“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”Galations 6

US Using 15 Military Bases As Coronavirus Quarantine Locations

Via the CDC

“I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize: the government does not give a fuck about them. The government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare, or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.” – George Carlin

In a previous article – Cascade of Consequences – I attempted to make the case the ruthless billionaire oligarchs and their bought off lackey whores in government, media, academia, corporations, the military industrial complex, sickcare industry, and  Federal Reserve have used this engineered covid pandemia to further consolidate and expand their wealth, power and control over a frightened, willfully ignorant, compliant populace. In the month since that article the “powers that be” have ramped up the fear, increased their coercive mandates, reinstated mask mandates, and instituted vaccine passports in liberal bastion cities across America.

I see these ham-handed authoritarian dictates as a sign of weakness and their false narrative falling apart. A sense of desperation wafts from the halls of power in DC, corporate executive suites, and left-wing media outlets on the coasts who have overplayed their tyrannical hand. Resistance is building among an irate minority of critical thinking individuals who follow George Carlin’s first rule.

Their narrative is unraveling as everything they have avowed to be true is being revealed to be false. No matter how many truth tellers Facebook, Twitter and Youtube censor, de-platform, and suppress, there are many more stepping up and destroying their mendacious provably false plot line. Despite half the country, indoctrinated by the government education system to feel rather than think, still shuddering in fear despite being double jabbed, voluntarily locked down and masked, the global elite game plan is self-destructing under the weight of an avalanche of deceptions.

Despite an all out authoritarian fear campaign, to mandate these unproven dangerous gene therapies disguised as vaccines, orchestrated by our corrupt political class, bought off medical industry, Big Tech censorship media outlets, woke mega-corporations, cowardly universities, and left wing fake news propaganda outlets, more than 40% of the population is resisting this tyrannical medical apartheid.

This past week had a surreal quality as false narrative after false narrative was annihilated by unequivocal facts presented by a minority of truth-seeking bloggers, uncaptured doctors (Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Martin Kuldorff), and a few remaining real journalists (Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, Alex Berenson, Joe Rogan). The mainstream media and their social media co-conspirators are nothing but highly compensated mouthpieces for the Deep State, Big Pharma, and the billionaire oligarchs calling the shots.

The resistance is coming from alternative media websites, independent bloggers, and individuals seeking the truth. Online communities of like- minded individuals are the modern-day Committees of Correspondence, as we head towards inevitable conflict. A revolution is in the offing and those trapped in their own cognitive dissonance trance, with a dash of normalcy bias, are going to be shocked out of their self-induced stupor by the suddenness and extreme violence of the push back set in motion by the power elite.

These sociopath global tyrants actually believe they can dictate and control the actions of seven billion human beings through their capture of politicians, the military, universities, corporations, the banking system, the media and now the medical industrial complex. The maniacal determination of those controlling the levers of power behind the scenes to coerce these “experimental” gene therapies upon the populations of the developed world should make any critical thinking person pause and ask why.

This flu has a 99.7% survival rate and has a fatality rate less than the annual flu for those under 21. But universities are mandating vaccination to attend their $60,000 per year woke indoctrination centers to get a degree in gender fluidity studies. Meanwhile, with vaccination rates of 98% on campuses, “cases” from the worthless recalled (as of 12/31) PCR test are surging. The Big Pharma captured vaxx cheerleaders in the medical and media industry do not allow the facts to interfere with their scripted narrative. Their solution – vaxx harder and blame those who choose to let their immune systems do their job for the “surge” in cases. Why not go with the Big Lie – it has worked so well thus far.

Podcast: Overcoming False Narratives - AutoSuccessOnline

The truth is cases peaked in early January at 260,000 per day. Miraculously, with virtually no one vaccinated, daily cases fell by 60% in the next month to 110,000 per day. By early March, with only a 10% national vaccination rate, daily cases fell by another 40% to 64,000, down 75% from the January peak. The vaccine had absolutely nothing to do with this decline in cases. By early summer this pandemic had lost its mojo. The threat of a return to normal was unthinkable to the power elite.

Their master plan called for the vaccination of all. But less than 50% of the adult population had succumbed to the fear propaganda campaign. It was time for Biden and his controllers to turn up the heat on corporations, hospitals and universities to enforce vaccine mandates by either bribing them with Federal funds or threatening to withhold Federal funds. Money talks. The un-Constitutional demand that employees and students inject themselves with an untested chemical concoction to retain their jobs or get an education is legally, morally, and medically unethical, violating the Nuremberg Code.

Research Ethics Training Curriculum, Second Edition

They invented their new variant – Delta – and rolled out our present-day Mengele, mass murderer Anthony Fauci, to lie, obfuscate, and instill fear in his feeble-minded worshipers. Day after day Fauci appeared on the fake news networks promoting his new variant, which many renowned doctors, including one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccines – Dr. Robert Malone, theorize has been created and made more infectious by the vaccines. Are they that diabolical or just plain stupid? Natural immunity through infection has proven to be 20x as effective as the vaccines.

With a huge surge in testing, they were able to generate an increase in cases, but with 50% less hospitalizations and deaths, than when cases were at the same level in January. And now the cases have peaked on the same timeline as India and the UK experienced in June/July. This explains the desperate nature of their actions, as their window of opportunity is closing, and their fear narrative unravels. There are millions of people beginning to make a stand against the government and employer authoritarian mandates.

This past week has not been a good one for the purveyors of pandemia, as their story line collapses under the weight of their duplicity. The entire case for vaccinations (not the revisionist history case being made today) was they were 96% effective in keeping you from contracting the Covid virus. In January that was what we were told by the “experts” like Fauci and Walensky. They did not tout the vaccines as a way to reduce the symptoms when you still caught it, after being vaccinated.

