Let Our Vision Overcome The Narratives

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


When “taking the vax” became a means to signal ones virtue as part of the moral high ground, the right side of history, etc. many people were indulging themselves by taking the vaxx. It became not just an act of personal health or even collective health but a signal, a ritual of their faith in something much bigger and much more sinister.

The origin of that faith and purpose of that ritual should not be ignored. Especially given how by nature of the vaxx being a moral position many of those people entered into that contract full knowing that those of us who refused would be indicted by that same moral position.

Comment by Dangerous Variant,  Dec 13, 2021


Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

― Voltaire


Where there is no vision, the people perish

– Proverbs 29:18


I read an opinion column early in the new year written by a local woman scolding The Unvaccinated in my area. Ironically, she addressed her article to the “my body, my choice” crowd and argued those who don’t get vaccinated should have their health insurance capped. She claimed taxpayers should not be burdened by those too selfish to care about overwhelmed health care systems or for those who are oppressing future generations.

Where does one even start?

The Irish author and satirist, Jonathan Swift, once wrote:  “Reasoning will never make a man correct an ill opinion, which by reasoning he never acquired”.  Obviously, that particular maxim applies to the fairer sex as well.

People act upon what they believe and this is, in fact, the very definition of “faith”.  For even the Bible says faith (i.e. belief) without works (i.e. action) is dead.  It means the woman’s article was written and published as the result of her faith in the Covid narrative; and reason be damned.

Certainly, the Covid Deceived have been made to fear. And they were tricked by the most powerful people and organizations on the planet. But their faith is more akin to superstition – cult-like and hypnotic; the end result of media-induced propaganda programming psychosis.

It’s been said that neurotics build castles in the air and psychotics live in them. Except a majority today reside in mental castles that were, in fact, constructed by psychotics. Yet the masses have entered those castles on their own volition and it means Voltaire was right: Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

Hasn’t this been the story of mankind since time immemorial?

In the middle of December 2021, blogger Jim Quinn (TheBurningPlatform.com) posted an article entitled “They Needed the Omicron Variant”  and included a total of 37 bullet-points…“mile-markers”, if you will, on the road to The Great Reset – and concluded with these words:

As Euripides warned centuries ago, when the mob is persuaded by the honeyed words of evil men, great woes befall the state. Gates, Soros, Schwab, Fauci and Biden are evil men attempting to remake the world in a way that benefits them and their Davos co-conspirators. We will not comply. We will not obey. We will not give up our freedoms and liberties without a fight to the finish.

Irrespective of the financial elite’s motivations, the simple truth is this:  They have successfully pulled it off.  As of this writing, the U.S. Supreme Court has yet not decided on the Biden/OSHA-mandated Covid vaccinations but these will either be upheld or not.

If the mandates were upheld prior to this article’s post, then it would have been titled:  “Let Our Vision Overcome False Narratives & Unjust Laws”.

But, even if the OSHA mandates are struck down by the Supreme Court, or get overridden by state lawmakers with common sense, be assured those administering The Great Reset have more tricks up their sleeves.  Just this week, Dr. Robert Malone, an early pioneer of mRNA technology, has warned of an “Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Now Spreading In China”.

So, bearing all that in mind, I believe it would be dangerous to underestimate those administering the New World Order… or to overestimate the wisdom and intestinal fortitude of a majority of Americans; and, by extension, the entire global citizenry.

To the financial elite, the masses are viewed as a means to an end. Their end, that is. Or, stated another way, the plebeians are viewed as base material  – simple resources to get the “elite” where they are going.

On the popular entertainment streaming service, Netflix, the elitist worldview is revealed in the “Squid Game” series. The show is rife with symbols and messages that are, perhaps, most aptly deciphered at The Vigilant Citizen.com:

(Source:  TheVigilantCitizen.com)

The outline of this game is also the main logo of the series. The reason: It perfectly illustrates the core philosophy of Squid Game and, by extension, the elite. The rectangle represents the masses. The circle at the bottom of it represents those who are poor and heavily in debt. The triangle above the rectangle represents the elite ruling over the masses. The upper circle represents the all-powerful occult elite that controls the world.

Appropriately enough, the narrator explains that the children who play Squid Game must make their way to the upper circle to win.

Win or lose. Zero sum gain.  Rich versus poor. Us against them. Polemics.  Dialectics: A life and death game where the winners win the world.

In the end, though, the game is about survival.  Both the financial elite and the masses have near-reptilian instincts to survive. The innate survival mechanisms range from cold calculation to obvious ignorance dependent upon one’s position in the pyramid; as the masses are kept constantly confused, in the dark, and at each other’s throats.  Until, that is, mission accomplished. Game over.

Belief materializes through perspective and perspective derives from context and context is defined by narrative.  Surely, it all distills down to the stories in people’s heads. In fact, that is exactly how shit happens.

On January 6, 2022 one of my liberal acquaintances, an enthusiastic reader of the New York Times, expressed to me his gratitude that our “democracy survived”.

I calmly showed him how our democracy has NOT actually survived and he hasn’t broached the topic with me since. In any event, the keys of truth were given and he will either escape the imaginary castle in his head, or simply build a bigger moat.

What this guy will likely never understand, however, is that his insanities and absurdities were generated on purpose – the result of carefully crafted, and, quite often, chaotically circulated, narratives.  Irrationality has become the essence of madness as logic, truth, and reality have been upended into Clown World.

So how do we fight back? And how do we win?

In the thread of a previous blog post, a commenter by the name of “Stucky” had this to say:

Hope works remarkably well when it is part of one’s Belief System.

….But, hope sucks when it’s a strategy

I agree. Hope alone cannot restore the Old Normal.  In fact, nothing will at this point. But be assured of this:  If we don’t resist, we are guaranteed to lose our liberties initially, and, later, our very lives.

One simple offensive strategy might be to generate different stories, fresh metaphors, and new allegories, to replace the elite-constructed narratives that have become the castles, fortresses, and high towers, in people’s heads.  An example could be to challenge Big Pharma’s financial mining of the human immune system through endless Covid booster “subscriptions” with a metaphor describing mandatory organ donation by the state and in the service of The Collective.

Another method could involve sharing these websites (below) that give voice to the Covid vaccine-injured:



In my own locality, I have been hammering away at the foundational premises and assumptions underlying the Covid Agenda as follows:

– If the vaccines don’t stop infection or transmission, then what/who is behind the apparent agenda for vaccine passports?

 – And, if the shots work, then why are boosters needed?

By so doing, I would like to express my gratitude to those who have become the tip of the spear, so to speak, in the War Against Covid Propaganda:  Brave souls like Robert F. Kennedy, Dr. Peter McCullough, Professor John Ioannidis, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Catherine Austin Fitts, Joseph Mercola, and the entire “Disinformation Dozen”, as well as ALL of the writers, bloggers, and commenters posting here on the alternative internet.

Robert F. Kennedy’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health”, could be an effective weapon in converting progressives in the propaganda war because Kennedy is RFK’s son and JFK’S nephew. He has, additionally, been a champion of liberal causes including environmentalism.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so it was gratifying to see Kennedy’s take-down of the global medical cabal become a well-reviewed best seller this past Christmas season.

Subsequently, on a recent road trip, I stopped into a Barnes and Noble bookstore just to see if “The Real Anthony Fauci” had any shelf-space in the non-fiction best-seller section. Nope. Instead, I saw pro-Fauci books and another tome describing “the heroic effort” to deliver the Covid “spike protein” vaccines into the arms of people everywhere, and in the shortest amount of time ever.

Not seeing Kennedy’s book, I walked up to the nearest kiosk as the masked woman behind the counter cautiously eyed my undiapered face. I held up my phone with a scan of the book cover and she checked her computer.  After a few seconds, she said:  “Well, I see that book is printed by a real small publisher. We have none in stock and it’s hard to say if they are going to print anymore.”

For obvious reasons, I wasn’t surprised. So I walked over to a nearby Christian bookstore and they were out too. The lady there told me it was up for reprint and I could get the book if I wanted to wait several weeks. I told her I might check back later and left.

As I left the city, though, I found myself wondering if Kennedy’s book was actually so popular it was sold out, or, if some elite-engineered obstruction might be taking place.  After witnessing all of the censorship by the tech giants and mainstream media outlets, it’s become clear we’re in the midst of an information war…. and the Davos crowd does not appear to be taking any chances with Covid. If one thing has been made obvious it is this: Those behind The Great Reset are serious. Deadly serious.

Accordingly, the aggressive proliferation of narratives has involved both offensive and defensive stratagems:  1.) The commission of deceptive propaganda and 2.) the omission of facts through censorship.

Once more, I found myself questioning how we can win.

We currently stand against very powerful forces…against our nation’s largest institutions, in fact, but we are without leadership, organization, strategy, and our methods of communication are under the control of the stakeholder capitalists.  Furthermore, without vision, we are flying blind and always playing defense like sitting ducks.

Recently, I read an article describing how tyrants make people act against their own interests and it summed up our current dilemmas quite well:

What is that force that wants to control us completely? Some people call that force Fascism, some call it Tyranny, or Domination, or the Machine. Today’s technocratic version of total control goes under the names of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial revolution. It aims to turn us into inanimate and obedient wheels fueling new digital slavery and the fully controlled financial system. But it is much more than a political force.

… It’s a test for the soul. It’s a force whose cruel predation helps us discover the courage inside us that some of us have almost forgot.

….. Tyrants have many tricks up their sleeves. Some are physical and some psychological. Some are applied “on first contact with tyranny,” and some are designed to maintain the state of confusion to keep us weak…

The article was written by blogger and musician, Tessa Lena, who also goes by the moniker of Tessa Fights Robots.  And, in surfing through some of the hyperlinks in her piece and blog, I came across another blogger by the name of Charles Eisenstein, who authored an August, 2021 article entitled “Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed”. That post was, actually, the third article in a three-part series that began in June, 2021 and, in perusing those posts, two quotes jumped out at me:

Mass insanity comes from the denial of what everyone knows is true.

– Source


The first principle of non-violent action is that of non-cooperation with everything humiliating.

– Mohandas K. Gandhi

As fate would have it, it turns out I have referenced both bloggers, Tessa Lena and Charles Eisenstein, in a few of my articles written years ago. In a June 2020 post entitled “Coincidence Theorists See All Donut and No Holes in the Coronation of The Cult”, I indirectly questioned Eisenstein’s seeming unwillingness to name the Eye of Horus in the middle of the Covid conspiracy “donut”.

However, in all fairness, when I went back and reviewed Eisenstein’s May, 2020 “Conspiracy Myth” article, I have a deeper appreciation of what he meant:  Myths can be true but not, necessarily, always true in the way we think.  Admittedly, in retrospect, I remain open-minded enough to understand that careful perspective.

And Tessa Lena wrote one of the best takedowns on The Great Reset ever – which I actually hyper-linked in my November 2020 articles “Boo hoo. The Moonbats Stole Our Election” and “Chaotic Considerations”, respectively.

Both of these writers fell off my radar but, in finding them again in 2022, I realize we have come to similar conclusions as follows:  Free will, individual rights, and moral agency do NOT derive from Davos. We can always say “no”.

Personally, I share English philosopher John Locke’s view on the law: Where there is (just) law, there is freedom. By extension, however, perhaps the following would be the flip side to that coin:

Where there is unjust law, there is war and war is hell.

This raises the following questions: Can our side win by playing by the rules? And, if we don’t play the by the rules, then, what are we fighting for?

The financial elite behind The Great Reset obtained their power through corruption and treachery, fractional reserve banking, and fiat economics.

It means, unquestionably, we do NOT need their permission… for anything. So, in making our stand, perhaps our “vision” could be as follows:

Instead of compliance and cooperation, we will establish a Parallel Polis outside of the unjust system. This will be done through communities centered around common values. After all, this is far superior than succumbing to the divide and conquer mechanisms concealed within Establishment narratives.

It takes courage to act rightly; to place principles above, even, survival. In that regard, then, faith could be considered as the evidence of principles unseen.

Recognizing how fear activates the survival instinct, we understand fear as a secular concern. Yet, the Covid Cult believes they are the noble, courageous, spiritual ones and the anti-vaxxers are cowards who are selfishly concerned for their own liberties above the love of others.

Do you see the irony?

In May of 2021, I posted an article entitled “The Great Reset: An Ancient Faith Continuously Renamed”, and framed this narrative-induced neo-superstition thusly:

The new religion, therefore, is false and facilitated by misplaced faith inculcated through deception.

But, just as any deprogrammed cult member will attest: people believe because they want to believe. And this is the seduction of Covid-19, the magic hat trick, if you will, in establishing the new system:

1.) The believers get to be the saviors of humankind through masking, social distancing, and the reception of pharmaceuticals into their bloodstream.

2.) The believers get to believe they possess the power, through faith, to manage the unmanageable.

3.) And, finally, perhaps most importantly, the believers get to pretend their cowardice is virtue.

The Believers will scold the unclean for being callous, for jeopardizing grandma in the nursing home, but they don’t care at all about the people who have died from the vaccine, or for little children getting stuck like pigs with experimental Messenger RNA. This is because, in the minds of the New Disciples, the needs of the many surpass those of the few. Or, in the words of Karl Marx: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs“.

Collectivist ideology gives birth to beastly political systems but, in the end, these are always a snake eating its own tail.

Without fail, the snake never stops eating until it completely devours itself.  Therefore, pursuant to Napoleon’s maxim of never interrupting an opponent when they are making a mistake, we will stand out of the way… wherever, whenever, possible.

In November 2019, weeks before the “official” Covid cases were announced in China, and a full year before the 2020 Presidential Election, I wrote an article that questioned the “uncertainty principle” underlying Trump and paired to the confounding headlines during his term as president.

The article was entitled “A Video Exposition: Quantum Theory, Waves, and the Bulbous Bow of Confusion”.

In that piece, I cited “Schrodinger’s Cat” and claimed we would have our answers….. “as soon as our observation collapses one reality or the other.”

At that time, I believed time would give us certainty… even amidst the competing media waves as the ship of state continually advanced. Well, we soon observed the answer: The ship of state was the de facto Covid Biosecurity State and Trump was the dead “cat” in the box.

So, once again, let our vision collapse the narrative.  And, by means of our adherence to right action and principles, our “control group” will demonstrate the insanity of their experiment.

(Photo courtesy of Charles Eisenstein)

Author and philosopher Ayn Rand claimed integrity was the ability to stand by an idea. She furthermore asserted that integrity presupposed thought.

In point of fact, my free will and moral agency isn’t a choice.  It just is what it is.

Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn’t blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won’t cheat, then you know he never will.

― MacDonald, John D. (1973). “The Turquoise Lament”, Travis McGee series, Random House LLC

A beast also does what it does and, it, too, is what it is. And when battling a beast, we will avoid becoming the sole focus of its attention and never get cornered.

Those who comprise “The Establishment” have the money. They have the power. And, to them, the game is about survival of the richest.

