Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Guest Post by Gaius Baltar



It is becoming increasingly clear to more and more people in the West that something has gone terribly wrong with the Ukraine project. Predictions and projections didn’t pan out and the West doesn’t seem to know what to do. The Russian economy wasn’t a house of cards as predicted, Russian weapons weren’t inferior as predicted, Russian soldiers and commanders weren’t incompetent as predicted, and Russian technology wasn’t inferior as predicted.

In some respects the Russians even seem to be superior to the West. Their weapons are effective and in many cases outright technologically superior, as clearly demonstrated by their hypersonic missiles, SAM systems and electronic warfare systems. Their economy appears to be surprisingly advanced and diversified and based on real wealth creation rather than financialization and debt like the West’s. Their strategic and tactical thinking also seems to work, while the West‘s clearly doesn‘t.

The whole mess is often explained as a result of a miscalculation by the western elites – they underestimated Russia and overestimated the West. The situation, however, is far worse than that. Every day that passes reveals the impotence of the West more and more and the situation is becoming outright humiliating. At this point the rest of the world either shakes their heads or simply laughs at the West and its politicians and diplomats – not to mention its crazed populations.

The dysfunction of the West is far deeper than just the situation around the Ukraine project. It’s absolutely everywhere. The West can’t do diplomacy in general, it can’t run its cities or countries except into the ground, its high-tech projects fail almost as a rule, its infrastructure is crumbling, its economies are crumbling, and all public policies seem to have a civilizational suicide as a final goal. The West’s control mechanisms over the rest of the world are also crumbling, including the dollar, sanctions, color revolutions, military interventions and threats. Nothing seems to work and everything the West does seems to make things worse.

Any rational person upon hearing a western leader, diplomat or “expert” speak, asks himself this question: “Are they just lying or are they really this incompetent and delusional?” The answer is “both” but the incompetence factor is far greater than most people can imagine.

Why has this happened? It’s clear that the cause is far deeper than the deindustrialization of the West or economic problems in general. The economy doesn’t explain the incredible incompetence shown by the West before and during the war in Ukraine.

I suggest that the cause of this unfolding disaster is a serious structural problem in the West – which Russia seems to have largely avoided. This structural problem is a necessary condition for the current western system and has been purposely created to bring it about and maintain it. This problem is the subject of this article – as well as the “mechanism” behind it. This is unfortunately a long article, but the subject matter demands it.

Human capital and its properties

The current ideologically-based power structure of the West outright requires that certain types of people be in positions of influence and certain types of people be sidelined. This applies to all steps of the social ladder; from kindergarten teachers to university teachers and corporate executives, and all the way up to the leaders of society itself. This has been progressing steadily for the last five decades or so, and has resulted in a major structural problem for the West. That problem is the obvious and massive degradation and misallocation of human capital in the West.

Human capital can be described as the quality of a company’s or nation’s workforce, or more specifically how competent the employee pool is – how well they are trained, how quickly they can be trained, how they are educated in general, and how they make decisions. In order to understand what competence really means, let’s define it further.

Competence can be described as specific or general. This distinction is extremely important and must be understood by anyone who attempts to manage human capital on a small or large scale.

Specific competence is the ability to do a certain type of work. This can be carpentry, coding, chemistry, medicine, piloting an airliner, and so on and so forth. Some of these types of jobs may require a lot of competence, training and intelligence, but what they have in common is that their scope is limited and clearly defined. They exist within clear boundaries, separate from the complexities and vagueness of the world in general. Each type of work requires certain abilities innate in the person, as well as varying degrees of training. People, of course, differ a lot in their level of specific competence within each field.

General or high-level competence is the ability to do work that is beyond clearly defined boundaries. The subject matter of those types of work exists in a complex “variable universe” and can be exceedingly vague and confusing. It requires the ability to be adaptive and be able to transfer skills between different types of work. This also applies to expertise in one field being applied to a completely different field – such as applying psychology to economics or astrophysics to climate science.

Examples of positions requiring general or high-level competence people are corporate executives, all kinds of planners and administrators, product developers, inventors, high-level consultants and analysts, military leaders and planners, diplomats, judges, political leaders, and high-level scientists and theoreticians, to name a few.

Specific and general competence types of work are not two separate things. Types of work or “jobs” can be said to range from almost completely specific up to almost completely general. Almost all types of work have elements of both but in varying proportions. To illustrate this I will take an example from a company I’m personally familiar with. This is a software company with several owners, most of whom work at the company. One of the owners is an exceptionally competent database specialist. However, when he contributes to decision making for the company as a whole, he becomes an outright problem. The management structure of the company had to be “modified” to neutralize him in that role, as well as a few others. This employee has exceptional specific competence but very poor general competence. He cannot “transfer” his specific database competence over to competence in moving the company into the future. He simply cannot operate objectively or sensibly outside his database job.

So what makes this employee have such poor general competence – or more specifically – what is general competence? General competence requires three necessary conditions: a) High general intelligence or IQ, b) the ability to be objective, even in situations where the result of your conclusions may not be to your liking, and c) the ability to reach conclusions without being influenced by others (i.e. independent thinking). The latter two conditions are a direct result of how the human brain interacts with the environment. The mechanism behind it is too complicated to describe here, but in simplistic terms it can be said that humans range in their relationship with reality from the emotional-outward/subjective to the introspective/objective. This variable, like all evolutionary traits, including IQ, is normally distributed. This has rather disturbing implications which may be difficult for some people to understand.

Let’s first look at IQ, or general intelligence. In order to be able to deal with seriously complicated work or get through a real university program, an IQ of about 125 is necessary. Only about 5% of the population in the West has this IQ or higher. This means that the pool of potentially high-level competence people is very small to begin with. Even if we use a cut-off of an IQ of 115, which is sufficient for most semi-complicated work, the potential pool only goes up to 16% of the population.

Now let’s take a look at the other variables, i.e. objectivity and independent thinking. Those two are correlated and we will, for the sale of convenience, handle them as the same variable or trait, even though they aren’t. They are normally distributed, much like IQ, with most in the middle and fewer toward the extremes in both directions. On one side of the distribution are people who, to state it bluntly, are incapable of thinking objectively about any issues that may interact with their personal views about anything at all. They can be competent in a limited field which is “neutral” to them (such as databases), but not involving anything else. They can’t run a company in a competitive environment, except into the ground. They can’t run a city, a country, a military campaign, an economy, or anything requiring general competence, except into the ground, regardless of their intelligence. These people are clearly not suitable for general/high-level competence jobs.

So, what is the proportion of the population that is objective enough and independent thinkers enough to be suitable for those jobs? That’s difficult to determine but it’s clear that it is maximum 50% of the population. In reality it’s far less but let’s be generous and say it’s 30%. What does that mean?

IQ and objectivity/independent thinking are somewhat correlated but let’s assume they are not. Let’s say that we have a pool of potentially objective and rational people that is 30% and a pool of people with IQ of 125 that is 5%. That means that the pool of high-level general competence people is 5% of 30%, or 1.5% of the population.

