China Says “No One & No Force” Could Stop It From Taking Taiwan – Sends 13 Jets Toward Island

Via ZeroHedge

With a close eye on Ukraine developments, China issued another warning clearly aimed at Washington as well as its major regional partners like Australia over the weekend which said any nation supporting Taiwan militarily will suffer “the worst consequences”.

China’s Ministry of National Defense further stated “no one and no force” could ever stop the Chinese military from bringing Taiwan under Beijing’s control if it desires. According to Sky News, “The tirade was delivered a day after Chinese President Xi Jinping engaged in diplomatic talks with Australia in an attempt to repair international relations.” And speaking of Russia’s war in Ukraine, and the question of West-led sanctions from Beijing’s eyes…

The statement was in reaction to Australia’s defense minister Peter Dutton stating his country stands ready to do “whatever we can” to deter Chinese aggression toward Taiwan. It also came in the context of Taiwan just approving an extra $8.6 billion for military spending over the next half decade. Much spending will reportedly focus on beefing up the island’s missile defenses.

On Monday 13 Chinese PLA aircraft breached Taiwan’s air defense identification zone – something which at this point has long been a weekly – and almost daily – occurrence.

But as Reuters underscores, “Taiwan is currently in a heighten state of alert due to fears China could use Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to make a similar military move on the island, though Taipei’s government has not reported any unusual Chinese movements.”

Taiwan’s air force is regularly scrambled in response to such PLA aerial maneuvers near the island. On Monday a Taiwanese Mirage 2000 fighter jet crashed into the sea during what was called a “routine combat training mission”.

Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense: Mirage 2000-5 in the foreground and an AIDC F-CK-1 IDF in the background.


According to the details based on Taipei sources:

The solo pilot took off from Taitung Air Base at 10:18 Monday morning and reported a mechanical malfunction roughly an hour later, the Taiwan Air Force said in a statement. The pilot safely ejected some 10 nautical miles south of the base and was rescued.

Air force officials later told reporters that the country’s fleet of Mirage 2000 fighter jets would be grounded for inspections, Taiwan’s China News Agency reported.

It’s actually the second Taiwan air force crash this year, after in January a F-16V fighter crashed into the the sea during a similar routine drill. In that prior instance, the pilot was reported killed, and 140 planes were temporarily grounded pending an investigation.

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March 14, 2022 4:04 pm

Sounds to me it’s time to turn the Japanese loose on China. That’s the one country that knew how to deal with them.

March 14, 2022 5:29 pm

Hmm, does Japan have nukes? Can Japan field a 50,000,000 strong army?

March 14, 2022 9:16 pm

Japan army would be 30 year old virgins who play video games.

March 14, 2022 6:34 pm

I remember when the FRN still ruled the world.
comment image

March 15, 2022 5:42 am

Scapegoating KSA over (((9/11))) may have been a miscalculation.

March 14, 2022 10:07 pm

If the US keep giving ultimatums to China, it will get a lesson on saving face that will include being cut off from everything it needs. Have these assholes forgotten that we buy everything from China? We do not produce shit anymore. They do not need us, we need them.