Llpoh: Discerning Friend from Foe

As we all know, bad times are coming. So I have spent some time thinking about this: how will I be able to tell friend from foe? Hard decisions about these things will need to be made. Mistakes in making the determination could prove disastrous. A person is going to need to be ruthless in weeding foes out of their friendship group, lest he or she risk catastrophe.

Let’s start with a quote.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair

This is an inordinately astute observation, and I believe it holds a key to how to make the decisions as to who is friend, and who is foe.

Quite simply, I believe anyone who receives income from the government must be put into the foe category. The why seems clear: anyone receiving funds from the government has clear motivation to maintain the status quo. Can someone who relies on the government for their means of existence be trusted? Will you be willing to take that risk?

And once I have seen and understood this, it becomes clear to me that the numbers of people that are potential friends plummets enormously. It seems easiest to start a list of those who are put into the foe category, and the list will surely incense and outrage many.

Foes include:

Police. That goes without saying.
Anyone working for an educational organization that receives public funds ( I think we can safely call Admin friend)
Anyone receiving SNAP benefits.
Anyone working on roads or public property.
Anyone working for a government organization.
Politicians, of course.
Anyone in the military.
Anyone in the medical profession funded by the government, in part or in total.
Anyone reliant on government regulations (insurers, bankers, etc.).
Farmers relying on subsidies.
Employers relying on government interventions/H1Bs/illegal immigrants etc.

And the biggy that will cause much beating of chests and tearing of hair:

Anyone receiving Social Security, especially if it their primary source of funds. That includes SSDI, Medicaid, Medicare, etc. Do you think that the average SS recipient can be trusted to make decisions that might jeopardize their incomes? It is most unlikely. To place trust in a person that is so heavily reliant on government largesse is a fool’s errand. No matter how sane the person is normally, my experience is that many lose their minds if any suggestion is made that Social Security by changed or eliminated. They are the single best example of the validity of Sinclair’s quote. So can they be trusted in the coming crisis? Not only no, but hell no.

There are many, many more examples, of course. And of course there will be some in each category that are trustworthy. But how will you tell? How will you know that when their livelihoods are in jeopardy they will not panic and abandon you?

And so you can see that the pool of potential friends is really quIte small. Hell, the list above certainly screens out a lot of TBPers, and I apologize for that as I know that their principles would withstand the trials to come. But it is critical to have some kind of screening system, a go, no go gauge as it were, and this is the best I have come up with.

The tentacles of the Government Squid reach far. Almost every family is affected. And it is this pervasive reach that will make it extraordinarily difficult to form a resistance. Yes, many understand that things are bad, but also many are tied to the system for the food that goes in their mouths. I would guess that no more than 1 in 10 are not handcuffed to the system, and it could be far fewer than that.

Only if that food gets cut off do I see any serious resistance forming. Otherwise, the Rule of Sinclair applies, and anyone wanting to resist must be very, very careful indeed in making their who is friend, and who is foe decisions. Choose wisely. And I suggest the Rule of Sinclair offers a good starting point for making the decisions.

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February 26, 2021 9:29 pm

I think with the SS thing alone you are writing off a lot of folks who sit well into the “sane” camp. For one, their loss of retirement savings, the destruction of the purchasing power of the dollar, etc. has likely happened despite all the “wonderful” republicans they voted for in hopes of “utopia.” If you are going to write off everyone over 65, then you are writing off folks that actually went to semi-decent public schools, actually know how to read, write, write cursive, think logically, remember a time before the “Great Society,” recognize ONLY two sexes and genders, remember when people rejected charity because they were ashamed, etc. Now don’t get me wrong. There are millions of recipients who would and do happily sell their children’s and grandchildren’s futures down the river for an extra dollar in their check every month. But there are also many who understand that savings is screwed because of the Fed, understand that their money won’t buy shit anymore because of the Fed, know that there isn’t a “dimes worth of difference” between the two major parties, etc. and who would be happy to see freedom and liberty restored if it meant a better future for their offspring (maybe hoping their kids might throw them a bone for finally doing something right??).

As for the other folks, I think most of them already don’t want to be your friend, and 10 minutes of HONEST discussion about the topics of the day will make that quite clear.

But be kind to the old folks. I’m not quite there, but I do know enough to realize that they weren’t old enough to stop FDR when most of this crap began either.

And I would certainly add “anyone who wears a mask while alone, outside, more than 6 feet apart from everyone else, alone in a car, or anywhere a private business owner has not forced them to wear one in order to conduct business.”

February 26, 2021 9:34 pm

Not writing them “off”. There is simply no way in hell you can trust anyone to act to bring down the current system if they are 100% reliant on that system to survive. And the single group most reliant on the current system is the retired on SS. There is no way in hell I would trust any single one of those to act in such a way as to remove their sole source of income.

And how do you suggest being kind to old folks? The SS system is unsustainable. People drag far more out of it than ever they in, on average. Medicare is absolutely unsustainable. So, the system must come down. A lot of eggs will be broken. The article on bad debt says it all – debt is being accrued to pay for welfare, and SS is one such.

If the system is to be reset there simply cannot be any sacred cows. And people need to accept that is the case. But then the Rule of Sinclair kicks in – they will never accept the reality because their livelihood is contingent on the system continued.

February 26, 2021 10:16 pm

Most of the claimed counter terrorism ‘successes’ against so-called militia (Friends drinking beer, hunting ect. and railing against the government) and the Jihadist (Domestic) conspiracies had a paid informant among them engaging and entrapping their friends for some consideration (Money, adverse law enforcement considerations), so that truly makes the weeding process dangerous. Couple that with the subset of individuals with the deep knowledge recognizing the state of liberty, which means their view of the world puts them outside of society, at least inwardly, how many are left from which to vet as trustworthy…if you even make their acquaintance?

Full Disclosure: Retired Fed. The one with the Police State USA! USA! USA! and Trump Won bumerstickers on my vehicles (OK dumb…I don’t give a fuck anymoar). Your assertions about those 47% receiving transfer payments (TaxPayer monies) are naturally sound, but are not the other half who can lose their employment and debt fueled lifestyles likely also to eschew actions (Today that means even voicing traditional values) threatening at least their economic status? No doubt there is a wide gap between those calling themselves conservatives, and those asserting the illegitimacy of the US Gov’t, and their junior partners…the formerly sovereign states.

February 26, 2021 11:33 pm

Look at what is happening now. The informants are not paid, but surely there are those. There are instances every day of citizens turning on their fellows. Mask use is Exhibit A. This will be a battle, figuratively or perhaps literally, between good and evil. And the evil will be endemic, and will be amongst us in large numbers.

February 26, 2021 11:43 pm

This is most definitely a battle between good and evil. I spoke to my father yesterday and he told me I have changed over the last 2-3 years but especially within the last year or so. I told him I am realigning my life with those I trust and have the same outlook as I do as far as what a person will and will not accept as right or wrong. I am also realigning my own beliefs (I always believed them but did not follow them) in practice so that I can find others I want to associate with. It ain’t easy. Especially since I live in the Northern Virginia area about 1 mile from the See I A.

February 26, 2021 11:53 pm

Wip – what you are doing is growing. I am sure you are an example to everyone around you.

I hope I am wrong in believing that things will go very bad, but if I am right, I take some comfort in knowing that there are those like you out there that are men of principle. It is rare these days. Truly rare.

February 27, 2021 12:09 am

things are going to go very badly regardless. The Statist Vampires and their adoring Ghouls will not stop ever. So we are back to the dilemma of what to do in response.

very old white guy
very old white guy
February 27, 2021 8:34 am

There should be no dilemma.

  very old white guy
February 27, 2021 9:11 pm

very old white guy,

The delima (for many) is risk.

I have a gray man friend (of a like mind) who thinks I take far too many risks…

He is right in his way of thinking and living.

I am right in mine.

He doesn’t want to be a target.

I don’t want to miss.

February 28, 2021 11:24 am

He doesn’t want to be a target.

I don’t want to miss.


Marcus Bash
Marcus Bash
March 2, 2021 3:29 pm

I am an old gray man. A life sentence lost it power of fear a long time ago.

Risk? Breathing is a risk, you may stop. Walking is a risk, you may fall.

I will go ahead and die on my feet, because I REFUSE to live on my knees.

I was getting bored with this ride anyway.

Marcus Bash
Marcus Bash
March 2, 2021 3:27 pm

What to do is the only option they are leaving us.

Kill them all.

Anything short of that is insanity.

February 27, 2021 5:38 am

This is the correct view to take. The people you actually trust is very few – a one hand count in most cases. While associations with like minded groups are important, they are easily infiltrated because of emotion – mostly anger. This is the thing to avoid; emotion. It gives you away every time.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 27, 2021 5:44 am

It doesn’t help that the government and media instill greed and envy in people either, from the groups you could be involved with and even to your relatives.

Laura ann
Laura ann
  Vixen Vic
February 27, 2021 2:11 pm

Best to not join any groups, or org. leaders are running it as a business, Incl. most patriot org. selling books, supplies. Infiltrators take names, etc. Nothing is ever accomplished unless people are looking for a social outlet.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Laura ann
February 28, 2021 4:09 am

True that.

February 27, 2021 11:51 am

By their fruit ye shall know them. Guaranteed to be true.

February 26, 2021 11:45 pm

Their Stasi-Snitching is now called patriotism. My dissent is akin to domestic terrorism.

February 27, 2021 12:06 am

TPTB, I believe, have everything they need in order to do anything they like and it really isn’t all that much that they truly need imo. Control technology (they got it), a refined psychological ability to control people (they got this also), control of the currency (have had it a long time now) and the willingness to go the last mile (any doubts?).

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 1:12 am

It must be a perspective thing because I see very much the opposite.

I don’t think that they control very much at all, that what we’re actually seeing is a form of mass delusion kept going by the slimmest of margins and by some very, very big lies based on our gullibility. I don’t think that much of what they claim to have actually exists- fusion centers, the panopticon, perpetual broad spectrum surveillance- it’s all bullshit. They’ve been stealing all the funding that could have gone to it since forever and whatever was applied to any given aspect of their Pax Americana has been watered down to near collapse with their insane diversity dogma and heavy reliance on degrees/credentials rather than excellence and integrity. Try something as simple as getting a license renewal- a retard level process that should have been perfected decades ago but now takes forever and is always plagued by hitches- and tell me we just landed a vehicle on Mars.

It’s preposterous. A puppet show for fully grown toddlers run by anxiety ridden fakers.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 1:24 am

Try something as simple as getting a license renewal- a retard level process that should have been perfected decades ago but now takes forever and is always plagued by hitches

Maybe this is a feature and not a bug? I hope you’re right but I fear not. Can we not be starved out? Can we not be pitted against each other? We haven’t even seen what they can fully do if they let the media loose on the population. I mean, imagine what the media could get people to do to each other.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2021 5:44 am

They just have to strategically cut off the power, the internet, the payroll and entitlement checks to bring everything to a screeching halt nationally or region by region to bring forced compliance.

Laura ann
Laura ann
  Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2021 2:21 pm

What are they waiting for? I heard decades ago it would be the west coast first then the E. seabord working in to the mid west. Also banking would stop (bank holiday) switch to digital only.

  Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2021 9:13 pm

Eyes Wide Shut,

I am doing everything I can to prep for that. Have been for a long time.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 9:10 am

It is a feature, that was my point.

The people running the show- we’ll exclude the real decision makers at the top for a moment- but the lackeys who do the grunt work from department heads on down are almost universally corrupt, arrogant and lazy beyond comprehension. They are in it for the bi-monthly direct deposit, benefits, easy hours, early retirement and ego gratification, not patriotism or love of country. Those who are smart enough to know that The Narrative is complete and utter bullshit (we’re all equal/a degree equals competency/we’re helping people) have to lie to themselves every single day. Imagine the kind of commitment that comes with that knowledge when push comes to shove. So you have an entire system based on fallacies and half truths, staffed by imbeciles and liars, governed by hypocrites with massive egos, and all of it fueled by personal greed and vanity.

Do you even Sun Tzu, bro?

It is the fact that they have the microphone and the spotlight that gives them any kind of power at all. And take it from a guy who was on stage 250 nights a year, the spotlight may buy you a little bit of good will from the audience for a while, but if you can’t deliver eventually, the crowd will turn on you. And when they do it suddenly goes from being an illusion, to raw physics.

But like I said, I never thought you’d get an entire country eager to wear face diapers for the rest of their lives voluntarily either, so take it with a grain of salt.

Laura ann
Laura ann
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 2:25 pm

Masking will be forever because it is control. 90% adults lack critical thinking skills using logic and problem solving in everyday matters. Dumbed down sheeple for ex: sending kids to public schools and attending gov. 501c3 phony churches instead of home church or forming small groups in private setting. Believing main stream news channels 100% instead of reading alt. news online.

Soy el Tigre
Soy el Tigre
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 5:58 pm

I’ve been lurking for years. One must consider that those who are paid by the system may well cleave unto the system. However, what Hardscrabble Farmer says is spot on, by my lights.

Some of those who toil in the belly of the beast, or have toiled therein, in fact, lack all commitment to “their” cause.

Those “quiet men” may prove themselves quite formidable, when they finally say “Enough. This is where I do my thing”.

Some of them simply have not been pushed far enough.

Marcus Bash
Marcus Bash
  Soy el Tigre
March 2, 2021 5:43 pm

I was hoping to live out my life without killing again. I was paying my penance through helping others. I put the old man to bed over a long 15 or so years. They woke him up. Mistake.

I never liked him much, he is a brutal and unforgiving asshole, but he was VERY good at what he did. He did it for the army and then entire chain of command was afraid of him, but they let him out of his cage when they needed ugly stuff done.

Should a good number of people raise the black flag……..

Nah, that’s too much to ask.

But I will die on my feet by happy choice.

I will NEVER live on my knees, if I am forced there, I will be all kinds of docile, till it serves me not to be.

Then? Well, the MSM wont be able to ignore it.

Gnome Sane?

Jef Scot
Jef Scot
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 8:39 pm

HSF, and others- you ought to avoid normalcy bias for programs you are unaware of details.
I wish you were right stating not to worry about WEF Great Reset control of everything & everyone goals.
I can see why there’s doubt they will achieve them in light of the long track record of govt incompetence mucking up administration of nearly project.

However, the one thing everyone must keep in mind is that this time its the highly profit motivated PRIVATE SECTOR that is innovating and implementing terribly onerous projects like:
Biometrics for access to nearly everything,
AI citizen surveillance profiling and pre-crime reporting,
Single Sign-On real ID for internet access,
never-ending poorly tested mRNA vaccines,
Global Unique Identifer,
Global Digital currency eliminating physical cash,
Global Health Pass (used for endless amount of “use cases”, i.e: workplace and school access, public transportation, retail food & goods store access, hotel, hospital, bank and govt bldg access, in-person voting, etc),
Censorship via private & social media outlets,
Banking access bans (firearm mfg / dealers losing credit accounts),
Businesses being deplatformed (Salesforce canceling Customer Sales software for Project Veritas, and firearms businesses)
BLM/Antifa financially supported by Fortune 100 companies.
You get the idea…
Private businesses are fully supporting the marxist Cancel Culture of political enemies (because Conservative Constitutionalists spoil progressive collectivist plans).

The NWO is being very successfully implemented by tens of thousands of corporate “innovators” and are making STUNNING HEADWAY.

Don’t believe that?
Then join WEF partner sponsor working groups / sign-up for subscriptions and see for yourself.
Global Unique Legal Identifier intl industry group:

All of these NWO initiatives will be implemented by 2025 according to World Bank, BIS, Intl Financial Stabilization Board, SWIFT (Intl Payment system) program project roadmap timelines.
You can bank on it.

  Jef Scot
February 28, 2021 7:38 am

All organizations with Luciferian/UN ties to big money people.

Question Mark
Question Mark
  Jef Scot
March 1, 2021 8:08 pm

Excellent points.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 1, 2021 10:38 am

Think hunger games….Agenda 2030 stipulated the end of private farms, assigned living residences..etc. Just a matter of time now.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
March 2, 2021 5:52 pm

Too bad so few patriots exist today, as most have died off past few decades. Younger people embrace Marxism taught in public schools and condoned in 501c3 churches by pastors remaining silent on leftist agendas and pro family legislation.. Home church is best, avoiding the corp. mainline churches.

Marcus Bash
Marcus Bash
  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 2, 2021 4:35 pm

I did some work in psychological warfare during my hitch in the army. I was no guru or even far up the chain, but my background in hypnosis and fascination with the human mind had me reading everything I could get my hands on. Got out, after I could walk again, I used my bennies to go to school. I wanted to be a psychotherapist. Dropped out a little over one semester prior to graduation and amped my hypnosis skills, then went into hypnotherapy where I can do so much more so much faster for people.

Many years later, I am writing my 6th psychology book, (stalled due to all the juicy goodies surrounding the Rona and current political psychosis) and I would say you are close. the retards who run the DMV were hired for being retards and are expected to slow the works. I honestly think they hire smart people to think up ways to slow it more and mess with the masses.

