Paying people NOT to work causes Economic Inactivity [Letter from Great Britain – 06-26-21]

“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”  NOTEIf anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected].

BUT until we get on to unemployment I have a SURPRISE observation and before we get to the meat of my Letter, here is the entrée: My grandchildren and 90% of their generation have become captured by an NHS ‘App’ which acts as a jailer’s anchor bracelet corralling them into an electronic cage, sans freedom of movement. OK – I might be a crotchety old man and out-of-touch with TECH and what’s going on in Britain generally – but this is ridiculous!

Apparently they download the ‘NHS App’ which warns them if they have been close to a ‘sick’ Covidian and then they have to isolate themselves in their homes for 10 days until the App says they can come out into the world again!  I am amazed that this is done entirely voluntarily, without question, and without malice aforethought – ‘staggering’ is not strong enough to describe this captured prisoner syndrome – they can’t see that they are enslaved into the UK biosecurity state, never to know freedom that, for me, is a natural human right.

Yes, the world in 2021 has definitely lost its moorings and is now spinning off into social hyperspace leaving me on my island of ignorance, happy indeed not to be part of this contrived drama.  “See the happy moron, he doesn’t give a damn.  I wish I was a moron, my God! Perhaps I am?”

I can now see what the ruling elite are doing – they have captured Millennials, Gen Z and some of Gen X; us free-thinking Boomers will be gone soon and then the Great Reset will come into its own.  Thank God I won’t be here to see a virtual concentration camp ruled by Nazis who really never lost WW2 and hear them weaving their nefarious plans to take over the world – it looks like they are indeed winning.

You have to know there is a prison if you are to understand you are a prisoner.

FIRST – My pseudonym is ‘Austrian Peter’ – NOT because I am Austrian, far from it – but because I subscribe to Austrian economics theory which I cover in Chapter 11 of my book.  For me this ‘philosophy’, or ‘religion’ as my friend Gerry prefers to call it, neatly counters the failed theories of John Maynard Keynes Investopedia Lord Keynes  which our Masters of the Financial Universe have been using ever since WW2.

The British-Austrian economist William Harold Hutt identified Keynes’s theory of unemployment equilibrium as the most novel and original aspect of his work. Henry Hazlitt’s second law is the observation that everything in Keynes’s General Theory is either unoriginal or untrue. From Hazlitt we know that the unemployment equilibrium doctrine is untrue.

  • Hutt was a great but underappreciated critic of Keynes. His critique of the New Economics was rooted in two foundations:
  • The first, Say’s law;
  • The second is an appreciation of how a functioning market price system can integrate all useful services into productive use.

Hutt took on both of Keynes’s arguments with a powerful rebuttal. Against the claim of wage rigidity, he argued that, to the extent that wages are rigid downward, this was not a natural feature of labour markets.

Workers can and do adjust to changes in the demand for their services, not only by accepting lower wages when that is their best option, but also by moving around to better opportunities. This can be a better wage doing the same thing or a change to an industry or line of work where better opportunities lie.

The wage rigidity that was a crucial plank of the unemployment doctrine was a particular characteristic of the British economy at the time. The problem had come about due to labour union coercion, which prevented a free labour market from operating.

Hutt also drew attention to incentive payments for not working, such as unemployment insurance, which discouraged workers from accepting a wage that businesses were willing to offer. The Babylon Bee explained the same problem in a piece called “Shocking Study Finds Paying People Not to Work Makes People Not Want to Work.”

SO – not working and being paid well is part of the government interference in a market which in this case is labour.  But it is true for all other markets which become distorted by government interference. “Clearly, to use Keynesian terms, employment in the United States is not suffering from an “aggregate demand” failure. There are plenty of job openings; it is a failure of a good number of employable people not being interested in filling the slots employers would like to fill. Why?

A number of commentators have suggested that many are still concerned about and fearful of returning to the workplace due to the potential of still catching the coronavirus and the risk of serious illness or death. Some have argued it’s because employers are too cheap; that is, they are unwilling to pay a wage high enough to draw unemployed workers back into the active labor force. The problem with this latter explanation is that it does not make clear why wage “x” at which some of these workers were willingly employed 15 months ago is now unacceptable just a little bit more than a year later, given the lost income experienced during all that time.

