Shots have been Fired

The battle lines are drawn.  And, it’s no longer a battle of words, symbolism or politics.

The Mainstream media (MSM) has enlisted drones (aka Mercenaries) to take on the people they despise – Trump and ALL of his supporters.  They have upped the ante now with shots that may be ringing like Fort Sumter.   A Conservative “Trump Supporter” has now been murdered in the streets by a hit man of the MSM with a bullet through the head. Will we cower or fight back?

BREAKING UPDATE: Denver Trump Supporter Was Shot and Killed By Local News Bodyguard

I have noted in several blogs that the real enemy of America is not the Elitists in Universities, Democrats, Black Lives Matter or even Antifa.  All of these people have one commander in chief who calls the shots – the American Mainstream Media.

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The Most Expensive Healthcare System in the World. Is it the Best? Part 1

The most expensive healthcare system in the world (by a huge margin even over #2 Switzerland) is the United States:


Strangely, and with barely a whimper from Americans that are going broke paying insane medical bills, the USA ranks in the top 10 out of 168 countries for Covid mortaility with 62 deaths/100,000 (not counting mini country San Marino).

Below are the lowest Covid death rate countries in the world.  Of the 32 countries with the lowest mortality rates are 17 countries located in the continent with the worst healthcare systems in the world – Africa.   How is this possible?

Continue reading “The Most Expensive Healthcare System in the World. Is it the Best? Part 1”

A Godless Nightmare on Elm Street – Critical Race Theory

WARNING.   It is sometimes depressing to think of all the bad in our world so please don’t read this if you are already in a bad mood.   Or, read only alongside a nice bottle of 15 year old Scotch.     

I had a bad dream last night ……..

What would happen to a group of people that, by their very race or ethnicity, were hated and despised to the extreme by others within their own culture that had the reins of power?   All you have to do is look at recent human history.    Two incidents come to mind and both are examples of why we must know our history or be condemned to repeat it.

The first involved the Hutus and Tutsis.   Result:  Final Solution remedy and the death of 1 Million dead Tutsis.

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Open Letter to the Medical Profession

I wrote the following to Dr. Scott Donaldson in response to his radio spots “Just Sayin” which play regularly on local radio stations in Western North Carolina.   Dr. Donaldson states in these “public service” announcements from himself to the masses that we should wear masks to protect others.  I took issue with this blanket recommendation and sent him the following letter (edited): 

Dr. Donaldson:

As a Physician, you should be ashamed of the advice you are giving on the radio which is not only incorrect but exactly the opposite advice you should be giving about masks if you actually want to improve people’s health.   I will give you that presumption because I don’t know you and you seem a reasonable man.

Continue reading “Open Letter to the Medical Profession”

Covid: Just a Walk in the Park

The following conversation (almost) occurred while I was hiking on the beautiful Trails around the Carl Sandburg homesite in Flat Rock, NC.   I ran across a man walking alone in the woods with his Covid mask on…… 

You are wearing a mask by yourself in the woods, alone?   


Just curious.  Why would you do that? 

I don’t want to give the Coronavirus to someone.

Are you sick?


But you are going to make someone sick?

Yes, I could.

Continue reading “Covid: Just a Walk in the Park”

Here I Come to Save the Day!

The Big Tech CV19 fix is in.   Brick and mortar is dead and gone and replaced with virtual, for your own protection.  And, for your kids (it’s always the kids).   Big Tech has come to save the day!

No disrespect intended to the great Mighty Mouse who fought the bad guys, but what better world could the likes of Bezos, Zuckerberg, Cook, Gates and all the other Big Tech Internet mongering Robber Barons get than what is on the near horizon?  CV-19 tm allows Big Tech to be “Save the Day” heroes by claiming to keep us healthy living in a virtual world.    This will, unfortunately, make all the rest of us poor as dirt by comparison to their wealth which is already insanely and disproportionately high, and grows ever larger with each money printing Fed fiasco.

Continue reading “Here I Come to Save the Day!”