Pearls Before Swine

Guest Post by Freed Radical

Some years ago, I created a product line for a certain market, said product line full of my heart and soul. The consumers in this market are social media active and quite vocal about what they like and dislike. If you mention a new product on one of the forums there will be ten immediate responses, sight unseen: Two people will love it, four people will shrug, and four people will HAAATTEE IT! I’m talking visceral, foaming at the mouth, Alec Baldwin leaving a voice message for his daughter hate. Over time, the haters convert some of the shruggers, until your market has shrunk to only 1 out of 10. It got the point that I stopped working in that market, the social media scene is so acidic and the market so self-poisoned.

It’s almost as bad as when you quote a Bible verse on TBP. (Tongue in cheek on that – down boys.)

But… since we’re speaking of Bible verses, there’s a great quote from Jesus himself, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.”

This advice and model applies to so many situations these days. Let’s look at some examples.

Military Service

There was this old guy who lived next door when I was a kid. He was a veteran of WWII, an avid hunter, reloader, and talker, and he would talk to me interminably about his wartime experiences and the sorry state of the nation, spitting pints of tobacco juice onto my driveway. Did I say he liked to talk? I listened out of politeness as he promoted military service, but at my young age I was not about to consider giving up my youth for a gig in the trenches. We had just come out of the Vietnam debacle, the first war America ever lost (so they said), and the military career option was not attractive to me or my peers.

I’m so glad I made that decision.

Over the years I have watched the strong men and women of the US military be used and misused in so many ways. Several veterans I know are messed up, physically, mentally, or both. Veterans leave the service having worked jobs ranging from supply depot clerk to nuclear reactor tech, but it seems all that many are qualified to do in real life is low wage labor, selling insurance, or working on the hardware aisle at the big box store. I am always surprised when I meet some guy working a menial job and find out he was a squad leader overseas. Huh? People in prison apparently get more practical real life job training than the US military gives our soldiers.

I also know a number of elderly veterans who line up at the local free food bank every week. Thanks for using them up and throwing them away, Uncle Sam.

Do you remember when the vets returned from Vietnam and how they were disrespected, as if they were the villains in that war? There were 58,000 American lives lost in Vietnam, apparently for nothing, as we surrendered. Further, evidence suggest the whole war was initiated in a false flag incident.

In Afghanistan, we lost over two thousand US service members, apparently for nothing, as we just recently surrendered. You remember how that Afghanistan conflict started, right?

It is easy to count the people who gave their lives, and people who gave years of their lives in military service to the United States, only to have their sacrifice brought to nothing. The pearls of their service, and even life, cast before the swine of politicians and the Pentagon, trampled into the sand.

I’m so glad I made that decision not to cast my pearls before the swine of military and civilian leadership. My heart goes out to those who did, and their families, especially the families of those whose loved ones never came home.

If you are a young person and are considering that decision, please don’t do it. If you are still in the military, isn’t it about time you take your pearls and go home?

Working for Corporate America

Instead of military service, I went to work for Big Company, Inc. It was interesting for a while, but I realized pretty quickly that some people were not concerned about doing things right, but rather in getting a paycheck for the least amount of work possible. The ones who did good work had been so blunted by the corporate grind that they had no fight left in them. That lasted a few years and then I was off to smaller companies to do something meaningful.

The people at Big Company, Inc. have ways of doing things, well, because that’s the way they have always done it. There is no logic, no consideration of money wasted, or time or people wasted. Every generation has to learn these ways afresh, and decide how much they can put up with. The millennials today work for Big Healthcare, Big IT, Big Amazon, Big Facebook, Big Google, Big Apple, and they consider the toxic user culture normal. It’s all they have ever known, and none of them have any value other than butts in chairs. Whatever, dude.

Do you work for Big Company, Inc.? Have you self-amputated your desire to do good work to conform with the latest management policy? Have they worn you down to the point you are just counting the days until retirement?

Worse yet, is some faceless MBA in HR requiring you, via email, to receive an injection of unknown substances into your body?

If you are still working at such a life sucking job, isn’t it about time you take your pearls and go home?

Concealed Carry

So you are in a retail store and some liberal on antidepressants starts shooting up the place. What do you do?

