Dead Witch – Fun Tidbit – SOS Humanity – Woke Demolished – Focus on Davos Week – WHO Treaty – Smelling a Rat? – CPI Latest – War Games – Letter from Great Britain – [01-21-23]

Our ‘leaders’ can run – but they can’t hide. Defence of a nation and care for their people is the first duty of any sovereign government – they have FAILED and the rats are abandoning ship

STOP PRESS: The ‘Wicked Witch’ is dead!  Jacinda Ardern (42) has resigned as Prime Minister of New Zealand.  The Despotic ‘Young Global Leader’ and WEF diversity darling suddenly gave up on tyranny and just walked away – funny timing eh?  And Soros and Gates are MIA at Davos this year!  What are they afraid of? Is retribution looming on the horizon as the rats abandon ship in droves? Are we winning yet?

NEWS FLASH: A simple explanation of the mRNA madness: Hat Tip: Dr. Byram W. Bridle  This is a succinct, one minute summary of key issues with COVID-19 mRNA shots:×270/GjCnl8PkCKT7SslN.mp4?tag=12

FUN TIDBIT:  My good friend and comrade-in-arms, Niall Warry (Rtd), sent me this for a giggle and very much apropos the 21st century:  “I Used To Be A Normal Person. I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white, into a two-parent household which now, whether I like it or not, makes me privileged, a racist, and responsible for slavery” because:

  • I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards, makes me a fascist because I plan, budget, and support myself.
  • I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe.
  • I am not a Muslim, which now labels me an infidel.
  • I am over 70, making me a useless dinosaur who doesn’t understand Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat.
  • I think, and I reason, and I doubt most of what the ‘mainstream’ media tells me, which makes me a Right-wing conspiracy nut.
  • I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive culture, making me a xenophobe.
  • I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair reward according to each individual’s merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.
  • I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort – not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline sociopath.
  • I believe in the defence and protection of my nation for and by all citizens, now making me a militant.
  • I am proud of our flag, what it stands for, and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand during our National Anthem – so I must be a radical.
  • But seriously, this young lady asks: How can I wake up my friends?   SO…

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:  Charles Hugh Smith asks: “Who will save us?”  “We have the capacity to learn from previous civilization’s errors, rising inequality, hubris, over-reach, decay of production trade, and parasitic elites, and so on. Yet we go right ahead and repeat those same errors.  What explains our inability to learn from history and take corrective actions by maintaining the dynamics of adaptive advances? (Transparent governance, the sharing of knowledge, energising trade and enterprise, competition, stable money, rule of law / fairness, social mobility and limits on elites’ plundering / exploitation.)

Why do we allow the decay, over-reach, greed, hubris, institutional sclerosis and parasitic elites that lead to collapse gain the upper hand time and again? Why do we not act on what can be learned from history?”   Perhaps it’s because 50% of the population are below average?

BREAKING NEWS:  ‘The Best 6 min Video on Climate Change you will ever see’.  If you only play one video this year, the video below is the one you should play.  Kisin demolishes the crazy Woke cult and climate change in just a few minutes.

If you think that you, WEF, President Biden, Greta, Al Gore, or anyone in government will do anything that matters about climate change, the video is for you.  If you think that you dumb lot of parasitic globalists will do nothing thing that matters about climate change, this video is also for you.   View the video then think about the lead chart and the path of China, India and S. America while noting the whole continent of Africa is not even on the scale!

The fact that WEF attendees arrive in over 1,000 private jets only to discuss the climate crisis is hypocrisy at its finest. If there was actually a crisis, wouldn’t these so-called climate warriors take public transport to save the planet?  Maybe the crisis that WEF promotes is just manufactured hype.  And many others are realizing ESG investing is just another globalist ‘scam.

