Poor Paul Pelosi is Living a Lie

Guest Post by Pat Smith

No one will ever confuse me as a fan of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi and her conniving rent seeking family but I do have to thank her husband Paul for expanding my lexicon.  I now know what a rent boy is.  For the uninitiated, a “Rent Boy” is a young male prostitute who provides peccadilloes for older wealthy male clients.  82-year-old Paul Pelosi has hired the services of a rent boy at least one time that we know of a second time that we probably know of, and undoubtedly numerous times that we never heard of, and probably never will.

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Cockamamie Story

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

All the narratives spun by the Party of Chaos are falling apart now, but this final fiasco, a mere week before the midterm election, is a humdinger with a cherry-on-top.


It’s been several days since San Francisco police interrupted a hammer fight between Paul Pelosi — husband of House Speaker Nancy — and his “friend… David,” in the Pelosis’ Pacific Heights home, and apparently the cops have not asked David DePape why he was there in the first place. Odd, a little bit. Is it possible that a whole chain of authorities from the SFPD clear up into the top of the US government and its Democratic Party sidekicks don’t want you to know what actually happened?

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Pelosi Attack Suspect Was Psychotic Homeless Addict Estranged From His Nudist Lover & Their Children

Authored by Michael Shellenberger via substack,


Leading politicians yesterday blamed the political Right for the brutal attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul. “This is despicable,” said President Biden. He noted that the alleged attacker, David DePape, 42, shouted the same line, “Where’s Nancy?” as the supporters of Donald Trump, who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. “And what makes us think that one party can talk about stolen elections?” said Biden. “COVID being a hoax? It’s all a bunch of lies.”

California political leaders agreed. “This heinous assault is yet another example of the dangerous consequences of the divisive and hateful rhetoric that is putting lives at risk and undermining our very democracy and Democratic institutions,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom. “This attack,” said San Francisco’s state Senator, Scott Weiner, “is terrifying and the direct result of toxic right-wing rhetoric.”

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Left wing media and their liberal minions disappointed once again. Castro antiwar nudist, hemp jewelry makers who live in Berkley are generally not the Trump demographic.

Average MSNBC acolyte after finding out it wasn’t a MAGA white supremicist.

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