However, suppose that before the coronavirus lockdowns and lost employment, a low-skilled employee was making, say, $500 a week. But now let us suppose that during the last 15 months, due to extended unemployment insurance payments and supplementary federal emergency transfers introduced during the coronavirus crisis, this person was continuing to have a government-supplied weekly income of $500, or maybe even more, say, $600. For as long as this continues, what is the incentive for him to return to the workplace for the previous salary when, instead, this individual can stay at home and be no worse or maybe even better off than working his old 40-hour week as before March of 2020?  [In fact] a person could receive up to the equivalent of a $20-an-hour wage by staying home rather than accepting available employment.  This, obviously, has nothing to do with a “failure of the market” in not providing jobs or from employer stinginess in the salary being offered.

Even if the government transfers are slightly less than the salary that would be received from working, the trade-off can still be in favor of not taking a job.” [What many miss is the cost of actually going to work in the first place – many people spend hundreds of pounds in the UK just on commuter rail season tickets which can be as much as £5,000 pa]

[And to come full circle] “We can see, therefore, that the current “shortage” of labor is, in fact, “contrived” and not “natural.”  I am using this particular terminological distinction because the cause and nature of market-based scarcity versus government-created scarcity was explained with great cogency a long time ago by the British economist, William H. Hutt (1899-1988) in a neglected essay of his on “Natural and Contrived Scarcities” (South African Journal of Economics, September 1935). See my article, “William H. Hutt: A Centenary Appreciation”.)

“If we, as consumers, demand more automobiles we may offer to pay higher prices for the greater number of cars we wish to purchase. But to produce more automobiles off the assembly line means that fewer of the scarce resources that go into the manufacture of cars – workers and their labor time, resources, raw materials, component parts, and the machinery needed – will now be available to produce other, alternative goods that could have been produced with those same means of production, instead.

The prices paid to attract those greater quantities of scarce means into the auto industry (including the additional wages to draw more workers into this sector of the market) are what economists call their “opportunity costs.” That is, the prices that need to be offered and paid that are just sufficient to attract them from an alternative employment in which they also have value in producing something else that consumers also want, but not as intensely.

This is the reality of a world in which we are not able to have everything we want, where we want it, in the full amounts we desire. This is why, no matter how hard we try, we can never “have it all.” Trade-offs are an inescapable part of virtually every aspect of our life.

Such contrived scarcities, in principle, could be gone tomorrow if the government’s economic policies fostering, creating and sustaining them were abolished and eliminated. The individual’s freedom of choice and action as both consumer and producer will have been more fully restored with a less intervening government.

Free men in free markets would then be at liberty to improve their conditions without the disrupting and distorting hand of political power and special interest politicking that invariably makes many things less available and more expensive than if competitive markets were unshackled from the government policies that only succeed in making us poorer and far less free than we need to be.”  Read a detailed argument:

AND even if we solve the labour problem by restricting welfare benefits (not likely under the present Marxist regime) then we have a supply chain problem causing shortages everywhere. “The global chip shortage has been a very painful reminder of how exceedingly dependent we have become on technology and it has also shown us how unwise it was to outsource production of most of our chips to Asia.  Back in 1990, the United States produced 37 percent of all computer chips in the world.  Today, that number has fallen to just 12 percent.

However, if relations with China get really sour, all of a sudden there will be a whole bunch of basic things that will be in short supply and that we won’t be able to make for ourselves.”

BUT – what about real life?  When you look under the covers then you find the reality of unemployment and despondency.  My lovely South Africa has some heart-wrenching experiences of those seeking employment in a dysfunctional economy.

“I have a motto that I live by each and every day: If I can put a smile on at least one person’s face for the day then I know my day is made.” AND for me I have always opined: “See a person without a smile – give him one of yours!”  And so to the reality:

Youth unemployment [in South Africa] has reached a disturbing 46.3% – and 74.7% under the expanded definition, which includes those who have given up looking for work. We chat to young people about their experiences:  Read on and welcome to the real world:

BY the time you read this, BoJo will have made his decision and I can tell you that, even from my perch in the foothills of officialdom in hindsight, we will not have been released from the final stage of lockdown on 21st June – I would have stood to be corrected – but I was right.  I would not have adjusted this post in the light of realised events – I stand oblivious.

“As usual with the Prime Minister, it is part back-pedal, part fiction, part ignorant, and part omission. But mainly – on the basis of other plans being made by his government – it’s a lie in suggesting that, after June 21st, there will be a return to any kind of democratic liberal Rule of Law.”