The WEF at DAVOS 2023 was in focus this week.  They suggested that soaring prices for energy and food could persist for the next two years, hurting global efforts to combat poverty and the [engineered] climate crisis, a report prepared for this week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, has warned.  They should know – they created it in the first place!  But first, a 2 minute summary of ‘A New System’ is coming – (Hat Tip K W Norton Substack):

Unless you follow these maniacs you wouldn’t know that in 2020, Klaus Schwab and the then Prince Charles proposed a “Great Reset” – a call for a new, more sustainable economic model coming out of the coronavirus crisis. While there are legitimate criticisms of that idea, it has also proved a breeding ground for legitimate claims that Davos attendees perpetrated a ‘scamdemic’ to bring about a global socialist government run for the benefit of a mysterious cabal of billionaires.  Although this claim is dubbed a ‘conspiracy theory’ by the usual suspects, they miss the point that WEF et al actually publicise the fact.

Leading the agenda was Saadia Zahidi, a WEF managing director who said: “The short-term risk landscape is dominated by energy, food, debt and disasters. Those that are already the most vulnerable are suffering – and in the face of multiple crises.”  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out this statement of the bleeding obvious.

This pathetic, captured weasel is fawning at her idol, ‘The Bond Villain’ Schwab and goes on to say: “Climate and human development must be at the core of concerns of global leaders, even as they battle current crises. Cooperation is the only way forward.”  Perhaps she should address her remarks to US/NATO who could begin to cooperate with Russia and help ‘human development by saving lives’?   More neat summaries from KW Norton: Here is what they are offering:

AND as a reminder this is what they have planned for you, driven by CBDCs in action now:

BUT DON’T FORGET the WHO TREATY – (World Health Organisation) which is a UN/WEF sycophant offshoot and is determined to take over global health controls without recourse to national governments. To this end they are pushing their ‘Global Health Treaty’ which our treasonous politicians have already signed. Dr Mercola has the details of their tactics:

There are clear contradictions between the World Health Organization’s directives regarding the need for COVID shots in Africa and the actual situation on the ground

The WHO is still calling on all countries to get the COVID jab into at least 70% of their populations, and warns that developing countries are at grave risk due to low jab rates. Meanwhile, Africa, where less than 6% of the population is jabbed, has fared far better than countries with high Vaxx rates. A large-scale survey in Uganda also shows COVID is no longer a clinical issue because:

  • Mutations are always milder (less pathogenic) with each iteration, yet the WHO  warns that new variants may create “large waves of serious disease and death in populations with low vaccination coverage” If you believe this BS, I have a bridge to sell you.
  • The explanation for this disconnect between the WHO’s priorities and what’s happening in Africa can be explained when you look at the focus of the WHO’s ‘Catastrophic Contagion’ exercise. It focused on getting African leadership trained in following the scamdemic script. The WHO needs additional ‘pandemics’ in order to justify its ‘Global Health Treaty’, which will give it sole power to dictate countermeasures, and needs to eliminate the African control group, which demonstrates that the COVID Vaxx does more harm than good
  • The WHO also has every intention of implementing climate lockdowns once it has the power to do so. To that aim, the WHO’s director of Environment and Health has suggested combining health and climate issues into one.  You can read the details and view a video here:   However leading on – the big question is why are these retard oligarchs behaving like a Mafioso criminal cabal?

HERE’S THIS PERTINENT QUESTION: “Why do so few of the general public smell a rat?”  Joel Smalley  asked this last week and reported an excellent discourse by Doug Brodie who feels very much like me when he asks why do so few people realise, as Neil Oliver realised over a year ago, that we are stuck in an abusive relationship with our treasonous, lying politicians who act as puppets to their globalist overlords, e.g. Bill Gates and the WHO, Klaus Schwab and the WEF, Mark Carney’s Banksters, the UN and the rest of the psychopathic globalist Big Money/Big Tech complot who are intent on coercing us into a dystopian future. See: (Fuellmich Crimes Against Humanity testimonies) digitally-enforced serfdom, UBI-controlled penury and WEF-inspired transhumanism? These people are waging undeclared war on us. Have we the will to repel them?

