The American Public is Extremely Worried About the Vaccines

Guest Post by Midwestern Doctor

It appears I greatly underestimated the coming outrage our leadership is facing on this issue.

For most of my lifetime, I have watched people be seriously injured by pharmaceuticals and have their plight be ignored either because:

•The injuries were subtle enough they could not be recognized unless someone was trained to identify them (which most doctors are not). In turn, one of the great difficulties I’ve had throughout my career is continually observing medical injuries that are rarely identified by my colleagues (and which often are necessary to treat in order to alleviate the patient’s current issue).

•Not enough people were affected, so it was easy enough for the press to cover it up. In previous eras, when the media was not bought out, this censorship did not exist (Sharyl Attkisson has done the best job of identifying when this started), and much less harmful products were correctly exposed for what they were. For example, consider this report on the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine fiasco, which would never air on television today:

Note: One of my patients suffered permanent complications from this vaccine, which I learned when she shared with me why she was not willing to get the COVID-19 vaccine (“I am not falling for this again”). Additionally, one of my mentors was in practice when the swine flu vaccine came out and had numerous patients who were severely injured by it. However while these stories are alarming, I consider the 1976 vaccine to be much safer than the current spike protein vaccines.

One of the few positive aspects of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign is that it has been so egregious, many people I knew who were previously on the fence about vaccines have decided vaccination has serious issues which need to be looked at. Put differently, vaccine safety concerns have gone from a fringe viewpoint very few were even aware of to a mainstream political position.

For example, my friends in this movement told me during the 80s and 90s they had to put in a tremendous amount of work to raise attention to this subject (which involved exposing themselves to significant risks), and they only were able to have their message reach a small number of people. In contrast, now the messages we provide through the internet rapidly reach millions of people. Unless you have seen this issue evolve over decades, it’s difficult to even begin to describe how profound the shift has been.

One of my favorite fables is The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs. It describes a goose that did as its name suggested and brought great prosperity to its owner. Eventually, the owner concluded he was not making enough from those eggs to satisfy his newfound greed and slaughtered the goose to collect the rest of the golden eggs inside it. There were none inside, and he went bankrupt as a result of losing his steady supply of golden eggs.

I believe the pharmaceutical industry is in a similar situation. It has advanced its business model of pushing harmful and ineffective proprietary medications onto the population so aggressively (while the entire government has capitulated to the money they receive from facilitating this), that the public is now seeing that business model for exactly what it is and no longer wanting to take its products. To some extent, the industry has been able to get away with doing this provided the escalation was gradual, but the COVID-19 vaccine campaigns were so over the top, everyone recognized what happened when it did.

For example, I recently put together (a now updated) compilation of all of the egregious marketing propaganda that was used to sell the vaccines as I believed it would serve as a critical lesson to future generations:

The Forgotten Side of Medicine
What Was the Most Insane Piece of Vaccine Propaganda You’ve Seen?
Cultures periodically find themselves in collective psychoses. Some like Tulip mania (where tulip flowers became the most valuable commodity in existence) in retrospect are rather comical, while others like the Salem witch trials and the earlier medieval witch hunts are quite horrifying…

Although you could argue many of the examples shown above (please take a look if you have not seen them) clearly constituted unacceptable corruption within our government, the case can also be made that so many members of society got caught in an irrational exuberance to promote the vaccinations that they fell into a mass hysteria around that. This is important because while that hysteria is impossible for those trapped within it to recognize, the absurdity can be seen by people outside of it, and this cult-like behavior often serves as the most persuasive argument possible against the policy in question (in this case vaccination).

Died Suddenly

As stated above, many pharmaceutical injuries are subtle and complex enough that it becomes an uphill battle to convince others they could be occurring. However, the same cannot be said for individuals who are dying suddenly after vaccination. Everyone regardless of their education will recognize this and default to trusting their firsthand observation over what an “expert” tells them. That unfortunate side effect of the vaccines has thus created a major publicity problem for everyone pushing them.

Recently a viral documentary brought more attention to this subject (which was estimated to have been seen by 15 million people). One of the most widely viewed articles I wrote here in turn addressed the pros (bringing attention to the subject) and cons (it having false information) of this documentary:

The Forgotten Side of Medicine
What is Causing the Blood Clots from “Died Suddenly?”
I have always been drawn to understanding pharmaceutical injuries, and for years I’ve participated in support groups for a variety of different toxic pharmaceuticals (e.g. Lupron or Ciprofloxacin and other fluoroquinolones). In addition to being able to witness the human costs of these drugs firsthand …

Note: I am not sure if the unusual blood clots are the primary mechanism behind COVID-19 vaccine sudden death. For example, a good case can also be made that it is due to the profound autoimmune response the vaccines create which is frequently seen in autopsies.

