Death In The Senior Center

I turned 70 today. Seventy. Fucking. Years. OLD. I was in my late 50’s when I joined this motley crue here!  YIKES!!!!

Is 70 the new 50 these days?  Nope. Seventy is still  ….. fucking old age! I know this because of the questions that rumble through my now addling brain. Once upon a time when I’d hear others asking these questions I would say to myself, “Man, that person is old!“. And I was correct in that assessment. Questions like this;

“How did this happen?”  You have officially crossed over into waiting-for-death territory the very first time you ask yourself that. For sixty-nine friggin years you knew this day was coming … and now you wonder how it happened?? Seriously, you might want to consider getting tested for dementia. Be not afraid about that … you are still qualified to be President of the United States!

“But, but, why do I FEEL like I’m still in my fifties?”. Well, dumbass, it’s because your in the DENIAL stage of the Kubler-Ross stages-of-grief ladder. You better quickly climb to the “Acceptance” stage before you commit suicide.

“Why am I losing hair on my head and how is it making it’s way into my ears (and nose) and why are my ears getting so damned big? Why do my eyebrows look like a Fuller Brush?” Because you are. Seventy. Fucken. Years. Old. You really need to get a grip on reality, sonny boy.

“Should I get dentures now or wait another year?”. Friends my age are dying of  various and horrible diseases and I worry about this? Self absorbed prick! OTOH, our finest President, George Washington, had dentures.  They were wooden, I believe.  It was a hard wood. Jeebus, hard wood in my mouth at 70 … not exactly how I envisioned life in my declining years.

Life is hard.  It’s even harder when you’re stupid. And, lonely.

And a lonely life it has been for the past two plus years. I have kept to myself entirely … venturing into the outside world only to buy groceries, go to the library, and occasionally make a 20 mile trip to Barnes & Noble. My only in-person human contact basically has been my mother, and although I love her dearly, with all the pain she’s in (she turned 92 a couple weeks ago), she’s just not that much fun most of the time (although we are not without occasional gaiety and joy). Other than that, you TPBers are my only regular human contact.  And although 95% of you are really really nice and my internet friends, well, when you get right down to it that’s also really really kind of pathetic. Indeed, it has been my lifestyle choice, and I have my reasons. So, I’m not bitter or complaining … just stating observational facts.

So, I joined the Senior Center this past November.

The minimum age to join is 55 but, there are less than a handful that young. The vast majority are in their 70’s and 80’s. There’s a ton of things to do there. Bingo, for example, which is another sign that death is knocking on your door. They have a wide variety of exercise classes (regyoulah yoga, chair yoga, stretching for health, an exercise room, etc.), book discussion clubs, etc., and also various volunteer organizations one can be part of. And at noon they serve up damned good hot lunches for $2.25. So far I’ve participated in only one thing …. playing pool.

There are about 20 guys that play, and about 10 guys that show up every morning at 9AM, and we play until noon … 8-ball and 9-ball. It’s the most fun I’ve had in years. Great all-around camaraderie, laughter, whooping it up, and at least one or two heated arguments every day — whether or not a foul was committed, or a person is taking to long to shoot,  or they’re talking too much, and whatever else just to argue — and the f-bombs fly left and right, and I even got a couple of them to yell angrily at me (I play rather slowly), “Lurch (yup, that’s my nickname again, just like in high school!), you suck Diseased Donkey Dick!!”.  Truly. We’re just like a bunch of playground kiddies, except we’re stuck in old bodies.

Lemme digress and brag a bit. Every few weeks we play teams from other towns.  Back in November we played a team from Plainfield … all black dudes (and they were NICE as can be, so solly!) and all pretty damned good. Hustlers since they were in first grade! We had 14 guys go.  We pair up according to rankings, and I was ranked …. 14th.  I could hardly sink a “duck” sitting six inches from the pocket. Lurch sucked DDD, fer sure.

So, I practiced and practiced some more. After lunch when all the old farts could no longer play, I would stay until closing, 3:30, and practice.  I also watched countless youtube videos. And, I checked out two books from the library and read them, twice, cover to cover. It’s paying off. We play a team from Union in two weeks … and I’m now ranked third! I’m aiming for #1 but, I probably won’t get there anytime soon since that dude is 84 years old and has been playing the game since he was 18 years old while in the Navy (he’s an ex-SEAL, to boot!). About half the time he runs the table before I even get one shot. Fuggin old prick! I’m more or less counting on him croaking soon.

One more digression before I get to my main point, shortly.  I am sooooo glad I’m not in the Dating Game!!!  Generally speaking, I’m discovering that women just don’t age as well as men.  I would say that 80% of them have issues with weight control.  OK, they’re fat. And if you ever wondered if laying out in the sun and getting that gorgeous tan comes without consequences, well, just stop by our Senior Center.  The exceedingly wrinkled and leathery skin is a dead giveaway. Lastly, judging by conversations during lunch you know what two things old women mostly talk about?  Their dead husband(s) or their very many ailments …. and usually in great detail!  Hey, dudes … if you’re 70 or older and you have a good woman you better hang on to that gift from God with everything you’ve got! Cuz otherwise you’re looking at Dating Hell, my friends!

But, what I really want to talk about is this;  they’re dropping like flies! The following three short vignettes are true, but the names are fabricated. All this happened in just the last month.

1). Susan.  Susan was the wife of our second best pool player, George. She was one of the friendliest and happiest ladies there. A red-head who always had a smile and a kind word to say. At lunchtime I always looked to see if there was an open seat at her table. And one Thursday I did just that. She was all excited about throwing a big Super Bowl party, and seeing all her grandkids. She was a fussy eater and would often give me half of what was on her plate.  Anyway, Friday comes along and George doesn’t show up for pool.  George always shows up for pool. Around 10AM one of the ladies from the office informed us that Susan died the previous evening.  WTF??? She was only in her late 60s, according to her she had great health, and dammit I just had lunch with her yesterday!!!  Turns out that George went to watch his grandson at a high school basketball game, and when he got home she was lying on the floor, barely alive, and died at the hospital shortly after arriving.  I went to the viewing … open casket. They dolled her up real good.  She looked …. so alive, like she was just sleeping. Magic with formaldehyde! To tell the truth, I find looking at a dead body is fucken morbid and disgusting!  Only the second one I’ve ever attended.  I only went to support George, who was simply devastated.

