Can Big Pharma Be Held Accountable?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In 1935 Trofim Lysenko, a fraudulent  agronomist took control of Soviet genetics and agronomy and destroyed the science with political and ideological explanations. With biology under Lysenko’s dominance, the principles of Mendel’s classical genetics were banned, and real scientists suffered political repression.

The Lysenko affair exemplifies my point that without truth there can be no science and no scholarship.

Continue reading “Can Big Pharma Be Held Accountable?”


“The story of its ruin is simple and obvious; and, instead of inquiring why the Roman Empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long. The victorious legions, who, in distant wars, acquired the vices of strangers and mercenaries, first oppressed the freedom of the republic, and afterwards violated the majesty of the purple. The emperors, anxious for their personal safety and the public peace, were reduced to the base expedient of corrupting the discipline which rendered them alike formidable to their sovereign and to the enemy; the vigor of the military government was relaxed, and finally dissolved, by the partial institutions of Constantine; and the Roman world was overwhelmed by a deluge of Barbarians.” — Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 38 “General Observations on the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West”

How the fall of the Roman empire paved the road to modernity | Aeon Essays

“After a diligent inquiry, I can discern four principal causes of the ruin of Rome, which continued to operate in a period of more than a thousand years. I. The injuries of time and nature. II. The hostile attacks of the Barbarians and Christians. III. The use and abuse of the materials. And, IV. The domestic quarrels of the Romans.” — Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 71 “Four Causes of Decay and Destruction.”

The moniker of my website originated from a quote by David Walker, then Comptroller General of the U.S., in 2007. I wholeheartedly endorsed Walker’s viewpoint and become politically active in trying to get Ron Paul elected as president in 2008 and 2012. It was a fruitless effort, as the uni-party in Washington DC, controlled by the dark forces of the Deep State, do not allow men and women who truly want to reduce the size and scope of government to ever get elected. His warning sixteen years ago is a perfect example of being right but being early. When talking about the decline of empires, you are really deliberating about a process, not an event. The Roman Empire did not fall on a specific day due to a specific cause. It collapsed in stages over hundreds of years due to numerous reasons, each triggering events which compounded upon each other and ultimately led to the final collapse.


U.S. Government Sold Your Right to Jury Trial — to Insulate Big Pharma From Liability

Guest Post by William Spruance

The federal government sold the Seventh Amendment, designed to protect your right to a jury trial, to the largest lobbying force in the country: Big Pharma.

government jury trial big pharma liability feature

On Feb. 24, 1985, The New York Times published “Glory Days End for Pharmaceuticals.” The article cited growing competition and legal liabilities as signs that “the big drug companies have suddenly found themselves mired in the same sort of troubles that have plagued less-glamorous industries for years.”

“Inevitably some [companies] will face staggering liabilities and lengthy court cases on approved drugs that later turn into flops,” journalist Winston Williams wrote.

Of course, the glory days did not end for Big Pharma.

From 2000 to 2018, 35 pharmaceutical companies reported cumulative revenue of $11.5 trillion. A study found that this was “significantly greater than other larger, public companies in the same time frame.”

Pfizer’s annual revenue jumped from $3.8 billion in 1984 to a record $100 billion in 2022. The company’s COVID-19 products, including its vaccine and Paxlovid accounted for $57 billion of that income.

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In Part 1 of this article, I laid out the mass formation psychosis theory postulated by Mattias Desmet in his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism and how totalitarian minded politicians and bureaucrats manipulated the masses by creating the covid crisis. Now I will focus on how this will impact the Fourth Turning we are currently trying to survive.


Decades of social indoctrination and degraded ability to think critically has left most people hopelessly unable to resist the vitriolic opinions of those under the spell of coronavirus mass formation. Even though they didn’t necessarily believe the covid narrative, especially when it became clear only the very old (especially when tyrant governors inserted infected patients into nursing homes) and the very obese actually died with covid, these people still went along. Even the CDC admitted only 6% of deaths were attributable to covid alone.

Based upon research like the Milgram Experiment, we know average people will obey authority without question, even when they know their actions are causing pain. The conformity research done by Solomon Asch explains why a huge percentage of the global population just conformed to what appeared to be a majority opinion. Asch’s experiment had 8 test subjects, but 7 of them worked for Asch. They asked them which line was the same length as Exhibit 1. The 7 Asch employees answered C. Only 25% of the case subjects consistently answered A. They were cowed into giving a patently absurd answer due to peer pressure and lack of faith in their own judgement.

Solomon Asch study social pressure conformity experiment psychology


The US and Brazilian “left,” brought to you by Pfizer!

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

The sudden death, just yesterday, of “vaccinated” 8-year-old Brazilian Enzo Gabriel obliges us to note the “vaccine”-happy policy of Lula da Silva, that country’s new “leftist” president: a policy dictated by his “partner” Pfizer. (Salvador Allende’s turning over in his grave across that continent.)

And that appalling partnership in turn obliges us to note the “vaccine”-happy stance of “leftist” sheepdog Bernie Sanders, whose heart also belongs to Pfizer and its mighty peers, and not to the (over-”vaccinated”) people of Vermont. This explains his COVID-era call for “global vaccine [sic] equity.* (Paul Wellstone’s turning over in his grave in Minnesota.)

