Who knew Covid causes Janky Leg?

I present to you…

“Masking is a cult.

My 86 year old aunt, who has some health problems fairly typical of a woman her age, and who lives next door to me, buys into the mask nonsense hook line and sinker.

However….she will pull it away from her face because she says it feels like she “cannot breathe”. And so the very act of pulling it away from your face negates the thing you are trying to prevent (as if it could).

Yet pointing out that fact is met with a blank stare and the human equivalent of the blue screen of death.

My 29 year old cousin, her granddaughter, who is pregnant and the picture of health, wears the mask. When asked by me why, she says “to keep from getting Covid”. Yet her husband works in a prison. And he comes home to her every night and I seriously doubt they wear the mask around each other in their own home. So who are you trying to stay safe from?

People I know personally, who are in serious decline health-wise due to very poor life choices like smoking, drinking, bad diet, etc etc are literally terrified to go to the grocery store for fear of catching Covid. Yet they think nothing of lighting up another butt, downing another vodka, swallowing another pain pill.


Yet the urban/suburban/rural legend lives on…so-and-sos mother’s cousins brother in law’s neighbor had it and now his teeth are falling out. What? What in the holy fuck are you even talking about right now. I feel like an army of yentas has descended upon our country to collectively wag their finger at us, while bombarding us with tales of tragedy, horror, and woe the likes of which the Brothers Grimm could have put in a book.

Forget the troll under the bridge, fear the Covid. So far, from what I have read, Covid may cause loss of smell and/or taste, your teeth will fall out, your toes might turn black, you could forget who you are, it may cause agida, constipation, hives, itchy hair, flaky skin, eye spasms, janky leg, arm pain, hairy tongue, fingernail ridges, rash, hives, spots, pimples, spontaneous erections, lack of erections, increased sex drive, lack of sex drive, depression, mania, and most importantly, loss of job.

Then if you bring up how magically Covid has cured heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and a whole host of other ailments based on all of those things being way, way down, again…blue screen of death.

Numbers are not the friend of the mentally deranged. The mentally deranged, living like little bitty rabbits in their hidey holes, cannot be convinced the hawk is not only gone, but was never there in the first place.

You cannot show them that the number of total dead people this year is not really more than the dead people last year, give or take a few. Math is hard, and it’s even harder when you are afraid to even drive in your own car, alone, without a mask. Yet god only knows when the last time your Amazon delivery guy washed his hands after taking a whizz or possibly a shit in your neighbor’s bushes. Don’t worry though, he has on a mask.

People who I thought were rational, responsible adults are eagerly anticipating the day they can be injected with a rushed, barely tested, fairly secretive vaccine. These are people who shop non-GMO and make sure their soap is sulfate free, yet will gleefully line up for some chemical witches brew of which we have zero idea of long-term consequences for a virus with a 99.8 survival rate in the majority of the population.

People with organic cotton sheets and Britta filters. People who shop at Whole Foods, proudly buying fair trade this, and fair trade that. People who believe their cars are killing the world. People who feed their dogs better than most everyone that lives in Africa.

These are the same idiots who will willingly, and with zero question, allow someone to fill a syringe with a concoction that must be kept colder than Antarctica on a December night, and shoot it right into their one and only body.

You are allowed to shout, like a psychotic on parade, at anyone who is not masked, or inappropriately masked even. You don’t need to know if their mask was never washed, washed once, or brand new.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a bandana, neck gaiter, N95 or a roll of Charmin they wrapped around their face. The what is irrelevant. All you need to feel better is to not see someone’s pie hole of nuclear waste beaming out at you in public.

And really, isn’t that what it’s all about? Your feelings? Oh right. No. Sorry. Get fucked.”

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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December 4, 2020 1:48 pm

I love the “yentas” line. However, there have been excess deaths this year, despite what you heard of the John Hopkins video. The CDC tracks all deaths and the graph of deaths easily shows the covid spikes above the normal average line. The calculation of excess deaths over the average is consistent with the covid-19 death count. Some of these deaths are actually pulled forward and so we may see excess deaths decline in the future, but the total is still going to exceed the normal death rate.

