Secession Is Inevitable. It’s About When, Not If

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Never is a very, very long time in politics. Yet whenever the topic of secession or so-called national divorce comes up, how often do we hear that “secession will never happen.” It’s difficult to tell if people using the term “never” actually mean it. If they mean “not in the next ten or twenty years,” that’s plausible. But if they truly mean “not in the next 100 (or more) years,” it’s clear they’re working on the level of absolutely pure, unfounded speculation. Such statements reflect little more than personal hopes and dreams.

Experience is clear that the state of most polities often changes enormously in the span of a few decades. Imagine Russia in 1900 versus Russia in 1920. Or perhaps China in 1930 versus China in 1950. If someone had told the Austrian emperor in 1850 that his empire would be completely dismembered by 1919, he probably would have refused to believe it. Few British subjects in 1945 expected the empire to be all but gone by 1970. In the 1970s, the long-term survival of the Soviet Union appeared to be a fait accompli. For a visual sense of this, simply compare world maps from 1900 and 1950. In less than the span of a human lifetime, the political map of the world often changes so as to be unrecognizable.

Yet there are always those who are quite comfortable with the status quo and who tell themselves it will continue indefinitely. Many find comfort in the hope that their favorite national regime will be a thousand-year reich, living on indefinitely into the rosy future of “progress.” Claims to political immortality are also frequently important as rallying cries in support of the state. As French Marxist philosopher Régis Debray noted, the idea that “France is eternal” may be empirically untrue, but the sentiment nonetheless serves to motivate the French soldier or French nationalist to preserve his regime.

Meanwhile, the opposite impulse, a recognition of the regime’s mortality is seen by many as a kind of heresy against the national political idols. It may be obviously true, but to say it out loud is “treason.” The cry of “traitor,” of course, has long been the go-to strategy for those with an emotional attachment to the regime. Like many heresies before it, this one must not go unpunished. Thus, “traitor” was the cry of the French republican who thought it better to butcher women and children in the Vendée rather than allow that portion of France to be independent. It was the cry of the Turkish imperialist who carried out a genocide against Armenian separatists.

The reality is that the current shape of any regime is more tenuous than many hope. The debate is not whether the US regime will fundamentally change in size and nature. The question is when and in what way. Those who are willing to examine the possibility of gradually unwinding state power peacefully through decentralization—rather than letting internal national conflicts explode into violence and revolution eventually—display a far better grasp of political history than the knee-jerk unionists.

The emotional nature of this opposition to secession can be seen in the fact that the opposition grants no middle ground in the debate. The only allowable options are the status quo or war.

Options for the “middle ground” include a confederation built on a consensus model in the style of the old Dutch Republic. There is the model of the very loose confederation in the style of the old Swiss confederation. There is the option of a customs union with voluntary membership, such as the European Union. There is the option of a mutual defense compact among independent polities, as we find in a multitude of defense leagues. None of these options require a state that imposes nationwide regulation and taxation in the manner of the enormous administrative state that we have today.

Yet most of those who oppose secession also oppose all of these options. We don’t hear, “Well, secession is too far, so let’s move toward a much more decentralized model.” Why do we never get this olive branch from the centralizers? Because their opposition to secession is more about supporting the status quo. They want a national government to impose nationwide policy in a way that reflects the national ruling class’s values. It’s the colonialist mindset all over again: “Oh, we can’t let those people in state X set their own rules for elections/abortion/trade. Those people are too unenlightened/racist/stupid to be allowed local autonomy.”

This intransigence can also be found in the way that the opposition often delights in the idea of using violence against potential separatists. Congressman Eric Swalwell, for instance, suggested the US government use nuclear weapons against internal separatists. And then there are those who make light of the idea of a second blood-soaked civil war. Indeed, the insistence on tying twenty-first-century decentralization to a war in the mid-nineteenth century (160 years ago) implies that the unionist “solution” back then justifies the same solution now. Note the emphasis is always on the American Civil War and not on the many examples of peaceful secession movements: Iceland from Denmark, Norway from Sweden, Singapore from Malaysia, Malta from the British Empire, and the Baltic states from the Soviet Union (to name a few). Instead, the average American antisecessionist is apparently obsessed with making war against his own neighbors.

