Establishment Of Religion

Our esteemed colleague “A Fool and His Party” posted this link yesterday.  His comment was;

“So in the grand tradition of American ingenuity in the face of adversity, here comes someone down in Austin who has reverse engineered a religion which is based on resisting coercion. Looks like a fully developed religion to me…and they are offering exemption letters based on non coercion being a requirement of the religion.”

I don’t know if it’s legit  (but, I hope it is!).  Many moons ago some good Patriots formed the Church Of Monday Night Football (CMNF). A fine institution!  But, I don’t believe the IRS recognized the cost of football tickets as a “charitable deduction“.  By the way, CMNF still exists!  You can read about their history (a short yet quite humorous read)  HERE.

“Establishment Of Religion”  is a religion light on “doctrine”.  It kind of boils down to;  1) Thou shalt not threaten anyone, especially with your religion, and 2) Thou shalt not coerce.  Wow! What a great religion!  Where do I sign up??

WELL, HERE —->  Establishment Of Religion Homepage

At least click on the link to check out their Covid Exemption Letter.  Could it work? What do you think?


And here is their fantastic article concerning “coercion”.


De Coercitione: On Coercion

Coercion: Legal Definition & Example - Video & Lesson Transcript |

Just as fish swim in a vast ocean unaware of a completely different world outside their environment, we, too, swim in a vast ocean. Unaware of the nature of our environment due to long immersion in it, we assume this is the way things ought to be, rather than just the way we’ve come to accept them.

The ocean we swim in is the ocean of coercion. Coercion of others, coercion of ourselves. Coercion by government, by industry, by social institutions and by other individuals. Gross coercion inflicted through brute violence, suppression, strong-arming, and physical intimidation. Subtler forms of coercion of shaming, guilting, and the ostracizing of others simply by reason of their holding a different opinion.

Coercion has become just about the only tool in the toolbox for getting things done these days. Threaten incarceration; threaten a lawsuit; threaten to take children from parents; threaten to deplatform you; threaten to force you to choose between your job and accepting the injection of a substance you believe will be harmful to you; threaten to withhold the rewards of family harmony or friendship’s quiet enjoyment.

How have we arrived at this state? While the individual always remains responsible for his or her own actions, there is no doubt a large measure of responsibility falls squarely on those in our social institutions: government,  industry, entertainment and yes, even religion. Those who should be providing an example of reasonable and cooperative action based on honesty, true care for others and effective persuasion have plunged headlong into the trap of coercion to achieve their goals. They have been seduced by the  lure of fast, tangible results they desire while ignoring the corrosive long-term effects such behavior from our cultural leaders will encourage among the general population.

They have failed. And I say again, they have failed. They have resorted to the most egregious forms of coercion of other societies while conditioning us to accept rank authoritarianism here at home in America. They are the antithesis of what we need today: a new model for the organization of society based on non-coercion, informed by transparent and full disclosure of all relevant facts, and animated by the voluntary association of like-minded people, while assuring those who peacefully disagree the same level of autonomy and freedom we demand.

The Comity has revealed through Prophet Charles King Jr. this new truth, which is really a very old truth we simply have forgotten for a time. We offer non-coercion of others, and will accept nothing less than the same for ourselves. We demand full disclosure of all facts relevant to our decision-making in every area of our life. Our beliefs require us to extend to others that same right, so that they may be fully informed and base their voluntary association, whether personal, commercial or other, within a context truthfully arrived at.

Establishment of Religion℠ is an underlying truth familiar to all of the great world religions. It says we cannot be fully human, and participate in healthy societies, until we have purged coercion of others from our character and resisted every effort to coerce us or others. As the servant of We the People, we do not ask government to grant the cessation of coercion; we confidently say we will not participate in the coercion they wish to promote. We do not petition industry, or entertainment, to do better in promoting the principle of peaceful cooperation. We simply will not support businesses that promote or glorify coercion or violence as legitimate behavior in anything other than appropriate self-defense.

When carefully examined, it can be shown everything from simple moral precepts such as, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” to the prohibitions of criminal law may usefully employ the principle of non-coercion. It is the Universal Solvent of human conflict and the sure path to a society that values productive cooperation, inclusiveness of alternate viewpoints, and the ratcheting down of violence of all types in our relationships with others.

End of Article

[Side Bet: How long until the usual suspects pop in to call me a heretic, or a Dumbass who doesn’t know Jackshit about God or religion, and that I should stop posting such drivel, and oh by the way, I should go straight to hell? Please give answer in nanoseconds.]


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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September 17, 2021 1:42 pm

Let me be the first in line to suggest you try a less coercive approach to your argument.

I am watching the storm roll in.

Ivor Mechtin, M. D. at Law
Ivor Mechtin, M. D. at Law
September 17, 2021 2:13 pm

Laws prohibiting acts considered criminal are the epitome of coercion.

Society can not exist without the kinds of coercion listed here. If everybody went around doing whatever they wanted to all of the time it would all collapse. ‘Coercion’ is infinite and for the most part, benign.

When it is brought to bear by ruthless or criminal cabals, it is the underlying criminality that represents the danger. That is, I do not refuse because it is coercive, I refuse because your intentions are criminal.

The coercion is only a by product.

September 17, 2021 2:14 pm

It says we cannot be fully human, and participate in healthy societies, until we have purged coercion of others from our character and resisted every effort to coerce us or others.