The main culprit in all this is the television. Turn that thing OFF! My background has prevented me from turning that thing on for over 25 years now! That thing is the devils work my friend! And since obama lifted the ban on using propaganda on the American people, it has exploded in how they use it to manipulate and control us.

The Rona psychosis is induced mass hysteria. Why do the Amish have no Covid crisis? No TVs! I knew within the first few days it was all bullshit. They kept screeching contagiousness. But trying to sound like the entire planet would die 100 times in the next 10 minutes. That kind of over reaction on their part SCREAMED that they were lying their asses off. On top of that the political situation, they wanted to influence the election.

Everyone wears their little useless mask because the man on TV said wear it, they don’t question, they will not listen to reality. All hallmarks of inducted compliance. Open it, close it, open it again, us hypnotists call that fractionation and we use a form of it to push people deeper into trance.

One just has to pull up the numbers on deaths by regular causes for the last 5 years, then trace the numbers to today to see the MASSIVE drop in fatalities we had as normal incidence, have all but disappeared while the Rona deaths have risen accordingly, to realize something is quite wrong. And how many times do we have to become aware of genius doctors overlooking three bullet holes in the chest of a corpse to find the “true” cause of death was the Rona, before we figure out we are being played?

The CDC states the survival rate for the Rona is, from birth, 99.997% to over 70 at 98.4% before we admit the fricking virus in NOT going to kill everyone in the universe five times in the next three days?

It is good our betters send the police to stop us for not wearing our face diaper in the car when driving alone. After all, we are GOING to infect ourselves if we do not COMPLY! And the bottom line here is to get us to comply. That is it, the whole shebang. Compliance conditioning.

Next time you want someone to do something you know they don’t really want to do, ask them three questions before you ask them to do what they wont want to do. Those three questions can be ANYTHING as long as you get them to say “yes” three times in a row, then ask for what you want.

Odds have become VERY good they will say yes again. That is how the mind works, EVERY TIME!

It is not rocket surgery!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Marcus Bash
March 2, 2021 10:28 pm

You should really write some articles and send them to Admin. Sounds like an interesting topic to discuss.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 4:38 am

I guarantee that Mars rover is in an Arizona desert.

  Vixen Vic
February 27, 2021 6:42 am

For no particular reason, I always assumed that the Mars rovers were filmed in the Gobi desert. It’s a vast wasteland, mostly devoid of humans other then wandering nomads who are one click above Stone Age reasoning.

February 27, 2021 12:40 pm

Atacama is another possibility. God knows we have a “presence” in virtually every country on earth. Throw around a few million and the government will cater the film shoot.

Laura ann
Laura ann
February 27, 2021 2:26 pm

Same thing happened w/ so called fake moon landing decades ago, all staged.

  Laura ann
March 3, 2021 3:21 am

“NASA,” in Hebrew, means “to deceive.” Cohencidence?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 3, 2021 6:29 am

They’re all hiding/deceiving.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 1:40 am

Could be. I’m just sure it’s in a desert on earth and definitely not on Mars. It’s just another money sinkhole for the establishment to pay themselves moar money.

  Vixen Vic
March 1, 2021 6:34 pm

The “Mars” rover is actually on Baffin Island

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 1, 2021 11:30 pm

Wouldn’t Baffin Island be covered in snow right now?

  Vixen Vic
February 27, 2021 11:26 am

It is not….but the Gubmint is still a bunch of lying pedo fucktards……so we can differ on this and still be on the same side. I went to school with a bunch of JPL nerds….I assure you they are not faking this shit.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 1, 2021 10:48 am

Just like all of those involved with the first moon landing mission communications knew they were being played? They didn’t have a clue and believed it. It’s all compartmentalized. They don’t know what’s really going on.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
  Vixen Vic
March 1, 2021 3:30 pm

Moon landing was a farce, there is no wind on the moon and flag was moving, also filmed in New Mex near area 51.

  Laura McDonough
March 2, 2021 8:51 am
March 2, 2021 4:44 pm
Marcus Bash
Marcus Bash
  Laura McDonough
March 2, 2021 6:13 pm

No blast crater from landing rockets? Lots of questions to be answered. But, there were also certain things that might indicate a dual station program where someone WAS in space.

  Vixen Vic
February 27, 2021 10:20 pm

Please, you’re joking, right?

  Vixen Vic
February 27, 2021 10:37 pm

Was filmed in the same studio as the moon landing.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
  Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 4:19 am

I heard Greenland!

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 5:38 am

I don’t think the powers in charge have nearly the power over the masses they think they have either and many of them know and fear it.
It is a very thin veneer kept together by a combination of the general populations trust and fear that could easily crack and break apart by a very small percentage of the population working simultaneously in union to stop it if they really understood how fragile it is and how to strategically target it.
Even if that were to ever occur properly restructuring would be the issue. We are so equally divided and polarized culturally and morally to get a national democratic majority mandate on anything is nearly impossible.
That is why we are in the position we are now to begin with.
Apart from true secession into red or blue states or communities ending the stalemate and potential national implosion literally would take the subduing of a very large percentage of the population in some form. What a mess that would be.
Can’t or won’t likely be fixed if ever without major unpleasant upheavals.
The second coming of Jesus included.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 8:25 am

Hardscrabble gets it…unlike the person generating this garbage.

February 27, 2021 10:14 am

Well, I’m listening and surely hoping HSF is correct. I see what he’s saying but, what about the banality of evil? People really don’t care about each other. Just look how many countries are ruled instead of lead.

March 2, 2021 6:16 pm

Our government makes laws they exempt themselves from all the time. the ACA and Insider Trading come to mind.

“When those who write the law are not subject to it, the people are not being governed, they are being RULED!”

Marcus Bash
Marcus Bash
March 2, 2021 6:17 pm

Our government exempts themselves from the law all the time now.

The ACA and Insider Trading come to mind.

“When those who write the law are not subject to it, the people are not being governed, they are being RULED!”

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 11:00 am

I am OZ. The Great and Powerful!!!
Who are you?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 1:48 pm

“…and tell me we just landed a vehicle on Mars.”

Haaaa ha ha! Nailed it right there you did… 😆

Yup, the world is a freak show. I know whom I may trust. I’ll meet more along the way, I ain’t doing this alone. No need!

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 28, 2021 3:46 am

Yes….are you single, hs farmer?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 5:13 am

Farmer is married with kids.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 1, 2021 10:53 am

If you’re female, don’t get any ideas.

March 1, 2021 11:29 am

I miss EC. He would have loved this one.

Laura ann
Laura ann
February 27, 2021 2:17 pm

This is why voting is so useless accomplishing nothing. Politicians are all part of the takedown into tyranny. Bought and paid.

Marcus Bash
Marcus Bash
  Laura ann
March 2, 2021 6:18 pm

They should all be forced to wear jackets like NASCAR drivers.

That way we know who owns them.

February 27, 2021 12:54 am

Previously, SOP was to go find a dork, bust him for a minor thing, and lean on him to go narc on others for rewards and to stay out of jail. I met just such a doucher at my local gun club once. He was shamelessly trying to get me to incriminate myself.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 27, 2021 4:43 am

I think we’ll see a lot more of that in the future, including with peoples’ kids if they let them stay in the government schools.

Marcus Bash
Marcus Bash
March 2, 2021 3:25 pm

“When in doubt, kill”

Pretty simple. Ugly, but we are not talking about birthday parties, now are we?

Social Security and Vets benefits will dry up fast. The idea behind it will be to make food hard to get and force people to come lick the hands that feed them.

But we only need it to piss off about 3% and the rest can eat cake. They wouldn’t or couldn’t fight anyway. Best they go to the camps provided and stay out of the way.

February 27, 2021 2:54 pm


Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 4:14 am

Many rely on the system because they’re force to, like getting a drivers license. It’s not voluntary. A private business could handle that.

February 26, 2021 10:27 pm

I wish the down voters would step up and explain their positions. Llpoh, we haven’t even broached the subject of grant monies (Hundreds of billions per annum) to hundreds if not thousands of ‘nonprofits’ and tax exempt status entities (NGOs, non profits, Houses of Worship) that are all tied to the State. Private landlords accepting Section 8 monies. The breath of private-public relationships is beyond belief in scope. that’s why states won’t defend their rights or the rights of their citizens against federal overreach…money w/ mandates.

February 26, 2021 11:31 pm

Falcon – I briefly touched on it re subsidies and corporations. You are entirely correct. The tentacles are everywhere.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 27, 2021 4:49 am


February 27, 2021 10:26 am

Then they came for the White Southern Baptists….

“Let me state this very clearly, as clearly as I can, critical race theory is an important discussion and I am all for, as I hope you would be, robust theological discussion about it. For something as important as what biblical justice looks like in the world today, we need careful, robust, Bibles open, on our knees discussion. But we should mourn when closet racists and neo confederates feel more at home in our churches than do many of our people of color,”
Southern Baptist Convention President, J.D. Greear,

February 27, 2021 12:00 pm

That is why I don’t go anymore. Try Shepherd’s Chapel-Arnold Murray.

February 27, 2021 2:31 pm

Really liked his father.

February 27, 2021 4:48 pm

Yes! Thank God Shepherds Chapel is on the air for those of us who are not in the Arkansas area. Love how the late Pastor Arnold Murray taught line by line, verse by verse. His son Dennis is the same.

February 27, 2021 8:14 pm

Thx for the reminder. Forgot Murray senior’s name.

February 27, 2021 10:46 pm

Just don’t forsake the fellowship of the saints. God commands us to get along together in Him. Yes, that take risks, people are messy, and more important it takes Faith!

February 27, 2021 2:30 pm

Yeah I read that a few days ago, and the SBC is now subverted and perverted. There is no refuge from this in the various denominations. Not a one. I monitor the denomination websites.

February 27, 2021 3:12 pm

sadly you are right…

Marcus Bash
Marcus Bash
March 2, 2021 6:26 pm

“Wherever two or more gather in my name, there shall I be.”

He never said go to church and never said to give them a damn thing.

In fact, he put a wrecking on the church at one point.

February 27, 2021 6:09 pm
February 28, 2021 11:45 am

Ah yes, Government Grants (our tax dollars at work). That is how they control all the fake science stuff; believe the science my ass!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 26, 2021 11:44 pm

Some people don’t want to believe that Social Security is welfare. I hope to start getting it in 8-10 years, but I’ll consider myself lucky if I do. And a gallon of milk will probably cost $17.

  Iska Waran
February 26, 2021 11:49 pm

Iska, yes, you are correct. Because the truth of it is too scary to contemplate.

  Iska Waran
February 27, 2021 12:04 am

Maybe taking everything one can get is a way of quickening the demise of the unbound State. I do receive my pension, but there were substantial ‘revenue streams’ we never considered as it seemed dishonest. I.e. having a disabled child entitles parents to receive TaxPayer money for being your own child’s ‘care provider.’ And that money could very well be in the several thousand dollar range per annum. Grotesque

February 27, 2021 10:18 am

Maybe taking everything one can get is a way of quickening the demise of the unbound State.

I also told my father that I just don’t care any longer who gets free this or that any more or who gets taxed or not any more either. Shit is so FUBAR now, who cares?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Iska Waran
February 27, 2021 4:50 am

I have about 4 years to go before I can collect SS, if I take early retirement. I doubt I’ll get any of it, ever. I would just be happy to get back what I paid in. A little interest for the loan of my money would be nice as well.

  Vixen Vic
February 27, 2021 11:00 pm

SS is not supposed to be all you have when you retire. You have to think about retirement 20-30 years beforehand. No place in the world offers as much as America does. We as a nation lack gratitude.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 3:36 am

They were a little late telling people my age that, and like with the people my mothers age, 89.
When you’re told you don’t have to plan for retirement because of SS, what do you think happens?

March 2, 2021 6:10 pm

A thing that would have been easier to do had the government not STOLEN investable dollars from people for 40+ years of their working lives.
Gratitude for theft?
Get bent.

  Vixen Vic
March 2, 2021 6:08 pm

That’s not the way SS ever worked. You never “paid in”. You had money taken from you by force of law and it was given to someone else. It never sat anywhere being invested or accruing interest for you (as it would have if you hadn’t had it stolen from you).

  Iska Waran
February 27, 2021 11:22 am

I would be ok with just getting what I have put in. Most younger people believe they will never get anything from SS. I think most of my SS will go to paying for health insurance and drugs.

February 27, 2021 12:00 am

Llpoh should any of us in the struggle to restore our republic trust people that invested in property overseas to bail to if things get hot or only distrust people surviving on what they can squeeze from a system that tossed them overboard decades ago . Good luck if you decide to run and hide

February 27, 2021 12:12 am

Anon – people making a decision to bail may be entirely trustworthy. The US was built with such people. Many people may decide it is a lost cause. It may be. As Patton said, wars are not won by dying for your country. Personally, I do not know anyone with bailout property. I do not have such. I moved lock, stock, and barrel. If shit hits the fan here, I do not have a plan B in place, other than my homestead is pretty well prepared.

February 27, 2021 12:57 am

What’s wrong with leaving? I could leave anytime, if I were willing to run from a very lucrative career in underwater basketweaving.
I hold nobody in shame if they decide to run.
Read Kipling’s Mother Hive.

February 27, 2021 1:15 am

We’ve discussed leaving quite a bit, but Without being married to a national and speaking the language (Thinking about Uruguay or Argentina for example), it really is a crap shot at best, and quite frankly we’re getting old.

February 27, 2021 10:49 am

I left a long time ago, first for México (lasted a year), then back to Spain, where I’d lived previously for many years, then Argentina 17 years ago. Outside of the major metropolitan areas, Spanish speaking is a must! Uruguay is similar in that respect. I was 57 when I arrived here, married to a Spaniard for whom I had to translate at times (!), so different is local dialect, but I am also bilingual and a polyglot (fairly fluent in the other three), so I’m lucky with languages. My son is married to an Argentine and my three grandchildren are dual-nationals, though with the USA as it is now, my guess is they’ll be staying here, learning practical things (STEM, most likely) and having English as a second language.

Somehow, I doubt the expatriation window will stay open for much longer unless one is willing to accept almost certainly onerous consequences.

February 27, 2021 12:46 pm

I think about the reaction folks have to people who came to this country from another. The worse times get, the more the hatred grows. Most countries outside of the US, recognize the horrors the US government/military/Deep State has caused (and likely in their country). When the shit hits the fan, white, American, struggling with Spanish (or whatever) folks are going to stick out like a sore thumb. And if you happen to have enough money to live somewhere a lot nicer than the “natives” of the country, you will likely be a target. And then there is the political situation (especially anywhere south of the US border). And Uruguay, Costa Rica, and Ecuador were all on my list at one time. Oh, and don’t forget issues of gun ownership, getting PMs into the country, etc.

February 27, 2021 8:16 pm

+1, might as well stay in the Stasi States.

Roger V Tranfaglia
Roger V Tranfaglia
February 27, 2021 3:05 pm

40 MILLION BUG OUT……into the WILD!!

Stay put with like minded people, grow/raise your own whenever, whereever possible. Have the WEAPONS to protect yourselves WHEN NECCASSARY.

YES IM talking about an APOCOLITPIC situation. ITS called a ShitHitTheFan situation.

I do BELIEVE Ive stated this BEFORE!!!!

  Roger V Tranfaglia
February 27, 2021 9:25 pm


There are a lot of regulars here (and lurkers) who have been separating themselves out from the herd, in many ways, for a long time…long before it became ‘fashionable’ and painfully obvious ‘common sense’.

February 28, 2021 2:15 pm

where the hell would one go? i left the us 15 years ago and have been regretting it a LOT the past 5 years or so. coming back would be not without its troubles, id have to throw out whatever half-done attempts at getting out of the way of collapsing empires, take a 100% loss on those lost years, lost savings, and lost relationships with people.. not to mention the uncertainty of getting the other half a visa and green card to be in the states legit. . that can atke a long time and they can toss it out for some arbitrary reason and that’s that. might be easier if one were on the list of approved third world degenerates , that’d be a shoe-in, but a regular normal person from a european country has to be bottom of the priority these days. anyway, the big mistake was leaving the us in the first place. the older one gets and the more invested one is in a place, the harder it is to start all over again.. and theres a big worry the way things are going the the clock runs out before one can get squared away again… being half-squared away now one tries to guess would i make it in time, or be left out int he open even worse off?

and almost anywhere youd go from the us , is gonna suck even worse. all the supposed ‘western world’ is a gigantic festival of orwellian tyranny… the ‘third world’ , most of it is only a real option to someone who has roots, language, and connections, and youre gonna be ‘the rich gringo’ forever there. when times get worse that paints a huge target on you.
some things to think about. im still agonizing over whether to return to the states or not even with all the uncertainty.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 9:40 pm

If you do get back to the states, make sure you settle in a red state. Check out the election maps as a guide.

February 28, 2021 9:55 pm

If you have not been properly filing all your taxes and forms, such as FBAR, etc., returning to the US could land you in a world of major league shit. No kidding. And my guess is that, like most, you will have missed or ignored something.

My tax attorney says that without a professional who knows about international tax, an expat has zero chance of meeting tax and filing requirements. The penalties include felonies, loss of half your assets for every year you do not file FBAR if it is intentional or wilfully blind, etc.