But they cannot succeed without the compliance permission of the masses.

Quite often, I get angry at the gullibility of people. America may have been murdered but the masses allowed her to die. So what now? The seasons turn and republics fade. It is what is.

People were tricked into fear and, in turn, they clamored for the life vests offered by the Covid policy makers. The shock and awe trauma, delivered by spinning narratives, drove the masses into a frenzy of crowd psychosis.

Yet the good news is this: Truth conquers fear and it transcends any outcome. This is how time reveals all things and heals all wounds.

Our daily rituals will be bitterly frantic, or filled with gratitude, dependent upon our state of mind. And most people never appreciate their blessings until they’re gone.

I once read a (unattributed) quote that said something similar to as follows:  Life is a pageant that is largely unappreciated by those watching.

So we must never forget that “vision” is about seeing.  Appropriately, we will defend our lives and ALL that is worth defending… without sacrificing right principles.

The meaning of earthly existence lies not, as we have grown used to thinking, in prospering but in the development of the soul.

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

To summarize, the vision laid out above would include both offensive and defensive measures as follows: To establish parallel societal (and economic) structures while maintaining basic human morality and compassion, instead of sowing discord and division. We will defend ourselves, expose deception, and while practicing (in the words of Gandhi) “non-cooperation with everything humiliating.”

Admittedly, some now reading these words might believe a better vision would be to kill them all.  In that scenario, then, I have a few questions:

Is it possible to win that war without local, state, and national leadership willing to accept such measures, and without any real organization, and as all current communications and media remain under Establishment control?

And, most importantly, what would you be fighting for? Or, rather, what is it you would hope to win?

Don’t get me wrong. I fully understand the sentiment and I am genuinely aware of what we now stand against.  In fact, if anyone is not yet completely clear as to what sort of fresh hell has landed upon our shores, please consider the following mainstream article entitled “In much of the West, the walls are closing in on anti-vaxxers”:

“People are seeing cancer treatments and elective surgeries put off because beds are filled with people who chose not to get vaccinated; they’re frustrated. When people see that we’re in lockdowns, or serious public health restrictions right now because [of] the risk posed to all of us by unvaccinated people, people get angry,” …

… On the other side of the world, Australia’s prime minister appeared to make the same political determination as Macron — that it pays to ostracize the unvaccinated.

Furthermore, an LA Times columnist has claimed that: “Mocking anti-vaxxers’ deaths is ghoulish but necessary.

This is what we currently face and “Brave New World” author, Aldous Huxley, concisely described the appeal, to human nature, that underlies “righteous indignation”:

The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone.  To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ – this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.

– Aldous Huxley

Moreover, twentieth-century German pastor and theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, warned against trying to “persuade the stupid person with reasons”:

Against stupidity we have no defense. Neither protests nor force can touch it. Reasoning is of no use. Facts that contradict personal prejudices can simply be disbelieved — indeed, the fool can counter by criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be pushed aside as trivial exceptions. So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely self-satisfied. In fact, they can easily become dangerous, as it does not take much to make them aggressive. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.

— Dietrich Bonhoeffer

So, yes, I can appreciate the dilemmas of each “vision”. We’re either going to kill them with kindness or by another way and any thoughts and perspectives on these “visions” would be most welcome in the comment section.

In the interim, and regardless of anyone’s particular “vision, or “perspective”, just know that I do not fear death and will always be grateful for the abundance of life that has continually filled my “cup” to overflowing. I have lived a life with very few regrets – and no matter what the future holds, I go there knowing my previous days were better than expected and more than I deserved.

In closing, I will leave the reader with a corresponding, and, admittedly, optional, vision below.  It was written by St. Francis of Assisi. He was an Italian Catholic friar born in the year 1181 and it appears his vision has stood the test of time. Perhaps, for those who are atheist or agnostic, or just don’t buy into the Theory of Mega Spacetime Personalities, they would consider the word “LORD” as the following conception:

L.O.R,D. = Loving Others Respectfully, Decently

LORD, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. LORD, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen.

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent. www.TheTollOnline.com

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January 12, 2022 6:31 am

To those who wish punitive measures inflicted upon those refusing to be vaccinated with an EUA experimental drug therapy remember as the long term effects begin to affect you and those around you should We the unvaccinated turn our backs on your poor decision to follow the liars and fools propagandizing every bit of information and hiding the real damages And deaths ? I’d say no !
Now get in the fucking box car & accept the fate many vaccine NAZI’s wish upon those trusting their own freedom of self determination

January 14, 2022 5:49 pm

It’s experimental gene therapy, the intentional alteration of our genes, and nothing is yet known of it’s long term effects.

January 16, 2022 8:25 pm

Real people are not calling for that. Only those possessed by demons are calling for that. Their souls belong to the banksters.

Grant Piper
Grant Piper
January 12, 2022 6:40 am

Vision – ‘If I am going to die, I will die fighting’. Make the bastards work for it. Each of us grown men and women who have lived life can decide to fight and die for the cause, but what concerns me is our children’s lives. I don’t need to protect granny, I need to protect our Children. Again, this is where the ‘narrative’ has got everything 100% arse-about.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Grant Piper
January 12, 2022 4:11 pm

Put your faith in truth and reality.

Much of this ongoing insanity will fail under it’s own inherent lies.
Gates/Fauci virus ISN’T a “deadly pandemic.” Deadly pandemics
don’t need inflated death numbers and constant hype. The “vaccines”
don’t work at all in preventing illness and transmission,
that is becoming impossible to ignore even by the most devout
Branch Covidian Cultists. The same with masks. If they worked
there would be no “spikes” in cases and sickness where they are
strictly mandated. According to the “news” we are in full runaway
Omicron plague. So much for masks. Even the thickest boobs can see that reality.
People are finally seeing that they can ignore the reality around
them but they cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring that reality.
“Vaccines”, masks, isolation, none of it has done a thing.

Revel in truth and do not let the lies come through you.
Let that be your credo.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 7:10 am

I had a very vivid dream last night. I was standing with my sons at the bottom of our driveway. A farmer I know had brought his draft horses and wagon over to help someone move something. The wagon was loaded and the horses knew what they were doing but someone- a stranger I didn’t recognize, perhaps the man whose goods were loaded on the wagon- asked if he could steer the team. My friend, unwilling to appear selfish handed the reins over to him and and he immediately proceeded to whip the horses to make them gallop. I could hear the creaking of the boards, see the overloaded cargo teeter as it made a loop up the driveway and across the small bridge at the bottom of the lane and careen out of control behind some houses. Somehow the horses broke free from their traces and went one way, while the wagon, unhitched sped on down the hill towards the village. A crowd of onlookers chased after the wagon, picking up items that fell off trying desperately to stop it before some unforeseen disaster occurred just out of sight. My friend and I stood there watching them disappear around the bend after the runaway wagon. Then slowly and without a word, my sons and I walked with the farmer to retrieve the horses who has stopped under some trees in the distance, their heads bent to the grass beneath their hooves.

I woke up in the dark and thought about that dream for a while; the colors in it, the way my sons stood by me while we watched the entire episode unfold, the different priorities of the people assembled, between the out of control wagon packed with goods and the calm and patient horses that simply went about their business. I didn’t take me long to make sense of it, at least to my satisfaction. I got up and made coffee, gave bones to the dogs, spoke with my oldest son before he left for work in the darkened kitchen- he is a teacher now and excited to get to work early every morning- and when he departed I sat down in the silent house as the color came up in the east, shredded tatters of pink and mango clouds spread across the horizon.

And then I read your essay.

We focus on what is important, not things and institutions. Let someone else worry about where the wagon goes while we tend to the horses.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 8:26 am

The message I got from your dream was to never hand over the reins. Go your own way according to your God given powers of discernment… Chip

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 8:42 am

Also that the people who built everything had it taken away from them due to their own good nature and trust. And then those people wrecked it.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 8:51 am

. Yes, they will try to use our good nature against us. Missed that in my initial read… Chip

January 12, 2022 12:40 pm

Joe Average is too trusting. That is “THE” downfall of humanity. Kind of like they believe the TV evangelists are good men not knowing they own 35 houses around the world, have three private jets and wear 15,000 dollar suits. If a guy portrays himself as virtuous and godly (his feces is pure and perfumed), you can bet he is living large on dirty money.

January 14, 2022 5:54 pm

When you say “they”, I realize you think you are one of the elites… certainly not among the Joe Averages.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 4:25 pm

I have a recurring dream of either never being able to find something
I just had or not being able to place an object in a functional position.
The last was trying to play a golf hole but could never find a tee spot
that wasn’t obstructed by trees. I always awaken with a feeling of
extreme frustration. I have concluded this my mind’s way of
dealing with the frustrations I encounter everyday about people’s
response to all things Gates/Fauci virus. I can’t change any of them.
I am often the only one in every store without a mask. It’s heartbreaking.
Frustration with the docile way people casually throw away their
humanity for the illusion of safety.

AK John
AK John
  Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 6:52 pm

I have that same golf dream all the time with slightly different variations. I don’t wake up with the frustration though. For me it’s more like looking for solutions to the almost impossible.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  AK John
January 12, 2022 7:09 pm

Even when I see a line to hit through, my tee breaks
or the ball falls off. It’s weirdly awful.
Not a “nightmare” because there is no fear, just
massive unpleasantness.

AK John
AK John
  Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 7:26 pm

I find in dreams like the golf dream it is what you’re thinking. Mine is similar, no fear. Sometimes something is wrong with the ball, the tee, people in the way, trees, which club to play, can’t find my clubs etc… It goes on and on. Usually, I don’t even get to hit the ball. I also have the football dream where I score every time or on defense stop them cold. I used to golf a lot. My favorite was to get home from work, eat, and golf 36 holes in the midnight sun.

  AK John
January 12, 2022 11:18 pm

Wow! Had that exact dream many times. No matter where I tee up, something is wrong. Overhanging trees, all of a sudden I’m in sand, super side hill lie, huge carry, etc….
It kind of is a microcosm of what’s happening in the real world. No matter how prepared you are, things are going to go sideways. I will say this though, most times the dream ends with a shank, a chunk, or worse, but every once in awhile I pull off the shot.

Fuck the Davos pricks. Let’s drop one close to the hole.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 13, 2022 12:08 am

This is EXACTLY my dream. You described it perfectly.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  AK John
January 13, 2022 12:07 am

I NEVER get to hit the ball.
That is why it’s so awful.
And I never find the thing I just had that I’m looking for.
I awaken in a fugue.

  Colorado Artist
January 14, 2022 6:03 pm

For me, that would be good because when I actually did get to hit the ball, the results were uniformly awful.

  Colorado Artist
January 14, 2022 6:00 pm

I don’t care if you want to wear a mask for the rest of your life, other than that wearing a mask and a hoodie makes visual identification impossible. Don’t make me buy your masks either directly or indirectly, is all I ask.

I had a dream where a tiger striped cat had a tiger stripped kitten inside of it, writhing around with the kittens’ head protruding from the side of the cat, and a kittens hind foot pushing out through the cats rectum.

Perhaps a professional trained dream interpreter can make something out of it?

a professional trained dream interpreter
a professional trained dream interpreter
January 14, 2022 8:04 pm

In dreams felines signify the feminine. Your dream is about you yearning to let your inner woman out. It means you’re gay.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
January 15, 2022 6:36 pm

Felines signifying the feminine? Not in this case. The tiger stripes on the cat mean that it symbolizes a danger, but one that has, at least temporarily, been tamed. Unfortunately, the “tiger” is about to give birth to another danger, one which cannot be contained or even seen clearly.

But yes, Anonymous. It means you are REALLY gay.

  Jason Calley
January 16, 2022 8:10 am

What’s the difference between being gay and being REALLY gay?

Say, what if my dream REALLY means that VP Harris is a looming threat to America?

Stephen Morgan
Stephen Morgan
January 12, 2022 10:23 am

All I gathered from the dream is due to Potatoheads policies we’ll all be eating horsemeat.

  Stephen Morgan
January 12, 2022 6:48 pm

Lets eat the 40 million cows first before eating the 7 million horses.

The horses may prove useful for towing around electric cars.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 7:13 pm

Horses will prove to be very important alive.
Cavalry may have no place on a battlefield anymore,
but it certainly will in logistics. Civil War II will be an insurgency.

  Colorado Artist
January 13, 2022 11:17 am

The Viet Cong used bicycles.

January 14, 2022 6:05 pm

Better to turn the bicycle into a two wheeled cart unless you have nice bike trails you can ride on.

January 14, 2022 5:52 pm

Perhaps another message was that altruism can have horrible results.
Sometimes being selfish is the only reasonable course of action.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 9:07 am

The very last time I saw my father on this side of eternity, he was deep in one of his meandering thought-stories he delivered as a way of avoiding difficult topics. It was a good schtick, the “how I became a POW” schtick and had carried him through many performances for most of his 92 years.

But, on that occassion, he faced an audience of one who’d heard it all the first time and the subsequent hundreds of times he’d put me in my place so easily by reminding me of the suffering he’d borne (for me). When he stepped off into his first segue about the pilot who’d asked his crew chief to become his gunner, I stopped my father in mid sentence and asked him why he had not told the pilot he had never shot one of those guns and it probably wasn’t the day to learn with all the Japs flying overhead shooting at them.

He stared at me, stunned.

I continued, “Because if you really did use all the ammunition up the first time you saw a “Zero” headed toward you, then perhaps someone who’d actually shot a gun might have saved some ammo and saved the day.”

It was mean, I admit, but it got through his addled Alzheimer-eaten-up mind. His eyes opened wide and he saw me standing there.

It wasn’t about him. Or me. Not then and not now.

Take care of the horses. They serve us well.

Doing the right thing and doing the brave thing are not always the same thing.

January 14, 2022 6:11 pm

It would have been more kind to encourage him to believe he’d become an Ace on that mission, and had probably turned the tide of the Pacific War. Does it matter that he’s still deluded?

I might have said “I remember Dad, how you next took over in the cockpit after the pilot and co-pilot were both killed and got the ship back to base safely.” “That’s why you got the medal right?”

AK John
AK John
  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 12:02 pm

I am a great lover and studier of dreams. That was a very powerful dream/Soul Journey with many spiritual lessons. I love that your sons were with you. It shows great harmony. It helped me remember that when I was in real harmony with my family the kids would be with me in my dreams.

  AK John
January 14, 2022 6:14 pm

Can you make any sense of mine, where the tiger striped kitten is emerging headfirst from the tiger striped cat’s side, while i’ts hind foot emerges from the cat’s anus?

a professional trained dream interpreter
a professional trained dream interpreter
January 14, 2022 8:09 pm

You are not listening. I said in dreams felines signify the feminine. Your dream is about you yearning to let your inner woman out. It means you’re gay.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 12:48 pm

@ Hardscrabble,

I, too, have dreams that bring clarity at times.

We focus on what is important, not things and institutions. Let someone else worry about where the wagon goes while we tend to the horses.

