
Gloat While You Still Can

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“The hour is much later than you think…on multiple fronts: Financial, political, medical and geopolitical.”Edward Dowd

Credit: Joshua Lisec on “X”

In the pre-gloat hours before the verdict in Judge Juan Merchan’s courtroom, Lawfare caporegime Andrew Weissmann (“Mueller’s Pitbull”) confessed Valley Girl style from his MSNBC clubhouse perch, “. . . I mean, I am, like, now I have a man-crush on him, he is such a great judge!” Bromance on, looks like! If the two happen to frequent the same athletic club in downtown Manhattan, Judge Merchan better be careful in the post-workout shower when he  bends over to pick up the soap. The Pitbull cometh!

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BRITAIN’S BLOOD FEUD – Starmer is WEF – Assange – 7 Deadly Sins – Get Vaxxed? – Fluoride! – Undeclared War – Services Inflation – Off-Grid – HadCRUT Fraud – Letter from Great Britain – [06-01-24]

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.” [Mark Twain]

This week sees the release of a report from an Inquiry into the 50+ year cover-up of Britain’s contaminated blood transfusions resulting in 30,000+ injuries and some 3,000+ deaths thus far but continuing even today. HMG has offered a £10bn compensation package but after such a long time-lapse many sufferers have passed away and their families have remained bereft for decades

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Gain-of-Function May Explain Bird Flu Jump To Cows And Humans

Authored by  Yuhong Dong, M.D., Ph.D. and Xiaoxu Sean Lin, M.D., Ph.D. via The Epoch Times,

(Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock)


In the past six months, bird flu has surprised scientists at least twice.

Bird flu viruses have circulated mainly in birds for a long time. However, in early December 2023, an outbreak occurred in U.S. dairy cows, even though cattle are not typically susceptible to avian influenza A, the bird flu virus.

In late March, a U.S. dairy farm worker was infected by a H5N1 virus from a cow.

On May 22, a second human case of H5N1 infection was reported with prior exposure to infected dairy cows in Michigan.

On the same day in May, an Australian child was infected by an H7 strain,  another subtype of influenza A  known to cause human infections.

Since bird flu infections in humans are rare, these incidents have raised significant concern among scientists.

Why is this happening, and how concerned should we be?

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The Sicilian Message . . . Meant for Us

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Will Trump become even stronger now that he’s been created a “felon” – 34 times! – by a “court” (and jury) that everyone understands was convened to convict him? That is the belief asserted by Devolutionists – the people who believe that this is all a show and part of an elaborate operation to expose the corruption of the system so that it can be un-corrupted.

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Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

You will drive yourself crazy trying to make sense of these cases because most people are unable to understand what’s actually going on. This has zero to do with law, justice, racial equality or disparity, motives or defenses. This is war. The war being waged is upon the Founder’s stock, Heritage Americans, if you will. One side knows what it is doing and rather than using standing, uniformed armies has developed a series of tactics that allows a campaign based on stealth.

Rather than a theater of operations where combatants meet on the filed of battle, like Bastogne or Tarawa, the entirety of America is constantly under assault by proxy armies made up of individuals, gangs, mobs, etc. They are given free reign by those who control our governments and the associated institutions that make up the body politic.


US Presidents Who Gamble With Nuclear Armageddon

Authored by Jeffrey D. Sachs via Common Dreams,

Each of the last five presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, have brought us closer to the brink. We desperately need leaders with a knack for peace who can steer the nation, and the world, toward a more secure and less dangerous future.

The overriding job of any U.S. president is to keep the nation safe. In the nuclear age, that mainly means avoiding nuclear Armageddon. Joe Biden’s reckless and incompetent foreign policy is pushing us closer to annihilation. He joins a long and undistinguished list of presidents who have gambled with Armageddon, including his immediate predecessor and rival, Donald Trump.

Image source: iStock

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The West is Hell-Bent on Provoking Russia Into Hot War

Guest Post by Pepe Escobar

The warning by President Putin could not be starker: “In the event of the use of long-range weapons, the Russian Armed Forces will again have to make decisions about expanding the sanitary zone further (…) Do they want global conflict? It seemed they wanted to negotiate [with us], but we don’t see much desire to do this.”
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov then came up with the appropriate metaphor to designate NATO’s ramped-up military outbursts: not only NATO is raising the degree of escalation but delving into a warlike “ecstasy”.

It’s time for Russia to think about a ‘demonstrative’ nuclear test

Guest Post by Dmitry Suslov

The US-led bloc has lost its fear of the mushroom cloud, but seeing one would perhaps focus some minds

There’s every indication that the US and several of its allies may soon allow Ukraine to use Western weapons, including long-range missiles, to attack targets located within – how do we put this? – Russia’s internationally recognized borders. Or those that existed before the 2014 Maidan in Kiev.

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by Ray Jason

Will I ever see my friend again?

The Shadow Sailor just raised his anchor and headed for the Canal. We had spent an intense three hours discussing his concerns and his strategy.

His mission was to escape the dark, planet-shattering storm that he could sense just beyond the horizon. This tempest, which so terrified him, was not a natural phenomenon. Instead, it was a combination of two of Humanity’s worst traits – delusional Pride and destructive Power. He perceived them as the fuse and the explosive charge that would lead us to Nuclear Annihilation.


1 in 9 Kids Diagnosed With ADHD, CDC Says — But Why?

Guest Post by

A new CDC study found that 11.4% of U.S. children aged 3-17 years have at some point been diagnosed with ADHD — up from 9.9% in 2016. Experts criticized the widespread normalization of trends and the unwillingness of researchers to make a connection to chemical exposures and harmful ingredients in childhood vaccines.

One in nine U.S. children have been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) — an increase of approximately 1 million since 2016 — according to a new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The study, published this month in the Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, showed 11.4% of children ages 3-17 years (7.1 million) as having at some point been diagnosed with the condition, and 10.5% (6.5 million) currently living with ADHD.

In 2016, 9.9% of children at some point in their lives had been diagnosed with ADHD and only 8.9% of children were living with the condition.

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NAKED ELECTION INTERFERENCE! And they pulled it off via jury tampering NYC-style

Via State of the Nation


What the hopelessly corrupt communist-run Democrat Party just did was forever destroy the U.S. Criminal Justice System.

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