If we are really generous and assume that 50% of the population is objective and rational and an IQ of 115 is sufficient for those jobs, then we have 16% of 50%, which is a pool of 8% of the population.

The importance of this cannot be overstated. This group, whether we define it as 1.5% of the population or 8% of the population, is extremely valuable. This is essentially the only group in society that can reliably evaluate complex situations and make subsequent rational decisions. Without it, modern technological society simply cannot be built or maintained – let alone advanced. Let me rephrase this – if we do not identify and utilize this group, we cannot run our complicated societies except into the ground.

The western purging of competence

Modern western society is from a governance standpoint ideologically motivated and ideologically controlled. It is being pushed in a very clearly defined ideological direction, led by the European Union and the current US administration. This ideology is not the subject matter of this article, but it can be seen everywhere by any rational and independent-thinking person. For the uninformed-curious a good place to start is the website of the EU’s policy-making body; the World Economic Forum.

In order to achieve these ideological goals for the West, two things must happen: a) The right people must be put into power at all levels of society and b) any disruptive elements must be eliminated or suppressed. Since all ideological goals tend to be more or less in conflict with reality, there is no group more disruptive to them than the one who operates objectively and independently. People like that simply cannot be allowed into positions of power, and if they must be, they must be kept quiet and/or forced to toe the line.

The objective/rational/general competence group, whether it is 1.5% or 8% of the population, therefore becomes a problem rather than a resource. This is exactly the situation in the West today.

Many people have noticed that meritocracy has been systematically abandoned in the West and the relationship between competence and reward severed in giant swaths of the economy – and almost completely in government. What few people seem to realize is that this is a necessity for the West’s ideological goals to be reached. High-level competence cannot be promoted because it is a threat. It cannot therefore be rewarded.

In order to illustrate this, let’s take a look at what happens when a member of the 1.5% is allowed to gain significant power. Elon Musk is a smart man, probably with an IQ of 150 or more. He is also quite objective and realistic in his assessments, and an independent thinker. His ownership and governance of Twitter/X is a major problem for western ideological goals. Free speech is an obvious threat to any ideology and, to rub salt in the wounds, Musk belittled the guardians of the Ideology at Twitter by making fun of them, then by firing them all and only keeping the competent ones. This cannot be allowed to stand and we can already see the response. The EU is planning to use force to stop this affront to the Ideology and may actually block Twitter in Europe. Ideological champion (and suspected lizard robot) Mark Zuckerberg was even instructed to cook up an ideologically pure Twitter copy in response – but seems to have failed. We eagerly await further responses, which may range from lawfare up to more “direct” actions, and will most likely be directed at Musk personally.

The reconfiguring of western education

As previously noted, two things must happen for the ideological goals to become reality: The right people must be promoted and the wrong people must be suppressed. This process of elevation/suppression has become the main goal of the western education system – all the way from kindergarten up to university. If we look at what the education system has been doing, this becomes extremely obvious. Here are a few examples:

  • Evaluation of competence is being systematically degraded to avoid comparison between the competent and the incompetent. Exams are being discarded in favor of constant “projects” and students work in groups so the incompetent may hide. Schools avoid testing the individual directly as much as they can – and thereby comparing him to others. The competent ones must not be encouraged, and if at all possible, they themselves must not realize that they are above others.
  • Universities are increasingly basing admittance on other criteria than competence, including quotas based on non-competence variables.  The most insidious selection method is the “personal essay” which applicants must submit – and is sometimes even more important than grades. All applicants know that the more they signal virtue in the essay, the more likely they are to be admitted. On the basis of the essay, the universities can pick the ideologically pure – which is the only purpose of the essay requirement to begin with.
  • Almost every academic subject is being turned from the objective to the subjective to assist the irrational-incompetent student. This even applies to hard subjects such as mathematics – where nowadays 2+2 doesn’t necessarily equal 4. Even intelligence is now subjective and the stupid can be as smart as the intelligent – it’s just a question of perspective, the right measuring tools, and idiotic inventions such as “emotional intelligence.”
  • Almost every subject has been made easier than before to help the incompetent students and even critical fields such as medicine are now graduating people who are utterly incompetent and clueless – on a large scale. This systematic lowering of standards also has the added benefit of creating disinterest in smart and rational students. A smart student performs better and better relative to others as the subject gets harder. If the subject is easy or made uninteresting, he will sink down to mediocracy – which is a part of the purpose of lowering the standards to begin with.
  • Disciplines which may be a threat to the irrationality of the Ideology have been massively subverted and corrupted. This applies to several fields, but particularly to psychology and history, which in their proper forms would be a massive threat to western ideological goals. Psychology has been twisted into an almost unrecognizable abomination, and history is mostly just lies these days.
  • Fake disciplines have been invented from the ground up for the purpose of training the ideologically pure without the need for competence or intelligence or any connection to reality. These disciplines can be found in lists of “most useless university degrees” all over the internet, but that is a misunderstanding. Those degrees are not useless at all – they elevate the ideologically pure in society by awarding them university “certification.” This certification justifies giving them important positions in society.

I could go on but you get the picture. What we are looking at here is not the failure of the western education system, but a very carefully planned “pivoting” toward new objectives. The primary purpose of the education system is no longer education. The entire education system of the West has been reconfigured to carry out a “filtration” process. The purpose of this process is to identify, instruct and elevate the ideologically pure while suppressing the dangerous 1.5/8 group. The education system, particularly the universities, has largely abandoned real education and is almost solely focused on this mission. This mission is not just carried out by the education system, but by all institutions of governments and a large part of the corporate sector. A side-result of this filtration process is the degradation of all education in the West, and subsequently, degradation of its human capital in general.

Western society, in general, has abandoned rationality and replaced it with subjectivism (formally designated as “post-modernism”).  The purpose of that is not just to train and advance the ideologically pure, but to use subjectivism as an oppression tool against the 1.5/8 group and the rational part of the population outside of it. The best way to suppress a rational person is to subject him to an existence of total and constant irrationality. It is essentially gaslighting on a civilizational scale, directed at the dangerous rational group.

While the dangerous rational group is being suppressed and subverted, the ideologically pure “leaders of tomorrow” are indoctrinated rather than educated, given university certifications rather than real degrees, and finally provided with an unending amount of fake and well paid jobs in both the private and public sector. This well-paid ideologically pure group then becomes the power base of the new ideological system.

The upward migration of the incompetent

The goal of this deliberate intervention into the educational system is to create what you might call a “migration pattern” in society based on (lack of) competence and ideological purity. The right people need to be put into the right positions and the right jobs, and since they are incompetent, this needs to be managed for them. After they leave school with their certifications, government and the private sector take over and actively push them upward, while pushing the dreaded 1.5/8 group away from influence and well-paid jobs.

Two developments in the West have been godsends for these efforts: the outsourcing of western manufacturing to Asia and the virtual abolition of competition in the corporate sector. This massively decreased the complexity level of the western economy and subsequently the need for the 1.5/8 group. When most companies operate services in a protected environment, there is far less need for high-level/rational people – while in a “real economy” these people simply cannot be sidelined. Also, when you can get away with operating a fake economy based on the dollar reserve status, you can also operate a fake society run by incompetents.