“Tony Danker, the director general of Britain’s most powerful business lobby group, the CBI, said the government “must urgently revisit the support available”, including the tapering of business rates relief and a moratorium on landlords’ right to collect commercial rent. Both are due to end on 1 July, signalling looming extra costs for debt-laden hospitality venues that will still be subject to restrictions on how many people they can serve.  The night-time economy, predominantly late-licence pubs and nightclubs, has been hit particularly hard, with most businesses having been closed for 15 months.”  This will adversely affect employment:

HERE to end this Letter are experiences of Brits in America as they cope with Covid: “After the termination of all Covid measures on March 1st, most retail businesses made statements along the lines of “fully vaccinated people are permitted entry without a face mask”, and it has been fascinating to see the response. Admittedly anecdotal, but almost everyone we know that has been vaccinated still wears a mask whenever they are with other people, whereas those of us who have followed the science and read sites such as Lockdown Sceptics are unvaccinated, unmasked and enjoying retail therapy! I would say the percentage unmasked in the supermarket varies between 40-60% depending on time of day and day of the week.” It’s a good read:

BREXIT: “Several Tory MPs in “red wall” seats, backed by the Labour party and steel industry leaders, are furious that a government body has officially recommended that protections inherited from the EU to safeguard UK producers be ended imminently by the government.

On Monday Labour will stage a Commons debate and vote on the issue to try to kill off the plans, hoping to win Tory backing from backbenchers who have voiced their anger at the harm more cheap imports would do to their steel-producing areas.”  Brexit does have advantages:

VACCINE ADVERSE REACTIONS:  “The UK Government / MHRA have released their 21st update on adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines which have been reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme, and we’re left wondering whether the police will start to stand up and take notice of the shocking number and severity of adverse reactions being suffered now that a retired police officer has made a criminal complaint to the police with the support of Dr Tess Lawrie and lawyer Clare Wills Harrison.” Here are details of the shocking results:

AND for our American readers – I have a 30min video for you this week.  It is a run of tests of the VAERS database showing that cases are being removed by the CDC.  Watch and be enlightened:

To be continued next week.

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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June 26, 2021 8:07 am

That VAERS fraud video at the end is stunning… video proof that they are removing deaths from their site and then replacing the case# file with less-lethal reaction cases days later.

So if they are allowing evidence of 5,000-15,000 actual deaths to stay “official”, it makes me really wonder as to the scope of the culling.

June 26, 2021 9:23 am

EVERYONE should watch this video and do a quick comparison of the Night of the Long Knives to the Year of the mRNA Jabs.

There are some really evil people in charge. I met some of them from time to time over my years in the military. They barely looked at me because I was Nobody and they assumed I was as stupid as they thought I was.

I got the hell out of Dodge.

I have tried to make a reply above and it is lost in cyberworld…

June 26, 2021 3:32 pm

EVERYONE should watch this video and do a quick comparison of the Night of the Long Knives to the Year of the mRNA Jabs.

We don’t know what the long term effects of the ‘vaccines’ will be but the short term is beyond scary. Now couple that with demanding children and infants get the jab and you begin to realize that some kind of eugenics program is being promoted.

June 26, 2021 7:30 pm

The FDA terminated the Swine Flu vaccination program after only 3 months and less than 40 people dying as a consequence of the shot.
A “overconfidence in theory spun from meager evidence.”
Gee, doesn’t THAT sound familiar?

June 26, 2021 12:42 pm
Bill Gates
Bill Gates
June 27, 2021 4:59 am

Shocking proof of a buggy web site I’d say !

June 26, 2021 8:37 am

Brits are toast…they love their slavery…

June 26, 2021 11:00 am

Americans also love their slavery for the most part.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 11:19 am

Americans White Christians and white socialists also love their slavery for the most part domestication. There. Now on to higher intellectual ground.

  'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 3:24 pm

Americans White Christians and white socialists also love their slavery for the most part domestication. There. Now on to higher intellectual ground.

So, ONLY white Christians and white socialists love their slavery? You could be more full of crap but it would defy the laws of physics for that to happen.

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
June 26, 2021 4:31 pm

I think he should change his Moniker to “The Professor” since he seems to be the know all and end all of everything.

  Doctor de Vaca
June 26, 2021 4:48 pm

Pedantic, patronizing sophist with a serious inferiority/superiority conflicted complex would be more apt.