December 4, 2020 2:04 pm

There was a spike too in spring in Canada but if you look at the link provided below some of those deaths were pulled forward as numbers have dropped off of late…

December 5, 2020 10:07 am

The problem is that so many deaths attributed to COVID-19 were deaths from other underlying conditions that were aggravated by the virus. This is typical with what happens with the flu.

Two if by sea. Three if from within.
Two if by sea. Three if from within.
December 4, 2020 11:30 pm

I sometimes wonder what I’d missed in some posts but your comment screams you’ve fallen and can’t get up. To wit…
“Then if you bring up how magically Covid has cured heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and a whole host of other ailments based on all of those things being way, way down, again…blue screen of death.”

Freddy Uranus
Freddy Uranus
December 5, 2020 7:09 am


You need to wait until the CDC 2020 total death count comes out. It will be comparable to the preceding 5 years. Many of the 2020 typical deaths of heart disease, cancer, etc… have now been labeled as Covid deaths.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
December 5, 2020 9:12 am

You mean like the revised death count from the CDC itself where they “miscounted” 51,000 heart attacks as covid deaths accidentally on purpose? Get fucked and learn math. The cult is eager to throw numbers spewed by inept government agencies but goddamned when you give real numbers in their true sum and context. Truth=heresy now. Success for the fear fomentation though. Everyone is a fucking mask expert now. You are probably buying that shit the CDC peddled with excess deaths in cases of DNR patients. That is a classic false equivalency and Denninger slayed that bullshit recently at the tickerguy page. Context in cases and deaths is everything with statistical tracking methods and the CDC even said they are over-reporting covid deaths. Jim Jones wishes, from his heaven, that he could hypnotize as many people as Covid has. He would have had a fuck ton more kool-aid on hand if he had that pull.

I suppose all those years in the army training for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons attacks with full protective clothing and real protective mask were lies when all I really needed was a meck gaitod, bandana or paper cloth mask. Take that mad scientists making VX and Anthrax for war. Fraudci hath spoken to the masses and it is settled…. in spite of that fucking lying piece of shit reversing his position multiple times since the outbreak in China started.

And mathematics is obviously dead in an overwhelming majority of the world populace since innumerate fucks reproduce exponentially. The virus was out of the bag officially in October 2019. This likely means it was running unchecked prior to that. And it was probably categorized as a severe flu prior to isolating the remnants of the dna chain, which they still have not isolated completely according to the cdc.

This means that air travel vectors were running rampant and cross- contamination was as well. Point being: EVERYONE HAS ALREADY BEEN EXPOSED TO THIS “plague” already. Cases are spiking because idiots are being tested by a demonstrably innacurate pcr swab (because it is more expensive) instead of the rapid paper test.

Cases do not equal deaths. Have some critical reasoning for once in your life instead of stealing oxygen better used by others. Better yet walk around with a plant hanging from your neck as you owe us what you have stolen…kind of like the govt officials owing us and Wall Street fucks owing us since they privatized the profits and socialized the losses.

Good luck in the war. You will need all you can get the way you are regurgitating the party line comrade.

  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
December 5, 2020 11:45 pm

Zulu, damn that was good.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 4, 2020 1:54 pm

There’s a lot of vodka-shaming in this missive. Check your sober privilege.

December 4, 2020 1:59 pm

A great article Glock that pretty much sums up my thoughts on all this.. The other day I got into a row with the owner of the company I work for. Anyway, he is convinced that masks are the way to go.. That the mask mandate will fix all that ails. He complained about the lack of critical thinking on my part and implored me to get on board with mainstream thinking… saying that if I could not do it for myself then the least I can do is do it for others..

He failed to convince me…

comment image

then sends me this later, implying that I am Evil Knievel I guess..

So seeing as he provided me some bullshit statistics from Farcebook I decided to do one better and get some real stats


Above is an interactive webpage that plots deaths from all causes in Canada. It can be broken down by age…

Seems that old people die and this year hasn’t been extraordinary in any sense..

December 4, 2020 2:44 pm

More critical thinking to exercise. If masks actualy work, and if mask mandates have been in place for at least 6 months and (from my observation) 95%+ of people ARE wearing them….then how does he explain that the CASES!CASES!CASES! are growing? You would think if these things worked as well as proposed that the virus would be essentially eradicated at this point as a 5% non-compliance rate would definitely not be spreading very much around.