Make sure you are clean before you return, or take a big risk.

March 1, 2021 2:47 am

so far kept everything paperwork wise as squared away as possible, considering exactly the possibility of going back.. but thats always very good advice.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2021 4:38 am

Goring the sacred cow.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2021 4:50 am

When the people have paid into and been conditioned for and promised a given outcome such as SSI or Medicare and have worked and planned their whole lives around it and completely depend on it regardless of right, wrong or it’s obvious soon coming insolvency good luck removing that one.
The people at least deserve the taxes back with interest for what they individually put into it. After that it is truly welfare.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2021 5:39 am

The people were too trusting of their government over SS. They didn’t realize how badly the government lies. That SS trust fund didn’t last long.

  Vixen Vic
March 2, 2021 9:31 pm

They lied about there being a trust fund at all.

March 3, 2021 3:44 am

God knows what they spent it on– wars, welfare, African nation building, “space exploration.” I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today…

  Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2021 11:25 am

any politician who doesn’t keep SS going will be finished as a politician.

  Eyes Wide Shut
March 3, 2021 3:41 am

And don’t forget an adjustment for real-dollar inflation.

  Eyes Wide Shut
February 28, 2021 2:21 pm

anybody under 60 with two brain cells has got to realize hes never gonna see a penny of it. not only better make your own plans, but dont even get into the mentality. yes, even inside ones family it is hard to not see those who pull down pensions, as living off of the blood of their children. they , and even more the ‘greatest generation’ types, were all for that system , voting themselves a comfortable life on the backs of their boomer kids, with the implied promise that theyd get an even sweeter deal. many of them have. even the private sector ‘investments’ that are fuelled by financial cannibalism are merely another wealth transfer from the destitute younger working people ,and any who have a clue how it works is bound to be bitter about it.
sorry to anyone ‘retired’ reading this but any government money is dirty money, and so is any bankster financial ‘profits’.

One Enchanted Evening
One Enchanted Evening
February 27, 2021 5:24 am

SS is perfectly sustainable. Try a tax on speculation. They tax the shit out of everything else. Stocks today are simply another form of gambling. I have multiple forms of income, some from the government as well. It is obvious the system is not sustainable. Not picking up free money lying on the ground is stupid. In the next 5-10 years currency will all be electronic, then game over. Forget about any rebellion. Once the gubbermint can lock you down with a click of a mouse, take everything from you, won’t matter were you get your income.

If the media and gubbermint can convince a majority of the people to get a vaccine that modifies your DNA, to wear 1/2/3 masks for a virus that doesn’t kill a vast majority of people that get it, 1/2 of white people hating themselves for being white, well I think all hope is lost. Not to worry though, when the Lord comes back he will sort all this shit out double quick.

  One Enchanted Evening
February 28, 2021 3:31 pm

I meant to get back to this. It garnered 29 up votes. Yet it hasthe singular stupidest sentences in the entire thread.

Why? Here you go:

SS is sustainable – if you raise taxes.

Seriously, it does not get any stupider than that. That is admission in and of itself that it is NOT sustainable.

It is sustainable if you raise taxes. Unfucking believable. And people upvoted that shit.

Think about it -it is sustainable so long as you raise taxes. So, it is in fact not sustainable. You cannot keep taxing your way to more welfare.

February 28, 2021 4:20 pm

I think his 2nd paragraph prompted the upvotes. But that is just why I upvoted.

One Enchanted Evening
One Enchanted Evening
March 2, 2021 12:22 pm

My point being noodlehead is they could tax the speculation to fund SS. Governments gonna tax. Way it has always been. You think your gonna live in a world with government and taxes, well who is the fool now. “Who is naive now Kate”.

Paying taxes to fund SS could be done by taxing the over-speculation in capital markets, which are severely under-taxed. I dunno, we have 800 military bases scattered around the globe, who does that help? Is it so bad to have a program to help the old and infirmed? Some people are just of the mindset that anyone else other than themselves can “Go fuck themselves” regardless of the situation.

Lloph you strike me as that kinda guy. What kind of revenue would a .03 cent tax per share traded in the US capital market generate? Do the math, SS (a program that would have been funded had not the gubbermint stolen the money) funding solved. Oh I am sure many will cry for the banks and the hedge funds, but they will get over it. Government won’t solve the problem, because they don’t want to. They stole the money and now want to tell everyone to “fuck off”. Fuck the guy who paid 40 years into the SS fund.

Greedy and psychopathic wretches of the worst order glide around DC, stealing all that is not nailed down. Always money to bomb some 3rd world nation that can’t fight back, but never money for the people that live in said country.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  One Enchanted Evening
March 2, 2021 10:09 pm

Why give the government more tax dollars when all they do is waste what they’re taking in now? They’re either funding things that nobody would voluntarily contribute to or they’re bombing other countries or they’re sending billions of our hard-earned money to other countries, paying for pork projects, etc. What they need to do is balance the budget and make Americans a priority rather than everyone and everything else.

  One Enchanted Evening
March 3, 2021 5:49 am

Taxation is theft. And your answer to a failing SS is to increase taxes. The stupid, it burns.

Welfare is an unsustainable system. It is self-perpetuating and ever growing. It should be entirely eliminated in all its forms.

The idea that “they stole it from me, they owe me” is absurd.

How about this – you whiteys stole the country from us Indians. You owe us our country back, so cough it up, and fuck off.

When a govt steals, it does not repay. That is how it works. You are just pissed that it was you who they stole from. You could not give a shit if is stolen from anyone else.

It is you who are happy for anyone else to go fuck themselves. You would be more than happy for the young to pay for your retirement. You are happy to steal their future.

The immorality of dickheads like you is never ending.

very old white guy
very old white guy
February 27, 2021 8:32 am

I am an old man and If I could bring it all down and start over I would do it. The benefit for future generations would far outweigh any problems that I might face. I am still capable of taking what I need from a communist.

February 27, 2021 9:08 am

Once this sucker goes down, people you have trusted will become your enemy. Bad times and no money will lead to the good turning bad.
Basically, unconditional trusting based on the past is not a wise choice. For me, all it takes is for a person to say one stupid thing and suddenly they are moved into the untrustworthy category. So far, there’s ONE fellow I now trust so far, thus I believe my suspicion of my fellow man is pretty much maxed out.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 9:23 am
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 10:02 am

Red-pilled Cos! He had a lot of good points. He was wrong about the Irish, but the rest of it made sense. And then there’s the fucken Austrians. Committing micro aggressions at Wendy’s and having to be detained by the Chatham police. They gotta go. Except if we’re only 25% Austrian.

  Iska Waran
February 28, 2021 9:55 am

Ha,ha.So true about crazy bitches and polish(polish old bitches are the worst).

Roger V Tranfaglia
Roger V Tranfaglia
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 3:09 pm

He was RAPING WOMEN long before he pruduced that vid.

February 27, 2021 9:52 am

“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.”

Herbert Stein

February 27, 2021 9:56 am

Social Security IS NOT welfare – it is a delayed retirement benefit, much like a military pension. I paid into it for 50 years. Aren’t I allowed to get my money back with interest? And you’d better watch who you call a foe. Us older folks are more patriotic and conservative in thinking than most every other age group. Many of us have railed against government overspending and the government refusing to produce a balanced budget – all to no avail. Voting doesn’t work. We are already past the tipping point, the point of no return. I, for one, am looking forward to the next ‘stimulus’ check. Why? Because I can spend that money much more wisely than the government can! When I spend money, it’s for a good or service. When the government spends it, it makes a bureaucrat richer.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
February 27, 2021 11:45 am

Cathbad. You’re right, SS isn’t welfare, it’s much worse, as a PONZI scheme. I hope you get your stim check too, since its just a thief returning some of what they stole from you. Technically, SS is an “entitlement” you must meet certain criteria to be eligble to receive. You paid into SS, like many others, because it was the “law”, and you lived in a high trust society, which we dont have much of these days. Your SS monies went directly to a recipient for all 50 years you paid in, with a small amount to the SS fund. You have no “right” to get your money back with interest, that money is gone. The only hope you have to get your “contributions”, which is actually money stolen from you over a 50 year window, back is that other people still working will continue paying into the PONZI scheme called SS. In 2032 or 34, the SS trust fund is predicted to go broke and will be unable to pay whats owed to recipients. The first people into the SS PONZI scheme made out like bandits. Please look up Ida Mae Fuller, first SS payee. It’s crazy what she got, versus what she contributed. We are all at the end of the SS PONZI plan, and we will all get screwed, some of us more royally than others. I hope y’all have other plans for old age income, cuz SS won’t cut the mustard when the rubber meets the road over the next 20 to 50 years. I could go on for awhile on this and may write something up to submit to Jim, since most people would get out pitchforks and torches if they knew the truth about SS and what is going to happen in the near future. Good luck,we’re going to need it.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Saxons Wrath
February 27, 2021 11:49 am

I have it on good authority that all the money is safe in a lock box.

No worries.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 12:48 pm

Yeah, the glitter-covered lockbox that is protected by unicorns and rainbows. LOL.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 8:53 pm

And Fort Knox is full of gold…..NOT…..

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 28, 2021 6:40 pm

Ms Pillosee may have run off with it.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 9:57 pm

I believe it disappeared soon after the Fed was created, way before Pelosi.

  Vixen Vic
March 1, 2021 8:30 pm

I sometimes find myself wondering how much longer she’s going to live.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 1, 2021 3:36 pm

Not the bank lock box, your own personal safe. I keep car titles and important papers at the bank box.

  Saxons Wrath
February 27, 2021 7:49 pm

Saxon – very astute comment. You get it, but Cath will never get it.

February 27, 2021 11:56 am

Your words are better than mine would have been. I too paid in to SS for fifty years. Can one even refuse it? Doesn’t matter, I need it. With property taxes etc. breaking even with no debt isn’t as easy as it looks. Am I one of the good guys? Maybe, I’m boning up on among other things nullification, constitutional law, and generally preparing for where and when my line is. Deeds do/will matter.

PA Mom
PA Mom
February 27, 2021 12:24 pm

I agree. It is not welfare. It is not a handout. It was designed for people who worked at jobs that offered no retirement plan. The same worker who did not earn enough to self-fund but also had the taxes withheld for the SS program. My dad had a great job in the steel industry until it collapsed. He LOST EVERYTHING! No pension. No health care. All those years wiped out. He had to learn a new trade at much less pay and no benefits. He IS entitled to receive his monthly check. He does not get “big checks” because his was based on way lower wages from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. He did his time and this is his own dime. I have heard for over 20 years that SS would go bankrupt before I ever retired. Less than 2 years to go and it is still trudging along. Propaganda to scare the old people and anger the young.

  PA Mom
February 27, 2021 4:55 pm

it is a .gov handout.. the rest is semantics.

February 27, 2021 9:35 pm


It’s a ‘trap’ made to look like government benevolence.

By the time most figure it out they are too old and dependent to do anything about it.

I have been desperately seeking defiant self-sufficiency, and fiscal independence around the government and the banksters (or is it the banksters and the government) for decades.

March 2, 2021 4:48 pm

“To serve man”
“It’s a cookbook”

  PA Mom
February 27, 2021 7:50 pm

His dime was spent. He is now living off the dime of the young. That is not right.

February 27, 2021 11:43 pm

The government OWES me money. The government has lots of assets that I can take if they refuse to pay what they OWE me.

February 28, 2021 12:32 am

Roberto – Good luck with that.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 2, 2021 10:33 pm

Unfortunately, Social Security is a tax. In 1939, the tax was created before the first SS checks rolled out in 1940. Then the excise tax was created for employers to pay to bulk it up. And there are no guarantees, though they try to make you think there are.

February 27, 2021 4:53 pm

And there you go folks!

CathBad makes it clear exactly as to why it is important to make haste and start compiling lists. It is the proof for llpoh’s point. You are not owed anything Cathbad. Social Security was set up as a pay forward Ponzi scheme. You just drew the shit end of stick. Sucks but that is just the way it is. Whether one paid in for 50 years or started last week, the money is gone, spend long ago on trinkets and shiny things.

February 27, 2021 7:51 pm

Thanks Rob. Cath is the exact illustration of the point.

February 27, 2021 7:54 pm

exactly. anyone expecting to retire with some gubmit cheese best make other plans.

March 2, 2021 5:10 pm

comment image

I am trying to figure out what I uploaded an image of…

Aha! Angora bunnies. The fur is softer than anything I’ve ever petted. They sell for a lot, but they are hard to raise. I’m clipping my buck myself because his hair is matted. They really need a lot of brushing… great pets for little girls. These bring “high dollar” from the farm store. Fifteen bucks as soon as they can eat on their own!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 2, 2021 10:49 pm

After seeing your cages, Maggie, you can keep the opossums away from your rabbits by laying big metal panels under the cage, big enough and high enough that the opossum, raccoon, whatever critter, can’t swing itself up and over the edge or jump up onto it to get to the cage.

Check out videos on YouTube on how to raccoon-proof cat feeding stations and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

You could leave some space between the cage and the metal for the rabbit droppings to fall onto. But the sheet of metal would have to be high enough and stretch out enough from the posts holding up the cage that the unwanted critters can’t get on the metal and to the cage.

Edit: You could also use tall greased metal posts for holding up your cages rather than wood, which lets them sink their claws in and climb.

February 27, 2021 8:55 pm

and moon landings….

March 3, 2021 4:02 am

That may be so, but it’s NOT welfare. If they had done with the money like was promised– safely invested– it would have worked.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 3, 2021 6:35 am

The problem is the government lies.

February 27, 2021 7:47 pm

Cathbad- sorry to break it to you, but they spent your money. Too bad so sad. Entitled has nothing to do with it. It was a tax. Get used to it.

February 27, 2021 11:45 pm

The gov can create all the “money” they need or want.

February 28, 2021 12:33 am

They can create it, but if it has zero value, it will do them, nor you, any good whatsoever. See Argentina, Brazil, etc. for how printing worked out for them.

One Enchanted Evening
One Enchanted Evening
March 2, 2021 12:32 pm

Gee Really? Let’s think about what ALL central banks are doing everywhere. Printing money BRRRRR goes the machine from all. Let’s check in on the countries without central banks. All 2 of them. Iran and North Korea. Of course there were 3 (sorry Libya). So if all countries are printing non stop were you gonna run? Bitcoin?

Sure the ultimate in tracking software built into your currency. Flick it off with a push of a button. Gold and silver paper shorted into oblivion and Bitcoin allowed to go to the moon. Wonder were you government wants you?

February 28, 2021 2:32 pm

the deal was a scam from day one. the proper, responsible thing to have done, back then, was refuse the system back before anybody was dependent on it. At best you can only get back what you put in. Minus administrative costs, inflation, and lost opportunity. You telling me you couldnt spot that as a scam 60 or 70 or 80 years ago? If enough people had a spine back then , they would have pointed it out. but the deal was a lot more cozy in the beginning, always hiding the costs somewhere in the future.
and i’m not letting the private pension people off the hook either – when youre basically just transferring central bank funny money around, when the real economy is shrinking, and ‘profits’ are just cannibalism , stealing wealth through financially sanitized theft.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
March 1, 2021 3:39 pm

America has been taken down by a Marxist coup, this coutnry is in the ashes of history. Not enough patriots left now (men of fighting age) to take the country back, over 90% of adults are ignorant about ag. 2030 and globalist agendas incl genocide and depopulation by 2025 (

  Laura McDonough
March 2, 2021 12:03 am

Tried to give you an upvote Laura McD. But the little thingy popped up saying I already did that.

  Laura McDonough
March 2, 2021 5:13 pm

I upvoted you Laura since psbindy ran out.

March 3, 2021 6:10 am

Thx for having my back, Ghost. LOL!

March 1, 2021 4:28 pm

“I paid into it for 50 years. Aren’t I allowed to get my money back with interest?”

theoretically, sure. but in practice all the money you paid in is long-since spent, and the only way they can pay you anything is by 1) taking it from someone else directly or 2) just printing it up, thus taking the value of everyone else’s dollars indirectly.

” Us older folks are more patriotic and conservative in thinking than most every other age group.”

sure. but you’re not him. that’s who his real foes are – anyone who is not him.

February 27, 2021 11:23 am

Shortsighted and narrow minded position to take. When this balloon pops we will all feel the winds of change.

February 27, 2021 11:48 am

When they run out of other peoples money is when it is nut cutting time. Some will be smart enough to turn on the politicians and lawyer for stealing from them and some won’t. When the whole thing goes Roman(476), those who have enough arms to keep what is theirs will be the leadership of the new system. That will happen when the governments don’t have enough dollars to buy power.

February 27, 2021 12:07 pm

Millennial tool logic..GFY.