2).  Harry.  I hardly knew him at all. He was a pool player from an opposing team from Piscataway.  But, my friend Joe knew him for years. So, Joe says to me, in his strong Brooklyn accent; “You see dat guy ovah dere? How old you dink he is?”  I guessed late 50’s … maybe mid 60s at worst. Wrong! The guy was 82 years old!  I’m thinking to myself “Holy crap, I GOTTA talk to this guy for a while and get some tips from him!”.  So, I did.  I sat next to him and we talked a good 20 minutes while waiting our turn. I told him he looks like that Mr. Clean dude (completely bald, highly toned muscular body, surely less than 10% body fat). There were no “secrets” other than living right; he exercised a LOT, never smoked, drank alcohol only on social occasions, was meticulous about what he ate, and took plenty of herbs and supplements. Like I said, living right. So, he went to Florida, the Keys, to do some scuba diving and fishing. And on the third day, this incredibly fit looking man simply died in his sleep.

3) John. I hardly knew John. He and his wife, Mary, joined one month after I did. Mary always showed up without John. One day at lunch Mary tells me that John used to love pool, that he played a lot while in the Navy (he was a lifer). I ask why he doesn’t come to play. Well, it’s because he’s not been feeling that great lately and he’s uncomfortable around strangers.  I tell her to tell him that Lurch (me) is also ex-military, and that I’ll take care of him, and make damned sure he has a good time.  Lo and behold he shows up the following week. I kept my end of the bargain, and we had a good time. He was great company. But, his pool game?  Well, let me be kind and just say it was “rusty”.  And he knew it. Mary said he blamed the house cue sticks … and, fer sure, they’re in pretty bad shape.  So, he shows up the following week — with a beautiful brand new $300 stick and case, which Mary bought him. And I say, “Dahum, you got an awesome wife.”. And he simply says, “You’re damned right.” And at lunch the next day I compliment Mary on her kind and loving gift, and then I say to her (really), “You know, when John croaks I want him to leave me that cue stick!“. She laughed, said “We’ll see.”.  Well, I had no idea that John was suffering from several ailments. And then one day, just like that, John croaked.

And this is how I found out. I’m at the pool table playing. In walks Mary. She’s holding the case with the cue in it.  She hands it to me!  And I’m wondering, “What the heck is this??”. And she says,  “John died last night and he wanted you to have this.”.  I was absolutely stunned. I just sat there with my jaw dropped for what seemed like eternity. And then the tears came gushing out. And I hugged her. And all I could say was, “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.

So, here’s the deal.  Please do not wish me a “Happy Birthday” (unless you really really feel called to do so). That’s not why I wrote this.  I wrote this because on my 70th birthday death is on my mind.  In addition to the above stories, three months ago a lady a few houses down from me, a lady I’ve know since high school died. Two weeks ago I saw another high school classmate make the obituaries. People my age are starting to drop like flies, or so it seems.

In closing, I just want to leave you with two pieces of wisdom. Nothing earth-shattering.  Advice you surely have heard at least a hundred times already.  But, my friends, it’s one thing to hear it … it’s another thing altogether to live it.

I guess it’s taken me about 70 years to live it … please, try not to wait that long yourself.

#1.  Be thankful every morning you wake up.  A thankful heart heals many ailments, is literally true. It can be as simple and mundane as I do almost every morning now; “Good morning, God!  Looks like I racked up [God loves pool also] another day! Thanks a lot!!“.  Many mornings I take an extra 5 -10 minutes to reflect on what it really means to be thankful. BTW, the days I forget to do this are usually lousy.

#2.  Live each day as if it’s your last day on earth. Because every one of us WILL have a Last Day.  And that day could be today. How do you know it won’t be? I’m sorry if you find that morose or depressing. Me?  I call it “Reality”, and I find it to be quite invigorating. You might also if you give it a chance.

Peace to all of you.

Live long and prosper.



I’m not afraid of dying. Not now anyway.  Maybe I’ll feel different on my deathbed. How can one be 100% sure ahead of time? Anyway, sometimes I feel just like George …. this is pretty funny.


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 27, 2023 12:58 pm

Happy Birthday Stucky! TBP is a great place for you to celebrate. You stand tall in the Hall of Master Commenters, and have enlivened many a conversation around here. I’m impressed by your recent life changes and your pool expertise. Please keep posting dear Sir.

I have you beat by five years. I did not find turning 70 to be too upsetting. I was single, and I decided it was time to free myself from the trap of trying to stay middle-aged and instead celebrate all the years of living. I stopped dying my hair. I had a perfect birthday party courtesy of my kids. All was well, my life filled with blessings. Stayed away from the Senior Center, though.

At 71 I met the man. He was 78, still worked hard running his own business, was young at heart, and had a lot more energy than me. He was also handsome and he asked me to go to dinner. There were a few health issues related to blood pressure and kidney function. Dating went on for three years. One day we we found ourselves in Nevada and, in a burst of optimism, decided to elope. So we settled into old age marital bliss.

After four months, the health issues became more severe. Illness waxed and waned and took over our life. Last spring, with major surgery and dialysis impending like doom, he wanted a last trip to Florida, where he had spent much of his early life. During that wonderful trip, I celebrated my 75th. Psychologically this was much harder than 70. I could see far off on the horizon the black horse and carriage that were starting their inexorable trip for me. 80 was going to be here before I was ready. Although I enjoy excellent health, I continue to await the failure of whatever decides to break first.

