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August 20, 2023 8:50 am

Returned ? They never left.
The mystery schools hint at ancient knowledge of ‘ gods ‘ who were in Atlantis.

“There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has a secret Destiny…” The outcome of this “secret destiny” is a World Order ruled by a king with supernatural powers. “This king was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined; for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings.”
Manley P. Hall 33 degree Mason The Secret Destiny of America

…to “invoke” the New Age Interview in Meditation Said Harmonic Convergence Day began a five-year “plan” to purify the Earth and prepare for the coming New Age kingdom. Civilization must be “destructured.” ….New values will be instituted for mankind, including cooperation, collaboration, and unification on behalf of the “Spirit of the Earth.”
” a time known as the “Era of Reseeding.” Major population areas will be thinned-out. “The human population will be resettled, while the care of the planet will be entrusted to shamanic exercises.” Industrial civilization will be done away with. UN personnel will develop plans for economic battalions to redistribute the wealth of the world. “Jose Arguelles professor of art at a New Mexico university, mastermind of World Harmonic Convergence Day


August 20, 2023 1:19 pm

I read Hall’s book, “The secret teaching of all ages” But what you are quoting appears to be nothing more than Conjecture on his part, using symbols of ages past to give authority to his work. Have you bothered to interest yourself in Metaphysics, or remote viewing, or any psychic work, that you would take Hall’s work as gospel? Obviously not. Believe me, Masons are not the living end of spiritual attainment with all their rituals and assertions and aren’t much different that the Rosy Cross of Beverlyhall which I joined for a time before I understood what all the brouhaha was about. I started practicing “the arts” on my own after I quit, and was better off for doing so.

John Hancock
John Hancock
August 20, 2023 3:48 pm

Actually, I have “bothered” to read Blavatsky, Hall, the Masonic Bible, and other esoteric tomes, and have read whatever I could fine from other sources and on various websites. I’ve also spoken with Theosophists, former Masons, and occultists.
For some strange reason, I prefer that my information NOT come from “channeled sources” that is from alleged “spirit guides”, from the Great White Brotherhood, from Lam, Aiwass, Ramtha, or ancient aliens, etc… or from men and women who have a history of fraud and embezzlement.

Your reply is deceptive, you ask about Metaphysics, a branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality, but then you state that you are “practicing the arts” on your own.
What “arts” are you practicing Rump?
My guiding principle when doing research, is to look at BOTH sides of an issue and most importantly, to look at the curriculum vitae, the credentials, and the LIFE of the people who are making these claims and writing these books.
I want to see the first hand research that is allegedly behind what the writers are claiming as truth.

Sadly, theosophists, New Agers, ancient alien aficionados, Satanists, pagans and others, get their “facts” from the same tiny pool, that is they merely quote OTHER theosophists, other New Agers, other Satanists, and other pagans, they only cite people who believe exactly as they do.
Sad really, there is no scholarship, no first hand information, and no authenticity, just a collection of ne’er do wells, malcontents, atheists, crack pots, folks who “don’t fit in”, the mentally ill, and haters of religion.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
August 20, 2023 10:30 pm

So what are you? An artiste?

August 20, 2023 2:26 pm

Fast forward to the end.

August 20, 2023 10:16 am
August 20, 2023 10:27 am

Psalm 82
King James Version

82 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

2 How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.

6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.

August 20, 2023 4:56 pm

He explains it real well. What the ancients referred to as Gods, were part of the spiritual hierarchy. They administer planet earth. They are not to be worshiped. It’s the same as if you worshiped Joe Biden, which the libtards do.

anon a moos
anon a moos
August 20, 2023 10:32 am

They never left! Just applied new lipstick, hello sailor…

  anon a moos
August 20, 2023 10:56 am

This. The new age and earth worship is only rebranded pagan / druid / sun worship, etc.

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
August 20, 2023 1:00 pm

Is this an ad for the latest edition of “Chariot of the Gods” by Erich Von Daniken?

August 20, 2023 1:03 pm

These morons have no idea “WHO” their gods are, while also having no GD idea “WHAT” their gods are. And yes Gods was pluralized for a purpose, because apparently, these idiots did not read Genesis 3:22 where the Gods speak of “US”, meaning many. This guy blathers inanities that have no meaning expecting everyone to buy into his BS, as if he has a direct line to his God. Do you people out there in La La Land know what, “The Stockholm Syndrome” is. When you figure that out then get back to me with a reply, (I’ll get the message) and we’ll discuss who your Jailer is !

August 20, 2023 3:16 pm

The word “us” does not appear in Gen 3:22 original Hebrew text. It is an arbitrary addition of the 16th century translators to make it say what they thought it should say or wanted it to say.

August 20, 2023 7:38 pm

Elohim in Hebrew is plural and it can mean spirits, angels, or gods. It is also used in Genesis to refer to the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). The 3 persons of God comprise the One True God.