June 26, 2021 6:12 pm

A musical interlude…


June 26, 2021 11:22 am

Just don’t take my Netflix and smartphone bro…

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
June 26, 2021 12:08 pm

The majority are sheep and have always been and will always be sheep.

  Doctor de Vaca
June 26, 2021 6:21 pm

The other side thinks that gives them the right to exploit the sheep. To be honest pre-WW2 America was a pretty good compromise. What we have now is a nightmare. Not enough people are seeing the first-causes.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 12:24 pm

If you look at the greatness of Sumer and Greece, where the foundation of Western culture was invented, you will find city-states competing for hegemony within a common language and culture.

When you look at the growth side of modernism, which makes the Malthusian prediction false, you see a LACK OF GOVERNMENT infrastruction: The Dutch Republic and the British Colonies, early America, the Wild West.

Western greatness has been individuality without social ostracization, a meritocracy of producers not pests.

Genocide is a natural tool because killing is a natural tool, part of nature. Whole species die of as a feature not a bug. Why would I keep dangerous subhumans alive? That invites aliens and home-grown garbage to conquer from within, as we have just seen. I can be fruitful and multiply without subhumans, but not with them. The NWO is not all wrong. Thinking globally is merely part of rationalism at this point. I will not be a keeper of things not my brother or our loyal pussy or our decent children. If I am superlatively dangerous, things must work out. I think men should focus on power rather than choices because choices are imaginary without the power to choose. My two cents.

I think there is a lot of merit in your problem analysis, AP. But I think it’s ego to keep shit around as if fated. Men in change can cull at will. Those who shriek in horror are not clear on the purpose of feminism, Affirmative Action, and CRT.

  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 10:14 pm

Sounds like Kipling’s “Stalky and co.”

  Austrian Peter
June 27, 2021 7:38 am

I had to get the “annotated” Stalky to understand the lingo and sometimes the plot. A favorite book on several levels.

June 26, 2021 12:46 pm

“Here’s what you do understand, and what I only recently began to fully understand.”

I think you’re being facetious.

At any rate, you are correct. I understood it quite a long time ago from reading …….. the Bible. As Doc de Vaca noted, there is a reason why Jesus’ characterization of Believers is primarily that of Sheep. The church NEEDS — no, demands — followers. This is no different than government. Just a different set of clothes.

Unfortunately, I am a horrible follower. Of anything or anybody. It’s a miracle I got an Honorable Discharge. I had a nice little stack of Article 15’s after 4 years.

I am also a horrible leader. I was the boss twice. Had about 20 people working for me when I was IT Director for a medium sized accounting firm. And then manager of a Copy and Print shop, a dozen employees. I didn’t last a year in both jobs.

Facts is, I’m just a Nowhere Man stuck in Nowhere Land.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 1:23 pm

AP is NOT being facetious.

Imagine if you were surround by humans not subhumans. You would be in social harmony. Policy would be obvious. If you were one of 100 Stuckies, would you get along?

Now since a self-identity in rationalism is not what you want, Stucky, that would seem to leave only emotion. My suggestion to you is to start your own cult. Then you can have the emotional order you desire. Your rules, Your Highness. I look forward to a concise credo from you.

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
June 26, 2021 1:39 pm

Yep Stucky,
Your Bible analogy is quite spot on the majority of any religion are sheep. That is a truism of all mankind. Only a few are true Sheepdogs as AP notes and then there’s that wretched bit of refuse known as wolves.

👻 (ghost)
👻 (ghost)
June 26, 2021 2:27 pm

For EC, who was nobody, too.

June 26, 2021 1:25 pm

Good observations. Now I see why administrative law with it’s court system was created by lawyers in the latter part of the 20th century. These laws along with the administrators of this law cannot be challenged by the common man. There is no mechanism in the judicial system to challenge the law nor the administrators. It is a top down system to rule the people. Their is no “Bill of Rights” nor “Due process of Law” in this system of administrative governance.

I can see why people don’t want to work anymore. There is no joy in slavery. No incentive to get ahead.

I have been observing the crashing economy. It is the natural outcome of a rigged economy. First going down is small business. Next will be the large corporations and then bloated government. The great reset is being facilitated not by the bankers but by natural causes caused by our own hubris of using administrative law to regulate everything and people for the benefit of who or what? This law goes against the nature of life. It assumes man to be a commodity to be exploited for profit.

