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April 29, 2022 4:23 pm

I think finding a nice piece of property to squat on and tent living is kinda romantic. As long as the roommates don’t smell, can handle their tools and have their own private space to do their numbers. Bring it on!

  Stephanie Shepard
April 29, 2022 5:04 pm

Sadly, they seem more appealing than the middle/upper class maskholes I’ve had to contend with for the past two+ years…

April 29, 2022 6:01 pm

I can see that somewhat. There are meth heads in the “country”. Around here I hear about them. Pray for their stupidity that Jesus finds them. Meanwhile, gates closed and everything locked when not on your premises. Not much different than more populated areas. It’s all good. 😃

April 29, 2022 5:42 pm

I’ll let the cat out of the bag. Should I? I live about 20 miles from there…SW Arkansas. If looking for big corporate pay, not it. Some peeps I know work for the PO. It’s good pay, probably no “retirement” , maybe medical, not for sure. I was in the area today and looks like peeps are trying to grow some stuff, I saw cattle and horses. Property taxes are less cumbersome than Texas. If you have a government tracked job, one that requires federal withholding, Arkansas has a state income tax. Anyway, seems pleasant to me.

April 29, 2022 5:49 pm

Don’t mean to be mean, I am at times , get a “disability” in SW Arkansas. Always people like that. Don’t covet is what the Bible says.

April 29, 2022 5:57 pm


I wonder what, aside from profession, Larry Fink has in common with the executives at most of the other significant financial firms?

April 29, 2022 6:47 pm

Dunno…,.Maybe he belongs to the Masons?!

Red River D
Red River D
April 29, 2022 9:30 pm


(Matzo and Manischewitz!!!)

April 29, 2022 6:25 pm

This is how you create the communist or far right class….destroy the middle class and give them no option but to join a side..
1940s Germany and Russia 2.0. I’m curious which one will end up as

April 29, 2022 7:14 pm

You think there was a middle class in Russia or Germany before the 1940s? This is where people are clueless.

How long has the American middle class existed? Since WW2 more or less.

What was it founded on? Two things – manufacturing, and the rest of the world being a smouldering ruin.

What has fundamentally changed? Manufacturing has automated most manufacturing jobs out of existence, the world has risen from the ruins, and service jobs and welfare have replaced manufacturing jobs.

On what basis is it sustainable, when in human history it has only existed since after WW2, and only then in a very small percentage of the world population? It is not sustainable, given the demands the rest of the world.

Here is a clue as to why at a very base level the US middle class as it is currently understood: the US, with 5% of the world’s population, consumes 25% of it resources. That is unsustainable, as the rest of the world wants a higher living standard, and is placing demands on the resources for themselves.

April 29, 2022 9:58 pm

You think there was a middle class in Russia or Germany before the 1940s?

Yes. Because there was one, in both regions. And in the Roman Empire, in its time, for that matter.

How long has the American middle class existed? Since WW2 more or less.

Not sure if you’re senile or retarded, here.

[Blathers on about justifying the destruction of the American middle class]

I hope the fascists take over before you die of old age.

April 29, 2022 11:01 pm

What Llpoh has stated is correct. Until the 1940s, America was vastly agrarian in nature. The globe was essentially agrarian. After the war, the cities flourished and automation/manufacturing was the foundation. Go elsewhere if you are looking to just stir the pot needlessly.

April 30, 2022 8:13 am

I grew up in culture dominated by former agrarians .They were bent and battered , but a proud and honest people. The majority left the farms in the 30’s looking for work in the textile mills. The infant and adolescent death rate, along with mothers was extremely high, as the local graveyards and history will attest. As my cotton picking , row hoeing father used to say, ” I remember the good ole’s days and there was nothing good about them.”

And, as my father-in-law often said, ” the only farmers who ever made a living farming ’round here, made it making likker ” Farming sans credit and government subsidies = disaster for most farmers.

April 30, 2022 8:38 am

Farmers are to be admired, flash. Hard life it was in the 30s – the Great Depression was in full swing. My old man was born in the midst of it, in the Dustbowl of Oklahoma. Hard people they were.

