A spotlight on our government malfeasance and incompetence is frightening

The past few years have created a pair of conflicting emotions regarding our republic and the people who govern us. We have seen the true lack of morality in our rulers and the criminal activities of the ruling class. I had assumed that eight years of Chauncey Gardener as president had pulled us to the depth of our nightmare. Sadly I was wrong. We have now reached the lowest common denominator of society with the real life Joe Bribe’em replacing little barry as lead in the movie “Being There”.

The initial curtain revealing arrogance, incompetence and malfeasance in our Deep State was drawn a few years ago. We saw Lt. Colonel Vindeman a Ukrainian/US paper pusher and Lisa Page the FBI adulteress and their justification of their actions involving themselves in the attempt to frame President Trump. Remember them? They believe they are ubermenschen and have the right to lecture us determine our futures. The feelings are typical of the paper shufflers and are now the operating philosophy of our permanent government employees. They are protected by their fellows and have no responsibility for their actions. The retreat of these criminals into the protective womb of DC has become standard operating procedure.

Washington is half beer garden and half brothel with the democrats believing they are the sole repository of moral virtue, “This is not how public servants should be treated,” Lisa Page. “Our group is the instigator of public policy,” Vindeman. Wow! That is a long way from Madison, Jefferson and Washington writing our Constitution. It does however accurately reflect the views of the cloistered parasites that govern us and instruct our children.

If we go back a few decades we can see the Keating Five as a point of revelation. They were the senators who were caught accepting bribes during the Savings and Loan scandal. The only name now remembered is John McCain. The other Senators were censured etcetera. He scraped by legally but was obviously deeply involved. Proof of greater criminal sophistication was solidified by his kickbacks in the Obama-Ukraine scandals. The large players in DC all have had their hands in the Ukraine pot. Biden, Obama, Kerry, Graham and Pelosi were all involved to name a few. That is how they come to DC, poor or struggling financially and leave multi-millionaires. Now that Biden is President, all is conveniently forgotten.

The next problem is that corruption levels are too high to brush aside. Policy is enacted by black-mail of elected officials. Chuck Schummer said that the intelligence agencies have 100 ways to get you. This is because the average politician has been involved in some sort of graft during his career. All exposure requires is to have a quick investigation into their finances and the truth comes out. That is excepting that you are honest or have an independent checkbook which includes less than 5% of the group.

How do these people think about themselves and others?Here are a couple of quick examples of incompetence and the uniformity of bureaucratic thought, not just financial malfeasance. Remember Robert Hansen? He was an FBI agent working with the Russians for a decade while he outed dozens of American intelligence agents and was responsible for their execution. In his little bureaucratic brain he felt that he was not given enough respect and that excused his being a traitor. That self centered reasoning led to many deaths. His brother in-law also in the FBI, heard him discuss retiring in Poland in 1985. Also his sister found $5,000 in a drawer in his house. His brother-in-law reported the situation to the FBI counter-intelligence group and it was ignored. His supervisor said of his revelations, “It’s just not the done thing” and did not report the situation.

The 9-11 crashes resulted from lack of communication among the intra-agency “intellectuals.” George Bush then proclaimed that islam is the religion of peace. That part of the speech was paraphrased from a Tom Clancy novel regarding a mid-east war. Bush’s’ arab friends were allowed to buy their way out of the US after being stranded at the grounding of all aircraft in the country. A private plane flew them out of the country. They were Saudis of the bin laden family. Rather pathetic really.

Another example of the intra-agency groups’ incompetence has resulted in a decade of wars in the middle east. The global warming hoax required a green fuels program to silence the screaming porkers and subsidize corporate farming. The passage of this bill in 2007 boosted soy and grain prices over one hundred percent in 24 hours. Within two years the governments in the Middle East were beginning to fall in the “arab spring”. The simpletons in DC did not consider that expensive food topples kings.(even Uncle Joe Brib’em) The lack of depth in the analysis indicates that left wing bureaucrats were in charge of the analysis. We are still there cleaning up the mess resulting from the intra-agency committees’ incompetence.

The errors made are pathetic. The sad thing is that the entire government is filled with these social rejects. How much control will we allow these expert slugs before …?

Biden, Clapper, Clintons, obama, Comey, Pelosi and McConnell need the chop to encourage the others.

The Madame

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 24, 2023 8:43 am

I see no evidence of incompetence.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 24, 2023 9:58 am

Yep, just premeditation and depraved-heart indifference.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
January 24, 2023 7:42 pm

And all the politician’s names mentioned and those supporting them in DC and worldwide, were simply doing the bidding of the (((usual suspects))), AKA the Khazarian Mafia….


The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  hardscrabble farmer
January 24, 2023 10:49 am

That’s the problem with optimists…they’re always looking to give the bad guys a free pass.

Perfect Stranger
Perfect Stranger
  hardscrabble farmer
January 24, 2023 12:44 pm

That is the scary part…

January 24, 2023 10:53 am

….and the people who govern us. We have seen the true lack of morality in our rulers and the criminal activities of the ruling class.

Voting and paying taxes to support this is one example of insanity. I’m not sure what to do as a single citizen out of 330M, but I kow this will not end well.

January 24, 2023 12:08 pm

Here’s what to do . . . having the right mindset:

The Great Reset Event-Destroying Mentality

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 24, 2023 10:59 am

Please watch “Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick” on Youtube; the depth and breadth of the US Elite corruption is unbelievable per se. It must be stopped somehow.

  rhs jr
January 24, 2023 11:38 am

And then, in response to the film, finally withdraw consent to being governed.


January 24, 2023 11:35 am

We need solutions:

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The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 24, 2023 3:48 pm

Every job is easier when you have the right tools. Sweet manure spreader! ;o)

January 24, 2023 12:08 pm

Vlad has the cure…the god of the sea…Poseidon.

January 24, 2023 3:00 pm

I wouldn’t survive that, but happy to take one for the team anyway.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 24, 2023 3:45 pm

A spotlight on our government malfeasance and incompetence is frightening

comment image

January 24, 2023 5:53 pm

The only thing more evil that human beings, are human beings that have been given power.

January 25, 2023 1:41 am

You forgot Lois Lerner.