Let’s take a closer look at how this upward migration of the ideologically pure is managed after they receive their university certifications – and how the 1.5/8 group is systematically blocked. There are five main methods being employed – which together form a long-term takeover process of society. These methods are the following:

  • Public sector filtering
  • Public sector stuffing
  • Job-creation by decree
  • Private sector filtering
  • Private sector stuffing

Public sector filtering – This describes the job selection process in the public sector. Initially the “foot-in-the-door” method is used. A few ideologically pure politicians and bureaucrats position themselves within the system and start controlling who is hired. This increases exponentially over the decades as more and more purists gain access to the levers of power. Currently the process is so overt that it is starting to become expressed in recruitment policy papers – such as the recent example of the British government excluding “white men” from becoming fighter pilots. The West has almost completely been able to exclude the 1.5/8 group from public-sector positions using this method – including its armed forces.

Public sector stuffing – As the public sector filtering process advances, the purists inside the system start creating more and more positions for their purist brethren. New departments are created, work groups and committees appear, and the public sector expands. Publicly owned companies, such utility companies, hospitals and schools are also often used as storage units for large numbers of the ideologically pure. This is extremely obvious in the West. Every unnecessary law or initiative requires more and more people – and these people are all carefully selected.

Job-creation by decree – This method is directed at the private sector, as well as the semi-public sector. Government purists start creating new laws and standards which all companies must fulfill. Those are justified on the basis of “goodness” and usually involve the environment, equality, safety and such things. This creates a large number of positions within private companies which are tailored for the ideologically pure – particularly in support functions such as human resources, compliance functions and others. This enables a “foot-in-the-door” situation in the private sector and gives the purists access to the levers of powers there – much like they already have in the public sector.

Private sector filtering – As the purists have gained access to the private sector – particularly human resources (which is the standard purist Trojan horse in private companies) – they start filtering new recruits exactly the same way the public sector does. As in the public sector, this filtering process is becoming more obvious. A significant number of companies are now specifying which groups will not be hired in their job advertisements. Since they can’t overtly say “we don’t hire smart, independent thinkers” they usually use “white men” as a proxy for that group for some reason. That group is considered to be a particular threat, although you can be sure that anyone who doesn’t follow the program will be fired, regardless of their gender or the color of their skin.

Private sector stuffing – Shortly after Elon Musk bought Twitter he fired something like 80% of its employees. That 80% was the company’s private sector stuffing ratio – quite high. Companies, particularly in sectors which can influence public opinion – but not solely, are increasingly creating a large number of positions which are either totally superfluous or intended for influence operations against the public.

Those filtering and stuffing methods are the primary mechanisms that have been used for the takeover of western societies by the ideologically pure. There are other mechanisms, such as ESG,  filtering by certain banks and investment funds regarding who gets financing and who doesn’t – and the uncontrolled immigration engineered by the ideologically pure which is seen by them as a continuation of the internal migration process. However, all that is beyond the scope of this article.

The ideologically pure have systematically been moved into almost all positions of power in the public sector and a large part of the private sector – and the situation in the private sector is increasingly mirroring the public sector in hiring practices and employee stuffing. The dangerous 1.5/8 group is being kept away by all means, and with great success. The power base of the Ideology is firmly in place.

This job migration program hasn’t been cheap. Millions of unnecessary jobs cost money and it is clear that a significant part of western public debt can be attributed to this program, a fact which doesn’t seem to have been noticed by many people.

The consequences

The main thing to understand is that western societies and economies have been put on an ideological footing. Productivity, competitiveness, technology and science are simply not priorities anymore in the West. Explaining the consequences of this process for the West would take many articles, or a book of several hundred pages. Still, let’s mention a few examples.

The inverse competence crisis – The goal of this entire project has been to place the ideologically pure in all positions of power at all levels of society. These positions are, in a normal and competitive society, occupied by the highly competent 1.5/8 group. The process has now reached near-completion with most positions of power occupied by the ideologically pure. Some of those people have high IQs but they are neither objective nor independent thinkers. The Ideology they must subscribe to is simply incompatible with those qualities. This has some serious consequences.

Remember that positions of power and influence are more likely to demand general competence than other positions (as opposed to specific competence). The greater the power, the more the position demands general competence. The people in these positions now are selected by ideological fervor and reliability – so the higher you go, the more ideologically enthusiastic the people who hold them. This means that the least objective and independent thinking people hold the positions which require the greatest objectivity and independent thinking. Therefore, in the West incompetence becomes greater and more common the higher you go. As someone said – “a general is an incompetent colonel.” This can be seen absolutely everywhere except in some holdout private companies. Those exceptions are of course being addressed as we speak.

The second problem is that many of the irrational/subjective people holding all the power have reasonably high IQs. That may seem to be a positive thing but it has a major disadvantage. Moderate to high IQ irrational/subjective people are the easiest to brainwash of all people. The reasons for that are complicated and need to be addressed in another article – but what this means is that the top tier in the West is not only the most incompetent it can possibly be in comparison to what their jobs require – but are also the most malleable and delusional.

The cost and debt crisis – The migration of the ideologically pure into the ideological power base and positions of influence has created millions of jobs in western societies which create no value. These jobs are much more numerous and more widespread than most people realize, and I wouldn’t be surprised if something like 20%-30% of the entire labor force of the West could be fired without any adverse effect. In fact, the effect would be positive, especially if those people could be made to work the (mostly menial) real-economy jobs they are suitable for.

Deindustrialization has been blamed for the extreme debt levels and tax burdens of the West. That is, as far as it goes, true – but maintaining this giant group of incompetents in their fake jobs is also placing an extreme burden on the West. Western societies are now completely unsustainable and cannot be run without constant debt increase.

The competition crisis – This crisis can be explained by the following example: Let’s say there are three companies with combined 100% market share in some sector. There is no real competition between them and everybody can just relax because the customers can’t go anywhere else. These companies can get away with absolute incompetence on most levels, including in management. They don’t need to think about efficiency, safety, productivity or costs, except on their websites and in annual reports. However, if a competitor with competent employees manages to infiltrate the sector, those three companies will hit a wall. There will be an enormous crisis and one or more of them will most likely go under.

This is exactly the situation in the western economies now. Monopoly and oligopoly is the rule and the main objective of most large western companies is to prevent anyone from infiltrating their sector – usually by bribing regulators or by buying the competition. This is a necessity because a huge number of western companies are now run by incompetent management and staffed by incompetent people, particularly in support and management functions. The immortal words of the nameless Boeing employee about the 737 MAX apply to most large western companies; “this airplane is designed by clowns who in turn are supervised by monkeys.” Western companies are no longer competitive. They cannot compete with Chinese companies now and soon they won’t be able to compete with companies in general outside the West. They simply can’t function except inside an economic safe-space. In fact, the situation is such that the Chinese already do the real work for many of them and reshoring the work is problematic because of (surprise!) the human capital degradation in the West caused by the repurposing of its education system.