This system we live under is doomed for failure. Rich and poor will all go down because everything in this system is fiat at low quality. The true rich people are the ones with skills physical and mental. Once our current system completely fails then the real rich people with physical and mental skills can come out, start over and create a new economy.

Our current political system is dead. It only attracts incompetent and corrupt people. It has taken us 250 years to realize this system is a detriment; not a benefit to human society. We need our best and wisest men to lead us. Our current system does not allow this. We need men with vision to lead this country. Men with knowhow. We are still a young country with vast resources. Our current leaders; all of them, don’t have the knowhow nor the competence to lead this great country. They belong to parties and are elected into office by ignorant low information voters.

When we have the right men to lead the herd will follow. We are homo sapien and homo sapien sapien. That means we like to work with our hands and our head. Our species is still developing the properties of our bodies and mind. That is why we need our leadership to be men & women who have the most developed capabilities in mind and body to lead us.

The failure of our current system is an opportunity for us to move on to something greater. It is an opportunity to change our thinking and thus change our reality.

June 26, 2021 6:29 pm

When the common people com to this conclusion, I am sure They have a New Perfect System (TM) waiting to go.

June 26, 2021 3:09 pm

In Dostoevsky’s The Brother’s Karamazov there is a chapter titled the Grand Inquisitor. where Christ returns to earth and is immediately imprisoned by the Grand Inquisitor. The dialogue consists of the Grand Inquisitor accusing Christ of his folly in giving man free will, that this freedom is too great for weak man who only desires bread.

“In place of the clear and rigid ancient law, You [oh Lord] made man decide about good and evil for himself, with no other guidance than Your example. But did it never occur to You that man would disregard Your example, even question it, as well as Your truth, when he was subjected to so fearful a burden as freedom of choice?”

The average person wants bread and circus, to expect more of them is to go against their nature. Those who control them understand this. The outliers who question and revolt against the system are no real threat to the controllers, they have the police and the happily enslaved minions to keep the outliers in check.

“I would transpose the Grand Inquisitor’s society into our times in the guise of the immoral, big brother, capitalist, imperialist, Orwellian state which is leading inexorably to the death of the nation-state and democracy, the result of the aesthetic choice of earthly bread and non-freedom of the brainwashed herd, as opposed to Dostoevsky’s ethical choice of oneself and the freedom of the thinking, truly social man.”

“Not By Bread Alone”: Concerning Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor

June 27, 2021 8:06 am

I haven’t gotten that far yet in The Brother’s Karamazov, but already from what you’re listing it seems clear to me:
The Inquisitor is actually restating the ‘Original Sin’ argument.

Free will = consciousness, and that means every man has to decide for him/herself on good vs. evil, and that also means there will always be evil popping up, no matter how hard you try to guide/lead/order everyone by example.
I summarize that as ‘perfection is impossible [in the earthly domain].’

But then the even more important Christian hope (or love) comes into play:
Despite the fact that there are constant failures and setbacks, you still lead by positive example, and don’t take the gnostic way out and declare “You can’t handle the truth!” and try to force people towards utopia, like Dostoevsky’s Inquisitor does.

June 27, 2021 7:49 am

But you should also look at things conversely:

Why do we not have a higher (or at least increasing) percentage of high-IQ, free-minded people in a population?

– Maybe the premise of ‘more [scientific] knowledge and understanding, to more people within a population will always lead to better outcomes’, as implicitly set in every game [Civilization etc.], every [science fiction] film and book, and in Progressivism itself, is not correct?
– Maybe more [scientific] knowledge actually makes it harder for the average human to develop, and then follow a grounded ethics/moral?
– Maybe all true to word genocides were attempts/implementations by one high-IQ group to kill off another, maybe even slightly more numerous but less armed/committed group of high-IQ people?

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 11:06 am

So what you’re saying is we need a dictator along the lines of Hitler. We need a Hitler youth program to keep parents in line. You have let the enemy define you to yourself such that you have no self-possession. Yes, you are intellectual, but garbage in, garbage out. That is the danger of intellectualism.

Hitler did not know when to stop. None of these clowns do: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Marxism, Nazism, Mussolini socialism (formerly called fascism). Culture is not top down. No culture, no (human) brotherhood.

  'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 7:50 pm

Hitler didn’t do “family snitching” more than your Communist buddies. The Bolsheviks WROTE the book on it. Nothing wrong with eliminating the Bolshevik threat in your country . Your Daddy Adolf DID know when to stop: after the Jewish Bolshevik menace was erased, not only in his country (which was the MOST infiltrated Bolshevik country after the USSR, USA was 2nd) but in the world in general. What happened AFTER THAT was the perpetual spread of Jewish communism into China, SE Asia, Eastern Europe Cuba that ended up[ being responsible for over 100 MILLION deaths in the 20th Century.Take a look at the late-’40s picture of Jews David Coe, Sol Adler, Israel Epstein posing with Mao. That’s a picture worth a million words– Bolshevik JEWS spreading their gospel that lead to 40-50 million Chinese peasants being murdered or starved to death.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 11:40 pm

Just because you want something does not mean you can get it. Rome was not built in a day. Hitler was a megalomaniac in his latter years. I’m not saying he was all bad or all wrong, but his emotion or ideology blinded him. He left no solid basis for Germans to build upon. He wanted instant gratification. Can’t beat your antagonists like that. Culture, culture, culture.

  'Reality' Doug
June 27, 2021 7:33 am

Hitler was a megalomaniac in his latter years. […] He wanted instant gratification.

That’s a profound insight – as long as we ignore that those two traits are pretty much mutually exclusive.

But if we compare to now, the US in it’s current final years luckily differs from your description… how exactly?

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
June 26, 2021 9:18 am

For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. – 2 Thessalonians 3:10

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Doctor de Vaca
June 26, 2021 11:10 am

God almighty, stop it with your sanctimony against the working poor and the dehumanized poor. If government spending were cut in half, there would be plenty of prosperity and people would work with some joy. You NPC’s of the Jews crack me up. Praise Jesus! (Will break double digits easy on this one.)

  'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 11:21 am

The po po are dehumanized? And me thoughts they, the new Proletariat, were almost Jesus-like, especially if they’re foreign felon aliens.

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
  'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 11:40 am

Does this mean we can’t be friends Doug?

  Doctor de Vaca
June 26, 2021 4:54 pm

He has man love for Stucky…no others find room in his heart.

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 1:40 pm

Thanks Peter.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 3:38 pm

The main problem is Welfare sucking half the budgets so there is nothing left for infrastructure and very little American labor available. The beat down Middle Class Natural Leaders cannot lead maggots, morons and spoiled pigs. The rich are not the best physically and mentally; they are snowflakes that live off the labors of working men and women, and the wealth they inherited which they “exploit” on Wall Street; when TSHTF, they will be trying to buy whatever help they need from Deplorables and I hope they die in the misery they wished on the working class. Society is like France before their Revolution; our Left is like the Spanish Left before their Revolution; the Climate is like just before the Dirty 30s; the Dollar and Wall Street are going to crash; if I’m wrong, America dodged a bullet.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 9:55 pm

Trump said here am I, send me. Over half US Americans and a lot of others around the World cheered him on. He talked a good game and gave it a little try but let TPTB kick him around like a football. The Republicans had the Quarterback but screwed him over every play and purposefully fumbled away every game. Conservatives hate the Republicans but we hate the Democrats even more. A Conservative Populist could pick up the ball and if he/she meant business, over half the Americans would make straight the path for him/her to make America Great Again, and if Leftist burn anything, they will become the sparks and smoke flying upward into the sky.

  Doctor de Vaca
June 26, 2021 4:10 pm

That was over two thousand years ago when they did not have machines that did the work. Dude we are in a country in the 21st century where no one needs to work to eat. Get your mind in the present.

The purpose of work today is to consume goods not food. The latter part of that verse today would read: If anyone will not work, neither shall he consume. And that is what is going to happen when the free money runs out.

My generation is what is called the baby boomers. We created and built all this infrastructure that one can see is crumbling around us. And just like our generation in a few years it will be gone. So now the woke generation will have to build it’s own infrastructure. Unfortunately I don’t think the new infrastructure will be in place before this one is totally collapsed. Which will give the the latter half of 2 Thessalonians 3:10 validity again: “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.”

I see many public schools closing down due to lack of funds to run them. I see Data bases of all types like for BITCOIN, NSA, etc. shutting down for lack of electricity to run their servers. We are going green which means all kinds of shortages in everything.

