Big Mike is Coming . . .

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It’s becoming pretty clear that Sleepy Joe is about to get the heave-ho. He’s served out his usefulness. He’s becoming an obvious liability. There’s only so much that can be done to cover up the fact that he’s not all there and that’s why they’re laying the groundwork for someone new to be there.

To crib a line from the opening of The Producers’ broadway show about you know-who:  Where could that man be? Where oh where is he? We looked around and then we found the man for you and me . . .  .

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Michelle, Ma Belle

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“What a train wreck it is for the democrats! What an unholy mess! It is an unmitigated disaster, the sinking of the Titanic multiplied by that plane crash where the soccer players ate each other.” Jeff Childers on the Fani Willis case.

As Donald Trump consolidates his election mojo — defying the forces arrayed to destroy him — and more of the country turns against the creepy apparition in the White House purportedly running against him, you hear evermore chatter that a panicked Democratic Party will insert Michelle Obama in a last-minute convention switcheroo next August.

Continue reading “Michelle, Ma Belle”

BIG MIKE! Just WTF is really going on?

Via State of the Nation

The Donkey Democrats have only one hope on Election Day 2024…..

…and even then they’ll have to steal it
even more than they did in 2020.

Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst

Exactly who is their secret weapon?

Michelle Obama birthday


You guess it: BIG MIKE!

For those who doubt that Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama has been running this scam on the American people for decades read this:

Continue reading “BIG MIKE! Just WTF is really going on?”

Ted Cruz: “The Odds Are Very Significant” That Michelle Obama Will Replace Biden

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

GOP Senator Ted Cruz has speculated that Joe Biden will not be chosen as the Democratic nominee for 2024 and that the distinction will go to none other than Michelle Obama in a last minute Democratic National Convention decision.

“I think the odds are very significant that next summer at the Democrat national convention that the Democrat party will jettison Joe Biden and will throw him off the ticket, and they will parachute in instead, Michelle Obama to be their candidate,” Cruz told Sean Hannity.

“I think they’re gonna look to Michelle Obama as the savior to come in,” Cruz continued, adding “I think if that happens, that would be very, very dangerous.”

“And every time I see a Democrat or one of their puppets in the press beginning to point out the problems with Joe Biden – every time that happens, the chances of that go up and up and up,” Cruz added.

Continue reading “Ted Cruz: “The Odds Are Very Significant” That Michelle Obama Will Replace Biden”


Via ZeroHedge

“It Definitely Wasn’t Barack’s First Time”: Obama’s Crack-Fueled Gay Tryst Accuser Talks To Tucker

Ever since Barack Obama biographer David Garrow revealed that the former president told an ex-girlfriend that he “repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men,” the internet has been abuzz over Obama’s sexual orientation – and whether Michelle Obama is actually a dude.

In his latest interview on X, Tucker Carlson sat down with Larry Sinclair, the man who for 25 years has maintained that he and former President Barack Obama engaged in drug-fueled sex acts, once in the back of a limo and another in a hotel room in Gurnee, Illinois.



Well he has been sleeping with Big Mike for decades, so there was that clue.