Hitting that mental “release button” is a gift I often give myself. It allows me to keep both eyes on what I’m doing… instead of where I “think” I need to be going. If just do what needs to be done I will get to where I’m supposed to be eventually, anyway

Thank you for your comment and sharing the dream/metaphor

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 6:09 pm

Never lose the truth that the real virus spreading
throughout the world and killing people is fear.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 6:22 pm

Draft horses are amazing (sidebar comment)

January 12, 2022 7:12 am

It’s quite unsettling to observe the local Christians placing their “vaccine” and mask virtue signaling above the teachings of Scripture. This faith in a new savior is cult-like. Reasoning doesn’t work, since they didn’t use reason to decide to follow the crowd, so quoting Scripture doesn’t work on these folks either.

For decades I’ve heard that we are a Christian nation. Nations can’t be Christians, only people can, but I understand the sentiment. To me, it appears that there are far, far less serious Bible believers than I realized, when they can switch saviors so easily.

Red River D
Red River D
January 12, 2022 8:27 am

“…quoting Scripture doesn’t work on these folks either…”

In general, quoting Scripture works on folks who KNOW the Bible. And anyone who knows the Bible knows they are not at liberty to bow before the altar of this system, are not at liberty to defile their temples with this system’s sorcery.

Even the word “Christian” has lost its meaning. It’s become polluted by those who put their hands to that word and have no idea what the Word of God teaches from Beginning to End. Or, having some idea, they’ve decided this world is qualified to override the Word in some or in all instances.

  Red River D
January 12, 2022 12:56 pm

Red- Or use the Word to their advantage to promote the hidden agenda.

Red River D
Red River D
January 12, 2022 3:28 pm

Every man is responsible for how he receives the written Word. And the written Word teaches us itself how to receive it.

If we allow ourselves to be deceived by other men, that’s our fault and it means we have not heeded the instructions of God.

January 13, 2022 9:03 am

Or like the “Christian” mechanic who expected special considerations because he was Christian. He also ripped me off. The grumpy non-Christian guy who would curse at times kept his word, did a great job, and never went over estimate.

  Red River D
January 12, 2022 1:52 pm

In general people who are not Jewish or Muslim are called “Christians”.

January 13, 2022 9:05 am

This war on white people assumes that if you are a white American or white European, then you are a Christian and thus the enemy.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Red River D
January 12, 2022 1:58 pm

Romans 10

14 How then are they to call on Him in whom they have not believed? How are they to believe in Him (T)whom they have not heard? And how are they to hear without (U)a preacher? 15 But how are they to preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written: “(V)How beautiful are the feet of those who [j](W)bring good news of good things!”
16 However, they (X)did not all heed the [k]good news; for Isaiah says, “(Y)Lord, who has believed our report?”
17 So faith comes from (Z)hearing, and hearing by (AA)the WORD [l]of Christ.

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 13, 2022 9:10 am

Exactly. It’s the job of the Bible believer to share the good news of the completed work of the Saviour to the people of the world, not to get entangled in this world. I refer to it as the Prime Directive.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Red River D
January 12, 2022 3:30 pm

Romans 10:17 KJB… “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

There are no more important words extant.

  Red River D
January 13, 2022 8:59 am

I’ve come to the same conclusion, that just because someone identifies as a Christian doesn’t mean that they have read the Bible enough to remember what it says or know what it means.

It’s annoying when the system is being propped up instead of taking care of those in one’s community. Scripture shows us how to live in all times, and it’s not aiding and abetting the Beast system.

I asked the pastor of the Christians who I associate with most often if they understand that sorcery in Scripture is pharmakeia, and he said no, he hadn’t taught them that. In 20 years he didn’t warn them, and they are addicted to drugs (not as in craving them, but as in can’t live without them), and now they are putting their faith in the potion. Decades ago my Baptist pastors warned us of pharmakeia often.

By the Way
By the Way
January 14, 2022 12:47 am

comment image

  By the Way
January 16, 2022 8:41 pm

I don’t see how that illuminated anything. Call it Soma call it whatever. There are poisons given voluntary, involuntarily, and metaphorically. A synonym that would fit in there is “poison” which has the same etymology. You can’t make a good point with circular logic.

January 12, 2022 9:40 am

Maybe in your neck of the woods. It’s a funny thing how different people think about things across the country.

January 12, 2022 9:45 am

Yup, as they say around here.

And, as we now say ourselves.

When in Rome.

January 14, 2022 11:02 pm

I love the way every corner of that image is a kike flag and a murkan flag together.
Very appropriate.

January 16, 2022 8:43 pm

The message was certainly the kind of perversion of the truth that the kikels relish.

January 12, 2022 1:46 pm

I would posit that about 5% of the worlds population are born again Christians who will inherit a home in heaven. With that said a few of our church members have been vaxxed. Fear. They were all quite elderly, 80 to 95 years old. You are correct, nations are not Christian, just those who have repented and put their faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 13, 2022 1:21 am

God calls us to Him.
I so hope that percentage is higher.
I want my fellow man to live in His grace.
But they have to ask Him. It’s so easy. Just ask.

  Colorado Artist
January 13, 2022 9:20 am

In our present time, it might not be higher, as people often IDENTIFY as Christians but have not repented and believed the truth with their whole heart. Head knowledge is not faith and trust. Scripture says that only a few will find the straight gate on the narrow path.

January 13, 2022 9:14 am

Thanks for mentioning the blood, as that is what atones. Repentance is also key. Reading the Bible without applying it can’t save, and neither can church membership.

Pecos River
Pecos River
January 13, 2022 5:04 pm

Used to be, back when the
WWII generation was still with us, often called ‘the greatest generation’, the USA was a predominantly Christian nation, imh. Of course they all weren’t born again, but even in the unregenerated, there was a respect given to the Bible and Bible believers. Is it any wonder, then, that fear runs rampant across our country? Fear is the opposite of faith in God.

January 12, 2022 7:14 am

Yes, life is about spiritual development…But no, we are not going to submit quietly to these mass murderers, whose body count is already in the hundreds of thousands and growing…That would be disrespectful to the dead, including a growing number of children…

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 4:50 pm

Read Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. He lived through what is coming.
He lived through the lies and deceit and brutality and venality
of his fellow citizens. He has much to teach us about it all.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 6:07 pm

I know, he’s killing it lately. He went from author to philosopher without a hitch.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 6:13 pm

Hard experience makes a philosopher.

January 12, 2022 7:15 am

Great post Doug. As for me, the enemy will only be met with force when they won’t leave me alone. I think a lot of us feel that way. Until that time, we will not comply with unscientific mandates. We will be sand in the gears of the machine. We will live our lives and be free the way God intended. If “they” are intent on robbing us of that freedom, they will show themselves. And at that point, Irish Democracy is the name of the game… Chip

January 12, 2022 8:01 am

Slightly off topic but a very relevant data point to enter into the conversation is this Tweet… Chip

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 8:15 am

comment image

Red River D
Red River D
  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 8:30 am

Yeah. No kidding.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 9:43 am


January 12, 2022 8:38 am

Also off topic, but I’m wondering how many donations poured into Rand Paul’s “Fire Fauci” Fundraiser! I may donate myself today now that I’ve seen it!

comment image



hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 8:40 am

And they need money for that because?

  hardscrabble farmer
January 12, 2022 8:57 am

comment image

Because the swamp is the rebranded Shopping channel.

January 12, 2022 1:06 pm

Why is everything in puppet actor land of chivalry a fund raiser? Kinda like the “build the wall fund” during the ACTII Trump years that was looted and Bannon was arrested and went to jail. We should pound it in the heads of the sheep to never volunteer and never contribute. That sounds ugly but it would eliminate a lot of criminal activity in the end. People would be better served by helping the unfortunate in their community in person and not thru the do-gooders who are crooked as hell.

January 13, 2022 9:23 am

Yes, help the unfortunate in your own community. Please don’t tell them that that is what government is for. The government and most charities are crooks, esp. if their name end in the word Foundation.

January 15, 2022 6:30 pm


January 12, 2022 8:46 am

Hey ghost and other folks, I finally got my supply of ivermectin. Stuff is harder to get smuggled into Canuckistan than heroin. But I got some!

Crazy times we are living! Safely stored away for a rainy day.

January 12, 2022 9:33 am

Woo Hoo!

And, as for Rand Paul? He’s just one of them. I hope he gets a ton of money to help “Fire Fauci” and then loses his own election.

Because we both know it is all about the money all the time.

January 12, 2022 9:44 am

Both sides shill to mob, by inflaming those they purportedly oppose.
All for the benefit of, the masters of the swamp lording from above.

January 12, 2022 4:08 pm

RiNS- Speaking of Swamp Lords, someone is making a serious attempt to save ya’ll in Canuckistan….really. Read the article and get back to me.


January 12, 2022 10:23 am

Where did you get yours?? Asking because I maybe should order some to have on hand for the wifes parental units…

January 12, 2022 10:33 am

It was sent to me by my brother who lives in Alberta. I’m not sure where he got it from. I do know that since he ordered it some of his friends have had their packages seized at border by Canada Customs.

Whatta fucked up world we live in when ivermectin is treated as contraband.

Oh yeah.. i forget!


January 12, 2022 11:03 am


x 1000

I thought of ordering some from either mexico or india but was thinking the postal system would def intercept it. I think I can still get some paste from the local farm supply but that would be a harder sell to the out laws…

Tablets I could just tell them its vit D. Toast and apple jam?!?!?

January 12, 2022 11:20 am

Here is what I would do.

Do you have anyone you know that is living in States. Reason being that package could be sent to them, then repackaged and reposted to your home address from them. Oh and send it in regular mail. Don’t put it in express line or on a courier. That way it comes in with millions of other pieces of mail. Makes the odds of getting it thru better.

They can’t open every box sent privately from the USA.
They can’t and they won’t because they are fucken lazy…

January 12, 2022 12:55 pm

We have friends in the US. I’ll have to take and give this some serious thought… many Thx

January 12, 2022 1:58 pm


I have received 5 orders of Ivermectin (and antibiotics) from INSULIN HUB through Andrew. You will not get charged until it is in your hands.

I have given so much away to 8 friends and family (all who had Covid and all who recovered fairly quickly) I now have 200 on the way to bulk back up on it. Most of my friends and family then ordered their own through Andrew, and all orders were received.

It takes about 3 weeks to the U.S. It is a well-established company from what I could tell. I started purchasing early on from them during the Plandemcic.

It was $125 for 30 12mg tabs of Ivermectin and 75 100mg Doxycycline.

Andrew is Canadian and super helpful and reliable. I believe he is the Sales Manager.

Call him and chat…good luck buddy! Here is his contact information:

Andrew James
Direct line is 1-718-312-8727


Live Chat: https://direct.lc.chat/12078399/

Please rate my service!
Rated #1 online pharmacy by TrustPilot !


Here is a good story with a happy ending.

I have a close friend six states away, we talk on the phone a couple times a month the last five or so years…and he has spent a week at my farm three times over that time. We hung out in the 70’s & 80’s.

He called me because he had come down with Covid and it hit him super hard the day before…He was scared. He is 74, a cancer survivor…and sounded terrible.

He said he was super sick, starting to struggle with breathing and coughing a lot, and could barely get out of bed. He said he had never felt this way before in his life.

He was (rightly) terrified of going to the VA Hospital…and ending up on a Vent. He is unjabbed as well and will never, ever take one.

A month earlier he had taken delivery of 30 12 mg Ivermectin pills from Andrew at INSULIN HUB after my constant urging for him to buy some and have it ready. He read my thread on TBP on my Covid Story.

Here is what I told him.

Don’t make the mistake I made when we had Covid…only taking two 12mg of Ivermectin a day…take FOUR 12mg for at least three to four days minimum because of your severe symptoms, hit it hard with Ivermectin! (He had only taken one so far in two days).

I also sent him a list of Immune support with Covid dosages for the first 3-to-4 days. He got it all and started taking all of them.

Just after one day taking everything above he felt noticeably better the next day…after two days he felt a little better still, and after three days even MOUR better…after 4 days of taking all of the above he said he was back 90%!!!

On the fifth day he dropped back to 24mgs of Ivermectin. Then on the sixth and seventh day just one a day. He wanted to save some in case his wife needed it, but so far she has been fine.

He is now back 99% and like me (after Covid) just has a weak clutch in his chest. I told him that lasted for me for over two weeks after I recovered…and then I had a slight head cold…and then 100% ok.

He has called Andrew and has ordered 90 more.

January 12, 2022 2:23 pm

Thanks for the info mark.

The stuff I got is in liquid form. Not quite sure how it is dosed. I might give Andrew a call and get some pills to go along with what I have now. I’ll use what I got if worse comes to worst. Anyways thanks!

January 12, 2022 2:31 pm

You bet my friend!

January 12, 2022 2:58 pm

The liquids are injectables, we used that for our sheep. Not sure if you can ingest it.

January 12, 2022 4:33 pm

Yeah that is what I was thinking as well. I am going to get a hold of my brother and see how he was using it. He took some a while back and is still here….

he claims it works. Then again he might be nudging me out to get a bump in the amount of inheritance..

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
January 12, 2022 10:29 pm

1 ml per 110 lbs in the liquid form.
Drink it. Simple.

January 12, 2022 8:51 pm

Dosage – see barnhardt.biz

sticky @ top

January 12, 2022 8:56 pm

Annie B. has it all figured out, Rob, right here.


January 12, 2022 3:00 pm

Thank You mark…

I’m going to go this route. Funny thing is I have insulin hub bookmarked… Just a nice confirm.

January 12, 2022 3:05 pm

How do you get around having a prescription??

Ordered… Thx again my friend

January 12, 2022 9:47 pm

Where do you live, Brian?

January 13, 2022 9:46 am

British Communista… South Okanagan Valley

am about 2 miles from the US border but we cannot cross the line.

January 13, 2022 7:20 pm

Hey… check out what you get when you boil the inner rind of oranges and lemons and grapefruit. (a version of hydrochloriquine which is a tip from my biologist friend’s grandmother.) It doesn’t taste very good, but I add some local honey and cinnamon and call it “tea.” I tell my dear husband “shut up drink it” and he does.


Now, here come all the naysayers about what factcheckers say about this and you know what I say?

Now, I tried to find a nice image of a nice ass and when I searched for “nice ass” I ended up with “Start Page can find no results.”


So, I typed in Nice Buttocks and this is the first page returned.


comment image

January 13, 2022 9:36 pm

Wowzers. Well at least it’s better than getting butt lift surgery.

January 13, 2022 9:44 pm

Try Yandex.com, the Russian search engine. It often gives results when American search engines censor.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 16, 2022 9:07 pm

My wife has been making that rind tonic for a long time, didn’t know about the hydrochloriquine. She brings me a little glass of it every night. I just drink it because she thinks its good for me, but maybe there’s something to it.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 4:57 pm

Brian. Check your area for a doctor who will prescribe it.
It’s not illegal, and many doctors will happily write a scrip for it.
We should all be doing this in the open so the world can see us.

