Everything Is Clear From Up Here — (notes on survival)

I know many of you read Lew Rockwell on a regular basis.  Today’s Lew Rockwell edition      has an article titled “Nonocracy and The Montgomery Brewster Option”.  That’s kind of a ridicules title — in the sense that most of us will have no idea what the hell that might be about —  and, so, we’re likely to just skip it.  That would be a shame, because it’s a damned fine article!! Please give it a shot and read it.

The author (“Good Citizen”)  is a truly fantastic writer.  I’ve already read about half a dozen of his articles, and one is better than the next. Really. So, here is a great one,  about surviving in this crazy world.  I know you all love “prepper” type articles so, I hope this one tickles your fancy as it did mine.

I hope the great and mighty TBP Nation clicks on this man’s SUBSCRIBE button.  His voice needs to be heard far and wide.


Everything Is Clear From Up Here

Notes on survival and remaking the future from the top of a fucking mountain.

The Awakened

There are frequent delusions being peddled of an end to the pandemic and a return to normalcy as the lies continue to unravel in the face of a brutal reality and the endless collapsing narratives. For those captives enthralled with this new development hope springs forth to seize attention and satiate their desperate need for optimism. Survival in times of crisis does not depend on optimism or hope, although the latter can be a useful psychological motivator in desperately severe circumstances. Survival requires an acknowledgment of truth and reality, so that reasonable decisions can be made based on accurate intelligence. The acquisition of accurate intelligence is a laborious process these days with rampant censorship and propaganda proffered hourly as authoritative “news”.

This process begins with the willingness to consciously open one’s mind and dispense with reinforced biases, question long held beliefs, extricate one’s digital presence from algorithmic echo chambers, refuse to freeze when shocked by the horror of new information which often leads to a retreat to the safety and security of old or popular beliefs wrapped in warm delusions. Once that retreat is rejected, one must question their beliefs a third and fourth time and recognize errors where they exist until those old beliefs no longer interfere with processing new information. It’s a lonely process, that requires accepting a devastating loneliness which inevitably follows. Call it a cognitive behavioral procedure of un-washing one’s brain that is so constantly bombarded with lies and propaganda it often cannot distinguish the line between healthy skepticism and bug house paranoia.

What information does a lonely healthy skeptic glean from an impassioned retrospective analysis of the past two years?

The lies are everywhere. They are intentional. Your brain and emotions are tools for management and manipulation. Your behavior is to be monitored and conditioned. The hearts and minds of millions will soon recognize the evil social engineers are all around them, in the halls of every institution public or private. They seek to divide and control totally. This is healthy skepticism based on facts and evidence. This is not bug house paranoia.

Politically we have witnessed nothing short of the end of liberal democracy. Ryszard Legutko warned about this in his 2018 book “The Demon in Democracy: Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies.” I suspect he was largely ignored because he is conservative and all powerful institutions across the west especially academia have been captured by ideological leftists of one shade or another (Socialists, Greens, Marxists, Communists) who have made conditions for tyranny not only possible but inevitable. They love total control, censorship, segregation, destroying political enemies by any means, especially camps. As Legutko observes, the post-Soviet “end of history” failed to sufficiently demonize socialism and communism, instead under the guise of tolerance, allowed these forces direct seats inside parliaments and ivory towers across the west. Liberal democracies were eaten from the inside by these forces who have been weaponized by higher forces – global oligarchs – to discard the truth as little red guard enforcers of politically motivated tyranny that dresses itself up with utopian words like inclusion, equity and social justice. We are now reaping these consequences everywhere.

Your merchants were the world’s important people.
By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.
Revelations 18:23 (The Finality of Babylon’s Doom)

The road to greater tyranny has been sufficiently paved by this collusion between global oligarchs and their totalitarian foot soldiers. We are all witnesses in real time to the beginning of coordinated global medical police states that endorse pharmacological apartheid, digital surveillance passports, experimental toxic vaccine mandates for a lab-engineered virus funded by those in power eager to cover-up their crimes by eliminating the control group, and intentionally corrupting and debasing science to engineer their technocratic Pharmakeia North Koreas. They will destroy everything to meet their ends, including businesses, lives, elderly pensions (by killing the pensioners) national fiat currencies, supply chains, centrally controlled markets, private property, common sense, science, truth, trust in institutions, justice, the rule of law and all individual liberties that millions sacrificed their lives for throughout our once cherished history.

These technocratic Pharmakeia North Koreas require total control of a totally subdued and compliant populace. They’ve activated corporate-state cooperation in censoring the truth wherever it appears, and substituted it with endless streams of lies and propaganda that enable the silly cult-like impositions of human indignities devoid of science or even common sense. I will spare myself the time and simply copy and paste the list from one of many other pieces I’ve written on this.

They include the useless masks while standing and moving but not seated and eating; measured social distancing via floor stickers and arrows to herd participants like farm animals; manipulated PCR testing technology triggering false positives which were never meant to diagnose anything; the sick-until-proven innocent presumptions that divide us socially and isolate us mentally; engineering mass psychosis against the unvaccinated “dirty” others despite all scientific evidence showing no difference between groups; the rules for the masses that never apply to the elites in power; the surveillance tracing and imprisoning healthy people in their own homes; retributive coercive fines and redundancies (now imprisonment) for not complying; constantly testing healthy people with no symptoms, once a habit of hypochondriacs and maniacs; abusing children in schools by covering their faces with bacterial diapers while distancing them, stunting their psychological and intellectual growth, destroying their childhoods; engineering toxic suspicions by weaponizing the idea of ubiquitous ‘invisible harm’ in public places that placate the neurotic and fearful at the expense of everyone sane and rational; injecting endless contagions of fear and psychological manipulation into all western populations; ignoring early treatments to save lives so that a coordinated systemic method of killing for profit is government subsidized and substituted as “treatment” by corporations masquerading as hospitals.