February 27, 2021 12:38 pm

Well, Ron Paul, despite being bashed for being non-pragmatic, had some very pragmatic suggestions to address some of these systemic issues. I remember him suggesting first, allowing everyone under a certain age to opt out entirely and simply lose what had been stolen, but could then keep their future contributions in their paycheck. At another younger age, kicked off SS entirely. For the older folks, using the trillions we waste on the overseas empire, the war on drugs, and so many other line items to backfill and address those actually “dependent” on SS for their survival. Then looking at those who could financially sustain themselves fine without. Not perfect, not immediate, but a less than harsh way to address the issues. He of course supported ending the Federal Reserve (through ending of all taxes on PMs and allowing ALL currencies to freely circulate – thus allowing Gresham’s Law to drive out the bad money) and restoring honest banking. Real value to the currency, real interest rates for savers driven by the market, would further address the concerns of folks currently trying to stay above water in a Fed-created inflationary environment. Yeah, none of it fits on a bumper sticker for easy consumption. But there are ways.

February 27, 2021 7:52 pm

There were ways. I think the ship sailed. Ron was who we needed a long time ago.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 5:00 am

I couldn’t agree more. I think this is the end of the U.S. monetary system. Those “elites” have spent us into oblivion.

Laura ann
Laura ann
February 27, 2021 1:46 pm

Agree, but article didn’t mention siblings, cousins, etc who are “neutral” on everything or just don’t care- they will go w/majority. Write them off. I did. Patriots need to quit most churches except the small indep. ones not tied to gov. 501c3 control. (home church or meet w/ friends in small groups). Drop out of all civic clubs/org incl vets org. these never accomplish anything except social stuff and not worth the time. Besides they are infiltrated w/ liberals. Any patriot org. that meet once a mo. : I found them useless over time all talk no action. Both of us on SS,Medicare and husband retired civil svc blue collar. Majority of adults in this country are functionally illiterate on practical things/left brain disorder unable to proc. critical thinking skills, weed out these losers from your circle, and those unable to use logic and solve problems everyday stuff. I also weed out potential friends who cannot keep a clean and tidy house, a sign of left brain disorder. Phone freaks incl.

  Laura ann
February 27, 2021 3:26 pm


I also weed out potential friends who cannot keep a clean and tidy house, a sign of left brain disorder. Phone freaks incl.

  Laura ann
February 28, 2021 11:01 am

Totally true.Those who can not keeo their house ckean and tidy must be dumped.I have a friend who is autistic,constant memory loops.He works as RN in VA ,nyc hospital.Makes 140k a year with overtime shifts and night shifts.He never cleaned his house for ….10 years since he got it in Bronx for 425k and paid this year.The house is filled with trash,he has a hoarding problem. OCD about money.He is cinstantky depressed. Other RN in his shifts are blacks an PR who do not want to work but still make 120k a year plus benefits.I wish VA system collapse within 5 years,what a waste!!!!!

February 27, 2021 3:15 pm

Regardless of what anyone does or does not do the system will implode and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. But to say that people who collect SS cannot be trusted is just stupid. I paid into it for 45 years and do you think I just not going to collect it? I don’t need it but I am certainly going to collect as long as I can. We all know it is unsustainable and it will stop. All anyone can do at this point is prepare. If you are going to write an article then write one that will bring people together with what they have in common. And what they can do to prepare. Any more divisive bs is just so counterproductive.

February 27, 2021 7:54 pm

Ray – My point was is do not trust those who rely on it. Those that do not need it, but take it, fall into a different world. Someone who relies on it to eat will respond far differently if it is threatened than someone such as yourself.

February 28, 2021 3:58 pm

yeah ive got three pensions paid up and ‘vested’ in two different countries, and i know i’m never gonna see a single red cent of that. just my decades of labor going straight into the bankers and politicians pockets, with some crumbs tossed to the suckers of previous generations who went along with selling us down the river.
the article’s author knew what he was saying, it’s a very rare man who can keep his integrity in the face of being paid otherwise.

Old Scribe
Old Scribe
February 27, 2021 5:41 pm

What good does a SS retirement check do for one if there’s no food in grocery stores to purchase? Or if it takes one’s entire SS check to buy a can of beans? What good is anyone’s income check that is denominated in a collapsing national currency (government or private) for that matter? How does the threat of withholding government stipends any longer act as leverage to coerce subjects into compliance?

How is a SS recipient controlled by ruling tyrants if they’re capable of producing for their own food, energy, housing needs outside of the digital control grid matrix if living on their own rural homestead while establishing & engaging in their own local grassroots barter exchange networks or Co-ops?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Old Scribe
February 28, 2021 9:50 pm

Until the gov doesn’t like that and decides new laws are in order.

February 27, 2021 5:57 pm

I like Social Security. I’m about a year away. that should automatically make the payments on my new Tesla truck

February 27, 2021 6:17 pm


February 27, 2021 7:21 pm

Sorry, can’t agree with you regarding the “old folks”. Any movement will need us in spades.

February 27, 2021 7:45 pm

If it gets serious, as I suspect it might, they will need those spades to bury the old folks, who will die by the tens of millions if the govt tap gets turned off. I hope that does not happen, but that is not an impossible scenario.

Admin is the 4th turning expert. But last 4th turning, untold millions died off. Seems to happen each time. Not sure how we will avoid it this time.

February 27, 2021 9:41 pm


The ideological commie, Maoist, etc loons want to kill millions for their utopia…the demonic Luciferians want to completely depopulate and kill billions.

Best as I can tell the Luciferians are large and in charge.

Good post, lively debate.

February 28, 2021 11:13 am

True,old folks who can not keep themselves must rely on their kids to support them.So those cat and dog b.should go.They are the worst liberals i know.Nobody wanted to f… them when they were young.

February 28, 2021 1:32 pm

wasn’t it the young people who died during the last 4th turning?

February 28, 2021 9:56 pm

Lots of them. And a lot of old folks too.

February 28, 2021 4:25 pm

I think they are planning a race war.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 9:35 pm

A lot of young and middle-aged will also die, the ones supported by government for their meals and housing.

February 27, 2021 9:54 pm

And how do you suggest being kind to old folks?

Oh please, quit with the making everyone an enemy. The brush you’re painting with is so broad that it needs a crane to move it. You’re an old fart, have you excluded yourself? You make the mistake of thinking that citizens have power under our great New World Order. The greatest fallacy you’re making is believing that the system isn’t going to collapse because those ‘enemies’ are going to keep it from happening.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
February 28, 2021 3:58 am

Llpoh – For those over 65 that are still alive in 3 or 4 years (will be mostly the relative few that did not take a vax), do you think their perspective will change when their SS income is still being paid and still in the nominal dollar amount they expected BUT that amount only buys a few cents on the dollar of today? Somehow I doubt those types will be very positive about the govt and will start thinking about better alternatives (meaning, for those who are still able) working down on a farm for some real non-GMO food and board in exchange for their labor. Thoughts?

While I know I will be jumping right back into the fire. God willing, I will be going BACK to the U.S. towards the end of this year and scratching out (I Hope) an existence with my better half on a small plot somewhere and work to exchange what ever our specialty ends up being (suspect various veggies and eggs) with some folks who focus on diary or wheat, for example.) We will either die out there or go down trying to earn an honest living in the face of the evil one himself and us, as an entire Earth, reaping what we have collectively sown (even though some of us at various times have at least partially woken up from the matrix and are striving to repent for our past ways).

  Didius Julianus
February 28, 2021 4:10 am

Didi – yes, positions will change when hunger and deprivation set in. I think inflation is lurking. But when they are borrowing $4 trillion a year – $12000 per person per year – small inflation will not be good enough. Very serious inflation may be on the cards.

February 28, 2021 8:49 am

I would calculate SS to the ammount paid to the system plus 2-3% return on investment.When it is gone,no more money.Let the kids to support u.

February 28, 2021 4:00 pm

you ran the kids broke paying for your freebies earlier on.

March 2, 2021 12:13 am

you ran the kids broke paying for your freebies earlier on.

Whoa! That was him? Eugene? Boy, shame on him.

February 28, 2021 10:22 am

Sinclair ‘s law is one of the reasons that people accepted the fake election and the unelected pResident, as long as the checks still come Buydin* has the support of the payroll patriots.
I for one am going to take my Buyden* bucks and put them into silver, lead and my favorite cryptos, because the system is going to collapse, once the remuneration to the useful idiots becomes worthless then Sinclair’s law will no longer be relevant.
Because one of the necessary results of the insane spending and utterly inept government will be a dollar collapse somewhere along the lines of the Weimer Mark.
They very.well.may not accept reality, but reality doesn’t care.

March 1, 2021 1:08 pm

“There is simply no way in hell you can trust anyone to act to bring down the current system if they are 100% reliant on that system to survive”

isn’t that simply projection on your part? you wouldn’t, so that anyone else might just doesn’t enter your mind?

March 2, 2021 5:59 pm

John Rawls’s veil?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 2, 2021 11:17 pm

The luxury prepper.

Marcus Bash
Marcus Bash
March 2, 2021 3:14 pm

Social security is NOT welfare! It is a forced “retirement fund” paid into your entire life at gunpoint.

How many years must someone pay INTO welfare to get benefits? Generational welfare belies that.

Do you wear your mask when driving alone?

I guess you loved the lone ranger as a kid huh?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Marcus Bash
March 2, 2021 11:14 pm

It was sold to the public as a “retirement plan” but it’s actually a tax. People, like my grandparents, initially thought their money was going into a fund that would gain interest. Not hardly. There was an initial fund but it didn’t gain interest for future recipients. It was eventually put into the general budget along with all other taxes the government receives.

February 27, 2021 9:51 am

All orcs don’t covet thirty pieces of silver.

Richard Mooney
Richard Mooney
February 27, 2021 12:23 pm

Very astute analysis. Your right that living in fear of loss income is not valid. We are all (i am 71) watching our income be destroyed my the real infection rate. I for one, am willing to live as a begger, if need be, if I can in anyway save my children and grandkids from no future but misery.

  Richard Mooney
February 28, 2021 4:29 pm

How evil that it could come to that for many trapped in bad circumstances

February 27, 2021 1:18 pm

I’ve never trusted anyone whose major concerns included “stiff” government penalties for any action. He/she is the first to sell you out to said government to reduce his penalty.

February 28, 2021 8:42 am

That is true,bad people(90%) will become worse,especially men,women are have more empathy.In this environent drugdealers are more trusted than regular sheeple .

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2021 9:44 pm

Quite simply, I believe anyone who receives income from the government must be put into the foe category.

Wouldn’t be more productive to think about why the government is so eager to give people free money? It’s because the US dollar is counterfeit money from a private bank. They want people to accept it to give it legitimacy.

  Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2021 9:58 pm

This is anticipating the hard times to come. We all know the myriad reasons why it is coming. The issue will be how to safely and effectively resist as the collapse accelerates.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2021 10:00 pm

It’s easy to figure out who the friend will be; the person with the stash of Jack Daniels, loose cigarettes, and chocolate bars in bulk.

  Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2021 10:16 pm

Well, I got the booze covered.

Georges S
Georges S
  Stephanie Shepard
February 27, 2021 2:04 am

Funny I said something of a sort in another post:

The day fiat money will be worthless will be the time barter will become the new money: the exchange of skills, garden food (if you can keep it from thieves) results of husbandry (eggs poultry milk from cow goat or sheep. But perhaps one of most important bartering items would be those that would affect certain addiction. I’m not talking about dope here, that would be dangerous (and would attract the real dealers) but I was thinking of hooch and cigs. Do you have tobacco seeds? Start growing! Do you have fruit trees? Start the fire under your still. I wonder how many pounds of flour could I trade for a pint of moonshine


  Stephanie Shepard
February 27, 2021 4:58 pm

Don’t forget toilet paper.

February 27, 2021 7:56 pm

Or just learn to scootch like a dog! 😁

February 27, 2021 9:06 pm

haha, funny Llipoh, when the Indians first came to take over IT in the 90’s, they had to put up a sign on the bathroom stalls saying “don’t stand on the toilet seats”. No Shit, well, yes, shit.

February 28, 2021 4:31 pm

At one time that would have been funny.

  Stephanie Shepard
February 28, 2021 4:30 pm

I can make decent chocolate fudge.

  Stephanie Shepard
February 27, 2021 5:28 am

Good to see you you’re still around Stephanie. God bless.

February 27, 2021 11:10 am

didja mean Q bless

  Stephanie Shepard
March 1, 2021 1:18 pm

“It’s because the US dollar is counterfeit money from a private bank”

more specifically it’s debt, repayable only with greater debt. that’s why.

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 9:56 pm

How about we start with not trusting pussies who don’t even live in the United States…

  Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 10:15 pm

Yawn. Excuse me while I enjoy my nice booze, my low fed debt nation, my nation with almost no illegal immigrants, my nice views, my friendly and supportive neighbors, etc.

I paid my US dues, and now live where I choose. I have the wherewithal such that I could live literally anywhere on earth, but choose to live here. Because I like it here best.

Btw, what have you ever done for the site? Go back to your gruel in momma’s basement sucking on the govt teat.

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 10:21 pm

Gee, who said I was talking about YOU? You, with your “friendly and supportive neighbors,” telling me not to trust mine. GFY.

Admin knows what I have done for this site. But now that you mention it, what have YOU ever done for America? Just another off shore POS pontificating about AMERICA but choosing to live elsewhere, because you like elsewhere “best.” Blow me.

  Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 10:27 pm

Peter, this is going to effect (or is it affect? EC HELP ME!!!) the world. I am looking forward to this being a very productive conversation for this post/article.

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 10:53 pm

Sorry, GNL I’m a little sensitive about America. I still carry her locket, you see. I still sing her songs and tend her garden and keep her fire. I’m beyond a little tired of being lectured about US domestic politics by people who CHOOSE to live on a foreign shore. This post was aimed at Americans, unless they have “Social Security”, SSDI, Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, etc in Oz.

You’re right though- I’ll shut up and quit flaming. Hopefully it will be a productive conversation.

  Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 11:20 pm

Well, like so many others, it seems you are ignorant of what happens beyond the shores of the US. Yep, Oz has equivalents. And the same filter will apply here.

And by the way, US citizens who live outside of the US still have to pay taxes to the US, given they are effectively the only country on earth that taxes their citizens no matter where they live and no matter where their assets are. Make no mistake, US citizens are tax slaves.

And as taxpayers, it makes it entirely appropriate that no matter where they live they be able to say any damn thing they choose about the country. My memory is that the US largely fought a war of independence over taxation without representation. Are you one of those that think it ok to tax someone, but deny them a right to an opinion? Because it sure looks that way.

I am not surprised that people are up in arms over SS and its sundry arms. The Rule of Sinclair is at play. No way known that people will see the truth when to do so would mean that their means of survival is pulled out from under them. Sure, so long as it is not them that is affected they are all for restoring a reasonable system. But make no mistake, like all other welfare systems, SS is not a reasonable system, and it is only a matter of time before it collapses.

February 27, 2021 9:04 am

Canukistan also taxes its offshore slaves and assets.

But like you mentioned, the goal of every communist rule is to impoverish its denizens to an equal degree of poverty. Thereby creating a population completely reliant on the governments genericities.

February 27, 2021 12:22 pm

OZ is just as commie as USA . They have less free speech and no 2A but USA is catching up fast. OZ does have fewer niggers I’ll give them that.
If Llpoh likes it in Oz that is his business. God Bless Him, if he is a believer.

February 27, 2021 1:44 pm

They’re no longer n’s. Please use their new moniker, coke-drinkers!

Sue Robinson
Sue Robinson
February 27, 2021 12:42 pm

I think Lipoh has a serious point here, and we should not ignore it. I know many conservative people who are fed up to their hairlines with our ghastly government who also are receiving or will be receiving transfer payments. I also have believed for some time that those same transfer payments are what is holding the country together right now: people do not want to be without them or the promise that they will be coming. I have made personal preparations for the moment when those payments do stop, or become worthless if there is a currency collapse/hyperinflation. But I think people like me are pretty rare – quite a number of them are on this site! We do represent a tiny portion of the population, though. Maybe we will be enough. I just don’t know. I dread the idea that we may find out. I recall attending a Tea Party sponsored lecture on what happened to the lesser-known men who signed the Declaration of Independence. Nearly all lost their homes and all their property. Many were jailed on prison barges. Many of their family members were killed. I think that less than 10 percent of the Revolutionary era population was directly involved in the fighting. Of course there also is the unknown out there: if there is an economic collapse and those transfer payments suddenly are almost worthless, how will people react? I am sure that various government entities with alphabet names are war gaming that possibility as I write this. Makes a person want to go hmmmmm, doesn’t it.

  Sue Robinson
February 27, 2021 2:37 pm

We too have made preparations for this eventuality. I’m not sure it will work. Gov’t can simply outlaw my exigency plan. ;0
” I have made personal preparations for the moment when those payments do stop, or become worthless if there is a currency collapse/hyperinflation.”

Roger V Tranfaglia
Roger V Tranfaglia
February 27, 2021 3:19 pm

If Im living AND working in AUSSIE LAND…WHY THE F K would I PAY the MOTHERLAND ANY TAX???
Kinda sounds like If I LEAVE CA. I have to PAY HER TAXS for the NEXT 10 YEARS???? PLUS the STATE where I moved to PLUS FEDERAL????
NOT going to HAPPEN BUD!