“As one of the few (apparently) who has seen through the lies, false propaganda and brainwashing PsyOp, inflicted on the people by our traitorous politicians (light relief Downfall parody here), I feel compelled to continue warning of the grim future we are being steered towards.  Sadly, I sense I’m still not getting through.  I assume this because many people still can’t believe that our politicians are so nefariously abusive, mendacious and evil.”  Worth reading in full:

I was compelled to respond in the comments when I wrote: I understand all you have reported and there is nothing wrong with it – I agree. BUT, what do you think is the primary motivation for these multiple drives to slow the global economy?  What happened after 200 years of unending economic growth which upturned the optimistic machinations at Davos in 1971?  Professor Klaus Schwab opened the inaugural European Management Forum in Davos in 1971. What of global significance happened in 1971 – cue Nixon?

In the early 1970s, the Cold War split the world while the Vietnam War split America, an oil crisis was looming, and Bretton Woods had failed.  A German economics professor had a bright idea. The idea was unconventional at the time, but it has since taken hold.  It was Professor Klaus Schwab’s theory to save the elites at the expense of everyone else.

Global developments distinguished the third Davos meeting, when Aurelio Peccei the Italian industrialist, delivered a speech on his book The Limits to Growth , which caused a sensation by calling into question the sustainability of global economic growth. The elites thought they knew then, that collapse was already baked into the cake, and the WEF went into action.

For a moment, try to think like an elite globalist. “You, as an elite, know from all your inside information and research that the end of cheap energy is imminent. This means the end of your world of excessive privilege and security. You have to make a plan to secure the status quo and essential resources, especially energy.

This has to involve total control and depopulation of the masses (useless eaters) because a hungry people are likely to come for your head in short order – history is their guide.  We also know that ‘who controls the money, controls the world’. Larry Fink said it in August 2019, as did Nathan Rothschild; I reported this recently:  BUT – why have we actually entered a long period of negative growth?  I have explained this counter-intuitive outcome in my article here:

What happened in 2013? This is when I began writing my book being motivated when a client in Cyprus had €850k in his bank on March 31 2013. He had only €100k on April 1 2013 plus a load of paper certificates. He had to close his business and move to Florida. I wanted to know what was going on and published my dissertation Part 1 as an eBook:

I am writing Part 2 this year and publishing some extracts as I go. I am a systems engineer (retd) and recognise that “people don’t fail, systems do” and under Six-Sigma: “If I don’t know, I can’t act”. Thus validated knowledge is key to “Protecting” our assets and “Surviving” the coming economic transition to a lower level where “Less is More.”

Decentralisation, local economies and short supply lines will be a key to the New Emergent Economy and many agree as CHS asks: “How Vulnerable Is Your Personal Supply Chain?”

INFLATION WATCH:  The ONS reported CPI headline Y-o-Y inflation rate as at December of 10.5% – a fall of 0.2% – merely a rounding error; yet HMG and the  usual suspects continue to sing insincere songs of glee.  The truth is that prices were up 21% at Lidl and 21% at Aldi where many people on a budget regularly shop.

It’s the usual story of lies, damned lies and statistics spewed out by our devious Establishment with a sole objective of hoodwinking the public.  But, in common with the WEF they are losing credibility and trust to the point that we are now facing serious social disruption of which the ongoing strikes are only one aspect.

However, the real reason for unresolved labour disputes is hidden in plain sight because it suits the Globalists’ plans.  But it’s not just Britain; strikes are suddenly becoming a high profile global phenomenon.  Corporations price fix and cut costs at every turn, and wages have stagnated for decades while profits soar. For almost three years we have seen the vast majority of the corporate-political structure dedicated to stopping workers from working.

There’s a handy bonus by shifting the blame at the same time. Just as the appalling state of the economy was blamed on the war in Ukraine in 2022; it will be blamed on striking Unions in 2023.  That’s another reason for repeating this year’s WEF mantra: “the system is broken; we need a new way of doing things.”