Well, if you believe the NRA hype, you draw your weapon and take out the perp, going from zero to hero in 60 seconds. And thus ending your life as you know it. Your new life involves spending every hard earned dollar and all your savings on blood sucking leech attorneys. The system allowed you to carry the gun, and the system will now suck you dry.

Reconsider, hero. A huge chunk of the people you are protecting are Biden voters, and of the rest only a fraction are actually living free. A mass shooting not being the optimum time for a poll or focus group, I suggest you do the courageous thing for your family and slip out the back door. Let the libs reap what they have sowed. “Cleanup on aisle 27.”

Anyway, if you come home in a body bag, your spouse will kill you.

If you are liberal reading this, then yes, it means when our country is collapsing into a smoking pile of rubble and you look around to see who’s got your back, I’m not going to be there. Take comfort in your preferred pronouns. Have a nice day.

If you are conservative reading this, I’ll meet you at the back door and we’ll go have a BLT and a beer.

If 90% of America has left you for greener socialist pastures, isn’t it about time you take your pearls and sidearm and go home?

Government Education

I’ve spent a lot of time with government educated children. Whereas my generation were total idiots as youth, things have actually gotten worse. Those idiots have raised idiots who have spawned more idiots, until… Starbucks.

Kids today know nothing about spelling, grammar, punctuation, or parts of speech, and are totally incapable of writing a sentence, paragraph, or term paper. They know no math or even arithmetic, and pre-calculus students still count on their fingers. They have no critical thinking ability, no reasoning ability, and are susceptible to any message whatsoever, as long as it pours out of their stupephones.

Eating Tide Pods, sucking condoms up their nose, drinking boiling water, inhaling and puking cinnamon – these are some of the things young people are doing for fun. “Sure! I’ll take that vax!” None of my generation would have done anything that stupid, even stoned as we were.

It gets worse. Understand that some of the idiots who parent these kids are also school teachers. Just the thought sends chills up an intelligent person’s spine.

It gets even worse as your child is brainwashed to think he is a she, or something in between, or some other species entirely. Anyone who disagrees with anything, even 2+2=5, is a racist. We’re plumbing the depths of absurdity without superlative. This crime is being done to children.

Are you sending your children or grandchildren to these government schools? Are they pumping them full of Critical Racism Theory? Have you not looked into home schooling, or private schools? Any person who has their head screwed on straight can teach a child from first through twelfth grade, with considerable work and study, of course. That graduate will easily be squeezed into the top 1% of the bell curve, and will understand the value of hard work.

Parents nationwide are becoming domestic terrorists by shouting down school boards for teaching their children all sorts of evil. If the government educational system has failed so spectacularly, isn’t it about time you take your pearls, and children, and go home?

Corporate Church

Reading an article at TBP the other day, I saw the term deep church, and oh how it fits. Church has become a huge business, and the actual motivations and goals are covered over with warm hugs, firm handshakes, non-threatening sermons, and hot coffee. Now there is a grossly evil deep church, you know, with the pedophile priests and all, but most of these organizations are simply in it for the money and power. Remember, power is not always a means to an end, but an end in itself.

What’s your church experience like? Sit down, shut up, pay up? Go with the program? Disagreement is naysaying? Yes, Pastor, yes, Pastor? That’s not the church I see in the Bible. The disciples in the Bible were instructed to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. Ever seen a healing at church? Or a demon expulsion? Certainly there are some demon candidates in every church, but today that is their safe space.

Church should be a spiritual refueling station where we get gassed up to go back out into life and love people into the Kingdom of God, and do spiritual battle against the forces of evil. It should not be run by seminarians, architects, engineers, contractors, lawyers and bankers. Church should not be the spiritual axle around which our life revolves. Rather, God should be that central focus, with church being one of the spokes, an important one.

If your church is playing Church, Inc., and not carrying out its proper mission, isn’t it about time you take your pearls and not go home, but go find some other people of spiritual value? Our family has.

So Many Swine

Here are some more swine before which I shall not cast my pearls.

    • A national grocery store chain that decided they don’t like customers carrying firearms.

    • A local package shipping store that called the police on a friend for not wearing a mask.

    • A nearby city that banned firearms on all city properties.

    • Numerous states that despise my freedom.

    • The local newspaper that promotes communism.

    • Many large food companies that have gone woke.

    • All entertainment companies that have gone woke.

