Casualties of Saaaaaafety

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety has cost us a lot – and not just money.

It has sucked almost all of the the fun out of driving – especially for those who were born after the Safety Cult established itself as mainstream state religion.

The Millennials, god help them. And us.

It happened during the ’90s, when strange rituals which had previously been practiced by a few neurasthenic people – fearful of everything – became state policy, enforced upon everyone.

These things are now unquestionable dogma.

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If “Safety” Really Mattered

Guest Post by Eric Peters

In several objective ways, new cars are less “safe” than cars built decades ago.

A strong statement. One that probably seems ridiculous, too, given all the “safety” features new cars have that old cars did not – and also given the fact that new cars must pass a battery of crash tests before they may legally be sold to the public.

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