The surge in cases was declared to be a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” in the shame campaign peddled by the fake news media and government apparatchiks spouting provable falsities. It seems Israel has become ground zero in destroying the globalist narrative. As the first country to mass vaccinate, with over 84% fully vaccinated, how could 86% of all the cases in July be among the vaxxed if the vaccinations work? And the tripe about the cases not being as severe has been destroyed, as the vaxxed are being hospitalized and dying too. Whenever you see the MSM using the term “rare” you can be sure they are lying.


A critical thinking person might wonder which country on this chart is fully vaxxed and which country has very few vaxxed, but distributed ivermectin in mass quantities. The powers that be do not want people to see this chart. If it is posted on Twitter or Facebook, the odds of a permanent ban are high. Facts and truth are treason in an empire of lies.

PLC on Twitter: "Interestingly, cases (and deaths) are disappearing in India with 66% seroprevelance and only 10% vaccinated which Israel, with 88% of adults vaccinated 30% "boosted" continues to see a rising

If you really want to make a vaxx proponent’s head explode, bring up the country that did the opposite of the Soros, Gates, Schwab authoritarian lockdown formula – black sheep Sweden. They never locked down. They never mandated masks. They never closed schools. They never closed businesses. They have not pushed vaccines on those who choose not to vaccinate.

Cases in Israel with mask mandates and vaccine passports are 1,191% higher than Sweden where no one is wearing masks and there are no vaccine passports. How inconvenient to the establishment narrative. Since they can’t deny these facts, they just don’t allow Sweden and India to be discussed. Silence is complicity.


The Joe Rogan saga has again shattered their plot line of the covidian cultists. He had infuriated them previously by telling his young audience they don’t need to be vaccinated. Their survival rate is 99.9975%. The cost/benefit analysis clearly comes down on the side of not getting vaxxed. The fifty-four-year-old un-vaxxed Rogan caught covid and treated himself with monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, Z-Pak, prednisone, an NAD drip, and a vitamin D drip. He fully recovered in three days.

Curb your entire being of Joe Rogan: JoeRogan

This was after a full-court press of misinformation from the FDA, Big Pharma media whores, and Silicon Valley censorship police about ivermectin being a dangerous cow and horse medicine. Despite this safe, life saving drug being used by humans for decades and winning a Nobel prize in medicine for its inventor in 2015, it had to be discredited in order to keep the vaccine train chugging along. The 63 studies proving its efficacy in drastically reducing the impact of covid had to be demeaned and derided. When you see this level of vitriol, you know the opposite must be true – time to buy as much ivermectin as you can.

Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 113 studies

The only thing that infuriates a vaxx disciple more than Sweden or Joe Rogan is the name Ron DeSantis. He has continuously pushed back on the covid fear narrative, telling Fauci and Biden to shove their mandate bullshit and masking of children with no danger from covid. They were cheering on the surge in cases, praying for a mass casualty event in Florida to discredit DeSantis, as he appears to be the front runner in the 2024 presidential race against Kackling Kamala.

Oops. It seems cases in Florida are crashing, down almost 50% in three weeks. There goes the Deathsantis memes on twitter. The lefty control freaks are in a full, frothing at the mouth, frenzy of hate reminiscent of Orwell’s Two Minutes Hate in which they vent their existential anguish and personal hatreds towards their politically expedient enemies – the un-vaxxed. Meanwhile, in the leftist bastions of Oregon and Hawaii, with high vaccination rates and mandatory masking, cases are soaring to all-time highs. You don’t hear that news from Maddow or Acosta.

Now universities are back in session, with 95% or more of their campuses vaccinated, and cases are exploding higher than last year at this same time. How could this be if vaccines work? The vaxx nazis are losing the high ground rapidly. The vaccines do not keep you from contracting covid. They do not keep you from spreading covid. They do not reduce the viral load if you get covid. They don’t keep you from being hospitalized from covid. They don’t even ensure you will not die from covid.

As the narrative police like to say, it is rare that a vaxxed person dies from covid or the vaccine. It is rare to have an adverse reaction to the jab. Of course, there have been more deaths and adverse reactions to these vaccines in eight months than all vaccines combined in the last forty years. So there is that.

The last I checked it was rare to die from covid, unless you are really old and already sick with some other fatal ailment. Only 6% of all the covid deaths were from covid alone. I would classify 40,000 deaths in a population of 330 million to be pretty rare, and by any reasonable assessment should not have invoked a planetary lockdown and mass vaccination of billions of people.

This war on covid is no different than our previous war on poverty, war on drugs, and war on terrorism. All they do is give government more power over our lives, restrict our freedoms, strip our liberties, and abscond with more of our hard-earned dollars. As Orwell foresaw, these wars are never meant to be won, just as Big Pharma never wants to cure any disease.

“The war is not meant to be won; it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. … The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.” – Orwell – 1984


This war on covid will never end. There are a myriad of Greek letters once they have milked Delta dry. Personally, I can’t hear Delta and not be reminded of Animal House and Dean Wormer telling Flounder “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” If I could give advice to the millions of people who have been deceived by this eighteen-month exercise in dictatorial government tyranny by paraphrasing Dean Wormer, it would be, “Fearful, deluded and willfully ignorant is no way to go through life, people.”

We are approaching a point of no return. If we don’t resist now, we may never get another chance. As the authorities push the limits of their power and trash what remains of our Constitution, we should heed the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?”