This also applies to western societies as a whole. The entire leadership and diplomatic classes of the West are no longer competitive against the rest of the world for exactly these reasons. They are being outmaneuvered by the Chinese, the Russians, the Indians, and everybody else at every turn. Even African leaders are now more competent than western leaders. They have consistently made decisions that are better for their people than leaders in the West – for the last few years anyway.

The complexity crisis – Earlier in this article I stated that the 1.5/8 group is extremely valuable for modern societies and without it complicated modern societies cannot be managed. In the West this group has been successfully sidelined to a great degree and a good part of it doesn’t even bother with university education anymore. The situation, however, is even worse than that. The reconfiguration of the education system and the break between competence and reward in the job market has fundamentally changed the decision making process behind the selection of university education. Why study engineering (which is hard) when you can get an even better paying job with a degree in psychology (which is easy nowadays)? The reconfiguration of the western education system has changed the reward structure, encouraging young people to pursue easy and useless education – simply because the “system” will provide them with jobs.

This has already caused a major crisis in western societies, particularly in the US. The “maintenance” of complex aspects of US society needs a large group of engineers and people with related education. This maintenance is faltering now, and significantly relies on foreign engineers educated in US universities. You see, why would Americans study engineering in a system which doesn’t reward it? If China and India could somehow recall their engineers and others with hard education from the US, the US system could probably not be maintained, let alone advanced. This will get progressively worse and we will soon reach a point where complex systems which underpin society cannot be kept running. That will require some kind of “reset” to a less complex society, with less prosperity of course.

There are far more crises than those four, but I wouldn’t want to sound like a doomsayer by listing more.

Russia and the future

So, what about Russia? Firstly, there are clear signs that the Russians have figured out what is happening in the West and are learning from it. Recently they left the “Bologna process” which is a European education standardization system. The Bologna system has the express purpose of diluting education in member states, implementing certifications rather than real degrees, and filling European societies with badly educated and generally incompetent “experts” who follow the consensus, no matter what. The Russians saw this system as a threat to their country, which it is, and have, at least partly, reverted to the older and more hardcore Soviet system.

Secondly, the Russians seem to be carrying out purges of the incompetent and corrupt within state structures, including the military. Meritocracy seems to be on the agenda, a radical concept these days. The Russians most likely see these efforts as critical to the continuation of their state and nation – and they would be right.

The situation in China is much the same and there are indications that the rest of the non-western world is catching on. Remember that one of the results of the recent Russia-Africa summit was a Russian-organized education effort in Africa. I doubt that women’s studies will be a part of that curriculum.

The current clash between the West and Russia – and increasingly between the West and the rest of the world – is becoming a clash between the incompetent and irrational and the competent and rational. The result is obvious – but what happens when an irrational person who is backed into a corner has access to nuclear weapons? That’s anybody’s guess.

By putting its societies on an ideological footing the western elite has backed itself into a corner. They can’t compete; they can’t develop their economies or societies; and they can’t go back. Fixing the problems of the West will require an economic revival, where a real economy will replace the current fake financialized service economy. This cannot be done without putting the hated 1.5/8 group into positions of power. Therefore, it will not be done as long as the current western ruling class is in power. Western societies will not survive an economic revival in their current ideological configuration. Conflict is therefore the only remaining option for the ruling class to hang on to power.

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Notify of
August 20, 2023 8:39 am

Who is John Galt?

August 20, 2023 9:57 am

Who is Howard Beale?

anon a moos
anon a moos
August 20, 2023 10:36 am

more interested in jessica beale

  anon a moos
August 20, 2023 2:20 pm

more interested in jessica beale

….. as I remember her …

Don’t watch Candy.

August 20, 2023 10:24 am

Fuck that. Where is Galt’s Gulch?

August 20, 2023 10:49 am


To sit with elders of the gentle race
This world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait
All will be revealed

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
August 20, 2023 8:47 pm

Galts gulch where ever you want it to be.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 20, 2023 8:57 am

I would like to plaster this on the forehead of every useless bastard in my old agency. The truth is, the situation is probably not fixable. Just the enormous deadweight of the affirmative action hires – the artificial middle class – is enough to capsize us.

Leaving aside IQ and competence, the sheer lack of balls (in many cases literally) also destroys an organization. Yes-men, shoe-shiners, fly-checkers, and bottomers proliferate and nobody has the guts to call out idiotic ideas or actions.

I remember well an incident overseas. American hostages were being held by a major terrorist group. A moron in my agency proposes a “rescue operation” built around the idea you could negotiate with the terrorists, like they were bank robbers or a suicide standing on a 15th floor ledge.

“Let’s sneak into the jungle, surround the camp where they are held, call the terrorists up on the radio, and make a deal”.

This was insane. I had worked against this group for years. Ruthless and highly disciplined Communists, they had an iron rule: If there is any kind of rescue attempt, immediately kill the hostages. Full stop. And they had done it many times. Not a single person would say a word against this because the “boy wonder” behind it, a low IQ boot-licker loved by headquarters, was a vengeful type. White trash in a cheap suit and dirty shirt.

I got out of my lane and spoke up, to stop this nonsense. I was successful, but the ham-fisted, bungling turds who had thought up this lunacy made sure I paid for exposing them.

A small example but you get the point…….

  Southern Sage
August 20, 2023 9:47 am

The situation isn’t fixable.
But that’s because it’s not accidental.

August 20, 2023 8:59 am

All true but over all of this (IQ,competence, etc) is morality and a healthy worldview individually, coupled with a society that rewards it.
This is the main thing that has been undermined and it was done intentionally.

In other words a good worker who is not all that smart but doesn’t lie, steal, and just shows up is worth more than a smart person who doesn’t have these qualities. Conversely a smart person wouldn’t bitch about his soul less office job but work toward his own goals. Both could also be more thankful for a roof, hot shower, etc.

This article actually feeds into the technocracy where efficiency, keeping up with the global economy (like China? No thanks) etc. are the forms of success.

August 20, 2023 3:25 pm

Actually, morality and intelligence go hand and hand. The decline of intelligence, and the decline of morality in the US have been parallel. It is only ignorant people who do not understand nothing happens within a vacuum, every immoral act decreases and undermines the civilization as a whole.
With immoral and uncivilized actions being now the norm in the US, from the White House down to the local Public School classroom, our society as a whole is on the freeway of self destruction.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
August 21, 2023 10:58 pm

You seem to think that intelligence is defined by something arbitrary. Intelligence is a concept associated with a superior understanding of certain aspects of life, be it analytical (IQ), emotional interactions (EQ), political realities (real life smarts) etc etc.

There is zero link, per se, between intelligence and morality. Moral people may be ‘intelligent’, but they usually aren’t influential. The vast majority of moral people are not natural controllers and those that are natural controllers usually have life actions which don’t match up to their stated ‘moral principles’.

Let me express a few extremely unintelligent viewpoints of ‘moral people’:

1. Sex outside marriage is wrong – this is absolute claptrap of the first order.

The vast majority of failing marriages fail due to sexual incompatibility gradually spreading into a wider set of dissatisfactions. Yet the buffoons of all organised religions think that two sexually ignorant people will miraculously ‘just know’ everything about sex, despite every other subject on earth being subject to years of classroom teaching.