  Roger V Tranfaglia
February 27, 2021 9:16 pm

Roger – there is thing called FATCA that the US imposes on almost every nation on earth. It requires that other nations report on the activities of US citizens that reside in their nations. And if they do not so report, the US will tax at 30% by memory any transfers from the US to that nation. Of course, all nations folded due to that threat, and do report on any US citizens living abroad.

So, if you do not report your income, the US will know about it, and treaties are in place to help them collect and levy fines. Also, you will find you cannot open bank accounts, etc.

It is much more onerous than what I have briefly said here. But the US makes it very difficult and risky not to report and pay.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Roger V Tranfaglia
February 28, 2021 4:00 am

California is already trying to tax businesses not in their state. You think you can leave and never be taxes? If very well could happen.

February 27, 2021 9:12 pm

Fine, but at 60 I am going to try to collect SS if it still exists. I’ve paid into it and have been a tax slave since i was 14. If I can get it I will. Call me a bad hombre if you will but I will fucking collect from this corrupt government what i can. And NOT depend on it to live.

  Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 11:28 pm

If you are carrying her locket, just who are you supporting? What is a nation? Is it a people? US people have tread it into the ground. Is it a form of govt? Well, that form of govt has been laid waste. Is it the Constitution? A fine document indeed, but it is no longer honored. Just what is it you are supporting? Because the things that once were are no longer. And that can be said of virtually any nation on earth.

If you want to resurrect anything of value, you are going to have to resist. And if you align yourself with foes, you may well pay a heavy price.

February 26, 2021 11:36 pm

I once had a bumperstick that read: The government is not America. I doubt most understood the import of that distinction.

February 27, 2021 12:53 pm

True indeed, but we have the government we have because the citizens “collectively” demanded it, allowed it, encouraged it, etc. over the past 230+ years.

  Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 11:52 pm


I did not mean for you to shut up or quit flaming, tiz what we do here. Let it all hang out. Personally, I have a strong feeling that a person gets the truth (or gets what a person really thinks) when anger is involved.

  Peter Horry
February 27, 2021 1:01 am

A WO2 once said something profound to me, “Never love something that can’t love you back.” He was talking about the Army, but I think it’s apropos to today.
I love the ideal and lament the reality.

February 27, 2021 6:31 am

Affect is what results from effect.

February 27, 2021 10:27 am

You must be the ghost of EC. 🙂

February 27, 2021 11:07 am

“Affect” which causes an “effect”.

February 27, 2021 12:01 pm

Ineffective but also unaffected.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 1:36 am

Or use the rule I apply, effect is usually a noun, affect is usually a verb. (However, there are some exceptions to the rule.)

  Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 4:37 pm

It is those exceptions to rules that ruin the styleguide.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 9:55 pm

I agree. Example: “I” before “E” except after “C.” Why change for one letter?

  Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 10:31 pm

This existential threat to Western Civilization, isn’t external, and the Anglo legacy nations seem to be leading the drive to erect an Iron Curtain 2.0. Hard to wrap one’s mind around that.

  Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 11:24 pm

What have I done? You mean besides serving in its military, paying enormous taxes, creating jobs, saving manufacturing companies that would have otherwise gone broke or been sent offshore, never collecting a red cent in welfare monies of any kind, paying back my student loans in full without complaint, building a successful business, being law abiding, etc.? Gee, now that you mention it, I guess I haven’t done anything. I should be ashamed.

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
February 27, 2021 7:39 am

Wow! With talent and experience like that, we just might be able to… oh wait, YOU served in the military??? I guess you’re not to be trusted. Foes, and all of that divisive nonsense.

  Peter Horry
February 27, 2021 8:00 am

I am going to remember you, whorey. You are going out of your way to be an asshole. You are a nobody around here, a never was nor ever will be, and given I have been around a long time, I would remember if you actually ever made a mark other than a skid on the side of the bowl.

I can smell the failure that drips off of such as you. You reek of it, and your “my country right or wrong” bullshit is evidence of a weak mind and a low intellect, as is your wont to deny voices that are critical of your sacred cow.

I put my bona fides out there, year after year. You crawl out from your mom‘s basement to take a dump.

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
February 27, 2021 8:35 am

Wow, got to ya, did I? Good. You’re a real big shot taking really big shots at a nobody. What a waste of your time and talent and God-given intellect! You put your “bona fides”out year after year and all that. Yada yada.

Look man, it’s pretty simple. I never said nor advocated “my country right or wrong.” Your post was clearly about America. From a foreign shore, you are advocating division and “resistance” in America. Your suggested “enemies” list is an American list. Worse, you are suggesting that most of the population of America should be classified as “foes” not to be trusted. Not your problem though, because YOU don’t live here.

You aren’t the first ex-patriot globalist elite snob trying to divide working America into “us” and “them”, and you won’t be the last. But you may be the one with the thinnest skin.

  Peter Horry
February 27, 2021 4:13 pm

As I said, whorey, US citizens pay taxes. Gives the right to comment. And yes you did imply my country right or wrong. You carry her locket and sing her songs, right? You are too stupid to know what has happened, and too intellectually dishonest to admit that the US you believed in no longer exists.

February 27, 2021 2:20 pm


February 27, 2021 9:16 pm

Where’s Stucky, it not a pertinent shit flinging monkey fest without him.

February 27, 2021 1:23 am

I have a homestead in SE Oz, about 80 acres, lots of water, self- sufficient drinking water, sufficient land to raise critters when I decide the time is right. Like minded folk all around here, and I know them all. Mostly hard working retired small and medium biz people. Amazing how they congregate.

  Peter Horry
February 26, 2021 10:28 pm


  Peter Horry
February 28, 2021 9:31 am

Instead of picking on your “pussies” who decided to go somewhere else, perhaps you should think about The Real Pussies you’ve voted for every election and who have run the country into the ground

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
March 1, 2021 10:23 am

Point well taken. You are correct, and I do.

February 26, 2021 10:25 pm

This is a most timely post. I hope to have some good comments after thinking about this.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 26, 2021 10:38 pm

I have a farm and everybody always says when TSHTF, I’m coming to your farm and I reply to bring your own camper, food and ammo because I cannot put all the people who tell me that in my house and take care of them; and you will have to grow what you eat; any able-bodied person that don’t work, don’t eat. When I meet a guy and shake his hand, I want to feel hard skin and muscle; anything less means he would probably be a gold brick (unless he is a Medical Doctor); I’ll exchange ideas but he’s on his own in this world as far as I’m concerned. Any woman who tries to be the boss isn’t welcome; nor any liberal or non-Christian (there are good others but food will be precious so let their god take care of them). I wish I had the money to create Mt Jesus farm community for hundreds but that’s in God’s hands.

February 26, 2021 10:58 pm

loophole, You got too much time on your hands. Who can you trust? Trust few, trust your dogs, and your wife. If you have to ask others who you should trust… and you’re how old? Do they add shit to the water in Australia?

February 26, 2021 11:10 pm

Forming a community of like minded people certainly requires vetting. Being on your own in a SHTF situation is unstable.

February 26, 2021 11:11 pm

I ain’t asking nothing. Can you read, or were you just born stupid? I am giving one method that can be used to separate the wheat from the chaff.

richard s
richard s
February 27, 2021 2:50 pm

excellent. like the Charlie Daniels song lyrics;
“‘Cause I ain’t asking nobody for nothin’
If I cant get it on my own If you don’t like the way I’m livin’
You just leave this long-haired country boy alone

February 26, 2021 11:11 pm

Haha, how long is anyone going to last if all he’s got is his wife and dogs? C.O.M.M.U.N.I.T.Y.

February 26, 2021 11:14 pm

We wish we could find like minded folks. I know they’re around here, but I don’t know how to find them.

February 26, 2021 11:39 pm

Tie a bottle of beer on a string, and see who comes along, then reel them in.

I met my best neighbors using something akin to that technique, in all seriousness. Living in the country does tend to naturally weed out a lot of foes. Country folk are naturally community minded, it seems. Maybe HSF can elaborate.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 12:54 am

Very, very high trust area to live in. Once people get a sense of who you are and how you behave, you are treated accordingly, but outsiders stand out like a sore thumb and crime is therefore far lower than in urban areas where strangers or anonymous pass through types are the norm and getting involved is simply not done.

I know I feel safe and that a very large part of that is the insulation provided by layers of watchful and responsible neighbors. Our weakness is our numbers, which are lower, but our strength is an intimate knowledge of the area and people and the fact that everyone- and I mean everyone- is armed to the teeth.

And people are creatures of habit. Some people might go afield to look for easy targets when the wheels fall off, but my gut instinct is that most people will do the crazy in surroundings that are familiar to them.

Of course none of us knows for sure how things will play out, but it’s always safest to be as far from the center of large masses of people than to be in the midst of it when they lose their shit.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 1:10 am

We’ve at least done that; moved from a 7.5 million metro, to a county with two incorporated towns. The county seat has about 1500 people and we live 13 miles from there. 60 miles from the nearest Interstate, and 80 miles to the nearest decent sized city (Chattanooga).

February 27, 2021 1:24 am

Great work, falcon.

February 27, 2021 6:06 am

Been trying for years to get the wifey out of our urban suburb and into a much more rural lifestyle. She’s slowly waking to the idea after watching the slow motion train wreck in our country. I just want to make the move before the train stops.

February 27, 2021 6:07 am

Good luck, Hans.

richard s
richard s
February 27, 2021 2:56 pm

a wife is indeed a blessing. on our anniversary, mine wanted me to take here to one of those places where they prepare the food right in front of you. So I took her to subway.

  richard s
February 27, 2021 9:28 pm

haha, dogmeat?

February 28, 2021 3:12 pm

There are no good docs in rural areas and ine may wait 2-3 months to get to a specialist.One my friend moved back to Far Rochaway,queens, ny from Franklin, upstate NY to get ti good docs,when his wife got sick

February 28, 2021 3:15 pm

And he moved to projects,he can afford.U can not find no more projects to move anymore.

February 27, 2021 7:21 am

Sounds like the area where I am moving to in NC.
The road I will live off is 1.5 miles (one way in and out) off a main road. Last 1/4 is a dirt. Almost all neighbors are armed, we do have a few screaming liberals – they are in the minority (old hippies)

richard s
richard s
February 27, 2021 2:54 pm

Yep. I’m over here in the Ozarks, and so far out in the country, that even the Methodists handle snakes.

  richard s
March 1, 2021 4:50 pm

A Methodist snake handler!

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 27, 2021 11:57 pm

How about a little closer info; I have a 5 acre lot off hwy 64 just past Campbell Airstrip on Bob Bell Circle in Polk County that’s only good for a camper or a small “fort” while I look for a better property. If I can ever get enough money to go up and buy 50 or so acres, I’d like to look you up.

March 2, 2021 5:15 pm

Sounds about like where we are situated across the Mississippi and a few (50)miles in.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 1:24 am

Thanks HSF.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 9:27 pm

I am lucky to have found a church and friends that I think I trust in short order of moving down south. They are probably still vetting us, but that is to be believably observed. I bitch about the half mile hike up the mountains that only a 4wd will get to and the last house on the road, but it is really a blessing. Keeps out the riff-raff ! God Bless!

February 27, 2021 11:31 am

I’ll chime in too. I’ve been living in the country in a foreign country for 17 years now. I live alone, although my son, his wife and three kids live in another house on the property. I wholly agree that “Country folk are naturally community minded”. And I agree with HSF’s answer, although here we don’t have the kind of potential enemies that exist in the USA.

richard s
richard s
February 27, 2021 2:47 pm

militia groups and such….IMO 20 percent are informers.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 26, 2021 11:16 pm

The flipside is a distinct possibility. The assumption that the FedGov is going to keep shoveling money into folks bank accounts doesn’t look like a lock to me ($2,000? $1,400? Anyone know what happened to that promise?)

My guess is that the spigot is going to trickle and then dry up and the folks hanging on their every EFT are going to be a hell of a lot angrier at Uncle Sugar, but then I never thought the mask thing would become a permanent part of the social fabric of America, so what do I know?

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 26, 2021 11:18 pm

Sure, once people can get free things, taking them away will make many feel cheated out of their ‘entitlement.’

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 26, 2021 11:19 pm

I thought the House was suppose to vote on their stimulus bill today. Did that even happen? Also, whatever happened to Joe Biden’s SOTU that was scheduled for feb 23rd?

  Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2021 11:40 pm

Why would anyone vote Steph’s comment down? She is asking for clarification. Don’t be assholes for no reason.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2021 11:55 pm

Dang, Stephanie, I hadn’t even noticed that a SOTU speech got memory-holed. I distinctly remember the media acting like he was going to do it in February. When you Google it now you get stories about “there’s no requirement for a SOTU speech”. There had been a Wikipedia article about State of the Union speech 2021, but it got yanked within the last 24 hours. He must be going downhill fast. Any chance they bombed Syria just to distract us from SOTU not happening?

  Iska Waran
February 27, 2021 6:35 am

Plenty of info if you look. Joe the Turnip is being protected by his handlers engaged in delaying tactics at every level.
Dems are asking to keep the nuclear codes from Fraud46*. His press secretary is lying about re-scheduling a press briefing in DC while Air Force 1 has already taken off to Houston. A delayed SOTU in front of CONgress is due to vague threats of “vindictive assassination” and “domestic terrorism”. Biden himself avoids any type of off-key engagement with the press after making official statements because his handlers are reticent about his rambling dementia being televised.
At some point Biden’s mental incapacity will become so obvious no one can ignore it – like the “bloody eye” ( sub conjunctival hemorrhage) seen during 2019. It’s an indicator of susceptibility to strokes.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 1:38 am

Biden in Texas: “What am I doing here?”

Joe Biden in TX: “I want to thank Representatives ‘Shirley’ Jackson Lee…Lizzie Pinnela, uh, excuse me, uh, Pinell,  and uh, what am I doing here?” [VIDEO]

  Iska Waran
February 27, 2021 9:35 pm
Roger V Tranfaglia
Roger V Tranfaglia
  Stephanie Shepard
February 27, 2021 3:28 pm

IF it happens, harris will give it. Before? or AFTER her inaugeration is hard to say.
I gave biden 2 months, looks like Ima gettin muh 6PACK!

  Stephanie Shepard
February 28, 2021 3:25 pm

`What SOTU???Everybody will see he has an early dimentia .My 2 grandmothers died at the age of 96 from pneumonia, no dimentia,worked till they got sick.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 26, 2021 11:37 pm

HSF – I believe you are correct. I, and others, have said that hunger will drive change. When that happens, a great many will shift from foe to friend very quickly indeed.

February 27, 2021 7:10 am

Food can be a great tool, but people are frequently unethical and more subtle than dogs. Ideological motivations are quite often hidden and winnowing lazy locusts from the truly productive is going to an issue. No one will ride for free and the days of simply waving currency around for easy material items will be gone.
Choose the people wisely.

February 27, 2021 12:57 pm

“Choose the people wisely” – aka, make sure that they will likely be tender if you are forced to eat them.

Roger V Tranfaglia
Roger V Tranfaglia
February 27, 2021 3:31 pm

No doubt that there ARE recipes on the ‘net.

February 27, 2021 6:31 pm

MrLiberty, Re choosing people who would be tender if you are forced to eat them: I read an account by an Englishwoman about her somewhat genteel life in Colonial Africa in the 1920s-30s. She noted that word amongst the natives was that long pig who smoked cigarettes tasted terrible.

Just a heads up for your culinary checklist.

February 27, 2021 9:37 pm

Just don’t fuck with my dogs!!

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 9:30 pm

masks? fuck masks!!!

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 9:33 pm

A story on the local SW Virginia news this morning. Appomattox county vaccinated all their teachers and bus drivers etc. School was called on for today, but NOOOO. Over 100 people called in sick because of the “vaccine”! Who woulda fucking thunk!!!

February 28, 2021 8:07 am


Hudson H Luce
Hudson H Luce
February 26, 2021 11:22 pm

Well, if you want to be serious, the government can yank anyone’s chain any time it damned well pleases – those yards and yards of federal regulations in the CFR and laws in the US Code, plus state laws and ordinances – you may not know what they are, but you’re charged with total knowledge of them – “ignorance of the law is no excuse”. And prosecutors enjoy total immunity – they can draw up false charges, and you have no recourse. Your city or county can take your land, after offering a “fair price”, as fair as any property tax appraisal, or they can hound you out with code violation fines – or public health orders. So they don’t need to pay you a damned dime, they can mess you up and mess you over any time they feel like it. And they have no duty to render any service to any individual or group of individuals, either – that’s the Public Duty Doctrine. And you can’t sue the government without its permission – that’s Sovereign Immunity. So the fact is simply that everyone can be messed with, can be gotten to, and it’s not just the people collecting Other Peoples Money. I’m not sure which paradise you live in, but it’s an even bet that the Powers That Be can mess your life over, too, unless you own the government, or have them scared so shitless of you that they’ll leave you alone.