John Hancock
John Hancock
August 20, 2023 2:00 pm

Amazing timing of this article, at least for me. An acquaintance of several years, who in the past has been quite been engaging, interesting and funny, has suddenly revealed his true colors and long time interests and beliefs.
Blavatsky’s Theosophy, Alistair Crowley, Masonry, Rosicrucianism, spirit guides, a belief in ancient aliens as progenitors of the human race, Von Daniken and Sitchin, and oh yeah, an INTENSE disdain and hatred of Judeo-Christianity!
I call these folks, “ABG’s”, anything but God.
They have no problem believing in spirit guides, ancient aliens, pagan gods such as Marduk, Enlil, Ra, Horus, etc… They believe in channeling, automatic writing, gurus, swamis, spell casting, crystals, contacting the dead, ancient Egyptian magic, Crowley’s magick, Blavatsky’s blatherings, space ships and aliens, but just mention God, and their toes curl up, their heads spin around on their necks, and they projectile vomit pea soup!

The so called ancient “gods” never left humanity. In each generation these entities (demonic) shape shift and transform themselves into images that the prevailing culture would find plausible and acceptable.
Ancient Romans saw Jupiter, Mars, Venus, while mankind today sees aliens from another planet.

What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, there is nothing new under the sun.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  John Hancock
August 20, 2023 2:21 pm


Jews hate that term unless using it benefits them in some way. Christians should hate it, too. No one ever used that term until the 70’s when Zionism really took hold in the US

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Stephanie Shepard
August 20, 2023 2:44 pm

Evangelical Christians like John Hagee started pushing it in the 70’s. The Israeli government bought him a jet. Nice donation, don’t you think?

  Mary Christine
August 20, 2023 8:17 pm

For this reason I do not trust Evangelicals in general, even though technically I am one. It is absolutely heretical what most of them believe about Jews.

  Stephanie Shepard
August 20, 2023 8:16 pm

The Bible says they cursed themselves for killing Christ. It is not a question.

August 21, 2023 11:34 am

Descendants of Pharisees and Sadducees.
The “chosen” will suffer the same Tribulations as everyone else and will not be exempt.

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
  John Hancock
August 20, 2023 3:29 pm

Masonry, Rosicrucianism

A good book on conspiracy theory fanatics is “Foucault’s Pendulum” by Umberto Eco. It’s a challenging read at times due to the name-dropping of so many obscure cults, but it highlights the dangers of these deluded true-believers.

  John Hancock
August 20, 2023 7:42 pm

I think many of the pagan gods are obviously based on angels both fallen and exalted from the OT and Hebrew apocrypha. God himself informs us through scripture that both kinds of angels were appointed to oversee the nations.

You are correct that the demon influenced recoil at the one true God.

  John Hancock
August 22, 2023 7:26 am

You might want to read Paul Wallis’ recent books. The Old Testament is not about God.

August 26, 2023 12:23 pm

also mauro biglino, the naked bible and the gods of the bible, the jews wrote both old and new
testaments several times over, this man worked for the vatican for 20yrs translating ancient
texts, human history is 100,s of 1000,s of yrs old if not millions of yrs old we have history eons before any bible was written, this is the history von daiken and sitichen expose it is also the ancient
history of the hindu,s, and they all describe ancient aliens. see the doco “everything you know
is wrong” by Lloyd Pye to get some insight into prehistory

August 20, 2023 2:18 pm


August 20, 2023 3:32 pm

Satan is just like God in the hearts of all men. While God gives us free will, Satan does his best to control all minds. When we dwell in sin, the basics are lust, greed, anger, attachment and vanity, we are following Satan. When we focus on the opposites of sin: forgiveness, tolerance, contentment, discrimination, detachment, and humility, we are dwelling in the house of the lord. It is a very conscious thing. We must have intent. Intent means starting the day with reading of scripture,and then prayer and contemplation. St Francis’s prayer is the model. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. Th psalms as 23, 24, 25, 46, and 91 models of great prayers.
Not a bad talk. But he never mentioned. What people referred to as the ancient Gods, we now refer to as the Psychic power. Each God is an attribute of the Psychic power, and yes Satan is another name for the Psychic power. Some also refer to it as the Universal mind.

Daniel H. Benson
Daniel H. Benson
August 20, 2023 4:13 pm

The Bible (Jesus) said what is coming before He returns is the Anti (substitute/imitation) Messiah/Christ.
Jesus said he would show up claiming to be the second coming of Jesus and will do the same signs and wonders Jesus did when He was first here on earth.
Jesus said his imitation/ deception of the real Jesus would be so much like what Christians at the time would suspect the second coming would look like, even the elect might be fooled if possible.
Jesus added that the only clue to tell Himself apart from this false messiah is that the real Jesus will return in the clouds from the east to the west.
So when this anti-Christ comes he will overthrow the ancient God’s that will return. Thus enforcing his deception that he is the real second coming of Christ.

  Daniel H. Benson
August 20, 2023 8:18 pm

It will be as lighting coming from the east to the west, is what it says from memory.

August 20, 2023 9:31 pm

Anyone who believes that a superior being would ever create anything as screwed up as the human race is delusional.
Nothing that is all knowing and powerful could fuck up that bad……

August 21, 2023 10:44 pm

Very informative, thanks for posting Stephanie…………