The loss of political innocence while losing our rights

Government always devolves into who gets paid.  The following is a list of some politicians that actually had intellect, personal integrity and stood for our political rights.  The list includes Patrick Henry, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,  Andrew Jackson, James Polk, Jefferson Davis, Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Reagan. The traits of intellect and integrity are a rare combination in any type of government but especially true in ours today.  There have been few more but the country was at a crossroads when these men had enough morality and personal integrity to stand and attempt to clean up the situation.

Today we are governed by the MICE men. MICE is the acronym for money, ideology, conscience and ego.  Money is the straightforward goal of the political class today, ideology is cover for the scams political and financial in which they are involved, conscience does not exist or hides in the corner and ego grows with the size of the payoffs.  The politicians listed above are men that were able to stand without the props of lackeys and financial betters.

The obvious large reduction in the numbers of moral men in government began around 1900. The major development was the huge growth of the population and industrial base and wealth after the war to eliminate the Constitution began in 1861.  This in turn created a small number of Puritans whose wealth allowed them to believe in their own intellectual and moral superiority. This personal opinion obviously extended into their beliefs about perceived flaws in our governmental structure.  Politicians were being purchased at minimal cost and began to deliver even greater control to the Wall Street set.  It continues today with the recent exposure of the Black Rock scams exposed by James O’Keefe coming to the fore.

The US has emulated Britains’ governmental gradual seizure of power since the end of our revolution.  This sad situation continues today.  Even the amusing English elite snobbery has been adapted completely.  Looking back over the past century it is rather easy to follow the rise and fall of American liberty. The industrial revolution accelerated the development of new economic systems designed to create greater wealth and then extort the money back from the rest of the citizens. This allowed further exploitation and centralization of power.

Our governmental structure could not adapt to the injection of a new economic system into the country, consequently the loss of our political rights accelerated.

Our descent began with the Round Table group initiated by Cecil Rhodes in the 1890s consisting of the economic leaders of the British Empire.  It was immediately copied in the US.  The empires were developed as a source of revenue and power for this elite.  The people as a whole did not benefit financially from the tremendous expense of  maintaining a world girding colonial political structure but the prestige of the ruling class knew no bounds.  The beliefs and systems of this societal control were rapidly emulated by Rockefeller, Carnegie and Vanderbilt and others in the US.

The strength of our country always had been the opportunity for anyone to rise from a lower economic status to the pinnacles of influence and wealth. The financial elites’ feelings of superiority now were extended into the areas of moral and intellectual abilities. By owning the Puritan colleges thru heavy donations, they were able to extend the message concerning their obvious superiority.  They believed that the primitives around the world only had the function of serving their betters. The Spanish war was our first foray into the international field of lifting primitives from the mud.  Woody Wilson cut his teeth at Princeton on this theory and we still are suffering its’ effects today.  One would assume that the failure of this idea in every case would have enlightened its’ adapters.  It did, but the concept only evolved to provide great camouflage for corruption on a global scale.

The camouflage for the extortion began with the Milner Group which was the successor to Rhodes.  The “science” of the time was eugenics.  It is certainly out of style today and has been replaced by another curtain called diversity. The American offshoot began their self fulfilling equations by funding the Ivy League school system which obediently follows their masters’ dictates with an additional curtain of pomposity. One of their most important self imposed tasks is babysitting those they feel are of lower intellectual or moral standing. Diversity for thee but not for me is the chorus.  How many blacks are members of the Harvard Club?

The moral crusade is funded by taxing the great unwashed who should be reprimanded for not having the correct moral foundation in their lives.  It also has the benefit of placing no financial strain on their betters.  The never ending struggle to expand their wallets by international empire is funded with the blood and sweat of the help. What a marvelous arrangement!  Black Rock wheat futures only scratch the surface.

All that is necessary is to purchase a few senators for $10,000 each and you have lackeys to carry your flag.  It is a great bargain.  This leads us to the non-corrupt non-idealistic men of our list. There are none available today of similar character on the shelf.  A new leader and group must appear to pull us from the morass. I hope he arrives in time.

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June 29, 2023 6:03 am

Politicians have to eat and take a shit just like the rest of us.
Make it difficult for them to do these and other normal things.
One should not become a gazillionaire within a year of attaining public office.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 29, 2023 8:18 am

That sounds remarkably similar to the words of Maxine Waters. Same game, different players.

I guess the ends really do justify the means, eh?

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
June 29, 2023 11:10 pm

You forgot to add John C. Calhoun to the list of true patriots. Few people know this outside of The South, but his grandchildren donted his plantation to South Carolina for the site of a land grant college. Their last name was Clemson.