Is Andrei Martyanov right in his criticism of US ruling “elites”?

Guest Post by The Saker

Is Andrei Martyanov right in his criticism of US ruling “elites”?

Those of you who, like myself, try not to miss any videos or articles by Andrei Martyanov know that one of his “favorite” topics is the utter incompetence of western elites in general and US ruling elites specifically.  I am sure that his criticisms appear to be over the top to many people and that is normal.  It is completely counter-intuitive to assume that the ruling class (because that is what we are dealing with) of a nuclear superpower and, arguably, the most powerful country on the planet, could be ruled by clueless, ignorant, dishonest imbeciles.

So, is he right or not?  Does he speak because he is “anti-US” or a “Russian propagandist”?

I decided to chime in, because I know from the inside what Martyanov describes from the outside, so I want to share with you my own observations on this topic.

I studied in the USA for five years, from 1986 to 1991 and I got two degrees in this time period: one BA in International Relations from the School of International Service (SIS) at the American University and a MA in Strategic Studies from the Paul H. Nitze School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at the Johns Hopkins University. During these same years I also worked for several (very conservative) think tanks.  The following is a summary of observations I made during this time period and after.

First, and I think that this is crucial, I would argue that a generational change took place in the late 80s, but it all truly began with Ronald Reagan’s Presidency.  Let me explain.

It is an undeniable fact that, in the past, US colleges had a very good reputation worldwide.  Just the number of foreign students coming from all over the world is a good indicator of this reality.  And you cannot have a solid university/college/academy without solid, knowledgeable teachers.  During my 5 years in Washington DC, I had the chance to have teachers with very diverse and interesting backgrounds including people with the following backgrounds: (just a few examples I remember best)

  • UN Naval Intelligence
  • Office of Net Assessment
  • DoD (all branches except Marines)
  • White House
  • CIA
  • Northrop/McDonnell Douglas Corporation (YF-23 division)
  • PMCs (Israeli)
  • GAO

Most of our adjunct teachers, as opposed to tenured academics, had teaching as an “evening job” (literally) while during the day they would work on their “normal/real” jobs.  Even during the Gulf War, we had teachers who were planning strikes in Iraqi targets during the day and come teach classes in the evenings.

I would describe many of them as the “Colonel Macgregor types”  as he is very much of that old, Cold War, generation who had no use for the “crazies in the basement” and whose expertise was indisputable, even when their politics were not.

And yes, we also had the option of taking classes from folks form the CIA and the DoS.  But those are a special category, and here is why: most, but not all, of the folks which came from the agencies I listed above did not have early in their careers strong views about the USSR, Russia or the Russian people.  Instead, they would follow a rather “technical” career path first and then, over time, they would develop views about the Soviet Union and Russians.  Say a guy skilled with radar systems would end up studying Soviet radars and gradually develop a natural interest towards the people operating these Soviet radars.  In most cases, I would sum the views of this generation of people as follows: a strong dislike for Marxism, Communism and even Socialism (which, frankly, most of them were totally ignorant of) but  without any idealization of US tubocapitalism or imperialism which they viewed quite cynically as “we do it because we can” combined with “we take orders”.  They also had a very healthy respect for the professionalism of their Soviet counterparts and, quite often, a real fondness (no, I am not kidding) for the Russian people and culture.  One of my absolute best teachers was a former USN intelligence officer who spoke pretty good Russian and who was of Polish (!) origin.  We became good friends and I can absolutely attest to the fact that this man was a true russophile.  Now, I would not say that all our teachers were necessarily pro-Russian, but most of them saw the Marxist USSR as the ideological enemy and not the Russian people or culture as such.

There was not #cancelRussia in their minds.

Things were quite different with the folks from the CIA or the State Department.  I believe that most (but probably not all) of their members INITIALLY  chose “anti-Soviet” careers because they were motivated by a hatred of Communism/USSR/Russia and so they made their careers by being “hardliners”, i.e. folks who would parrot any kind of cliches about the Soviet Union, no matter how silly.

I should add that the former generation was mostly found in departments like international relations, security studies, strategic studies and the like while the latter typically taught in departments like political science or government studies.  At SIS/SAIS we called them “political science freaks” and they did not interact much with them.  And yes, those with STEM brains would typically come from STEM fields to an appreciation of Russian people and culture, while there were very few STEM types amongst the “political science freaks” (hence their choice of more ideological courses over more technical ones).

But then, as I mentioned above, Ronald Reagan happened, and that had a huge impact on the US political scene.

