Why big business loves Black Lives Matter

First of all, that Skank Ho, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, has FOUR homes totaling about $3.5 million, and looking at another million dollar property in the Bahamas.  “BLM be very very good to me!”

Second, would you be surprised that Corp. Inc. supports BLM for one and only one reason?  It’s the thing they worship above all else.

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One reason Black Lives Matter is so difficult to talk about, and it elicits such a vast range of reactions, is that no one can pin down exactly what it is.

No decent human being could disagree with the assertion that the lives of black people matter – and if they don’t currently, then they should. But to agree with the claims made by protesters, activists and campaigners marching under the banner of ‘Black Lives Matter’ is a different question entirely.

Do you agree that US police forces are committing a ‘genocide’ of black Americans? And, if you do think this is happening, do you agree that actions that go beyond peaceful protest are justified in addressing this? Is it enough not to be racist, or must society be reorganised to be actively ‘anti-racist’?

And when we talk about the Black Lives Matter protests, do we mean the peaceful or the violent elements? The summer of Black Lives Matter in 2020 brought vast numbers of non-violent protesters out on to the streets. But it also gave rise to the most destructive rioting in US history. The ‘fiery, but mostly peaceful’ riots reportedly caused between $1 and $2 billion in property damages (as measured by insurance claims) – far in excess of the 1992 LA riots.

Then there is the friendly, corporate face of Black Lives Matter. BLM has been embraced by big businesses of practically every sector. Last summer, companies fell over each other to advertise their BLM-friendliness. Whether it was McDonald’s changing its name temporarily on social media to ‘Amplifying Black Voices’ or the CEO of JPMorgan Chase ‘taking the knee’ in front of an open bank vault, BLM and big business became best buddies.

And when big corporates open up their wallets to a cause, their money has to end up somewhere. Last week, the Dirt, a blog focusing on property owned by celebrities, revealed that Patrisse Khan-Cullors, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, had recently bought a $1.4million compound a short drive from Malibu. As the New York Post pointed out, this followed a string of property purchases, including four high-end homes, worth at least $3.2million (Khan-Cullors was reportedly also eyeing up a place in an elite enclave of the Bahamas, but it is not known if she bought it).

Khan-Cullors helped to hashtag BLM into existence in the wake of George Zimmerman’s shock acquittal for the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. But the campaign really took off for the first time after Michael Brown’s killing by police, which prompted days of unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, and was, of course, given nuclear-powered rocket boosters by the death of George Floyd.

Confusingly, there are a number of organisations claiming to represent ‘Black Lives Matter’ in some capacity. Khan-Cullors is involved with two: the non-profit BLM Global Network Foundation and the for-profit BLM Global Network. (To make matters even more complicated, another big recipient of donations intended for BLM is the Black Lives Matter Foundation, which has no relation to either of these entities and promotes a diametrically opposed line on the police.)

Much has been made of Khan-Cullors’ claim to be a ‘trained Marxist’. Initially, this was used by right-wingers to promote a ‘red scare’ narrative around BLM, as if the unstated goal of the movement was communist revolution. Now many (including some BLM fellow travellers) have looked at her property purchases and have branded her a sellout. But the relationship between BLM and big capital has always been mutually reinforcing, so we should not be surprised by Khan-Cullors’ fortunes.

There are many layers to this relationship. There is the immediate branding boost companies can gain from associating with BLM. According to an Edelman survey of 35 countries, 64 per cent of customers say they would reward firms for taking a stand on social issues. Brands like to win over consumers young so they can stay loyal for life – and many young people are uncritically supportive of BLM.

Woke politics has also been useful for firms hiding all kinds of unsavoury practices. Many firms will proclaim allegiance to BLM one day, while lobbying against curbs on forced labour the next, for instance. Indeed, whether you take the Marxist view, that all firms in a capitalist system exploit labour anyway, or the Adam Smith view, that sellers in a marketplace act out of self-interest rather than kindness, it is surely hard to take any company’s proclamations of righteousness too seriously.

But there is more to all this than cynicism and wokewashing. Many of the ideas about race being pushed by BLM – particularly the ubiquity of structural racism – are now part and parcel of corporate culture and the white-collar workplace. Race experts are invited to give workshops and training on diversity and inclusion. Employees are tested for their unconscious bias. An entire race industry worth billions has mushroomed. The most famous and sought-after race entrepreneurs, like Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X Kendi, can earn vast sums of money in the corporate sector – sometimes tens of thousands of dollars per hour. Those BLM protesters setting fire to police stations were not radical revolutionaries — they were more like the militant wing of the human-resources department.

