“Embrace The Doom” Sweatshirt

Embrace The Doom Design

The “Embrace The Doom” Burning Platform design is available as a crewneck sweatshirt on Libertas Bella in 3 colors!


Product Description:
“I’m gonna sing the doom song now.”

– Gir

Every so often some archaeologist uncovers something interesting while desecrating an ancient cemetery or natural disaster site: two skeletons locked in a perpetual embrace. Rather than spooking us twice as much as usual, these skeletons remind us that solace is always to be found in the arms of another living person. Or dead person, as is more accurately the case with such macabre discoveries.

What would the world be like if everybody loved somebody so much that they never wanted to part? To quote John Cale: “It would be a stronger world, a stronger loving world, to die in.”

But these skellies aren’t just embracing one another. They’re embracing the thought of doom itself. When presented with impending oblivion – a type of oblivion that’s becoming more and more omnipresent these days – they responded with a singular gesture of defiance. “You may take my flesh, and you may take my breath,” says the former owner of hugging bones, “but what I hold dear can never be stolen.”

To embrace doom is not fatalistic. Acknowledging that everything in this world is absolutely and irrevocably ****ed up beyond repair is at once mature and healthy. So is ordering this fine Embrace the Doom merchandise by The Burning Platform, for that matter. Display it in public and you may just inspire a stranger to meet doom head-on, admit defeat to it, and then proceed to thumb their nose at the inevitable regardless. Plus, skeletons are totally metal.

Grab your Embrace The Doom sweatshirt from The Burning Platform collection on Libertas Bella in the following colors: black, white, navy.

Libertas Bella ships worldwide and accepts all your favorite forms of payment, including crypto. Sizes available are S to 3XL for most of our apparel.

2nd Amendment | Crypto Merch | Libertarian Clothing

Click to visit the TBP Store for Great TBP Merchandise

Author: Libertas Bella

Libertas Bella. It’s Latin for “beautiful liberty." We chose the name for a few reasons, one of them being that we cherish liberty whether it’s our own or anyone else’s. Libertas Bella has been featured on FEE.org, LewRockwell.com, Activist Post, PJ Media, and ZeroHedge.

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Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
September 27, 2022 4:51 pm

Can you believe that in late Sept 2022 I STILL run into mask issues?

Went to a library out of town for a kids program, and there are signs that “Masks are strongly encouraged”, which of course I ignore as usual. Deeper in the building, signs that “Masks are required in the youth room.”

My kids walk in ahead of me and the librarian hands them masks and says they have to wear them. As soon as I see that, I grab them from their hands and say to the guy that they cannot wear them for health reasons. With my fiercest look, I continue “Does that mean we are not welcome in here???”

He says he will have to ask his supervisor about what to do. Two minutes later, he comes back and says “Well, we will just roll with, but if you could, you know, keep enough distance, I would appreciate it.”

So I sit in a corner looking through books. A family shows up in that same corner, so I leave so as to not be “too close” and I literally sit in the farthest corner away from everybody on the floor.

Then, a middle aged guy walks up to me (overcoming his fear of certain death, I am sure, since he had to get as close as 3 feet), does not say anything and puts a mask between the book and my face.

I say, smiling, “No thanks”. He replies “You have to wear it in here.” I respond “No, I can’t. I already told the librarian.” Him, flabbergasted: “Oh, ok.”

I had a long discussion about a somewhat related topic with my husband on vacation.

At Arches National Park, it is forbidden to stand on the arches, so as to not risk their collapse. Turns out, at one of them, some Russian speaking tourists thought that it made a great photo opportunity to stand on one of the arches. My husband mumbles to himself that it really makes him mad to see that. One Swiss couple says to another couple “Isn’t that forbidden?” There were about 100 people present, and I think at least 50 were visibly angry or at least annoyed about that behavior, but nobody said anything to the perpetrators. I argued in the car that they were all cowards because they did not speak up. They far outnumbered those Russiand and if they had banded together, I am sure they could have gotten them down that arch.

It didn’t bother me that much to see people “break the rules”. I know that I am only responsible for my own actions, not those of others. I observe the situation and then decide if it is worth it to act. If for whatever reason I decide to act, I do, after weighing the risks, benefits and potential outcomes. If I decide not to act, then I leave the issue alone and put it behind me, for those people will be judged by God and they will have to live with their own choices.

Both situations still make me wonder though: Why are people such cowards in certain situations, even when the risk to life and limb seem low? And why are they emboldened in a library toward a lonely woman sitting in a corner with exposed face, who threatens nobody?

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Svarga Loka
September 27, 2022 7:29 pm

But there WAS a written social mandate, it says on all of the signs that you are not allowed to stand on the arches. My husband said he did not think it was worth the risk of someone becoming physically violent (when I called him a coward, which is never a good idea to start a marital conversation…)

I do not think the two situations are as polar opposite as you make them out to be. I think people assess the level of risk for physical violence and base their decision on that. In a National Park with people from all over the world (no group cohesion), hours away from the next police officer, people shy away from confrontation. In a library, there is almost zero risk of me beating that guy up. (I must not be looking very threatening…)

Turns out it was a good learning opportunity because my kids and me talked for excruciating 45 minutes in the car how they think that “wearing a mask is not that big a deal and it is worth it for Pokemon club”, but I told them that I beg to differ, that it is a matter of principle, freedom of choice and of obeying nonsensical rules. I asked them if the library required browsing while doing jumping jacks would be something they would do, or if only patrons in red shirts were allowed.