Before Reagan, you had paleo-liberals and paleo-conservatives, the former would be inclined to get degrees in stuff like “peace studies” while the latter would study get more “geostrategic” degrees or even military academies.  Then Jimmy Carter became president and his many failures and weaknesses secured the triumphant election of Reagan.  At that time, there already was a small and nasty group of ideologues which, over time, became known as the Neocons.  These Neocons, while not bright be any measure, were clever enough to understand that the Democratic Party was crushed by Reagan and that the power now was with the GOP.  So here is what they did:

The (proto-)Neocons began financing (paleo-)conservative think tanks like, say, the Heritage Foundation.  Then, as major sponsors of the many think tanks around DC, they would get their own people elected to the board of directors of these think tanks.  Pretty soon, the typically (paleo-)conservative Presidents/Chairmen/CEOs of these think tanks would be replaced by real, hardcore, Neocons.  After that, it was RIP for any form of real, traditional, US conservatism.

Needless to say, the “old guard” (mostly Anglos) only had disgust and contempt for these ideological freaks, if only because the latter were amazingly ignorant.  But money talks, and over the years, expertise was replaced with “hardliner loyalty” and a very strong ideological alignment on the worst of the worst of what used to be called “the crazies in the basement” (which referred to both the Pentagon’s basement and the White House basement).

Now it is crucial to understand how much the Neocons hate Russia, which is rather difficult and very counter-intuitive for normal people.  The Neocon level of hatred for Russia very much qualifies as crass racism of the worst kind.

[Sidebar: I have been warning about that since at least 2008, see here: “How a medieval concept of ethnicity makes NATO commit yet another a dangerous blunder“.  And now, FIFTEEN years later, I am quite horrified that my predictions are now coming true before our eyes.  I really, sincerely, wish I had been wrong…]

That kind of rabid mindset is something which might have existed amongst some paleo-conservatives, but I personally never met such people (at least in the USA; in the UK the entire British ruling class has been viscerally racist and russophobic for centuries!).  It is thus not surprising at all that in lieu of competence, these Neocons would instead “compete” on “who could be the most anti-Russian” and to achieve this status ANY argument – no matter how self evidently stupid – was uncritically considered as valid and legitimate.

You might wonder why the “old guard” did nothing to stop that infections rot.  And, in fact, some tried, I personally know of two think tank directors who tried, but they were betrayed by the Reagan Administration which seemed quite happen to have rabid russophobic racists even in very high positions.  Finally, this is the US of A, the “best democracy money can buy” and where the dollar is king.  Simply put, the Neocons had A LOT of financial resources, much more than the paleo-conservatives, and they simply “bought their way in” into the US ruling elites.

Then the inevitable happened: when the professionally competent paleo-conservatives saw their institutions and organizations overrun with incompetent ideological freaks, they either kept a low profile and waited to retire or simply resigned.

This triggered a precipitous decline in the competence of the US ruling class.

In the meantime, the liberals began to realize that the Neocons were ridiculing them as “weak on defense” and, basically, as losers.  So they tried to show that they too could be as “hardline” as the next guy.  This is something which affected liberals not only in the USA, but also in all of Zone A (including all of Europe).  Simply put: the liberals did not have the courage, fortitude and honor to fight for their values, so they simply caved in to the trend set by the Neocons and the ugly phenomenon known as “Neolib” increasingly completely replaced old style liberals.

This is why today we see the ugly sight of pseudo-liberals trying to out-Neocon the Neocons.

And, again, just like their paleo-conservative counterparts, the paleo-liberals either kept a low profile and waited for their retirement or resigned.

Some, like the late Professor Stephen Cohen did resist and refused to go with the flow, but he was vilified, ostracized and, eventually, completely ignored.  Yet, to his last breath, Professor Cohen remained a world-class historian and analyst, true to his ideals, and a sincere friend of Russia.

But in the public discourse, the few “Stephen Cohens” were replaced by the many “Eliot Cohens”.

After that, is was all downhill for the US polity.

George H.W. Bush was probably the last “old style” President, then one freak replaced another.  Clinton was a total puppet of the Neocons.  As was Dubya.  Obama, apparently, did not come out of the Neocon camp, but he was so quickly co-opted that it made zero difference.  And, as we all know, while Trump promised to “drain the swamp”, the Neocons got him to heel in less than 1 month (when they made him betray Gen Flynn and got the latter’s head “served on a platter” to them by Trump and Pence).  As for Biden, his administration is pure, genuine, 100% certified Neocons with Neolibs and assorted woke freaks thrown in for “diversity” purposes.

Why does that matter?  Because he who controls the White House controls the money flows which, in the reality of US politics, is the one thing that matters most.

By the way, 9/11 played a crucial role here.

It is quite obvious that 9/11 was a Neocon “inside job” and that is served as a pretext to start the GWOT.  However, it also had another very important role: it forced each public figure in the USA to chose one of two camps:

  • Be obedient and accept the (terminally idiotic) conspiracy theory of the White House or
  • Lose your job, position, reputation and means of income.