Narrative Collapse

Yes, Omicron is a useful gift bestowed from nature, or potentially another lab. It’s a gift in its transmissibility, mildness and vaccine escape, rendering all of Pfizer and Moderna’s magic injections utterly useless, exposing the soft under bellies of our institutional hucksters, profiteers and mad technocrats to millions who had previously been catatonic in their thrall. The useful dupes are turning. They have yet to begin the cognitive behavioral procedure of un-washing their brains, or a comprehensive retrospective analysis of their past two years under a blinding spell, but they’re out of their comas and taking in a new paradigm. In what numbers who really knows. It is this process of increasing their numbers and thereby power of the counter totalitarian movement that has offered renewed optimism to those who have horrifyingly witnessed these atrocities for two years, wondering if they will ever end.

These newly activated people are mostly in various states of awakening, one narrative collapse at a time. There are levels on this journey toward becoming fully aware of what has transpired the past two years. We need to encourage everyone who has set forth on this journey, wherever they may be in the world.

The Urban Man
This person is at level zero. They love their chains. They will cooperate with technocrats and defend their tyranny as “science and safety for the common good” even if they have to line up daily for a Pfizer-Moderna-Nano-razorblade fusion drip and the permissioned QR code scan of obedience that follows. They will have their nasal cavity probed with all manner of pokers so they can feel a part of the disturbing cult that gives their life meaning. They will happily film themselves barking at others in public whose paper muzzles slip below their noses, using words like “problematic” and “harmful” to justify their performed outrage. Most of their behavior is guided by appearing virtuous to other Urban Mans than actually being virtuous.

They will never hesitate to participate in medical theater and all form of ritualistic absurdities the state demands of them. When the government is cruel to those who exercise autonomy over their bodies by firing them from their jobs, these people celebrate the cruelty as a victory for safety and “public health”. If they could have the government cuddle with them and their teddies at night they would immediately welcome it. They will still be fast asleep when the first oligarchs and western health technocrats are strung up for crimes against humanity. They will scream in horror and disbelief as the first necks are snapped with elegant Steinway piano wire, “O! M! G! Like, what did they do so wrong!?” They do not see the evil in forcefully injecting toxic substances into 5-year-olds so that Pfizer is shielded from liability with legal immunity. These people are perfectly splendid obedient vassals for any tyrant to mobilize. Do not bother with trying to wake them, you are only wasting your breath. Our nightmare is their joy and happiness.

Morocco. Alone in the sahara desert. | Erg Chebbi, Sahara, M… | Flickr


The Desert Man

They have awakened and find themselves all alone. They suspect something is not right but have spent their lives appeasing others and are too afraid to speak up. They are waiting for someone else to speak up first so they feel more comfortable about not sounding like a “conspiracy theorist” who takes “horse paste” as medicine. Their social circles are riddled with too many sensitive and safety-first urban mans who send them “fact checked” information from NPR, CBC, or the BBC. When no one is looking they’ll sneak a visit to the Covid World website or front line doctors for truth. Although the conditions for further awakening have not arrived yet, they would welcome its acceleration. They suspect the truth is being censored, and are thirsty for any drip they can find. Some of them have received both injections and a booster, although reluctantly. They find mandates cruel and inhumane and do not support them, though some have downloaded government apps to participate in medical apartheid. They will likely keep wandering the desert until they reach the sea or mountains. It could take months or even years but the important thing is that they’ve begun their journey as one or another narrative collapses around them. They are in search of the truth and we must keep telling it to quench their moral dehydration so their journey can continue and they can feel more courageous in extricating themselves from the noxious fumes of the Urban Man.

The Sea Farer

They can see land in all directions, but are unsure which direction will fare best for them. They have left their blue state for a red state where they will not be fired from the job they love for not submitting to the pharmaceutical guinea pig game. They prefer not to have to show a “passport” or muzzle their faces for medical theater to participate in society. They are neither neurotic, nor fearful, yet do not wish for the neurotic and fearful minority in society to dictate laws where they live. They’re curious enough to read data and process it with their own critical thoughts. Some may have received a jab or two, but now regret it and wouldn’t dare line up for a booster. They have been wondering why the definition of vaccines was changed, why natural immunity has been ignored, why so many doctors are being fired or silenced for speaking the truth. They know they must guide their vessel in the right direction, and let the winds of truth carry them toward a greater understanding of what is really happening. When they hit land, they’ll be so thoroughly energized to learn more as they continue on toward the mountains.

The Forest Man

They have made it closer to the mountains. They bounce from tree to tree, each one a new story about our insane world, new evidence, new proof. They are well versed in the medical theatre and toxic vaccines and are ready to embrace other theories but are afraid they might be misled. They refuse to wear masks in public places, knowing they are a useless tool, and merely a signal of obedience and submission. They refuse the toxic injections, having deep suspicions about its rush to market, the origins of the engineered virus and have connected a few odious billionaires and institutions to the diabolical machinations all around them.

They know the tyranny is intentional, is engineered, but are unsure of exactly how and to what degree. They’re ready to climb to the mountain top, but they just can’t wrap their mind around the possibility that such evil exists in our world today. As a psychological defense mechanism, they block out the worst elements of our present reality. Yet they keep bumping into trees that force them to constantly question the possibility, the likelihood based on all other evidence before them that the evil is real and might be intentional, and if things keep heading in the current direction they can foresee the darkness, with greater death, the uprooting of lives, the terror and the trauma. They see the mountains all around them and want to venture up higher, where they might have a better vantage point. Another tree hits them in the form of a new study on vaccine resistance to the latest variant and they stop to read that instead before participating in the sound and fury with others still in the forest online, a source of needed comfort.


The man standing on a mountain top against the beautiful sunset Stock Video Footage - Storyblocks


The Mountain Man

Many years ago near the final question of a final job interview for a position I needed but didn’t really want, for some company that did something unimportant in Prague I was asked by the hiring manager that old question about what kind of animal you would be and why. I had read about different answers to this question and in which scenarios to use different animals, but at the moment I simply exhaled all the wind out of me and slouched down in my chair. I no longer wanted the job. The question was silly and I had partially forgotten which choice was best for this middle manager gig, so I sat in a petulant silence that made her and the department manager feel a bit awkward.