SURVIVAL MONITOR:  Davos was encouraged by Vice Premier Liu He. A more upbeat speech you couldn’t really imagine. “China will always promote all-round opening up, and improve the level and quality of opening up.”  He called on his Davos ‘friends’ to visit China. He mentioned international cooperation 11 times. He rightly called for world peace.  It was a surprisingly outspoken pitch for more trade, investment, and general global goodwill.  Are you listening US/NATO?  Russia just announced:

  • It will declare all treaties with the Council of Europe terminated
  • It must maintain its food reserves, and not export
  • It will expand its army to 1.5 million men, confirming reports another 500,000 will be mobilized shortly – such tactics have won Russia many previous wars

Russia is going ahead with a likely spring offensive, while markets are pricing for ‘war is over’ due to a European warm winter, but then markets never get it right.  This doesn’t necessarily mean we will get the same scale of shock as in 2022.

But it does require the West to escalate its economic and military response thus risking a nuclear response which Medvedev hinted at this week.  It’s time for Plan B, check those blast-bunkers, and survival stores.  I don’t think 12 Challenger tanks will do the trick which has to be one of those subtle British jokes.

However, maybe the WEF were more realistic when it released its economic prospects for 2023 this week, and they are very gloomy indeed.  About two-thirds of respondents to the WEF’s survey think a global recession is “likely” in 2023. Of those, 18% consider it “extremely likely. Which means of course; “We are gonna need a bigger boat” aka, their ‘New System’ – if we’re still around that is!

So don’t be surprised if all sorts of new initiatives will be launched this year to fight the ‘War on Recession” coming to a town near you and you know who will pay the price.  It’s all so predictable but don’t be dismayed, ‘stay calm and carry on’.  DO NOT COMPLY.

NARRATIVE BATTLE:  Read how our ‘Masters’ weave their evil stories designed to control the life out of you.

UNTIL NEXT WEEK:  For more, read: “The Financial Jigsaw”: Scroll:   including regular updates.  For a  free PDF copy e-Books, Parts 1 & 2,  email; [email protected]


COVID & FINANCE LINKS: [I will not be commenting specifically on Covid in future because my colleague covers daily updates at his websites]:  YOUR DAILY COVID NEWS ( and BOOM Finance & Economics ( plus BOOM Finance and Economics | Designed for Critical Thinkers — UPDATED WEEKLY (

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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January 21, 2023 11:13 am

Another witch: Greta Gore, by the incomparable WB7 over @ the greatly diminished ZH:
comment image?itok=_z61nR8-

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
January 21, 2023 4:47 pm


TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 21, 2023 11:28 am

A lot of really good information this week, Peter. I second the comment from Niall Warry and wholeheartedly agree with his statements.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 21, 2023 2:33 pm