Most, unsurprisingly, caved in and 9/11 ended “biding up together” the entire US ruling class.  That type of bond is the type criminal accomplices have: if one goes down, everybody goes down, hence the omertà around the topic of 9/11 even though it was proven by a preponderance of evidence and even beyond reasonable doubt that 9/11 was, indeed, an inside job.  After 9/11, true dissent was completely removed from the US political discourse.

By the way, something similar happened to Europe, except that the categories were somewhat different.  In Europe (I am talking about the real Europe, not the “enlarged” EU with eastern Europe included) there were real patriots in most countries.  Yes, the USA was the senior partner, but there were enough political leaders which were capable of saying “no” to the US and care for their national interests first (I think of Mitterrand and even Chirac here).  That generation of politicians and decision-makers gradually was replaced by a new generation of actors whose entire career plan was to unconditionally and fervently serve US interests, even at the expense of their own countries (Macron, Scholz).  And while I would not call EU politicians “Neocons”, I will say that they are the faithful, loyal, servants and slaves of the Neocons.

And, just as in the USA, the competent and patriotic decision-makers were replaced with ideological stooges who has zero expertise or honor, but whom the USA would support as “loyal servants”.  Opposition to US imperialism in Europe was relegated to a distant margins of public discourse.

I would argue that the 90s were the years of the absolute triumph of the Neocons who took total control of both the USA and the EU.

So what are Neocons really like?  First and foremost, they are extreme narcissists and, as is often the case with narcissists, their obnoxious self-worship, sense of entitlement and hatred of the “other” all come from a deep seated inferiority complex (believe me, they *knew* the contempt they were held in by the old generation of US decision makers, and they *knew* that they were seen as the “crazies in the basement”).  So besides being self-worshiping racist narcissists, they were also filled with resentment, a desire for revenge and a unbreakable “us vs them” mentality..

Also, and contrary to popular belief, they were not very smart (if only because being truly smart requires both humility and expertise, something the Neocons are totally devoid from).  In reality, the big competitive advantage of the Neocons over the “old guard” was not brains, but drive.  This is something we often observe in history: the folks who actually seize power are rarely the smartest ones, much more often you see folks with a tremendous ideological drive.  A perfect example?  The German Nazis.  Please name me one truly educated and smart Nazi!  Hitler?  Nope.  Himmler?  Nope.  Goering?  Nope. Speer, better, but he was not much of a Nazi to being with.  Hess?  Nope.  Karl Haushofer, Dietrich Eckart or Alfred Rosenberg?  Pheuleeze!  And I won’t even go into the true morons à la Streicher or Strasser.

Yet the Nazis not only took power in Germany, they managed to convert most of Europe (with shamefully little resistance!) to their idiotic ideology or their genocidal policies.  It is quite a testimony to the power of evil stupidity to see how eighty years later(!), the united West is now openly following the exact same policies as the Nazis did in their very short rule (the promised “thousand year Reich” turned out to last 12 years only!).

Finally, I have to mention one more thing: for the US Neocons the election of Trump was quite literally a slave revolt and a slap in the face.  While Trump proved to be sub-pathetic by any measure, the fact that a majority of US citizens were willing to prefer him to the “Neocon & Woke diva” Clinton was absolutely traumatic.  Having the total control of the three branches of government, AND the media, AND academia AND the financial sector gave the Neocons the illusion that they had finally “made it” and then suddenly, and pardon my French, the people of the USA send them a loud and heartfelt “f*ck you!” and voted for the one candidate which the Neocons had absolutely demonized.

This was perceived by the Neocons and their cohorts as a blasphemy, a sacrilege, an absolutely unacceptable “revolt of the serfs” and that is why the Neocons decided never EVER to allow such a thing to happen again (and we all know what they did next).

The bottom line is this: the USA faced a perfect storm:

  • A social model in which the Almighty Dollar decides of everything
  • The most formidable propaganda machine in history
  • A “old guard” ruling class too weak, cowardly, confused and (comparatively) poor to resist
  • A terminally corrupt Uniparty system which is easy to suborn
  • A society which does not instill the kind of demonic ideological fervor which Neocons are raised in, which makes non-Neocons easy prey for the Neocons.
  • A country and society in which the concepts “right” and “wrong” have become meaningless and have been fully replaced by “might makes right”, not just de facto, which already had been the case for centuries, but also de jure.

Add to this the (mistaken) notion that the US had won the Cold War and even the (even more mistaken) notion that the US had won WWII, and you have the narcissistic explosion we witnessed in the 90s.  And here is the irony: the flag-waving “patriots” which “support out troops” never realized that they were (and still are) being used by the Neocons which, in reality, are the *least* patriotic of any political force in the USA.