The surgery happened, dialysis was a disaster, hospice arrived, and my dear companion passed away just a few days shy of our first anniversary. Life really is a trail of love and loss and a long life requires more of both. The soul’s journey, as you so well know, Stucky, is the ultimate human challenge. “Letting go” is a huge part of any successful
reconciliation of the paradox I think. You have done well.

Carry on.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 27, 2023 3:28 pm

Kudos to you, Gayle. It takes a brave soul to open their heart up like that knowing that your time together might be short.

Who was it who said “It’s better to love and lost then to never have loved at all.”?

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Mary Christine
February 27, 2023 3:37 pm

My 80-year-old great aunt has found love again after her husband died a couple of years ago. They are both sharp and fun people. Both are healthy and have inner & outer beauty too.

comment image

February 27, 2023 3:48 pm


What a beautiful post.

February 27, 2023 4:11 pm

So sorry for your loss

February 27, 2023 6:19 pm

Thank you all for the love and care. A good discipline I have discovered is to keep looking forward, let the past rest.

February 27, 2023 7:55 pm

Your post removed some anxiety of getting old for me. My big worry is who will care for my autistic son after I go.
I am happy for the time you did have with your love, regardless of how short, and you sharing it with us has made us stronger.
Me at least…

February 27, 2023 1:03 pm

I started taking a 2665 mg capsule of turmeric root daily for the older age joint pains especially in the hands rather than the Meloxicam drug. I tried the powdered turmeric one mixes in whatever beverage and it literally sucks dealing with it IMO. With the cap its a good amount of mg taken once a day and don’t fool with the powder and the product is MADE IN USA. Yea!

February 27, 2023 9:12 pm

I think they took the Meloxicam drug off the market it had me halucinating.

February 27, 2023 1:04 pm

Happy Birthday Stucky! Always enjoy reading your posts. Have a great day Sir!

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
February 27, 2023 1:10 pm

By God Stuck. Have one helluva happy fookin Birthday!
Win the championship with that stick.

Anon y mous
Anon y mous
February 27, 2023 1:15 pm

Stucky – I’m glad that you have gotten out and about. Happy Birthday! I’m 61 and starting think the same way. My group of friends at church has buried four men recently, one only 55 and the others up to 95.

The only advice I have for anyone is enjoy the time you have, the people in your life and and be generous to others
so as to build treasure in heaven. I hope to hear well done good and faithful servant when I meet The Lord.

February 27, 2023 1:33 pm

“… and now you wonder how it happened??”

The past five years of denial, same as usual.

February 27, 2023 2:04 pm

Always enjoy reading your stuff. Looking forward to reading a lot more. Happy Birthday, Stuck!

February 27, 2023 3:03 pm

Senior citizen center? Fuck that. All my friends and neighbors are in the 60-80 range, with a couple exceptions, and we all live on acreage and we all work every day on that land, and we gather regularly to drink grog and talk shit. We ain’t going to no senior citizen center. And if anyone is poorly, we come as a group and work the acreage. That senior citizen center shit is for city folk.

Nice to see you, Stuck., my friend. Just keep breathing. Nice article. But fuck senior citizen centres.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 27, 2023 3:30 pm

A senior center is whatever you make it. Sounds to me like you made up your own type of “senior center” that works for you and your friends.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Mary Christine
February 27, 2023 3:42 pm

Exactly. Glad Stucky found something that works for him…and he’s having FUN.

  Mary Christine
February 27, 2023 4:59 pm

My family, Mary, doesn’t do the whole retirement home, senior center, assisted living horseshit. We do our best to die with some dignity. The last place we might see is the inside of a hospital before our lights are turned off, but we’ll still live (sic) at our residence.

But, I’ve got news for everyone. I fully intend to be the last man on earth just to test the will of a few women from the past; see if they really meant it when the chips are down. 😎

March 1, 2023 2:04 pm

>>>The last place we might see is the inside of a hospital…

Ideally, my last sight would be of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, from behind the windshield of an explosives-packed aircraft.

Sweet and proper it would be.

  Mary Christine
February 28, 2023 12:52 am

I am sure HSF will be pleased to find out that working a farm and associating with neighbors is the same as going to a senior citizen center.

Ben Thayre
Ben Thayre
February 27, 2023 5:33 pm

Agreed, on that HSF & Loop decision on mending the fence.
Interesting how out of standoffs and insults can come
some of the more respectful, strong friendships.
The way it should be, after dustups in the heat of the moment,
when common ground becomes the focus.

  Ben Thayre
February 27, 2023 8:05 pm

There you go

February 27, 2023 8:03 pm

Some don’t have the luxury of a choice.

World War Zero
World War Zero
February 27, 2023 3:04 pm

Keep on keeping on Herr Stucky and thank you for the good advice! I’m glad you chose the path of excellence at pool rather than b-i-n-g-o.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 27, 2023 3:24 pm

Fun thread! Something different and uplifting!

February 27, 2023 3:29 pm

I’m going to be 69 in a few months and have to admit that I have thought about the big seven oh lately. I’m mostly healthy and stayed very active into my 60’s until I messed up my rotator cuff playing too much tennis. I love the advice you sent and agree whole wholeheartedly with the message.

How’s that old Irish saying; “you are only as old as you feel.” Well let’s try not to think of the number called age, but instead focus on any simple joy we can find on any given day. When the time comes, we’ll most likely know it, and hopefully get to go to a better place then we could expect. Cheers and Happy Day!

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 28, 2023 2:43 pm

I started downhill skiing this winter after a 20 year absence. But I’ve remained physically fit over those years (actually down ~30 lbs in that time), playing basketball and going to the gym, plus taking walks and riding a bicycle. The bike riding kept my legs in shape enough to resume skiing.