  Hudson H Luce
February 26, 2021 11:33 pm

Excellent. One doesn’t have to run afoul of criminal violations. The Administrative State’s tentacles and power are also nearly infinite. And once you are cited for an administrative violation, your life can be destroyed trying to defend yourself. For example, building a pond on your own land can enrage the EPA and they will take action if they deem it a violation of the EPA’s powers to regulate.

richard s
richard s
February 27, 2021 3:02 pm

right on. remember when they said about water, “any impoundment.” is that my tiny little pond?

  Hudson H Luce
February 27, 2021 2:16 am

Hudson, I don’t think you have considered that if a gov’t entity stole your property that the officials enforcing such evil might suffer death as a result. We humans have an innate and strong affinity for justice with energy for revenge at the ready when we feel no legal remedy is available to us. If thrown in prison, we might “burn” as Solzhenitsyn did in the camps when thinking what he might have done, but to have your property taken from under you and you being still at large would I think elicit a dread response that might very well cool down such gov’t activity.

February 27, 2021 8:50 am

I am reminded of Marvin Heemeyer and his killdozer. There was a guy pushed to the limit where he no longer felt obliged to abide by the rules.

  Hudson H Luce
February 27, 2021 9:16 am

Show me the man and I will show you his crime. An oft used axiom with communists.

Georges S
Georges S
February 27, 2021 9:19 am

Another communist would say: Give me your watch and I will give you time. (Then of course he would charge taxes on it).

February 27, 2021 2:17 pm

Uncle Joe…Stalin’s quote I believe.

February 27, 2021 3:06 pm

yes… Which the politicals still use today…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 26, 2021 11:40 pm

So basically the pool of friends is bartenders and hookers. Makes sense, actually.

  Iska Waran
February 26, 2021 11:45 pm

Worked for me when I was young. At least the bartender bit. No hookers in my past, tho. Gave that an entire miss.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 27, 2021 1:51 am

Me neither. I’ve never rented before. Long-term lease wouldn’t be the dumbest idea, though.

February 26, 2021 11:58 pm

Approx. 18,000,000 are gov’t employees in the US.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 26, 2021 11:58 pm

Since I assume Stucky will show up to comment, Alles Gute zum Geburtstag.

  Iska Waran
February 27, 2021 5:43 pm

Danke Schoen!! (Heute bin Ich sehr alt geworden!)

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 27, 2021 9:24 pm

Auchtundsechzig, nicht wahr?

  Iska Waran
February 28, 2021 7:18 am


February 27, 2021 12:00 am

A difficult task, no doubt. Especially if under time constraints, or urgency, in the midst of crisis on the horizon.

“But it is critical to have some kind of screening system, a go, no go gauge as it were, and this is the best I have come up with.”

A starting point perhaps, but should at least be able to identify exceptions to the general rule. Needs enhancing, IMO.

Sounds like your saying anybody who has had, or still gets any benefit whatsoever, derived from working for or partnered with government, or even receiving back from the Gov. in any way, shape or form, even what they took from private citizens in skimmed earnings,
cannot or should not be trusted to be a reliable, loyal friend in times of trouble, or Friends vs Enemies confrontations

But still, from such a wide swath: “And of course there will be some in each category that are trustworthy.”

A parallel comparison would be a southerner’s automatic rejection of a transplanted Yankee, without proper vetting.

I believe it would hastily disqualify a few who would be more than worthy, and helpful, contributing assets.
Some things aren’t as they seem, and some folks aren’t as suspicious or untrustworthy as a screener’s first perceptions.

I suspect you might argue that point, stating that your gut instinct has never been wrong, or very rarely has been.

You have become extraordinarily free and independently wealthy, with your business skills, talents, upbringing, and work ethic, based on what I have read and learned here.
You’ve almost certainly provided great career starting points for many people you employed and gave business to.
But, you’re in a category of very successful individuals whose numbers are small compared to the majority. Rare.
i.e, a small percentage of the various degrees and levels of success, with regards to income independence.
Thus, your circle of trustworthy, respectable friends would mostly be like minded individuals,
and the number of people who would be worthy, in your judgment, would be few and far between, I would bet.

Exceptions to the general rule, and finding them, if advantageous?
I’d propose something in the way of tests, questions, and what-if scenarios to see their responses.
Unfortunately, a more thorough screening of those might take more time.
Great, lasting, trustworthy friendships are built that way, over time and experience, but
most of the folks that hang out here are quite aware of that.

So, if you had to decide quickly, then perhaps your gauge does in fact work best.
Some aspects of it are easily recognizable in my own sphere of people I reluctantly tolerate, at this stage.

Good Luck.
We’ll all need some of that, regardless our level of preparation, and how few friends we can truly trust.

February 27, 2021 12:07 am

Nice comment, anon. Would be great if you would post with name so we could all get to know you better.

What I have written is a starting point, no more. People will have to make decisions. Nothing will be perfectly black and white. It’s is a general means of screening, and it was written to draw comments.

It is akin to walking toward a large group of blacks. I weigh the percentages, given that they are like 6 or 8 times more likely as a demographic to commit violence, and make a decision (generally means I avoid going near groups of blacks).

February 27, 2021 7:54 am

Full disclosure. Retired military here. I think it’s foolish to screen out military from your list. Most of us are full blooded patriots and defenders of liberty and freedom. You can tell from my moniker that I don’t think kindly of government in any form. I don’t care that I get a check from uncle sugar. Even though I earned it. I don’t go along with the uniparty and its continuous growth and over reach… Chip

February 27, 2021 8:03 am

Smaller, I think you vastly overestimate the quality of military personnel these days. Hell, even the academies are plagued by cheating and scandal. That was unheard of not so long ago.

Retired military are possibly a horse of a different color.

February 27, 2021 2:14 pm

I always check the election results for Liberty County (Hinesville), Ga, the home of Ft. Stewart, an infantry division. It is a predominantly rural county, and the Post is that county. That South Ga county voted 61% for Biden. Also voted for HumaHillary and Osama. Both white incumbent GOP Senators were crushed in this Army town .

Yeah, the Army is not the American People’s friend.

February 28, 2021 12:04 am

You actually trust the election results in ANY of GA? Come now.

February 28, 2021 11:10 pm

The same trends in other Army counties. This is S. Georgia. BTW, I used to live in Hinesville Ga. Army blacks aren’t Republicans. And an Army infantry division has a very large contingent of blacks.

March 2, 2021 6:02 pm

Been readin this that someone else posted (HT/thx):

Beware the wrong enclave…

February 27, 2021 10:28 pm

I know a lot of Vietnam vets collecting benefits from the government. When things get ugly, I’ll be glad to have them as neighbors and friends. I don’t care where their income comes from.

February 27, 2021 11:43 pm


I just wish those Vets were a tad more to the younger side.

February 27, 2021 2:15 pm

Please read my below post regarding Ft. Stewart, Ga.

richard s
richard s
February 27, 2021 3:06 pm

Nice ! and our oath has no expiration date.

February 27, 2021 12:29 am

there are a lot of lesser actions people could take to resist, and they’re really pain free and still legal. Most of ‘our side’ isn’t committed enough to even stop their Prime Amazon membership, dropping NetFlix…in other words stop feeding the massive Tech industry. Stop buying thousand dollar smart phones. Ditch the satellite/cable/streaming subscriptions…except those that are actually beneficial like the The Blaze. Stop using Gaggle for a search engine. Stop buying Disney anything. Leave the Amerikan Urban Utopias. Stop feeding them, move out as far as possible. In the aggregate it would have impact. Oh, take off your Covid-Burqa. Even my 80% voted for Trump country still overwhelmingly won’t resist. If these little things are too much to sacrifice (Oh my), and apparently they are too much to bear, then yeah absent a complete SHTF scenario, the tiny minority of like-minded individuals should divorce themselves as much as possible from the Borg. Nothing profound, but choosing to resist actually requires action.

February 27, 2021 12:41 am

Yes, and we don’t need to be independently wealthy to make it happen.

February 27, 2021 1:24 am

Many many things; ditch your gmail, yahoo mail ect. Get a Protonmail account and others that aren’t in the biz to harvest your information…buy a VPN. So many things to signal you aren’t going to voluntarily submit.

February 27, 2021 12:47 am

I find myself in a very strange position of agreeing with practically everything you wrote, and yet disagreeing with almost everything you wrote.
I’ll try to explain so that even I understand what I’m trying to say…

And I suggest the Rule of Sinclair offers a good starting point for making the decisions.
That is wise. Caution is a must, considering what we’re moving into.
I started to use my present lifestyle/situation (the distant isolated area, the small population in a large empty part of the state) as an example, but in that regard I am part of such a small minority that it would be useless.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
Accurate, but I think that is a very limited POV for these times. There are increasingly many many more reasons for people to be untrustworthy than just their source of financial subsistence. Everything comes down to whether you know them or not. NO ONE should be trusted, until their character can be verified.

You know, I was going to erase all of that and start over, but I want to leave it here, to show my thought processes.
I had to read your post a couple of times, to let it simmer and sink in, to catch a few nuances, and actually grasp some of what I saw the second time that should’ve been clear the first time. I can be pretty dense at times.

You’re right; this is an umbrella suspect group by the dint of human nature. The exceptions will certainly prove the rule.
I have more going for me than I’m about to share, (ranch, writing, etc.) but a fair amount of my income is gov. I have SS – not by choice, it was forced upon me. It’s my money. I can never get back all that they have taken from me. But I see your point; because of that very fact I will be very insistent that they give back – at least some meager portion – of what was stolen. Practically everyone I know sees it the same way.
I get VA disability. I paid a very dear price for that pittance, up to and including many dead and seriously fucked up friends. That also is a strong reason to not let it go away.
I get a state pension as a retired state corrections officer, where I was exclusively dealing with youth sex offenders. You have no idea of the deep toll that takes on those who do that; it was an extremely emotionally harsh and traumatic place to work.
All that adds up to exactly what you are saying, only not because of the single issue of funds, but because of the deeper reasons why I get that money – excuse me, fiat ‘promises’. It would be very difficult – far more than just the loss of a certain level of income – to lose that payback. The cost has been high to acquire it, higher than what most have done to receive their source of subsistence.
Which plays right into your premise; can I be trusted if all of that, for all of those reasons, is about to be taken away unless I do what I would consider to be untrustworthy? Sadly, I have to acknowledge that a huge majority of people would definitely put themselves first. And don’t forget the impact on their families. Those who think like I do, that to do so would actually dishonor and disrespect those lost, are unfortunately few and far between. For me, and once again I am not usual or even normal, LOL, I put very little emphasis on finances. I’ve lost everything except my personal stuff 3 times, and I always came back. Losing everything has zero dread to me. It’s like all of the broken bones and physical trauma I’ve suffered; I hate pain but I have no fear of it whatsoever. Same with money or the lack thereof. And most importantly, to me, I couldn’t go against my Christian beliefs, my absolute trust in God. That is the final strongest reason that over-rides all else.

But you stop far too soon, referencing just gov. The gov. money is only the first wave, the rest will be coming along pretty damn quick, right behind. Which takes me right back to my original statement; I agree with your concept but disagree with the narrow list. It’s not the financial source or the threat of what will be lost, it’s pure and simple a matter of relationship. Either you know them or they are an unknown quatity. Either you believe they are trustworthy, by whatever method used, or they are suspect. Period. But the key word is ‘suspect’, not proven. I learned that long long ago. Say hi with a smile on your face, but have a round in the chamber. And be ready to go with either one.
I guess, at the end, what I want to say is that ‘friend or foe’ is a bit , in my mind, misdirected or extreme, though the times are rapidly becoming extreme. Friend, a true friend, is a very rare relationship. There should be a very strict criteria to achieve that level. Foe is a term fraught with very serious consequences, at least in my mind. By the time I actually considered someone an out-and-out foe, someone is about to, at a minimum, get hurt. Physically.
The rest, probably about 95% or better, fall in between.
And I probably repeated what you wrote, just with different words.

February 27, 2021 1:31 am

Thanks TS. Very nice response. This piece was meant to generate thought and response. There is so much more to consider. The real point is that shit is going to get real, and there is a huge percent of the population that simply cannot be trusted. Because they are compromised, as well as for many other reasons. And I believe they will be squealers and will actively work against those trying to correct things. It is not going to be pretty.

February 27, 2021 1:50 am

Not going to pretty is an understatement. I think it’s going to develop – devolve? – into far more of a face-to-face kind of existence a lot quicker than most think. Who’s got your six should be on everyone’s mind.
Just as a side-note – I started writing when there were 16 comments. When I posted it was at 64.
Yawn. Bedtime, busy day tomorrow.

February 27, 2021 12:52 am

Otherwise, you’re creating a solution for govt.
Push for UBI and more benefits for folks, like all those fat Chinese Flu checks they’ve been mailing out. You’re in Oz, right? So you may or may not get one, but I’ve had them direct deposited to the account I paid last year’s income tax from. With practically everyone getting free govt money, your pool of friends is even smaller.

February 27, 2021 12:53 am

How many people actually believe the US is an oppressive police state? There is your sub class of like minded. Anything less than holding that empirically provable position likely fails vetting. People cringe hearing that about their country, especially Americans. They’ll devote the full power of their minds to deny even the possibility of that reality. Why? Because once you acknowledge that reality, you are changed forever. You never feel the same, at least I haven’t. I can’t say the pledge, I don’t want to stand or acknowledge the national anthem, because that nation…for which it stands, no longer exists.

February 27, 2021 1:04 am

It was bad before the erection, but now it’s unavoidable.

February 27, 2021 6:48 am

tee hee…erection.

February 28, 2021 4:39 pm

How juvenile!

February 27, 2021 1:38 am

Because once you acknowledge that reality, you are changed forever. You never feel the same…

Yeah, I feel ya. The 4th of July doesn’t even exist to me any longer. I will be going to HSF’s 4th of July shindig but only for the chance to meet some people I’ve been talking to for years on TBP.

February 27, 2021 1:42 am

We’re the same. Strangers in our own land.

February 27, 2021 1:54 am

Day of Mourning. Think I’ll start celebrating Constitution Day, instead. Whatizat-Oct26? Anyway, no more 4th for me.

February 27, 2021 5:44 am

Hope to see some pics of the sugar shack. =)

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 10:25 am
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 9:55 pm

Good Pics HSF. Makes me miss NH. Not!!, well, a little! 65 here yesterday.

February 27, 2021 7:59 am

I’m a vet who wears a US flag on my sleeve and have taken to turning it upside down. I’ve decided there are only three days of the year it will be right side up. Memorial Day, June 14, and November 11. No fireworks here on July 4, either.
I’m done.

February 27, 2021 2:44 am

One can lay out all the criteria for trusting or not trusting someone and still fail, utterly, to get the result desired.

In a crisis you won’t know who is trustworthy no matter your experience with your cohort. Not unless such people have proved themselves in a crisis that is to say, during a crisis. The pressure to save one’s ass at the expense of another is incredibly acute for some very high percentage of people.

In selecting people to include in your community of survivors we are going to make mistakes. To counteract mistakes we have to arrange things so that self-preservation is aligned with the group’s preservation. So we have rules and if rules are broken, you have discovered a weakness and it needs to be exorcised, perhaps ruthlessly depending upon the level of danger without at the time.

Only with years of experience with another person and you have gone through a good deal of shit can you ever say, “That person is trustworthy with my life.”

February 27, 2021 3:21 am

Bigfoot – it is difficult indeed. There are very few people of principle out there, and the number grows fewer all the time I am afraid. I had a person that I had trusted for several decades betray me a year ago. I believed him trustworthy, and generally had known him so. But he in the end he chose temporary expedience over principle.

February 27, 2021 5:11 pm

So true, Llpoh. What these deceivers fail to anticipate is that the longer term outcome from their actions invariably leads to their ruin and/or to greatly reduced prospects. First, they lose an invaluable friend who likely drew them up to succeed in their partnership. Second, they lose opportunity in the endeavor in which they were participating. I have seen three instances of what I am describing that led not only to their bankruptcy but to them revealing themselves to the world as weak and untrustworthy, as sell-outs to their friends, partners, and employees.

What seemed to these three as taking advantage became its opposite with them losing out on an independent life. I was president of a small Nasdaq traded company as well as a broker for several products that became mainstream under my direction. I got hurt, too, but the Universe works with you should your intent be to live a virtuous life. Betrayal is a very serious offense, while even ignorance of that fact describes a troubled life.

Who the hell downvoted you?!

February 28, 2021 3:50 pm

True,and do not trust ANY bitch since now.

February 27, 2021 2:56 am

Well that’s about as helpful as thoughtlessly discarding every single word Ayn Rand ever wrote, because she collected SS later.

February 27, 2021 3:18 am

You mean she was trustworthy even though a hypocrite? Not hardly. What she said may have been accurate, but in the end she was not principled. She would not be allowed in my lifeboat.

February 27, 2021 4:57 am

No, I mean she wrote some very prescient analysis -better than a lot of other writers-, just her “solutions” were fake. Was the latter on purpose? That’s possible, but I’m not sure.

Hmm, I love the smell of perfectism [claimed for yourself, about being principled] in the morning. Smells like… failure.
Failure to understand one of the most foundational points of Christianity.