The popularity of this article and the documentary serve to highlight that the public is strongly interested in this topic. Similarly, Ed Dowd recently authored one of the most popular books on the subject of vaccination (it’s been the number 1 and number 2 seller on Amazon for the vaccination topic…which is a constant source of frustration for Peter Hotez). I felt Dowd’s book took a very persuasive approach to this topic by highlighting the objective data showing an unprecedented rise in disability and death after the vaccines came out along with many of the individual unexplained cases of sudden deaths:

The Forgotten Side of Medicine
What Can We Learn From “Cause Unknown?”
One of my relatives (who is unaware of this blog) excitedly gave me a book yesterday that she told me I had to read. After I read it, I realized it had a few things going for it which necessitated discussing it with an audience that is already well versed in this subject…

All of these serve to illustrate that the “Died Suddenly” meme will not go away, and rather as time continues it is becoming a larger and larger problem for the political leadership.

Political Polling

Every single industry (except for say the independent media) has fallen into a similar trap. Because so many penalties exist for questioning the narrative (e.g. some consider discussing ideas that could lead the vaccine hesitancy to be equivalent to mass murder), no one wants to touch the vaccine issue.

For example, many embalmers have observed highly unusual blood clots in bodies that were never seen before the vaccine rollout (this was the central theme of Died Suddenly). Unfortunately, almost none of them want to publicly go on record about this because they are afraid of having their business be slandered and thus losing their employment. A few of my readers have been informally surveying embalmers (most of whom are willing to speak off the record), and they have reported to me that the majority have also observed these clots (presently 68% or 73 of 107 surveyed said they had), but are not willing to speak out publicly on the issue (when their survey is completed I will publish it).

A similar issue exists within the mainstream media (the only exception is a few hosts on Fox News like Tucker Carlson), and political polling firms. A few people I know have tried to get polls on the vaccines to be conducted, but have confided with me the posters are extremely resistant to that polling, and in one case where they succeeded in having a poll be conducted (I spent a long time corresponding with the individual who sponsored this poll), the organization stipulated for their name not to be included on the final polling report.

Fortunately, Rasmussen, an organization that is willing to touch upon more controversial subjects, recently began exploring this issue. In a previous post, I discussed some of the startling results they came across in their initial poll (which I believed to be accurate):

The Forgotten Side of Medicine
We Now Have A Clear Estimate Of The Rate Of Vaccine Injuries
Throughout my entire life, I’ve always found that trying to argue against Big Business is like fighting with one or both hands tied behind your back because large industries can always co-opt and buy out every authoritative source on the subject, and then censor any inconvenient facts that still persist. This is an immensely challenging situation to be …

A more detailed breakdown of that poll can be found in the above article. The key point was that despite all of the over-the-top propaganda (detailed in the article above) and censorship that we have experienced over the last two years, only 56% of the population believes the vaccines are effective, and 57% have concerns about their safety.

The most important part of the survey was this finding:

For reference, 7% of all currently vaccinated Americans is 12 million people (additionally, based on other data points I’ve seen, I believe the respondents appropriately categorized their side effects as being “major” in nature). 

These results are a big deal and I am relatively certain if it had been known at the start that major side effects or death were expected to occur in 1%, yet alone 7% of the people being given the vaccine, for the majority of those involved in pushing the vaccines on the public, this would have constituted a completely unacceptable risk profile for these products.

I concluded the previous article by stating these results are a huge publicity problem for the vaccine advocates and I am not sure how they will be able to surmount what they are now facing.

This morning I was alerted to an even more damning finding on the vaccines:

Although Rasmussen typically makes their polls be behind a paywall (since they have to stay in business), they felt compelled to make this one be publicly available.

This poll evaluated 1000 American adults, of whom 71% reported being vaccinated. The results Rasmussen found were as follows:

The results of each of these questions have profound implications for the general public losing its trust in the mainstream narrative.

The second is particularly important: 28% know someone directly they believe died from a vaccine. Even if the correlation is false (although I believe it is the opposite as many of the deaths are not recognized), 28% of the population believing the government and every authority they were raised their life to trust would push something this dangerous onto them shatters the institutional trust our entire society is built upon.

