Why Are We Being Deceived About Covid?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Why have US corporations involved themselves in public health policy?  Why have they taken a position that is totally contradicted by all facts and all known evidence?


It is not only democratic governments that have turned totalitarian but also private corporations who are asserting authority to override the Nuremberg Laws and mandate that employees be vaccinated with the Covid Vaccine.  A vaccination is a medical procedure and requires informed consent.

It is very strange to find corporations recruited to serve a coerced marketing campaign.  We hear about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”  But there is no such pandemic.  All evidence shows that the majority of new cases are among the double inoculated.

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Did a 1930s cartoon warn of the Vaccine Agenda?

Source: SteveRotter.com

Although I was unable to confirm the cartoon was actually broadcast in the 1930s, it would be hard to deny we are not living this seemingly Luciferian plan today. And since the video is missing from YouTube, maybe it is genuine. Listen to the words. Klaus Schwab’s wet dream is your nightmare.

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Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Why Do Not Get Vaccinated or Booster

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Professor Bhakdi refers to new studies published by The Lancet which show that this is not such an unusual virus that the body does not recognize. It responds to the virus quickly showing vaccination is not necessary. Corona Viruses are different from Influenza and Bacteria or a Fungus. While I believe this virus was created in a lab, it is still a Coronavirus and it is not that dangerous to the majority of the population – the elderly yes, because their immune systems are starting to fail which eventually allows us to pass on to another dimension.

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