April 30, 2022 8:52 am

Yes , they were hardy people who suffered a hard life, made unduly so by fucking money changers and market manipulators aided and abetted by an evil fucked, money changers controlled government of criminals.
I salute them.

April 30, 2022 1:59 am

For fuck sake, 95% of Roman citizens were plebeians. The vast majority of them were agrarian. They lived in deplorable conditions. Two families to a single room with no water or sanitation. Life expectancy was 25 years more or less, 22 for men. Slaves were between 10% and 20% of the population. Just what was the middle class of whom you speak? Seriously, we all know what is meant by US middle class – own a car, own a home, take vacations, modestly well off retirement, decent education opportunities, etc. That was not Rome, and it sure as hell was not anywhere else on earth prior to post WW2. ThE world was fucking agrarian until early 1900s, and a lot of it still is. And they want what has come to be known as the US middle class.

HeRe is a clue – they ain’t getting it, and the US ain’t keeping it. There are simply not enough resources to do it.

The stupid around here is amazing.

April 30, 2022 2:31 am

The same guy who just ridiculed my stance that there is maybe 20% of US population still remaining in the middle class nowadays, gives us a list
own a car, own a home, take vacations, modestly well off retirement, decent education opportunities”
which, if applied while taking all personal debts into account, gets to the same conclusion –
and he will probably not detect the irony even now that I’m pushing his nose into it??

To answer Anonymous above:
Retarded it is, Lloph is definitely retarded.

April 30, 2022 3:07 am

Read for comprehension asshole. It doesn’t take $110,000 a year to obtain it, no matter how often you lie that it does. Current home ownership in the US is 65%. Car ownership is 92%. 70% take a vacation every year, almost all Americans have an opportunity for a decent education. If they don’t get one, they are either a moron like m, or their parents are idiots for allowing it to happen. The median – median – retirement income in the US is $46k a year. That is at least modestly well off.

Median household income is $70k. So, at that level, almost everyone owns a car, and 2/3 own
a home. Your 20% is utter bullshit. Do you not have a functioning brain cell?

92% own cars, 65% own homes, median retirement income is $45k a year, 90% graduate high school, and 62% have some college.

Man m, you get stupider and stupider. You could look this shit up, but nope, you just spout shit with no idea what you are talking about. 20% only are middle class? All the data says you are a complete moron.

April 30, 2022 3:25 am

Reading comprehension FAIL.

Where did you “tak[e] all personal debts into account” when spouting your home ownership in the US is 65%. Car ownership is 92% mental diarrhea?

You are just an assclown bullshitter.

April 30, 2022 4:30 am

Look it up. You get caught out time and again spouting crap that is categorically untrue and easy to verify. But you have less than half a brain. And so cannot do even a modicum of research. But here is a tidbit – 37% of households own a home with no mortgage in the US. Do the math.

Are you really so stupid as to suggest that only if you own a home or a car OUTRIGHT are you middle class? It appears so. And it is astonishingly stupid.

Seriously, there has never been a stupider poster on this site. And that is saying something.

April 30, 2022 6:37 am

Now that’s fantastic! 36%!!
We’re number 1!!!

Lloph is slowly getting there, on his own accord… just a few more mental marathons for him:

Now tell us, does owning a home full and clear (any home, even a shack), automatically make the owner’s household part of the middle-class group?

April 30, 2022 7:34 am

It is you who claims that you need $110k a year to be middle class, and that only 20% are middle class.

Even though the median is only $70k, 65% are still able to own homes, 92% are able own cars, etc. Clearly, you are full of shit. Your claim fails to the reality of facts.

But things will indeed change, and soon.

April 30, 2022 7:58 am

The assclown can’t even keep his own story straight…

No, many of them don’t own them full and clear, but some bank or other financial entity owns a large part.

Now try to answer my previous question.

April 30, 2022 8:41 am

Once again, shit for brains, over 30% of American households own their homes outright. Two thirds of Americans are home owners, over half owned outright. You think people can buy a home without a mortgage? Now or at any time in the past? That is idiotic.

