The Diapered Donkey Gets its Dole

Guest Post by Eric Peters

A reader takes issue with the publication on this site of details regarding the Corona Lucre – approximately $120,000, apparently – pocketed by a business I used to do business with  . . . until I was cast out last summer for not performing the bizarre and degrading rituals of the Sickness Cult, including most of all the not-wearing of a Face Diaper.

She writes:

I am sorry for any I am about to offend, but posting this information rubs me the wrong way. I believe every individual and business should have the right of privacy. Many of these businesses took these loans to survive. The government shut them down. They did not ask for this. I realize this is public record, but the amount of information that is uploaded here and from the US Treasury can be used by third parties for illegal purposes.

I am sure a few will point out that they didn’t have to apply for the loan and it is taxpayers money so we should be able to see who received it and how much. Then let’s be fair every individual and family that received a stimulus payment should also be posted since those will not be paid back either or how about every person who went on unemployment benefits.

This saddens me to see this. I have never been to Sweet Donkey and have no opinion of them one way or another, but right now I seriously sympathize with them that their business information is broadcasted on a public forum.

. . .

This business was the one I fiercely defended at the beginning of this manufactured rip-tide of mass hysteria. The one I went to every day during the weeks of “lockdown” and “nonessential” – just to show my support for them and my opposition to these tyrannical “executive orders” by such as Governor Coonman of my state, Virginia.

I was often the only person who was there – and I blatantly stayed there, for hours each day, defying the “lockdown” – drinking coffee and working on my laptop – as I had for years prior to this derangement and poltroonish submission to arbitrary, apparently-without-limit “executive orders.”

I knew the owner; considered her a friend or at least, a friendly acquaintance. She was happy to see me for those many weeks of no-business, or practically that.

Not that my business was keeping her afloat by any means. But she seemed to appreciate my support, including the articles I wrote (and almost daily videos I posted, which some will remember) in defense of her right to serve people and remain open.

She also did not wear a Diaper – nor fear my Undiapered face.

That changed – and so did she. And so also the people who worked there, all of whomhad gotten to know over the years. They became Diaper Freaks and I was cast out – excommunicated – for not bowing to the sick rituals of their Faith.

It is a Faith that has cost me and many millions of others dearly – and far more than mere money and the once-taken-for-granted simple human pleasures, such as being able to get a cup of coffee with being expected to perform a degrading Kabuki ritual. One that will – which has – led to expectations of much more than mere performance of a degrading ritual.

I have not seen my mother in exactly a year, her having been “locked down” by members of this same sick cult. I do not expect to ever see her again, even if the people who now own her – the wardens of the state prison for the elderly where she is incarcerated – allow me to enter the facility where she is kept. Because – just like Sweet Donkey – my entry will be conditional upon my showing submission to their Allah, by wearing their article of Faith – the Holy Facial Burqa.

Which I will never do. For the same reason I would not have worn an armband, 80-something years ago.

I will not be manipulated – and degraded – by these fanatic Freaks who seek to use my family as leverage; I would certainly not submit to their Faith for the sake of a cup of coffee and their New Abnormal.

Which these people are enabling by not opposing. By insisting on.

But it’s worse than that, actually.

As far as the Donkey.

The owner knew perfectly well I wasn’t any sort of danger to her or anyone else. Else why was she unfearful of my face – and showing hers – during the months of “lockdowns”? She changed her appearance – and insisted I change mine – when she sensed the political winds had shifted. A long-time, loyal customer and friendly acquaintance was suddenly very disposable.

It felt very much like a 1933 Germany probably felt, when it became inconvenient for Good Germans to serve non-Aryans.

Oh, but she was only doing what she had to survive! The Coonman had issued an “executive order”!

Well, the Coonman had also issued a prior “executive order,” decreeing that only “essential” people dare leave their homes – and this did not include me and the owner of SD knew that, perfectly well. She knew I was not on The List of “essential”people because she knew I am a writer. Yet she was happy to see – and serve – me. While it suited. So the argument that she was only doing what she had to with regard to the Diapering is risible.

