The 15 years That Destroyed America

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The United States Government today bears little resemblance to the government created by the Founding Fathers.  Many “reforms” contributed to the transformation of an accountable government to an unaccountable one.  For example, the direct election of US senators and the expansion of the franchise from male property owners adversely affected the security of private property. Others point to the effects of wars. All of these played a role in America’s destruction.  However, in my opinion the transformation of American government can be explained by events in three short periods of our history.

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Has America Been Set Up As History’s Ultimate “Bumbling Villain”?

Guest post by Brandon Smith via Off-Guardian

Editor’s Note: It’s not often we publish an article written before OffG even existed, but this one – written over a decade ago in September 2013 and brought to our attention by Mark Gresham – is both interesting and prescient.
It discusses the decline of US power, the rise of BRICS, and plans for a global currency seven years before COVID brought all those plans center-stage. It also warns of a false or exaggerated US-Russia binary and Putin’s globalist tendencies.


The high priests of academic and “official” history love a good villain for two reasons:  First, because good official villains make the struggles and accomplishments of good official heroes even more awe-inspiring.  And, second, because nothing teaches (or propagandizes) the masses more thoroughly than the social or political lessons inherent in the documented rise and fall of the world’s most despicable inhabitants.

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Running on Empty

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

We’ve grown accustomed to regarding the US as the most powerful country on earth.

Since the end of World War II, it’s been the economic powerhouse that’s dictated terms to the rest of the world. War production created the world’s most modern factories, allowing for a postwar boom in manufacturing goods of every description. The fact that the US held two-thirds of the world’s gold by the end of the war enabled it to dictate that the US dollar would be the default currency for trade.

And later on, the creation of OPEC ensured that all gas and oil would be settled in the petrodollar.

The resultant overwhelming economic power enabled the US to assume the role of the world’s policeman, with a defense budget that equaled that of the next ten most powerful countries combined.

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The Ebb and Flow of the Tides of Nations

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

In advising those who are considering international diversification, the most common misconception I hear is that, “There’s not really anything you can do. The globalists are taking over the world and that means that there’s nowhere to go to escape them.”

Not so.

Clearly, much of what was at one time known as the “free world” is in a dramatic decline and this is most certainly due, in large part, to globalists. Consequently, those who live in one of the declining countries assume that the world mirrors what exists in the country in which they live.

Many of these people tend to be fatalists and assume that they have no options. However, throughout history, there have always been countries (and empires) that were in the declining stages of their “shelf-life.” But, likewise, there have also always been those countries that were on the rise at the same time.

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Realistically, How Strong Is America?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

America’s weakness is overlooked by investment analysts. Having offshored manufacturing, the US is import-dependent, and having weaponized the dollar Washington is causing foreign central banks to stop holding dollars as reserves.  The consequence is that the US has a rising issuance of debt to finance trade and budget deficits, but a declining supply of customers for that debt.  Either the Federal Reserve has to monetize the debt or interest rates will rise.

Note also that it appears there will be in about 4 months a large expansion of BRICS. Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have been invited to join.  I assume the Russians have the diplomatic sense not to invite someone unless they know they will accept. Otherwise, Russia will have set herself up for the Western media headline, “Country X refuses Russia’s invitation.”

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“It does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” Samuel Adams

It’s true. 97% of the population has no clue what is happening and really don’t care. They have their iPhones, Apple Watches (90% of females wearing the exact same watch in order to be stylish and distinctive), Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, six credit cards, a seven year auto loan on a $50,000 SUV, and jobs that can be replaced by robots and AI.


We have lost our country. How do we get her back?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

This is from three years, two months ago:  China: The much needed enemy

From Mike Whitney’s recent column, the situation was worsened.  The US will suffer, not China.

It is very distressing to watch America’s anti-American intellectual class, with its hold over public schools, universities and their law and medical schools, Democrat governments, and the so-called “security agencies,” destroy our country, all its morals and all its values, even the First Amendment and the Constitution of the United States, dismissed by the Democrat Party and the New York Times as racist.

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Guest Post by George Mack

What is ignored or neglected by the media — but will be studied by historians?

Here’s the full list of 25 examples:

1. What Happened To Mental Hospitals?


1. The USA decided to treat more of the mentally ill at a community level (failed)

2. And had new hope in a wonder drug called Thorazine (didn’t work as hoped) Image


Damaged People, Rotten Standards: Anatomy of Decline

Guest Post by Tessa Luna

anatomy of decline

Story at-a-glance

  • If we look around, we’ll see many working-age people struggling with basic tasks, and a great decline in standards
  • The MSM is suggesting that one in every ten people who’s had “Omicron” ends up with “long COVID,” which nowadays seems to be the establishment term to describe all chronic illness, as well as injury from “vaccines”
  • The official rates of autism and dementia are also growing at a pace that is incompatible with a functioning society, and so the “great resetters” are in a great hurry to replace us with bots and “save the day”
  • The suffering and the decline in health are very real and heartbreaking
  • The mainstream medicine, on the other hand, is in decline — preoccupied mostly with selling establishment talking points and pharma drugs

Defining the Problem

The “new normal” has snuck up on us. No, there are no big screens broadcasting the babble of Klaus Schwab, dressed up as Ze Big Bro. There is no CBDC for the peasants and no climate lockdowns — not yet. But the “new normal” is here because the people have been eaten into. You can see it in their faces.

