Perhaps limited suffrage is not a bad idea after all

America does not exist as was designed in the 18th Century or even as remembered 50 years ago by the boomers.  We have been living in a comfortable shell allowing us to ignore what is going on outside of our orbit and are now paying a huge price for that self satisfied delusion.  The excuse of it being a gradual devolution is probably true in many respects but that does not preclude action now.  The generations reared by the boomers have no remembrance of the “good old days” unless you have spent time educating them. Even then, reading about the past does not have the significance of living it.  That is why the socialists have won.  Socialism always sounds SOOOO good to the simple people even after 130 years of failure. It has now been voted into action.

An egregious example of voter apathy that has been forgotten that while small financially is important to the overall picture of your insignificance and the contempt in which you are held.  That would be the taxpayer funded payoffs to the sexually harassed Congressional staffers who wanted to bring charges on their bosses.  From the womens’ point of view I have no doubts that these charges were necessary but having taxpayers fund payouts for your criminal sex life in outrageous.  These men are obviously not dream dates.  How arrogant are these guys?  They obviously do not care for your opinion of their actions otherwise it would be stopped immediately.  It is a microcosm of both contempt for you and political hypocrisy at its’ finest.  Did anyone change a vote because of this travesty?

The entire system of  Congressman and Congressional staff being exempt from the rules about obamacare and not being subject to negative performance reviews is abhorrent to most citizens.  But it is not abhorrent enough to make these clowns pay at the ballot box as almost all incumbents are easily reelected.  We are now at a place where our willful ignorance and citizen irresponsibility at the voting booth are coming to a head.

Are there transgender shower rooms in the Capitol? I suspect not. The list of provocations to your old rights is almost limitless. “Do as I say not as I do” is the watch word.  How about the parties and dine outs of the elite while you were locked down?  Perhaps the discrimination against small business during the lockdown might convince you of the malevolence of your betters.  Big boys have deep pockets and are easily squeezed for funds.  Never fear the Chamber of Commerce is on your side Mr. Businessman.  Ha Ha Ha!  Where were the street protests to stop this real inequity in your community?

Doctor Debra Brix of the CDC published a book saying she intentionally misled President Trump and the Congress and public about the flu bug.  Where is your congressman?  Why are their not firings and at least revocation of pensions?  Why did you vote for the “least worst option”?

There has been no budget since 2007.  Our future labor has been spent in 2000 pages that have been read. I wonder who figured that out?  This turned out to be the ultimate destruction of our representative system.  They have realized that they can claim to have no responsibility for the budget items related to subsidizing their friends while benefitting from the kickbacks from them.  I guess it leaves more time for fondling the help.

The Vote has become a joke. Use it or lose it. Maybe we already have.  That leaves only one option, the blade.

The Madame

Still Knitting

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February 3, 2023 8:34 pm

Those people don’t believe the crap they preach. They use it to acquire the power to live their lives by their own rules. It has always been that way and will always remain that way. One in a while things turn to shit on them and regular people temporarily drive them underground. However, the infection always seems to regenerate.

February 4, 2023 6:46 am
February 3, 2023 8:48 pm

Nice article.

It’s all over but the looting. Steering locked, painted into corner, iceberg hit, throttle stuck……

They know it, some of us know it but it does not matter. Even if a miraculous awakening of the ignorant masses, too late, the damage is terminal. Last line of the article time.

See (some of) you on the other side…. maybe.

February 3, 2023 10:15 pm

Snarlingly fantastic! Yeah! I have a short list of limitations on suffrage, running a bit into some limitations to obtaining and keeping elected office.

February 3, 2023 11:27 pm

i must admit,i thought that this was going to be about revoking or modifying the 19th amendment —

February 4, 2023 2:15 am

Voting? Bwahahaha. (Regains composure)…. bwahahaha …

While accurately depicted malfeasance in virtually every corner of human endeavor controlled by the satanic Cabal It’s written here day in and day out, somehow you believe that voting and it’s security is sacrosanct?

