We Have Had a Narrow Escape from Tyranny But the War on Freedom Is Not Over

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

On January 23 I reviewed on this website Kees Van Der Pijl’s new book, States of Emergency https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/01/23/the-covid-deception-is-a-power-grab/ . Van Der Pijl answers the question so many people have of why and how a fake “deadly pandemic” was orchestrated with worldwide participation in the fraud. He shows that the event was long in the making by a global elite consisting of philanthropists such as Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Welcome Trust, elite organizations such as the World Economic Forum, tech companies and multi-billionaire owners, Fauci at NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO, pharmaceutical companies and lobbyists, and elite organizations and groups created for the purpose of concentrating power and advancing and protecting the global elites’ rule by using fear to condition the masses to being controlled and deprived of a voice and alternative explanations. I had been thinking along these lines, but lacked Van Der Pijl’s detailed knowledge of the personalities, organizations and groups and the interactions and cooperation between them. He gives us the story. It was an elaborate exercise in massive deception and censorship that was able to discredit the world’s most renowned medical scientists and to elevate pure fiction to fact and public policy.

We owe it to ourselves to read States of Emergency in order to come to terms with the fact that we are ruled by people devoid of integrity to whom truth is an inconvenience and who are concerned solely with their control and power.

We need to read the book also to understand how things really work, how decisions are really made, how careers are made and ended by whether or not you serve the narrative and how well, how regulatory agencies such as FDA, NIH, CDC, WHO are in fact marketing departments for Big Pharma, how politicians’ positions are dictated by the sources of their campaign funds, why universities and the media must function as Ministries of Propaganda for the ruling elites and their narratives, how Fauci and Big Pharma control content in medical journals via grants to medical researchers. Van Der Pijl writes that pharmaceutical industry research grants make the industry the co-author of many articles and that more than half of all The Lancet‘s revenues come from pharmaceutical companies orders of reprints of articles supportive of their products. Van Der Pijl writes “According to the former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, who had 20 years of experience, it is simply no longer possible to believe much of the published clinical research.”

The gullible, patriotic American who reads this book will have his eyes opened and become a new person. Van Der Pijl has written the book that can save Americans from their insouciance.

In October 2019 just prior to unleashing the “pandemic” on the world, what was about to happen was first tested in a simulation. The participants were: the Bloomberg-financed Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, the CDC, the (American trained) head of the Chinese health authority, a former deputy director of the CIA, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and so on.

The participants were primarily concerned with protecting the planned deception from being exposed. They relied on social media and the presstitutes to control the narrative and censor the truth. They considered whether to close the Internet altogether, but were assured that Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google would only allow news in keeping with the narrative and flood the Internet with information that confirms the narrative while discrediting and blocking the truth. Admiral Stephen Redd of the US Public Health Service thought that people on social media with “negative beliefs,” that is, those who took issue with the narrative, should be tracked down by intelligence services. Singapore’s finance minister said dissidents should be arrested and brought to justice. The head of the Chinese health authority worried that suspicion might arise that the virus originated in a laboratory. Johnson & Johnson wondered if the deaths and injuries in the vaccine trials should be suppressed in order to prevent public suspicion of the poorly tested vaccine.

The participants claim they were just playing a germ game, but the simulation ensured that all was in place to control the explanation prior to the release of the “pandemic.”

The research basis of Van Der Pijl’s book is massive and the information earth-shattering. I intend to return to this book in future articles. But don’t wait on me. Buy the book and read it once, twice, three times. Civil liberty in the US cannot survive if people are too lazy to inform themselves.

When the US government ceased meaningful regulation on the basis of Alan Greenspan’s assertion that “markets are self-regulating” and ceased to enforce its anti-trust laws, massive economic concentration resulted, producing individuals whose wealth greatly exceeded the budgets of public health agencies and even some countries. This gave single individuals enormous power over governments. Van Der Pijl writes that from 2004 onwards, just the annual health grants of the Gates Foundation alone exceeded the annual budget of the World Health Organization. Gates Foundation directors are executives from Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Bayer Health Care Services, companies whose stocks are owned by the Gates Foundation. This is just a tiny indication of the power that wealth concentration has given a handful of individuals over government policy.

Van Der Pijl believes that the elite’s use of an orchestrated “pandemic” to solidify their control was too ambitious and has failed. What his optimism overlooks is the possibility that another more dangerous virus will be set upon us and the fear created will sap all resistance. The Covid attempt almost succeeded, especially in Australia, Canada, Austria, Italy, and Germany. In the US it was blocked by the judiciary and by governors such as Florida’s Ron DeSantis. A second run at the unorganized and uninformed peoples of the world could succeed.

Is this an indication that a more deadly coronavirus is about to be released, one for which all treatments have been banned? https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/01/28/how-evil-do-you-have-to-be-to-suddenly-pull-treatment-from-ailing-florida-covid-patients/

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January 29, 2022 7:11 am

“When the US government ceased meaningful regulation on the basis of Alan Greenspan’s assertion that “markets are self-regulating” and ceased to enforce its anti-trust laws, massive economic concentration resulted, producing individuals whose wealth greatly exceeded the budgets of public health agencies and even some countries. ”

Muh free, self-regulating markets picks the winners and losers. Hard work , sacrifice and a level playing field. That’s capitalism, bruh.

Discover Where Corporations are Getting Taxpayer Assistance Across the United States
SUBSIDY TRACKER is the first national search engine for economic development subsidies and other forms of government financial assistance to business.