“Well, what animal?” She finally asked.

No longer wanting the job I turned to honesty instead of pretenses, thinking it would disqualify my candidacy.

“I don’t know. I guess a hawk or eagle. A high flying predatory bird.”

“And why?”

“There’s a Buddhist saying that you can’t take a holy man away from the top of a mountain.”

“Okay. So why a hawk?”

“Well, these birds can fly higher than some mountains. They can see in all directions for hundreds of kilometers, yet they’ve also evolved with binocular vision to see the tiniest detail on the ground. They can distinguish a mouse from a rock from hundreds of feet in the air. They move fast, and have few predators. They dominate the skies, can see everything all at once, both big and small, near and far, and move quickly toward any direction. I think I would feel free up there.”

In my honesty I had described a place and situation where I would have preferred to be in that very moment instead of that stuffy conference room, yet didn’t realize I was also checking all the metaphorical psychological boxes on a hiring manager’s chart. She asked me to step outside the room. After two minutes she called me back in and they offered me the job on the spot. I went straight to the pub in anguish beating myself up pint after pint, wondering why I didn’t just say Comodo Dragon or Sloth.

I would now have to press my other white shirt, find a different tie, and come back on Monday wearing my other suit. Before Wednesday I’d need to buy more shirts, maybe a third suit. I would have spent the first paycheck before I earned it.

The second night into my ‘new career’ I got home, emailed my resignation, loosened my tie and started on a one page business plan that had been in my mind for months, before cracking open a beer and smashing out the HTML, CSS and JavaScript for the website. The business plan turned into twenty pages and a marketing plan. A step sheet, and calendar of checkpoint progress followed. I bought a domain for the website, and hosting service, hired a Hungarian computer science student on his summer break to smash out the PHP and database work. I didn’t stop for six weeks.

You can’t take a holy man away from the top of a mountain, but you sure can scare a scoundrel the hell out of a middle manager’s cubicle. I did not know it at the time but for those six weeks I undertook the difficult and risky journey from Desert Man to Mountain Man.

There is something about trekking to the top of a mountain, no matter the size. The extravagant majestic reward of a 360-degree-view makes it worth every calorie expended. That first exhalation at the top as you tilt your gaze in all directions. The tiny elements in the distance you passed on your way up look like little toy Lego versions. You have already seen them up close, but now you can see their place in the vastness of everything. As you catch your breath you realize this is it, there is nowhere else to go from here, you’ve made it.

To the Urban Man out there, fuck you!

To the Desert Man, the Sea Farer and those still bouncing from tree to tree inside the maze of the forest, strap on your boots and start climbing the nearest mountain. They are all around you, pick one and go, and do not stop until you reach the top.

You will see the whole picture from here, big and small, near and far. You will see your life, your history, your experiences that shade your perceptions of our tyrannical moment and the darker future it portends. You will see in the distance the Desert Man, the Sea Farers, those on their way up toward infinite clarity to join you from the forest. You will recognize yourself in them and recall finer details of the courageous journey you just made.

You will see through a clear lens of time that permanence is the illusion of every age and every age is blinded by the illusion. That false idols were never on your side, nor prosperous entrepreneurs or pundits who toe the line or leaders you invested time, emotion and capital to endorse, all whom have stabbed a knife so painfully deep inside your back you will need to find every ounce of restraint and forgiveness to temper your anger and wrath and thirst for vengeance.

You will see from up here that there are no free markets, no stable currencies, no guarantee of food on the shelves where you shop tomorrow. You will come to realize that if the last two years can be planned, engineered and carried out with no consequences and such utter disdain for humanity, there is nothing they won’t do to terrorize or kill innocent people for their ends. You will see there are no sciences uncorrupted, no academics who can’t be bought, no doctors who wouldn’t mechanically suffocate your grandmother after destroying her kidneys for a chance to increase their salary and keep their license. No corporate entity or government agency that wouldn’t lie, cheat, steal, gaslight to keep the truth from you, and you from the truth. You will see that liberty is not an assumption, it cannot be assumed anywhere on earth if not fought for constantly, while its gates can never be unguarded ever again. You will see that if you want any semblance of liberty again you will have to depend only on yourself, and trust none of those you once trusted who have not made it to the mountain top yet, who cannot yet see all that you see with perfect fearless clarity. In this profound realization you will feel alone, but you must know that you are not.

You will see there is no going back now to an old normal, because there is no old normal to go back to, and there can be no accepting their new normal. We will have to start from scratch, together. Decentralization is the order of the day, but be wary the new bosses of that order who are funded by the old bosses of the tyrannical order. Many occupy the same silicon valley venture capital boardrooms. There will be no place for them in any rebuilding process. Be suspicious the lack of privacy in blockchain and it’s engineered certainty, and its tirelessly loud and obnoxious advocates, all speculators with their eyes on their own digital wallets in cultish beams of laser red.

As paradigms continue to collapse and narratives can no longer be sustained and millions more awaken from their comas to begin their journeys to the mountain tops, there will be much to discuss about how we rebuild our destroyed world, and where we string up those responsible for its destruction, our final vital message and dire warning to anyone who dare again attempt atrocities we once considered unfathomable. Until then we must call out to the wanderers, the misguided, the deceived, the skeptics who have not yet begun their journeys to the mountain tops. Soon they will arrive by the tens of millions and we must prepare for their arrival. When there are enough of us up here to reach a critical mass, from atop a global ash heap of incinerated liberal democracies and all her once noble yet blindly worshipped institutions, then and only then can we begin to rebuild anew.

Until that day comes, go to the mountain top and all the madness and tyranny and psychological torture you’ve been groomed to endure, the criminal abuse that your children have been subjected, all the eugenics experiments mandated by government decree for corporate profit, all the genocidal depopulation dictates that shock your soul forcing you to retreat to the safety of comforting delusions, “Oh that could never happen today!”, all of it will be visible in all directions. It will not be easy to process, but it will require you come to see it all near and far sooner than later. The survival of everything you once loved, everything you once believed in, everyone you care about and the future that awaits them requires your deep and immediate consideration of this one simple command: Go forth to the mountain top! Everything is clear from up here!

