Predictions for 2018

Guest Post by Rob in Nova Scotia

The Stones at Callanish, Isle of Lewis, Scotland

“Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.” –Nils Bohr

I was reading Admin’s breakdown of where he when wrong in his predictions for the year past and thought, hey maybe I can take one for the team and give it a try…
A while back on a trip to the Isle of Lewis in Scotland I happened upon a megalithic structure built 5000 years ago. There are varying theories about purpose. Many think that it was built to mark time, predict lunar eclipses, equinoxes and the solstice. It may be all those things and it may be none. All I know is that it is there.

So let’s get down to the nitty gritty of my predictions for 2018.

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I Predict That 2018 Will Either Be a Disaster or It Won’t Be

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

As Senator Roy Moore is sworn in among the smoking ruins of the failed GOP tax reform bill … wait, neither of those is a thing. But I predicted them both just over a month ago though, pretty much making me Dick Morris – except with a pundit gig and without any weird foot issues.

Don’t google that. Trust me.

The fact is that no one knows what’s going to happen next year, but we can make educated guesses based on trends, probabilities, and past performance, or lack thereof. Sometimes that prognostication goes really poorly, as President Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit can attest between eager gulps of Chardonnay – oh sweet, life-giving alcohol. For a little while, it deadens the pain.

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Forecast 2018 — What Could Go Wrong?

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler


If you take your cues from Consensus Trance Central — the cable news networks, The New York Times, WashPost, and HuffPo — Trump is all that ails this foundering empire. Well, Trump and Russia, since the Golden Golem of Greatness is in league with Vladimir Putin to loot the world, or something like that.

Since I believe that the financial system is at the heart of today’s meta-question (What Could Go Wrong?), it would be perhaps more to the point to ask: what has held this matrix of rackets together so long? After all, rackets are characterized by pervasive lying and fraud, meaning their operations don’t add up. Things that don’t comport with reality are generally prone to failure so sooner or later they have to implode.

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2018 Predictions

Guest Post by The Zman

I had not looked at last year’s predictions since I posted them, so I was a little surprised by how many of them turned out to be right. The prediction about Trump and Republicans pushing through a big tax bill was pretty spot on. Trump has also attacked the regulatory code as I predicted. I did predict the GOP would do some rollback on ObamaCare, which did not happen, other than repeal of the mandate. I was also right on the climate change stuff. Trump has reversed Federal policy on climate change and faced little resistance.

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