Of course, that sort of thing can only be carried out today if modern Americans are willing to die and kill—or have their children die and kill—in the name of “preserving the union.” How many are willing to do this? Hopefully not many. Those who are willing to do it can only be described as fanatics.

The presence of these proviolence antisecessionists does remind us of the continued danger of political union, however. Those who favor union may interpret mere discussions of disunity as a sign of the need for ever-greater federal control over the population. This is also the strategy preferred by states: tendencies toward disunion are countered by an ever-stronger and ever-more-unyielding state. The strategy is tried and true. This is how a fragmenting Roman Empire was preserved for another 150 years after a breakup seemed all but assured during the third century. The emperor turned the empire into a military dictatorship. The same method of imposing unity has been employed countless times across countless polities—and at great cost to human rights and self-determination. Yet not even Diocletian’s dictatorship could ultimately prevent the secession of the western regions of the empire. (Justinian’s later attempts at reunifying Italy with the empire failed as well, and only brought enormous and unnecessary death and destruction.) Secession and disintegration have always been inevitable for large diverse states. The Romans were not immune. The Americans are not immune.

The answer lies not in doubling down on political unity, maintained through endless violence or threats of violence. Rather, the answer lies in peaceful separation through expanded self-determination, regional autonomy, confederation, and consensus. The choice we now face is between a rearguard attempt at preserving political unity “forever” and facing the inevitable reality. On one side, there are the unionists with their devotion to the status quo and their colonialist mindset. On the other side are those who seek to temper the power of the central state and pursue local self-determination. The centralizers are on the wrong side and will ultimately be on the losing side as well.

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March 2, 2023 7:10 pm


How about expulsion?

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
March 2, 2023 7:38 pm

I won’t be a party to ceding anything
to the satanic pedophile left.
Ammo. Up.

  Colorado Artist
March 2, 2023 8:08 pm

Those who suggest peaceful means of extricating ourselves from the clutches of the satanists haven’t fully grasped the fact that said satanists are actively trying to maim and murder said pacifists.

March 3, 2023 12:38 pm

My d.v. to CA was not in favor of pacifism or even against war. It was against the greatest mass slaughter in history; which is what you’d have to carry out if you want to disallow the enemy (however defined) any and all territories on the continent.
The enemy encompasses half the population, or 175 million men women & children.
If you haven’t thought that through, then you’re either not even serious about any fight and are LARPing, or you’re a genocidal maniac who needs to be opposed. Since you’re not actively engaging in your dreamed slaughter, I know you’re unserious LARPers.

March 2, 2023 7:16 pm

The answer lies not in doubling down on political unity, maintained through endless violence or threats of violence. Rather, the answer lies in peaceful separation through expanded self-determination, regional autonomy, confederation, and consensus.


March 2, 2023 8:23 pm

I view these secular events surrounding us/U.S. through the lens of the long announced Biblical prophetic realities.

I have said here the ‘dis-united states of FIAT america’ is about to be humbled, and a great many of all types and stripes financially destroyed.

I’m ready for that in every way. Do yourself a favor and do the best you can with what you got. Time is short.

God will use the bad guy BRICKS…just as he has used the bad guy Assyrians and the Babylonians in a similar way.

I’m not saying that the above is the end of us/U.S. but we will soon be exiting our lone Superpower status.

We will soon lose Reserve Currency Status, become Balkanized, splintered, and reduced to our role in prophecy we deserve.

The IDOL of the ‘love of currency’ (this fading empire went from the last vestiges of God’s money into fiat currency in 1971) is going to hit most Murcan’s like a sucker punch at their first school dance.

But that financial destruction will also suddenly take down the ‘Whore of Babylon’ who has long captured us/U.S. and the West…so there is that.