Meanwhile, kudos to the Social Populist—a Substack on what we can call, without the urge to puke, “the left”—for spotlighting Sanders’ bio-fascist ties.

Continue reading “The US and Brazilian “left,” brought to you by Pfizer!”


“Reflect on what happens when a terrible winter blizzard strikes. You hear the weather warning but probably fail to act on it. The sky darkens. Then the storm hits with full fury, and the air is a howling whiteness. One by one, your links to the machine age break down. Electricity flickers out, cutting off the TV. Batteries fade, cutting off the radio. Phones go dead. Roads become impossible, and cars get stuck. Food supplies dwindle. Day to day vestiges of modern civilization – bank machines, mutual funds, mass retailers, computers, satellites, airplanes, governments – all recede into irrelevance.

Worst Storms of All Time - The Ground Blizzard of 1977 - WorldAtlas

“Picture yourself and your loved ones in the midst of a howling blizzard that lasts several years. Think about what you would need, who could help you, and why your fate might matter to anybody other than yourself. That is how to plan for a saecular winter. Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning

It was less than a year ago on December 16, 2021 when our dementia patient in chief was instructed by his handlers to lie, obfuscate and demonize critical thinking Americans who refused to become victims of the Big Pharma, Fauci promoted, untested, unsafe, ineffective gene therapy by declaring “we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm”. Biden’s vaccine mandates were overturned in the courts. The unvaccinated did not die from Covid. Very few people died from Covid. Some really old and infirm people on death’s doorstep died with Covid. Some very unhealthy obese people died with Covid. But even 95% of the old and unhealthy survived Covid.



If you believed they put a man on the moon

Man on the moon

If you believe there’s nothing up his sleeve

Then nothing is cool

REM – Man on the Moon

The REM song Man on the Moon, released in 1992, is a haunting melancholy tune, with Andy Kaufmann and his life and death as the focal point. For me, the lyrics always bring me back to the simpler time of my youth, when our antenna TV could get about eight channels, we had one rotary phone, one old used station wagon, lived in a row home, and a family of five could be raised on a truck driver’s income, with a stay-at-home mom.

It’s the references to the Game of Life, Risk, Monopoly, Twister, checkers, and chess, which invoke what we did for fun when we weren’t out riding bikes, playing stick-ball, roller hockey, or touch football in the streets. Were bad things going on in the world? Sure. The Vietnam War, Watergate, gasoline shortages and rationing, stagflation, and a myriad of other damaging challenges confronted the country, just as they always have throughout history.

Continue reading “IF YOU BELIEVE”

The DOJ wanted to pursue criminal action against the vaccine makers, but…

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

the lower level guys were called off the case by their management.

DOJ Remains Silent While Leftists Intimidate Supreme Court Justices |  National Review

I just learned this today. My source needs to remain confidential, but it is 100% reliable source.

I can’t say anything more than that.

It was like turning off a faucet…

Continue reading “The DOJ wanted to pursue criminal action against the vaccine makers, but…”


Daily Dialogue — November 11, 2019 | by Scott Myers | Go Into The Story

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: I don’t know what you mean. I can’t tell you something’s safe or not, unless I know specifically what you’re talking about.

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: Tell me what the “it” refers to.

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: Yes, it’s safe, it’s very safe, it’s so safe you wouldn’t believe it.

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: No. It’s not safe, it’s… very dangerous, be careful.

Marathon Man debuted in 1976, so a majority of people have probably never seen this movie or this terrifyingly sadistic scene. Szell is trying to make sure his bounty of diamonds obtained from his days at Auschwitz are safe. Babe has no idea what Szell is talking about. He is just trying to survive. But Szell drills into Babe’s tooth until he hits a live nerve, generating excruciating pain, before Babe escapes and outruns his pursuers. That scene has always stuck in my brain, and it strikes me as having enormous relevance in the wake of events over the last two years.

Szell probes Babe’s mouth until he finds a cavity and jams his instrument into it causing tremendous pain. He then then puts oil of clove on the tooth and it relieves the pain. He then states, “relief is comfort”. That is a perfect analogy to this covid cavity scheme. The powers that be lockdown the world, destroying small businesses and putting tens of millions out of work, then throw some stimmies and unemployment payments at those they have hurt and say, “relief is comfort”. Then they proceed to drill into a live nerve as their next act.

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic — Open Health Care Clinic

The term “safe” has been bandied about with reckless abandon by our overlords, as they have sold the world a false bill of goods with these mRNA poison injections. Whenever I hear their putrid propaganda spewed by some athlete, Hollywood liberal, MSM bimbo “journalist”, or paid off medical shill, that the vaccines are “safe and effective” it’s like Szell drilling into a live nerve in my tooth. I want to scream in terror and make a run for it. I think our beloved mass murderer – Fauci – fits the bill as the Szell character in this story of corruption, deceit, greed, murder, and obfuscation.

Continue reading “IT’S NOT SAFE OR EFFECTIVE”