Happy New Year Good Citizens!

Wherever you are on your journey, always remember it’s a wonderful life.


*You see that share button? If you do not click it, there will never be enough of us at the top of the fucking mountain.



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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
February 1, 2022 2:59 pm

Nice. Fuck you Urban man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Long Time Lurker
February 1, 2022 4:15 pm

That was my favorite line in the article. It was unexpected. Lol.

February 1, 2022 3:12 pm

Great article, Stuck — and it’s good to see you again, too!

How’s your mom doing? I’m actually starting to worry about mine. This CONVID psyop is really affecting her mental health.

Suicidal Skunk
Suicidal Skunk
February 1, 2022 3:18 pm

Mountain tops are desolate, barren places. The compatriots you climb with will reveal their weakness on the way, and yours will be revealed to them as well. The inverse is more powerful… those that plan and use their strength wisely will become apparent as well.
Climbing truths:
The mountain could care less about you.. deal with it.
Some mountains require multiple attemps to succeed.
Ascent is optional, descent is mandatory.
The summit is a victory, but it’s not a place you can live!!
It’s hard. It mostly sucks.
Frostbite is not a badge of honor.
It is easier to see the way down than the way up.
If you fuck up, everybody in your party pays the price.
Don’t fuck up.
Kind of like life…
Thank you for posting this Stucky!!

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Suicidal Skunk
February 1, 2022 4:19 pm

Climbing truths: there’s something exhilarating about defeating death.

  Suicidal Skunk
February 1, 2022 4:44 pm

I’m with you, I prefer the tree line.

The summit is there for the challenge and inspiration but you cannot live there as you stated. The tree line offers shelter and concealment if needed and it can sustain you well enough if you have the skills and observational ability to find the needed resources.

Good article Stuck

February 2, 2022 12:42 am

and an unparalleled beauty… my BC rail pic won’t post dammit but you know what I mean.

February 1, 2022 3:33 pm

I don’t read Lew Rockwell, because I know you guys will tell me if there is anything interesting there.

February 1, 2022 3:48 pm

LR is OK, but unz.com is much better anyway. TBP is best, though…

February 1, 2022 10:11 pm

Unz is on my frequent list. TBP is frequentest.

February 1, 2022 10:31 pm


I’ll take Makow and Unz over LR anytime.

February 1, 2022 10:45 pm


February 1, 2022 3:40 pm

We are in the new normal. None of these articles matter. It’s time to plan some type of escape.

February 1, 2022 3:56 pm

Done did.

February 2, 2022 9:06 am

time is almost up for any real serious moves. moving any property, especially anything valuable, any great distance, is now extremely risky. collapse is like that. i lost my entire life’s savings trying to move it from my final closing down of my city life , to my rural literally on a mountainside attempt at getting out of the way of falling empires. Robbed from me by uniformed goons under official excuses – asset forfeiture because no citizen ought to have anything valuable in his possession! No time left to work back even a bit of it and going back into babylon at this point is a terrible idea. lingering there as long as i did was also a bad idea, at least i have some half-assed location built and partially ready in the meantime with all those years of working in babylon. i do still think every damn day about somehow getting out of here and back to the states, somewhere in forested mountains , where a man can at least feed himself and find water to drink (here we’re borderline desert conditions half the year) but it seems like it’s too late to do so in anything beyond refugee type conditions. being out in the open is dangerous in times like these. if you have a plan, a good plan, then go for it, and take precautions to get there intact!

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 4:16 pm

Great article, Stucky.

February 1, 2022 4:18 pm

I like Katie Melua and here is something else from Georgia that might be handy for the 4th Turning, the Chokha

February 1, 2022 4:19 pm

Very interesting. It brings to mind Herman H Hoppe’s great book “Democracy: The God That Failed”. In it, he argues that the monarchy is preferable to democracy. He points out that in a monarchy the rulers have a stake in improving their domain because it will eventually be handed down to heirs, as one might do taking good care of a house that will one day go to loved ones. Whereas in a democracy the rulers have no ownership rights so no long-term considerations and thus are incented to graft and corruption and leaving scorched earth behind. Just look at the wealth of congresspeople to see this concept in action. What’s Pelosi worth, over $200 million?

As for the vote scam you’re preaching to the choir. I haven’t cast a national vote in over 30 years.

Welcome back, Stucky. I hope all is well.

February 1, 2022 6:27 pm

We don’t need another president [ one who presides in the office of another ] we need the King.

[ not Elvis ! ]

February 2, 2022 5:31 am

Insider trading pays very well.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 4:25 pm

“Survival in times of crisis does not depend on optimism or hope…”

Discipline, adaptability, esprit de corps, that’s what you need in a crisis. Optimism and hope are wonderful, but they are luxuries that are discarded the moment the fur flies.

And as sad as I am to report, the Freedom Convoy truckers who just yesterday gave the free world a little hope when they voted to remain on the border until they either got what they demanded or were arrested have just tucked tail and withdrawn-

So much for hope and optimism.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 4:36 pm

Didn’t I once read that you admired George Washington? Wonder what qualities you saw appealing in him? And weren’t you in the military once? You do understand the difference between battles and war, right??

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 4:59 pm

Let me try once more.

Last night I told you how this was going to play out and you were indignant that I was not more supportive, so I said let’s meet back in a month and see. I even added that I hoped you were right. It took 20 hours for the first cracks in the dam to appear. So much for hope.

We are in a liminal space at the present.

All of my life experiences and knowledge have given me every indication that the world we once new- the place people call normal- is behind us.

You ask me questions and I ask them and then you disregard the answers and then you ask some more. I don’t want to spend my time sharing information with people who don’t really care what I have to say, but I’ll give it one last shot.