69 is just a number (and a position, wink wink!)

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2023 3:32 pm

How do the get the pool balls to not move on a Naval Ship?

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
March 1, 2023 11:00 am

Amen Stuckmeister.
They never leave port!
Just keep focussing on God’s perfect glory, the perfect new Heaven and Earth to come and your perfect, eternal new body to be, not this current fallen craphole world.
Focus beyond it not on it.
Come quickly Lord Jesus!
May the second law of entropy be damned!

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2023 7:41 pm

OK, how?

  Eyes Wide Shut
February 27, 2023 9:20 pm

Don’t know, but my Uncle’s chessboard pieces had studs that extended into holes in the squares.

February 27, 2023 3:51 pm

I don’t know exactly what to say, but I won’t make the statement that I hate to do this 😎. I probably had my first thought of my own mortality well before even 50. Not because of any reason; simply because it occurred to me, maybe an injury or close scrape, i can’t recall.

But nevertheless I did think about it. After I had my big stroke the day after Christmas in 2016, well nevermind that; once I was discharged from the hospital, I literally thought I was going home to die. I’d already read or heard that people don’t tend to have just one, and upon release I’m so fragile. I needed help with most everything. Then if that wasn’t enough, our next door neighbor’s dad who was probably in his 80s (estimate) had some type of stroke prior and now suffers mini strokes all the time. Fortunately I had all three flavors of therapy. But I’m fairly hard headed if not strong willed. I absolutely was laser focused on returning to my trucking job at UPS. So therapy was fine if I could hurry through it and get back in that seat.

I had started reading things, starting with an autobiography by a man named Mark Moore, titled A Stroke of Faith, whose experience paralleled my own quite a bit. His stroke experience; his life itself, not at all. His life alone was worthy of an autobiography. Of course while also doing all this therapy every week, I had myriad doctor visits. I had a primary physician, a urologist, a pulmonologist, an ENT for allergies, neurologist, etc. So my days were quite busy. In my downtime still focused on the end of this magical rainbow of unwanted healthcare, I was reading and researching what was required and what obstacles and loopholes there were to get back to that job. But when I mentioned that to each MD, they all poopoo’ed it, citing all the reasons I’m never going back and I best move on.

Needless to say, I was a new patient to each of these doctors and even if I wasn’t, they knew not my propensity to skip red tape and do whatever it took, by the book or otherwise. It took awhile for me to accept that I wouldn’t get one single doctor to have my back. In this timeframe, I received my notice that I had to show proof that I had completed my annual DOT physical by a certain date, or my license, whether I physically surrendered it or not, would be cancelled in the system. So rather than chance that even my ability to drive a car wouldn’t be included was part of that, my wife drove me down to the town’s TDOT office to surrender it in person. Keep in mind, I’m highly editing this to not put more than one or two people to sleep.

The neighborhood where we lived was at the early stages of meeting my prediction and I’d long since had it with the neighbors across the street playing their boombox and their teenage son doing drug deals out front in an associates car. I had a 5 year plan when I signed the mortgage on that house which was right as the bubble burst thanks to old GWB and Wall Street. So my five year plan went to shit. We were gonna be stuck awhile.

I digress. So after all this wake up call that God dealt me, I at least wanted if nothing else; oh I forgot, my mom had passed away 3 years earlier and my dad while I was in the hospital. So we had money. I had a pension coming and was put on Social Security Disability. I wanted to get the hell outta there before the African nation of middle Tennessee had a big tribal war. I had long wanted to move to East Machias, Maine. It was a win/win retirement for me. At that time, Maine was a Red State, I would be near the ocean and my wife would get that picturesque white picket fence cottage style house. I could spend my days either riding my bike, kayaking up and down the river leading to the ocean or go fishing.

But her former life was here in Iowa. I hated Iowa, still not a fan and I’m constantly and quietly scheming to get us out of here.

Her adult son never had the benefit of a father figure as a child, who the birth father, my wife left in the middle of the night because of abuse. He still hasn’t grown up in his mid-30s. Has 2 kids, still plays in a going nowhere rock band. All of her friends from the job she left were still here.

So, she said she didn’t want to go to Maine. Well, kiss my ass.

So knowing that all of this waiting in Iowa, I went with plan whatever-as-long-as we get the fuck outta here. So I knew she’d agree to that. Here we are 4 years later. Her son treats her like shit. One of the only friends she had that I liked, a take-no-shit type is slowly losing her mind and severed ties with my wife. Another, older couple, the husband died about a year after we got here and it’s rare my wife ever talks to her. She has one friend left who had what I’ll term a troubled past. Stripper, etc. Now lives in a trailer park, used sex with a demented old man to get the gift of that trailer. Sounds like a truck stop waitress. You get the picture.

So tell me why I’m in nowhere Iowa instead of living my ideal or one of them in a scenic town in Maine?

Anyway the only thing physically wrong with me now; I was a tractor trailer driver for 6 years and took well to the sedentary lifestyle after 17 years of assholes and elbows. So my body currently reflects those final 6 years.

That’s it. And although I don’t know ye, Happy 70th. Hang in there.

February 27, 2023 4:20 pm

Interesting comment. People’s lives are fascinating even those that are considered mundane by those living them. Hope you see maine my family is there its beautiful.

February 27, 2023 4:52 pm

I do too, but I wanted to see it for the rest of my days. Of far lesser significance to that area, I wanted to see Timber Doodles (woodcock). But I had so much in my mind I’d spend my days doing.

Some will know
Some will know
February 27, 2023 6:28 pm

Hey Stuck, sorry for diverting from the main theme of your post, but,
if nobody minds, I’d like to give Empty a refill, k?