    • Most news outlets that are peddling whopper lies continuously.

    • A big box retailer that declared their bathrooms are now open to gender whim.

    • A national restaurant chain endorsed by some woke, liberal athlete.

    • A worldwide merchandising company that limits what I can buy and sell according to their politics.

    • Many national financial institutions that take free federal money.

    • A national coffee company that promotes the global warming hoax.

    • Any Big Medical conglomerate that profits from pumping me full of pills and ‘vaccines’.

    • An ice cream company to whom liberal politics is more important than my business.

Add your 50 or 100 swine to the list.

Swine Aggression

The quote from Jesus paints a picture of someone throwing his pearls out to a batch of pigs, said pigs just minding their own business. But the situation today is way beyond that. The swine are aggressively pursuing pearls, and forcibly trampling them and their owners. Some examples…

    • Your children being pursued by school teachers armed with CRT, transgender lifestyles, sexualized teachings, and even literal sexual encounters. (Do a quick search for arrests of teachers for having sex with students.)

    • You being pursued by pharma elites to jab you with “vaccines.”

    • Your job being deleted if you refuse the mask or vax.

    • Your money being intentionally devalued by inflation under direction of the banking elite.

    • Your ideas being blacklisted and censored.

    • Your location and activities being tracked and databased.

    • Your taxes being jacked up without limit or restraint.

    • Your religion being coerced by the state.

    • Your elections being completely corrupted.

    • Your Constitution being used as a door mat and toilet paper, by those charged with protecting it.

    • Your young men and women being used as cannon fodder in military industrial complex wars.

    • Your history, personal and national, being rewritten by the most intellectually bankrupt among us, college professors.

    • Your free speech being deemed “hate” by people who hate for a living.

We’re not living in a country of peaceful swine who mind their own business. These are feral hogs and they are rabid and dangerous. There’s no reasoning with these animals.

Did I say animals? Isn’t that a bit over the top? Let’s review.

    • Liberals have killed >61 million of their own children since 1973.

    • Liberals kill about 1,300 black babies in abortion clinics every week.

    • Liberals have “vaccinated” over 208 million of their own swine with several mystery concoctions. No one yet knows the full effect of these poisons.

    • Liberals stand in line to get “vaccinated”, watch somebody crash into convulsions after getting the jab, and continue waiting for the jab. “Hey! No cutting in line!”

    • Liberals willingly let doctors put their family members on ventilators, where they die, never suspecting they have been killed by modern medicine.

    • Liberals deny the efficacy of common, cheap remedies for covid and insist rather to die under professional medical care.

    • Liberals kill their own kind with infinite welfare, which cause diabetes, depression, addiction, and heart disease, among other issues.

    • Liberals program their own kids to be street gang killers, denying that something as simple as a father could stop the carnage.

As I have written before, will people who have killed millions of their own children hesitate to support the government when it decides to literally kill you?

What kind of people kill their own children? Animals generally defend their offspring, even feral hogs. I must now offer an apology to wild animals for carelessly comparing them to liberals. I’m so sorry (snif) and it won’t happen again.


A word of caution. Wise man say, “Some days you are the bug, some days the windshield.” So true, grasshopper. We must also be careful because some days we are the pearl, and some days the swine. Will you agree with me that we must not be the swine to some good person’s pearls? There are many ways to live a free and a good life, and the best of us are still learning and adapting. Just as I will not submit my pearls to be trampled by dumb animals, I also will not be a dumb animal trampling other’s pearls. We who are not swine have to stick together, and not be divided by the swine, or swine keepers. If you behave like an aggressive feral hog to your conservative friends (and I know a few), perhaps you need a beer, or a joint (where legal).

Don’t cast your pearls before swine. Take an inventory of your pearls, and a census of the swine in your life. Adjust accordingly. Spend your time with free people who love God and love America, or at least the ideal of America. The pigs are legion, and our pearls are few.

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October 14, 2021 7:48 pm

Very good. Alternate title to your article: Peals of Wisdom.

Georges S
Georges S
October 14, 2021 10:26 pm

What’s with the thumb down? No explanation? A-hole!

October 14, 2021 8:03 pm

Good stuff. Lots of wisdom, and a healthy dose of common sense, therein. Thanks Freed

October 14, 2021 8:40 pm

Why do you post as Freed Radical instead of your normal handle, Grace Country Pastor?