What is coming next will not be a place for protests or judicial rulings. The courts, politics, civil disobedience- these are artifacts or a functioning culture. We no longer have one of those. The forms that we should be concerned with- that Washington was concerned with in his time- was conflict and survival. Survival requires very few essentials- such as food, shelter-and if you are a fan of early American history you’ll notice just how much time and effort went into those compared to say the Boston Tea Party. One foot before the other.

In the military you are sent through a series of leadership development courses- or at least we used to be; BNOC, PNOC, etc. and in all of these the most important lesson was always lean into discipline, develop skills, and build esprit de corps. These things are what win battles, not enthusiasm or favorable conditions, not being right or having the moral high ground. In fact none of those things are ever discussed and for good reason.

If you want to make a contribution, if you want to have a real impact you have to rely on things that work which you are capable of doing. There’s nothing inherently wrong with cheering on someone’s efforts, supporting the good guys who desire similar ideals, but it’s not enough. And they started out with the wrong approach, an appeal to authority when the ones on the receiving end are in no way reserving of that respect. They would have had 100x the impact if they had all simply refused to deliver supplies or services to Ottawa and never offered any bargain. Right now Trudeau, as smarmy and ineffectual as he is, holds all the cards. Had all the people who make urban living possible just simply said no until the government came begging for a resolution, they would have been in the driver’s seat. But most, if not all of these guys, as decent and honorable as they are about asserting their rights, still think we’re going to be able to go back to breakfast at the Waffle House and family vacations at Disney if only they can convince the government not to go through with The Great Reset. Knowing that such an outcome is not an option makes the entire event about as effective as the protests in Zuccotti Park were for the Occupy Wall Street crowd. How’d that turn out, remember?

I have been writing for over 20 years now and for almost 15 years I have been walking the walk. My solution is low conflict, high reward and it starves the system- at least as far as one family can- of what it needs more than anything else, complicity in its operation. I try and encourage people to find their own way of doing the same, to offer a realistic view of what that looks like, to help them build community with other like-minded people and to focus on the essentials of what will be required as we move into the new paradigm that is coming our way.

I don’t hope it turns out for the best, I just work at it as if it already has.

Who wins this depends on who has the commitment to do what is necessary.

I wish you all the luck in the world in whatever course of action you choose and if you think what I’m offering is antithetical to your own, then let’s just say fare thee well and go about our way without animosity or grudge (George Washington’s Rules of Civility).

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 5:07 pm

Wow, can’t be challenged I see. That’s called arrogance right there. I guess you’re used to everyone agreeing with you.

I’ve dealt with a lot of people over the last two years who also couldn’t be challenged when I asked them questions. The similarities are remarkable.

Done, no more questions.

  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 8:09 pm

It’s not the challenge – it’s the sweet mild-mannered response that ruffles. Would your father want to see YOUR posts? (asking as kindly as I can whilst bracing for what probably will come)
It’s why I asked previously whether you were OK. There appears to be two AAs. One verbalizing righteous indignation and one under duress.

  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 8:18 pm

AA, you’re gonna lose this one.

  Abigail Adams
February 2, 2022 5:33 am

Glad to see that the pea brains still hang out here along with the the savants. HSF is a savant, in case anyone is wondering.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 6:24 pm

Interesting that you deleted your comment to me waving me off and telling me not to ask you anymore questions, then this comment referencing GW’s Rules of Civility.

Clearly, unless I fully agree with you then there’s nothing else to discuss. So be it.

I’m sure you’ll get much praise for your brilliant comment. Congrats.

No need to discuss further.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 7:18 pm

I deliberately went back and crafted a response to you personally. I have answered dozens of your questions and you never respond to any of them. I simply asked that you not ask anymore since it seemed to serve no purpose. I re-read it and thought, why not give it one more try and this was how you respond.


Let’s address your issues.

I have earned any respect I am shown around here because I share everything I have with whoever shows an interest and I tell the truth, and have opened my life and my home over a very long period of time to people who frequent TBP. It’s what you would call a track record. What I regard as confidence seems like arrogance to you. Impossible to resolve via the Internet.

You are difficult to reason with and that is my primary operating system. You are thin skinned when someone disagrees with you and frequently respond with personal insults, so I don’t have a lot of respect for you. If I wanted to insult you or make you feel small I have a lot of experience with that kind of thing but it’s beneath me at this stage of my life and I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings. This is meant to clear up any misperceptions you may have about my motivations.

This probably seems far more frank than you are used to, but sometimes these kinds of clarifications are necessary.

Hopefully you’ll take this in the spirit in which it is intended and we can both share the same space without further interaction.

Is that civil enough?

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 7:31 pm

That’s one hell of a response to tell me I’m thin-skinned.

“I don’t have a lot of respect for you.”

Got it. I’ll move on.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 9:28 pm

Archie…do you see my comment up there at 4:36? I see nothing wrong with that. The following responses were a reaction to the comment HSF left me…that he since deleted. I’m not sure how that makes me ‘out of line’. I don’t see that I was being disrespectful at all. But, apparently he feels otherwise.

And your comment about my childhood is exactly why I don’t like bringing up my private life here. I drop my guard, share something from my past as something funny…then it comes up later when everyone piles on.

What I take from this is that there are certain people here that you do not question. They are the authority on a given subject and cannot entertain other perspectives. Some of my favorite people here I do not agree with on everything, but I don’t lash out and tell them I do not respect them.

And, about me being ‘out of line’…have you seen how others have spoken to me since I’ve been here? It’s either with profanity or sexual belittling. Yet, it’s *me* who is out of line.

I think the world of you and appreciate your friendship. I think you’re highly intelligent and have learned a lot from your comments and appreciate all your efforts.

I’m going to take a break from TBP…not because of this, but have been thinking about it. I’ve been getting irritated by comments lately and haven’t found TPB to be very stimulating for me lately. I won’t stay away too long.

I hope whatever you’re dealing with in your personal life is resolved soon and you have peace.

Take care.