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Righting This Cacophony Of Wrongs

Authored by Mike ‘Dr.Doom’ 𝙃𝙤₿𝙖𝙧𝙩 via,

I hope everyone has had the time to properly appreciate their first days of summer. If you did not, then I hope your efforts have gotten you closer to being capable of doing so soon.

Today’s writing is inspired by my many conversations over the current state of our United States of America, and how far we have fallen from the Tree of Freedom that our Honored Fallen sacrificed their lives for. How Americans have lost sight of what truly matters, and how our uneducated & unfit masses continue to make decisions that enable their complacencies over doing what needs to be done in order to save the future of our country, for ourselves and for our children…

Failure Teaches. Victory Confirms.

Taking the path of immediate gratification, and especially selling-out the futures of our children, alongside the soul of our proud nation, is inextricably not American. Providing products of shite quality is inextricably not American. Choosing to do the easy thing over that which is more difficult, and that which is right, is inextricably not American. Sacrificing our own steadfastness, our own resilience, and going back on our promises and debts is not American.

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America Has Just Destroyed a Great Empire

Guest Post by Michael Hudson

Herodotus (History, Book 1.53) tells the story of Croesus, king of Lydia c. 585-546 BC in what is now Western Turkey and the Ionian shore of the Mediterranean. Croesus conquered Ephesus, Miletus and neighboring Greek-speaking realms, obtaining tribute and booty that made him one of the richest rulers of his time. But these victories and wealth led to arrogance and hubris. Croesus turned his eyes eastward, ambitious to conquer Persia, ruled by Cyrus the Great.

Having endowed the region’s cosmopolitan Temple of Delphi with substantial silver and gold, Croesus asked its Oracle whether he would be successful in the conquest that he had planned. The Pythia priestess answered: “If you go to war against Persia, you will destroy a great empire.”

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The Period In American History That Started On 25 July 1945 Ended On 19 June 2023

Guest Post by Eric Zuesse

The Period In American History That Started On 25 July 1945 Ended On 19 June 2023

On 19 June 2023, it finally became clear that America’s 78-year-long neoconservative period (i.e., the period of the U.S. Government’s aspiring to become the first-ever all-encompassing empire, ruler over the entire world) — the period of nearly 300 U.S. military invasions since 1945 — is finally over. 

This period started on 25 July 1945, when Harry Truman became convinced by Winston Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower that if the United States Government would not become the world’s Emperor, then the Soviet Union’s Government would; and, so, Truman started the process (including in 1947 creating the CIA and America’s first-ever permanent “standing army,” the creation of the U.S. ‘Defense’ Department that terminated and replaced the War Department that America’s Founders had created), and then Truman’s immediate successor President Eisenhower completed the construction of the U.S. warfare state, which he called the “military-industrial complex.” “Ike,” being the craftiest liar in the White House until President Obama came along, left office by condemning, on 17 January 1960, the military-industrial complex, because he wanted only subsequent U.S. Presidents to be getting the blame for it, and for its failures.

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So What Comes Between Now & 2032?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States demonstrates one thing – the rest of the West is not included. Yet 2032 is more than just the culmination of the current 51.6-year wave of the Economic Confidence Model. It is the subsequent set of 309.6 years waves from the peak in the Roman Empire which all historians draw the line in history as the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161-180AD). That was when Marcus sent an ambassador to the Emperor of China.

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“The story of its ruin is simple and obvious; and, instead of inquiring why the Roman Empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long. The victorious legions, who, in distant wars, acquired the vices of strangers and mercenaries, first oppressed the freedom of the republic, and afterwards violated the majesty of the purple. The emperors, anxious for their personal safety and the public peace, were reduced to the base expedient of corrupting the discipline which rendered them alike formidable to their sovereign and to the enemy; the vigor of the military government was relaxed, and finally dissolved, by the partial institutions of Constantine; and the Roman world was overwhelmed by a deluge of Barbarians.” — Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 38 “General Observations on the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West”

How the fall of the Roman empire paved the road to modernity | Aeon Essays

“After a diligent inquiry, I can discern four principal causes of the ruin of Rome, which continued to operate in a period of more than a thousand years. I. The injuries of time and nature. II. The hostile attacks of the Barbarians and Christians. III. The use and abuse of the materials. And, IV. The domestic quarrels of the Romans.” — Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 71 “Four Causes of Decay and Destruction.”

The moniker of my website originated from a quote by David Walker, then Comptroller General of the U.S., in 2007. I wholeheartedly endorsed Walker’s viewpoint and become politically active in trying to get Ron Paul elected as president in 2008 and 2012. It was a fruitless effort, as the uni-party in Washington DC, controlled by the dark forces of the Deep State, do not allow men and women who truly want to reduce the size and scope of government to ever get elected. His warning sixteen years ago is a perfect example of being right but being early. When talking about the decline of empires, you are really deliberating about a process, not an event. The Roman Empire did not fall on a specific day due to a specific cause. It collapsed in stages over hundreds of years due to numerous reasons, each triggering events which compounded upon each other and ultimately led to the final collapse.