Ray     Mid-Pacific 1990

by Ray Jason

Sailing alone through the night, on the deep ocean, under a big moon, is almost inconceivably sublime. A properly prepared boat, with well-trimmed sails, in a moderate breeze, is a quiet, purposeful being. The only noticeable sound is the song of the waves sliding along the hull. This serenity, this enormity, this solitude, provides the ideal haven for a wandering soul with a philosopher’s curiosity.

Although I rarely feel lonely on long passages, when I do need to conjure up a companion, my favorite shipmate is Henry David Thoreau. He is one of my life-long heroes; and my belief is that if he was alive today he too would choose the sea gypsy life as the best path to freedom and contemplation. This intuition was reinforced when I discovered a few years ago that his final words on his deathbed were, “Now comes good sailing!”

What appeals to me most about Thoreau was his ability to separate what is fleeting from what is enduring. He knew that what was in the newspaper was impermanent, but what was in Homer, Aristotle and Shakespeare was immortal. Here is one of his core principles that has inspired me down the decades.


He believed that the tiniest government possible was the best government possible. He argued that the individual, the family and the small community were the body and lifeblood of any wise society.

He recognized this in the mid-19th century. This was decades before the totalitarian evil and butchery of the 20th century People’s Revolutions. Had he witnessed those blood-soaked quests for impossible Utopias, he would have doubled down on his insistence on the supremacy of the individual.

But those dictators only sought control over nations or regions. Our 21st century Malignant Overlords have set their cross-hairs on the entire planet. And in order to conquer their enemy – the everyday people of Earth – they may not even need to use their military might.

That’s because they have mastered the evil arts of “voluntary submission” and “all-seeing surveillance.” They have learned how to entice the common man into seeking his own enslavement. Their primary weapons in achieving this are FEAR and CONFORMITY.

They claim that there is some invisible something “out there” that is terrible and that only your rulers, can protect you from it. And since all of your neighbors also believe this, you then conclude that it must be true. So you abandon your critical thinking and your courage, and you surrender to this force-field of phony terror.

I am, of course, referring to the Plandemic, or any equally accurate name for it that you might prefer. Since I have already written several essays that deal with almost every aspect of this psy-op, I will just remind you of some of the most obvious absurdities. But then I want to focus on a new development with the Scamdemic that is exceedingly troubling.

The PCR test. This procedure is so useless, that the inventor of it specifically claimed that it should not be used for virus detection. If an unscrupulous person wishes to inflate the case numbers, all that has to be done is to set the Cycle Threshold above 35. This will produce an enormous number of false positives.

The Lock-downs. As the bumper sticker so accurately states: “Quarantine is when the government locks down sick people. Tyranny is when the government locks down healthy people.” If house arrest is so effective, why did the U.S. states with the most extreme lock-down policies, also have the highest death tolls?

The Death Counts. Most of these statistics are grotesquely inflated. There were significant financial incentives for hospitals to categorize deaths as WuFlu related. If you died from a gunshot wound or a motorcycle crash, your corpse would get tested and re-tested until they could find a speck of Covid-1984 inside of you.

It was also a reclassification scam. The normal 50,000+ yearly flu deaths miraculously disappeared in 2020. I wonder if the fact that hospitals did not receive generous pay-outs for flu deaths, had anything to do with this?

The Masks. The next time you buy one of those pale blue masks, ask the shopkeeper to show you the box that they come in. On the actual packaging, it warns that these masks do not stop the spread of viruses. These are not medical devices, they are personal “obedience billboards.”

The Vaccines. Where to begin? They do not keep people from catching the WuFlu. They do not keep people from passing on the Fraudemic. They just diminish the symptoms.

And taking the jab does not mean that you will no longer be forced to wear your obedience billboard or be freed from incarceration quarantine. Nor does this address the side effects, such as … death. Plus, there is the cytokine storm bonus that might put you in mortal danger when a mere cold visits you next Autumn.


But here is what really has me worried. For over a year now there have been brave doctors, researchers and commentators trying to insert some Reality into this Carnival of Lunacy. They have trumpeted their Truth at great personal cost to their reputations, livelihoods and friendships.

Yet despite this, the overwhelming majority of the population have “sheeped out.” They prance around in their masks as if they were displaying a medal earned for valor in combat. And they scorn anyone who refuses to take the injection, despite the fact that international laws decree that all medical procedures must be consensual.

Currently, anti-vaxxers are merely mocked and shamed. But my guess is that as vaccine passports are forced upon us, the distinction between those who have been jabbed and those who remain un-jabbed, will become more obvious and virulent.