People do not realize that every generation has it’s own way of thinking. So each generation creates it’s own reality. The boomers worked hard and created this massive infrastructure plus maintained it. Now as many of us are in retirement or interring into it this generation is not interested in maintaining infrastructure so the obvious result will be the deterioration of infrastructure until it is gone. The coming scenario I picture is like the one at the end of Aye Rand’s book, Atlas Shrugged, where the last train running in the country breaks down in the desert and a covered wagon shows up and is the only transportation to carry the passengers out. This seems to be the reality coming for the Woke generation.

June 26, 2021 10:38 am

Careful gramps! This is the kind of talk that gets people reported to the authorities by their grandchildren.

Quiet Mike
Quiet Mike
June 26, 2021 10:50 am

Hiring Manager: “I’ll pay you what you’re worth”.
Job Applicant: “I can’t work that cheap”.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Quiet Mike
June 26, 2021 11:21 am

Political worth will require the magic ingredient. Nothing will change until the magic ingredient.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 10:59 am

You’re not the only crotchety old man, Peter.

I skimmed, being the impatient pseudo-intellectual that I am. I will bitch to try and enlighten, and to express myself, ’cause that’s what’s good for me. (Hi, Muhgirl.)

Yes, the world in 2021 has definitely lost its moorings and is now spinning off into social hyperspace leaving me on my island of ignorance, happy indeed not to be part of this contrived drama. “See the happy moron, he doesn’t give a damn. I wish I was a moron, my God! Perhaps I am?”

It is good that the world has come off its moorings. These vermin, kin or not, are unfit for a human humanity. Drop the dead weight. The deletion of this order of, by, and for pest is a good thing. Ya see, the problem is pest having it too good, which leads to my part two point.

SO – not working and being paid well is part of the government interference in a market which in this case is labour. But it is true for all other markets which become distorted by government interference. “Clearly, to use Keynesian terms, employment in the United States is not suffering from an “aggregate demand” failure. There are plenty of job openings; it is a failure of a good number of employable people not being interested in filling the slots employers would like to fill. Why?

There absolutely is a shortage of careers and rewarding, productive outlets for actual human beings, especially in the sense of Western heritage. Slaves have jobs. There is no lack of job skills. Does not the American worker deserve investment from the employing class? There is government selection of garbage, which is a garbage breeding program. We don’t cull: the government does. The skillz today are herd skillz.

Why should the working poor work? Why should the working poor not ride the gravy train. See the fucking gravy train?! If you don’t ride it, you are getting destroyed. If you do ride it, you might break even or better. We can’t afford the gravy train.

It’s the gravy train, stupid!

It is so typical herd animal to attack those with low rank, but the soft targets don’t have the value. The hard targets have the value. The solution to this oppression does not turn on the fate of otherness soft targets. But it’s easy for the cowards to blame them and exploit them, so it’s basically a spiritual gravy train.

I am disgusted as usual. Which is why I skim. If you play by their rules, you lose. If you play within their system, you lose. Did I miss anything? I spent five minutes on this.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 1:37 pm

A gracious reply, and perhaps facetious. Wisdom is not pretty. Wisdom is simply true. I wish to make things objectively prettier, but who wants such limitations?

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 11:50 pm

And with good Christians is it no wonder who has the confidence to take charge? I would have Christians choose my wise foolishness rather than their foolish wisdom, but I’m a fool who thinks he’s wise. (It really doesn’t take much these days. Take a gander at who has your balls, or the fruit thereof, in a death grip, and repent.)

June 26, 2021 11:16 am

AP- I really appreciate your updates. Are you screaming this material from the rafters there in the UK or would the black SUV come by and pick you up at 3:00am and you are never to be seen again? Some of us warned for years of the culling, we were told to take off the tin foil hat. Some of us warned that the Nazis did not lose in WWII, laughter roared, who is laughing now?

The KEY WORD in this old world is VOLUNTEER. Yup, it’s a volunteer world and I see people sacrificing themselves everyday. I talked to several people in TN while I was away this week who said ,against their better judgement, their doctors pushed them into taking the jab. I wonder, like you, why did your grandchildren volunteer to be tracked and herded. The best thing humans could do at this point is get a flip phone and give these NAZIS the finger.

Keep the letters coming Peter, knowledge is POWER.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 11:24 am

No wonder, BL.They don’t think like you. Maybe the don’t think. Maybe they herd. Maybe they are domesticated subhumans. You don’t have any credible data that indicates most white Westerners are not domesticated subhumans. All data roads lead to the whore Babylon, in your parlance. No human would do what these hominids are doing.