Find a Doctor Who Will Prescribe Ivermectin & Early Covid Treatment

  Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 6:39 pm

Colorado Artist.

I have a friend who used Frontline Doctors to successfully get regular dosages of Ivermectin and neither he nor his family have had Covid. He has built up a serious stash…and they take some when they travel.

Another friend had his doctor (who he had been using for 20 years) tell him he was afraid to prescribe him Ivermectin because of threats he had received about his license. That friend now has a Frontline Doctor he found.

I turned to Insulin Hub after the PA. Prepper company both Yo and Admin recommended that they had used (I forget their name Survival something) to buy Ivermectin through (I got my first shipment from them) who started selling Ivermectin early on. Suddenly they had their website completely taken down…never to surface again as far as I know.

Maybe Yo and or Admin remember?

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 6:51 pm

I understand the fear from doctors.
My family is replete with them.
That’s how I got mine. But persevere.
The more of these brave iconoclasts we support,
the harder it will be to cancel them.
We need to present truth, not hide it.
Ivermectin works exceedingly well.
Stay strong.

  Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 7:34 pm

Hope your Mom is doing well buddy.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 13, 2022 12:14 am

She is well after a scare.
Thank you for your kind wishes, Mark.

January 15, 2022 12:43 pm

Try Tractor Supply if you have them up there.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
January 12, 2022 10:26 pm

Take a hit Rins, for familiarity sake.

January 12, 2022 9:39 am

Edited: The only reason Rand’s Fire Fauci pledge interests me is because Fauci gave him great advertising during testimony by holding up the Fire Fauci notice on Rand Paul’s page. It would not surprise me if he actually gets the $500,000 he’s looking for this month (January.) It would send a delightful message.

Then, I hope Rand loses his own seat because we all know he’s not going to do shit to stop them.

Because congresscritters are only congresscritters because they took someone’s bribe.

January 13, 2022 8:45 am

You think one Senator has the power to stop “them”?

Senator Paul is doing his best to stop “them” by using the Bully Pulpit he gains by being a Senator.

January 16, 2022 8:49 pm

They piss in your face and you thank them for the rain showers. You are pathetic.

January 15, 2022 7:02 pm

As stated before, term limits.
Conversation: “Mam/Sir, your thoughts on term limits?”
“Well, I think we definitely need term limits at all levels of government.”
“Agreed. Talking with you here in Waskom, Texas I assume you vote U.S. Rep congressional District 1?”
“Why yes, yes I do.”
“Mam/Sir, you are aware your U.S. Rep has held that office since 2005? Should term limits apply for US District 1?”
“Oh, no, no ,no, he’s a good Christian man. I’ve spoken with him at my church. No, we need to keep him.”

January 12, 2022 12:45 pm

It is ALL scripted, SMH…

January 13, 2022 9:25 am

They don’t need a fundraiser, they simply need to do their jobs.

January 16, 2022 8:46 pm

This fuckstick is gatekeeping hard and you assholes cheer him, because you have no standards.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 4:53 pm

Every doctor who was cancelled expected it, told about it,
warned of it, and was silenced for it.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 4:51 pm

Preach on, brother.
Irish Democracy until TPTB make that impossible.

January 12, 2022 7:22 am

>Once more, I found myself questioning how we can win.

And you pretty much answered it – as I would put it, in my words:
By helping to raise the [average] level of morality.

That is the only way to defend against Huxley’s scenario (respectively Milgram.)
And for the Bonhoeffer stupidity, one’s morality should limit the amount of protection we give the stupid against the effects of their own stupidity, and most will sooner or later re-evaluate, after they ran into enough walls head-first.
(“The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools.” — Herbert Spencer)

And this is not a fight, it’s a 30-year ultra-triathlon.
As it will take a generation to turn around this ship, in the best case.
Thanks, Doug.

January 12, 2022 10:54 am

M, I think you’re right about this being a long haul.
At 60 years, I’ll be in the race but I wonder if I will live to see the finish line. It doesn’t matter, I’m running for my daughter and will never stop or until I drop.
As for dealing with stupid people, I am reminded of ‘The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity’ by Carlo M. Cipolla. Of the many points made, two struck home. One is that intelligent people will ALWAYS underestimate the number of stupid people that exist and the other is that intelligent people will ALWAYS underestimate just how stupid the stupid can be. We never believe that someone who could do anything SO stupid would be able to take it to a new low after that. But they always do and the intelligent are left shaking their heads or dead from the damage that results.
How much time do I have left to deal with these people? Not enough. Period.
Great article, Doug.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 12, 2022 7:23 am

I feel an almost overwhelming sadness for what is about to befall mankind…….

“What is that force that wants to control us completely?”

The prince of the power of the air, and his kosmokratorian minions.

Unseen players like hate, love, rage, fear……have a direct influence in the seen world, but it seems even Bible believin’ folks don’t won’t to consider the sinister accuser behind the psychosis….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—====

Hope can keep you afloat when time is running out, said the rat.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  ordo ab chao
January 12, 2022 5:33 pm

Don’t feel sadness, feel anger.
Anger that people are so easily giving away their God given rights
for a false promise.
Make no mistake, when you trade away your freedom
for safety, you aren’t getting safety, you
are trading it away for a lifetime of living in fear.
You are now a slave and the only thing you have then is that fear.

Ammo up and be ruthlessly prepared to exact a high price
from people who mean to steal what was given to you by God.

  Colorado Artist
January 14, 2022 1:07 pm


  ordo ab chao
January 12, 2022 6:45 pm

ordo ab chao,


I suspected I knew where you were going…but I love a new way to say ORCs!!!

Good to read you my brother…

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 13, 2022 5:02 am

Mornin’ mark….

This ole hardware I’ve got is what it is, and what it is, is sucky….so I just copy/paste a bit. Above, ‘but it seems even Bible believin’ folks don’t won’t to consider the sinister accuser behind the psychosis….’ meant to say Bible believin’ folks either don’t want to or won’t ……

That was a perfect link !

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-====

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 8:12 am

We MUST understand the elite leadership at the highest level of the globalist reset cabal are still merely mortal useful idiots or symptoms of the very tip of their spearhead.
Literally Satan himself is their conductor or orchester of their faith.
Our ultimate enemy to be defeated in the end by no other than God himself.
First to be chained for one thousand years in the bottomless pit during the millennial reign of Jesus and finally cast into the eternal lake of fire along with his followers.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 9:04 am

The heart of Satan and his ultimate demise.

Isaiah 14:13-15
New American Standard Bible
13 But you said in your heart,
‘I will (A)ascend to heaven;
I will (B)raise my throne above the stars of God,
And I will sit on the mount of assembly
In the recesses of the north.
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
(C)I will make myself like the Most High.’
15 Nevertheless you (D)will be brought down to Sheol,
To the recesses of the pit.

river view
river view
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 3:47 pm

Fitting that you use a satanic version…

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 9:31 am

Satan is merely God’s useful idiot used to tempt, draw out and separate those with true faith in God from the unbelievers.
Even Satan has a divine purpose in God’s plan.
We are either of the Spirit of the Most High God or we are of the spirit of Antichrist.
Our decision our choice.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 11:26 am

The scriptures teach us that ” vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord” and ultimately we know that is true but does that preclude Man from rightfully and justly physically stopping or defending himself and what is lawfully his whether property or liberty in the meantime against a violent, aggressive, murderer and thief whether it is an individual or individuals whatever form it may take?
Not in an angry, uncontrolled, blood lust sort of way but in collected, measured, controlled, defiance of evil whether potentially winnable or not simply because evil cannot be allowed to take root and blossom?
Simply, win or lose, because it’s the right thing to do?

mr mittens
mr mittens
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 11:42 am

never try to negotiate or propitiate the weeds in your vegetable plot, it’s not that the weeds are evil, just that they want to take over, be merciless..

Red River D
Red River D
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 1:19 pm

Defense is not vengeance. Defense is defense.

We may not hunt men and wreak revenge for wrongs committed, but according to the Word of God, we may indeed use force for defense — most especially when defending the people in our care or protection.

  Red River D
January 12, 2022 2:13 pm

there are many Biblical instances of where God’s people adopted the position of “the best defense is a good offense” – or should have…. Yes I know that there was a governing authority for it…. something that we presently sorely lack.

Red River D
Red River D
January 12, 2022 3:34 pm

Exactly so. If King David were here and gave me orders to go on the slaughter…

…I would break the sound barrier on my way out the door.

But, absent direct orders from God or God’s personally appointed agent, we have orders in hand. Violence is a last resort and only lawful within certain clearly defined parameters. We may indeed disperse justice. But justice must be tempered with mercy whenever and as far as possible. Otherwise there will be no mercy for us.

  Red River D
January 12, 2022 4:21 pm

“the best defense is a good offense”

As a strategist, that is something to consider constantly. Tricky business. The logic computes to a degree but how can one factor all variables?

Regarding, David, look at all the leeway he gave Saul in order to avoid getting in God’s way. Why did he do that? How did he know?

January 12, 2022 5:06 pm

I suspect the answer is in God’s law. And David himself answers the other questions. The Amalekite thought it a ‘mercy killing’ … whoops.

And David said unto him, How wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the LORD’S anointed?

January 12, 2022 5:20 pm

Yep. Because God had anointed Saul. Some interesting ramifications, right there, for those who believe

January 12, 2022 5:42 pm

As an interesting parallel contemplation… Eglon was NOT anointed (though God certainly ordained? his rule) …. But from whence came the ‘authority’ for his assassination?

Red River D
Red River D
January 12, 2022 6:40 pm

Eglon’s assassination may not have been sanctioned by God, in that perhaps Ehud acted out of turn. (Perhaps not.)

Ehud employed subterfuge in order to get close to Eglon, which I do not believe God ever sanctions. So it may have been that God ordained Eglon’s termination, but will then punish Ehud for acting outside of the Law.

Pure speculation on my part.

  Red River D
January 12, 2022 7:08 pm

RRD- I think that one must conclude that it was sanctioned by God.
the LORD raised them up a deliverer,
as far as the subterfuge….
Did not God send a “lying spirit” to Ahab?
Did not David ( a man after God’s own heart) use it?

Red River D
Red River D
January 12, 2022 10:45 pm

I could easily dismiss David as an example here, because David perpetrated a most severe crime in the case of Uriah. Yet David was indeed a man after God’s own heart, even despite that event.

But your point about the lying spirit is not so easily dismissed. You might have just stuffed me there. But I’ll sleep on it and consider the wider implications. The Hebrew word in question is SHEKER, and though it can also be understood as ‘disappointment’ (I will be a disappointing spirit), it’s the same word as used in the Ten Commandments, as in thou shalt not bear false witness. So there doesn’t appear to be any escape afforded my position in the semantic domain of the Hebrew word.

All of that to say: You might got a point, DAN!!!

  Red River D
January 12, 2022 11:29 pm

Quick David story you reminded me of…back in the mid 90’s I was working for a corporation and took lunch every day for almost a year in a restaurant at the same remote table served by the same waitress.

I always read my bible during the leisurely hour…and I guess the waitress noticed.

She was a great waitress (my daughter’s age) and I’m a good tipper…we became friends with regular small talk.

Then one day she came up with the check and said to me: “Can I ask you a question about the Bible”.

I said sure.

She said: “How can God call David a man after his own heart…after he did what he did…you know”?

I really don’t remember the exact details of what I said…27 years ago…but I remember thinking it was a weak answer…but that is not the point of the story.

She thanked me…left the check and scurried off to another table.

I stood up and started taking the cash tip out of my wallet…then as clear as any voice I have ever heard…a voice in my head…that was not my voice or thought…said in a strong, scary, commanding raspy whisper… “Leave her the Bible.”

I immediately blurted out loud… “OK!”

She was surprised and grateful…she didn’t have a Bible.

Since then I made sure I really knew, in a detailed answer, why God called David a man after his own heart after committing murder and adultery.

David was a man who truly grieved over his sin and longed, hungered, thirsted to know God with a deep passion. David was a man who desired to be holy and to be like God. He was a man after God’s own heart because these are the things that God desires for us. These are the marks of a man or woman after God’s own heart…no matter their past.

Red River D
Red River D
January 13, 2022 8:12 am

Well done, mark.

Once I was in the middle of a hot debate with a very slippery, very well (Bible) read enemy of the Word. It was a well attended debate with many witnesses. And the slippery fella stumped me. I asked the LORD for the answer to the fella’s question, and He gave me the answer instantly. He even said — BEFORE you answer him, ask him this, thusly… which I did. And stumped the slippery fella cold. Then I answered his question.

Same kind of unmistakable voice I heard, without hearing in any conventional sense.

And I certainly like your answer about David. I could have expressed the same sort of idea, but not as clearly and sufficiently as you just did.

  Red River D
January 13, 2022 9:55 am

RR, mark –

John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

As you can attest to, God is never far off… He is never out of our ear range and never mumbles…

Sadly, many never take the time and learn to listen, or to see the many miracles God does everyday for us that we gloss over as coincidences.

January 13, 2022 7:11 pm

Somwhat off topic.

King David is a part of Jesus’ Millennium Kingdom!

Since 2009, I have learned of Jesus’ Word at versebyverseministry dot com.

From this ministry, I have learned the OT saints were saved by faith. I have read/listenedto, prayed about and thought upon almost evert bible study and many more than once. Extremely In-depth. Just as the website claims.

Not to argue with others but to extol my love for Scripture since I was 13, I mention the following.

The wicked King Manessiah was saved by faith just as Abraham, King David, Hannah and the OT saints. From a place of punishment for his sins, King Manessiah heard the message of faith by the King, High Priest and Prophet Jesus.

Punishment often occurs for minor and major sins. And often the most devout Suffer without punishment.

I simply have hoped/prayed at times for more organization for submitting oppressors of sex trafficking and the merciless Bob Sagets to be justifiably punished or at least become worn down by relentless offensive against cultural shock. They are not of the Church and therefore not punished as those who are.

January 13, 2022 7:14 pm

My comment was in response to mark.

And I was older than 13 when I found vbvm.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 6:35 pm

So because the U.S.A. was formed through war by direct colonial rebellion to the crown of England does that make us an illegitimate nation in God’s eyes or do we get a free pass?

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 7:03 pm

at this point you have to identify the poster to whom you are addressing the question.. My indentations are (and have been for some time) full vertical.
re your question…
The Churches played a major role in the ‘revolutionary’ war….. I also suspect that this is where Ehud’s authority came from. Or the princes… Not certain
nobody gets a free pass. gotta go.

Red River D
Red River D
January 13, 2022 8:18 am

Re: Eglon and Ehud:

I did as I said I would and slept on the matter. It was with me when I woke. (It’s good to be outside in the cold, pondering some OLD TESTAMENT as the sky is just beginning to turn light in the east!!!) I’ll have to concede to your point. Seems there’s nothing for it and that God did indeed sanction subterfuge in that case, which would indicate there are other examples in which He may do the same.

