Covid: my struggle*

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

*Yes, that is a totally inappropriate Mein Kampf joke.

Funny story about me and Covid: for the longest time, I didn’t seem to be able to get it.

As I mentioned in PANDEMIA, I thought I had it at the very beginning, in March 2020. I went to a crowded party in Brooklyn and felt awful for about the next 10 days. But the antibody tests came back negative, and maybe I was just stressed.

Then I didn’t get it.

My kids got it, my wife got it (twice), everyone got it. Not me. I slept next to my son overnight when he had it and didn’t get it. I had dinner with my mom when she had it and didn’t get it. I spent every day out, working without a mask in coffee shops and malls, and didn’t get it. I went to Wal-Marts and grocery stores and basketball games and didn’t get it.

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‘Fear’ Is The New ‘Smart’

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

The Washington Post said recently: “The anti-vaccine movement is comparable to domestic terrorism, and must be treated that way”, while the Guardian had this:

“When it comes to shifting attitudes to vaccines, it is crucial to distinguish between public information campaigns that seek to educate the public and those that seek to persuade them,” said Philipp Schmid, a behavioural scientist researching vaccine scepticism at the University of Erfurt. “[..] if you don’t proactively tackle the problem at all, you end up playing catch-up with the anti-vaxxers. In a way, governments have to work on a parallel vaccine rollout – immunising the public against science denial.”

But WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris said: “it’s very important for people to understand that at the moment, all we know about the vaccines is that they will very effectively reduce your risk of severe disease. We haven’t seen any evidence yet indicating whether or not they stop transmission.” And Dr. David Martin claimed: It’s Gene Therapy, Not a Vaccine. One might add: It’s not science, it’s a sales job.

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