The Destruction of our Urban Based Society

The immigration of the non-culturally disciplined non-producers to the cities has been a continual process in various civilizations. The lure of possible economic security has overwhelmed governments for millennia and frequently led to their dissolution.

Our labor shortages during WW2 combined with low farm prices that had resulted from incompetents in our Federal Reserve system brought a large migration from poor agricultural communities into the northern manufacturing belts. Our current primitive municipal jungle is a creation of the Democrat Party of the 60’s and their drive to maintain power as their socialist party members had begun to drive the white laborer across the aisle.

Our current ghetto occupants have devolved from contributors to dependents and their loss of Christian morals and work ethics create a huge deterioration that cannot be resolved. Their presence is necessary for socialist politicians to survive financially so no plans for a better system will be implemented.

The 1968 riots and civil rights laws were a huge divergence from the historical path of freedom in the US and the world. Our cities at the time all had a black and white small business community. They were the backbone of our economy and society.  The reasons sound odd today but as always money means freedom while governmental dependence is another form of slavery.  The writing was on the wall in the mid 60’s for small business. There used to be regional wholesalers for various product lines.  These companies bought radios, TVs and widgets in volume from the manufacturers.  They then resold them to the retailers both black and white who took care of their own customer bases.

There was usually a street that separated the business community. Blacks on one side and whites on another. These middle class owners and employees of both races had good incomes and provided jobs, training and an excellent example for the young people in the community.  In the evening they locked their front door and went home to the family for prayer, dinner, homework and the evening news.

During this period the first super stores began to appear.  They were K-Mart and Woolco to begin with.  They could buy greater volume than the old wholesalers who rapidly disappeared.  Why pay a higher price for the same product? Thus began the deterioration of the middle class small business in the US. And then came the MLK murder. The black riots were similar to the fun we have today.  These black kids burned out their own business community. This eliminated the black capital in the city and left their old customers only one option, the super store.  These areas are still abandoned today and no one could realize that a once thriving tax paying safe business community existed there.  The small business of drugs has stepped in to the void with horrible results.

The other huge factor was the Civil Rights Act that created our welfare state.  Suddenly welfare allowed a minimal if any work ethic to survive.  The government became welfare daddy and the huge strides made by blacks after WW2 quickly began to erode. The churches  also saw the beginnings of the abandonment of our cultural foundation of Christianity. The dreams of the petty insignificant socialists had found a new road to power. Thus ended a vibrant black community that has continually dissolved for 60 years. Middle class whites thrown out of the economic loop became government tools by becoming the clerks for the welfare state. They oversaw the deterioration of black community.  The industrial producers could not survive the desintegration and abandoned the city to begin anew away from the socialist paradise.  This leaves a government payroll with a limited tax base.  Would spending cuts be possible?  The HORROR!

The bored biddies with wealthy husbands and other simple liberals spend their time attempting to attract attention to their virtuosity while advising the help from their superior perch. They really are not interested in cleaning up the situation, only in writing a check which indicates social superiority in their own eyes as well as the social cache’ which follows.

This situation is the complete opposite of the rural and small town portions of our society.  The solidarity of the independent farmers is a perfect example of a community working to assist each other. We all remember the barn raising stories from our American history books.  (Those of us that know what a book is.) Unfortunately that spirit has faded but it does still exist much to the joy of the industrialists who have moved into these communities.

This generation of white citizens consists of bureaucratic clerks, both government and private, the type people that answer the phone and fill in the blanks on forms using all the innovation of a cookie cutter.  No independent thought or action is tolerated. WHAT IS YOUR PASSWORD?  As AI expands, these jobs will quickly disappear, creating another economic migration.  This system currently creates a conformist organization man, dependent on the whims of his management. The routine displaces risk and subordination to abstractions and has replaced the struggle to address diverse problems. This step on the societal ladder is entering the road to the elimination of the current middle class. This is a similar track to the small shopkeeper of 60 years ago.  This time the cities and their tax base will be eliminated and funds for governmental overseers will disappear.

Our current government supported under class has not absorbed any of the self discipline, ambition, and abilities of their forefathers. These people are the source of our municipal destruction.  They gather in our urban slums of their own creation and provide political support for cash. By rejecting our culture norms, they have become quite dangerous. They have shown the lack of the ability or interest to be educated and have created social problems that economic or racial preference have not and cannot improve.  Their existence is predicated on their ability to route government funds into corrupt political pockets.

The deterioration of schools and morals within the current situation is a disaster.  Interestingly the separate but equal system had superior results when compared to our current corrupt mess. There is no way to vote our way out because of the ruling class’ dedication to ideology as it is the source of their embezzlement. Their egos and greed have left us in an untenable position.

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June 11, 2023 6:34 pm

Let it fucking burn.