Oh no….. bwahahaha bwahahaha

Jermane And Germane
Jermane And Germane
February 4, 2023 6:18 am


After reading Admins information about your journey and where you have come from, may I make a couple observations and suggestions?

You seem to believe that voting was, at sometime, legitimate and that people here have become apathetic and that is one source of our major issues.

This view may have held some sway until about 10 years ago, or so.

Now people know voting has always been rigged – at least at macro level – like wrestling, NBA, NFL and anything where big cash and big megaphones (any mass propaganda device) are actually what drives the guy behind the curtain AND, more importantly, WHICH particular levers he pulls at any given time.

After the phones came, everyone (and I mean everyone) got internet access, and the access got better AND MANY alternative voices began to pop up. They were ALL saying the same shit I (and many others) were saying 10-15 years prior. Lew Rockwell was saying it and posting pieces from readers (he posted one of mine once) in the late 90’s.

As someone that literally went online the day the AOL disc arrived in April of ’95 in the US Mail, I can say I was the only person I knew at the time. By 2000, maybe 10-20 percent used the internet (mostly at work). Mentioning any alternative facts was met with glares (at best) at this time. People “didn’t know”.

But by 2008-2010, full uptake happened and I noticed things changing.

Now, about 10 years later, a huge portion of the population (of the planet) KNOWS that their governments are criminal gangs that are just screwing them.

WE, the people of this planet, had absolutely nothing to do with the criminal infiltration (of commies – a criminal gang masquerading as a political faction) of the leadership and macro decision makers.

When you write in that tone – the tone indicating (strongly sometimes) that it is the peoples fault in general that criminals have taken over and participation should be the choice over disgust – it will turn a lot of readers off at this point in time. Many have woken up (the original use of the term Woke meant you were aware of alternative media/facts – that was in like early 2010’s; commies co-opted and warped it as they do with everything…they’re criminals) and no longer accept (in any way) that they can change what criminals control via 100+ years of infiltration.

It’s not like stopping a criminal in daily life either – these people…THIS GANG, did it generationally and via deception, lies, threats, bribes, etc.

There is no way the average person could see or influence this level of criminality.

If you change the way the thinking about accountability is approached, I think you might have a lot more readers that continue to engage.

  Jermane And Germane
February 5, 2023 4:12 pm

We were told to be vigilant. We haven’t been.
Make all the excuses you like. Are you going to keep making them or start doing something.
Everyone can do something.

February 4, 2023 12:24 pm

The fact that no one wants to admit, is that democracy cannot work when you allow everyone to vote. That is because there are far more stupid people than there are smart people. If you allow the stupid people to decide issues, they will base their decisions on whatever they are told, because they have neither the inclination nor the intelligence to logically assess any issue.
Turning a democracy into a dictatorship is simply a matter of allowing everyone to vote, and then gaining control of the media. Once you have done that, you can simply use the media to tell the stupid how to vote and they will blindly obey.

February 5, 2023 12:02 pm

I absolutely agree JDog. I can’t verify this but I imagine that only a tiny percent does ANY research on political or judicial candidates at any level but especially at the local level. That is why the incumbent wins 98-99% of the time. Elections have been rigged probably since the sixties, likely even before that but now election theft is institutionalized at all levels.

I still think it is important to vote just to force the cheaters, which are not just on the left, to commit more fraud then they wish too shining a little light on their shenanigans. Exampled by 81 million votes for BiteMe which did shine a light but it was quickly extinguished by our enlightened political class with a big assist by the captured media, Fakebook, and Twatter.

The fact that they have indeed captured the media, as well as controlling almost the entire political apparatus makes it difficult to fix; well, it may not be fixable in it’s present state. The coming financial collapse may open a window to make needed changes, but it will be a crap shoot as to what direction it could and will ultimately take.

In any event, the more uninterested voters we have voting, the worse it will continue to get. The IQ of the voter is important but doesn’t matter if the voter is uninterested to dig in a little bit to find out something about a candidate on their own.