Why isn’t the CDC warning parents that masking their kids creates unacceptably high levels of CO2?

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Del Bigtree was right. The CO2 levels in masks worn by kids rises to over 13,000 ppm. This is above the normal 1,000 ppm level, and significantly above the 2,000 acceptable level. The CDC is silent.

Executive summary

Del Bigtree was right: CO2 levels have been confirmed to rise to unacceptable levels in kids in a paper published in September 2022.

The CDC refuses to warn parents of the danger, even after the paper was published.

So it’s our job to warn since everyone else (mainstream medical community, mainstream press, and CDC) are remaining silent.

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Officials Manipulated COVID Data to Exaggerate Crisis, Mathematician Tells RFK, Jr.

Guest Post by Susan Olmstead

“Data was very easily used by influencers and decision-makers to fit particular narratives,” Norman Fenton, Ph.D., a mathematician at Queen Mary University of London, said in an interview on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”

norman felton rfk jr podcast feature

From the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Norman Fenton, Ph.D., could see health officials were misusing data and misleading the public.

A professor of risk information management at Queen Mary University of London, Fenton is a mathematician who focuses on critical decision-making and quantifying uncertainty.

Throughout the pandemic, he closely examined and criticized how officials used data to make decisions about lockdowns, testing and vaccines.

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