Put differently, this is not a problem more propaganda can solve or half-hearted pseudo-apologies like Emily Oster’s disingenuous plea for amnesty or Peter Hotez’s “apology” that followed him being called out for his egregious conduct with the vaccines:

Note: Others have felt this way too. My favorite example was someone paying to fly this over Oster’s house:

Note: Many have reached out to me to share that someone they were close to had died from the COVID-19 vaccine. This substack was largely a result of my attempt to compile these reports and share them with the public.


At this point in time, the major challenge our movement is facing is bridging the gap from the evidence of harm (there is far more than enough data to end this program) to persuading the public that this data matters and the vaccines need to be pulled. This is why Rasmussen’s survey results so important, as they illustrate that gap is beginning to be overcome. When it comes to ending these mandates, how the vaccines are perceived by the public is the most important thing and what politicians will listen to.

Initially, vaccine skepticism was a highly politically polarized subject—most Democrats were not open to questioning the vaccines (and often espoused hatred for the unvaccinated), while many Republicans were open to questioning the vaccines and refused to vaccinate. This political shift has been incredible to watch because not too long ago, the majority of people I knew who were uncomfortable with putting unsafe or untested chemicals in their bodies were Democrats. As best as I can tell, this all arose during Obama’s presidency as a result of him changing who the corporate donors for the party were (I tried to chronicle how this transpired here).

One of the interesting things about today’s poll was how each demographic answered:

For example, when asked if they knew someone who they suspected had died from the vaccine, 33% of Democrats said yes, while 26% of both Republicans and those who were not affiliated with either party said yes. Rasmussen argues this (along with many other demographic response rates) suggests the poll’s results were valid, and explained this result being due Democrats, while being less likely to want to acknowledge a vaccine injury, likely knowing far more people who were vaccinated, and thus being exposed to a higher rate of deaths.

Before the COVID-19 vaccinations, a common topic of discussion within the vaccine safety movement was if vaccine safety should become a politically polarized topic. The argument in favor of this was that it would bring much larger exposure to the issue, while the argument against it was that they did not want to alienate the other political party from the movement.

Interestingly, when we reviewed industry publications, they stated they wanted to do everything possible to prevent vaccination from becoming a political wedge issue as that would threaten half of the customer base. I thus was quite perplexed by the push during Obama’s presidency to turn vaccination into a partisan issue.

In retrospect, from looking at everything that has happened with COVID-19, I suspect that the strategy was decided upon because the COVID-19 vaccines were so questionable (due to their experimental nature and dangerous safety profile) that it was the only possible way people could be convinced to get them—many Democrats vaccinated to align with their political ideology and only supported the otherwise unjustifiable mandates for partisan reasons.

It is thus extremely hopeful for me that the skepticism towards these vaccinations appears to be breaking through that wall. This means that at the end of the day, all the pharmaceutical companies will have to show for adopting this politically divisive strategy to market their product is the entire population recognizing the negative aspects of these vaccines (which the opposite side of the political spectrum promoted as a result of this issue being politically polarized).

It was also observed that those who had been vaccinated were less likely to question the vaccines than those who were not vaccinated (which makes sense), but nonetheless, 38% of those who were vaccinated think it is at least somewhat likely the vaccines have caused a large number of unexplained deaths. Similarly, while 45% of those who had not been vaccinated thought someone they knew personally might have died from the vaccines, only 22% of vaccinated adults shared this belief.

In addition to these results supporting the validity of the poll, consider for a moment the situation of those who were vaccinated and now have serious safety concerns about the vaccine. For example, how would you feel if you were vaccinated and someone you knew died suddenly after vaccination? As this poll shows, that is the position many Americans are in now, and that has profound implications for public trust in our government.

As we move into 2023, I am hopeful shifts like these will continue to emerge and I believe we have hit the point that shift may no longer be possible to stop.


As you all know now, immediately after publishing this article, during monday night football, the game was suspended after a 24 year old NFL football player collapsed on and received CPR until an ambulance took him off the field (he is now in the ICU). In my eyes, the most important facet about this event was a sports doctor immediately stating the collapse had nothing to do with the vaccine. Steve Kirsch wrote a detailed summary of what is currently known here.

This doctor’s conduct is quite pertinent because the medical profession has lost enough trust from the public from how they’ve handled COVID-19 that statements like his will make the public more rather than less suspicious of what is happening (like honestly how could the doctor immediately know it had nothing to do with vaccine). Similarly, online every article I’ve found about by searching “Damar Hamlin Vaccine” essentially says we are the scum of the earth for daring to link his personal tragedy to our personal crusade against vaccines.