But I would ask you: did you have the example of Ahab and the lying spirit ready to hand in your mind when you responded to my objection? Or did you look for one such example after the fact?

  Red River D
January 13, 2022 9:16 am

I had actually replied to a post below prior to mentioning it here. The verse is quite remarkable. There are certain narratives that I hold fast. That is one of them as well as Ehud the judge. (for obvious reasons)

There are actually much more difficult verses that speak to the broader question of – When is it lawful to take life – in general- (i.e. Jephthah’s daughter).

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 15, 2022 7:59 pm

Some will debate this in reference to Romans 13.

  Red River D
January 16, 2022 8:52 pm

The religion of King David was so disgusting that Jesus Christ declared it void. They are not the same God.

  Red River D
January 12, 2022 10:05 pm


Two thoughts on Murder and Killing.

MURDER Is like pornography…I know it when I see it…and I have seen it.

KILLING: God did not make us to kill one another…and even when its justified…there will be a cost…unless you are lost.

(I put up a post on Killology on another thread.)

Red River D
Red River D
January 12, 2022 10:56 pm

Everything we do in this life comes with a cost or a benefit, sometimes both at once.

Moses was the meekest man that ever lived. And he killed with his bare hands and marshaled an army which killed tens and tens of thousands. So the Biblical term for meekness needs to be understood in that broader context.

Terminating a man’s life in this world is not something any of us should aspire to, but there are plenty of God-sanctioned examples of it in Scripture.

As you say — you know it when you see it. That’s just what I feel about the dark days to come: If the situation calls for a biblically justified taking of another man’s life, I have no compunction whatsoever about killing in such an instance. But such situations are fluid and must be prosecuted accordingly, or we risk stepping right across the threshold into grave offense of God’s Law.

I don’t think we can know any more than that until the day comes. If it comes. Frankly, I hope I am not put to such a test in the future, because I well recognize I am the type of man who is indeed likely to fail the test and blunder into transgression. I spend a good deal of time pondering and meditating about this very subject.

  Red River D
January 13, 2022 10:07 pm

Self defense is not vengeance or violence, either one, it’s protecting yourself or your loved ones.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 2:34 pm

Eyes wide shut, Thank you for the comment that touches on the question that Doug and many others are touching on. .. . The sometimes conflicting inner visions that all of us have as rational AND spiritual beings that are confronted with deadly evil. On the one hand we want to confront the evil that we see–meet it with superior deadly force, deal with it once and for all, and the sooner the better. Let’s call that position 1. On the other hand position 2 wants a life of just being left alone to tend our gardens, horses and grandchildren. We all have some degree of both.. The problem is we are not looking for evil, but evil comes looking for us.
While I can’t claim a full resolution of the two positions maybe it will help to explore from whence the conflict, if any, arises. And by the way, if you have no conflict whatsoever, that’s OK. Either extreme position or any spot in between is your choice and I respect them all.
As Doug says ( and I paraphrase) I have no regrets for my life, I’m at peace with myself and accept my mortality. I will attempt to live a good, parallel life opposed to the the evil that threatens my life, liberty, property, and future. I will tend to my own spiritual and physical gardens while doing what I can to make the world a better place– starting with me.
I share these ideals exactly. But then I think of wife, children, grandchildren (mine), as well as the millions of innocents (and the many orphans to come) in the general population. That’s when my position 2 kicks in and makes me want to stack ammo, practice the deadly arts, and sharpen steel. I am not ashamed of either position; nor should you be. These positions arise as a result of our ROLES.
In my role as an individual I can choose how to live and act. It is my right to choose position 2 even if I know that evil will likely prevail over me. However, in my role as husband, father, grandfather, my duty overrides my personal choice. My duty demands that I both provide and protect those that my role demands me to provide for and to protect. Even if i don’t require that same level of protection for myself, and knowing that the evil may still prevail over me and them. In my role as a citizen and person of integrity it is also my duty to uphold the oaths I’ve taken to defend against enemies both foreign and domestic.
An undeclared war is still a war, and an undiscovered enemy is still an enemy. God made us stuck somewhere between the animal and the spiritual kingdoms so I guess we will just have some of these questions and conflicts. No matter how we choose to deal with encroaching evil, ultimately God will deal with it definitely and finally. I trust that he will deal mercifully with us all whether we tried too little or too much to “help” him with the problem of evil. He made us and he knows our frailty. Part of me wants to be a monk, and part of me wants to be the trained killer with a purpose. So think of your multiple roles from time to time and keep in mind that roles change over time. Let your roles help you to guide your actions. .

  daddy Joe
January 12, 2022 4:24 pm

Very interesting D.J. Thank you

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 6:52 pm

This is so profound.
It’s a veil lifted.

“Once again we can find a physics parallel to describe what Krishnamurti is saying. A cluttered mind filled with arbitrary thoughts, desires, fears and anxieties, is akin to a high entropy system. Entropy is a measure of randomness or disorder within a closed system and reduces the energy available to do work.”
-From The link “When Force Meets Power”

I had a contretemps with a poster here not a day ago about this.

  daddy Joe
January 12, 2022 7:15 pm


January 13, 2022 10:12 am

Mooseman speaks of “discernment” and Brian (above) quoted John 10:27 as follows:

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”

Daddy Joe addressed “The sometimes conflicting inner visions that all of us have as rational AND spiritual beings that are confronted with deadly evil. “

So, here is another thought exercise…

I have an open mind so I always try to consider every angle for my own benefit as well as for those around me. Therefore, solely from a Christian perspective, consider the following:

In Luke 22:38, Jesus said two swords were enough for 12 apostles. By that standard, then, today, two rifles/firearms would be enough per every six people in your group. Not enough to stage an aggressive offense, perhaps, but enough to defend for most situations. For other situations, Revelations 13:9-10 says…

Whoever has ears, let them hear.
If anyone is to go into captivity,
into captivity they will go.
If anyone is to be killed[c] with the sword,
with the sword they will be killed.
This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.

How should that be discerned by those of faith?

January 13, 2022 10:32 am

You answered your own question…

Not enough to stage an aggressive offense, perhaps, but enough to defend for most situations.

BTW, I do apologise, I don’t want to be hijacking your great article here.

January 13, 2022 10:39 am

I always enjoy your comments, Brian. For quite some time, now, too. No apologies necessary

Red River D
Red River D
January 13, 2022 5:10 pm

Uncola’s interpretation of “it is enough” is perceptive. Those are enigmatic words spoken by Christ, and this perspective satisfies the enigma — which is to say, it may be the correct interpretation. I’ve seen dozens of men make mincemeat out of this passage and derive utterly wild and untenable conclusions as to Christ’s intent.

But again, if Uncola’s interpretation is correct, it points directly to the difference between defense and vengeance; but more specifically, the difference between defense and offense.

  Red River D
January 13, 2022 6:33 pm

Not sure how long you have been on TBP, Red River D, but here is an article I wrote back in 2018 about three potential responses to the NWO (with a Biblical slant):

Destiny Looms: Choose Your Way or it Drags You

Red River D
Red River D
January 13, 2022 10:53 pm

Got it.

I’ll hop on that in the AM. I have a piece I’m thinking about submitting to Admin on the view of this beast through the work of Lewis Mumford and Marshall McLuhan.

January 16, 2022 8:57 pm

I have Faith. I will tell you it says that things will happen as they must. It is not a call to suicide. That would contradict the Word.

January 16, 2022 9:33 pm

“I have Faith”.

Me too…That is the name I gave my daughter.

God always keeps a remnant…I aspire to it…but if I die…I die.

AK John
AK John
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 12:15 pm

Well said. Satan is the greatest teacher of what not to do.

  AK John
January 12, 2022 1:19 pm

he’s the lion on the chain

Red River D
Red River D
January 12, 2022 1:21 pm

What chain? That sucker’s roaming to and fro in the earth, and up and down in it. No chains anywhere in sight…

…except perhaps for us.

  Red River D
January 12, 2022 2:06 pm

it’s a reference to pilgrims progress – there most certainly is a chain (whether one sees it or not) . Otherwise, we would have been devoured long ago.

Red River D
Red River D
January 12, 2022 3:41 pm

Satan is not omnipotent. He’s bound by time, so in that case, I could see him as being chained. His power is coming to completion. He will be permitted to complete himself — but his own completion will be the source of his own destruction.

Consider the Oroboros. Is the serpent devouring its own tail? Or is it creating itself through its own abominable inversion of the Word of God?

The answer is both. The Oroboros is a example of superposition — it occupies time while in two contradictory conditions. Much the same as the Q-BIT of the quantum computer.

  Red River D
January 12, 2022 5:22 pm

Unless you consider Satan as ‘from everlasting’. He’s bound by an helluva lot more than just time.

Red River D
Red River D
January 12, 2022 6:44 pm

He’s not from everlasting.

He’s from the Abyss.

He is bound by the Beginning and the End of time and creation. But he has autonomy to move to and fro, and up and down, within.

He intends to break free even of that restraint, but he will fail.

  Red River D
January 12, 2022 6:57 pm

My point…
How was he restrained? By whom? And who -releases- him? He is by no means a free agent. Consider Job.
signing off…. got to get some work done.

January 16, 2022 9:03 pm

It is all nonsense to distract from the Word. There is no evil character running around invisible. It is the name given to the force that men run to when they abandon the Holy Spirit. It is a concept that defies words, so it has been given a name as all such concepts are. It is an artifact of dead religions that are irrelevant to the New Testament. Jesus gave us salvation. We already possess this now, if we possess faith. The Kingdom is already here.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Red River D
January 13, 2022 12:59 am

Satan’s chained in the sense that he is still only allowed to do what God let’s him.
The problem in many case’s is that it’s a very long chain until the return of Jesus.

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 13, 2022 9:33 am

I actually think that the length of the chain is related to the sin to which he is responding. That is to say, the devils ‘calling’ is to punish/chastise/etc. sin, which brings us right back around to AK John’s original post above.

January 16, 2022 8:59 pm

Yes. The lion he is. That nature is in us just as the nature of God is. The Gospel of St Thomas references this from the words of Jesus.

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 12, 2022 3:52 pm

“There is no Devil. It’s just God when he’s drunk.” – Tom Waits

January 12, 2022 8:31 pm

“There ain’t no Devil, there’s just God when he’s drunk.”

“I don’t have a drink problem, ‘cept when I can’t get a drink.”

“Everybody I like is either dead or not feeling very well.”

“I’m so broke I can’t even pay attention.”

“You have to keep busy, after all, no dog ever pissed on a moving car.”

“I don’t care who I have to step on on my way down.”

— Waits quotations which Humphries called “Waitsisms”

Back in the day I have been sad…I have been bad…and I have been a cad…but Tom had a way with words…I’m thrilled I lived around.

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 16, 2022 8:50 pm

Satan is the state of their being, not a flipping poltergeist that possesses people.

January 12, 2022 8:43 am

I’ll have to finish this when I get to work. I like it so far.

January 12, 2022 8:55 am

As I’ve commented before, in 2 to 3 years all the people who drive you crazy will be dead. Take a moment to consider that – recall the feeling of walking upon a deserted beach on a beautiful sunny day. That feeling is utter bliss, but we’ll have to go through hell before we get to heaven.

The IQ test is almost over. Next comes the test of resolve. Congratulations to those who passed the first round.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
January 12, 2022 11:06 am

ICE. Amen. It is happening as we speak. Time to hold while the icing melts off and exposes the idiocy.

  daddy Joe
January 12, 2022 11:22 am

Hang in there brother. There is a false flag coming…

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 6:46 pm

I hope you aren’t correct, but I believe you are.
I have people I love who were coerced through
the fear campaign, and the life-long trust in
doctors to take the poison. If it turns out to be true,
I won’t be inclined to let the murders of my loved ones slide.

  Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 9:50 pm

me either

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
January 12, 2022 9:18 am

“carefully crafted and chaotically circulated” – brilliant.

Only you, Doug, can weave quotes from St. Francis of Assisi with those of Admin and Stucky and your own thoughts into a splendid tapestry of vision.

When I was in highschool, we had the opportunity of spending a week in a convent, practicing their pledge of “ora et labora” (pray and work). There we were, twenty 16 year olds. Christians and atheists, boys and girls. We started the day at 4 am with an hour of meditation, then an hour of singing. After that, the boys cut down trees and the girls peeled beans for hours on end, all labor done in complete silence. The day ended with dinner (also in silence) and more prayers and singing, around dusk.

There is a certain calm filling your soul when you meditate, or just do a repetitive task and don’t concern yourself with the outside world.

“Can our side win by following the rules?”

Yes, we can, but they are OUR rules, not theirs. My rules are rooted in my own integrity. As such, what to do every day has been easy. I just do what I think and know to be right. I try to not concern myself with the rest. I trust that in the future it will be revealed to me what the right thing is. Revealing is what the universe does.

  Svarga Loka
January 12, 2022 10:37 am

The laws (moral ) are written on the tablets of mens hearts, so say the scriptures. 2 Cor 3:3

The universe is nonsentient and cannot speak. God on the other hand… can

January 12, 2022 4:26 pm

Personally, I am more at peace when I align my actions with my conscience.

AK John
AK John
  Svarga Loka
January 12, 2022 12:20 pm

Sounds like an awesome experience you had in the convent. And yes, we do create our own reality. I live, move, and have my being in God. Not in their dystopic world.

  AK John
January 12, 2022 12:30 pm

AKJ-Then why are you on a doom porn site? I’m betting you have a smartphone and stream movies made by the usual suspects on your TV. Am I right?

January 12, 2022 12:48 pm

And believe in a virus…

AK John
AK John
January 12, 2022 1:17 pm

We deal with reality, but we don’t let it control our lives. If you don’t see the dystopic fake world we are in, you are truly blind. No, I don’t stream movies, and use a smartphone. You have never met an individual like me in your life. I moved to Alaska from Chicago when I was 21, and I made my own life, and I always created my own world of living, moving and having my being in God. I also live in an unvaxxed, uncovid tested, and drug free house.

  Svarga Loka
January 12, 2022 12:53 pm


Re: Meditation

Re: Meditation

I listened to a guy last year whose mind drove him into an insane asylum 10 years ago. He is very well-adjusted today and says it is because of meditation more than anything else.

I never really understood it and I have only, recently, been looking into it – mainly out of curiosity more than anything. Guess I always thought it a little too voodoo for my tastes. But the same guy I mentioned above said this (and it made sense): Most who have opinions on meditation have not practiced meditation and so they have no idea what they are talking about until they do it.

I believe it has to do with awareness overthinking, but I seem to have difficulty doing in on purpose.

Those with a Biblical worldview may consider it in terms of “be still and know I am God” (Psalm 46:10) and those with an Eastern perspective consider meditation in terms of being or thusness and suchness.

For me, it seems, the awareness comes in day to day activities and when I least expect it: The smile from someone, laughter from some far off conversation, walking eastward towards a building early in the morning in cold crisp air as the sun still hides under the roofline but the sky is a shade of blue I swear I’ve not seen before.