  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 9:47 pm

ditto that…

  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 10:06 pm


If you want to comment here you need to have thick skin and a ‘take no prisoners’ attitude. I have banged heads with all of the Big Dogs at some point in time, (more times than I can count actually) been called filthy names and ended up at the bottom of the heap because the mentality here can often be described as kick ’em when they’re down, bullies on the thread, unite.

You are dealing with hard core chauvinists, misogynists, misanthropes, Bible thumpers, self-righteous bigots and anti-semites. You are also dealing with some of the kindest and biggest hearted assholes ever assembled. Said assholes are also intelligent, well read and possessed of layers of human experience unrivaled anywhere else on a blog.

You’ve been treated with kid gloves. If you believe in what you are saying and standing up for then don’t let them get you down, stand your ground and speak your mind. You don’t need someone’s approval and by the same token, give them respect for standing their ground.

My two cent’s worth.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 10:47 pm

Thanks, MG. I would stick with it (I hope you know I would), but honestly I’m exhausted… from work, life, current real life battles, etc. Taking a much needed vacation…headed to Fredericksburg (first time) for some R&R. Looking forward to it.

You’ve been a fun (and hilarious) opponent in the ring. 😉

  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 11:17 pm

Your timing for the Fredericksburg visit may be a tad…uncomfortable. The weather is looking a bit dire. Taking breaks is an excellent idea, get out there and smell the world away from the keyboard. I first got started here because I fell and broke my arm and used the down time to fiddle around on the internet.
I, by nature, am a shit stirrer, a redhead with a tiny bit of a temper. I don’t do it too often, but, like the gone but not forgotten EC, sometimes I stir shit for sport. Other times I get really pissed off and tear into someone or a group of someones and the poo flings with great abandon.

Fredericksburg, once upon a time, was a little nothing hamlet whose great claim to fame was raising turkeys. Then some city council guys got the great idea of turning it into a tourist trap and the rest is history…I preferred the turkeys.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 11:25 pm

I believe absolutely nothing in your second paragraph. You’re an angel.

Yes, bad timing perhaps on Fredericksburg…but I do like cold weather, so I’ll feel right at home.

If I run into those city council boys…well then, I’ll give them a piece of my mind for ruining the town. Don’t think I won’t.

February 1, 2022 10:53 pm

hard core chauvinists, misogynists, misanthropes, Bible thumpers, self-righteous bigots and anti-semites

I take umbrage w/ your assessment madam…
I am neither a kind, nor a big-hearted asshole – just a ‘run of the mill’ variety…
And I am presently enjoying a riverwest stein lager, thank you very much!

February 1, 2022 11:20 pm

And I am presently enjoying a riverwest stein lager, thank you very much!

Slainte…or rather…prosit.

February 1, 2022 11:40 pm

danke, I’ve -have- offered to share

I, by nature, am a shit stirrer, a redhead with a tiny bit of a temper.
I knew it… you -are- stucky’s long lost sister.

February 2, 2022 12:48 am

I am Stucky’s doppelganger. Or vice versa. The inner viking is strong here as is the neanderthal. Berserkers come to mind as well. Stucky is a giant marshmallow, a sweet ol’ softie, a crunchy hard exterior and a soft, creamy center. I think he’s a….
comment image

February 2, 2022 1:26 am

Stucky is a giant marshmallow, a sweet ol’ softie, a crunchy hard exterior and a soft, creamy center.
Huh? doppelganger? Stucky?

and a norsky…. (lions and tigers and Thor) oh no!!

  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 11:04 pm

every time you do this Yo….

Shotgun Trooper
Shotgun Trooper
  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 6:26 pm

You’ve got a bigger footprint than most. Makes you a bigger target. Just keep flyin. BNOC: 1978

  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 6:36 pm

If you want to make a contribution, if you want to have a real impact you have to rely on things that work which you are capable of doing. There’s nothing inherently wrong with cheering on someone’s efforts, supporting the good guys who desire similar ideals, but it’s not enough.

– Hardscrabble Farmer

And as has been stated here before, by Heir Stuchenmeister, no less:

Hope works remarkably well when it is part of one’s Belief System.

….But, hope sucks when it’s a strategy

  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 7:24 pm

hf – I think you’re making really valid calls there. At first I agreed with the just starving Ottawa only tactic for quicker and less painful results, but that wouldn’t have brought millions out to see other, make the gigantic positive energy turn to CONFIDENCE, given everyone something to contribute in their own way and the knowing that the unity is there en masse for now OR any future attempts to bamboozle again. That level of submission won’t happen again in Canada at least my lifetime.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 8:49 pm

Again, I admire the grit and determination that was demonstrated, I just think it will not manifest into anything other than disappointment when it comes to an end. Like Contract with America, like the Tea Party, like OWS.

The government is certainly not going to back down, the globalist agenda is not going to be withdrawn, and you cannot restore rights by asking for them as if they were a privilege to be granted.

I hope I am wrong, I wish I were wrong, but there isn’t any other outcome available when this is the chosen tactic.

There’s a great documentary on Attica out there right now that shows clearly what happens when people jump into a protest without having considered who holds the power position. It must have felt amazing for the first couple of days, and while I am not defending convicts, they are human beings who deserved not to be mistreated. The moment they entered into negotiations it was over because all they could do was appeal to authority. When it was over things got much, much worse for prisoners for a very long time. Compare that to the 1981 Irish hunger strike where Bobby Sands and a handful of prisoners completely upset the applecart and altered the power dynamic simply by using the right tactic.

I hate to be so analytical about this because it really is an inspiring thing to see that many decent, hardworking and responsible people willing to make this kind of sacrifice for personal freedom, it really is.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 10:49 pm

hf – Ya, there already seems to be a feeling of lack of focus, no clearly spelled out objective, like everyone just staking out a stubborn spot and sitting there. I especially don’t like that a jew who’s not even a trucker, Benjamin Dichter, proclaimed himself the whole Convoy spokesperson and some Tamara Lich instantly took control of the Go Fund Me and frontpersoned the growing million$ – anyone behind her? Hope the Tireroasters guy who is apparently setting up a broadcast shop becomes the spokesman.