Sex prior to marriage is the biggest single predictor of healthy, longer-lasting unions – two people have discovered what they need and are satisfied by and have found it through experience. They didn’t listen to propaganda from foghorns and they don’t think that miraculously, every human being fits one formula.

2. ‘Imperialism’ is moral – the classic Christian lie of ‘we come here to serve God, but also get rich’.

Conquering others is an atavistic desire of psychopaths and those with unexpiated needs for BDSM during sex. It involves subjugating others instead of being happy within one’s own space. ‘Global evangelism’ is part of that evil. It assumes that only Christianity/Islam/Judaism can possibly bring good to the world.

What a load of incoherent dominance dungeon claptrap.

People around the world find their own spiritual meaning and they don’t need imperialistic psychopaths telling them what they are.

3. ‘Superiority’ is equated with aggression and gaslighting.

There is no superiority in gabbling books from the Bible – a text 2000 years old and ever less relevant to modern life.

Wisdom concerns handling real-life situations and benefitting from experience in such real life situations. The vast majority of clerics simply don’t have it.

Those that seriously think that there was some ‘golden age’ when Churches ruled by bullying, bribery and blackmail have mental health problems that will only be resolved when they finally face up to the truth about human nature, organised religion and the associate lack of personal responsibility taken by all the sheep found in church pews.

  Rhys Jaggar
August 23, 2023 12:26 pm

Like most liberal thinkers, you misunderstand the actual meaning of words.
Being religious does not necessary equate with being moral. Morality has nothing to do with religion. Moral people do not try to impose their values on others. Moral people have respect for the rights of others to believe and to live the way they choose so far as those choices do not infringe on the rights of others to do the same. I do not personally believe in God the way many people do, but I do believe the people who do believe in God have the right to do so regardless of what I think or believe.
True morality comes from having the intelligence to know that in order for real civilization to exist, people must act morally. Being moral, at its roots is nothing more than respecting the rights of others. People who live their lives without harming other people are moral people. They believe in the non-aggression principal but at the same time are brave enough to stand up when their rights or the rights of others are being infringed upon. People with high IQ are not just people who have memorized large quantities of information, they are people who can use that information to formulate rational thought. People capable of rational thought realize that if they desire to live in a civilized world, they themselves must be moral people. The problem is, the world is woefully short of people who are intelligent enough to think rationally.

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
August 20, 2023 9:02 am

The article didn’t say it but don’t we all know the number of blacks that are in the 1.5/8%? At best, 1 in a million.
Yet, they are advancing in unprecedented numbers in all aspects of society. How well does this bode for our society?
Black airline pilots, air traffic controllers, doctors/surgeons….you name it…All I can say is OMG!
I wonder what percentage of blacks live in Russia and China and how far will they progress in those societies? That was a joke. There are none.
And again, the phrase “we’re doomed” coined at TBP rises to the surface of another topic in this country.

anon a moos
anon a moos
August 20, 2023 9:22 am

Basically this is more details on what the communist’s stated very early after WW2. They knew they would never conquer the west by military means. They openly stated their plans to take over the west but somehow or why, nobody believed them. Again, these guys play the long game, like the muslims, while the west navel gazes.

The satanic cultists and communists openly stated they would infiltrate and take over institutions across the board. Small town positions, county and regional, state legislators, always moving up the ladder. They’d take over educational institutions, from kindergarten to the upper halls of academia, training the next generation in their ideologies and destroying those of their parents.

They’d take over social services and overwhelm the system in place. Typical communists messaging is free everything, until it isn’t any longer, then its bullets and jackboots. Industry, technology, work ethic etc all take massive hits as the satanic ideology takes root and destroys productivity and morale. Their goal is to reduce man to a sniveling subservient meat sack that will greatly polish TPTB’s shoes for a piece of bread.

I’ve stated ad nauseum that the house can no longer be saved. The corruption, rot and termites have destroyed anything remotely salvageable. Trying to fix a system this corrupted will merely delay the inevitable collapse. Adding resources is not only futile but a waste of resources that you will need when the cultists light the match to burn it down.

IMO, when it all comes down much of the corrupt human resources the ‘powers’ that be draw on will self emolliate and die off pretty quick. Just remember, we don’t want low hanging fruit, we want the evil fucks doing this to all. Once these dirtballs are swinging from ropes on pay per view then we can start cleaning house locally. A little leaven, leavens the whole loaf. Something to remember.

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Gadsden flag
Gadsden flag
  anon a moos
August 20, 2023 11:52 am

“The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.”

Max Horkheimer Frankfurt School of Tiny Ass Hats

Gadsden flag
Gadsden flag
  Gadsden flag
August 20, 2023 12:06 pm

The following is an excerpted review of Maurice Samuels’ 1924 book “You Gentiles”.

Is there any reason not to acknowledge the stated intent and the course of action we have witnessed

“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forev
Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2016
By Maurice Samuel. Written in 1924, this shocking classic work of Jewish Supremacism maps out what the avowedly Zionist author saw as the cause of anti-Semitism through the ages: an irreconcilable difference between Jews and all Gentiles, but Europeans in particular. This difference, Samuel argued, was inherent and biological in origin.

The author argues that the real point of difference between Jew and Gentile is that the Gentiles follow what he calls the base “triviality” of Gentiles versus the God-like “seriousness” of Jews.

This huge psychological difference, Samuel says, is the reason why Jews regard “playful” Gentiles as backward and silly, and why Gentiles will never be able to penetrate the Jewish perception of the world.

The book goes on to discuss the main points of difference in behavior between Jews and Gentiles focusing on physical activity, religion, concepts of good and evil, loyalty, science, fair play, and discipline. Maurice spells out why Jews have different attitudes to all these moral and philosophical issues—and why these values are the opposite of those endorsed by Gentiles.

Samuel then says that these inherent and unchangeable differences will always make the Jews out to be “destroyers” and the “subverters” of European culture and society.

Finally, he discusses the dangers presented to Jews by intermarriage with Gentiles, and concludes by saying that there will never be peace between Jew and Gentile until the last European state has “lost its racial homogeneity.”

  Gadsden flag
August 20, 2023 3:12 pm

Revolution does not require guns or violence. It only requires the public to realize that the current Government / Corporate monopoly is not the only game in town, and that it is not in their best interests to comply with it any longer.
Your compliance with the Government / Corporate monopoly to this point has been voluntarily. Your choice to reject it must also be voluntarily. Even a child knows that when someone is cheating at a game, the solution is simply to stop playing the game. Take your ball and go home.
Simply stop going along with the system. Take the power away from those who abuse it by destroying their legitimacy. What if they had an election…. and no one voted? Corporations cannot stay in business unless you by your own choice do business with them. You have all the power, if you choose to use it.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
August 20, 2023 9:47 am

“In some respects the Russians even seem to be superior to the West.”
I would say a 10 to 1 kill ratio in Ukraine pretty much confirms that.
Epistemic Vice (viciousness), by the one hit woke intellectual wonder Gillian Russell, pretty much sums it all up. Take a Dojo martial artist, a legend in her own house, 7th degree Black belt, getting her ass kicked in a MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) kiddie pool.
Wha-la, you have the current collapsing Amelikan Empire, the cesspool Culture of Death.
This is what happens when we as a nation turn away from God.