Again, 9/11 and the subsequent GWOT are a direct consequence of the pseudo-patriotic fervor which overcame the US society like a tsunami (the USA before 9/11 was a very, dramatically different, country form the post 9/11 USA).

This is all relevant to understand the current Neocon stance: while they have been successful in putting down the “revolt of the MAGA serfs”, Russia, which used to be run by arguably the most corrupt ruling class on the planet for decades (imho: from Krushchev on and including Eltsin) suddenly also revolted!

That was categorically unacceptable to the Neocons.

By the way, it is interesting to note that while now we have irrefutable evidence that Russia did not interfere with US elections, the Neocons almost instinctively make a connection between the “revolting MAGA serfs” inside the USA and the “revolting Russian serfs” outside.  And, truth be told, I would argue that the people of the USA and the people of Russia have the exact same enemy.  The difference is that the US political system, a truly totalitarian system, cannot be subverted from the inside, but it can very much be defeated externally (if only because this system is BOTH non-viable – it is based on exploitation and imperialism – AND non-reformable – because it is absolutist in nature).

Fundamentally, the Neocon contempt, hatred and fear of Russia is no different than their contempt, hatred and fear of the “deporables”.  For those who view the world through an “us vs them” ideological prism all the “non-us” are dangerous “thems” which need crushing.

Conclusion: we have what we have

Andrei Martyanov is absolutely correct – the US is run by absolutely ignorant, incompetent and outright evil narcissists.  For such people, expertise is not at all a desirable trait, if anything, it is potentially very dangerous.  Loyalty, which in the Neocon context means “corruptibility”, is much more desirable.  One example to illustrate the point:

It was not enough for the Neocons to take control of US think tanks and academia.  Even RAND, AEI, CSIS & Co. was “too scary” for them, hence their own creation of the so-called “Institute for the Study of War” which is not an institute and which does not study anything, least of all, wars (Neocons have zero military expertise).  And now even Russian (!!!) sources refer to the “studies” of this “institute” as something credible.  Such is the power of the media.

Which is hardly surprising if we think of what kind of expertise modern does a journos have? At best, they are only actors.  At worst, clueless presstitutes.

Again, Martyanov is right, the overwhelming majority of the political commentators and talking heads out there get their “understanding” of war from Tom Clancy books, Hollywood propaganda movies and clever marketing by the US MIC and Pentagon.  At best, these journos can write summaries, find “angles”, including the obligatory “human interest” bull, and they have *access*.  But what  they don’t know, or even care, is that that access is granted only to the doublepluspoliticallycorrect journos.  Mostly, they have no morals at all and they don’t care.  They are in for the money, nothing else.  My only objection to the term “presstitute” is that is is very unfair to prostitutes (who, after all, usually DO deliver what they get paid for!).  Sadly, I can only agree with the French philosopher Alain Soral (who is being viciously persecuted for his views, but not “human rights” organization would ever dare to defend, if anything, they want him lynched!) who said that there are only two type of journos left: prostitutes and unemployed.

That is true of all of Zone A.

So no, as somebody who has seen all this from the inside (I had plenty of journalist friends, by the way, I know that world too), I can only fully confirm what Martyanov repeats over and over again: all of Zone A of 2023 is run by either the Neocons or their loyal servants, and the past 30 years or more have seen an absolutely epic, historical, cataclysmic brain drain form the western ruling classes.

One last thing: it gives me no joy to write the above.  Frankly, if it was just a purely internal US issue, I would not care very much (their country, their problem, their choice).  But that reality is the single biggest threat to our entire planet right now.  And it absolutely terrifies me when I see how few people out there understand and realize that Martyanov is quite correct.  And, for the record, there are plenty of topics in which Martyanov and I disagree, so I am not siding with him because I consider him a friend (which I do) or because he is my “maître à penser” (which I don’t).  No, I fully back him on this issue because for as long as the USA will be the proverbial “monkey with a (nuclear) hand grenade” the Neocons will continue to represent an existential threat to our planet.  And with the Neocons in total control of Zone A, that risk will remain with us until these crazies are sent back to some basement or they blow up the entire northern hemisphere.