But the authenticity otherwise is so contagious and catching on worldwide and just beginning. I get a very strong no going back no matter what from everyone from the flat out do or die necessity, period. I hope the other talents in the world will help fill in the blanks in conjunction, but my greatest concern at the moment is infiltration.

February 2, 2022 5:39 am

The bastards are really good at infiltrating and derailing movements like the convoy. OWS was exhibit A of this. You never know who the rats are. And they send them out in droves.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 2, 2022 5:38 am

You are not wrong. Those truckers can make a difference, but most likely won’t. If they go from convoy to blockade, then things will get interesting. But otherwise, phhhth.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 2, 2022 12:24 pm

Don’t know exactly where to step in here, but this’ll do.

First, I consistently read comments of only about 5-6 posters here. I’ll engage with anyone, but I don’t have–or won’t make–the time to read through everything. You’re on top of that list…so keep your thoughts coming, if you don’t mind.

Second, along the same line as yesterday, you keep mentioning tactics, and rightfully so. That’s all we (freedom-minded, protestors, etc) got. The globalist have strategy. I don’t know how it happens or who is ultimately in charge, but it is clear they do. They are at work on every front, all the time.

There is no way to meaningfully engage them on every front. The only way is find a weak spot and engage there tenaciously and viciously. Truckers are potentially that weakest spot, but as you recognized immediately, they were not willing to play the war of attrition that is necessary and I completely understand why. Not only do they simply want to go back to “normal” they also do not realize the abyss into which we peer. Nobody does, really. Not you or I, or the futurists, or the think tanks or the globalists themselves.

It will be a decent into chaos. By definition that means that things that have worked before–maybe things that have worked for millennia–will no longer work. It means that tiny changes in inputs may result in huge changes in outputs. It means that nature will finally be up to bat…and the longer the delay the greater Her fury.

I get your take about hope. It is not a strategy or a tactic. It does not help when the “fur flies.”

But we need it, still, if only as a motivation to put on foot in front of the other as we inexorably step toward that abyss.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 8:38 pm

just re-read your post…. and disagree vehemently with this statement.

And they started out with the wrong approach, an appeal to authority when the ones on the receiving end are in no way reserving of that respect.

The founders of this country did the same. An authority is an authority until it is not.
Those same founders weren’t so naive as to believe that their pleadings would bring about change – On the contrary, they were indicting their enemies in the world court (and before God), for all to see and God ultimately rendered His judgement.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 9:33 pm

Okay, reasonable interpretation, but remember that indictment- the Declaration of Independence- was not delivered until more than a year after the hostilities had commenced.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 10:10 pm

so where are we in the timeline? And just because it’s not ‘on schedule’, does that matter? Hostilities commenced in this country circa 1860 (actually prior). I believe that we have hit the tipping point. The despicables IMO really only have one option left. To “unite” us w/ them under some false common cause. Can we find our way around that ruse? don’t know, but neither can we just curse the darkness.

not your DV but you knew that.

  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 5:04 pm

Don’t bother AA…

For some a dozen truckers is supposed to represent the entire protest. Doesn’t matter that they are about 1500 miles away from ottawa and that DAWN is a ctv propaganda reporter and declared the protest over… All thats important is the finger pointed and SEE I TOLD YOU… its all ova…

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
February 1, 2022 5:26 pm

Many, most of the truckers have families and true obligations.
There never are much more than a few with the steely determination and freedom from real tangible earthly obligations who will fight to the finish.
And sometimes that’s enough.

February 1, 2022 7:54 pm

Got this email a few minutes ago… So who should I believe??? The rebel news reporter or the government propaganda reporter, skanky DAWN from ctv??? I’m gonna stay with the rebel news… far more credible…

Moments ago, heavily-armed RCMP officers advanced on the 500 or so truckers who are blockading the Alberta-Montana border in the town of Coutts, demanding an end to vaccine mandates and lockdowns.

It was a stand-off.

First the truckers sang O Canada.

And then they chanted “freedom!”

All while the black-clad police stared at them.

And then the truckers advanced.

What could the police do?

Try to arrest them all? Shoot them?
In the end, the police turned — and retreated.

When the lawyer for the truckers showed up the feds ended the ‘talks’ and threatened everyone with arrest. It was the cops who turned tail and ran… NOT the truckers.

They thought they’d hold ‘talks’ with a bunch of uneducated stupid fringe truckers and try entrap them… And when a lawyer shows up that KNOWS the law the chicken shit cops are the ones walking away. The rcmp here are NOT our friends, remember that. Do NOT talk to them.

February 1, 2022 8:24 pm

In the end, the police turned — and retreated.

EXACTLY if they have done nothing else…. the truckers are shining a blinding spotlight on our adversaries weaknesses.

February 1, 2022 8:47 pm

The Canadian Truckers are already making a difference. First in Saskatchewan and, now, Quebec (see article below). Maybe they won’t win in the either near term or long run, but as I’ve stated here before: “You Can’t Stop a Tidal Wave So You Might As Well Try“.


February 1, 2022 9:01 pm

nothing ventured nothing gained.

Sure fire recipe for failure is not trying, listening to naysayers and giving up before the fight starts.

There is a huge difference in going into a fight that is painfully obvious weighted against you. Its a different story going in when the other guy is afraid of you and you are not afraid of him. He’s going to make critical mistakes leading to his demise.

This whole event will give pause to the elitists if anything, pointing to their weaknesses in under estimating the plebes. Maybe next time it will have to get bloody, but they’ll be more wary. It’ll never go back to days of Or but it also won’t go back to the plantation soon either.

February 1, 2022 9:17 pm

I hold to the belief that -we- do win… as you know.

