  lamont cranston
October 24, 2020 12:09 pm

Nor is there much of the real slave traders here in the New World … all across the Americas … and the plantation economy that they built across that whole territory.

Who … you … cannot … speak … against …

October 24, 2020 12:08 am

If a descendant of a slave wishes to return to the land of his ancestors, let us give him a settlement; perhaps the median per capita GDP for Ghana x 300, and send him thither. If he wishes to stay in the U.S., let his citizenship be his recompense, and let’s hear no more complaining from our Negroes.

jim morgan
jim morgan
October 24, 2020 12:12 am

Maybe since it was southern democrats who owned slaves and southern democrats who wanted to preserve the slave system, the democrats should pay any reparations anyone believes is owed.

  jim morgan
October 24, 2020 12:59 am

Four northern states had slaves who were not liberated by Lincoln.

October 24, 2020 12:16 am

Why haven’t the families of Irish slaves teamed up with blacks for reparations? Ahhh, because it’s ridiculous.

October 24, 2020 11:00 am

Because liberals haven’t been telling the Irish how under privileged they are for the past few hundred years.

October 24, 2020 5:07 am

When you give extortionists money they don’t stop, they come back for more.

anthony aaron
anthony aaron
October 24, 2020 12:10 pm

Witness the claim$ now being levied against Germany by the grandchildren of jew$ claiming that their grandparents were killed in the holoco$t and the pain has been passed on to them …

October 24, 2020 7:02 am

My family moved here in the 1850s, and proceeded to lose three men fighting for the north in the civil war. We owe no one anything.

October 24, 2020 8:34 am

Trump has promised $500B in reparations to the black community. The country would be much, much better off doubling it or even quadrupling it to a cool $2 Trillion + the cost of a 1-way ticket to Liberia with no right of return.

sturm und drang
sturm und drang
October 24, 2020 9:38 am

we need to include England in the cost as without them buying all our cotton slavery would have been unprofitable, perhaps the Queen can “reign” in?

October 24, 2020 10:43 am

Fucking AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 24, 2020 10:58 am

American negros got all the ‘reparations’ they could ever want when their ancestor was brought to a FIRST world country that bent over backwards for them in the form of affirmative action, racial job quotas and race quotas in university admissions. Time to shut up and behave, or go back to Africa.

October 24, 2020 11:49 am

The Atlantic and its idiot pawn Coates have gone stark raving bonkers…..right in tune with the times…..The people who built and maintain this country are going to pay tribute to a bunch of violent parasites…..right…

anthony aaron
anthony aaron
October 24, 2020 12:12 pm

Coates has been harping on this for years and years … this is just the latest chapter. He must have been falling into oblivion and not feeling the love …

What a worthless P O S

October 24, 2020 12:03 pm

Reparations a definition-When niggers take your stuff ,rape you your wife and children and kill your dog.

anthony aaron
anthony aaron
October 24, 2020 12:06 pm

Hey … the grandchildren of folks ‘killed’ by the Germans in the holoco$t are now asking for reparation$ by claiming that the pain has been passed on through the generations … and some folks are actually backing that and others are being forced to pay it.

You can’t make up insanity like this … 

October 24, 2020 12:57 pm

Coates is a professional imbecile. Black America has the democrat party to thank for their current problems. They have been told over and over for 70 years that they cannot get ahead without the “helping hand” of the great white liberal…….Some are now just waking up and will vote against the scam being perpetrated against them.

As for reparations……how do you spell “fat chance”……

October 24, 2020 1:15 pm

Stop with the African-American BS! This is a fictitious category. You are either American, or you are not. Any group that adds a qualifier and a hyphen is looking for undeserved money, power, or both. If blacks in America who are descended from slaves want money, it should come ONLY from the descendants of blacks in Africa who enslaved and sold them. And, the term racist is also meaningless (unless someone hates everyone, including themselves), as there is only one race, the human race. One can argue that many individuals struggle to attain this categorization, but that is a long discussion for another time.

October 26, 2020 9:49 am

Agree completely. I used the term to distintguish between Blacks born in America to Blacks coming here as immigrants and who by a large majority don’t buy into the reparations crap. They come here because its the best place to be.

October 24, 2020 6:02 pm

What about the reparations owed by all of the African slavers – you know, the ones who actually captured people and sold them to the Portuguese?
And the Europeans who were the proximate cause of it all: who sold the horses the West African kingdom armies were dependent on?
I say share the burden…

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
October 24, 2020 11:27 pm

Good write-up TR4.
I reckon this days madness is akin to the WW2 vet viewing the 60s dumpster fires etc.
They had to wonder where their fought for gains went.

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
October 25, 2020 3:47 am

I am not even American but I am sure the twitter mob would demand I pay anyway due to my skin color. And people who don’t care about skin color are racist. The world is insane