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January 21, 2023 7:24 am

As a former member of the intelligence “community” and one of the patriotic “deplorables”, I absolutely agree with this guy’s analysis. I believe our readers know exactly who most of these Neo-Con’s are. I am afraid it will take extra-legal actions to recapture our country from these crazed weasels.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
January 21, 2023 1:56 pm

“…recapture our country from these crazed weasels.”
– S. Sage

Recapture our world from the demonic Evil Fuckers.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 21, 2023 2:55 pm

Since they have been using nothing but “extra-legal actions” in all of their machinations, nothing less will be appropriate in return. However, our efforts would be to reestablish rule of law and not to mock or flaunt it. (I hope)
I just finished reading “The Banditii of the Prairies” (Edward Bonney) which I first read fifty odd years ago. While we think our situation is dire today, and it is, it was hair raisingly corrupt and bloody in most of the midwest US in the 1830’s to 1850’s. The “good folks” in that era hanged the fuqueres whenever they could get their hands on them.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 21, 2023 7:40 am

What did I learn from that tedious read?

Should those building a new government in the future ever emerge from the wreckage of this collapse, I have but one word of advice- never allow anyone to govern who hasn’t accomplished something in life. I don’t mean obtain a degree in wonkery, I mean actually accomplish real things, like build houses, invent something useful, breed a sturdy line of livestock, walk across Antarctica, sail around the world using nothing more than celestial navigation, paint a thousand landscapes.

The one thing everyone currently in power shares is a life lived entirely inside theories, concepts, and ideas. Pseudo intellectuals who have never put anything into practice using their physical bodies united with their mind and soul. These are the men without chests that C.S Lewis warned us about. Their entire world is ethereal, not natural. I’m not against people spending their lives however they like, but they clearly make the worst leaders and managers of men.

The world is integrated, not atomized.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 21, 2023 8:44 am

I’d mostly say the same thing about anyone who pushes paper around for a living.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 21, 2023 2:15 pm

What a very insightful comment, which is your norm.
As an engineering student many decades ago, I drank, partied and socialized with many medical and law students. I always thought that there were a few of the law students that were smart enough to get through engineering school, they just chose the wrong path!

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 21, 2023 3:01 pm

You are required to have an engineering degree to be a patent attorney, so there are some. My cousin’s grand daughter has a degree in chemical engineering and is now getting a law degree.

  Harrington Richardson
January 21, 2023 8:36 pm

It has to be a technical degree, not necessarily an engineering degree.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 21, 2023 3:17 pm

The world is integrated, not atomized.

From the recent article “Divide and Rule: The Plan to Make You Disposable”….

“The way you design the world in your mind is the way you relate to it. When you design it as dead matter just to be exploited, you will exploit it. When you design it without any understanding of limits, you will violate the planetary limits.

When you design it with deep recognition of interconnectedness, you will nurture those relationships. And this basic recognition is what I drew from my learnings in quantum theory — that nonlocality, nonseparation, interconnectedness … is the nature of reality.”

But in the quantum world, Shiva explains, “There is no separability. My thesis was on nonlocality in quantum theory. Everything is interconnected. There are no fixed essentialized qualities that have been built into the way people are looked at, nature is looked at. Potential is the defining quality in the quantum world, and because it’s about potential, it’s also about uncertainty.”5

Shiva states that the mechanistic world is based on a false illusion of determinateness, or a quality of being highly predictable. “In the quantum world, we know we cannot get rid of uncertainty,”

Divide and Rule: The Plan to Make You Disposable

  hardscrabble farmer
January 21, 2023 8:16 pm

I got about halfway through when I gave up having similar thoughts. I am not going to re-write my reply that got lost, though.

January 21, 2023 7:41 am

Remarkable read. Thank you for this insightful essay.

January 21, 2023 7:59 am

“I would argue that the 90s were the years of the absolute triumph of the Neocons who took total control of both the USA and the EU.”

Total bullshit. America was lost in 1963 when a utterly corrupt US government allowed the President of the United States to be publicly murdered by a foreign government and covered it up.

” Mossad killed JFK because he was going to shut down Israel’s nuclear program.”
Historian Martin Sandler CSPAN 2013

January 21, 2023 8:09 am

Wow! It’s amazing the number of power bases that detested Kennedy. The MIC, CIA, anti-communists, red-necked bigots, etc. He was surrounded by a rogue’s gallery of murderous loonies.

January 21, 2023 9:11 am

Protestants hated JFK because they are taught from birth to hate Catholics, mostly because they are Judaized idiots.

January 21, 2023 10:10 am

For the imbecile who down voted this comment.

To throw some cold water on your flaming hatred for Catholics, the man on left is Catholic and a patriot and was murdered because he put America first. .The man on the right is an evangelical and a Deep Shekel’s pwnd traitor. Also, it was the so called evangelical movement of Judaized morons who go the bullshit about Russian being Magog and responsible for waging war against their beloved Khazarian overlords, which is rapturtard nonsense, but led to immense hatred towards the Russian people and now is used to whip retards like you into butt hurt fervors that have no basis in reality.

comment image

January 21, 2023 10:19 am

Protestants bad catholics saintly RREEEEEEEEEEEEEE

January 21, 2023 10:36 am

No one is judging fellow Christians besides Protestants …all 22,000 denominations of them. If you weren’t such a total imbecile you would see how useful a broken and shattered Church is to the enemies of Christ. .