Russian Novelist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature Alexander Solzhenitsyn being searched by a guard in a Gulag for Political Prisoners in Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan. March 1952. [940 x 689]: HistoryPorn

Fauci is already prepping the ignorant masses for the double deadly, extra potent, vaccine resistant Mu variant. They are already doing focus group studies to best scare the bejeezus out of the most people. They must keep the vaccine machine rolling. But why? What is their end game? Australia and New Zealand appear to be the testing ground for turning countries into techno-pharma gulags where you will get your quarterly booster and like it – or else.

This concocted global health scare over a relatively non-lethal virus has been used to destroy our existing economic system and replace it with a Fed created digital currency, universal basic income for the plebs, mandatory bio-surveillance by Big Tech on behalf of the government surveillance state, a Chinese-like social credit system based on your willingness to do as you are told, and a never ending stream of obscene profits for Big Pharma and the oligarchs pulling the levers. You will own nothing, cower in fear, obey, consume and be happy. This is the inconvenient truth, but I already know most will line up for their jabs and the reassuring lies of their masters.

The comfort of a false narrative | Razvan Bigiu

I suppose myself and a few others will stay in the inconvenient truth line until this mass deception and a financial system, built on a foundation of sand as a hurricane approaches, suddenly collapses, because an unsustainable system will not be sustained. I’m not a team player. I don’t follow the crowd. I have a funny thing I do. I think for myself. I invoke Carlin’s first rule and add a second rule.

I don’t believe anything my government says and I never believe anything emanating from the talking heads and vacuous bimbos pretending to be journalists in the legacy corporate media. By disregarding everything these propagandizers spout, I am able to maintain my independence, individuality, and integrity.

“I don’t like ass kissers, flag wavers, or team players. I like people who buck the system. Individualists. I often warn people: Somewhere along the way, someone is going to tell you: ‘There is no I in team.’ What you should tell them is: ‘Maybe not. But there is an I in independence, individuality, and integrity.’” – George Carlin


“Political correctness is America’s newest form of intolerance, and it is especially pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance. It presents itself as fairness yet attempts to restrict and control people’s language with strict codes and rigid rules. I’m not sure that’s the way to fight discrimination. I’m not sure silencing people or forcing them to alter their speech is the best method for solving problems that go much deeper than speech.” – George Carlin

Everything that has reared its ugly head in the last two years, from this covid scheme to force injections into every human being, to the woke mantra being forced down our throats by Hollywood weirdos, to BLM and Antifa terrorists being loosed on our streets, to a presidential election being stolen through the collusion of the Deep State and Big Tech, to the anti-racist lies being peddled to school children, to gender misinformation and glorification of the abnormal and freaks of society, to a military purging itself of normal white males, to demolishing nation states and replacing them with globalist rule, has been part of a larger plan.

Klaus Schwab promoting "The Great Reset." | Klaus schwab, World economic forum, National

The Great Reset is real. They want to tear our society apart to build it back into a dystopian techno-gulag where the few rule over the many. We will not vote our way out of this. Saying just wait until 2022 or 2024 elections is delusional thinking.

I’m not sure how these vaccines play into the broader plan, but when a sociopath like Gates, who has pushed for global population control for decades, is the leading proponent and funder of these vaccines, you should be concerned. Several prominent physicians have hypothesized that ADE (Anti-body Dependent Enhancement) will negatively impact the health of the vaxxed this Fall, as they enhance new variants and create stronger respiratory diseases. We shall see. Stay tuned.

Why India snapping off vaccination ties with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation puts us all at risk - Health News - Issue Date: Mar 6, 2017

With inflation now raging out of control in a “transitory” manner, financial markets stretched to the outer limits, debt being created by the Fed and US Treasury at a rate of $350 million per hour, and Congress about to ramp up spending at hyper-speed, a financial crisis of epic proportions looms like storm clouds on the horizon. I see no way out of the predicament we’ve allowed ourselves to create. I don’t see how this teetering edifice of debt, deceit and delusion holds together until the 2022 mid-term elections.

Yeats Second Coming has arrived. Things are falling apart, the center cannot hold, and anarchy will be loosed upon the world. They have planted seeds of discontent and will reap a whirlwind of unintended consequences. A malevolent darkness envelopes our world. I am haunted by the possible dire outcomes of this Fourth Turning. We can’t let the sociopaths destroy our world.

Does This Photo Capture a Skull-Like Face in the Clouds? |

“As the Crisis catalyzes, these fears will rush to the surface, jagged and exposed. Distrustful of some things, individuals will feel that their survival requires them to distrust more things. This behavior could cascade into a sudden downward spiral, an implosion of societal trust. If so, this implosion will strike financial markets—and, with that, the economy.”

“This Fourth Turning could mark the end of man. It could be an omnicidal Armageddon, destroying everything, leaving nothing. If mankind ever extinguishes itself, this will probably happen when its dominant civilization triggers a Fourth Turning that ends horribly. For this Fourth Turning to put an end to all this would require an extremely unlikely blend of social disaster, human malevolence, technological perfection, and bad luck.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

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September 7, 2021 3:06 pm

Growing up in the sixties and seventies I didn’t like Carlin’s attitude towards American government because the government was still working for the people and wasn’t anything like it is today. The people (well, some) who echoed his sentiments were precursors of who we have today now that our forefathers from that era are long gone. And some of those descendants of Carlin’s attitudes are not in agreement today since they now are the establishment. I’m trying to illustrate how the Commies used their Constitutional minority status then but today they want to discard those rights and protections for the new minority. He was correct to point out that government is not a benevolent force unless it adheres to the main principles we learned in school, mainly limited government and federalism. Popular Sovereignty is good when the Sovereign are not stupid.

I can agree with Carlin today even though I didn’t know what to make of him then. I was a flag waver and trusted the CIA and FBI to protect me.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
September 7, 2021 3:06 pm

Outstanding article and I wish I had time to review all the salient facts, incisive arguments, and devastating revelations. Instead I’ll say keep up the good work and I’ll do what I can to spread this piece. It’s one of your best.