August 20, 2023 9:51 am

Thanks for posting this great article to all concerned.

The Maui fire and response is a perfect example of public sector incompetency from the local people all the way to those in DC. And their cry is ‘Not my fault, just give me my paycheck dammit!’.

August 20, 2023 2:24 pm

I do not buy the incompetency excuse. Haven’t for years.
When things happen on a large scale that are in perfect alignment with a known globalist agenda, I definitely do not believe it’s all due to incompetence.
This would be like chalking up the Plandemic or “global boiling” to incompetence.
The Plandemic could not have happened if everything was due to incompetence. In fact, it was totally dependent on very competent propaganda and thought control carried out for decades prior to 2019.

August 20, 2023 3:25 pm

These people are not a bunch of Sun Tzu types running around playing highly thought out schemes, they are in their positions due to their ability to screw things up and not even realize it.
My personal belief is that the so called powers are nothing but pawns satanic in nature. They can be anybody, just look at Pete Buttigieg or any military official. Any clever politician would have used the Maui fires to be the hero to those people, but no these idiots can not do a thing without the fear of doing something not on their pay scale, from fire chief to governor to president. The Navy right next door at Pearl Harbor did not make a single move, but thinks it can take on China in the South China Sea.
I don’t fear any events on the horizon with these clown in charge.
“And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;”
Romans 1:28
Read the whole chapter and get a good dose of reality.

August 20, 2023 3:29 pm

There are many people in the chain. Some will be incompetent, some will be evil, some will be good. Some will be a bit of all.

The evil will use the incompetent/stupid. The rest will ignore it happening as anything else might threaten their pensions.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
August 20, 2023 4:21 pm

Please do not confuse incompetence with deliberate evil … the first exonerates the evil-doers for their actions — the latter implicates them in their evil actions.

As a number of reports have stated, the problems with the fires on Maui were deliberately instituted — police were told to keep folks inside the burn zone and water was cut off for firefighting by an ‘equity’ stooge who thought that the water would be put to better use on the farm fields of a ‘local’ … i.e., a BIPOC.

  Anthony Aaron
August 20, 2023 5:22 pm

Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 21, 2023 10:35 am

Well said.

Long ago I began to ask, why are we concerned with motives when we talk about criminal acts? If I kill you because I want you to go to Jesus and it is motivated by love, will your family not mourn? Will you be any less dead?

Motive is immaterial, ideology is pointless, beliefs are of no importance.

Outcomes are everything.

By their fruit means something, and not just in an agricultural sense. That term was written in a time when everyone was responsible for feeding themselves and so it was readily understood. Today no one gets it, so they convolute their worldview to account for what should be readily obvious to anyone with two eyeballs and a heartbeat.

Hollow man
Hollow man
August 20, 2023 10:33 am


lamont cranston
lamont cranston
August 20, 2023 10:50 am

Great article, it explains “Bud Light”.

Recommended reading, “Curse Of The High IQ” by Aaron Clarey.

  lamont cranston
August 21, 2023 10:40 am

Read it. Agree.

August 20, 2023 10:53 am

Author thinks Elon Musk is a threat to cabal. Come on man.

Author doesn’t know what a stalking horse is.

August 20, 2023 10:56 am

This the gaslighting part:

Productivity, competitiveness, technology and science are simply not priorities anymore in the West.

How well did that ultimately work for us? Ask Siri.
The rest of the article shows where concentration on those things got us (plandemic being the perfect example). But their ‘fix’ is the same old thing.
Appealing to governments, economists, experts…thinking globally, whatever that is.
Go a different direction, individually. Talk about it with others.

August 20, 2023 11:10 am

Of course the opposite direction has hazards too. ‘Need Less’. Excellent advice but how does it morph to ‘you will own nothing but will be happy’?
There’s the problem.

August 20, 2023 4:38 pm

in these post-modern/subjective-truth times, faith in Jesus Christ, morality, and empirical science have been replaced by technology and scientism.

August 20, 2023 7:26 pm


Good for you Whatever…

SIRI PEOPLE who invite in the Death Cult’s technology into their homes to listen to and track them wider and deeper…by every single spoken word…are also usually convinced wildfires are caused by Global Warming…oops…I mean CLIMATE CHANGE.

BUT…none of them have any “RIGID THINKING”!

(Right Eud?)



(See, I can speak Christineese too Eud).

August 20, 2023 11:29 am

The main concept of this article is good, but why start off with the anti-American rant. It is totally backwards. In 18 months the vaunted Russian military machine has made minimal gains beyond its illegal annexations of 2014 against a country 1/3 its size. They expected to run the table in a week or two. Western weapons technology has held the Red Army at bay while inflicting serious casualties and an even bigger drain on Russia’s military material. As for Russia’s economic might, its ruble has crashed to the value of one American cent. Some prowess. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own reality.

anon a moos
anon a moos
August 20, 2023 11:35 am

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Dying Sun
Dying Sun
August 20, 2023 12:49 pm

In 18 months the vaunted Russian military machine has made minimal gains

For most of this conflict, Russia has not been using its full military might. Russia is probably using the same strategy in Ukraine as it did in the Georgia conflict of 2008. Russia mostly reclaimed territory in South Ossetia and Abkhazia illegally seized by Georgia. Russia did not take over Georgia since it probably learned in Afghanistan that seizing territory occupied by people who dislike you results in terrorism. That’s a lesson the U.S. never seems to learn.

As for Russia’s economic might, its ruble has crashed to the value of one American cent.

Unfortunately, many Americans are math illiterate, lazy, or just plain stupid. They do not take the time to check propaganda being spewed by the MSM. You, like many others, think “Golly gee, Russia must in economic trouble since the Ruble is only worth a penny.” Go to

and look at the 10-year U.S. Dollar/Ruble rate. You will see that the Ruble is actually doing quite well. If that doesn’t convince you, look at the Dollar versus the Yen or the Dollar versus the Rupee. It gets tiring trying to educate morons like you.

  Dying Sun
August 20, 2023 1:00 pm

Unfortunately, many Americans are math illiterate, lazy, or just plain stupid.

The loudest, most absolutely sure they are correct ones.

These are the “I can’t understand what you are explaining, so therefore you are wrong” ones. A definite majority.

A 30+ point I.Q. difference will prevent any meaningful communication. No point in trying.

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
August 20, 2023 1:22 pm

You are correct stating that there is “No point in trying”. It’s just that I used to teach for a living and old habits die hard.

  Dying Sun
August 21, 2023 9:46 am

I have learned something I did not know about the ruble/dollar history thanks to your response. It certainly has plunged recently, however. It will be interesting to see if it continues to fall to its previous abysmal levels.