Everything and ‘most’ of everyone in all the power centers has been captured by the unlimited Money Changer FIAT!

(Or some blackmailed or murdered who they couldn’t buy).

But when FIAT implodes so does most of TLPTB (L=Luciferian) power.

I welcome the future…cuz I never thought I would be here this long…and this ready to stand and fight for my God and my family.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
March 2, 2023 8:58 pm

The easiest solution is to return to the original words of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. This would leave 50 states running themselves with a small central government to regulate interstate commerce, make treaties and provide for the common defense, not attacking other countries.

March 2, 2023 8:59 pm

Secession has already been happening on an individual level (which is where it ultimately counts the most). Besides the voluntary migration of folks from blue to red states, I see people everywhere around me that are no longer tolerate of other viewpoints and so will no longer associate with people outside their interest circle. We’re also slowly seeing a parallel economy taking place as people are beginning to tune out media, coworkers, and businesses that do not share the same values. We may coexist in the same country, but are less and less united.

March 2, 2023 9:08 pm

When the occasion comes when I recite the Pledge of Alligance, I make it a point to omit “indivisable” from the recitation.
The Declaration gives Us that right to secede as it clearly states: ” Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
March 2, 2023 9:47 pm

And how?

Given that the fault lines are within states, towns, communities and even families, how can it be done? If physical separation is to occur, it seems to me that a directed mass migration has to happen as one of the first steps.

Where is the TBP meeting place?

  Svarga Loka
March 3, 2023 12:36 am

One section of a state could have strict Constitutional law while another section could go as woke as it pleases. The peeps would sort themselves out.

March 2, 2023 10:10 pm

The lunatic left doesn’t give a rat’s ass about ‘the Union’. They care about access to white people’s work and money.

March 3, 2023 3:13 am

Do we really need to put lipstick on this pig?
It will be a collapse and breakup, a la USSR.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 3, 2023 9:23 am

Just don’t depend on a red state legislature/Governor majority going for it. They still love the Fed $$ which is why they locked their states down. For the money.

Maybe when the petro-$$ goes the way of the dinosaur it will change but until then, they will sell you out every time.

Larry Maier
Larry Maier
March 3, 2023 10:01 am

A “national divorce” has many appealing aspects, but would be disastrous under present geo-political circumstances. A separate West Coast would quickly fail due to toxic wokeism and socialism. As it deteriorated it would turn more and more toward China. At some point China would either be invited in to provide security or to collateralize loans or would simply invade the failed states. The main reason China has not attempted invasion is the distance of the supply line and the difficulty of establishing a viable beachhead. If given that beachhead, the rest of the weakened and divided US would be consumed.

Until China can be given sufficient time to collapse under the weight of socialism, as all countries who adopt that fraudulent ideology inevitably do, we might consider a constitutional amendment that allowed states to opt out of all federal laws except those that deal with national defense and genuine interstate commerce. This might allow the Red States some relief and cool the growing drive toward divorce.

I do understand the difficulty of enacting such a law. Perhaps the individual Red States could adopt nullification for particularly onerous federal laws, regulations and executive orders. With a more conservative SCOTUS, such acts might slip by just as Blue State sanctuary state and local opposition has. The feds would be far less likely to use the military to suppress small acts of defiance than an all out secession.

March 3, 2023 12:11 pm

The issue of secession is at it’s core, an issue of property rights. When the US was originally formed, it was a Union of Sovereign States which meant the States citizens owned the land of their State. According to the Constitution, the only land the Federal Government could own was Washington DC, military bases, and ports.
The Federal Government usurped ownership of the property within the States upon the declaration of the Civil War, and to this day, that illegal act has never been challenged. Since that time, the Federal Government has stolen millions of acres of land from the States and declared itself the only Sovereign entity of the United States.

March 3, 2023 1:38 pm

Call me a cynic but I have such a low opinion of our current ruling cabal that I suspect any Minute Man Missile launch will not be against a foreign nation…it’ll detonate one minute after launch over the Heartland.