September 7, 2021 4:25 pm

The time is coming when the people in charge will begin having “Unfortunate Accidents”. At that point the farce will collapse.

September 7, 2021 4:54 pm

“[U]nlikely blend of social disaster, human malevolence, technological perfection, and bad luck.” These four planets are coming into convergence with perfect alignment. Is destruction inevitable?

September 7, 2021 5:17 pm


September 7, 2021 5:25 pm

The “shot” and all the follow on effects are but a facet of the total enslavement of humans via the financial system. If you really want to strike the root STOP USING THE SYSTEM THAT WILL ULTIMATELY ENSLAVE YOU. Use cash whenever possible, shop local businesses and Credit Unions. Quit supporting the enemy.

September 7, 2021 5:41 pm

If you keep being WILLING to take the jab for the job they’ll keep pushing the their job for the jab. Can’t get any sillier with you folks.

Like a drug cartel they only push it if you WANT and DEMAND it.

September 7, 2021 6:34 pm

I had a friend who made lots of money,DID he live like a KING,no he bought weapons and AMMO,then handed them out to anyone who need a weapon,and he handed out hundreds of them and millions of rounds of ammo,YOU CAN’T TAKE YOUR MONEY WITH YOU WHEN YOU LEAVE THIS WORLD,but you can make sure those left behind will be able to save themselves and their children…

September 7, 2021 8:46 pm

I like it.

September 8, 2021 3:43 pm

Arizona…although I don’t have the money to hand out a lot of guns I did as in my moniker buy lots of ammo.

I had a friend recently who really stocked up on 3.5 inch buckshot . He was proud of himself until I told him that not everyone will have a shotgun that can shoot 3.5 inch shells. I told him to only buy 2.75inch shells so that everyone with a shotgun can shoot them.

When prepping…..use yer’ head for something other than a place for your hat .

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
September 7, 2021 6:42 pm

Saw this in the store today and it set me back a bit. It also comes in other flavors/colors. I wonder what it is really made from.

comment image?v=1624371949

  TN Patriot
September 7, 2021 6:46 pm

TN- Tuesday is Soylent Green day dude. 🙂

EDIT: It comes in chocolate, cafe mocha, and the ever popular Soylent green (mint). Add water and shake….$2.98

September 7, 2021 6:47 pm

THE LORD JESUS ,says their coming for YOUR WEAPONS,and the police gangs will TREAT YOU THE SAME as they are in australia,the beatings will contuine,ONLY THIS TIME IN AMERICA…you slaves better be ready…

ursel doran
ursel doran
September 7, 2021 7:04 pm

The Powerful case against the vaccine that is NOT a vaccine. PCR usual superb work.

The Powerful Case Against Covid mRNA Vaccine

September 7, 2021 7:14 pm

Fuckin Aye Jim.

September 7, 2021 7:26 pm

NEWS FLASH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

President Bozo will address the nation on Thursday about our COVID problem and getting moar people vaccinated to end the deadly virus.

epsteins ghost
epsteins ghost
September 7, 2021 9:19 pm
country boy
country boy
September 7, 2021 9:54 pm

Big point of clarification. Joe Rogan did not treat himself. He had medications and monoclonal antibodies provided to him, these things can not be made in ones kitchen sink so as treat oneself.

Aus Anon
Aus Anon
September 7, 2021 10:37 pm

This is about control, always has been. For decades there have been well-defined pandemic plans, and they were followed. With covid, the Chinese set the agenda through “lockdowns”, control of movement, locking people into their homes etc. Once the rest of world followed, China promptly forgot about covid and got on with their lives. They don’t need covid, they already have their own social credit system.

The rest of us, however, need to be coerced into accepting total government control over our lives. The relentless scaremongering over covid has the population suitably frightened, and so they release a “vaccine” to “protect” us all. The vaccine is lapped up by people who are told they wont get sick and will be safe. It’s then a simple matter of changing the narrative to suit the facts.

Once enough people are vaccinated, the stragglers need to be coerced to conform. Hence the massive social pressure to get the vax. The govt is only mandating in certain areas, they want the public to police their “fellow citizens” for them. They want to create the same social pressures as the Chinese have in their society. Once the system is in for vaccination, it is easy to extend to a credit score system based on all kinds of “societal” metrics. Ultimately, if you don’t have a good enough social credit score, you won’t be able to get a breeding license. That’s where the population control agenda comes in.

The vax won’t be a mechanism for massive population reduction, it will create too much friction doing it that way and the controllers want a compliant rather than restive populations. Rather, the vax is just effective enough and just safe enough so that the people can be corralled into taking it and punishing those who refuse to take it (and who are thus deemed a “threat” according to the official propaganda). The control mechanisms and the population control works best if it is asked for the people, much more acceptable than imposing from above or taking drastic measures. Other “initiatives”, like climate change, BLM and a stolen election have create a divided populace that is ripe for a “new order”.

I think that the lab leak gave the elites the opening they needed to implement this. It was always going to happen, covid just happens to be a neat trigger (whether it exists or not, or leaked from a lab, is basically irrelevant; either way it is an opportunity). This is what is happening in Australia right now, consider it a testing ground for everyone else.

September 7, 2021 10:38 pm

Very well done, Jim..I read it twice so as to savor every morsel… One of your best, Chef..

September 7, 2021 11:07 pm

… gene therapy … ??? I’m a little more cynical. And I can see where they are going from the path – where they’ve been. The correct term is bioweapon.

And the “PCR” test? Shouldn’t we take control of their language and continuously refer to it as the “Flu Test” ??? Broght to you by the “Bioterror State” ?