Noticing our own mortality…could be a post unto itself.
My wake up call came in 2020. Bear with me for a spell.
My last older sibling seemed fine at Christmas Eve, 12/24/2019.
Early January, ’20, tweaked his back lifting a branch out back of his pie shaped parcel behind his house.
Pain wouldn’t go away. Couple weeks later, he coughed up a little blood, so his Doc took an x-ray of his lungs, & didn’t like what he saw.
Ordered an MRI. The results depressed the Doc, who gave me older brudder a hug, wished him luck, and told him to consult with an oncology facility. Nearest recommended one was 1.5 hour drive away.
They didn’t do him right. Not at all. Trips to and fro were so painful, they borrowed a mini van, threw a mattress in it, so he could lie down for the trips, as that posture was a lot more comfortable to endure the pain.

Mind you, Corona hoax was just ramping up, so visitors were verbotten.
His wife, my SIL had to get mean, to go visit him at bedside when hospitalized near the end.
Them pricks wouldn’t even let his 2 sons in to see him, at 11 pm when their Dad took a turn for the worse, 8 weeks after multiple immuno-therapy treatments, hoping for a miracle, so he could spend more time with his wife, kids, and grandkids. He was just 64.
When I got the call, from the nephew that night, he advised not coming to the hospital, as, they wouldn’t even let him out of the lobby, mask, or no mask. This was all pre-‘vax’ days.
My nephew told me that my brudder had spoke of concern, fearing his own mortality when he started going downhill fast.
To combat that, he held onto his faith, and remembered a story from a female friend who had clinically died, but came back from the brink to report that what awaits us is angels…singing. Small comfort, I know.

Well, the next morning, I got the call. We lost him. Lots of tears.
Thus began my own contemplations of wondering how much time I might have left.

Worse, I’m the youngest of 4 siblings, and the older 2 are long gone, as well as Mom & Dad, so, I’m the only one left from the nuclear fam.
The details of how they all went, 3 of them way too young, are even more heartbreaking, but will spare you those details. It isn’t a pity party here.

Wait, there’s more. Before I had my road to Damascus moment, I still had to battle through a few personal challenges through 2021 and early 2022. Ugly ones, that might’ve caused some to throw in the towel, but by grace, I never succumbed to that temptation during the struggles.

Something changed for the better finally in mid Summer, ’21, and the road to a brighter outlook was graciously provided.
It was about then that the focus became to join the invitation, when any enjoyable activity was presented, or thought of, with absolutely no regard for the financial cost of it.
A wide circle of friends, besides my SIL’s family members and grandkids helped, but the circle of friends is much wider, fortunately.

Discovery: many of those kinds of experiences cost very little dollars.
So, too, many of them involve activity of focusing thoughts to those that are way more enjoyable. + ones, vs. the – ones. It’s a battle still, at times, to stay on track. Spiritual practices, and furthering growth, for me, bring about a whole new outlook on life.
Most recently, it’s a concerted effort to nourish that friendship circle, and work at even expanding it. I reach out often, and not in need.
There are eyes in this venue who have become such, and those few shall remain nameless, but they know who they are, and my gratitude for them is off the charts.
They have been some of the kindest, warmest people I’ve ever been associated with, yet were almost total strangers a few short years ago.

In the end, Carpe Diem, to the best of your comfort level ability.
But, I’d encourage and inspire, to stretch the limits of your comfort zones, even as old habits are hard to overcome.
Forgiveness, and moving on have been a priceless attitude to adopt, and I certainly haven’t mastered that one. Yet. I’ll keep trying, though.

As for the financial costs, to hell with it. I’ve never seen a Brinks truck following behind a hearse. We can’t take it with us. So, keep enough available to enjoy the finer things in life if possible, and take steps so you won’t be forced to eat canned cat food in your sunset years, if your spirit is not yet wanted in the realm where others who have passed before now reside.
We can give, and more than just monetarily, but that’s a good habit, too.
It’s amazing how much better our outlook can be, when we reach out to folks in the same boat as us, or worse, in leaky vessels they currently are trying to weather the storm in.

A smile. A door held open. A willingness to help, without being asked. Small gifts, that come from the heart.
When we take the focus off ourselves and our own struggles for as many times as possible in a given day, you tend to walk lighter, and not be as cognizant of the weight we carry around.
Whether it be on our shoulders, our waistline, or that self imposed shackle ball and chain around our mental ankle.

Then, when our number is called, we might be able to stand naked before him, without shame, without hoping for a fig leaf to cover up our sins. To hear: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Sin: An archery term meaning: To miss the mark. The targeted way we ought to be treating other people, and ourselves, but not at other’s expense.

It’s worthy of consideration.


February 27, 2023 6:45 pm

An incorrect assumption, but thanks for the green light.
A seasoned veteran here, with a few too many scars.
And yes, true, as diversion happens often enough to just accept it. There be worthy offerings sometimes.
Some types like to engage, but lay low with their ID.
Another flaw perhaps, but there are reasons, and it’s not always out of cowardice. It’s complicated, and others aren’t expected to understand. Tolerance is a noble trait. IMHO.

  Some will know
February 28, 2023 5:13 pm, so I followed this advice, even though it so far was only moderately reciprocated; I’m sure I planted the seed.

February 27, 2023 4:09 pm

The rats behind the curtain are waiting for all us old white guys with guns and skills to keel off so they can stack the faggots up in smart cities and deliver their gmo chow via drones

February 27, 2023 4:54 pm

They’d better get to us before we get to them. I can be incredibly mean and heartless when so inclined.

February 27, 2023 9:27 pm

Accurate. And sadly all they have to do is keep waiting, and not that much longer. The people with a spine are aging out of… life, and the more capable part of Gen X is basically going to retire and leave if they get the opportunity, as 99% of them assumed they never would. Some small part of younger generations may see the big game, but they are too few to change it. Maybe they can colonize some remote place and do better.

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
February 27, 2023 4:29 pm

All the best to you.

