Feminism On College Campuses is a Cancer

I stumbled across Bearing a few days ago and his videos crack me up (especially the ones where he rips morons doing Tedx talks).

The reality is summed up well in his description, they want to act like toddlers and have tantrums but be considered adults and equals; well fuck that noise.

The description of the video:

Feminists have become so accustom to getting their own way that it has become absolutely unacceptable to have an opinion that differs from the feminist consensus. They will literally kick, scream and throw about anything within arms length if you do not conform.

It’s like dealing with a cranky toddler throwing a tantrum .. but with one key difference – we’re supposed to treat these fucking babies like adults – we’re supposed to see them as our equals – we’re even supposed go out of our way to strive for their un obtainable Marxist equality of outcome.

And all the while, these cancerous feminists are under no obligation to act in kind to everyone else – they’re not even under any obligation to act like civilized people.


The Housing Market Will Bounce Back

HAHAHAHA, it must be true because it’s coming from “Business Insider”, lol.

Be sure not to be drinking anything you don’t want coming out your nose when you read this.

This is what will create the next housing boom

Akin Oyedele36 mins ago
© David Sucsy/E+/Getty Images  The next housing boom will be triggered by millennials.Like older demographic groups, the lumped-together cohort of 20- and 30-somethings are interested in getting married, starting families, buying homes and living the aspirational suburban life.The problem is that they are delaying all this, in part to build careers in large metros.In a note Tuesday, William Smead, CEO of Smead Capital Management, discussed why this lag among millennials could be responsible for the next housing boom.

He wrote that their move into “exile” — away from home and college towns — is only delaying what will eventually be a boost for new home construction.

Here’s Smead (our emphasis):

We would argue that many Millennials have removed themselves from their hometown and their college town via their employment and the lateness of marriage. This contributes directly to Ivy’s “elongation.” We find it easy to estimate that the current new homebuilding pace of 629,000 units in 2016 will grow to a 1.5 million unit run-rate within five years. This would truly be a boom and could carry the U.S. economy along with it.

Continue reading “The Housing Market Will Bounce Back”

Reagan 2016

Lewis Black called this almost a decade ago



San Diego newspaper endorses Ronald Reagan over Trump in Calif. primary

Eliza Collins

© AP Photo/Eric Schultz Ethan Diven, an aeronautical engineering student from Tuscaloosa, Ala, wears a Reagan-Bush cap as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign stop…The San Diego Union Tribune is so unhappy with the prospect of Donald Trump as president, the editorial board on Thursday encouraged its readers to write in Ronald Reagan — yes, the former president who is no longer alive.The editorial begins by saying that while Trump has captured the majority of the Republican party “there are so many ways Trump is unfit to lead the free world.”The newspaper points to Trump’s criticism of U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s heritage. Curiel is the judge in charge of a lawsuit over Trump University and Trump has accused him of being biased because he is of Mexican descent (Curiel was born in the United States.)“We believe in a more unifying message,” the board writes.

“So what do Republicans who don’t accept Trump’s style or substance — including all three Bushes, Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, George Will and Charles Krauthammer — do? Certainly, the Republican Party has an argument for the presidency. Today, the principles of the party of Ronald Reagan are as relevant as ever: a stable border, a strong military and economic policy focused on low taxes, less bureaucracy and limited regulation.

Those are not the principles of Trump, who promises to build a border wall, recommends torture and killing terrorists’ families and speculates about reneging on our debts. What would happen to Reagan’s party in the hands of Trump? What would happen to San Diego?”

The editorial board says that Trump “doesn’t deserve the party’s mandate” and encourages voters to write in Reagan’s name on the June 7 primary ballot instead.

“Maybe Trump will get the message,” the board writes.

The editorial comes the same day The Washington Post editorial board wrote a scathing editorial after House Speaker Paul Ryan announced he would support Donald Trump, after all. The editorial titled “Mr. Ryan’s endorsement of Trump is sad day for the GOP — and America.”

“On Thursday Mr. Ryan capitulated to ugliness. It was a sad day for the speaker, for his party and for all Americans who hoped that some Republican leaders would have the fortitude to put principle over partisanship, job security or the forlorn fantasy that Mr. Trump will advance a traditional GOP agenda,” the board wrote.


California Loves Guns…

under their control.

“When you think to yourself that it’s time to bury your guns, it actually means it’s time to dig them up.”



California will simply get what they are asking for but too often in my life I’ve seen the rest of the nation go the way that California goes.

What does our resident socialist WestCoaster and any other Commiefornia residents have to say?


It truly is a trait in short supply these days, it is imperative for effective leadership… well that explains a lot.


Humility: A Primal Virtue with Modern Value

May 26, 2016

Mark Sisson

I’ve gotten a lot of feedback about my leadership post earlier this year—particularly from people who connected with the humility aspect. It’s a characteristic I think most people would agree is in short supply these days, but most of us still admire it when we see it. In truth, little in our culture today encourages a humble disposition, and I think that’s a relatively new development. More than ever it seems to be the loudest, boldest, and (often) most obnoxious voices that garner our attention. Brashness somewhere along the line became an asset rather than an irritation. We’re told we need to do more, be more, have more, “fight” for what what we presumably deserve, and push our way to the front if we want our good in life. Put yourself out there, talk yourself up, and—above all—look out for number one. Is anyone else exhausted by these instructions? The key (and related) question of the day, however, is this: what would Grok have said about this social shift?

Continue reading “Humility”

The Wisdom of the Dalai Lama





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