Two thousand years ago, “John” wrote that people would have to have a Mark on their right hand or their forehead in order to buy or sell (Rev 13:17). On 9Mar2022, FJB signed EO 14067 legalizing surveillance of all Citizens and control of all bank accounts. On 10Mar2022, FJB ordered the Fed Reserve, the Treasury, Justice and Homeland Security Depts to prepare a report on the CBDC (it was already a ten year old government topic). The report arrived about Sep2022 and directed: (1) all Corporations to enroll key people in FedNow training to learn how to convert to FedCoin by Jul2023 (2) for Every American to receive a FedCoin Card (3) full implementation of FedCoin by Jul2024. All currencies, precious metal coins, barter, etc, will become illegal for trade. Everyone’s wealth will be converted to FedCoin and spendable like a Debit Card. The Vice Chairwoman of FedNow released about a 5 minute video explaining this at ; scroll down to a green screen with binary numbers and click on it. Also Ref: “Connect to FedNow with our Early Adopter Program”, and also ref “Best Evidence CBDC and the Fed’s Plan to Weaponize Money.” Several Target, Walmart, Whole Foods, etc, stores in California have already installed entrance gates that Require customers to display their QR Code (a 2D Bar Code) that they call up on their mobile phone. Their credit card is automatically charged at checkout. I entered a Tallahassee Walmart on 19Jan2023 and they have just installed simple entry bars without the required QR Code serious gate equipment, no doubt just to precondition customers for the real thing. I suppose one day the QR Code will have to be printed on/in our right hand or foreheads (to buy or sell everywhere etc). Revelation says everyone that takes the Mark of the Beast will go to Hell. What will happen to a person’s real property when all the FedCoins are spent? Will TPTB Sanction some people like they did the Russians and take all their FedCoins? Food and fuel would soon become rationed (already being done in Australia). Special Social Taxes and any fines will automatically be deducted; so could our share of Racial Reparations, Equity Utilities etc and Climate Change Redistributions; Trump Supporters and Political Extremest (Republicans) would probably be cut off. I have not heard a peep about FedNow and FedCoin Cards etc from the MSM; Jews do not believe the NT (not even Is 53 or Zec 12-14) so many Oligarchs are Spiritually Blind and don’t get it; but I don’t believe even the dumbed down Secular public will accept the Fed Plan (the Fox) to control all the People’s Wealth (the Hen). The current dollar system will undoubtedly have a Planned crash before Jul2024, and the FedCoin System will be “Just In Time” to save the Economy from a Crash like 1929 and the Great Depression. FedCoin is a Centralized (Communist) money system and TPTB that control it will electronically control Everybody’s buying and selling; it will become more Tyrannical than the USSR, Nazis and 1984. We would all become Big Brother’s 1984 Slaves. Technically, It will not be the Seven Years of Tribulation; Revelation says that begins when the anti-Christ presents himself as god in the Third Temple in Jerusalem. TPTB are trying to sneak this FedCoin on US like they did the Rothschild Central Bank (called the Federal Reserve) and their IRS collection agency. I encourage everyone to contact all their Representatives at every level and tell them to strongly oppose forever the forced FedNow Plan for individuals. From States down to individuals, everyone should consider extreme measures to negate the forced CBDC for individuals. States should open State Banks and issue State Currencies, at least create State available checking accounts ASAP. Individuals should form self-independent and survivable (and Christ Centered) communities as free from The NWO Beast System(s) as possible. Pray God destroy the USSA Oligarchs like He destroyed the USSR Oligarchs in 1989. Please copy this and distribute it to your friends to sign and send to their representatives. Vaya con Dios.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
  rhs jr
January 21, 2023 3:54 pm

What if: John wrote words which in the original language meant ‘it would be as obvious’ as if there were a mark on hand/head?

What if: Everyone who relies on the “system” for food clothes shelter, is “marked” by their status as belonging to the system by means of their reliance on the “system”?

Take it around the block for a spin.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Euddolen ap Afallach
January 21, 2023 7:31 pm

Yeah, what if “John” was a nut smoking dope; what if all the Translators were Dopes; what if the Resurrection story is a just a long mistranslation, or a myth? I told people to not take the Shot but they said “Millions of people were dying of the flu, am I trying to kill them? I have taken lots of shots; just who are you? ” Maybe people should “what if” all the prophecies and go ahead and take the Mark; they have lots of “marks” already all over their bodies , yeah so what really, like everybody is really so smart about everything already anyway; the Experts say the Mark is helpful; why listen to anybody else or check anything out. Naw, you take the Mark for a spin.

  Euddolen ap Afallach
January 22, 2023 1:13 pm

Hmmm. Thought provoking.

What if he wrote something other than what he wrote?

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 22, 2023 6:25 pm

Several people around the World have videoed animals (sheep, dogs, birds, people) and an airplane frozen for minutes; they aren’t all fake or I’m the Pope. The ” what if ” people need to work on that! Hard to do when there are so many live witnesses backed by video. PS: A Prophet (Chris Willard 777) has spoken out that Jesus gave him the message that God is in control of everything, and the End of Time is near; these frozen scenes are a sign to mankind to prepare. What if liberals have their “heads up their stupid asses” and don’t believe anything their eyes and ears see or hear about Jesus Christ? Wouldn’t that be a total shock.

January 21, 2023 7:04 pm

More news of the week, from Canada’s answer to The Babylon Bee:

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 22, 2023 3:01 am

TPTB are such stupid clowns they make it too easy for “comedians” these days (but she is so smart and hot I would listen to her do the morning traffic report even before I had my coffee, and I don’t even drive to work anymore).