June 26, 2021 11:46 am

Just say no to bad ideas. The future should be really interesting when I try to live this thinking.

June 26, 2021 4:25 pm

The best thing is not to carry a phone at all. That is soon coming for many people. Ever notice that the government has the best of everything while many people have to live with scraps. That is going to change too.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 27, 2021 8:04 am

Working people will have to do with half scrap rations?

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 26, 2021 11:24 am

The US economy is not a free market. It’s a heavily controlled central banking neo-feudalist system with a bunch of ignorant serfs. Paying people not to work and printing money destroys their system quicker. Good Riddance.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 1:01 pm

The system is already dead. We’re in the scene of Titantic where the boat is upright in the air bobbing up and down as it’s about to be dragged under water.

Trump reversed the Triffin Dilemma when he place tariffs on China and negotiated all those bi-lateral trade deals. The Fed’s fiat money can either flow to the rest of the world at the expense of America or it can flow to American at the expense of the rest of the world. Trump chose for the money to flow to America and unrigged their system. The collapse has already been set into motion by Trump with his economic warfare against the globalists. This whole system is going to collapse on Biden’s watch.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Stephanie Shepard
June 26, 2021 1:43 pm

It appears that I am siding with a woman who speaks with wisdom. I am going over to my window—nope. No flying monkeys. Not the end times yet.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
  'Reality' Doug
June 26, 2021 2:11 pm

The flying monkeys are in DC.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Austrian Peter
June 27, 2021 8:09 am

TPTB of both countries seem to be pushing the working people under…saying look over here, it’s that White racist Christian anti-vaxxer doing it to you! And watch out for those Russian and Iranian hackers and warmongers!

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 1:40 pm

The collapse is what will ground your posterity in truth. Would you wish them lives of insulation from discovery of the world and their own potential? What manner of white man is this? The parents that provide ends rather than means are the problem. Any mental human wants the freedom to choose ends, but how? With means = power.

June 26, 2021 11:47 am

It sounds like they have the sheeple well in control there.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 1:46 pm

If those miles were not paved in bodies, what of it?

  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 10:46 pm

Yes, I am glad that the Cap’n was recognized by the Queen. It meant something for a man of his generation. Not so sure the youth would see it that way. He became a beacon during lockdown.

  Austrian Peter
June 26, 2021 7:45 pm

If they get such high voluntary enslavement compliance, they may not feel the need to pull the plug and genocide them all. Silver linings.

June 27, 2021 1:24 am

It’s troubling. Today, the premise is volunteer, tomorrow, it’s voluntold. Today the premise is “strongly encouraged” and tomorrow it’s mandatory. Your entree is as mind consuming as the main course, Austrian Peter.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 27, 2021 8:35 am

A few years back the pigs were turning up the soil behind the house and uncovered and old worn down iron ax head. There wasn’t more than an inch of the bit left forward of the hole. I keep it around to remind me of how something that you imagine is impervious to wear- after all the ax chops the wood- can be worn down by time and the much less robust wood it repeatedly worked. To think of how valuable a pioneer ax was to someone carving out a homestead in the midst of an impenetrable forest that they would use it up before discarding it, to imagine how many times it must have struck to have given up four inches of hardened steel to the task puts our own lives in perspective.

We are used up by life, and yet we roll out of bed every morning and get back at it whatever it is we do only to vanish at the end with all that work left undone and even more that has never been taken up.

God or Nature uses us like that ax to prepare a living space for all of Creation. We are the raw ore, cleansed in the crucible of our birth, fashioned in the forge of life itself, shaped by the anvil of our family, used to the point of failure by time only to be returned to the earth from which we- like the ax- once came.

This is an endless cycle of creation, crisis, collapse and rebirth. It will only end when the last of our species is gone and all that any of us can do, all that we are capable of is to be as utile in our own time as we can be, to fulfill whatever role our shape was destined to do in its time.

Be a good ax and keep cutting until your bit is worn away.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  hardscrabble farmer
June 27, 2021 11:57 am

My parents fashioned me into an anvil. You are waaaay out in front of me. I bring my axeness here like a dog off the chain. Enemy ideas are everywhere. I wade into them. Spill their narrative. Stab them in the ego. Feels good, man.