September 7, 2021 11:10 pm

Admin gives us “… ruthless billionaire oligarchs …” and the Sea Gypsy gave us “… Malignant Overlords …” Which is better?

September 8, 2021 4:32 pm

KaD…if that were my loved one those in charge would pay dearly…first in court and if not then by my hand .

September 7, 2021 11:31 pm

“Hanlon’s razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity“.

The current public Evil Intent is so obvious that we might as well create Quinn’s Maxim:
Never attribute to stupidity or ignorance that which is adequately explained by ANNOUNCED and publicized and acclaimed maliciousness.”

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 8, 2021 8:54 pm

You ever stop to think that Hanlon was stupid?

ursel doran
ursel doran
September 8, 2021 12:33 am

Kamala Harris Loony tunes reality cost. Let Criminals out of jail to do more crime.
QUESTION: Is Kamala now a co-conspirator to this murder? Cackle Cackle for the V.P.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
September 8, 2021 2:37 am

So…WHAT is YOUR “Line in the sand”?
Mine is anyone trying to FORCE vax me.
The Gardasil “vaccine” killed my beautiful daughter with cancer in 3 years.
I will never be force vaxed again… The USMC did enough of that already.
God help anyone and everyone who tries.
They will regret it for the remaining 2 seconds of their worthless lives.

Carry On,
E-7 Ret.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Gunny HiWay
September 8, 2021 9:05 pm

I am so sorry.

September 8, 2021 5:34 am

Great post. Good read.

September 8, 2021 5:42 am

Great post, Admin. Good read.

Bruce Wilds
Bruce Wilds
September 8, 2021 7:41 am

This is Bruce Wilds, I do a blog, it is named, AdvancingTime. I’m just weighing in to say, Jim Quinn, as usual, is spot on. Cheers to him and his great work at The Burning Platform. If we listen to the garbage being dished out by the mainstream media we will all be led like sheep to the slaughter.

September 8, 2021 7:45 am

One of the gross errors of modern medicine is to study why people are diseased rather than why they are healthy enough to escape the many maladies that plague mankind.

September 8, 2021 8:00 am

Actually that is a very good thought.
All the doctors seem to want to do is to prescribe some new poison where the possible side-effects are sometimes death. A prime example is oxycontin, the doctor should realize what will normally happen and that is being addicted. Know a woman that lived nearby that was arrested, had over 1500 doses she had collected from multiple doctors, a very normal woman with working husband and children, but her excuse was that she was afraid she was going to run out of oxycontin.
Why was that even possible?

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
September 8, 2021 8:55 am

Well, me thinks the other shoe is about to drop here in WA state. As of October 1st, all sportsball (and puck) teams require vaccine proof to partake in mindless observation of games. Gay Inslee proclaims that all bar, restaurants, and public serving non essential businesses can only serve vaccinated patrons, and must check and verify vaccine status – So I guess I can still go to Safeway for my poisonous feed…

Face diapers enforced or else… “Customers: Businesses are prohibited from allowing customers to enter or remain in an, indoor space in a business unless the customer is wearing a face covering, inaccordance with the Secretary of Health’s face covering order. Businesses must post signage in a prominent location visible to customers at each entry informing customers of the face covering requirement.”


“Employees: All employees are required to wear a face covering indoors at the
employee’s worksite in accordance with the Secretary of Health’s face covering order.
Unless additional restrictions are imposed by the employer or a state or local authority,
or face coverings are legally required at the specific worksite regardless of vaccination
status, a fully vaccinated employee may work indoors without wearing a face covering
at the employer’s worksite in areas not generally accessible to the public and when no
customers, volunteers, visitors, or non-employees are present as permitted by the
Secretary of Health’s face covering order, but only after the employee has either
provided (a) proof of vaccination to the employer; or (b) a signed document attesting to
the employee’s fully vaccinated status, except as otherwise prohibited in Proclamation
21-14 et seq. (Vaccination Requirement). The option, if applicable, to provide a signed
self-attestation may be done in hard copy or electronically.”

So stupid and eye opening to this BS: My work travels to Seattle has paranoid muzzled shop keepers scolding me and tossing me out for not being diapered today..

As I travel back to my rural homestead, I depressingly stop by the local Muckleshoot tribe convenience store for inebriations, and laughingly notice NOBODY has a diaper on… It’s so twilight zoneish to see the dichotomy of beliefs of the power of the state over individuals. Most of the city folk angrily enforce, while us country bumpkins laughingly ignore the “mandates”…

latest Gov Inslee “proclamation” here. Fan is about to be shit on..

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
September 8, 2021 9:05 am

Long day. I need a new mask.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
September 8, 2021 9:06 am

Maybe a scary mask?

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
September 8, 2021 9:07 am

Can we go back? Picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue…

  Long Time Lurker
September 8, 2021 9:33 am

Okay LTL

That video is fucken creepy!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Long Time Lurker
September 8, 2021 9:00 pm

What’s the deal with the bad YT addy? They disabling links these days too?

September 8, 2021 10:35 am

Thank you very much for you and your contributors ceaseless and tireless efforts towards enlightenment. Very much appreciated, God blessed us all, the choice is yours.

September 8, 2021 11:18 am

comment image

Provocative, parts are riveting, encouraging, horrific: The vaxx – massive numbers of people did not take the 2nd shot, there is hope through Detox for some of the vaxxed, Australia on the brink – as LLPOH says plenty of guns still in Down Under, about 30 million of the vaxxed in the US to die in 2022 (normal rate is 500k). Economic financial/economic collapse coming soon, fiat dying from a thousand cuts, huge shortages coming, Military not obeying two major orders from the Biden Administration. Etc. Etc. Etc.