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
  Todd Packer's Mentor
February 27, 2023 4:47 pm

Reading through all of these comments, who knew this site attracted so many geezers? You’ve all got me beat by decades.

  Todd Packer's Mentor
February 27, 2023 4:55 pm

This is where you’ll find old curmudgeons.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
February 27, 2023 7:44 pm

curmudgeons of ALL ages. And cynics; and heretics; and agnostics; and blasphemers…

February 27, 2023 4:51 pm

HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD PAL !!!! Seventy is the new 40, IMO. Get drunk, get laid and throw up in a cab/Uber. Not in any particular order. 🙂

I’m older than you so stop being a winey ass and suck it up. Seriously go out and celebrate! I had two cocktails at dinner tonight to celebrate YOUR B-day…..worked for me.

You have your parents longevity going for you so I’m betting you will live to 100. Anyhoo, best wishes for a long life ahead of you and party on. 🙂 🙂

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
February 27, 2023 4:55 pm

“I had two cocktails at dinner tonight…”

What time was dinner? 3:30?? Do nursing homes serve cocktails?? 😊

  Abigail Adams
February 27, 2023 5:21 pm

Abby- Old geezers eat dinner at 3:30 to 4:00, cuz we are in the bed by 7:30 or 8:00 pm. You’ll find out how it works when you get to geezer status. 🙂

P.S. I’m at a fancy resort this week and I’ll still eat dinner early and be in the bed by 8:00 or 8:30. That’s what geezers do.

February 27, 2023 5:25 pm

PSS Abby- I also brought my own electric blanket cuz geezers get cold. 🙂

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
February 27, 2023 9:20 pm

I know you ain’t THAT old, BL. I sometimes see you posting late at night!

Fancy resort? Sounds lovely. Enjoy your vacation!

  Abigail Adams
February 27, 2023 10:06 pm

AA- I go to bed ,take a cat nap, and get a second wind for posting but I stay in bed. Just resting the body, the mind is still going. 🙂
Here is the one minute tour of the resort and we have a balcony like in the video.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
February 27, 2023 10:22 pm

Ah…so you’re a napper. Let’s see, naps, cocktails, early dinner, blogging all wrapped up in your warm blanket…now that’s the life!

Very nice hotel/resort. I’m jeally! Wait…I thought you wuz a gansta pimp?? NO WAY they’d let you in! On second thought, I think you’re lying.

I know the perfect resort for you if you ever make it to Colorado. You can even bring your blankey.

  Abigail Adams
February 27, 2023 10:32 pm

Have Admin check my location, he will advise where I be goin’ gansta in my blanky. We come up here several times a year.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
February 27, 2023 10:39 pm

I checked. He said you’re in Detroit – all the time. 😊

Have fun!!

  Abigail Adams
February 27, 2023 10:49 pm

I wuz lying about being a gansta pimp……..

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
February 28, 2023 7:58 am

Say hi to Larry Bird for me.

  Ben Lurken
February 28, 2023 10:20 am

Ben- Everything in this town is about Larry and basketball.

February 28, 2023 12:15 pm

March Madness soon. Just give Larry the bird.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 27, 2023 9:38 pm

Crap, you just reminded me it’s time to get ready for bed🤣

February 28, 2023 7:36 am

it is obvious that you have never spent any time here in florida,aka god’s waiting room —
beginning at about 3:15 pm,a minor traffic jam develops in every medium to large sized burg as the geezers rush down to the local restaurant 4 the early bird special —
bl ain’t startin no trend here,he’s just continuing it —

February 28, 2023 11:21 pm

Tampa- I don’t eat in places that have “early bird specials”. I eat dinner early to avoid eating in a restaurant full of noisy people with screaming children. I like to eat out when Pavlov’s trained dogs are waiting for 5/6:00 pm per their training. And I really do hit the sack most days by 8:00 pm. Best part of the day, you can read, comment or watch a good movie .

February 27, 2023 10:00 pm

“Get drunk, get laid…”
when my parents got divorced dad was 62 –he wanted women & liked an active social life —
he started dancing & believe you me,old women love a man who Can & Will get up & dance —
i was still single & was jealous as hell–the old man got laid just about any time he wanted –rumor has it that he was personally accounting 4 at least 5% of annual viagra sales –that went on until he started having health problems in his 80 s —
i can guarantees you that if you start asking around you’ll find some dances–
just get up there & shake your groove thing —

February 27, 2023 10:21 pm

You can order 300 Viagra for $320 from India. Be all that you can be Stucky.

Saxonns Wrath
Saxonns Wrath
February 28, 2023 8:47 pm

Like the label says,”seek medical attention for erections lasting more than four hours”….

If I’ve got a boner that last four hours, I’m going to be seeking EVERYONE’S attention, but almost exclusively the ladies…just to show them I have the latest in medical miracles, of course.

  Saxonns Wrath
February 28, 2023 8:57 pm

Saxon- If you get a boner that last more than 4 hours, you need to call the “HEAD NURSE”. 🙂 🙂

  Saxonns Wrath
February 28, 2023 10:26 pm

when i was about 30 i changed companies & was partnered up with a guy who was about 60-
that was pre viagra days & a guy had to take a hit or miss formula 4 getting it up —
the guy i was working with was totally open about his impotence,which at my age was freaking me out since i thought that that was something that rarely happened & guys shouldn’t tell others about it —
he told me that the 1st time he took the meds that the doc had prescribed he got an erection that would not go down & it was extremely painful —
after a couple of hours of pain he called the doc –doc said meet me at the emergency room
when he was in the exam room the doc pulls out a 6-8″ needle that was also much thicker than a normal hypodermic needle —
“what’s the needle for?” — to draw the blood off your cock–“how are you going to do that?”
by inserting the syringe into the side of your cock –“like hell you are”–do you want the pain to go away,make up your mind?
he said that he had to shut his eyes he was so scared —

February 28, 2023 11:07 pm

Tred-Doctors are sadists, the head nurse is your friend.

