Michelle, Ma Belle

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“What a train wreck it is for the democrats! What an unholy mess! It is an unmitigated disaster, the sinking of the Titanic multiplied by that plane crash where the soccer players ate each other.” Jeff Childers on the Fani Willis case.

As Donald Trump consolidates his election mojo — defying the forces arrayed to destroy him — and more of the country turns against the creepy apparition in the White House purportedly running against him, you hear evermore chatter that a panicked Democratic Party will insert Michelle Obama in a last-minute convention switcheroo next August.

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Trump wins Iowa & Trump vs Michelle Obama

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The plan is well-defined behind the curtain. Biden will take the arrows for all the illegal immigrants who will vote for the Democrats to keep power, then he will step aside, and the Party will insert Michelle Obama.

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Here We Go: Michelle Obama Says She’s “Terrified” Of Trump Winning

Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

Michelle Obama has said that she is kept awake at night by the thought of Donald Trump winning in 2024, in comments have already led to speculation that she could replace Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee.

When asked during a podcast ‘what keeps you up at night?’ Obama said “What’s gonna happen in this next election.”

“I am terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter. Who we select. Who speaks for us. Who holds that bully pulpit,” she continued.

“It affects us in ways that I think sometimes people take for granted,” Obama further noted, claiming that government does “everything for us.”

“We cannot take this democracy for granted and sometimes I worry that we do,” she added.

Later in the interview, she commented “We see childish leadership right before us, what that looks like and how that feels. Where someone is just base and vulgar and cynical. In a leadership position it doesn’t trickle down well.”


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Ted Cruz: “The Odds Are Very Significant” That Michelle Obama Will Replace Biden

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

GOP Senator Ted Cruz has speculated that Joe Biden will not be chosen as the Democratic nominee for 2024 and that the distinction will go to none other than Michelle Obama in a last minute Democratic National Convention decision.

“I think the odds are very significant that next summer at the Democrat national convention that the Democrat party will jettison Joe Biden and will throw him off the ticket, and they will parachute in instead, Michelle Obama to be their candidate,” Cruz told Sean Hannity.

“I think they’re gonna look to Michelle Obama as the savior to come in,” Cruz continued, adding “I think if that happens, that would be very, very dangerous.”

“And every time I see a Democrat or one of their puppets in the press beginning to point out the problems with Joe Biden – every time that happens, the chances of that go up and up and up,” Cruz added.

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The Michelle Obama Nightmare Scenario

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

All the attention is on the Republican race right now, but it should be on the Democrat race following the announcement, by that desiccated pervert masquerading as our president, that he thinks (sic) that he can go another round as president. The sad fact is the only people happy about Biden’s presidency are that very real doctor, Jill, and Jimmy Carter, who is serene in the knowledge that he was not the worst president of the last century thanks to Grandpa Badfinger.

Everybody knows that Joe Biden is a demented freak and a creepy confident weirdo who was an idiot before his mind disintegrated into the kind of mush that he eats on the rocking chair every afternoon watching “Matlock” reruns. Too bad – for us – that his Oval Office dreams had to come true right at a time where, overseas, we are seeing the rise of a pure competitor for the first time in generations, where, at home, our country is about to pull itself apart between the competing interests of patriots and Democrats. So, the 2024 race is kind of important, and leave it to the Democrats to treat it like Taylor Swift treats her boyfriends.

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