All war is deception and it is the most powerful tactic being used by our enemy TLPTB (L=Luciferian). Their deception is crumbling as more and more ‘NORMIES’ wake up! (No NORMIES reside on the Platform on Fire or at least stay normal).


FLUSH OUT THE TOXINS (Graphene Oxide especially) and protect yourself from the effects of the Jabs

THIS IS WHAT ‘MAY’ help the Post Vaxxed, except for No. 12…that will help everyone.

1. NAC (an amino acid) for cellular repair

2. C60 for apoptosis to get rid of damaged cells & repair mitochondria (C60 also helps me sleep longer & deeper)

10 Health Benefits of C60 Oil (Backed by Research!)
(This stuff is amazing)

3. Ivermectin (12mg dose for regular adult…body weight is a factor)

4. L-Glutathione Enhanced with N-Acetyl Cysteine & Glycine to flush out graphene oxide & SPIONS

5. Vit. D (crucial) minimum 10,000 IU daily (15,000 in winter) critical immune system support

6. Vit C (intracellular) ‘cement’ repair & other uses, minimum 3 gms daily LIPOSOMAL is best…I use the liquid if ever sick (super rare with me).

7. Chaga tea daily (couple of cups should suffice p 1/4 tsp chaga powder to 8oz. hot water – ok to drink powder in the mix

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Chaga Tea

8. Balanced Zinc (15 zn to cu) protects against Covid & will degrade spike proteins and SPIONS

9. Zeolite Powder (removes heavy metals & toxins from the body) the powder is better than the liquid.

10. Food Grade Charcoal (removes heavy metals & toxins from the body)

11. Saunas (One of the most powerful detox tactics you can do)

12. *Psalm 91:

September 8, 2021 6:38 pm

Luciferian? That’s a recently invented connation with Satanism.
Lucifer just means light-bringer.
There is a connection between Lucifer and Satan, but it’s in the celestial rather than the demonic sense.
TPTB and/or their armies of henchmen, minions, and underlings are as likely to be associated with Mithraism as Satanism.
TPTB doesn’t need any qualification.
Keep it real.

September 8, 2021 7:50 pm


Luciferian – adjective

“Of or pertaining to Lucifer; having the pride of Lucifer; satanic; devilish”.

I see the leadership of TPTB (The Committee of 300) as Luciferians…so that is why I use it.

You are free to write what you want.

September 9, 2021 3:39 am

Yes, I thought readers might like to know that that’s a recently invented connotation.

Just because one may observe acts one would characterise as devilish, doesn’t mean they are carried out by the devilish.

Winston Churchill ordered the obliterative fire bombing of Dresden (non-militarily significant), incinerating 200,000 mostly refugees. Does one better understand Winston’s motivations and objectives by seeing him as devilish?

September 9, 2021 6:46 pm

“Just because one may observe acts one would characterise as devilish, doesn’t mean they are carried out by the devilish”.


We are missing one another.

I’m talking about the Luciferians of the Committee of 300 delegating to their Orcs, Flying Monkeys, Sons of Bitches, and Daughter’s of Whitches…some of who I’m sure are also Luciferians and others who are just Orcs, Flying Monkeys, Sons of Bitches, and Daughter’s of Whitches.

The  COMMITTEE OF 300 — Who are they?

Ivor Mechtin, M.D. at Law
Ivor Mechtin, M.D. at Law
September 11, 2021 11:54 am

“Does one better understand Winston’s motivations and objectives by seeing him as devilish?”

Of course. This is obvious.

  Ivor Mechtin, M.D. at Law
September 12, 2021 7:21 am

Then you are far less likely to ever be able to connect Dresden with Hiroshima/Nagasaki – and consequently get closer to understanding Winston’s motivations and objectives.

The same applies with TPTB. If you see everything through the lens of devilry, everything will be seen as devilish – and you will understand nothing.

September 8, 2021 4:25 pm

At the track Monday in the not so great state of Illinois. Beautiful day, outside no one wearing masks no one social distancing. Go inside where masks are “mandatory” per our state overlord, to place a bet get a brew, almost no one wearing a mask and no one social distancing. The place was packed! The fear factor is wearing off on some people. Of course gamblers are known to be less risk averse. Heard our county DA said he would not enforce the “mask mandate” whether that is true I have no idea but stores here do not stop you if you do not wear a mask.

Michael Fury
Michael Fury
September 8, 2021 4:43 pm

They willed to stand against the evil deluge

In accordance with their way and spirit.

The death blow would not find them unprepared,

But organized in discipline and sworn

To God on the sacred rigors borne

By their forebears’ imperishable faith.

Their gathering fate was but a wraith

Still in the West to many, but to more

Every minute what seemed a nightmare

Resolved itself in daylight as the end

Of all they loved or could love. It was then

Our champions by grace were given fury.

Not despair, not hopeless misery,

But destiny’s transfiguration,

Though all Hell promised annihilation.

September 8, 2021 4:49 pm

lol. I don’t know what world you live in (the writer of this article) but everyone I work with is not even seeing any of this. They’re totally 100% horse paste convinced. But sure, yeah, ok.
It would be nice if some of them woke up (as they are genuinely nice people), but they’re all shot up and think I’m the schizo. I’ve given up and just hate them all now.
So be it.

September 8, 2021 5:43 pm

Great work Jim!
Someone in the comments below asked the question, What IF the initial virus and vaccines isn’t the KILLER and those unvaccinated who will not comply are the REAL TARGETS, perhaps from a newer variant or imho another released virus or bioweapon disguised as the “newest” mutation.