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
February 27, 2023 5:32 pm

Well happy Birthday. Can’t say I blame you for the morbidity. I’d be pissed at that age I suppose. Then again looking around the world made for my family and I now. I’d say I am already pissed. Don’t Need to wait till 70.

February 27, 2023 5:50 pm

Happy birthday.

ze bugs
ze bugs
February 27, 2023 7:35 pm

No need to go to the senior center. I can think of nothing more depressing. Just pull your pants up to your chest, hang out on your porch Walt Kowolski style and flip off anyone that annoys you. 🙂

And find some young person to mentor. Old people are boring.

  ze bugs
February 28, 2023 12:25 pm

No need to go to the senior center.

Exactly! It’s right cheer.

February 27, 2023 7:45 pm

Late to the game, sorry.
Happy Birthday to you, and I appreciate the contributions you bring to this wonderful freedom website.

February 27, 2023 7:59 pm

Joe- Stucky is the reason I came to TBP, back in the day he did really excellent pictorial essays and some completely off the chain irreverent shit stirring. He is the best and truly a good fellow with a good heart.

I hope we are all still here reading Stucky’s articles 10/15/20 years from now. 🙂

Gunnars Mom
Gunnars Mom
February 27, 2023 10:31 pm

I read here everyday and Stucky is my favorite. This is a wonderful, yet eye opening, example in our mortality. All the things we bicker about; in the end are nothing. I am 56. I remembering reading in Readers Digest? when I was a teenager, about a funeral of a mother that gave all of her children a letter at the funeral.

The letter to each essentially said “You were always my favorite”. Which they ALL got. I remember being so moved by that, as a teenager; that I in my own way, when I had kids, I wanted to replicate. I have had 6 children ( 1 died as a toddler). I have written a letter to each of my children each New Years Day. I tell them how proud of them I am. What they did that year to make me laugh, etc. I always seal and never re-open. My oldest is 33 and there is a trunk of letters for them to open after I am gone. Love letters, I guess.

My mom is 77 and I have my 102 year old grandmother living with me because family, blood or not, is all we have. They say it only takes two generations to be forgotten. In the here and now, we should all remember to not be forgotten.

This essay of yours, Stucky, has moved me.

Thank you and God Bless

February 28, 2023 12:20 pm

Could have Stuck mistaken for another , it may have been he that indicated ( to me) it is ok to drop f bombs here.

February 27, 2023 7:50 pm

Am 10 months and 22 days ahead of ya. Getting up every AM requires more effort, but still worth it, no matter what anyone says.

Enjoy every minute and kvetch less rather than more. Keep on writing, you have the knack and it keeps things interesting.

February 27, 2023 8:18 pm

A big fat fuckin Thank You Stuck, n Happy Fuckin Birthday.
I feel better after having read that, thank you. Best.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 27, 2023 8:29 pm

70 ain’t old yet, I’m 77.5 and still fairly active taking care of a farm; most guys don’t pass on until late 80s around here. I’m more concerned the government is gonna kill us all in one of the many evil and stupid NWO Yankee Pogroms like CV-19 Genocide, Chem-Spraying, blowing up Russian gas pipelines, sabotaging our food and fuel production, taking Political Prisoners and having Show Trials like J6; crooked trials like OJ Simpson, Alex Jones, and now the Reconstruction II Ga Atny Gen and a crooked carpet bagging Grand Jury found Trump and Kemp guilty but the crooked election officials innocent. What justice was sending three men to prison for life who made a Citizens Arrest and were holding a suspected burglar for the Cops when the suspect attacked the man with a shotgun and in the fight for his life, the suspect was shot; the other two men never touched the suspect but got life sentences? I agree with MTG; enough. Stuckey, you are to young for old folks crap; NJ must be killing y’all, get some mountain air for Christ’s sake.

February 27, 2023 10:17 pm

Stucky, you have enriched most of us with your contributions on TBP. There are many of us wish you well.

February 27, 2023 10:28 pm

I’m 70…I’m told I look ten years younger, people don’t believe me. I just tell them alcohol preserves you…I don’t know if it’s true but after a lifetime of enjoyment that’s my plan and I’m stickin to it.

ze bugs
ze bugs
February 27, 2023 10:47 pm

Here here!!!

God invented Alcohol to help us deal with Biden and Maskholes.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
March 1, 2023 2:14 pm

I’ll drink to that. Cheers!

Wildfire Watcher
Wildfire Watcher
February 28, 2023 3:15 am

Interesting read. Cathartic to express, I bet. The writer must weep for the reader to care.
You shouldn’t have to worry about death. You seem able to teach and willing to learn. Happy trails.

February 28, 2023 5:31 am

Stucky – May you have many moar trips around the Sun with your new found friends.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 28, 2023 5:55 am

Great thread, sorry I’m late to the party, but very happy birthday and many more I hope.

I enjoyed the story, glad you’ve found a skill set to sharpen. Always loved pool even if I never really got good at it, but man it was great to make a solid shot and win a game every now and again.

Peace pipe is always filled and ready to smoke if you get the desire to come up to the farm before too long.

February 28, 2023 6:28 am

I’m 43 with a daughter about to be born in April. I’ll be grateful to see 70 with the incoming global shit storm ahead of us. It truly is a privilege to see old age.

February 28, 2023 6:28 am

I’m 43 with a daughter about to be born in April. I’ll be grateful to see 70 with the incoming global shit storm ahead of us. It truly is a privilege to see old age. Happy Birthday

February 28, 2023 7:44 am

All you can do to try to ward off death is stay physically and mentally active. I’m 65 and workout regularly. I feel 45. But death has been in the back of my mind. It doesn’t help when a sister, cousin, and two best buddies all age 70 and under die in the last two years. It’s really important to have a friend or two you can “bust balls” with and thinks the same way you do.