December 4, 2020 4:28 pm


I the article is a comment made by realestatepup on another thread.

I laughed my ass off when she said Covid causes Janky Leg and Itchy Hair.

December 4, 2020 7:07 pm

Why Glock, if I didn’t know better I would think you were totally in love with me.

December 4, 2020 2:35 pm

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, joined the Institute of Medical Microbiology at Giessen University in 1977 and was appointed associate professor in 1982. He was named chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz in 1990, where he remained until his retirement in 2012.
In response to Laura Ingraham’s final question, “So you think the COVID-19 vaccine is unnecessary?” Bhakdi replied: “I think it’s downright dangerous. And I warn you, if you go along these lines, you are going to go to your doom “

Renowned Scientist Tells Laura Ingraham the COVID-19 Vaccine Is Downright

December 4, 2020 3:09 pm

I go into businesses that don’t have a lot of on-the-premises customers,, like a bank lobby. Almost no one is wearing a mask (employees) until I come in, then they all jerk it up. BTW, I don’t wear one.

December 4, 2020 3:26 pm

a Great video with a wonderful summation of “crisis” at end…


Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
December 4, 2020 11:58 pm

Very well said, Mr Corbett.

Send this video to your elected officials.

Communist tyrants don’t and won’t care anyway; they love a bloody good butchers bill. Makes them, the totalitarian dictators, feel good and keeping score doing The Devil’s work.

December 4, 2020 6:54 pm

Covid. Spontaneous erections? Bring it on!!!

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
December 4, 2020 7:17 pm


I know two. kinda… sorta… not really. My elderly Aunt died from a heart attack — but afterwards they reported it as Covid. And an even more elderly neighbor of mine (98, COPD, kidney issues, early stage dementia, had just gone into assisted care) died of Covid — except that she was tested for Covid just days before dying and got a negative. Twice. But she was reported as a Covid death too.

December 4, 2020 7:37 pm

I feed my dogs better than most people in Africa. They are more deserving.

December 4, 2020 8:15 pm

Rna (Ribonucleic acid)-genetically modified vehicle that carries a live virus in a weakened state.
Do your research.
AstraZeneca is ChAdOx1-s ….(ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) is a weakened and non-replicating version of the common cold virus (adenovirus) taken from chimpanzees, which has been engineered to contain instructions for creating the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes COVID-19
Recombinant…….Recombinant DNA ( rDNA) molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in the genome (read nature)

Question ! Am I going to put that in my blood stream, a genetically modified live virus whose genetic makeup is a Frankenstein of Rna
I already suffer the Autoimmune diseases from a cross infection of BCG (weakened tuberculosis) a live in Hell with swollen joints, muscle pains and sleepless night due to cramps
I will pass thank you until it has been proven safe and effective over 5 years

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
December 5, 2020 12:00 am

Auntie will pass altogether as the two stage pneumonia vaccination should take care of any serious CoVid-19(84) complications.

December 4, 2020 11:56 pm

Bingo!! The cognitive dissonance with those of the diaper persuasion is laughable.
I know many have been using the same masks for weeks or longer. They become a veritable Petri dish of funk but are proudly displayed.
I prefer not to join the nutcase coalition.

The 47th Element
The 47th Element
December 5, 2020 9:55 am

Watching the illogical zombies around me tout the efficacy of “The Mask” is painful and amusing at the same time.
How can they NOT see the delusion they’re living under?
They’ve shut down the local schools where I live and it took the local Transportation Office two whole days to decide what to do with drivers after the administrative office’s director, HR, and coordinators all went into quarantine. They had absolutely no contingency plan for lockdowns.
We’re dealing with fools.

December 5, 2020 10:03 am

It is a real tragedy in motion. I want to scream at those people who wear masks everywhere in their cars, mowing the lawn, walking down the street in the open air. Do they realize the damage that is being done to their health? You just want to walk up to them and shake them out of it.

December 5, 2020 12:23 pm

I have personally seen dozens of people driving down Duval Street by themselves and with their windows closed but without wearing a mask. The China virus escapes through air conditioning systems and out into the surrounding environment. One person driving without a mask will infect 100.