February 27, 2021 5:54 am

m – I hold people to high standards. Ayn Rand folded like a cheap tent when the going got tough. She spouted on about not taking welfare, but when it came to it, she dove right in herself.

Some Christians use Christianity for an excuse to be unprincipled- we are all sinners don’t you know. Men and women of principle do not fold when the going gets tough. Christians used to die rather than renounce their religion. They were principled. But today many would renounce then beg forgiveness for their sin. Not so principled perhaps.

Oh, and I make no claim of being perfect. But I sure make an effort to be principled. Long time ago I swore an oath not to lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate those who do. I try to uphold that oath even today.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 27, 2021 10:18 am

I can’t read stuff that’s devoid of humor. I got a few pages into that horseshit Atlas novel of hers and couldn’t take how awfully it was written. It doesn’t matter if I’d have agreed fully its sentiments, I cannot countenance drivel like that. Not when Lolita or A Confederacy of Dunces are sitting there waiting to be re-read. I have the attention span of a gnat, so if I’m going to plod through some tedious tome it might as well be Dostoyevsky or something. When I heard that Paul Ryan was an Atlas Shrugged geek, I said “there’s a book that’s not for me”. His take-away is that we should have open borders and no welfare state. Fine in theory. In the real world, that’s like a 400 pound dude buying clothes that would fit if he lost 250 pounds. Maybe lose the weight before you buy the wardrobe. Maybe end the welfare state before you let the entire world in here. Of course Ryan got Social Security survivors benefits, so he’s a big bullshitter, too.

February 27, 2021 10:55 am

Well, we should ‘do a Dostoyevsky’ and pick the most difficult (!) situation, to reflect upon principles. Something like: What do men and women of principle do when they find out they were following wrong principles, in ambiguous situations?

And I have a strong distaste for logical shortcuts such as ‘Ayn Rand collected SS’ – because if you really think it through, only the people who do have claims on SS but never collect it, are in a position to forthrightly criticize Ayn on that.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 27, 2021 9:26 pm

Fair enough. I just didn’t like her book.

February 27, 2021 7:51 am

I’ve been thinkin about this for some time, came to the same basic conclusion (I did not use the work ‘foe’). It’s important to recognize (Awareness) that people working in the list of jobs, to view and interact with them as agents of our coercive government. I know a policeman, college professor, school teacher, county employee / manager, lots of ex military. All good people, unfortunately when the SHTF, will act to protect their pay check.

TS elsewhere in this string said “Say hi with a smile on your face, but have a round in the chamber.” I will call that Desire to be prepared.

I am working on increasing my Knowledge to legally deal with government representatives when I interact with them. More importantly, if they show up at my home or work (be polite but do not speak).

February 27, 2021 8:07 am

Always wise not to talk to cops if at all possible. Nice post.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2021 8:18 am

Know and exercise your right against self incrimination.
Do not consent to searches without a warrant.
Lawyer up and just say no.

February 27, 2021 8:20 am

“Anyone working on roads or public property.”

I’m not sure why I should distrust some poor schlepp who fills in potholes for a living. Please explain that one.

================ =

“Anyone in the military.”

I’m assuming you mean ACTIVE military? Cuz, otherwise, you have to distrust yourself, HSF, me … and many others.

================ =

“Anyone reliant on government regulations”

That’s a LOT of people … seeing how the goobermint regulates just about everything. Your list of foes can be summed up in two categories;

— 1) anyone who in any way, shape, or form works for the Federal, State, or local government

— 2) anyone who gets even a dime from the Federal, State, or local government

Like I said, that’s a lot of people. Not that I have a problem with that since I pretty much fucken dislike almost all the sheep in this once great nation.

I said “dislike”, not hate. Hating is just too much goddamned work, and usually destroys the hater.

February 27, 2021 4:19 pm

Road workers rely on govt money. Take on the govt, and their interests are not aligned with yours.

Active military.

It sure is a lot of people. And it is why it is most likely that they will keep winning, until the entire system collapses. And what arises will be totally unpredictable.

February 27, 2021 5:45 pm

“Road workers rely on govt money. Take on the govt, and their interests are not aligned with yours.”

Avoiding bent tire rims and fillings from falling out of my teeth seems to be in my best interests … no matter who pays them.

February 27, 2021 8:24 am

Useless tripe…as usual.

February 27, 2021 8:27 am

My mother gets Social Security.

I guess I shouldn’t trust her. Maybe I should go tell her that I’m de-friending her. Right, Llpoh?

February 27, 2021 4:16 pm

Trust who you want, Stuck. If she gets SS, then her interests lie in keeping the current system. If my intent is to rebuild the system, she is not one I would trust. Because her interests are in conflict, and I do not know her.

February 27, 2021 5:51 pm

“If my intent is to rebuild the system, she is not one I would trust.”

A 90 year old woman who came to this country without money, never accepted even a penny in handouts, worked all her life, never harmed a soul, helped others, is kind to every one she meets, and has high moral standards ……. and you wouldn’t trust her because she gets a pittance from SS?

You are a fucking idiot.

And whatever your response might be … if there is one … well, BLOW ME.

February 27, 2021 7:18 pm

Never took a anything? Jesus, Stuck, she is 90 years old. Whatever they put in, damn sure she got WAY more out than that. Way more. I mean, all the hospital care, care worker you talk about, etc etc etc. A pittance? For decades? Get real. The young are paying her way, and debt.

My default position is I will not trust anyone who relies on govt funding for their survival. As I said, trust who you want.

Also, I do not believe in government welfare, of any kind. None. It is an abomination.

But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.

February 27, 2021 7:44 pm

If you were a pastor Llpoh one thing I would never have to worry about on Sunday would be you preaching about humility. I get what you are saying in the piece to start this thread but this thing you wrote just above cuts to the quick.

It is a statement that is shambolic in it’s pettiness.
I don’t know how you sleep at night.

February 27, 2021 10:07 pm


February 27, 2021 10:27 pm

Used to play that song regularly in my gov’t office when that album was released. I sure felt that way. Office door closed, in my suit and tie, raging on my air guitar ;0

February 28, 2021 7:40 am


February 28, 2021 8:15 am

Rob – I sleep just fine. Dear old Stuck, my good and loyal friend, started this. It then goes where it goes.

February 28, 2021 7:39 am

“Never took a anything? Jesus, Stuck, she is 90 years old. “

I said “she never took anything” immediately after I said she “came to this country without money”. What I meant was that when she and dad arrived at these shores with the equivalent of about fifty bucks that my parents did not ask or accept any free shit whatsoever. My bad for not making that clearer.

And for your info Mr. KnowItAll, she didn’t put a gun to some government official’s head and TAKE anything. This government took from her for 50 years and decided to give it back … because that was the contract THEY made. So … fuck off.


” … all the hospital care, care worker you talk about, “


Admin can send you my address. Why don’t you just send my mother a note asking her to just die already so that America can be free again.

February 28, 2021 8:13 am

Stuck – she is not my mom. I do not want to pay for her, I do not want my kids to pay for her, I do not want my grandkids to pay for her. And I do not want any one else’s kids to have to pay for her, either. She is your mom. Same goes for anyone else’s mom. But that is what is happening. And I find it wrong.

I do not believe she worked for fifty years, and I sure as hell do not believe she is not getting any govt medical money. I do not know that for a fact, but I do not believe it.

You started this shit, you brought up your mom, not me. I have supported you through your trials and tribulations, though thick and thin, and you take a shot at me. Alrighty then. Guess loyalty is not one of your core principles.

February 28, 2021 9:44 am

“I do not believe she worked for fifty years, “

Would you believe 40? I may have exaggerated. We arrived here in 1957. She started cleaning homes not long after that. Not sure when she stopped. Dad worked a real job in a real company until he was almost 80.

============ =

“and I sure as hell do not believe she is not getting any govt medical money.”

Well, then she’s hiding it from me. Why does she pay for medical insurance. Why do we get bills for thousands of dollars from the hospital for services not covered by insurance … if she gets money from the government? I’d really like to know.

============== =

“Guess loyalty is not one of your core principles.”

JUST. STOP. IT. I’d fly to Australia (really) to help you kick some ass if you asked me (you’d have to buy the plane ticket, though). Krist, this isn’t even a dust-up!! WHO STOLE YOUR BALLS??? (Asking for a friend.)

February 28, 2021 1:30 pm

Stuck – where you are concerned, I am sensitive. I consider you my friend, and I am very loyal to you. I took the “blow me, fuck you, you are a fucking idiot, go fuck yourself” a bit hard. I understand you may not agree with what I wrote herein.

I appreciate that you would help. Thanks.

February 28, 2021 1:54 pm

I solemnly swear, I will ALWAYS have your back.

I was too much of a dick to a man who has been my friend from the get-go. I overreacted because my mom — whom I dragged into the fray — was involved. I do apologize.

It’s all good, Chief. It’s all good.


PS … I submitted a post a couple hours ago — “SSSSS (Sunday Supporting Social Security Songs)” Please ignore it all costs!!

February 28, 2021 4:20 pm

True.I know a liberal teacher.Her farther saved 360ooo for all his life being in roofing business.When her father got sick,she was force to hire 12$ an hour 24 hours help.ALL his money were gone in 3 years.He was not allowered to use goverment funds because he saved 360K.He died of stress of thinking of going to a nursing home after.And i know another givernment cheap bitch,who got 24 hours care[20$ an hour] for her bitch Mom for 5 years already ,an immigrant,who NEVER paid no taxes.She thinks she is entitled.THIS STSTEM MUST FAIL,UNSUSTAINABLE.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
February 27, 2021 8:27 am

I get your point LLPOH. Well taken. That said, it will be you and two or three homeless guys leading the fight. To assume that because somebody benefits from some kind of government check that they are incapable of making political decisions based on patriotism and honor is a mistake. I have a government pension earned over 30 years in the shit holes of the world and the military. That fact does not make me a potential FBI snitch or Biden supporter. Look, if this country is not turned around fast ALL of those checks are going to stop coming or the dollar will assume Zimbabwean levels of worth. You will always have those trembling, frightened sheeple, government checks or not. Better to judge folks one by one, and with great care. Beware of loud mouths, bully boys, and nutjobs openly urging violence or illegal activity. They should have FBI written on their foreheads. Stay small, stay tight, allow no outsiders to appear in your midst. Ditto people arrested for other crimes – they are easily turned by the Feds. Use the effective cell system developed by the – gulp! – Communists. It sure worked for them.

  Southern Sage
February 27, 2021 10:54 am

Beware of loud mouths, bully boys, and nutjobs openly urging violence or illegal activity. They should have FBI written on their foreheads.


That’s GOT to mean Antifa and BLM are FBI/CIA programs, no?

  Southern Sage
February 27, 2021 4:22 pm

SS – people who rely on govt money for their existence have reason to not want the system to change. Some, perhaps many, such as yourself, will be able to set aside the fact that without the system they are destitute. But most will not. In my opinion.

And because of the vast numbers that have been sucked in, it I seems to me that the system cannot be changed. It will self destruct.

February 27, 2021 10:37 pm

I’m still too young to take any money from the government, but when I am old enough to get a little, I’m going to use it to to buy extra liquor and ammo so I’ll be better prepared when the system collapses.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 2:03 am

I’m thinking it will collapse before you can collect.
Only then, when thee checks stop, will people start gathering against the .gov.

February 27, 2021 8:36 am

comment image

And …

comment image

There was a time when the above two statements were an acceptable Truth.

But, according to Llpoh it must now be amended with — “… unless your work is associated with the government.”

This is getting very complicated.

February 27, 2021 1:05 pm

When your money comes from the government it means, by definition, that it was first STOLEN by the government from others in order to pay you. YOU are the recipient of stolen property, which under any other circumstance would be considered a crime (especially as you knowingly receive it and know exactly where it comes from). And it is NOT the nature of the job that should be questioned as indeed, everyone in society has a role to play in the greater division of labor. This issue is how your wages are generated – through the voluntary exchange of currency for the services your render (or render on behalf of your employer), or through the gun-backed taking of income from others. It is most certainly not to say that any of the jobs being performed by anyone working for the government would not also exist in a society devoid of the presence of government, but those that exist post-government, would be ones that the market and voluntary exchange would support, not ones that politicians demand/support, etc.

February 27, 2021 1:56 pm

“When your money comes from the government it means, by definition, that it was first STOLEN by the government from others in order to pay you.”

Don’t care.

You see, the goobermint has been stealing from ME all my life. I’m just taking — you call it stealing — it back.

A couple weeks ago someone posted a .gov link on all the free shit available. Haven’t had time to look at it. But, eventually, I will. Gonna apply for as much free shit as I possibly can. Not kidding. For example, I recently found out from nurse who comes to the house once a week, that as the sole caretaker for mom, that I would qualify for some kind of SS payment. I’m going for it.

You think I’m a free loading fuktard? Again, don’t care. You should actually be THANKING me. The faster the gov goes deeper and deeper into debt, the faster the end will come. I am actually HELPING your cause.

Contact Admin if YOU have any free shit you wanna send my way.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 2:35 am

Stucky, can you post that link to the free shit? I think bankrupting the government much sooner by all of us taking advantage of the freebies is a good plan.

  Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 7:08 am

**** Hear Ye, Hear Ye!!! *********

**** Come one, Come All!!! ******

**** Get Yer FREE SHIT NOW *****

**** Stick it to Da Man!!! *********

**** And Piss Of The Big Injun!!! ****


Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 7:16 am

Thanks. Maybe I’ll qualify for something. Usually, I don’t.

February 27, 2021 11:14 pm

Government reach even during the past 30 years has spread exponentially. It isn’t the same anymore. Liberty is now defined by what gov’t permits you, not what your rights are pursuant to the constitution…in search of ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’

Only complicated by those defending a quite narrow Overton Window…and of course cognitive dissonance.

February 27, 2021 8:49 am

Lastly …

Where does a person’s CHARACTER fit into your equation for determining a friend or foe? Things like ..

— loyalty
— trustworthy
— honesty
— dependability
— empathy
— helpfulness
— someone who lives by the Golden Rule …. treating me as they want to be treated

You didn’t mention these things. So, I assume they are either secondary, or not relevant at all.

It seems your primary qualification of a friend is … “Do you got your own money?” I hope that works out for you … it seems it does. It doesn’t work for me, though.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 8:59 am

I think it was a generalization.

February 27, 2021 4:24 pm

It was mentioned by me many times in this thread. And it was indeed a generalisation. But I know also for a fact that people are capable of great betrayal, especially if they think the food on their table is being threatened.

February 27, 2021 11:15 pm

A truism of life itself.

February 27, 2021 9:04 am

Beware of people who are too ‘nice’. I don’t mean compassionate/caring, but are too willing to fold ‘just this once’ (most of the time) to be nice, I would say inappropriately. Often it turns out they are indecisive, double minded and will go wherever the wind blows even if that means betraying you. They are very pleasant to be around, and many are preppers. Being nice is the greatest good. Many nice people come from Minnesota and not the south, for instance- some will understand this.

I’ve also noticed many preppers didn’t know the flu was a hoax for A LONG time, and many still believe it. What news are they getting? They don’t see this as a hole in their preps. I was shocked actually when this happened. I noticed the Miss Grundys took over the comment sections, too, just like our local hardware store. It seems a few Grundys established the horrible policies by much squawking and the owners let them. They couldn’t get the lumber yard guys to wear masks though.

Also, I’m not sure the highly programmed can handle the reality if SHTF. It was hard enough for me to realize our country is the bad guy and no longer vote (except locally a while longer), and I’m naturally distrustful.
Also I’m still coming to terms with this mass flu psychosis. I never would have believed it before it happened. It’s really a wake up call from God.

February 27, 2021 9:05 am

I struggle with this question frequently. Where does family fit and what happens when I relocate in 3 years, give or take?

I’ve mentioned many times on here I was raised by my grandparent, children of the depression. My grandfather was probably just a bit to the left of Barry Goldwater. My grandmother’s family chose to work any job they could find instead of suckling at the teet of Franklin’s New Deal. Damn Democrats was a frequent utterance in their home unlike many of The Greatest Generation that hopped on the Socialism Train.

My mother was always squishy with such things. Even though she was a very poor single mother she never accepted welfare in any form despite the government pushers. Now that she is older she is all in on being part of The Free Shit Army and has the vaccination card to prove it. I am too extreme and opinionated in her opinion.

I have pulled away because conversation is like walking on eggshells. She didn’t visit for Christmas, my daughter’s birthday, or attended any of her sportsball because of The Virus. She can no longer be reasoned with. So we grow further apart by the day.

I have a small but very close group of friends. One put it as, “I know I can call you in the middle of the night and tell you to bring a shovel and trashbags. And you will be there”.

Family of choice vs family of birth I suppose.

I will be leaving that circle when I relocate to a location with better weather and political climate to begin my next and ultimate phase of life. I’m not a just little concerned to be leaving those bonds behind.

February 27, 2021 9:07 am

You can over think this.
Concentrate on the thin skinned bastards who have put you on THEIR enemy list.
They want to hurt you just for looking at them funny. They are dangerous.