I tried to find a policy paper I had read that discussed a scenario where a bioweapon or another virus was released into a population DURING a declared PANDEMIC! It discussed logistical issues that each nation state would face, concluding that the issues would be too much for a single country to handle by itself, thus collaboration would be needed, SOUND FAMILIAR?

I’ll try and find the link again but thought I’d share the connection.

In addition, look at this link to the CDCs “shielding approach” ….how long until Fauci and the Mockingbird shills in the legacy media begin parroting the need for the “shielding approach?”
Scary shit!

Aus Anon
Aus Anon
September 8, 2021 6:16 pm

The virus itself isn’t the end game. The unvaxed are targeted through the social credit passports, not disease; disease is too random and a threat to the ruling elites. Covid is mild enough and treatable enough to not be a major threat, while ginned up by the media to be another plague to force compliance and the social credit scoring.

After vax passports, we go cashless and once that happens all who don’t toe the line can be locked out of the economy. Complete control is achieved, and they can move to a global digital currency. There is your global government; maintain false nations, while centrally controlling the currency.

At least that is the plan; 20-30% unvaxed is too many, so they will keep dividing the people, pushing variants and trying to force compliance until the proper critical mass is achieved. The brainwashed vaxxed are the tools of the elites for that purpose.

  Aus Anon
September 8, 2021 6:48 pm

It’s far simpler. Everything, every trick in the book, will be implemented to persuade everyone to get jabbed – apart from those who know that they must not. And ‘persuasion’ will include extreme torment – if necessary.

Most of the current fencesitters will soon be persuaded to get jabbed when they find that people they know are dropping dead from Covid (thereby recorded).

Internment on gruel or jabbed & free?

  Aus Anon
September 8, 2021 7:59 pm

“At least that is the plan”

Iron Mike was kinda right:

Everybody has a plan until they get shot in the head.

September 8, 2021 8:59 pm

Mentacide and other essay …MU the variant

September 8, 2021 9:01 pm

Mentacide and other essay Book..MU the new variant and the joke?

September 8, 2021 10:23 pm

Late on the list. My 36th wedding anniversary to my wonderful wife. Sept 7., So fuck all you liberal assholes!

Ned Kelly
Ned Kelly
September 9, 2021 12:17 am

Rise up against the NWO before we’re all sterilised or dead.

Australia is on the brink of full-blown rebellion. Wouldn’t want to be a cop…and a number of them have resigned over what they’ve been told to do.

Truckers strike which wasn’t reported by the lying scumbag (including now-neutered Sky News) media happened:

Covid shots to decimate world population – Dr Bhakdi

September 9, 2021 5:14 am

The vaccines don’t confer immunity to viruses which can escape immunity, so those 50 percent of the US population fully vaccinated are back at square one. They’re vulnerable to variants which have been around since last October, and probably before. “An analysis of more than 50,000 real-life SARS-CoV-2 genomes isolated from patient samples further showed that most of these virus mutations were already circulating, albeit at very low levels in the infected human populations. These results show that SARS-CoV-2 can mutate its spike proteins to evade antibodies, and that these mutations are already present in some virus mutants circulating in the human population.” That’s 50,000 variants, since October 2020. There are likely to be a lot more by now.

It doesn’t matter if you’re vaccinated or not, if you don’t have natural T-cell immunity, you’re not going to be immune to new variants. The vaccines all focus on the spike protein, and there are – as of three months ago – over 1400 variants in the US alone which can evade the vaccines. What the vaccines do is filter out the variants for which they’re made, so if you get infected with a soup of alpha, wild type, and delta variants as the major components, plus hundreds of other mutations as minor components, the vaccines will filter out the alpha and wild type viruses, and leave the Delta and the rest alone – and *those* will reproduce. The dominant strain will then, by natural selection, be the Delta strain, accompanied by the rest, and those will be spread to others. So let’s say we get a Delta booster shot. That filters out the Delta variant, and leaves the rest, including (say) the Lambda variant alone to reproduce, and be spread. So we get a Lambda booster shot, and that takes care of the Lambda, but the Epsilon variant isn’t touched, so we need another booster. And this could continue on for 20 years, until the variant names fill the page. On the other hand, natural immunity rules – Emory University School of Medicine:

Another thing – these vaccines produce spike proteins which get out in the bloodstream, and they produce lots of bad effects – brain fog, myocarditis – see, inflammation in blood vessels, blood clots, and so on. My bet is that the effects of periodic injections of spike protein-producing mRNA will have cumulative effects, so that mortality from side effects will increase over time. The vaccines are a dead end (excuse the pun).

September 9, 2021 8:37 am

“These sociopath global tyrants actually believe they can dictate and control the actions of seven billion human beings…”
They’ve been doing a pretty good job of it in the U.S. for over 100 years

September 9, 2021 11:34 am

Funny this is the only site I keep losing connection every few minutes and cannot complete a response worth reading ! Your server is being fucked with

September 9, 2021 7:42 pm


September 9, 2021 8:14 pm


I recently received an intranet email from the employers head doctor on aug 24th. Suffice to say that it is a global corporation. To say I was shocked is an understatement. It is filled with misinformation, omissions basically along the lines of the msm disinformation campaign. I’ve posted some sections from the email and would be interested if there are any comments. My comments are below each one. The sections I picked I consider red flags will be in quotes and indented.

“Despite the rapid creation and delivery of highly effective and safe COVID-19 vaccines, only 51.5% of the total U.S. population is fully vaccinated as of August 23 .”