I’m not sure where you get the idea Russia is not using its full military might. Perhaps it is because they have not fully mobilized as if in a WW. However, if they have not, and are fighting with one hand tied like we did in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, isn’t that an inditement of their judgement? Do you seriously believe that the Russians didn’t expect to decapitate the Ukrainian gov’t in the first weeks of the invasion, impose a puppet gov’t friendly to Russia, and support that gov’t with military forces against armed resistance? If so, perhaps you need to join me on a dunce stool.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 21, 2023 10:42 am

You are looking at this the way America has waged wars for the last 75 years.

How has that been working out for us?

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Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
August 20, 2023 2:03 pm

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own reality,” Anon.
Demilitarization and denazification of threats against Russia is the Putin goal.
Who do you trust more, a Christian nationalist or a Globalist Pedophile?

August 20, 2023 2:57 pm

Only a person who is wholly ignorant of the situation would assume the goal of the Russian SMO was to gain territory. The goal of the Russian SMO is to eliminate the threat to the Russia. To do that they need to de-militarize both Ukraine and NATO, and are doing that very effectively.
At present, the Ukraine military is weeks away from complete collapse, and NATO has been defanged as a military force in Europe, with neither the manpower, equipment stocks, or the manufacturing capability to fight a real war for more than a few months.
Furthermore, the value of the ruble in relation to the dollar is irrelevant because Russia does not trade with the west any longer. They have replaced the west with the BRICS nations and dramatically increased their trade with China to both of there interests.
Russia, China, India, and other BRICS members have benefited by the NATO decision to prosecute the war and to refuse all efforts to find a peaceful diplomatic solution.
The US and NATO have been shown to be weak militarily, morally, and intellectually. The rest of the world are now aligning with BRICS, and soon the US and Europe will be isolated and scorned by the rest of the world, and the natural resources that will determine the wealth and power distribution of the future….

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
August 20, 2023 4:04 pm

When Joey tucked tail and slinked out of Afghanistan, he showed everyone in the world that we were nothing but paper tigers who would not back up our promises. Saudi, especially, noticed and have been moving closer and closer to the BRICS nations. Once most of OPEC joins BRICS, it will be lights out for Uncle Sugar and the almighty U$D.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 21, 2023 10:38 am

You are mistaking tactics for strategy.

Most people do.

Best class I ever took-

Aside from The Art of War, you will likely never find a resource for how to exist in a hostile world without losing like this one.

The end comes for all men, but it doesn’t have to be today.

August 20, 2023 11:49 am

Probably a good article, but you took far too long to say that America and the west took a dump on traditional values and work ethic, while Russia reinforced their traditional values and ethic. We f&%ked up. they didn’t.

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
August 20, 2023 12:52 pm

Or, affluence leads to decadence, and decadence leads to decline. All the rest is just added filler.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Dying Sun
August 21, 2023 10:43 am

Sometimes it’s nice to lay it out in a long form, cogent essay that illustrates each point.

Life can’t always be memes.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
August 20, 2023 2:18 pm

Patience is a learned virtue. Was this your first hard lesson?

August 20, 2023 2:38 pm

It was arranged according to the Peter principle, where they promoted you until you reached your level of incompetence, which is where you would be until you retired.

August 20, 2023 2:41 pm

It is said that to know yourself is the foundation stone of all knowledge.
As a species, people are no damn good.
That is a fact.
We are in a constant moral battle between our irrational instincts and desires, and our inherent knowledge that we must not allow those desires to infringe on the rights of others. If we indulge in the pursuit of our desires by infringing upon the rights of others and the best interests of society, then we undermine civilization as a whole.
Despite knowing this, we all do it to one degree or another.
The worst of us, often driven by these desires and a complete lack of ethics, gravitate to positions of power in which they can use that power to attain what they desire at the price of undermining the social safeguards put in place to protect society from those very irrational and unethical practices.
The US upon gaining the status of the worlds only superpower, gained the status and the ability to undermine the rights of the rest of the world, and put at risk the civilization of the entire planet. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The Russians after the fall of the Soviet Union, were in a position of having to rebuild their entire society from the bottom up, and to have to face the reasons for their downfall. As a result, the Russians built a more moral society, in which the standards of living for the people of Russia have improved year over year for decades. They are now a quite religious and family oriented country, that understands the need to respect others and follow the rule of law.
As a result of their actions, they have healed the historic political divides between them and other countries and strengthened their relationships worldwide while the US continues to alienate, undermine, and bully countries across the globe.
Having had to endure the malicious actions of the US for decades, the rest of the world is now looking for an alternative, and are seeing BRICS as that solution.
Just as the people inside the US are now seeking to develop alternative parallel systems to separate themselves from the government / corporate monopoly that seeks to control them, the rest of the world sees BRICS as an alternative parallel system to the US control of worldwide banking and trade.
It is my hope, that both the people of the US, and countries around the world will be successful in developing these parallel systems and in so doing, put the US Government / Corporate cartel on the course of self destruction.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
August 20, 2023 2:51 pm

1. The Peter Principle – in a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to their level of incompetence, leading to every post being occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties.

Who and why were they promoted?

2. Hanlon’s Razor -“Never Attribute to Malice That Which is Adequately Explained by Stupidity”

Would a culturally homogenous society minimize the scope of the stupid, thereby leaving chronic malice as the actionable intent?

3. Grey’s Razor (inverse variant of Hanlon’s Razor) – “Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.”

“Advanced incompetence” implies a skillset to calculate, scheme, and adjudicate the morality and effects of one’s actions. Is “advanced incompetence” a basis for plausible deniability of chronic malicious intent?

  gadsden flag
August 20, 2023 2:56 pm

If the left who are running what used to be the USA were simply incompetent or incompetent and stupid,every so often they would do something that would benefit the FUSA. But nothing, not one thing that has been done in the last 2 and a half years has been to the benefit of the people of the former US. So it’s obviously malicious.

  gadsden flag
August 20, 2023 3:30 pm

#3 sounds nice, but I don’t believe it’s true.

Incompetence, over longer time spans, goes overboard to both sides (e.g. too much / too little) randomly and therefore roughly equally, while malice does not.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
August 20, 2023 4:13 pm

#3 occurs when the level of incompetence achieved requires an advanced and sophisticated intellect, and should therefore be considered malice. A good example is the USA border “crisis” and the many harmful consequences resulting from the malicious intent. Which then begs the question who and why?

Similar to the “standard of care” in the medical industry.

“The standard of care refers to the level of care a person or entity must exhibit to prevent others from harm. The standard of care comes into play in medical malpractice cases when a healthcare provider fails to provide the level of care a similarly-trained professional would have offered under the same circumstances.”

  gadsden flag
August 21, 2023 3:10 am

You seem to be applying #3 to a single person, while I look at a group of [incompetent] people.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
August 21, 2023 5:10 pm

consider the border crisis and consider the education crisis.

advanced incompetence means having connections, skills and motive to gum up higher level situtaions.

the intent is malice – especially at an institutional level.

they should know better.

August 20, 2023 6:03 pm

I read the entire thing. Great article.