January 21, 2023 8:29 pm

None of the members of my church are judging other Christian’s salvation and faith. We just disagree with some of their teachings. One member even teaches kindergarten at a Catholic school.

Christ did away with the priesthood such as it existed up to his time. Roman Catholics are heretical with their hierarchy which has been the ongoing argument for 2000 years. Why do anti-Protestants always forget that the only unbroken church is Orthodox and they share many of the same views as Protestants?

I consider myself a brother to all who follow Jesus Christ. Following His commands are all that matters. I am not sure it is fair to think of the Catholic Church (RC and Lutheran definition) as broken and shattered.

My faith and prayer has lead me to stop worrying about everyone’s specific church doctrines, but I am happy to discuss the topics. I forget where it says there is more of God’s work to do than faithful people to do it, but it says it somewhere.

January 21, 2023 11:59 am

When I was a kid (Protestant) the tail of the cooked chicken being consumed was invariably referred to as the “Pope’s nose.”

Imagine my surprise when, as a dinner guest at a Catholic home, I heard the same part of the chicken being referred to as the “Parson’s nose.”

January 21, 2023 8:30 pm

That’s funny.

January 21, 2023 11:58 am

“they [Protestants] are taught from birth to hate Catholics,”

They may be taught from birth that Catholic theology is wrong. They are NOT taught to hate Catholics from birth …. you damned liar.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
January 21, 2023 1:00 pm

Childhood Catholic buddies worried about my Protestant soul.
They also told me to keep out of reach of a certain Priest.

  Oldtoad of Green Acres
January 21, 2023 1:31 pm

ha ha ha…but you didn’t mind gettin’ punk’d by your evangelical laydude.

” Philip Jenkins, in his 1996 book Pedophiles and Priests, [], looked at the problem objectively and dispassionately. Jenkins (who is not Catholic) found that true pedophilia is extremely rare, and perhaps more common among Protestant clergy, and is even more common among married laymen.”

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Oldtoad of Green Acres
January 21, 2023 10:37 pm

Around here we had to look out for Boy Scout leaders.

January 21, 2023 1:28 pm

lol… didn’t you vote for dubya and threaten people who didn’t …enuff said on your credibility.

January 21, 2023 1:42 pm

If you have hate in your heart for your fellow Christian, ask God for forgiveness and you will receive it.

” I still had my doubts about such a hate and refusal to know about Catholics in the Protestant Church.
The more I research about this issues, more I see is hates disguised as an argument.

To be honest, it is a bit sickening to see such a misguided hates among some (SOME, not all) of Protestant Christians.

Then again, all the people I have talked with who said Catholics are heresy have been believers of Jesus for longer than me. So I am wondering if there is any reasons that is acceptable and not from misguided information or hate, that tells me why Catholics are heresy?

If I marry a Catholic man, should I have religious conversion because the bible said I must treat my husband as my head and have him as the leader of the religion of my house? ”

January 21, 2023 8:36 pm

Is it not true that all Christians must share the Biblical view of patriarchy to be Christian? That’s a pretty strong view held by all the protestants in the South that I know. How does one convert from Christianity to Christianity?

SOME protestant churches fly rainbow flags and are clearly apostate. So those people absolutely should not be considered authentic Christians.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 21, 2023 8:38 pm

No, they are a Cult. I married a Catholic woman (Pinay) in 1999 and half way through Catechism, they wanted me to take an oath to the Catholic Church and I said I’d only take an Oath to God or Jesus. A Priest called us in and asked me when I committed adultery. I confessed in 1970 or so and he told my wife he could get her an annulment; I almost took a swing at his jaw. I said I’m out of here and will never be back. She still faithfully goes and gives the NWO Communist SOBs money.

January 22, 2023 10:45 am

Not sure I’ve ever seen a comment posted by you that wasn’t hate of someone, something, or some group.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 22, 2023 7:27 pm

That makes me feel awful but I probably deserve the criticism; I see America as far too stupid (liberal), lazy, greedy, wicked and cruel; I know it because my life started like a stray White mutt dog that a lot of people kicked for various idiot reasons, and some then got bit; I developed the balls to call a spade a spade. It’s not hate but despair I feel for my fellow Americans be they wealthy or working poor. I am like Jeremiah weeping for Americans because I see they have been weighed in the balance and come up way short; they are rich in goods but foolish, insouciant, irreverent, and naked in God’s eyes; they allowed the government to be taken over by criminals who have created enemies everywhere who all want to take revenge. Few deserve Golden Globes, Nobel & PulitzerPrizes, Grants and Scholarships, etc. The more a Prophet decries the sins, the more the sinners cry to burn the Prophet.