She did what she wanted to.

Which of course she has every right to do. Just as I have the right to have contempt for what she did. Not just to me but to civility and normalcy in general.

And now it turns out she’s on the Dole.

Which is to say, one of the innumerable maggots feeding off the dwindling non-parasites left in this country.

She might have chosen to be brave and honorable and resist; to fight for her right to be in business; to keep the doors of her shop open to those who wished to enter and were not forced to enter.

I would have stood by her side, even at the risk of being jailed – or worse. I told her so.

Instead, she closed them to people who wished to enter – and participated in the demonization of people who refuse to pretend that wearing a Face Diaper “keeps them safe” from a virus they aren’t afraid of nor protects others from getting one they haven’t got.

She slammed the door in my face and the faces of any who dared to show theirs. And she partook in the opening of another kind of door that could lead to much worse.

Now she urgently sucks the teat of Uncle – who hands her our money with his strings attached. She will dance, accordingly. She will do business on his terms, the person who pays the piper always calling the tune. This probably means future vilenesses such as the mandatory presentation of evidence of vaccination as a condition of being served.

Which, again, would be fine were it just this one business exercising its owner’s preferences.

But in fact it is one of countless thousands of disgusting acts of submission to government – followed by getting into bed with government and becoming, thereby, the government’s rent boy.

Something worse, actually.

A business with the government as its silent partner is, de facto, the government. What happens when you cannot do business except at a business with the government as its silent partner?

But there are businesses who did not get into bed with Uncle; who didn’t treat their customers like scum – and didn’t use the government to finance their mercenary poltroonery. I know the owner of such a business. The Bent Mountain Bistro, in Floyd County, VA.

He welcomed customers, including the Undiapered – defying the Coonman’s “executive orders.”

He tried everything he could to keep his doors open and his business afloat. 

It was not enough, sadly. But he didn’t take any government money (for a look at those who did, see here) to save the business the government destroyed. And he told me why. He didn’t want the strings attached. He didn’t want to play the the tune called by the government. He wanted to be a free man, free to run his business as he wanted to run it.

Not as his new “partner” told him he’d better run it. 

This cost him his business, which is now closed. Ben – the owner – is operating a food truck rather than the sit-down restaurant that was once the best place to eat in my county.

But it didn’t cost him his integrity – or his soul.

Nor my respect.

Or any of our money.

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April 12, 2021 10:48 am

I stopped at a gas station and told my son to go buy us sodas and my teenager actually went in without a mask! When he came back I told him I was proud of his being a rebel in this ill informed, whipped and cowering sheeple world we live in. Ok, it happened because he forgot the diaper, but it’s a first step!

April 12, 2021 11:07 am

Too bad about The Donkey lady. Nothing worse than being BETRAYED by those you once called “friend”. Hopefully, she chokes on a bag of Diseased Donkey Dicks!

But, you would rather not wear a mask — even for a brief 15 minutes visit — than to see your own mother … ever again?? Wow. Ok, to each their own. But, that’s certainly not something I would do. Blood is thicker than masking, imho.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
April 12, 2021 12:05 pm

Would you take the vaccine to go see her? It’s not about the mask, or the vaccine. It’s about your complete and total submission to “authority”, eventually.

  grace country pastor
April 12, 2021 1:16 pm

Who the hell is talking about a vaccine? We’re talking about MASKS.

And if YOU, of all people — a Christian who is well aware of the command with a promise, to love, obey, respect, and cherish our parents — succumbs to the bullshit idea that wearing a mask for a very limited time in order to obey that command from God provide comfort to your own mother … because you mistakenly believe wearing a mask temporarily is some kind of submission …. well, that’s just fucken nuts!!

Stick your your freedom up your ass and go visit your mother!!

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
April 12, 2021 1:20 pm

Stucky, if you read my comment you’d see that I’m not talking about masks or vaccines. There is something far more sinister occurring here.