Why has this happened? Clearly, these kinds of workshops are wasting precious work hours and don’t actually produce anything that can be sold. Perhaps what is most useful to the capitalists in these ‘anti-racist’ campaigns is their relentless attempts to re-racialise society. The Coca-Colas and the Nikes of the world are very keen on highlighting the racial differences between working people at every opportunity. According to leaked emails, insiders at Amazon-owned Whole Foods consider the ‘racial diversity’ of its workers in each branch an important metric in determining how likely they are to form unions.

Campaigns for ‘racial awareness’ seem almost perfectly designed to foreground apparent differences between their employees, to pit the ‘privileged’ against the ‘oppressed’ among the workforce, to downplay their common interests as workers. The potential for racism in the workplace – whether overt or in the form of microaggressions – has also given management much more authority to monitor workers’ interpersonal relationships, and even their private lives and political activities (particularly on social media). Race has always been relied on by elites to divide and manage people. But where they once drew on racist tropes, now they draw on ‘anti-racism’.

That one of the co-founders of BLM is earning a fortune and amassing a property empire is not a bug but a feature of elite-driven racial politics. Black Lives Matter is the best thing to happen to capitalism in years.

Source: Spiked-online


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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April 14, 2021 3:56 pm

Is this the Stucky channel now?

Harrington Richardson: Sans Remorse
Harrington Richardson: Sans Remorse
April 14, 2021 4:08 pm

I’d rather watch Stucky than the shit mongers on CNN or MSNBC.

April 14, 2021 7:43 pm

@boden – You can submit, too. Anyone can submit an article here on TBP. Jim Quinn a huge champion of The First Amendment. If you’d like to read something other than Stucky’s articles, submit some of your own material. I’ll bet Jim is hugely appreciative of Stuck’s willingness to contribute. Takes some of the heavy burden off. Many hands make light work.

April 14, 2021 8:52 pm

Buttenplugged- you can always do us all a favor and switch channels.

Stuck is a godsend to this site. Fuckwits like you would be best served to fuck off elsewhere.

April 14, 2021 4:13 pm

Race hustling scam & con artists !
That’s all the BLM is all about ! Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are amateurs compared to the pair of Communist Lesbians that use BLM as a front to extort power , influence and cash !
Blue Eyed White Demon !

April 14, 2021 4:34 pm

We haven’t seen true capitalism in decades, if not longer. We have crony capitalism and the BLM crap plays into the ‘woke’ narrative in spades. Any company or corporation that plays into that hustle loses customers but that doesn’t matter since government is providing back door bennies.

EBT cards make Walmart and big banks beaucoup bucks. The list of companies sucking off big government titties is huge and the amounts are massive. Playing into the race card is a great benefit to those corporations, especially since the democrats are all about playing the race card and it’s the democrats who are in control and they will remain in control from now on, election fraud has its consequences.

Here is an interesting little program, track the subsidies that biz gets from big gov….



April 14, 2021 4:53 pm

Yup. Just another negro racist, hypocrite and grifter.

April 14, 2021 4:27 pm

“Well, honey, now that we’re married and starting a family we should start thinking
about buying a house. I think that we should look at places where black folks live, and maybe
we’ll be lucky enough to move into an all-black neighborhood……..’cause, ya know, they always
have the nicest houses and they maintain their homes and general property so well. And their
children always have the best manners and are always so well-behaved, which probably
explains why the school systems in those areas are always rated A-Plus.”


Patrise Khan-Cullors may be a Marxist, but she’s not completely stupid, which is why
she bought a house in the 98+% White neighborhood of Topanga Canyon.

NOBODY wants to live with a bunch of Kneegrows.

April 15, 2021 5:59 am

When we moved here, in a joking and silly mood i told the real estate agent in an email that i was shopping for a home in an upscale all black neighborhood.
She said such a thing did not exist in new york state.
When we met in person and had a laugh she was good enough to point out the black neighborhoods and other dangerous areas where whites should not go.

April 15, 2021 12:17 pm

My young liberal white office manager and her young white boyfriend decided/wanted to move into an all black area in a fairly bad part of downtown.
They have random shootings, one shooting death, lots of robberies, they installed security cameras, and now she works from home to protect their shit, have zero friends in the hood, seeking to sell but no buyers…………

17th Virginia Infantry
17th Virginia Infantry
April 14, 2021 4:29 pm

Want to give credit to the Zero Hedge poster that noted when these stores are looted all that remains are work boots, Father’s Day cards, and job applications.