I am also fortunate enough to live where I have a full view of the sunset and, quite often, as the light changes colors on the clouds there is shimmering in between that reminds me of dying embers in a fire. I will say, in those moments, I lose myself and feel refreshed afterward. So I can see how meditation might restore the soul.

Even so, I seem to have difficulty doing it on purpose.

I suppose, like anything, it gets better with practice… but who has the time? 🙂

AK John
AK John
January 12, 2022 1:37 pm

Look up the difference between meditation and contemplation. Meditation only takes you to the worlds of mind that are dystopic at best. Contemplation leads you to the experience of I am soul, a divine spark of the creator. I started with meditation and moved onto better things, contemplation. Meditation is very passive, and suited for the eastern mind. You will find that have meditators all end up looking like fat old ladies, and they act like them too. Contemplation is more fit for the western mind. It is not passive. It has an objective: truth, self-realization, and experiencing God during this lifetime. The true Saints always did contemplation. St. Francis was a contemplator. There is a book with his personal journals. Wish I still had it. At times it is a very fine line between the two. The basic contemplation technique is to read some scripture, and you gently ponder it from all sides. The greater truths will come to you. This is the living word.

  AK John
January 12, 2022 4:30 pm

Interesting, AK John. (B_MC, too)

On another note, just a clarification. In my comment above I had a typo when I speculated that mediation had to do with “awareness overthinking”.

What I meant to write was it has to do with awareness OVER thinking.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
January 12, 2022 5:58 pm

Uncola, thanks for the correction. It makes a huge difference.

January 12, 2022 1:55 pm

Re: Meditation

A few weeks ago, Austrian Peter posted a link to an article entitled “When Force Meets Power: The Inevitable Collapse of the New World Order.” There is quite the discussion of meditation and quantum mechanics.

When the famous quantum theorist, David Bohm, read Jiddu Krishnamurti’s “The First and Last Freedom”, he was blown away by his insight and knowledge regarding the phenomenon of the observer and the observed. Despite having no university-level training, much less formal education in the sciences, Krishnamurti had, through his philosophical writings, demonstrated a profound understanding of various concepts related to quantum mechanics….

Bohm felt that Krishnamurti’s most powerful teachings were those concerned with the general disorder and confusion that pervades the consciousness of mankind, for it was he who offered not only an explanation of this problem but a solution to it.

Krishnamurti maintained that all this disorder, which he felt was the root cause of such widespread sorrow and misery, and which prevented human beings from loving one another, had its roots in the fact that we are ignorant of the general nature of our own processes of thought.

In other words, Krishnamurti noticed that while we are generally aware of the content of our thoughts, we are hopelessly ignorant as to the origin and process of thinking itself….

But why should this be the case?

The answer, perhaps, lies in Bohm’s area of expertise – quantum physics. As Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle teaches us, you cannot accurately measure both the position and momentum of an object and, therefore, our seemingly “solid” reality is proven to be non-determinable[1]….

The ancient doctrine of “as above, so below” or man as a microcosm is embodied within the curious quantum “observer effect” that ties consciousness to the “outside” world and the very fabric of space-time itself[3].

Once this phenomenon is understood as being real, it is not hard to see how and why disorder within can create disorder without….

Therefore meditation, as defined by Krishnamurti, becomes a tool to bring order to the activity of thought or “reduce the entropy of the system”. This naturally results in greater energy to do work (i.e. a more focused intent and thus a greater ability to effect change “out there”).

When Force Meets Power: The Inevitable Collapse of the New World Order

  Svarga Loka
January 12, 2022 2:41 pm

There’s that universe god that pops up a lot these days…and the old days.

January 12, 2022 9:33 am

what would you be fighting for? Or, rather, what is it you would hope to win?”

i would choose systemic destruction over being a cog in the evil machine.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 12, 2022 5:28 pm

Oh yeah.
And I would choose a fighting death rather than a
slave living in fear for decades.

Not Sure
Not Sure
January 12, 2022 10:48 am

So, who is the enemy?

To me, the answer is kind of obvious, but when I look around who are my compadres, I find myself surrounded by Trump supporters to the end, who have a blood lust equally as strong as the pro vaxxers whom they attack relentlessly.

When I consider this, I find my true Allies are actually few, as the vitriol and hatred on both sides is encouraged by none other than the creators of the “great reset”.

Seeing this, I have little hope for a positive outcome, as those who would reject the ginned up hatred from either side are few in number.

So, where does that leave me? I will hold fast to stand my ground and yet, respect those who would oppose me. When you realize that the opposers have been steered into their positions by a complicit media, run by no less than the benefiters of the great reset, I can only feel pity for them and pity for the world they are drawing us into.

  Not Sure
January 12, 2022 3:37 pm

The bible shows the elite being destroyed in Revelation 18. That is a minimum of seven years from now. The Devil gets to “play” God during the tribulation and use the deluded to worship him. God will then have an angel chain him in the abyss for a thousand years. He will then be loosed a little season for one more time to deceive but it will be very short lived. He will then be thrown into the lake of fire for all eternity and he will never again bother us who are saved and living with the Lord FOREVER. Trust Christ today and join the throng with Christ Jesus!

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Not Sure
January 12, 2022 5:50 pm

Who is the enemy?
The people who refuse to leave me and my family
alone in the pursuit of of our lives in peace.
I seek no violence, they bring it to me.
That leaves me with no choice whatsoever.

January 12, 2022 11:06 am

“Where does one even start?”

Hmmmmm……,eliminating the opinion poll woman would in my opinion be a “good” start.

Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
January 12, 2022 11:08 am

I have grown close with an older gentleman I met through social interactions with others that is several decades my senior. He lived in a monastery for a dozen years or more and does a masterful job at contemplating life. We have long correspondences about Bigger Things. I have told him that our friendship is the old way where boys looked up to men and men looked up to wise elders.

Our conversations are often centered around faith and how we interact with the world through that lens. The comment

just know that I do not fear death and will always be grateful for the abundance of life

would easily fit in our conversations.

I frequently post on here Stonewall Jackson’s quote

God has fixed the time for my death. I do not concern myself about that, but to be always ready, no matter when it may overtake me. That is the way all men should live, and then all would be equally brave.

The other night in discussion with my family I went on an epic Dad Rant in regard to a family member who has become a staunch Covidian to the point the cult has been placed ahead of family.

I ended the Dad Rant by paraphrasing the book of Matthew.

“She has chosen to place all her value in protecting her treasures here on earth at the expense of family.

In doing so she has lost or is losing everything she claimed to love. God knows the number of my days and nothing I do will change that. Until my last day I will continue to live, love, and give thanks the life I’ve been given.”

Doug, it seems that many of us have worked through the stages of grief and now accept that things will never be the same again and have accepted that.

Sadly, many Covidians will no longer be part of our life. There can never be enough for them to sacrifice to get a fleeting sense of safety and security. They will try in vain to prolong their life by losing it in the hope of acquiring just one more day.

  Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
January 12, 2022 11:19 am

Luke 15:11 – 24 for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry.

There is always a hope…

Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
January 12, 2022 12:11 pm

In Christ there is always hope. Not in The World.

  Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
January 12, 2022 12:39 pm

you don’t think that Christ rules in the (this) world?… if you meant – ‘not in the present worldly system’ then I retract the question.

January 16, 2022 9:07 pm

Christ rules this world. The only reason this world is so miserable for so many people is that most haven’t submitted to his rule yet. You people keeping waiting to Revelation, but I tell you that has already happened. This is the misery before the final Kingdom. Those who have found God know this.

  Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
January 12, 2022 4:37 pm

Arizona (DpSteve),

I read your comment this morning and have been thinking about it all day. I was real close to writing an article on “acceptance” and even incorporating the Kubler Ross 5 stages of grief (again), but went this way instead.

Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
January 12, 2022 5:10 pm

Thank you Doug. I’m glad to know that I contributed to this conversation in a small but meaningful way.

Steve L.
Steve L.
  Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
January 13, 2022 9:33 am


January 12, 2022 3:45 pm

The prodigal can return and sometimes does. The major reason they won’t come back is the biggest problem man has, pride. Pride is what keeps most people from accepting Christ as Savior.

January 16, 2022 9:05 pm

Before Christ there was no guidepost that could bring a soul back to God, once a man severed it. It was made clear this would be exceptionally rare.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Arizona Bay was Dirtperson Steve
January 12, 2022 5:54 pm

I’m certain your wise friend has a deep understanding of Marcus Aurelius.
A man who is far under read. There is a reason his translations will never
go out of print. I recommend the Hays translation. It is earthy,
like the Imperator himself.

January 12, 2022 11:26 am

Unc- Let me ask you this, how far did the shopkeepers get with being nice when the mafia shake down thugs came for the protection money every week and they begged them to not bust their kneecaps because they didn’t have it? That is the EXACT situation we have in America today. Governments are crime syndicates posing as a government and that is best seen in the US government. The same cabal that has run the world for centuries runs the world today and believe me, being “just” will do absolutely no good against them. There is only one way to win, starve them of their money streams.

I have seen backpedaling to the moon in the last few days since the Covid cat is out of the bag and the light bulb is beginning to switch on over the heads of Joe Average. I too believe that “right is might” but it has never worked against the cabal. So it is almost complicit Unc to spoon feed the crowd the hope that if we do just acts, we will win. Not in your dreams, and I say that in a kind tone.

I will repeat myself by saying if your phone becomes your jailer, throw it in the river, if big corporations are harming you stop giving them money…..period. That is all that will save us and teaching the proles to distrust media (good luck) is the cherry on top.

January 12, 2022 12:54 pm

Always enjoy your perspectives, BL. And to answer your opening question, I would just say the Rooftop Koreans were shopkeepers too.

I’ve had some readers on my blog ask to be removed today and, perhaps, they, too, thought I went a little overly “Gandhi” with this one. In reality, I just wanted to have the conversation and would have preferred to hear their side to the argument.

Red River D
Red River D
January 12, 2022 1:35 pm

What the hell is the point of cutting off sources of alternate perspective?

The thing I find most beneficial about this site, is that it is well seasoned with credible thinkers who are more than generous in taking the time to explain what they see from where they stand.

I USE the perspectives you folks here share, to bolster and even to look back and analyze my own. MOSAIC PERSPECTIVE is an overarching thread of the written Word of God. The opposite of that would be the single-point perspective, which is how the Machine sees…

…through the mono lens of a camera.

Who looks for words from others to repeat what he already thinks and believes, has a fool behind the wheel of his vessel.

I appreciate your gracious contributions, Uncola.

January 12, 2022 3:52 pm

BL A very well written comment to train and encourage the choir. Thank you!

January 12, 2022 4:14 pm

Balb- Just blurting out the truth and hoping it is taken in the manner I conveyed it. I would like to add that THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT, there will be no pass for the evil that has been done, there will be pain.

January 12, 2022 11:37 am

the proverbs quote -is- the heart of the matter (IMO)
nice work uncola

January 12, 2022 11:50 am

Vision and $3 will buy you a cup of coffee ODan. Just look for the StarBucks logo sign and there you are.

There we all are.

January 12, 2022 12:46 pm

true dat… But I’ll keep honing the vision… you can keep the crappy coffee 🙂

January 12, 2022 11:53 am

…in fact, but we are without leadership, organization, strategy, and our methods of communication are under the control of the stakeholder capitalists.

This right here is our strength. We MUST look at this in terms of 4th Generational Warfare. If we had leadership then that leadership could be bought off or worse. If we all gathered in one location under arms then we could be defeated in but one battle.

What we will do instead is inflict a death by 1000 cuts. Every day, another cut – another cut – another cut. Yesterday it was Project Veritas. It is 105 cargo ships that can not be unloaded. It is run-away inflation. It is empty store shelves. It is businesses that can not open for lack of workers. It is hospitals and nursing homes that have had to close because they fired their “heroes”.

Leviathan kicked the hornets’ nest and now the hornets are all riled up. Watch what will happen if the SCOTUS goes with Brandon’s mandates – it will mean the very end of the grid. The grid will collapse and the Marxist areas of the country go into instant famine.

January 12, 2022 12:18 pm

Yep… yep and most certainly yep… pretty much agree on round…

January 12, 2022 12:58 pm

What we will do instead…
What you describe doesn’t affect the despicables. In fact, the argument is that they caused all those things deliberately. We’re the ones harmed by them. Attrition as a strategy/tactic can be effective but then what? The vacuum will demand to be filled.

January 12, 2022 12:59 pm

and the cycle repeats itself…

January 12, 2022 1:24 pm

epochal groundhog day.

January 12, 2022 1:31 pm

We are currently in the fog of war fighting a war of attrition. The Marxists are in far worse shape at the moment and that is all that matters. What comes next doesn’t matter if you are not there to see it.

January 14, 2022 12:48 pm

Have this and keep it in the bathroom:

Have not read this yet:

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
January 12, 2022 11:54 am

It’s been said that you can’t fool an honest man or woman. You also can’t corrupt them. The mass indoctrination and corruption we’ve seen looks to me like the culmination of evils that have played out over centuries, and it’s not at all surprising that they are so widespread.

However, it is simply an empirical statement to say that evil, like good, has consequences, and that a good way to distinguish the two is by their consequences. Every day, hour, and minute I become more certain that the consequences of evil have barely started and when they reach full pitch, the will be momentous and monstrous. I’m also convinced that one of those consequences will be the destruction of much of that evil itself, and the survival of a surprising amount of the honest and good. Again, this is an empirical statement, based on the observation that the former is the instrument of destruction and death and the latter is the necessary precondition for progress and life.

Doug’s fine article makes clear that we all face a choice. Choose wisely, and don’t be taken in by the cowards’ and the fools’ rationalizations that in order to get along, one must go along. There are fates worse than death. The soul is immortal.

AK John
AK John
  Robert Gore
January 12, 2022 3:49 pm

Yes, Soul is immortal, and Karma is a bitch. The Lords of Karma work in God’s time, not in man’s time. Karma is an exact science and is administered perfectly through the holy spirit. Yes, we need to choose wisely.

  Robert Gore
January 13, 2022 10:16 am

Hey Robert,

Thank you for posting the above article on your blog. One of my favorite bylines ever, right here:

A narrative is just that, a narrative, or story. Ultimately stories only have staying power to the extent they reflect the truth and people’s experiences. Visions operate on a higher and more enduring plain. From Doug “Uncola” Lynn at theburningplatform.com…

You get me. You really do 🙂 lol

AK John
AK John
January 12, 2022 12:12 pm

I love that you bring the spiritual side into your writing. Good people do that as it is more important than the earthly aspects. And Saint Francis’s prayer has always been a favorite.

January 12, 2022 12:48 pm

L.O.R,D. = Loving Others Respectfully, Decently

LORD, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. LORD, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen.

Very nice. I rarely comment on yours and others (i.e. Jim, Robert etc etc) articles because they are so complete there’s nothing I can add to it.