Ostracism, as though we are lepers, is probably just around the corner. And the next stop after that is some form of separation or isolation. This progression leads to a very dark place. When we are suddenly deemed expendable, our attitude towards those who fear us and want to control us, will need to adapt swiftly … and forcefully.

At that point, the terms of engagement will need to change. That’s because those in the Cult of the Mask and the Syringe, seem incapable of the most basic human decency – to live and let live! Instead, they desire to punish anyone with opinions different from their own. How far will this go?

We often speak of “the Hill that we will make our stand on.” As a sailor roaming the Tropics I have taken plenty of vaccinations. But these were always for proven treatments to nasty diseases. So I never objected.

But this largely untested mRNA vaccine, that permanently alters my unique DNA, and provides almost no upside in terms of prevention and spread of the Wuhan Virus, is too great a risk. Plus, in the alternative press there are many warnings from prominent medical people claiming that this vaxx is not just useless, but dangerous.


If Inoculation Hill is not the place where we will make our stand, then will there ever be a hill? Or will there only be a cliff … and the pulsing, chirping surge of millions of lemmings rushing towards the edge … and the abyss.

I can tell you that Inoculation Hill is where I will plant my flag. I am willing and able. I am calm and alert. I am locked and loaded.


Ray      Mid-Caribbean 2020
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Nothing but the truth.
Nothing but the truth.
April 1, 2021 8:40 am

Deep and critical thinking has deserted mankind , leaving them in a comotose state of wilful oblivion. I posted this comment on another thread as regards the vaccines –
The Book of Revelations prophesises this very issue calling it the mark of the beast and the 666 symbolism. The prophesy suggests that those who refuse such mark will not be able to buy or sell or otherwise transact in society. Well are these proposed vaccine ‘passports ‘ not tantamount to exactly the same thing ? It is sad and frightening that the majority of people ( including Christians ) have abandoned thier faith in God , chosing instead to put their faith in governments and deadly big pharma vaccines out of total fear , instead of trusting their incredible God given immune systems. There are countless times the Bible mentions chosing faith over fear. I will continue to stand firm in my faith ,not walk in fear and never submit to this evil agenda. I call on all Christians to pray for the awakening of humanity to the evils that pervade this planet and that prayer must also go out to all Christians who are sleep walking through these days of biblical significance.

April 1, 2021 9:22 am

They prance around in their masks as if they were displaying a medal earned for valor in combat.

My daughter.

April 1, 2021 9:24 am

I am also, Ray.

I too love Thoreau He’s one of those rare birds that can see beyond their cage. He’s in league with Estienne de La Boétie and Murray Rothbard who taught birds of a feather to take flight. Larkin Rose is a contemporary example. Such people give me hope.

Sail on, my friend

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
April 1, 2021 9:33 am

I read today that the airline industry is against requiring convid passports for flyers. I guess they understand that a lot of the flying public will not get the jab. Of course, they will keep us 6 feet apart until we get locked into the aluminum tube where we will be shoulder to shoulder and belly to back stuffed into their planes.

April 1, 2021 10:43 am

Ray, A good essay (and no graphs). I think you have laid out the dilemma clearly. The vaxing, masking TV watching majority have given up freedom of choice and informed consent and they certainly don’t want you to have them. For the majority twisted logic to make sense (how many lies does it take to cover up the first lie?) I feel that some form of medical gulag is inevitable. On the one hand is ‘thank God I’m in the minority’ and on the other “do you want to die fast or do you want to die slow?”
I did find this nice quote though…

“The sail, the play of its pulse so like our own lives: so thin and yet so full of life, so noiseless when it labors hardest, so noisy and impatient when least effective.”

Henry David Thoreau

  Ray Jason
April 1, 2021 11:41 am

For HDT, it was still the age of sail. That’s how people got around. It looks like he didn’t take it for granted though and appreciated the mytsical physics of it.

April 2, 2021 11:25 am

The wind went out of my sails for HDT when I learned after all his thinking big thought in his cabin in the woods he took his laundry home for his mom to wash.

  Ray Jason
April 2, 2021 11:24 am

Look forward to your posts Ray. My favorite sea story is the one written by Joshua Slocum.

  Ray Jason
April 3, 2021 1:02 am

He wrote a book about sailing alone around the world, by that title. Built his own boat the Spray. Book published in 1900 I think.

April 1, 2021 11:12 am

Very enjoyable and intelligent author.
If you want to read more of his work go here.

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
April 2, 2021 1:34 am

“We have reports of an unvaccinated individual sailing the Caribbean, SEND A CARRIER GROUP!”