Subsidy award entries: 731,000 (455,000 state/local; 276,000 federal)
Subsidy programs: 1,063 (925 state/local; 138 federal)
Parent companies covered: 2,986

IBM Corp. $1,790,639,936

Alphabet Inc. $1,025,017,207

Meta Platforms Inc. $848,186,648

Microsoft $810,265,387

SS&C Technologies Holdings $389,793,277

Oracle $306,597,629


January 29, 2022 8:05 am

Spend an hour or two if you want to get fired up.

Criminal Mother Fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Clown World.

January 29, 2022 8:19 am

Muh free market creates jobs, bruh. It’s all for the greater good. Capitalism is real.


Subsidy Tracker: Industry Summary Page
Major Industry: pharmaceuticals
Subsidy Total: $3,816,742,951

Total Subsidy $
AstraZeneca $452,698,674
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals $378,910,073 95
Pfizer $369,483,288

January 29, 2022 10:36 am

This shit needs its own thread. The fraud is off the charts.

January 29, 2022 11:05 am

Using massive subsidies as evidence that free markets are evil?

January 29, 2022 12:46 pm

No, as evidence that the people who run the “free” markets are.

January 29, 2022 8:25 am

Thomas Renz, attorney for the Frontline Doctors:

“Here’s your way out, politicians… for those of
you who have been Covid sellouts, here is your ‘out’, and I want you to hear me. I’m going to put this into as simple terms as possible.

This data is coming out. We are going to make it go everywhere… I’ve given it to so many attorneys, you’re going to have a heck of a time shutting us up.

So, your options are you can come out and you can support the American people and you can start investigating and hopefully imprisoning these bureaucrats that have been murdering our soldiers and murdering American people, OR, you can show the American people that you stand on the side of death…

I saw today, I was outraged, Anthony Scumbag Garbage Murderer Fauci came out and said he wants to give this to kids under 4 in a three dose series. He wants to murder more children… He is a liar. He is a crook. He is Mengele on steroids. I can not think of a worse human being on this planet.”

comment image

ursel doran
ursel doran
January 29, 2022 8:50 am

” For a while now, my analytical framework has focused on the two Chinese and U.S. Bubbles.
That China’s Bubble is faltering significantly elevates the U.S. Bubble risk – and vice versa – which essentially places a world of Bubbles in jeopardy.” http://creditbubblebulletin.blogspot.com/2022/01/weekly-commentary-high-wire-act-has.html?

January 29, 2022 10:52 am

no deadly pathogen will be released into the wild- the perpetrators know that there is no way to control it and it will hit them as hard as anyone else. thats why the bioweapon is in the injections. Fine grained control over who gets hit and who does not. If the injection numbers are true (the numbers are not entirely convincing, the true number of injected people might be a fair bit lower) then they have already sentenced , give or take, two thirds of the population of the industrial world, to a probable death in the next couple years, with very degraded health between now and then. thats not quite getting the population down to 500 million, but it certainly brings about enough demand destruction and turmoil that they might imagine buying a year or two on the oil/other resource depletion curves to consolidate control further. it still wont work but goddamn they are creating a hell of a lot more destruction than was ever necessary in a collapse scenario. If resource collapse played out without some cabal of technocrats playing god and trying to hang on to their own power come hell or high water, it would have meant big power structures would have already fallen away by now and local responses to local problems would already be blossoming. Sure there would be conflict over the shrinking pie. But at least that conflict wouldnt be a premeditated , organized, globally coordinated genocide.
chaos for the win, every time!

January 29, 2022 11:15 am

You didn’t factor in potential sterility.

i forget
i forget
January 29, 2022 3:14 pm

Reading a book cures insouciance like jabs cures corona. Words is a’ cultist full, too.

Reading action, more importantly comprehending actions, not the symbols bad actors will always control & wield better than the average 3r’s grad, doesn’t cure insouciance either, since insouciance cannot grow in such terroir. “Cure” does not apply.

Those that “need” a cure for the big I in their dark skies are incurable. Those that need to cure incurables are incurable.

The faces & the names come & go. If you want to know some of the facenames that have currently come & will presently be going, read this book. And if you keep living to outlive this list there will be another same book of facenames to read.

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, & all these fightclubbers is defective & crazed—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

But putting that offering into the Grecian urn & burning it won’t cure the burned-in insouciance, either.

Ashes to ashes, etc.

Regulated markets are not markets are regulated by not selfless regulators…not even close to selfless (ie principled). The patent office is part of this regulatory scheme. So is fedres counterfeiting…where the patent to print resides…patent to print right into the hands of the “concentrators.”

Corruption, however concentrated, is not “power.” Those transG dudes “competing” against women do not have power. Are unprincipled. Are shameless. Are the other side of any reasonable threshold demarcating human & everything else. That scene in fightclub where the prettyboy is too smashed out to tap out & so gets a no expense paid trip to the facial reconstruction & plastic surgery. These “people,” pretty-to-ugly, from merest enabler to most metastasized disabler, are fucking freaks. And I ain’t guilty of dehumanizing by calling the spade.

“Ambition” isn’t what fails. It’s insanity that fails. Continuously. That the fails just keep getting bigger & bigger is nothing more than the difference between a Shetland & a Clydesdale. A horse is a…of course of…but every damned one of this herd is Trojan hollowbodied gitarbabies & those play just the one pathetic tune…maybe call it old man, look at my life.