The Biden Regime Implodes Under the Weight of Its Lies, Fraud, and Corruption

Via AMP Journal

By James Grundvig, American Media Periscope

In the 28th month of the Joe Biden regime, the wheels have blown off the corrupt and fraudulent presidency. Soon, Joe Biden’s name and image will hang alongside Benedict Arnold and World War II Nazi collaborator in Norwegian Vidkum Quisling under the definition of “traitor.”

The treasonous crimes committed by Joe Biden go far beyond his first term as U.S. president. It extends back to his years as vice president in the Obama Administration. Yet, like all criminals, whether strongarming BP’s executives over its 2010 oil spill for $20 billion, putting his hand in the Cabal’s Ukrainian black money pot, or selling state secrets to Communist China for more than $1 million in payments, none of those mafia tactics marked Biden’s “first rodeo” into criminality. Continue reading “The Biden Regime Implodes Under the Weight of Its Lies, Fraud, and Corruption”