The vaccine is not effective and is unsafe and dangerous both short term and long-term. ADE i.e spike proteins. “breakthrough” is the Orwellian word they use to mean vax failure much like “vaccine” is what they call the jab which it is not. It is now been confirmed that the “breakthrough” caused by the “variant” is actually one of the adverse effects of the vaccine itself. That the jab reduces the ability of the immune system just the opposite. What about the CDC VAERS every week the number of deaths and adverse effects in time relationships to the vax keep spiking higher and only 1% of these cases are reported so you need to multiply those figures by ten. Last time I looked a month ago it was 9000 now its 12000. Cliff High just said its more like 70 million or half the advertised figure. 25%

“Across several states, we are seeing more intensive care unit (ICU) patients than there are ICU beds, and many hospitals have reached capacity due to the recent spike in infections. I share this not to alarm you, but to encourage you to actively protect yourself and those around you. ”

Here is some more scaremongering with major omissions such as what category of the population is being effected the most and that main stream media are guilty of crimes against humanity by blocking all information of all forms from reaching the public which includes safe, effective prophylactic treatment with 70yr track history i.e HCQ , Ivermectin. These drugs are also being smeared especially through major medical journals. This disinformation either lies or omissions have been responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths before the vaccine was introduced. These drugs if used early can cure covid w/ 99% success rate. Look at India for example. Sweden? No vax. Than there is prevention w/ vitamin D, zinc, C, etc. I am aware of the stats for the recovery rates up to age 45 w/ and w/o these drugs. They had to clear the deck of these proven effective and safe drugs before the introduction of the vax so as to not appear to infringe on the protocol for EUA’s.

• “Get vaccinated. The best way to limit the spread of infection is to increase the vaccination rate. 😜 The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective. It is based on research that began nearly 20 years ago, when SARS-CoV-1 was discovered. mRNA vaccine technology has been used to protect against other diseases over the past 18 years, long before SARS-CoV-2 led to COVID-19. While you may have heard about the small risk of “breakthrough infections” 😜 among fully vaccinated people, statistically, serious cases are significantly uncommon: The vast majority of persons being hospitalized and dying from COVID-19 continue to be unvaccinated. The data also indicates that COVID-19 symptoms among vaccinated people with “breakthrough infections” are likely to be much less severe, and recovery is often much faster.” 😜

This has so many false hoods in it but the first sentence and last sentence take the cake. The Delta variant is being caused by the virus itself causing it to mutate. No comparison to natural immunity. It is not safe and effective just the opposite. Its also not necessary for most people. What really irks me was about the history of this gene vaccine technology is in light of what the inventor Dr Robert Malone has to say about it. There they go again using the Orwellian word “breakthrough” to describe the vax failing and indicating it a “small risk” . Outright lie. Official reports have reported that the largest percentage of new cases are associated with those who are fully vaccinated. The question is: are these actually new cases or are they vaccine-associated illnesses? Following the conclusions of a Nobel prize-winner in medicine and other top level experts, I have attributed what the medical establishment calls new cases, breakthroughs, delta variant, to adverse responses to the vaccine itself, thus questioning the existence of the delta variant. But after listening to Dr. Robert Malone, it appears that there are variants also, and will be more variants. Thus the new breakout of what are reported as Covid cases consists of both adverse reactions to the vaccine and illnesses from the new variants. The majority of people who got the Delta variants were already vaccinated and getting it after being vaccinated makes it even worse than if you got it unvaccinated. There they go again. The stats totally show the last two statements as false. Taking vitamin D, zinc, C, can prevent the virus from replicating in the cells and if you do get it take the drugs mentioned asap not more than a couple days after you get it and you will be fine. After that you get natural immunity for life which is totally superior to the limited immune reaction of the vax. Again they don’t specify what segment of the population is ending up in the icu. The fact is that by the time they get to the icu all they know how to do is put them on the ventilator.

It is a known fact that this was not a “wet leak”. This was disseminated either by accident or on purpose from the class 4 Wuhan Institute of Virology one of only 15 in the world. Coincidence? It’s a proven fact that entities in the US govt were funding “gain of function” research basically another Orwellian term to make for taking viruses, souping them up, making them more contagious,more deadly . There was a media blackout on this event for 15 months. Finally when it was to obvious to ignore the medical journal Lancet put out a letter signed by prominent virologists saying basically this came from a “wet market” in Wuhan. This is the same medical journal that put out a report on HCL study done in Brazil that turned out to be a fraud saying that HCL was “dangerous” etc etc. They had to retract it. Those “virologists” had been involved in gain of function research funded and subsidized by the govt. They had a stake in the outcome. You know that was damage control but we now also know from Fauci’s emails that he was complicit in the “gain of function” research and was intimately involved in working with the pharmaceutical companies in this endeavor.

It’s been discovered by researchers in Spain and former Pfizer employee whistleblower Karen Kingston interviewed on the Stew Peters show that the vaccine has a known poison in it Graphene Oxide which is the capsule that encloses and protects the MRNA on its journey to the cells. It is 17x’s stronger than steel and indestructible. It also conducts electricity. She specialized in reading the entire patents for drug companies, Dr’s, and consumers. She read the entire 190 pgs plus all the addendums on top of that. She says 100% that its in the vaccine. Not listed b/c its a “trade secret” secret ingredient. but its in the addendum info. She says that’s the reason they didn’t list it directly in the patent.. Its a known fact poison to humans and animals. She doesnt know why they are doing it. She says its an injection not a vaccine like the polio vaccine. She calls it evil and calls it a bio weapon that is lethal and dangerous for the purpose of planned genocide.

PS. The CDC was fully aware of the HCL cure way back in 2005 when they did a study for the SARS virus.

Bottom line this is all a scam and the most obvious motive is PROFITS. There are others and they are not good. Comments?

Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
September 11, 2021 5:06 pm

Nothing new here but it appears you are up to speed. Fauci wrote the 2005 paper on HCQ .

September 9, 2021 8:25 pm