February 28, 2023 9:39 am

Your an old fuck! Embrace it! The only thing that could be worse than dying, would be to live forever.

anon a moos
anon a moos
February 28, 2023 11:45 am

The good thing about being 70 and older is you never have to bake a cake in the oven. The candles will do that for you, on the counter. Or, have a birthday every day in the winter, heat your house and have a party, at the same time.

February 28, 2023 12:32 pm

I’m older and trying not to complain. I will however criticize most politicians. I knowS whats they is all about.

February 28, 2023 12:59 pm

Stucky; Do you ever talk about TBP with your buddies?

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 28, 2023 1:39 pm

Keep on truckin’ Stucky!

ursel doran
ursel doran
February 28, 2023 1:54 pm

I had a friend who was a quite smart well turned-out gentleman.
Had grey hair and some wrinkles.
When asked how old he was his reply was always, “My age is none of my business”.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
February 28, 2023 6:34 pm

i paused and asked whose hands are these
they belong to someone dear
they may be mine or were sometime
my grandfather’s hands ‘ere year

To a Role Model
To a Role Model
February 28, 2023 10:18 pm

1) Hug Your mommy. Every chance Ya get.
2) Nothing moves but Your Forearm/Wrist. Pendulum-like. Dead-Level, Complete stroke.
3) Good form.
4) ‘English’ COMPLETELY unnecessary vast majority of the time.
5) Eye on the object ball.
6) Regardless of tip radius, ‘slightly’ above center.
7) smooth, ‘gentle’ stroke w/follow through, no NEED to slam.
8) light-loose grip. Ya ain’t tryin’ to run one off by hand.

Been a minute. Seem ta remember, (‘Standard’ Pool Hall lighting directly overhead) ‘Cuts’, ‘Banks’, Etc. You are ‘lined up’ for whateva. On the ‘object’ ball?
Aim for the ‘white spot’, ‘glint’, reflection…Whateva ya wanna call it, Your line-of-sight.
Might be surprised.

Ordo ab cha
Ordo ab cha
February 28, 2023 11:03 pm

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum

March 1, 2023 6:15 am

At 67 I’m still a soccer mom. My 24 year old is autistic and the only activity for him is Special Olympics. So I volunteer and coach his sports. He practices every day. That means I have to get out and try also. I’m not very good but I’m not overweight.
I tried the senior center but I found out I’m not ready to be that sedentary yet. I’ll let you know when I’m 70.

March 1, 2023 9:20 am

My grandfather went to the senior center, he was around eighty, and senior centers were a new thing. Coming home later, he declared with all the sneering condescension and disdain fifty years as a lawyer and judge enabled, ‘I won’t be going back there, it’s full of old people!’

March 1, 2023 11:09 am

Thanks Stucky! And Happy Birthday! 🙂 My 70th is coming up in a couple months.
Stopped by yesterday when there were only a dozen comments.
Had to revisit today to see if anyone had posted this.
Congrats to making it to the Senior Center, I never will.

At 30 I was xtra busy starting my architectural firm, getting licensed, having a firstborn, building a drawing system for AutoCAD, building a clientele … starting a life. A year later designing the largest house going up in the state. WTF?!? 🙂

Now I’m even busier! Mornings trying to “stop the auction” on people’s foreclosures.
Afternoons, fixing and renovating outdoors. Yesterday, rebuilding the lawn mower. Day before, rebuilding the back gate. Today, crawling under the classic Blazer to measure for the new exhaust for last month’s LS (engine) Swap.

This sh*t never ends. 😐 I’ll never get around to dying!!!

March 1, 2023 1:30 pm

Happy Birthday!… Im a decade behind but how did I end up here?!?…

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
March 1, 2023 4:08 pm

Geez. One day out of the gate from turning 70 and you’re already falling down. At least you got up…for now. Get better.

  Abigail Adams
March 1, 2023 5:26 pm

Abby- Stuck can be a pain in his own ass for a few days instead of mine. 🙂 Just kidding……

Bob Motley
Bob Motley
March 1, 2023 4:47 pm

Enjoyed your post. The reference to the “motley crew” got my immediate attention. My name is Bob Motley! I have heard that phrase all my life. I will turn 77 this month. After reading your great post I think I will try the Senior Center.. I also played pool when young. Wasn’t very good but I liked it. I haven’t been reading TBP lately but you have renewed my interest. In the past I used to read your posts and enjoyed them and your writing style. I live in Roswell Ga. A suburb of Atlanta.
Thanks again,
Bob Motley
P.S. all the comments are also great!

March 1, 2023 5:13 pm

Motley- I lived near Dobbins AFB waaaaaaay back in the day. Near Marietta and the Big Chicken.

Bob Motley
Bob Motley
March 3, 2023 8:31 am

Went to the senior center in Roswell. No pool table! Ha. You are right….they are old! Next I’ll try Alpharetta. Also Milton, a new city close by. They voted out of Fulton County a few years ago. Also I will try the VFW near my house. I was previously a member and I will renew. They have lots of stuff….bar, bingo, dances, parades, etc. I’m a vet from 1970-1974. Armor.
Captain Motley

March 1, 2023 11:12 pm

Very nice Stucky, great wisdom and attitude.
Happy Birthday Lurch!

March 1, 2023 11:41 pm

Washington had slave teeth, not wood.

Nurse Ratched
Nurse Ratched
March 2, 2023 7:17 am

Happy birthday and thanks for making tbp always interesting!

March 2, 2023 7:17 am

How about that, hell, I’ll be 84 in a coupla months, and still play 18 holes every day – when the weather is ok.
Even got my dentures over a month ago, but have to wait until the implants heal so they can screw in the dentures, but that’s ok too, I don’t have to eat porridge or swill now, I can chew a steak. Oh, and I didn’t take the Jabbb – that’s for the sheeple.