Rusty Pipes
Rusty Pipes
April 14, 2021 4:53 pm

Divide and conquer is today’s corporate mantra. Most people get along fine without outside incitement. The real evil is the corporate “masters.”

Rusty Pipes
Rusty Pipes
April 14, 2021 5:19 pm

We know our corrupt government officials sold out to the chinks, cheap. The chinks will walk into the cities, but they will never walk out of the woods alive. Bank on it, you scumbag communist chink bastards.

  Rusty Pipes
April 14, 2021 5:30 pm

But to be fair, they sold out to the chinks only after selling out our Constitution. ;0

April 14, 2021 5:29 pm

God needs to smite Amerika, the Perverse. Just sayin

April 14, 2021 8:54 pm

The smiting seems to have already happened. Just look around for examples everywhere.

April 14, 2021 8:56 pm

Not God smiting…a Nefarious Plot smiting.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 14, 2021 11:11 pm

The Four Horsemen are coming.

  rhs jr
April 15, 2021 6:01 am


Fall to your knees and die

Henry Ford
Henry Ford
April 14, 2021 5:44 pm

BLM = Bullshit, Lies, Misery (that’s just one definition, there are many more). I do not give a shit about anything related to BLM any longer. May it self-destruct in one way or another.

The use of the word “racist” in all it’s forms has also lost all meaning, as it is applied to attempt to shut down any discussion that involves disagreement, by those who have no arguing point, and think the world owes them everything. If somebody tells me I am racist, I just walk away. They can talk to themselves.

Who has made mean feel this way? BLM and all the similar race-baiters out there, all those groups that rely solely on identity politics and culture to scream their demands, and that are too stupid to think their way out of a wet paper bag.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Henry Ford
April 14, 2021 11:13 pm

The Black Liberation Movement is Communist.

B.S. in V.C.
B.S. in V.C.
April 14, 2021 6:04 pm

The only black lives that matter to blm are the criminal blacks that were killed while committing a crime, so they can exploit them for there own personal gain, at ignorant whities expense.

April 14, 2021 6:35 pm

Put the source at the beginning so we know whether to wear our stuck filters or not

April 14, 2021 9:03 pm

A left hook to the NPC. ;0

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
April 14, 2021 7:23 pm

If black lives really mattered, there would be marches every day in Chiraq, Bulletmore, Detroilet, Philthydelphia and all the other black run cities where their minority citizens are gunned down nightly.

  TN Patriot
April 15, 2021 8:04 am

Dont ferget Fucklanta

April 14, 2021 7:31 pm

I’ll be going to jail or die in the attempt, should they ever interrupt my life in a restaurant. A fork and an eye…


April 14, 2021 9:58 pm
Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
April 14, 2021 10:27 pm

It won’t work. Nothing appeases them. They just demand more.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 14, 2021 11:22 pm

Just saw that Minneapolis is now only 38% White folks so that explains a lot. I was there in the late 1970s and it was beautiful; I didn’t see any Blacks. What the Hell happened to cause that disaster???

  rhs jr
April 15, 2021 12:23 am

Welfare transfers. The Feds were encouraging welfare Queens from “overcrowded” ghettos to counties in white areas. Once a handful were settled in the invite boyfriends and relatives who immediately establish a jungle. Whites move away and blacks and Spanish move in. Watched it happen in several all white cities. Takes about 7 years.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 15, 2021 12:47 am

Greenwald had an article today drawing the comparison between British intelligence wrapping themselves in gay pride rainbow flags to distract from their nefarious plots and mega corporations being prominently “woke” to distract from their business model of things like paying slave wages to 3rd world assembly workers. They act all “woke” upfront so they can do their monopolistic malevolence while no one’s paying attention. Libs stupidly tolerate and even encourage this.

April 15, 2021 5:26 am

All BM’s matter and this story makes me want to take a big one.

April 15, 2021 7:55 am
olde reb
olde reb
April 16, 2021 9:26 am

BET: Find the sources of funds that are acceptable to loan agencies to buy all this real estate and you will find every one of them has their Board of Directors controlled by one of the 6 megacorps which are all owned by Wall Street financiers, BLM is funded to cause civil strife just as WS used CIA agent Kermit Roosevelt to cause civil strife in Iran in 1953 so Wall Street could seize the nationalized BP oil fields. WS has used the CIA in the same MO for coups for the past 70 years.

WS is instigating a coup to overthrow the US government, No one in the FBI, DOJ, DOD, State Department, etc. who has broken the law to support the coup has been prosecuted. Those who resist the coup have been relentlessly smeared and impeached.