February 27, 2021 9:39 am

I’m going to admit I fall into several of those categories, since a large part of my life was spent in and around the government “sector,” doing quite unproductive tasks for bureaucratic reasons. And, when my tasks were productive, while on active duty military, it really just consumed a lot of taxpayer dollars and spit them into the Military Industrial Complex Coffers.

Yet, I did what I was hired to do and all of my performance reports support the idea I did it well.

Some of you will grasp what I am saying; others will bristle at the idea that all standing military actions are inherently aggressive and wasteful. And, the defense industry profits off that aggression and waste.

Those who seek power never plan to relinquish it, but eventually, even the mighty oak falls.

I think almost everyone gets some sort of government funding these days. Seriously.

February 27, 2021 10:07 am

One time, when I worked as an editor at on the “Boeing” contract (it was actually a small business set-aside but whomever won the contract was partnered with Boeing; it was de facto the “Boeing” contract), there were several times I was required to find and eliminate all of the commas which did not belong.

Now, this instruction came from a supervisor in charge of the Quality Stamp, which was required when a document was final. So, I literally had to have a staff meeting to establish rules about when commas were required and when they were not. I literally created a style guide and made all the writers initial that they agreed to the comma rules. As a joke, I suggested the USAF sign off on the comma rules and my stupid supervisor LIKED the idea. My Air Force SME (Subject Matter Expert) laughed at me.

At the time, I was being paid about $28 an hour as a Technical Writer/Editor. I became the Comma Queen for a while.

February 27, 2021 11:13 am

Well, those commas, are, sort of controversial, and , well, ….
hey the engine just blew up,!

February 27, 2021 4:35 pm

I used to wander cubicle world asking if anyone might be able to loan me commas since I was running low.

February 27, 2021 1:07 pm

Let’s eat Grandma. Let’s eat, grandma. Commas are important.

February 27, 2021 1:20 pm

Yes, they are but on a Boeing 777 the engine is more important.
Very important to G’ma at the Donner encampment though.

February 27, 2021 4:36 pm

Commas are important but semicolons have more dignity.

February 27, 2021 7:13 pm

You are good at this- I have no idea what to do w a semicolon.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 4:57 am

They’re for linking independent ideas in a sentence (incomplete clauses). Just write separate, complete sentences and you’ll be fine.

  Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 12:49 pm

Thanks Vic, Burning Platform is perfect for me to practice using semicolons

February 27, 2021 10:30 am

Morning, Mags.
We’ve touched on that before. Everything (finances is just one area) nowadays is so inter-twined and dependent on each other that there really can’t be a clear separation. Big tech, big media, big banks – all shot through and through with gov tendrils, with their own capillaries threaded through the gov.
It’s insidious and a cancer that is spread throughout the entire human global body. It’s terminal and we know it.
But that’s alright. It’s a beautiful cold sunny calm day, and I feels bueno, here in my little calm corner of reality. And some of us know how it all ends.

February 27, 2021 10:46 am

Ah, pour me another cuppa coffee, wouldya?

Am off to help my husband clear brush from fencelines. We have reclaimed several more acres for haybaling and grazing.

February 27, 2021 9:46 am

Hear! Hear! +1000 And, I would add, as a umbrella category, anyone you already know be a cowardly person can be absolutely counted on to stab you in the back. There is no exception.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 10:11 am

Liars are always a bad bet. I don’t know which comes first, the lies to cover up a bad character or the bad character that compels someone to lie. Either way those traits always travel in tandem.


  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 11:09 am

The only way to deal w liars is to walk away. I have never considered the connection to character before but that’s it.

February 27, 2021 9:49 am

Great thread.

This is one of those topics that there is no simple solution to. Anytime you deal with people things get very complicated and when trying to figure out the difference between friend and foe it becomes even harder. I don’t subscribe to the blanket statement that foes all those that may collect funds from any level of government. There will be some in these positions that will be a heads up for those outside of government too. They may be few but they will be there.

To further complicate things there is a huge difference between urban and rural folks, obviously. Like HSF stated rural folks tend to be self vetted, principled and trustworthy. When a strange enters they stick out like sore thumbs. Even in these communities where there is a lot of trust, what happens when someone makes a bad judgement call and exposes the community inadvertently?? What now, are they now foes??

In my list of friend or foes its likely to be more to the are you a city dweller or recently transplanted city dweller. Its not a difficult thing either to smoke the traitors out and this was touched on as well. In casual conversation listen to their opinions of religion or politics and over time it will be revealed whether they practice what they preach or tickle the ears. I think most here already know who the friends are around them and will exercise a lot of caution, keeping their circle small.

People will always let you down too, even your friends. Not like you’ve never let anyone down either so we don’t sweat the small stuff, we’re all learning still… I hope.

February 27, 2021 9:50 am


February 27, 2021 1:58 pm

Talk is muey cheap.

February 27, 2021 8:45 pm

If all the categories listed by Loopy were barred a vote, then the Republic would not be in the systematic collapse mode it is in today.
Although it’s a pipe dream, I have a simple solution along these lines that could maybe save this Republic which involves limiting the taxfeeder vote.

1) Raise voting age to 35
2) Civic test , which also indicates literacy, must be passed.
3) Only the head of the household gets a vote. Spouses must choose.
4) No government employee, including military and police are allowed a vote.
5) No one receiving any type of government check, subsidy or aid is allowed a vote.
6) Electorates must vote in person.
7) No one less than 5th generation American gets a vote.

It’s eliminates the entitlement vote, the taxfeeder vote, the illiterate vote and allows for the mature American vote.

February 28, 2021 3:44 am

Sounds good, as long as those being disenfranchised are also exempt from taxation
(that would be “Taxation Without Representation”).

and just curious, what documentation would be acceptable to prove 5th generation?

Interestingly, that 5th generation thing would disenfranchise Donald Trump and his children.

February 28, 2021 11:09 am

Exactly. The whole point is to severely restrict the vote but not the authority of the Republican government to administer rule of law which also means reducing the need for oppressive taxation by limiting voting influence beneficiaries of government largess.

February 27, 2021 9:52 am

Things are getting much more serious then we think,what is your line that will cause you to actually fight?!

I think I have found mine.In it’s infinite wisdom Hasbro has decided to end/drop the Mr. of the famed and loved Mr. Potato Head,same with Mrs. Potato Head,what the fuck!?They have given up a great American tradition and have decided to follow the “Get woke?Go broke”path of insanity.

I will say that the backlash has been large and in theory may still make these beloved charecters in a statement that sayds they will be made along with”gender neutral”potato heads with 44 accessories(wonder what they will be like?!).

I will say in the world of Minecraft always remember this phrase:

The first will cost you perhaps your freedom/monies/even life.

After that they are all free!

I say when they fuck with Mr. Potato Head we have crossed the Rubicon!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 3:31 am

Mr. Potato Head doesn’t rate highly with me. Just don’t buy from the company. There are other more important fish to fry.

February 28, 2021 3:59 am

No they didn’t.
The brand name is changing to “Potato Head”, but the Mr & Mrs characters are remaining:

“Hasbro is officially renaming the MR. POTATO HEAD brand to POTATO HEAD to better reflect the full line. But rest assured, the iconic MR. and MRS. POTATO HEAD characters aren’t going anywhere and will remain MR. and MRS. POTATO HEAD.”

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
February 27, 2021 9:59 am

There is a better way forward than to create (more) domestic foes of people who could counted among your staunchest allies: Be patriotic. Embrace dissidence.

If I were a big shot around here, I’d try to get this top posted on it’s own, but alas. I’ll be lucky if I can even get it to link.

This is a good read of a workable plan:

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Peter Horry
February 27, 2021 10:46 am

Great article, submit it to admin.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 11:04 am

Agreed. I just submitted it.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
February 27, 2021 1:56 pm

Yes, it’s a great article, circles, and blueprint. I don’t want be a defeatist but:

• Question everything (and do it in front of others). We all know how silly someone looks when they are asked a simple, direct question and seem to be unable or unwilling to answer it. When we make them do so in front of others, those who are listening start to take notice.

I’ve done this. My sister wobbles on the outer circles. My brother is firmly on the inner. As well educated and indoctrinated as he is at this point he must realize he can’t answer questions honestly so he resorts to victim status. Claiming all sorts of attacks on himself gains him sympathy from my sister or anyone else present. I’m the bad guy. Maybe i’m doing it wrong.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 11:21 am

No can do. I just got banned like Winnie. llpoh no likee me. But it is a good read.

February 27, 2021 12:05 pm

Is this peanut butter fudd?

February 27, 2021 4:37 pm

If it is you fudd then where is pudd?

February 27, 2021 5:56 pm

Please ask peanut butter fuddfuk if he’s sorely butt hurt that his attempt to get to 504 was thwarted, and if he realizes what a huge waste of time it was … much like his life.

Thank Yew.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 11:26 am

Oh the irony!

February 27, 2021 11:18 am

My method for knowing who to trust is simple: TRUST NO ONE until they earn your trust, and even then never trust completely. When it comes to interpersonal relationships it’s kind of a drag, but fortunately I don’t need much in the way of love and companionship and I have worked to be resourceful and self reliant. My spirit plant would be a cactus. My family seems to understand.

When dealing with people in ‘meat space’ I am very cautious about revealing my true opinions, particularly regarding politics and religion and the true nature of our predicament. Best to get the other person to reveal their hand first.

Rules of thumb cannot be trusted in the land of the insane.

February 27, 2021 11:24 am

In face to face conversations I will often state things that are contrary to my real opinions, or facts. To see if I get corrected or get my ears tickled. A cactus is a good analogy. I may have to steal that.

February 27, 2021 11:35 am

Do you trust anyone? I read stuff about the Dutch people who turned Jews in for a reward. It will be similar here. Your life will be put under a microscope with A.I. and the coming Chinese system of social credit scores. the Communists rely on younger and dumber people here who have been brainwashed for years in our schools. I think many young men are pussies who will roll over for almost anything. not all of them, but many.

February 27, 2021 11:43 am

This really helps to simplify and identify a foe. Anyone with tight levi jeans and a man bun is a foe, period. Any individual he/she/it/them/they or whatever that has any color hair not naturally found on saner people is simply not to be trusted. As for the AI… dumpt the phone, computer, laptop and get offline and go dark.

February 27, 2021 11:50 am

The author brings up a valid point, but one I would like to disagree with.

I ask the question, “at what point are you prepared to sacrifice everything you have ever gained, or ever will, in order to utterly destroy the existing societal/governmental power structure “(which is assumed to by tyrannical at this point in time)?

I suggest that the answer will determine who is friend or foe. Is this not a better determinant?

Note how young people are more likely to buy into this dichotomy. They have less to lose and those who are aware accept the utter corruption as it exists. Older folks are more likely stuck in their normalcy bias. Yet some oldsters fully accept the normalcy bias is pure BS and will soon fail. Perhaps very soon.

Watch for those preparing for collapse. They are committed, not just involved. That is how I gauge friend vs foe. Who is prepared to survive a full grid down for months or more?

People who are squared away have PMs, often a lot. And rural land, a year or two of food, security, multiple comms, and they continuously work on increasing preparedness. Because they have no doubt about where we are headed. Not all can follow HSFs relocation and change in lifestyle so effectively.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 3:07 am

You forget, smart people don’t tell others what they’re doing to prepared.

  Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 11:32 am

A fair point. Generalities only.

I did not mention the more creative preps, “those which we cannot speak of”.

February 27, 2021 11:53 am

Trust principles not men and not words. Most of all trust Jesus.

February 27, 2021 12:04 pm

It’s not a matter of IF the Social Safety net gets cut…it’s just a matter of WHEN and that will be the beginning of the uprising, figuratively speaking we will all be in the same boat. This article is nothing more than a journalism exercise, unfortunately it creates disunity and suspicion. The author appears to be a Globalist masquerading as some type of idiot savant super patriot…is this the Babylon Bee?

Richard Mooney
Richard Mooney
February 27, 2021 12:15 pm

Much truth to this article, but on major category left out is churches. American Christianity is nothing more than a business of selling religiosity! Very few pulpits will chance offending any of their congregation, fearing loss of members and tithes. Thus, our religious system has been reduced to “seeker friendly”, God is Love, with no mention of his justice and judgments, and a lukewarm, milquetoast- anemic preaching! The true tribulations confronting our society are avoided like a plague. Nary a word about end time prophecy, sin, Hell, repentance, and turning from our wicked ways is ever proached. We now see the accusations by our pulpits against anyone questioning their “their anointed doctrines and teachings”. Being our eternal souls are at stake, failure to preach the hard truths of the gospel, is much more destructive than any possiblity of lost income!

  Richard Mooney
February 27, 2021 1:47 pm

Couldn’t agree more:

Were you my minister…that is exactly what I’d want and expect. Many say they don’t want to be ‘preached to,’ if you can imagine the disconnect….

  Richard Mooney
February 28, 2021 8:48 am

“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was a required bit of reading in my high school literature class.

February 27, 2021 12:19 pm

I’ve been reading for many years now that SocSec is unsustainable, that financial collapse is imminent based on irrefutable mathematical logic (Denninger: “Here it comes!” except it didn’t and hasn’t), that the dollar is toast, etc. I believed all those premises were a real possibility and planned for the future accordingly. I still believe they’re real possibilities, but experience has shown that they’re not necessarily inevitabilities. Financial jiggery-pokery seems to be a growth industry and it keeps on keeping on.

It seems to be highly improbable that any gov hoping to stay in power will cast to the wind the large cohort of benefit-receivers, if for no other reason that the children of those folk (the elderly in this case) will be expected to care for their eldes themselves! Imagine the outcry! Some gimmick will be found to forestall that.

If the USA actualy does experience a genuine collapse, one friend you’ll defnitely want is a Chinese-speaker. Once the dust settles, the Chinese might well make their move and the USA is unlikely to have any allies who will spring to her defense. If nothing else, they’ll be too busy with their own problems, though that could include China as well.

Hard and fast rules have their place, but in interpersonal matters, flexibility and adaptability are always worthy of consideration.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 12:52 pm

“Only the flexible survive.”

-LTC John “Mad Jack” Hamilton

February 27, 2021 1:22 pm

Sounds like that list of people would be the ones who rely on their vote, and would use it to forcibly inject us with a free range genetic engineering experiment, aka a bioweapon. There may be no one left to “… forgive them, for they know not what they’ve done …”.

I think the SSA recipients who are otherwise with us will come around when entitlement payments fail, along with some of the “sheepdogs”, but would need to join on a probation level, where they can do less harm, in the new Remnant. After all, someone will need to work the fields. It will be a somewhat different Remnant than the Bible or Gary North talks about.

February 27, 2021 7:07 pm

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

On The Beach
On The Beach
February 27, 2021 1:33 pm

I collect social security. I also have a pure and intense hatred of the government overlords. I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of me. I’m kind of an asshole in that way. Those who distrust me are heartily encouraged to pretend that I don’t exist.

February 27, 2021 2:36 pm

You vote by the treasury and that would include all of us. Yeah, we’re UCKFED.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
February 27, 2021 3:13 pm

Find people with this mindset…

Philippians 2:3-4 KJB… “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”

And, no matter what happens…

February 27, 2021 4:03 pm

There is hope… comment image?quality=85&strip=info&w=650

February 27, 2021 4:27 pm

Thank you Gentle Bob!

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 27, 2021 4:58 pm

Good dog.

February 27, 2021 4:54 pm

The only change I would make to the list is anyone who actually earns the money. Many in the military and elsewhere in government could earn more outside those agencies but don’t because they are actual Patriots. The majority of the slugs in those agencies don’t merit their salaries and would not last a minute outside the government agencies but many could. Therein lies the dividing line.

February 27, 2021 5:40 pm

There is another simple rule to add, do they pass “The Stranger” test. You know, the Kipling poem.

February 27, 2021 6:33 pm

The leadership of CHAOS is still planning our demise, as if they’ll ever stop. More incentive to keep paring down that list of those that you might trust and those you don’t.

February 27, 2021 7:02 pm

Great thread. Couple of thoughts:

I work pretty much directly for the gov. Partner in a company that works directly for MIC really. That said, i took huge risks getting it going. My partne and i work out nuts off and we’re all competent (and trustworthy) as hell. That said, the tiny slice of what we do for gov is genuinely in everyone’s interest and cannot be ceased in any event.

That leads to my second point. You can unscrew a lightbulb but not a pregnant woman. Governments are necessary…ours has just become ridiculous in corruption, debt and beauracratic bloat. Late Empire stuff. It must collapse….it cant collapse. It will collapse.

We need leadership…good leadership. No idea where it might come from, but it wont be from anyone in the current system.

Finally, trust need not be a binary. Some people cannot even be present, some can be trusted to be civil if things are going well, some will get better as things get more difficult (many worse). Leaders will have to risk some trust with many people. The key will be to place trust only over things that one can afford to lose. Absolute trust (over things one cannot afford to lose) must be rarest of rare…but even this may have to be risked without certainty in collapse scenario.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 3:16 am

“You can unscrew a lightbulb but not a pregnant woman.”

That was a great line. I never heard it before.

  Vixen Vic
February 28, 2021 4:56 pm

Old Steve Martin move “My Blue Heaven”