Robin banks
Robin banks
  grace country pastor
April 12, 2021 11:12 pm

Yes, you are talking about something that is not the point Stucky was making. I would absolutely wear a mask to go see my Mother. As far as the vaccine I would forge a vaccine card to go see my Mother.

April 12, 2021 4:26 pm

you’re correct here–hopefully he’s not telling the entire story but if all he has to do is put on a mask 4 a an hour or so to see his mom,than he’s too stubborn–
gcp,i would not take the vaccine,but no way does slightly compromising about the mask compare to taking the jab–

scott henson
scott henson
April 12, 2021 8:57 pm

It’s started with the mask. Very soon the same demands placed on us to don the mask will be shifted to the shot. That is only occurring because people so easily bend over! You’re not looking at the BIG picture.

  grace country pastor
April 12, 2021 8:30 pm

I am glad you included the quotes, because authority comes with duties and responsibilities. This is just about naked power. The ignorant may not be able to tell that is the case, yet.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
April 12, 2021 12:05 pm


  grace country pastor
April 12, 2021 8:33 pm

Do you have any words on fearing death? It seems to me one of the functions of religion is to provide comfort so that fear of death doesn’t become perverted into fear or life.

Hugh G. Rection
Hugh G. Rection
April 12, 2021 11:43 am

If you want to see the Face Diaper hysteria on steroids, visit Copper Mountain, Colorado, specifically the ski area there. The ownership/management have an army of “Ambassadors” (it actually says that on their parkas) barking at people in Nazi-like fashion to cover their nose and mouth with a mask. Outdoors. In the sunlight and fresh air. Whether or not they are in close proximity to anyone else. It is disgusting.

  Hugh G. Rection
April 12, 2021 8:35 pm

I don’t know what is more sickening. The ownership, or the people willing to comply.

Aside from the educated dissidents, the entire country thinks there is a real covid threat. It is easy to forget most people are being denied the facts deliberately.

Henry Ford
Henry Ford
  Hugh G. Rection
April 12, 2021 9:01 pm

Made a trip to the dump today, actually a “convenience center, a huge building you drive into, dump your waste, and a huge Cat pushes the waste into the top of a semi-trailer. Masks required. A total joke. If the demands get more serious or intrusive, the pushback will become proportional. It already is.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
April 12, 2021 12:12 pm

Eric, Auntie doesn’t understand why you cannot remove your mom from the elder-gulag and keep her at home. Surely you have that right – to remove her – for the time being. Keeping her at home cannot cost as much as in a state approved and authorized concentration camp, can it?

As for the compliant restaurant owner – everyone has their price.

On the other hand, most people do not have the spine to draw a line hence the overwhelming worldwide compliance to authoritarian diktats by scumbags like Coonman or BoJo The Clown.

It looks like to Auntie that only a Ceaușescu Briefing (C) or Mussolini Treatments (C) for most of the B3rg* tools will end the CoVid-19(84) tyranny.

scott henson
scott henson
  Auntie Kriest
April 12, 2021 9:01 pm

Over the many months, I’ve seen many accounts of children unable to “rescue” their parents. It’s sickening!

April 12, 2021 2:20 pm

I agree about the mask part but somebody should tell this guy it’s not ever tax money. Does he think 20-40 trillion dollars were collected in taxes? Taxes are only to torture, control and put us out of business.
I take the money and put it to good use for the following.

I haven’t worn a mask yet, however I am partially steeling myself for the possibility. If what they’ve been saying about what will happen to the vaccinated (very bad) come true things will clamp down worse than ever before (blaming it on covid or Ebola or whatever). Masks still won’t work but will buy time before the real reckoning.
I will never take the vaccine though and am trying to prepare for these consequences.

April 12, 2021 8:36 pm

If taxes were not about control and psychology, federal employees would not have them withheld.

April 12, 2021 2:35 pm

“Donkey Gets its Dole”. Until I read the article, from the title I thought Bob Dole had become a democrat.