I do have a question though…

Q: if a person does not believe in the 2nd coming of Christ, who is to defend the future…defend the generations to come?

January 12, 2022 1:45 pm

Good article Doug. My question for you is if the COVID Cult Members are impervious to truth, logic, and reason then won’t things get worse and we will lose and find ourselves in Concentration Camps???
P.S. love the quote from Bonhoeffer.

January 12, 2022 1:46 pm

While you have loads, and loads of good things to say… please, a little editing. I’d guess most people here are up to date, and have other things to cover.

January 12, 2022 4:51 pm


I do, definitely, understand your viewpoint as I am the same way – wishing I had more time in the day.

This was around a 4,100 word count divided by 240 average WPM = about a 17 minute read.

Probably too long for a workin’ man, so I get it.

In my defense, however, I finished this one Saturday night and fully intended to post for a relaxing Sunday read, then thought I should wait to see how the Supremes rule on the OSHA mandates. They didn’t rule on Monday like as planned so I figured John Roberts likely found a horsehead in his bed.

Regardless, I was going to wait and post for next Sunday, before deciding to just get it off my plate. I did check with Jim Q. first (because I didn’t want to crowd his Fourth Turning/Bad Moon articles) and he told me to go ahead and post this article and keep things rolling.

My bad. Guess my comments are too long too

January 12, 2022 5:28 pm

By the way, for some topics, it is difficult to cover all of the angles in a thousand words…



3 an effort to perform or accomplish something; attempt.


6 to try; attempt.

7 to put to the test; make trial of.

January 14, 2022 12:48 am

nitpick – the swan song of ‘I want to disagree but can’t find a way’

January 14, 2022 12:19 am

Learn to speed read.

January 12, 2022 2:34 pm

Great Amazing Polly video today on this very topic, from a bit different angle.

A Nobody
A Nobody
January 12, 2022 3:06 pm

“Certainly, the Covid Deceived have been made to fear. And they were tricked by the most powerful people and organizations on the planet.”

The Deceived have been made to fear? The Deceived were tricked?

I suppose that’s possible, perhaps likely. There is clearly a certain percentage of Americans who can be made to fear, or allow themselves to be tricked. There’s a medical term for such people; DumbShits.

But, I would tend to believe that most people can’t be made to do anything, or be tricked into anything, especially when it comes to the issue of faith. We, and we alone, freely choose what we choose to believe. How can it not be so? Otherwise, hell would be completely void of inhabitants, if folks were forced or tricked into believing rubbish.

All I’m saying is by using “made” and “tricked” you are giving these people a valid excuse for their foolish decisions (not that that was your intent). You know who else claimed they were tricked into foolishness? Adam and Eve. Well, that excuse didn’t fly thousands of years ago, and should not fly today.

In short, Covidiots are idiots because they freely chose to be idiots. As such, I have no sympathy for any of them.

A Nobody
A Nobody
  A Nobody
January 12, 2022 3:17 pm

In the local newspaper editorial yesterday, which lamented that we are getting Covid overload and not taking Omicron seriously enough. said this (emphasis mine) …

“Harder to measure is how many of us are lowering our guard, not wearing a mask, not avoiding crowds, not doing the many small things we did BACK WHEN WE WERE MORE TERRIFIED!”

So, yes, you are correct. They surely do want us TERRIFIED. That can’t be any clearer. But, again, Mr. Uncola, it’s up to ME whether or not those fuckers get their way.

I did greatly enjoy your article. I probably made a mountain out of a molehill.

  A Nobody
January 12, 2022 3:28 pm

Eve was deceived not Adam. Adam’s sin was ‘w/ knowledge’…. must worse.

here’s what I fear….

And he said, I will go out, and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the LORD said, Thou shalt entice him, and thou shalt also prevail: go out, and do even so.

January 16, 2022 9:34 pm

When people’s thinking was almost entirely mechanical based, such as in biblical times, I really doubt they could have surmised such abstract nonsense.

Matthew Clark
Matthew Clark
January 12, 2022 4:24 pm

I believe because the methodology of government has been the same everywhere(a few small nations excepted) the result will be a global dark age where knowlege and reason shrink all over the world.

January 12, 2022 5:07 pm

Great article. We are already breaking the rules by not getting vaxed, not wearing masks, not getting covid tests, using alternative treatments, and not living in fear. The question becomes how far are we willing to go and when will that day come?

i forget
i forget
January 12, 2022 5:33 pm

One starts at the start, after retracing back out of the inherited handed down box canyon, else one is a zero in a digit counters fall (pinball wizard ♪♫♪) world. Zero placeholds – it doesn’t start, it doesn’t even move, is not potential biding kinetic spark.

The wild joker in the 3rd party pays deck was always – & obviously – rationing. The irrational kind. Ostensibly, sometimes, represented by “the community” hacks who swallow (“learning”) the talking points & then regurgitate (“thinking”) them. “We are all in this together & together we shall dolorously dole down-down-down.”

Virtue signaling signals virtuelessness. Cuz V is performance, not performance “art” o’ pantomime.

Narratives are visions, too, whether prefixed with “counter-“ or not. Hallucinatory hallelujah-tory ones. Or psychosis ones. Like the psycho & the sis in the shower scene. That was an early male identifying as female taking out an actual female. Hitchcock, man, ahead of these times.

Has it been said that neurotics build – for all practical purposes – sociopaths? If not, maybe someone should say it. It’ll stick on the immemorial bumper…maybe induce road rage. I’m seeing a Prius ramming itself to pieces.

Ah, the finish. Flashing on Lauda at Nürburgring ’76. And what he learned the hard way. And that he then went on to use that education at Fuji. So Hunt won that year. By a point.

The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race –\ and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, & the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time. /– but that’s the way to bet.

But…whose race to bet on? Yours? Or somebody else’s track, time, conditions, rules, regs?

“A rat in a maze is free to go race anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze.” ~ The Handmaid’s Tale

Always liked that word, maybe since I heard it in Cry Me a River, the Julie London version, on the parental hi-fi, way back in vendetta germination days.

How played is what sums zero or positive integer, not trophies or the lack…despite conditioning simon sez “that ain’t the way to bet! America loves a winner! As conventional normy defines winner!”

I thought amygdala was the reptilian den. But have been reading about chemoreceptors. It was bound to have been more complicated than a couple of almonds in the joy bar of fear. Mission Accomplished? Maybe when Tom Cruise says it is (it certainly wasn’t when Bush boy said it was).

Narrative is con•text? Can’t disagree. But shit happens with or without words. And casting word pearls before swine can cause unnecessary purloin type shit to happen. Ain’t no upside to it if the accounting is accurate.

Hope, if must, for the best. But prep for the worst. Like drenched Fuji. And especially like rainy Nürburgring. Old normal don’t cut it. Better to know that, act accordingly, before letting it cut you to pieces, than after.

Germ theory o’ words ain’t got a chance against terrain reality. The growing medium is the message…what sprouts from it is secondary to the predetermination. Tabula rasa is the kiddie, & kiddie at heart-&-other-organs, table. Slates ain’t blank & they ain’t over-written.

Neither is the “patent system” blank, nor overwritten. “Our intellectual has appropriated property in your body.” Call it adverse possession, if you like. Or eminent domain. Or civic asset forfeiture. Hell, we don’t care which of the words we’ve given you to call it that you call it. We gonna take it anyway, whether we’ve ginned up the words before, or after, the fact. That’s some immemorial mankind story, right there.

If Kennedy’s book, apparently muchly recovering Duesberg, does what Duesberg’s very good book didn’t…well, lightning could strike, then go horizontal & “wake” a huge swath of “woke.” I don’t see the bet, tho, no matter how cheap the way outta the moneys are. Words from without ain’t that important, ain’t that efficacious. Who reads books anymore anyway? Not that many good book-readers *before* screen-capturing glacier-scoured the planet. And that Swift quote you began with…best books in the world can’t do much for low comprehension readers. In the mass mind hiv is definitively proven to cause AID’s cuz the Fauci & Gallo science winery gave ‘em a bottle of fermented grapejuice & it produced the desired continuous buzz – like tinnitus.

That force – & farce – is bulk bin human nature. The neurotics & their held aloft sociopaths. Same as it ever was. That I don’t forget it means that I always knew it…just had to remember it…which I did, when I was a kid.

Mass insanity doesn’t “come” – it was always already there all along. Even a cold volcano is still a volcano. Not noticing Mt. St. Helens is a volcano (or that it isn’t quite close enough to Portland, so Portland-Muhammed “remade” itself into volcano) until it goes full Vesuvius, well, what is that? What it’s not is something that will countered by another narrative or a book or magic symbology incantations or pin-stuck voodoo dolls…or flinging virgins, nor prostitutes even, into volcanoes.

Myths got to do with truths what marble & bronze statuary idealizations got to do with the clay they are modeled (remember the hockey stick…alamo!) from. I’ll take a horse, or even a cute little donkey, over a Trojan gift-horse statue, every time.

Purpose of an open mind is to find truths – the open channels, paths, routes. Necessarily that means finding the lies, too – closed channels, dead ends. Even the best lollipops have inedible, maybe even toxic, stick centers. Sweet specialists don’t make the stick disappear…but they do make the lollypoptimism magically appear. Must be certain pop ingredients that causes it.

Where there is states & govs & even lesser weus gangs there is legality & the gangsters like to call that “the law.”

The rules? Whose rules? To ask that question is to be George Foreman in Zaire ’74. Cue Tull’s Bungle in the Jungle. But George had to be George; so choosing to bungle had nothing to do with it

I’ve writ before what said about rules. Here’s Miles Davis (who, towards his end, liked to paint & draw, as well as jazz trumpet): Q: When you make a wrong line, does it feel with you like the same as in music? A: The note next to the one that you think is bad corrects the one in front.

“The rules” are all about preventing corrections…& so making the music.

PP’s would be like the ballyhooed family, the also ballyhooed church: competing spheres of authority that dilute the distillate the drunkenly elated “elite” just wanna moonshine. Neither of those spheres has been able to defend.

Utilitarian accounting – embezzlement – has always sophist-argued that the greatest good for the greatest number is morality, virtue & light. So “sacrificing” the lesser headcounts is, too. Utilitarian accounting tricks are for kids – of whatever age – & are not learned later…that option comes preinstalled, along with oversized gossamer airbags, from the factory…& is uninstallable.

Collectivist is communitarian is weus. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia/Eastasia. Bloc heads gonna bloc.

Observation may collapse, but incomprehension of what’s observed, or the collapse that may follow, is the crux that never collapses sufficiently to unborne the human condition cross. Jason Bourne will always have an destroyer-employer.

Writ of the 40-year slice of American Pie awhile back. 1889-1929. It’s the refrain in every other slice of the pie, too. Don McLean shortened the refrain all the way down, sang it over & over again in his epic American Pie: “Bye Bye.”
But “America” is just a brand name. This refrain is pi r squared, & then cubed, the whole Borg-world wide.
Why? The biggest part of human nature, from which emerges the human condition, is cowardice. That’s why.
This is the Borg ship. And the ship of state, too – which is the cowardice-emergent human condition:
comment image
Remember when “square” was pejorative? Cubed is squares on steroids & metastasis. The Borg cube is the solid tumor of the timorous. And that, those, continuously heap wrack, ruin & carnage upon the world…which they, in their billions, blame on the mere handful of sociopaths who told them what to do – & they did it.

Cubes is also the shape of the chalk that is applied to the business ends of cue sticks before pounding them into cue balls so as to knock object balls around the felt-covered slate & into holes…which is what graves are, too.

George Foreman, again, was a beast of an opponent. Rope-a-dope turned the whole ring into a corner. Ali cornered that corner & in 3 rounds Big George had spent all of his big bang reserves. Foreman suffered deep depression after. For 2 years, before leaving the jungle behind. Joe Frazier never could get the trashtalk out of his head, died with it. Is is indeed. Luck of the draw, partner.

Masses & permission, not to mention prostration, are synonymous.

“The real purpose of running isn’t to win a race. It’s to test the limits of the human heart.” Bill Bowerman (or the character played by Donald Sutherland), track & field coach & co-founder of Nike

But the real purpose of the masses is to warm stadium seats & watch runners win races, not to exhibit the limits of the human heart. Even manymost racers themselves – all of ‘em I ever knew – are quite certain winning the race is the whole & only reason. There’s a conflicting strife of interests & it is irresistible to the conflict capitalizers that constitute the bulk.

  i forget
January 12, 2022 6:25 pm

comment image

i forget
i forget
January 12, 2022 8:26 pm

Always liked this footloose in the danger zone tune…

January 12, 2022 8:39 pm
Peter Puller
Peter Puller
January 13, 2022 12:15 am

Just then Piglet nervously noticed that Pooh wasn’t wearing any pants.

Ghost (Stucky come Home!)
Ghost (Stucky come Home!)
  Peter Puller
January 13, 2022 7:33 pm

Peter Puller Pulled a pound of pecker pullers. How many Pecker Pullers did Peter Puller Pull with Polly Picker Pulling Peter’s Pecker?

Where is Stuckenheimer?

  i forget
January 12, 2022 8:51 pm

Germ theory o’ words ain’t got a chance against terrain reality. The growing medium is the message…what sprouts from it is secondary to the predetermination. Tabula rasa is the kiddie, & kiddie at heart-&-other-organs, table. Slates ain’t blank & they ain’t over-written.

My son told me money no longer represents labor but only represents debt.

He told me cyber money will replace dollars one way or another.

I asked him if he wanted me to sell that 100 ounces of silver I’m holding for him. He declined.

January 12, 2022 9:30 pm

he was right…. but you funny!

January 16, 2022 9:36 pm

If money doesn’t represent labor, then labor is being stolen and the slaves are not complaining.

i forget
i forget
January 12, 2022 11:35 pm

ghost…Debt’y does Dallas – & the world (for sure).

& that slippery slide got built with every central bank / state quid pro quo…collusion, not take over (same as “regulatory capture” has never ever happened). The uninterrupted 1913 one is now an enormous soylent green/backed serpentine super-slide a’ slitherin’.

But narrative’s in the news more & more these daze & so is money just another tale full of sound & fury signifying squat. People got hooked on the convenience, efficiency, of the real thing, then coca-cola took the coke out…so to speak. The pushers cut-cut-cut the coin of the realm until it was 100% fluoride/mergency repurposed so as to not waste the emergent properties of waste. That once good habit was turned (inside) out & is now a thoroughly bad habit…the pushers of which are converting all that waste into possession of the addicts’ real stuff (just opposite the addict dynamic the teevee shows…ain’t that peculiar?). This version blows Gaye’s outta the water, most days:

Paper criminals, digital-“paper” criminals, cyber criminals “in questions of power let no more be heard of confidence in man but bind him down from mischief by the blockchains of the criminal darpaweb…third criminal iteration’ll be the charm?