Repeating that key phrase is a nice speaking trick … especially for pastors. The flock pretty much forgets 95% of the Sunday sermon pretty much by Monday morning. Fact. In this case they might remember to “not cast their pearls before swine” until Wednesday night bible study.

October 14, 2021 8:46 pm

Separate post so people can vote down, and call me bad names.

A good article.

But, while reading all the nice lovey-dovey Christian words, I couldn’t help but recall you once said to me “Blow me’ and that I should go fuck myself. Just sayin’

October 14, 2021 9:51 pm

Stucky, who wouldn’t say that to a reprobate jackass like you?

October 14, 2021 9:56 pm

GCP was probably just throwing back in your face what you say to all of us on a regular basis, just to give you a taste of it. I’m sure he did not mean it in a definitive sense(not to put words in your mouth, GCP).

October 14, 2021 10:23 pm

“All’ of you? Lying sack of shit. There are a couple dozen long time big dogs I don’t talk to like that.

I save most of my ‘go fuck yourself’ language for Newbies who don’t know shit, and Anon shithead cowards like you.

Also, I’m a heathen, heretic, and destined for hell. No pretenses here. Freed posts Psalms, bible verses, and talks Christian-eez with one side of his mouth, and speaks curses with the other side. There’s a word for that, isn’t there?

Now kindly go fuck yourself.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
October 14, 2021 11:18 pm

No Atheists in a foxhole, as the saying goes, getting the feeling we all will be tested.
And, It ain’t over ’till the fat lady sings.
There is hope for you Stuck, Fauci, I’m not so sure about.

  Oldtoad of Green Acres
October 15, 2021 3:26 am

Again. And China?

Red River D
Red River D
October 15, 2021 12:26 am

Stucky wrote:

“…Freed posts Psalms, bible verses, and talks Christian-eez with one side of his mouth, and speaks curses with the other side. There’s a word for that, isn’t there?…”

Personally, I never trusted a believer who didn’t swear when he got really hot under the collar. At least a little. In my experience, the fellas who over-emphasize a squeaky clean mouth are sorely lacking in other, ever more important departments.

I have a filthy mouth. But not as filthy as it used to be. But one thing that I do not let spill forth freely from my lips is lies. The liar is the truly reprobate scoundrel.

And neither one of you fellas (GCP and Stucky) are liars. At least not in my estimation, and I observe these things most carefully. A vulgar tongue does not drip as venomous a poison as a lying tongue.

We, all of us, have ample room for improvement. Vulgarities and profanities wipe off. But bitterness gets sticky.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Red River D
October 15, 2021 3:43 pm

Are you freaking kidding me, Red River? This man doesn’t lie??? I respect you and enjoy your posts, but you need to look deeper at this man. He’s disgusting on every level imaginable. He also rapes and beats women…trust me, I know the signs (not personally, however). Your observation skills might need some fine tuning.

Red River D
Red River D
  Abigail Adams
October 15, 2021 5:49 pm

Show me a lie that wasn’t something done obviously in jest. Can you?

I’ve been reading here for longer than I’ve been commenting.

I take lying very seriously. Also accusations of rape should be taken very seriously. That’s a serious charge. And anyone hoping to come under the roof of God’s Household is not permitted to bear false witness. I’ll hope that’s not what you just did. But…

Watching is what I do, so I’ll get back to it.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Red River D
October 15, 2021 5:56 pm

Are you serious, RR? How in the world with your morals (apparently) can you defend this man? He continually misrepresents who I am, ON PURPOSE…THAT is a LIE! He posts anonymously to others to stir shit because he’s too cowardly to post under his real name…THAT is a LIE!

Also, I work around scumbags everyday…I know the signs and what to look for. He is unstable. He is a narcissist. He degrades women. I have absolute zero doubt he rapes and beats women.

You can pray for him. But, I absolutely don’t know how you can defend his behavior.

Red River D
Red River D
  Abigail Adams
October 15, 2021 6:41 pm

Accusing a man of using an anonymous handle on an anonymous comment board is, what, exactly? Am I a liar because I call myself Red River D?