February 1, 2022 9:48 pm

I’m inclined to agree…

  Abigail Adams
February 1, 2022 8:04 pm

He understands very well – step back and consider your own words.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 7:59 pm

There’s nothing inherently wrong with cheering on someone’s efforts, supporting the good guys who desire similar ideals, but it’s not enough

agreed -but they did/are doing yeoman’s work and you can’t expect them to shoulder it all.
you know as well as I do that this isn’t going to play out quickly. I also believe that your expectation is in fact our inevitable future – but there is a time and a season. It has to follow its course.

All of my life experiences and knowledge have given me every indication that the world we once new- the place people call normal- is behind us.

that point can’t be argued…. but we most certainly can influence the future.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2022 8:25 pm

This appears to be fake news. I’ll see if I can make another post later with what has transpired.

Trucks haven’t left. More have arrived along with farmers and tractors.

Towing companies have refused to help the RCMP.

RCMP have temporarily left the area.

  Francis Marion
February 1, 2022 9:23 pm

Yeah the government is winning the hearts and minds of the people… lol

February 1, 2022 10:35 pm

media narrative is failing…

February 1, 2022 10:44 pm

lies and bullshit are their downfall. It’s over. Their credibility is circling the bowl. Prepare for the corned animal response.

February 1, 2022 6:27 pm

Well, hello Heir Stuchenmeister! Enjoyed the article and the thought-provoking metaphorical classifications. Thank you for the post

February 1, 2022 7:18 pm

The Good Citizens substack


February 1, 2022 7:42 pm

My wife, who has thousands upon thousands of hours of vaccine research, has been warning me for a decade about the “agenda”. Prior to Covid I had always dismissed it (ie forced injections, mandates, & “on the schedule”) until this scamdemic which hit me like a fucking freight train. Despite being stigmatized by most family and friends, I now feel our family is standing at the top of the mountain looking down and raising two of the healthiest kids we know…. without a single jab!!!! Hang these murderers! In the meantime, prepped and ready to defend our freedom and rights in whatever means necessary.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
February 1, 2022 7:50 pm
hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Long Time Lurker
February 1, 2022 8:35 pm

Some folks just don’t want to wear the glasses.

He was great in Platoon, just watched it again the other night.

February 1, 2022 8:27 pm

Thank you.

February 1, 2022 11:00 pm

Reminds me of the Tripod books. Flee to the White Mountains. Avoid the brainwashed humans who are controlled by aliens bent on all humanity’s destruction.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 2, 2022 2:37 am

Hope things are going as well as can be expected with ya, Stucky. I had a bit of a falling out with my mother-different but similar circumstances, I suppose.

Speakin of mountain tops:

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-=== Chaos is a self-fulfilling prophecy

February 2, 2022 5:30 am

Hi Stuck! Good to see you. I have been in hibernation.

February 2, 2022 9:00 am

excellent expression of many of my own thoughts as well!
i’m up here on the mountain, have lost most of anything i owned, am repulsed by the idea of going back into urban man’s world even for a short spell, and do wonder how i’ll even eat or clothe myself after current stocks of preps are gone in a couple years.. ive got a wall of books here i am pretty sure nobody will ever read after my time is up and it does feel damn lonely up here a lot of the time. when others with a clue start showing up theyll be very welcome. not sure ill have anything to offer them other than words of congratulation, but ill have that at least for ’em.

February 2, 2022 10:03 am

Quite the mixed bag.
The LR-linked article sets off my BS meter both on praising Lincoln and demeaning Rogan.

The one pasted here is… ambiguous.
It’s nice to become [somewhat] independent and start one’s own business, but that is not the end-all calling for life.
Same to the Mountain Man: liberty is not an end. Achieving liberty and at the same time taking on responsibility is more like it.

I’d call myself a mountain man returned to sea farer, currently. Because it was the wrong [=not high enough] mountain.

another fine mess
another fine mess
February 2, 2022 11:28 am

Not to denigrate the serious dangers/retributions the truckers are setting up for themselves, I would have gone another way: simply park the rig, call in to the office and say you have covid, and wait..don’t respond, don’t demand, just keep calling in sick, the covid tests will almost always provide a positive result because they are so flawed. If you can stick it out for 2 months I believe most of the covid restrictions would have been eased since TPTB could retire with honor from the field of battle. Gandhi was right, passive resistance is the way to go.

February 3, 2022 8:38 am

Stucky, I just want to let you know the content and timing of your writing here was just what I needed to help me with my newly found mission in life to wake people up. You have helped renew my faith in some kind of divine presence out there in these fuck up times. For reference a while back I posted this to my friends on Facebook.
“Ever since I watched Jeremiah Johnson as a kid I had a fantasy of becoming a mountain someday.”

I tried to include a picture here, but it’s not working.

Then about a week before you posted your article, I had some kind of spiritual awaking that has put me on a mission to wake people up. After reading your article I knew I had to post it to friends with this intro.
“I’m sure for all of you that are still following me, your wondering what happened to me with all my recent posts. Well, while on a recent walk in the wood philosophizing my mountain man life, I had some kind of spiritual awakening. I actually cried like a baby when I came to the realization this is my destiny moment in my life. I have to awaken the sleeping masses to the reality around us. I am pleading with you to read this article and begin the long journey to becoming a mountain man.”
I’m not sure if I can actually break through to any of the Urban men out there, but I am now getting quite a few new friend requests. May the awaking be with you!

February 3, 2022 11:42 am

Thanks for posting this. It took me a few days to get back and read it but, I’m glad I did. It is well written, and if I had any writing skills, it would be a similar style I would use.

As always, the comment section is a good read in it’s own right. Stay the course!

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
February 3, 2022 1:10 pm

This is what I got: “We will have to start from scratch, together. Decentralization is the order of the day,” Thanks Stucky, great and stirring essay with which I am together. I am having a little difficulty getting some people to accept the idea of re-engineering a localised economy, like the black markets, which always arise when shortages appear.

I think of it like a POW camp. When it first comes into existence everyone is equal and enterprise with hard work is needed to build a community. Same thing after the collapse. There are lessons to learn and skills too which haven’t been used for centuries. I like to refer readers to this little gem of a book to get an idea of what 18th century living is like. (Hint – it’s not all bad by any means.