  rhs jr
January 22, 2023 7:48 pm

Liberal \Lib”er*al\ (l[i^]b”[~e]r*al), a. [F. lib[‘e]ral, L.
liberalis, from liber free; perh. akin to libet, lubet, it
pleases, E. lief. Cf. {Deliver}.]
1. Free by birth; hence, befitting a freeman or gentleman;
refined; noble; independent; free; not servile or mean;
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 23, 2023 1:35 am

liberals: support homosex, abortion, socialism, dope, atheism, anti-gun laws, dumbed down public schools rules, body tats and bling, metallic music, EV cars, climate change, CV-19 Shots, CBDC, Affirmative Action, condone adultery and fornication, unwed births, open borders, no voter laws, Walmart dress code, shop lifting, reparations, welfare, universal income, no bail, short sentences, free college education, free housing, free food, free medical, free child care, free transportation, free computers, free school supplies, free lunches, free utilities, free home improvements, free solar, free assistance for minority farmers, assistance for minority businesses, free legal services, free abortions, head start programs, minority community grants, Black Colleges, Black only Zones, Black Pageants, Black Awards, etc etc.

  rhs jr
January 23, 2023 1:39 am

Do they really? Sorry to hear you think all that by definition is befitting a freeman.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 23, 2023 3:37 pm

An English word will usually have more than one meaning, especially when Marxist abound with their Double Speak turning the language inside out, upside down etc, like “Gay”, “affirmative action”, “woke”, “choice”, “equality”, “social justice”, “Liberal”.

  rhs jr
January 23, 2023 3:49 pm

So you a perfectly happy to agree with them, never mind that no dictionary supports your contention. Seems to me that it is you who are trying to change the meaning of the word. They certainly don’t mind being called liberal, as well they shouldn’t, you are giving them the high road, unless you really think that scum is befitting a freeman.
Why would you compliment your enemies? Is it any wonder why people thinks the right is a bunch of fascist when the are against being free?

January 22, 2023 7:51 am

Bigots would have been sufficient. The adjective raises the question of your possible bigotry.

January 21, 2023 8:24 am

And, the Deep Shekel controlled destruction of our Republic ramped up immediately after the murder of JFK and has been ceaseless since.

“This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions. It will not reshape the structure of our daily lives. … ” Lyndon Johnson 1965 Immigration Act

“Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on … what the bill will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia. In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think. Thirdly, the bill will not permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals, illiterates, or those with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I noted a moment ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is likely to become a public charge … the charges I have mentioned are highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out of line with the obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of our heritage.”(Senate Part 1, Book 1, pp. 1-3)

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A government of ticket takers is not a government of We The People.

“Last summer, I said that to be a leader or influencer on the right, you need to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and be a Christian. I said in no uncertain terms that people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson have no place in any serious right-wing movement and resistance to the Regime unless they become Christians. I got a lot of flack for this from the media and many people on the right, but I stand by it, and now you see why. ” Andrew Torba

“He’s absolutely right. I don’t pay serious attention to any commentator who is not a Christian anymore, because non-Christians in the West have literally no ability to understand the nature of the global geopolitical conflict or the reason for the decline and coming collapse of the United States. And failing to understand either of those things, their analyses are always incorrect and usually irrelevant.”
Vox Day

What Happens When You Take the Ticket

Everything within Christ, nothing against Christ, nothing outside of Christ.
Tribe up or die.

January 21, 2023 8:28 am

Conservative Inc got this, bruh …vote harder.

January 21, 2023 8:48 am

Americans no longer have a representative government and haven’t for decades.

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January 21, 2023 9:58 am

Pic 6, no not the lotto, dem jews damned sure baffled Murika into stupidity.

January 21, 2023 8:39 pm

They get alleged Christians to kiss their wall, because it is a repudiation of Christ when he said “not one stone will be left standing.” Not one stone was left standing and that is not the Temple wall.

January 21, 2023 10:38 pm

ken- So, that is not the western wall remains of the temple? The Wailing Wall is the most important jooish place to all joos. Wearing the tiny hat and kissing/touching the wall is to bemoan the loss of their temple. Also means US actor pols are giving the I’ll tow the line signal.

January 21, 2023 8:39 pm

Pictures say a thousand words Flash, spot f’n on.

January 21, 2023 9:56 am

Dem jews damned sure baffled Murika into stupidity.