But here’s a serious problem: False witness is a crime according to the Law of God. That’s the only law left in this world, since the law of man is at present being demolished. You are not permitted to accuse a man of rape or battery unless you have confirming witness to support the charge. Otherwise, you make yourself a criminal and a trespasser in the eyes of God. And in my eyes as well, since I am a member of God’s House.

Are you able to support your charge? If not, you are in very serious breach of God’s Law. And that is of major concern.

You are not allowed to charge a man with such things unless you can prove your charge.

Stucky is outrageous in speech and it’s an issue. But I’ve never seen him do anything to the level of accusing you or anyone here of vile crimes against the Living God.

So? Witness, please.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Red River D
October 15, 2021 6:57 pm

Oh fuck. Go preach to someone else. I can’t believe you condone his behavior. Apparently, you think it’s ok to treat a woman the way he does. I take back my thoughts about you. Bye.

  Red River D
October 15, 2021 8:27 pm

It surely is one helluva accusation!

Her accusations of me beating and raping women is behind the pale
… and a new low for scummy behavior (to call it a shitfest is a misunderstanding of shitfests)

I didn’t refute it because lunacy is best left alone. It is not who I am … despite her certainty that I do do on a regular basis. And she calls me sick?

I do appreciate you pointing out the obvious. Thanks.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
October 15, 2021 8:43 pm

Fuck you. We can all see through your pathetic attempt to appear like you’re some kind of moral upstanding man. The disgusting evidence to prove otherwise is posted all over your playground.

You BEGGED for my attention…here it is you fucking scumbag.

Red River D
Red River D
October 15, 2021 8:48 pm

Slander of that nature is an actual offense which is still prosecutable in this land, civilly.

It’s also lying, since she has no witness against you but rather empty charges… since we’re talking about lying in this thread.

So, she’s got you beat by a mile if we’re looking for things to accuse the other fella over.

I would say nothing, but she brought me into it by accusing you to me personally.

I hereby officially extricate myself from this particular shitfest!!! Looking forward to all the upcoming shitfestizz in the fyoochur.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Red River D
October 15, 2021 8:55 pm

Yes, move along and fuck off, RR.

  Abigail Adams
October 15, 2021 8:41 pm

You said you never said most people on TBP were bad people. Until I copied and posted your own words … proving you are the liar.

You said you would leave TBP. You haven’t. Another lie.

You said yesterday you would stop posting if I asked! I did request we stop posting to each other immediately. You just resumed … the very same day. You lied.

I told you today to fuck the fuck off and just leave me alone. Now you say I’m practically begging for your attention. You lie … tremendously, in this case.

I am not misrepresenting you in any way. I am presenting clear cut facts about you. I am certain most people here can see who the liar is. Even you.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
October 15, 2021 8:53 pm

I never denied saying anything. Why would I do that, moron, when my words are on record???

I would have stopped posting to you, but you continued throwing your vile filth at me. You’re not getting away with that.

You know you’re misrepresenting me, you fucking piece of shit. You do it all the time. You’re an expert at that. And you interject yourself in my conversations with others…and get pissed…which means you need my attention. Stop your fucking lying. So fucking transparent. I tried to be nice to you. I’m done.

October 15, 2021 11:03 am

I meant all of us who have to read your demented crap…you post it, we read it – it doesn’t matter who you address it to. You’re just as anonymous as I am. I don’t know who “Stucky” is, where you live other than N.J….

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
October 15, 2021 3:45 pm

Yes, you got that right. He has a demented mind. He’s disgusting.

Ivor Mechtin, M. D. at Law
Ivor Mechtin, M. D. at Law
October 15, 2021 1:02 pm

Also, I’m a heathen, heretic, and destined for hell.

Such are invariably loudest in their denunciations of any moral blemish on those who profess a desire for anything higher, I notice.

  Ivor Mechtin, M. D. at Law
October 15, 2021 1:22 pm

You are massively full of shit.

It’s you fucking Holy Roller Bible Thumpers … not regyoulah Christians … who scream the loudest at those not in your clan.

Heretic!! Unbeliever!! God hater!! Scoffer!! Unsaved bastard!! You’re going to hell!!

People secure in their beliefs do not do such things.

Stands to reason then, does it not, that you Bible Thumpers are the most insecure worms on the planet. And sure enough, you do scream the loudest!