May 1, 2022 1:33 pm

I’m sure has nothing to do with the 30% of population being 50 and over and paying a mortgage for their last 30 yrs… let’s looks all the families with children and leta see how many outright own how..
You a stubborn old dude

May 1, 2022 1:28 pm

Llpoh should also take a look at the age range of that 36%… have a feeling the majority is retirees

April 30, 2022 7:59 am

Credit built the middle class, which means it’s an money changer created concept. To be successful debt monger need debt slaves. It’s symbiotic. Take away the credit and the middle class becomes a footnote in history.

April 30, 2022 8:39 am

That too.

April 30, 2022 11:27 am

Outright bullshite.
Credit sustained the “middle-class in name only”, since early 2000s.

To now extend that back to the 1950s, that only credit built the post-war middle-class, makes my question your sanity.

April 30, 2022 7:59 pm

It’s all loaned into existence , silly tard.

May 1, 2022 12:30 pm

Only in the Keynesian mindset, noob.
“Print it and they will produce it!”

i forget
i forget
April 30, 2022 2:05 pm

Yes. A brief anomaly-interlude becomes ~ alchemy!~ an innate & inalienable right for all time. (Just like welfare checks.) Memories are short, the first 3 letters in context, & a-e-i-o-u, but sometimes y, is enough to throw the sin•thesists off the scent.

But, the smooth operating was going on long before the post ww2 sh-boom sh-boom: American exceptionalism, manifest destiny. And the Brits mouthed the same superiority once, too; every empire does.

The 3r’s teaching doesn’t include mean reversion (unless maybe as it applies to “others”). Hard is typical, easy is atypical.

And the mean ol’ ‘robber barons” is so 19th century. Nothing like that now. Black Rock, Vanguard, Fed Res, et al rolling up residential r/e at 20-50% over ask ~ in the trash that goes by “cash” ~ isn’t miser-mean reverters, it’s just that houses are such great “investments” – especially as vehicles of divestiture of the middling classes. (And that too started long ago in/when a galaxy starchamber not so far away decided taxation of r/e was legal…& that referring to that, all those lein-to’s, as “ownership” was legit. They put up a bunch of ugly boxes…& jesus, people bought ‘em ♪♫♪)

As for farmland, Gates seems to like it a lot. What’s he gonna plant, I wonder? Something heavily subsidized, no doubt.

Seige. Including lobbing “infection” over the walls (but lobbing should mostly be quote-locked, too; most of that incoming was always already inside the walls). That’s the strategy. And it always has been.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
April 29, 2022 6:26 pm

Houses in Denver are going for more than $500 a SF.
Some in very desirable neighborhoods for $1000

Not sustainable.

  Colorado Artist
April 29, 2022 6:49 pm

And I don’t even like Denver…or the State government run by creeps

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Colorado Artist
May 1, 2022 1:26 am

Western houses will be cheap when Lakes Meade and Powell go dry in 2024; but houses in the South will jump XX% in 2024! Now go figure in the millions of illegals that the Democrats are flooding into America and giving the good life to so they vote Democrat. Employers are begging for workers; there are old houses and small mobile homes like I lived in for years in run down mixed neighborhoods because they were all I could afford; but millions don’t want to clean up and take a job to even afford them! Last time I went to Harbor Freight, a Black guy wanted my change and I said get a job, and he made a horrible face. There was a guy sleeping in his car parked next to me and I could smell he hadn’t had a bath in weeks but “Hiring” signs are everywhere. My heart bleeds but Food & Housing (and sex and drugs) are not a God Given Right; you need to earn them the old fashioned way by working (or go to prison).

  rhs jr
May 1, 2022 4:05 pm

Did you watch the video?

  Colorado Artist
May 1, 2022 4:04 pm

Yes, but not to worry. Once the housing market tanks, and all the things complained of in the video come to a screeching halt; those investment companies that have been gobbling up whole neighborhoods at well above market value will also be crushed. …..
Then, they’ll be bailed out by the average citizen (either bailout or bail-in makes no difference). Those on the margin — i.e. those who retained their ability to house themselves but barely — will be the first ones priced out as the whole operation starts over again. ….
Until the next bubble, and the next crash and bailout. …
Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

April 29, 2022 7:57 pm

There’s a new website called neighbor dot com that people are using to rent out their driveways, empty lots, closets and spare bedrooms for (wink wink) “storage”..I predict we will return to addresses being called “second floor back bedroom” just like in the early days of New York immigrants, when there were boarders who rented a families spare bedroom.