This situation thus speaks to the downhill spiral modern propaganda is experiencing which was discussed in the previous article. Essentially, the standard form of propaganda our entire form of government revolves around cannot work anymore, which will necessitate the government switching to a different model predicated upon being truthful to its citizens and adopting sensible policies the populace will agree to of their own free will.

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January 3, 2023 7:56 am

Awsum news. The fattened sheep are smelling blood. Trouble is they, never seem to respond well. Let’s see what the next deep state lies are and how the dummies respond to it. Think they’ll finally resist and arise? We here all know that 2023 = 1776, but will Boobus Americanus see it?

Pfizer’s Shots Aren’t Safe and Were Never Shown To Be
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Fact-Cheka sez:

Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe? – Johns Hopkins Medicine › health › coronavirus
Yes. The two mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control …
‎Booster Shots and Additional… · ‎COVID Vaccine Side Effects

The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation … › 2021/07/24 › technology › jo…
Nov 25, 2022 — Researchers and regulators say Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician, creates and profits from misleading claims about Covid-19 vaccines.

According to our saviors and protectors on high in the MSM, the political scientists, say Mercoal and his sort are the greatest mass-murderers in history, not Pfizer & friends. Round up all the MSM shills, too, for Nuremberg 2.0.

Dr. Wolf Reveals The WH Had The Incriminating Pfizer Documents Before Emergency Use Authorization

January 3, 2023 12:49 pm

I also posted this on another article. Very dynamic. In Dec 2020, there were already 275 strokes and 61 dead, and they still called the gene therapies safe and effective.

January 3, 2023 2:12 pm

In 1976, as in the above 60 Minutes report in the article above, the vax was withdrawn after only a few injuries and deaths.

This time, it’s millions so far, and no end in sight, and no extreme measures last time, such as lockdowns, etc. No hysteria. America is two more generations dumbed down this time.

January 3, 2023 2:24 pm

More Sharyl Attkisson stuff from Jon Rappoport:

Here’s what Sharyl Attkisson told me about the 2009 “pandemic”

She’s totally cancelled, ’cause she’s over target.

January 3, 2023 3:20 pm

Mercola never made a penny from me, but I certainly got a lot of free medical information from him. And no mention of the trillions the criminals in bigPharma have made?

January 3, 2023 8:56 am

I find Peter Hotez to be the most disgusting of the whole bunch, his Hippocratic oath of ‘first do no harm’ was completely ignored the past few years. He is a bobbing head yes man for Fauci and the whole military industrial pharmaceutical complex. Genocide is the only descriptive word to describe it all!

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 3, 2023 12:15 pm

If, as they claim, they’ve killed God…of what remaining import is an Oath?

There never was born a faithless cur who would not break an Oath. You’ll see more of this and not less.

  The Central Scrutinizer
January 3, 2023 2:14 pm

Langleybot fake godbotherer

January 3, 2023 9:29 am

Perhaps in some areas things are starting to change. Personally, I still see lunatics wearing masks everywhere or driving alone, non-stop commercials pushing the shots and people still getting their boosters like clockwork. Many are even begging for mandated masks and lockdowns again.

I’ve found the left never admit mistakes or change opinions. They forever consider themselves the smartest person in the room and cling to the first thing they hear, all corrections are lies to them. They still want the pure bloods killed and jailed, they’re just playing dead for awhile with this amnesty BS.

January 3, 2023 9:51 am

In the midst of the horror, always remember the beauty:

From here, right now, and 24/7:

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Stay clean, stay strong, stay hopeful, stay active. Never give in.

January 3, 2023 11:00 am

As a polar opposite, take country and rap, combine and call it crap!

January 3, 2023 11:34 am

Ravel, if I recall. I love his music – it harkens back to a much more innocent time.

January 3, 2023 12:04 pm

Ravel’s Mother Goose theme, especially as conducted by Ozawa, is perfection.