Good bit from Lauda; thanks. Can you see in it the twilight zone episode about the pretty girl whose undergone a failed surgical operation to look “normal” (which was kind of pig-like)? Plastic people & surgical strikes…Lauda’s looks were supposedly an object of derision *before* the accident (“rat-like”)…

…& how attractive looking a $100 bill is? Or, apparently bitcoin, is? Beauty’s in the eye of the pusher who beholdin’ youse all too often….

  i forget
January 13, 2022 10:39 am

I just got a call from the president of the local cattle association who is selling me a 3 year-old fat heifer about 1200 pounds January 31st for 1300 dollars delivered to a local butcher who will process the meat into nice packages for 60 cents a pound hanging weight which should be another 500 dollars, including the kill fee of 50 dollars.

My son believes in the blockchain. He thinks it is what can save us from government tyranny.

I know where he gets his meat and also a great deal of his dairy products and eggs. Algorithms can solve all problems, says he.

January 13, 2022 10:50 am

can save us from government tyranny.

If he thinks this then he has vastly underestimated the ‘security’ community.

and thats a GREAT price on beef…

January 13, 2022 5:14 pm

It is an amazing price! She was grass-fed with the other pregnant heifers but she wasn’t destined to calve, but to find her way to my freezer. I welcome her to my humble abode.

The guy across the valley from me (1/2 mile) sells his grass-fed beef for a LOT more. And, it is worth it, but this I like way better! There’s a lot of benefits to a heifer!

i forget
i forget
January 13, 2022 5:04 pm

Ghost…The unknown soldier, sometimes CSI(ncorrectly)’d to be smarty Tommy Jefferson, said

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.”

But TJ did actually believe paper chains would tyrannize tyranny. Or maybe it was just hope. Or a graveyard whistle tune. Or what the good cop says when the bad cop leaves the interrogation.

Thing is, gov doesn’t fly in from outer space & squat upon the land all Ozymandias-like. Or Borg-like. People is gov. “The people.” Those fookin’ people.

Horace, Rooster Cogburn’s clumsy son ~ or maybe another one ~ said “You can drive out Nature with a pitchfork, but she keeps on coming back.”

Substitute whatever you want for “pitchfork” ~ a hockey stick, or its algorithm/odel, chain mailled into the most beautiful armoring you ever saw, or its algorithm/odel ~ it doesn’t matter. Nature, including in its human guise isn’t a problem to be solved – it just is. Like as repped by the Goliathian people & that Rock some David threw in Don’t Look Up. Rock, paper, scissors, chains….

Algo problems (flashing on guys in the guize of ones like Robert the Bruce, err Strange [people are sang Jim Morrison], McNamara, or those nuclear Kaczynskis out in nowhere New Mexico, etc … maybe throw lab-grown meat algos into the loaf, too) will always run circles round algo solutions. Ethics isn’t reducible to numbers & tons of number-crunchers aren’t expandandable to ethics (not saying your son is one of those).

Prettiest hockey player ever:

  i forget
January 13, 2022 5:18 pm

Nah… this guy was.

  i forget
January 13, 2022 7:46 pm

I came back to it when I got a round tuit.

Nature, including in its human guise isn’t a problem to be solved – it just is.

This blew my mind after I blew out my insides a couple years ago due to hernia mesh that should not have been there. I watched a LOT of videos in 2018 and 2019.

i forget
i forget
January 14, 2022 3:11 pm

“My religion is…” says the guy who loves robots. Reminds me of the guy (character) who built the bots in Bladerunner. And reminds me of what that character built. Rapid Roy. The Replicant. Not your average Stock Car Boy.

Are you suggesting that the bot builders are engaged in solving for nature? Maybe by continuously trying to minimize the necessity (but also the opportunity) of people interacting with & in nature?

The polyester factory gig added robotics, automation continuously while I was there, which subtracted good paying jobs that most employees were just as mechanically enmeshed in as the machines that replaced them were (mechanical enmeshment of people until tech improves enough to replace people…how far back does that refrain go?). And then the machine entire was shut down (either it was off-shored, or it couldn’t compete with offshore…).

The tractor. The old kind that didn’t drive itself (dunno if self-driving tractors are out there yet). Jumped up productivity. Incl the productivity of “creatively” destroying soils networks. (Monomaniacal monocropping is another story aspect in the multistory tower that gibbers & babbles.)

The central bank “tractor” & that monomaniacal monocropping. Made a huge (at the time) Depression in the Fields of Gold Dreams…since it dredged out all the gold, put it in bank vaults, & filled the pits back in with waste/d paper (from the clear cut – tractoring again – forests).

Then always gusty Nature the Large looked down onto & into the small nature of wo/man & sustained the gusts into howling winds that blew away all the robot’d soil networks, & the mechanically enmeshed people that robotically rape-lived on those lands were blown away, too.

“If you’re in a hole, stop digging.”

“But it’s my religion,” says the bot builder.

Bot buildin’ seems like pot bogartin’. Or maybe “chicken head mode.”

And we got to get ourselves back to the garden ♪♫♪ sang some potheads about container gardening, maybe.

“Boston Dynamics”:

“I don’t think the military is the dark side, myself,” says the bot builder who is massively subsidized by the military:

From Human Smoke (Nicholson Baker): “Alfred Nobel, the manufacturer of explosives, was talking to his friend the Baroness Bertha von Suttner, author of Lay Down Your Arms. Von Suttner, a founder of the European antiwar movement, had just attended the fourth World’s Peace Conference in Bern. It was August, 1892. ‘Perhaps my factories will put an end to war even sooner than your congresses,’ Alfred Nobel said. ‘On the day when two army corps may mutually annihilate each other in a second, probably all civilized nations will recoil with horror & disband their troops.’”

Moremoremore efficient/increased production subsidizes people, compels there be more people, too, to sop & mop up the production. “Consumers.” Feedback distortion thru the amplifiers hurts ears, aesthetics & much more. Balance points at all this off the beamness & says ”told ya’” – but those ruined eardrums can’t hear a thing & are quite satisfied-sure those soundless moving lips mean Nadia’s (remember the gymnast?) crazy & to be ignored…same as Cassandra.

Too much stuff is real…including all these too many doublestuffed oREO Speedwagon cookie monster/mobster types.

January 14, 2022 12:34 am

Blockchain will screw us over much more than federal reserve notes.

January 14, 2022 12:31 am

“My son told me money no longer represents labor but only represents debt.”

He’s right. And then to add insult to injury we pay income tax on the debt instruments, as if our labor has no value.

January 12, 2022 6:40 pm

Many thanks and just one quibble-

“By so doing, I would like to express my gratitude to those who have become the tip of the spear, so to speak, in the War Against Covid Propaganda: Brave souls like Robert F. Kennedy, Dr. Peter McCullough, Professor John Ioannidis, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Catherine Austin Fitts, Joseph Mercola, and the entire “Disinformation Dozen”, as well as ALL of the writers, bloggers, and commenters posting here on the alternative internet.”

I would add Rand Paul.

January 13, 2022 10:20 am

Yes, I was remiss not to mention Rand (or his dad, Ron, too). My bad. Although, in my defense, I supposed I did cover Ron (to an extant) when I wrote the following:

…as well as all of the writers, bloggers, and commenters posting here on the alternative internet.

January 12, 2022 8:34 pm

When i die don’t cry just congratulations, a million more feet will stamp the pavement with plans for changes, no exaggeration…

…Peace is something I would really adore but we are at war so gimme a sword, Im merely a corpse but still be assured when you kill me there will be a million more.

– Lowkey “Million Man March”

January 12, 2022 8:36 pm

I found myself questioning how we can win

Who are “we”? What exactly are we hoping to win here?

January 12, 2022 10:01 pm

“We” are the like-minded. The remnant. We seek to win life, liberty, and the unobstructed pursuit of happiness.

January 13, 2022 11:55 am

Honestly, I could not have said that better myself.

January 12, 2022 9:17 pm

“Can our side win by playing by the rules? And, if we don’t play the by the rules, then, what are we fighting for?”

What rules?
The rules made by others desiring to keep you in a box, to limit your actions?
Those rules?
Always making you react, rather than act?
Always making your potential reaction seem over the top, while ALWAYS forcing you to lose ground?
The rules alinsky alluded to?
The rules designed to keep you from winning?
The rules for all, except for the promulgators?

Think it through.


January 12, 2022 10:03 pm

As inferred from the article:

Rules = just (moral) law in accordance with John Locke and/or the U.S. Constitution?

January 13, 2022 11:57 am

Once again, that is something I definitely would say because it is exactly what I wrote.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
January 12, 2022 10:35 pm

How I win my own battles?
Everyday happy to awaken.
Walk unmasked everywhere.
Offer ivermectin unencumbered to all that might take it or staunchly refuse it.
Oh…and smile gently at the masked.
(this is a real burden most times).

  Two if by sea.
January 16, 2022 9:39 pm

1. Everyday happy to awaken.


2. Walk unmasked everywhere.


3. Offer ivermectin unencumbered to all that might take it or staunchly refuse it.

Check (Saved 5 who were super sick so far)

4. Oh…and smile gently at the masked.

Does pointing and laughing count???

January 13, 2022 11:29 am

Biblical quotes go first at the top and the rest follow. Sunday worshiping Protestants are Catholics minus purple pompous popes so no shock the 10 Commandments are irrelevant to them.
“Though shalt have no other gods before me” being the first Commandment might be an important one.
“17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”-Jesus

By the Way
By the Way
January 13, 2022 11:52 am

‘Biblical quotes go first at the top and the rest follow.’

Matthew 19:30 said to save the best for last.

AL Tru
AL Tru
January 13, 2022 1:41 pm

“I’ve seen things, you people wuldn’t believe, hmmm.
… attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

I’ve watched see Beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.
All those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain…”

Here the birds’ journey ends, ou” r journey, the journey of words,
and after us there will be a horizon for the new birds.
We are the ones who forge the sky’s copper, the sky that will carve roads
after us and make amends with our names above the distant cloud slopes.
Soon we will descend the widow’s descent in the memory fields
and raise our tent to the final winds: blow, for the poem to live, and blow
on the poem’s road. After us, the plants will grow and grow
over roads only we have walked and our obstinate steps inaugurated.
And we will etch on the final rocks, “Long live life, long live life,”
and fall into ourselves. And after us there’ll be a horizon for the new birds.
– Mahmoud Darwish

January 13, 2022 5:23 pm

i raise my glass to you Uncola, thnx.

January 14, 2022 5:05 am

Allow me a what-if moment. What if the vaxx is as deadly over time as some suppose it is or will be? Wouldn’t the problem of how to deal with the vaxx populi resolve itself in a few years? once they are gone of their own foolish choices who will be left other than the non-vaxx.
I will not comply and will continue to resist what and where and when I can.
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – T. Roosevelt

January 14, 2022 9:37 am

But, Kamala says we need to continue doing what we’ve been doing every day.

January 14, 2022 8:59 am

I prefer the Iron Maiden way
“Die with your boots on”

January 14, 2022 9:48 am

Quite a few words signifying little.

The evil elite will win and flourish and we will suffer and die because of stupid notions like “parallel” economy. The elites will not allow it. They will not allow us to leave their game. Their psychotic need for control is to them like breathing is to us – like vampires, they cannot survive without sucking the very lifeblood out of us. And our “noble” adherence to principles of decency and non violence will get us killed.

As when confronted by the thief, who will kill you for his own gain, blood will be spilled and a life lost – the only question is will it be you, the noble citizen that dies from violence, or the murderous thief that will die from a man’s Right to defend himself.

The pen is NOT mightier than the sword.

January 16, 2022 8:54 am


You write:

The pen is NOT mightier than the sword.

Maybe so, but the keyboard could be. Dr. Zelenko affirms the answer right here:

The answer is we need organized civil disobedience. Do not comply. They can’t imprison everyone. They can’t fire everyone. They can’t expel everyone. They can’t lock down everyone. There’s many more of us than them.

Therein describes the solution or how we fail.

United we stand. Divided we fall.

And nihilism is the faith of despair.

So try something positive. Take a stand. What do you have to lose that you won’t lose anyway?

January 14, 2022 12:55 pm

” (((Those))) behind The Great Reset are serious. Deadly serious.”
There, fixed it for ya.
And no, we cannot win by playing by the rules. period. Just saying NO is a real good stat, but in the end, the others only understand one thing…

January 14, 2022 6:37 pm

Nice piece, and right about the now we need all the dialogue on these troubles as we can get. If we band together they can’t do shit to us.

Damn the torpedoes
Damn the torpedoes
January 14, 2022 9:57 pm

The point is we don’t win on this earth. Earth is Satan’s playground. If the Lord did not end these days no flesh would be spared. However, in the end the Lord wins…..

January 15, 2022 5:43 pm


Proverbs 29

29 He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck,
will suddenly be broken beyond healing.
When the righteous increase, the people rejoice,
but when the wicked rule, the people groan.
He who loves wisdom makes his father glad,
but a companion of prostitutes squanders his wealth.
By justice a king builds up the land,
but he who exacts gifts[a] tears it down.
A man who flatters his neighbor
spreads a net for his feet.
An evil man is ensnared in his transgression,
but a righteous man sings and rejoices.
A righteous man knows the rights of the poor;
a wicked man does not understand such knowledge.
Scoffers set a city aflame,
but the wise turn away wrath.
If a wise man has an argument with a fool,
the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.
Bloodthirsty men hate one who is blameless
and seek the life of the upright.[b]
A fool gives full vent to his spirit,
but a wise man quietly holds it back.
If a ruler listens to falsehood,
all his officials will be wicked.
The poor man and the oppressor meet together;
the Lord gives light to the eyes of both.
If a king faithfully judges the poor,
his throne will be established forever.
The rod and reproof give wisdom,
but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.
When the wicked increase, transgression increases,
but the righteous will look upon their downfall.
Discipline your son, and he will give you rest;
he will give delight to your heart.
Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,[c]
but blessed is he who keeps the law.
By mere words a servant is not disciplined,
for though he understands, he will not respond.
Do you see a man who is hasty in his words?
There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Whoever pampers his servant from childhood
will in the end find him his heir.[d]
A man of wrath stirs up strife,
and one given to anger causes much transgression.
One’s pride will bring him low,
but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.
The partner of a thief hates his own life;
he hears the curse, but discloses nothing.
The fear of man lays a snare,
but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.
Many seek the face of a ruler,
but it is from the Lord that a man gets justice.
An unjust man is an abomination to the righteous,
but one whose way is straight is an abomination to the wicked.

January 16, 2022 3:26 pm

The Robert F Kennedy book is a comprehensive exposition of the 40 year’s worth of crimes against humanity committed by Anthony Fauci. For the book to have any effect on public policy, it needs to get into the hands of people who would not otherwise read it.

I live in a blue state, I gave a copy to the mayor of my city, my city councilman, my public library, and to my local volunteer ambulance squad. None of them turned it down. Maybe they’ll read the book, maybe they won’t. But now they can’t say they had no idea about Dr Fauci’s criminal behavior.