April 30, 2022 5:19 pm

Wasn’t this sort of thing a plot device in the Soylent Green film?

April 29, 2022 8:23 pm

There are quite a few layers to this stinky housing onion:

1. Foreclosed properties that are empty are being renovated by the foreclosing banks and then rented rather than sold. Why? The company they use is I think it would be worth knowing who owns them

2. Rates are now at 5.85%, down from a spike of 6.87%. This will add HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ONTO A MORTGAGE.

3. A rise in rates typically comes with a reduction in pricing. However, inventory is still at an all time low. So prices are still very high with only a modest correction which is not helping because cash buyers or those with a lot of cash to offset the higher rates are keeping multiple offers and offers significantly over asking the trend.

4. The lack of inventory isn’t going away any time soon. Why would you sell your house, which you probably bought in 2016-2019 and then refied at 3% only to not be able to find a place to go and end up with a rate of 5.58% AND PAY MORE FOR SAID HOUSE???? You won’t.

5. Courts are backlogged for months with evictions stemming from foreclosures. The average person in MA who gets foreclosed on could easily stay, rent free in that house for 3-5 years. Some are on 7 years rent free.

6. Even if the foreclosure market ramps up now, all the pent up demand from cash investors and yeah, Blackrock and whatever the hell is will scoop up the initial cache of stuff for at least 12-18 more months.

7. Almost every new construction project in the works in an urban area is “low income” housing. Big old apartment complexes that will turn into section 8 paradise of trash, drugs, and crime. And with HUDs push to end town’s rights to determine their own zoning laws, expect those hives of wretchedness to be coming to a small town near you.

It is going to get hella lot worse kids.

April 29, 2022 9:40 pm

Something I have never seen mentioned is the massive amount of inventory from the post-war booms that are coming to the end of their lives and will need to be demolished and rebuilt. Most of them were not meant to last as long as they have.

April 30, 2022 2:11 am

I live in the DC metro area. I do not see ANY low income anything going up anywhere.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 1, 2022 1:32 am

I live in Floida and you can’t pay a contractor to build a modest house; however, if you can afford a mobile home, you might can get it delivered tomorrow.

April 29, 2022 9:24 pm

Well, in Oz, there is a huge shortage of rental housing. The talking heads keep pointing fingers everywhere but the real culprits. Here are the real culprits, and why:

1) fed and state govt caused the problem
2) during the pandemic you couldn’t evict, could collect your rent, had to cut your rent, etc
3) simultaneously state gifts passed laws where you can’t evict, must allow pets, gotta let them bang nails, can’t raise rents, etc etc etc.

So, people owning rental properties have said fuck it, why take such a risk? Can’t get rid of bad tenants, gotta let them destroy the joint, can’t raise rents, and govt may even stop me from collecting rent.

So what do the rental property owners do? They sell they property at a high prices, to people who aren’t interested in renting it out. Or they simply pull the property off the market first chance they get, and are happy to just sit on it unrented, especially given capital gains that are accruing risk free.

Government fucks up anything it touches. I have a property I could rent for around $40k a year. Fuck that. I am simply sitting on it. No way under current laws that I would let a tenant anywhere near it.

April 29, 2022 9:59 pm

Next up is rent control.

April 29, 2022 10:44 pm

That is what happened in the US and Oz, effectively. The Supreme Court was about to toss some of the CDC bullshit, but instead of ruling, which it should have instead of being cowardly asswipes, said well, the eviction moratorium is about to expire anyway, so we won’t rule. What a load of shit.

April 29, 2022 10:45 pm

I think that they may start taxing unoccupied or second homes at astronomical rates to force owners to either sell or rent. That is next on the cards I expect.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 1, 2022 1:36 am

I owned a rental in Tallahassee but the laws are so unfavorable to landlords that I sold it cheap to a friend. He’s happy, I’m happy, screw renters and commie laws.