Yes, that is one good way to say it.

Another one, if one goes one level deeper in thought, is that coercion is a follow-up problem after expecting or even just declaring perfection [in large scale, for example of a society] is achievable in this world.
Because if you accept we are all sinners and will always be, there is no need to coerce anyone.
But it’s not a reason to become Gnostic either: you can always strive to make things a little better every day, while never coming close to perfection, and with the inevitable setbacks for all possible reasons (including evil.)

Thanks, Stucky

September 17, 2021 2:27 pm

Anything ,including a fake religion is OK with me if it stops the degradation of our country, and it IS OUR COUNTRY. If the IRS can rubber stamp millions of tax returns where the taxpayers contributed items/cars to GOODWILL which is a for profit company, racking in million upon millions (In no way a charity) then the /government can allow these exemptions.

Fozzy Bear
Fozzy Bear
September 17, 2021 2:35 pm

Interesting that someone has finally broached the issue of coercion. I’m planning to stake my exemption on the Christian worship of Truth, and my inability to freely sign the required consent form while my livelihood is threatened.

Charles King Jr.
Charles King Jr.
September 18, 2021 10:40 am

First of all, sincere thanks to Stucky for contacting me re using the post about coercion here at The Burning Platform. I appreciate the interest shown.

I’d like to take the opportunity to clear up a couple of misconceptions that appeared in the remarks below; I hope they will clarify things a bit should someone view this down the road.

@Ivor Mechtin, M. D. at Law-“The coercion is only a by product….Society can not exist without the kinds of coercion listed here. If everybody went around doing whatever they wanted to all of the time it would all collapse. Coercion is infinite and for the most part, benign.”
My belief is you have the cause/effect dynamic reversed. Actions that are criminal are coercive at their root; actions that are coercive are not necessarily criminal. I don’t believe you got around to reading the Nine Principles at our website. It made a clear distinction between Reasonable Compulsion and Coercion. Reasonable Compulsion is the appropriate response to Coercion by way of response and is enjoined as necessary by the teachings for both individual and societal application. As to your comment that coercion is for the most part benign: why would one resort to coercion when cooperation is even more productive and avoids the many detrimental effects of our present situation, which is an infinity of coercive action?

@BL: “Anything ,including a fake religion is OK with me if it stops the degradation of our country, and it IS OUR COUNTRY.”
Establishment of Religion isn’t a fake religion; it is a religious practice that has its basis in common with all the great religious traditions. Love thy neighbor as thyself, do no harm, etc….these express the same idea of an active interest in loving, or at least cordial, relationship with the world and living beings within it. You may wish to think about what “religion” is at its heart, as well as what “revelation” means. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Saul never met Jesus before his epiphany on the road, his change of name to Paul and conversion to following rather than persecuting Christ. He came into obvious doctrinal conflict with James the Elder and others who actually knew Jesus. Paul went on to establish the greatest part of what became known as Christianity, which Jesus the Christ did not do. Is Christianity a fake religion?

@Fozzy Bear: I believe you are on the right path. They will likely try to cast your position as a “lifestyle choice” or other personal quirk. But as you may know, personal principles, sincerely held as beliefs that inform your decisions and support your religious inclinations, do fall under the current definition as protected by the 1st Amendment. And you are definitely on the right track with coercion.

Establishment of Religion clearly states one does not have to give up their current beliefs or practices to declare themselves a believer. Should the Letter of Exemption at our website provide any value to you, please feel free to download it and use in your efforts. There is not, and will never be, any donation sought for anything that appears as public teachings of our beliefs.

Thanks for this opportunity to expand a bit on our beliefs and thanks again to Stucky for his kind interest.

Charles King Jr.
Charles King Jr.
September 18, 2021 1:31 pm

We’re holding a barbecue soon and may invite you to be burned at the steak.

Charles King Jr.
Charles King Jr.
  Charles King Jr.
September 18, 2021 1:28 pm

Stucky, it goes back to the opening lines of the Coercion post. We are so used to “overwhelming the opposition” it is difficult to think in terms of how we might be able to co-exist with one another even with different beliefs. There are symbiotic relationships in nature that are beneficial to all parties involved, including the environment itself in the abstract. Why are humans, the self-titled Crown of Creation, unable to live in symbiotic relationship? I hope to post more on this topic at the website.

The whole world is being shaken at this time. We might want to use this opportunity to take a long look at everything we have invested ourselves in physically, emotionally, financially and most important, spiritually.

Humanity can grow past our shortcomings when we are willing to allow others to approach the questions in their own way.

Just FYI, anything that is publicly made available by Establishment for Religion may be freely reproduced with either a link to the website or a text line with the URL in hardcopy materials. We do not monetize the message in any way. While we 100% support freedom-led websites and authors who do, in our case we felt it appropriate to avoid accepting funds for this work.

Re a thick skin: I am trying to be completely porous right now : )

Old School Counselor
Old School Counselor
September 20, 2021 11:19 am

We are doing something similar at, a registered nonprofit in Idaho with perhaps a bit of a different spiritual emphasis. We are a pro-European church for cultural conservatives based on boundaries, accountability, and common sense. We add a modern dose of positive psychology. Exemption letters are available for download. Donations appreciated. Let people know about us.