January 3, 2023 10:19 am

First of all, we need to stop calling this toxic concoction a vaccine, it is NOT. Despite the CDC attempting to redefine “vaccine”, this is not a killed or attenuated pathogen, used to confer immunity to an individual through stimulation of various antibodies against the whole organism. This is gene therapy (and not a beneficial one) that incorporates itself into the host genome (especially in the liver) and directs the host cells to produce the deadly spike protein. No wonder the body directs a reduced immune response against its own cells. And, the spike in the jab is not even the same as on the original bioengineered iris. It is synthetic, with extra goodies mixed in, like several sequences from the AIDS virus (also produced under Fauxci’s direction), codes for prions, proteins which inactivate T4 cells, and those which increase susceptibility to the virus. The fact that patents were granted for the virus and the jab, as far back as 2015, prove the US government and big pharma planned the entire scam years ago, with the ultimate goal of forcing everyone to take their depopulation serum. Now we find out that big pharma is planning to replace many, if not all, of their conventional vaccines with mRNA poisons. They have even been caught mixing the covid crap into other vaccines and giving the jab instead of flu shots “by mistake”. ALL vaccines are now suspect, and should likely be avoided. The WEF/WHO cabal is becoming frustrated and desperate, as the world’s “useless eaters” are not dying quickly enough. They will be upping the ante by rolling out more of these toxic shots and having more virulent, and deadly , bioengineered pathogens “escape” from various virology labs around the world. No punishment is too harsh for the evil bastards that planned, executed, and are still pushing this global genocide.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 3, 2023 10:46 am

They have been planning this far longer that anyone realizes. There is a list of all the exec orders and laws passed by congress that allowed them to do this with protection against lawsuits and criminal charges. This began in the 60’s.

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
  Mary Christine
January 3, 2023 7:41 pm

Let us also remember that long before COVID, TPTB started demonizing EVERYONE who raised any doubts, no matter how rational or measured, about vaccine administration and composition. They did not allow any nuanced look at whether specific vaccines were more dangerous than beneficial. Any questions resulted in cries of ANTI-VAXXER! and ANTI-SCIENCE! I was puzzled ten years ago about the over-the-top attacks on anyone who raised doubts about vaccines. In retrospect, I think they were just preparing the public to take the clot-shot.

Oh, and don’t forget the long list of microbiologists, virologists, and epidemiologists who were murdered or found dead under odd circumstances during roughly 2000 to 2010.

This genocide was planned for decades.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 3, 2023 10:41 am

which will necessitate the government switching to a different model predicated upon being truthful to its citizens

Never going to happen. They will double down and triple down. They never take responsibility for their actions. Oh, congress used to do some real investigation 50 years ago and longer but not now and they never will again.

The people have to refuse to listen to them in such large numbers that they become irrelevant. It doesn’t even have to be a majority. A large enough minority will do it. Can’t put 30-40 percent of the people in camps.

  Mary Christine
January 3, 2023 11:35 am

Agreed. It’s always an active minority who sorts things out. The majority are just NPCs who go along with whoever comes out on top.

January 3, 2023 2:15 pm

Pareto’s 20% are indispensable. The rest are placeholders, some of whom are convinceable, only after disaster. Also apply Pareto to that 20% – so, 4% – to get the true hardcore, effective influencers who must give their all, just to have a fighting chance for the ungrateful, resistant masses.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
  Mary Christine
January 3, 2023 11:54 am

MC, Agree completely, but unfortunately the whole concept of camps, cattle cars etc. have become obsolete concepts from the 3rd turning. The new “camps” are digital. Censorship, blocking, outing, denial of registrations, licenses, employment, buying and selling. It’s almost here.

Wildfire Watcher
Wildfire Watcher
  Daddy Joe
January 4, 2023 3:45 am

They will have to go after local cartels first, because commoners will sieze distribution chains. Source: their showcase cities in disarray. Never underestimate the human tenacity for trouble. I suspect the elite already have one foot in the bunker.

January 3, 2023 11:16 am

It strikes me that along with all of the vaxxx proof articles (along with it may be this, it may be that) now would be a good time for real journalists (pastors, family members) to get ahead of this awakening.
For instance helping to channel the resulting stages of grief that we see just starting to kick in.

While directing to possible treatments with demand that the complete list of actual ingredients be released. This KNOWING THEY LIE (including your doctor) and it seems there have some changes along the way plus contaminants, or dirty vaxxx. To help, doctors who are on to this have to know what they are fighting.

A couple of things jump out at me right away. They want an actual organized uprising with crowd protests. You could say a MASS reaction. This has been game planned. Obviously don’t give them these things.

I listened to a recent interview by SGTReport with Karen Kingston. She mentioned one way is for moms to demand vaccines be removed from their counties and schools. Bring the data on the dangers in official form to their commissioners, and sheriff departments etc. and demand a halt. Don’t give up
Her research has all the official reports that this poison is going to be (or is) in all vaccines.