"Let it burn"
"Let it burn"
June 11, 2023 7:13 pm

What a Novel new concept.

Would make a good ending for A Book.

June 11, 2023 7:13 pm

It can’t do nothin’ but…Tribe up or die.

” By the 1960s, the systematic selection for competence came into direct conflict with the political imperatives of the civil rights movement. During the period from 1961 to 1972, a series of Supreme Court rulings, executive orders, and laws—most critically, the Civil Rights Act of 1964—put meritocracy and the new political imperative of protected-group diversity on a collision course. Administrative law judges have accepted statistically observable disparities in outcomes between groups as prima facie evidence of illegal discrimination. The result has been clear: any time meritocracy and diversity come into direct conflict, diversity must take priority.

The resulting norms have steadily eroded institutional competency, causing America’s complex systems to fail with increasing regularity. In the language of a systems theorist, by decreasing the competency of the actors within the system, formerly stable systems have begun to experience normal accidents at a rate that is faster than the system can adapt. The prognosis is harsh but clear: either selection for competence will return or America will experience devolution to more primitive forms of civilization and loss of geopolitical power.”

Regression to the Historical Mean

June 11, 2023 7:04 pm

Brilliant in its horrible clarity of causation !!! I think it was a Yellowstone character that made the observation that the urban metropolis is where western civilization goes to die , that it represents end stage civilization . The so called white” educated ” ” progressive ” , “Liberal ” blue metro dweller always iikes to point out that they have the lions share of “the money ” as per their GDP Lol, while that is true , t speaks nothibg of all the various different levels and forms of grifts that brought that situation about , like big government , big pharma ,big corp ,big finance, big banks and big lawfirms ? They have all the money but they did little if anything to create what is left of the value underlying ” the money ” . Its all a smorgasbord of different scams , ponzi and pyramid schemes and human exploitation , I get that , “the American Dream” became defined as ” easy street “and the sheeple bought it hook line and sinker cuz td times “seemed like they would just keep on rollin as long as they could sell theirs and their childrens future into debt servitude at the hands of the grifters .WEll now I think theyve all kicked that proverbial can down the road about as far as is possible and it’ll be time to pay the piper and it sucks but hey , I coulda tole you that 20 years ago and did but you werent having any of it .

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 11, 2023 7:12 pm

Sounds like something Casey or Beth would say. John wouldn’t have to, and Rip would just take you to the train station rather than discuss it.

June 12, 2023 7:11 pm
ursel doran
ursel doran
June 11, 2023 9:49 pm

Phony Climate Change Catastrophe… And Why Americans Will Foot the Bill – LewRockwell
Anything the government subsidizes is guaranteed to be an economic catastrophe, and guess who pays?
The gullible apathetic SUCKER Sheeples.

Phony Climate Change Catastrophe… And Why Americans Will Foot the Bill

  ursel doran
June 11, 2023 10:58 pm

The campaign against CO2 is a secular religious crusade against what amounts to the soft underbelly of industrial civilization.

For some reason the author stops one step short of the obvious conclusion – the campaign against CO2 is not a religious crusade. Rather it is a simple racket – to force all of the participants of the former industrial civilization to start paying a fee in order to keep participating in the civilization. The fee is called “carbon credits”. It is a kind of a tax on living a life.

June 12, 2023 7:24 am

as I said when this shit started, a tax on every breath you take.

June 12, 2023 7:17 pm

Correct. None of them believe their own bullshit.

June 12, 2023 3:41 am

The Target, Anheuser Busch, Gillette …, fiasco scenario is a down payment for the society they want in the future. They want to lop off your autistic grandson’s penis and stitch to your granddaughter’s vagina. If you protest they will send their paid for antifa and FBI for you. Meanwhile, they want you and United States under a Chinese style surveillance credit score system.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
June 12, 2023 9:37 am

Madame did not get into what the welfare state has done for the urban, poor (mostly black) family. It removed Fathers from the house and without Fathers, little boys grow up not knowing discipline or the difference between right & wrong and little girls grew up thinking it was OK to have babies with any man who would impregnate her.

Each generation seems to be a little more violent, having learned from watching the previous generation, and we now have about 3% of the population (young black men 15 – 35) who commit 1/2 of all violent crimes. To make matters worse, young black women are now becoming much more violent, as seen in multiple videos on the interwebs. Their violence has not turned to guns, yet.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  TN Patriot
June 15, 2023 1:17 pm

It did this weekend when one of them used an AR to ambush the police in Tom Brown Park in Tallahassee. She is no longer with us.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  rhs jr
June 15, 2023 2:52 pm

Amazingly, I did not hear about a black female ambushing police recently in Tallahassee. News media must have missed it, as well. Sounds like the police saved the taxpayers a lot of money in solving this crime.