January 21, 2023 8:03 am

What an insightful piece. Thank God I fell in love with Ron Paul’s example 40 years ago. It shielded me from all the neocon bullshit. But it was painful watching many family and friends get sucked into their evil fold. I detested the Bushs and all their paid lackeys (please tell me where Rush Limpdick is buried so I can go piss on his grave). Despite all of their efforts I always did and still do maintain great affection and respect for the Russian people. They suffered terribly in the 20th century. We get a never-ending flood of remembrance about the holocaust where (supposedly) 6 million people died. As awful as that was the Russian people suffered 4 times that number. I’m thrilled to know their society is now prospering and healthy. I wish them all of God’s blessings. And if their leaders suck, ours suck much worse.

January 21, 2023 8:58 am

Every American needs to read this!

Every American needs to get over their

Absolutely unfounded arrogance.

WE EXPORT DEATH…’s all we do!

The World has turned a full 180° in less than 30 years.

Russia is imperfect (as we USED to be),

but NOT EVIL as we NOW ARE.

I see no resolution because we need a

REVOLUTION, and hardly anyone wants to

(brainwashed & brain dead citizens)

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
January 21, 2023 9:31 am

If anyone is interested in finding out about the mood in Russia right now this is an excellent piece:

Wars make nations

January 21, 2023 10:31 am

George H.W. Bush was probably the last “old style” President

Thirteen years before becoming the President of the United States, George H.W. Bush served as the 11th Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). Many believed leading the CIA would mark an end to his political career. Instead, Bush became the only US president to have previously held the position of DCI, which gave him a unique perspective on both providing and receiving intelligence.

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January 21, 2023 11:48 am

A Conquered Nation …

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
January 21, 2023 11:59 am

Two guys in trenchcoats walk up to Rocky & Bullwinkle.

One opens his coat, and there’s a badge that says “Army”. The second does the same and there’s a badge that says “Intelligence”.

Bullwinkle – “Don’t you think that’s a contradiction of terms?”

January 21, 2023 12:06 pm

” …. one of his “favorite” topics is the utter incompetence of western elites in general and US ruling elites specifically”

Of course Martyanov is 100% correct ! Duh!!!

I read his one or two articles on his blog every day, without fail. That being said, I think he’s an arrogant asshole. He comes across as being virtually the ONLY person who truly understands the war. Oh sure, there are exceptions …. for folks who kiss his ugly ass. OTOH he criticizes many on the same side as himself … Scott Ritter for example.

January 21, 2023 1:38 pm

Everyone is an arrogant asshole and a serial copy and past’er ceptin’ the holier than thou Stucky…btw thumbs down isn’t mine, so don’t go ass bleeding all in your husky jeans.

January 22, 2023 8:06 am

You, of all people, the KING OF COPY & PASTE, — shit that nobody ever reads — you, who rarely has an original idea of his own ….. yeah, that cocksucker is calling ME ” holier than thou”???

Eat shit and die you faggot fuck Catlick.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
January 21, 2023 1:27 pm

Tedious it is watching this Empire of Flies collapse.
A second personal acquaintance ended his life last night, the other in November, both too close.
The culture of death is strengthening, expect a dramatic increase of all cause, not just the vaxx, mortality.
Accumulating a spectrum of medical supplies and antibiotics is the current push.
Simply being thankful, saying prayers and getting ready, “Praise the Lord and pass the amunition”

January 21, 2023 3:32 pm

There are NO decent -moral people in the US corp/gov………..none-zero !

January 21, 2023 5:06 pm

Yet the Nazis not only took power in Germany, they managed to convert most of Europe (with shamefully little resistance!) to their idiotic ideology or their genocidal policies.

Eat a bullet, faggot.

January 21, 2023 11:24 pm

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January 21, 2023 6:03 pm

Case in point:

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 21, 2023 9:12 pm

Everyone should watch “Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick” on Youtube. Regarding the JFK murder: Officer Tibbets was murdered by a hitman not Lee Harvy Oswaldand his body was used as the JFK double to show one bullet hit JFK; Nixon was even involved in the JFK murder; the limousine stopped at a mark painted on the curb so a hitman could take a shot from 15 ft in a culvert but the McGruder film was manipulated by the CIA to make the car appear to continue to move; there were 7 CIA & Mafia snipers at the square and JFK, Connelly, the car, the bridge, the grass, the road, etc, were hit several times; etc. This video peals open the onion from about 1900 to about GW Bush.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  rhs jr
January 22, 2023 3:11 am

You couldn’t be down voting the video because it ain’t lying and I don’t lie; but I almost always get a down vote “just because” I must have a “fan”. Are you the same NWO Gov’t SOB that periodically crashes my computer when you don’t like what I write?

January 22, 2023 12:52 pm

any criticism of those whose delusions include their being made of a ‘finer clay’ than the rest of us, rendering them gods among the peons, cannot be wrong. all those sociopaths and psychopaths deserve is ridicule, not obedience.