August 20, 2023 6:48 pm

This article is right over the target and here is the bullseye in my opinion:

The inverse competence crisis – The goal of this entire project has been to place the ideologically pure in all positions of power at all levels of society. These positions are, in a normal and competitive society, occupied by the highly competent 1.5/8 group. The process has now reached near-completion with most positions of power occupied by the ideologically pure. Some of those people have high IQs but they are neither objective nor independent thinkers. The Ideology they must subscribe to is simply incompatible with those qualities. This has some serious consequences.

Even the highly intelligent Guardians of the Ideology lack the ability for objective and independent thinking because the ideology to which they prescribe is “incompatible with those qualities“.

Relativism. It’s just not logical. And yet the midde-managers in the Guardians of the Ideology Club are absolutely certain their intentions are good – even if reality constantly proves to be so unkind.


Therefore, they must forever be relentlessly belittled and tormented by memes.

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August 20, 2023 7:08 pm

I’ll sit down later and read the rest of the essay Mr Farmer but so far your ideological purists bear striking resemblance to another writers ” psychopoliticans ” ( both of which can and usually carry out there rolls largely unwittingly . Pretty good stuff so far farmer but I have other stuff to do right now and will pick it up again later.

August 20, 2023 8:23 pm

Or more simply put:
When the 3rd world war begins and it already has with Coivid, there will be disasters all over the world, so-called natural disasters that are not “natural”.
The Chinese have already been given Hawaii and the Russians will get Alaska, they will also synchronize with the US militaries, and there will be no winner or loser, but a one world government, to replace all former nations, under a one world military.
The militaries of all nations will join as one NWO, they will follow all orders as they will be mind controlled. A huge global army to terrorize everyone left alive. To make every nation totally destroyed, completely lost and then the NWO under the antichrist will take over as the Savior of humanity and give people hope to bring peace and rebuild the world into the same satanic prison model nation that China now is, but much worse. They will take away your ability to be free and think for yourself. They will make you into puppets, robot puppets they can play with, for their own sadistic amusement.
No more family, no more independence ever again.
These are blood drinking psychopaths. These are the beings who are the enemies of God who rule over Hell.
Since you have taken a liking to them and welcomed them in due to the fake Holocaust lies, you are cursed generationally and no longer under the protection of God.
God will take his own and leave the ones who hate God and think Good is evil or non-existent down with them when they destroy all life on earth and are permanently removed from this earth, and sent into the black sun which is HELL.
Eventually you will all know that science is only from the devil and it only destroys life, and ruins God’s creation, that Hitler was Jesus Christ returned and you did not know him.
You will all be ashamed for worshiping the antichrist jews for so long, for no good reason bu it gave you a “good reputation to do so” and it gave you a bad reputation not to, worship the antichrist people: the jews who HATE with a passion God, Jesus Christ and all of you gentiles.
That will come with the warning, to save you.
Wherever the jews take control and become your leaders or your leaders handlers and rule will be completely destroyed. America which has been the leader in worshiping the jews will be destroyed totally, so will Israel, Russia and China and all nations of Brics. All nations who sign contracts with Israel will be sent down to Hell with the jews when they go.
They want to go as long as they have you gentile idiots who think you are Christians but worship the people who denied Jesus was the son of God and still do: the antichrist people who since then are owned and controlled completely by Lucifer through their father: Satan, they have his DNA, from the beginning of their creation, for what they did. They are no longer of God just as the fallen angels of Hell were cast out.
This is what happened and why: The law of one. How you treat others will be the way you treat yourself in your next life. Or if you are truly evil, like the jews, how you will be treated in Hell, by the demons there.
If you favor and treat extra well, those who are evil and hate God, (the jews) you then become what you are now: people who think well of and favor themselves for doing evil, like the jews do. Pretending to be good on the surface faking being a victim but really just a phony fake evil person with a nice facade, and now you truly do love yourselves and think you are great and deserve favoritism for duplicating the antichrist nature of the jews. Transgenders are doing that. Each generation it gets worse until now you all deny Jesus and think that makes you worthy for adoration, like the jews. The more you love the jews the more you will hate God and serve the devil in his place as the jews do.
The more you worship the jews as favorted chosen people, the more you will deny Jesus is the son of God and the more you will want to kill him again and take his place and be Gods yourself as the jews have.
It happened in Russia and China, they became atheists and now they are Satanists. They live in HELL where there is no freedom, and nothing of God. Just selfish self preservation, and God will not protect such people. All kinds of Hell is coming for all of them until their NWO arrives to destroy their souls next. Because the antichrist have no souls, jews born of a jewish mother have no souls, and the next generation will lose their souls at birth by taking the mark of the beast. That is all loving the jews and hating Hitler, who was Jesus, has gotten you, the loss of your souls.One generation to the next.
You did it to yourselves.
You are only one step away from becoming residents of Hell and having demonic DNA and never knowing God or His love again, you will be reformed from birth with the devil’s DNA.

As soon as you mistook the enemies of God, your souls and all that is holy: the jews for good people and poor victims and people who spoke the truth when the exact opposite is the truth, you began to also feel that way about yourselves and feel great pride and ego when you lie, trick people, and victimizes them sadistically and selfishly and deny that God exists. When you call your savior Hitler the antichrist, you went backwards and upside down and began to devolve, thinking good is evil and evil is good. You cursed yourselves and ruined the lives of your own children. You all believe now, that evil is good and good is evil and God loves sinners to sin. That he just lets you destroy your own souls and it’s not your fault, just blame someone else for your crimes like the jews do.

The devil has you now and he is bringing his NWO to take you all to eternal Hell.
Your choices, your decisions. You put yourselves in Hell when it fancied your own egos to worship the antichrist=the jews. You can blame your egos and pride for those bad choices.
After the warning you will have only 6 weeks to repent of your bad choice.For many there will be no redemption. During the war, Hell will appear in the sky and come for the ones who belong to them. It will be 3 days of darkness. The worst, most evil feeling imaginable will strike everyone who sees it and they will all end the war right then, and run and hide.

It will be a cleansing of all evil from this world so that Jesus can return and recreate this world new and more beautiful and magnificent than ever before.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
August 20, 2023 9:00 pm

Sorry hardscraplle.

I have to disagree completely with your premise.

To put it simply this is just a money grab by the powers that be.

General Smedly Butler is still correct after 100 years.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  A cruel accountant
August 21, 2023 10:49 am

Again, you’re confusing tactics with strategy.

Two very different things.

I have been deep diving the collapse of civilizations for the past three years, everything I could find from the old standards to some pretty obscure texts and there exists a common theme in all of them.

There is no recovering this one, it is terminal and it will end the same way every other one has, in ruins.

Humans will, of course, abide in some other as yet to be seen cultural rising and it will begin anew. Understanding what is taking place matters to an exceedingly small number of people in any given time, but here, for some reason, I expect there are more than a few who are curious.

I’m just trying to throw some bits I’ve stumbled across into the mix out of fraternity.

Off to harvest!

August 22, 2023 12:20 pm

The most true line

Since all ideological goals tend to be more or less in conflict with reality, there is no group more disruptive to them than the one who operates objectively and independently. People like that simply cannot be allowed into positions of power, and if they must be, they must be kept quiet and/or forced to toe the line.