My oldest kept on saying that “rules are there for a reason”. He simply cannot fathom that adults would have less than benevolent reasons to make people do certain things. Bless his naive little heart.

At the end, he said that he understands my point but does not agree with it, with is fine by me for now. They are each on a journey to find their own principles, voices and opinions, and they do not have to be the same as mine. If they are willing to consider many different points of view, it’s a positive thing.

I told the children that their opinion doesn’t really matter, because they are minors and before they are 18, they do what we say and we will protect them and their health by all means necessary, even without their consent (since they wanted to wear the masks and I did not allow it).

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Svarga Loka
September 27, 2022 9:14 pm

My suspicion is that they will remember us saying many times every day “Stop whining and keep walking” on those hikes that they were not too eager about. Builds character.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Svarga Loka
September 27, 2022 9:25 pm

Oh, and they do not go for badges and Junior Ranger Programs. When they saw that they had to fill out forms and booklets, they decided it wasn’t worth it for a stinkin’ badge.

We collected rocks and minerals instead for our collection, that was fun, too.

  Svarga Loka
September 27, 2022 11:47 pm

There needs to be a junior Spartan org.

September 28, 2022 4:43 am

There used to be one here in Europe, US and other places as well. It was called, Outward Bound.
“… is an educational innovation developed 80 years ago by Kurt Hahn, a celebrated and progressive German educator. It began with the opening of Gordonstoun school in Scotland in the 1930’s with only two students. Here, Hahn refined his philosophies into a practical curriculum that rewarded development of physical skills as well as learning to live in the outdoors through an expedition, and embarking upon a hobby or project, in addition to achievements in the classroom.”
Of course, it now thoroughly corrupted with “Wokeness”.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Svarga Loka
September 27, 2022 11:57 pm

Six year old was happy jumping over rocks and ran ahead. Other two alternated excitement and whininess.

Slot canyons – good, 5 mile hike in 96 degrees – not so good.

I was really worried a few times when my husband in apparent disregard to their lives took them on these huge boulders with 300 feet dropoffs on either side of the 4×4 foot platform. Once, I even sat down on a rock crying because I was so scared that they will fall to their deaths and I thought it was really inconsiderate when he just told me I should not be such a chicken. He said they can do the climbs (“See, they did it!”), but my point was that they shouldn’t because the risk was not worth it. The views were the same from where I was, and the risk was not just a broken arm but certain death. It was just foolish.

But then again, maybe that’s what Dads do. And worrying is what Moms do.

Dr. Zedder Strangelove
Dr. Zedder Strangelove
September 27, 2022 4:53 pm

Awesome!! Hugs

September 27, 2022 9:56 pm

To do a proper analysis we must first know whether or not you got an erection when she touched you. I mean, you still get those, right?

September 27, 2022 10:28 pm

Good, now we’re getting somewhere. Just one more question… how long do your stiffies last?

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
September 27, 2022 11:49 pm

Get teeth cleaned = get laid more? Or hand out Ivermectin to middle aged onely and desperate dental hygienists?

I don’t even trust dental hygienists. I worry that they cause microinjuries to the enamel with their instruments. Steel is harder by Moh’s scale than enamel.

Come to think of it, maybe ruined enamel is worth it to some people if it means getting laid more.

  Svarga Loka
September 27, 2022 11:51 pm

teeth cleaning is an intimate experience

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
September 27, 2022 11:45 pm

It’s what potentially saving her life will do to a woman. Imagine yourself as a knight on a white horse swinging a tube of Ivermectin. Who wouldn’t fall head over heels in love with someone like that?

Unrelated: I saw an article about a German scientist who discovered in 2017 that Methadone can increase the effectiveness of certain chemotherapies for cancer patients, that it actually shrinks tumors to the point of them being undetectable when they were all over the body before.

Of course, Methadone has been around since the 1930s and cannot be patented for cancer treatment, so nobody wants to fund a study.

  Svarga Loka
September 27, 2022 11:49 pm

“It’s what potentially saving her life will do to a woman. Imagine yourself as a knight on a white horse swinging a tube of Ivermectin. ”
Pretty gay tbh
‘Gonna deworm all dem bitches!’

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
September 28, 2022 2:48 pm

The conversation between you and Stucky scared me off. My response would have caused…a reaction, so to speak. 😘

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Abigail Adams
September 28, 2022 6:04 pm


If I wanted family friendly, I would go to Zerohedge.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Svarga Loka
September 28, 2022 6:27 pm

Uh-oh…you made her laugh, Archie. Any minute now she’ll probably touch your arm. Don’t blow it this time.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Abigail Adams
September 28, 2022 6:35 pm

I mean, you already got her rolling around & all. Just sayin’.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Abigail Adams
September 28, 2022 8:48 pm

Another fantasy story about coffee makers?

I am off to more travelling in October and then to FL in November.

Too busy travelling to write travelogues, I am afraid.

(Hahaha. Flip hair. Touch arm. Touch arm again).

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Svarga Loka
September 28, 2022 8:44 pm

Am I? I thought I left pieces here and there for all of you to find, Easter bunny style.