She’s offering a real measure and angry moms can be quite effective. Angry dads too, of course, but the optics of mistreating moms is pretty bad.

Another thing is they are perfectly happy with everyone being supremely mistrustful of their doctors etc. I am.
Somehow we cannot play into their hands with this one.

January 3, 2023 11:30 am

This has become VERY personal to me as while I have known people who have been damaged, some who have died (4 older uncles in 2 months and customers) I have had a few who actually took the vaxx (not boosters) ask me about it. I have just said, you seem ok now- just don’t get anymore. Of course they may not be.

We just heard our beautiful 20 yr old granddaughter has blood clotting syndrome. Since she had a medical thing already, though an athlete, and LOVES her doctors we are almost positive she has been vaxxxed.
This is to all of those freaks who write here and hope all the dumb vaxxed die. You are them.
We were honest and told her it may be associated with the vaxxx. Silence – all this by text of course. A few articles based on the above would be useful.

January 3, 2023 12:30 pm

This is to all of those freaks who write here and hope all the dumb vaxxed die. You are them.

I am probably one of those to you. But to be clear, I don’t primarily hope they die, I hope they wake up and fight back. But since that is NEVER going to happen, making them supporters of the enemy too, I hope they all die.

This is a war, and they are collaborators.

Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around. What do you see? Business people, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me, Neo, or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?

January 3, 2023 2:21 pm

Well-put. I will miss my younger brothers terribly, and many others, but fuck them, too.

January 3, 2023 2:46 pm

I think we’re in a war too. These normal folk are collateral damage especially young people.
Just like the normal Ukrainian farmer who gets in the way. You could say they were responsible for their government. Just like we are, and aren’t.

Examine your own programming. Start with movies.

January 3, 2023 3:30 pm

Also it just occurred to me that maybe one reason there hasn’t been greater pushback is hearts are cold (another Bible prophecy). As in stupid people deserve it, even my brothers, let ‘EM all die, or worse i hope they die.
Shocking right?

Of course for some it’s a one time fear reaction.

A. V. Learneronymous
A. V. Learneronymous
January 3, 2023 7:53 pm

“Were you listening to me, Neo, or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?”

January 3, 2023 12:54 pm

No vax deaths in the family, yet. But several heart attack strokes, and one cancer. I doubt that our families luck will hold out as we have many elderly members. All unvaxxed are in perfect health.

January 3, 2023 2:21 pm

Same here.

January 3, 2023 11:33 am

Good that the truth is getting out, but to expect the fat, lazy, brainless US (or European) public to do anything about this is absurd.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 3, 2023 12:11 pm

“What? ME Worry?”

Too late for that shit now, idiots. You’ve already self fooked yourselves for the last time.

Your reality was redefined for you while you slept.

  The Central Scrutinizer
January 3, 2023 2:21 pm


Just Thinking
Just Thinking
January 3, 2023 4:52 pm


If you can DM me with info/link to your survey, I can forward it to 10-12 of our customers (FD/embalmers) here in the upper Ohio Valley. I have seen pics my brother took of, what seems to be, the most prevalent white, fibrous clots.

Mr Quinn has my email.

January 3, 2023 5:23 pm

Essentially, the standard form of propaganda our entire form of government revolves around cannot work anymore, which will necessitate the government switching to a different model predicated upon being truthful to its citizens and adopting sensible policies the populace will agree to of their own free will.

LMAO!!! Yeah, right.

January 3, 2023 6:51 pm

Boobus Americanus is truly very slow out of the gate

January 3, 2023 7:38 pm

“The injuries were subtle enough they could not be recognized unless someone was trained to identify them (which most doctors are not).”

The Majority of them just practice to subsidize their one true love & calling.

January 3, 2023 8:20 pm

Wasn’t that an old Neil Young tune ?

January 3, 2023 11:22 pm

“and adopting sensible policies the populace will agree to of their own free will”

Hahahaha. Nope, violence will replace failed propaganda. Massive violence.

Wildfire Watcher
Wildfire Watcher
January 4, 2023 3:49 am

Article raised questions. Journalists should instinctively ask, “Why the censorship?! Who is hiding the realistic benefits and dangers?” Censoring discussion and debate, and ignoring multidisciplined approaches to emergencies was a major red flag. The pharmaceutical industry does not have a patent on the human body. Or do they?

John Doe
John Doe
  Wildfire Watcher
January 4, 2023 5:06 am

Qui bono?
-Jews as usual