October 15, 2021 2:05 pm

Been coming here a bit, I’d say you’re one of the most bellicose, albeit entertaining. Haven’t really witnessed any westboro Baptist level “god hates fags and Stucky”, maybe I missed it?

Ivor Mechtin, M. D. at Law
Ivor Mechtin, M. D. at Law
October 15, 2021 3:31 pm

You haven’t missed anything. Knights in cardboard armor require windmills at which to tilt, is all.

Contrast what I actually said with the response, Sancho Panza old friend.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
October 15, 2021 3:52 pm

Secure in your beliefs? You disgusting liar. And you call yourself Christian? Satan is more like it.

Insecure? Please. Ivor is not insecure. He can handle disagreement. You on the other hand need to rape and beat women…that’s insecurity right there.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Ivor Mechtin, M. D. at Law
October 15, 2021 3:50 pm

Yep. That said, Ivor, you are too good and too smart to engage this disgusting man. Against my better judgement, I did. There is no hope for him. He will go to hell. He rapes and beats women…all the signs are there. He’s absolutely loathsome.

October 14, 2021 10:24 pm

My Mother.

October 15, 2021 12:51 am

Vicious rumor is she says it behind your back.

October 15, 2021 1:27 am

So tell us, did you do as instructed? Be honest, if you can.

October 15, 2021 3:25 am

‘The fuck’s that got to do with tea and China?

October 14, 2021 9:31 pm

Does Freed’s writing really sound like GCP, tho?

I always had GCP pegged sort of like….

comment image

Whereas Freed seems to present a little more as…

comment image

Ya know?

October 14, 2021 10:27 pm

I picture GCP looking like Earnest Angly. And Freed like Gilligan.

October 14, 2021 10:48 pm

That top photo guy is soooo gay. The other guy is soooo high…and… gay.

October 15, 2021 12:52 am

Photo gaydar?

Your Mother
Your Mother
October 15, 2021 1:31 am

You do know what Gilligan did with the girls when the cameras were turned off, don’t you?

October 15, 2021 3:29 am

Anyways, Stucky, GCP says some wise things sometimes, when he is not spouting heresies. But, I suppose there are worse ways to muck things up.

October 15, 2021 8:39 am

Weird thing …. “Freed” just NEVER comments on his articles.

My comments, and the responses to them are almost half the 32 total comments. I’d think that warrants the courtesy of an answer from him.

Actually, I’d be willing to bet a thousand bucks he’s the Anon just below who called me a “reprobate jackass”.

October 15, 2021 11:13 am

No Stucky, that Anon is me Bob Cauler.

October 16, 2021 12:06 am

I wonder how may pearls or swine were in judea.

October 14, 2021 8:45 pm

October 14, 2021 10:03 pm

Excellent article loaded with great advice. My guns are specifically created to deal with feral hogs. Just sayin.

October 15, 2021 7:33 pm

300 Win Mag w/110 gn hollow points.

October 16, 2021 5:52 am

20 guage remington 870 with rifled barrel and scope.
It shoots sabot rounds.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 14, 2021 10:05 pm

I was taught that if caught in a shooting, to first seek cover and then defend yourself. Don’t go hunting the shooter, or you may be shot by LEO’s when they arrive. The local police chief calls it Run – Hide – Fight, so ducking out the back door and going for a BLT & a beer is a good strategy.

Some really good common sense approaches to everyday life.

October 14, 2021 10:29 pm

I have always referred to abortion as “big liberals killing little liberals”. I hoped it would make them pause and think.

October 15, 2021 12:53 am

And filed it under N for “not my problem”.

October 16, 2021 12:09 am

weird, I have those 1300 black babies aborted filed under N. Might be a different N.

Mr. Guest
Mr. Guest
October 14, 2021 10:35 pm

Mmmm…BLT and a beer.

October 14, 2021 11:05 pm

Cute little list of grievances. Like sheep stamping their feet.

Channel The Spirit of 1776

Declare Independence


October 15, 2021 3:31 am

They are expending incredible amounts of resources hoping for that right now. Let them.

October 15, 2021 12:50 am


October 15, 2021 12:59 am

In the end, the swine are only good for bacon on your BLT(A).
But you gotta gut them first.

October 15, 2021 3:31 am


October 15, 2021 7:21 pm

One of the better common sense articles I have read in a very long time. Kudos!