Is the Food Crisis Over or Just Getting Started?

Guest Post by Chris MacIntosh

Food Crisis Just Getting Started

Are you hungry? Good, according to the central planners.

The folks over at the UN stopped destroying the world for a brief few minutes to publish a piece (snapshot below) justifying their behavior and explaining the “benefits” of the famine they’ve engineered.

Not making this up. Continue reading “Is the Food Crisis Over or Just Getting Started?”

How “Food Shortages” & Economic Collapse Protects the Status Quo

Guest Post by Colin Todhunter

Engineered Food & Poverty Crises Secure Continued US Dominance

In March 2022, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned of a “hurricane of hunger and a meltdown of the global food system” in the wake of the crisis in Ukraine.

Guterres said food, fuel and fertiliser prices were skyrocketing with supply chains being disrupted and added this is hitting the poorest the hardest and planting the seeds for political instability and unrest around the globe.

According to the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems, there is currently sufficient food and no risk of global food supply shortages.

We see an abundance of food but skyrocketing prices. The issue is not food shortage but speculation on food commodities and the manipulation of an inherently flawed global food system that serves the interests of corporate agribusiness traders and suppliers of inputs at the expense of people’s needs and genuine food security.

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Daily Dialogue — November 11, 2019 | by Scott Myers | Go Into The Story

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: I don’t know what you mean. I can’t tell you something’s safe or not, unless I know specifically what you’re talking about.

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: Tell me what the “it” refers to.

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: Yes, it’s safe, it’s very safe, it’s so safe you wouldn’t believe it.

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: No. It’s not safe, it’s… very dangerous, be careful.

Marathon Man debuted in 1976, so a majority of people have probably never seen this movie or this terrifyingly sadistic scene. Szell is trying to make sure his bounty of diamonds obtained from his days at Auschwitz are safe. Babe has no idea what Szell is talking about. He is just trying to survive. But Szell drills into Babe’s tooth until he hits a live nerve, generating excruciating pain, before Babe escapes and outruns his pursuers. That scene has always stuck in my brain, and it strikes me as having enormous relevance in the wake of events over the last two years.

Szell probes Babe’s mouth until he finds a cavity and jams his instrument into it causing tremendous pain. He then then puts oil of clove on the tooth and it relieves the pain. He then states, “relief is comfort”. That is a perfect analogy to this covid cavity scheme. The powers that be lockdown the world, destroying small businesses and putting tens of millions out of work, then throw some stimmies and unemployment payments at those they have hurt and say, “relief is comfort”. Then they proceed to drill into a live nerve as their next act.

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic — Open Health Care Clinic

The term “safe” has been bandied about with reckless abandon by our overlords, as they have sold the world a false bill of goods with these mRNA poison injections. Whenever I hear their putrid propaganda spewed by some athlete, Hollywood liberal, MSM bimbo “journalist”, or paid off medical shill, that the vaccines are “safe and effective” it’s like Szell drilling into a live nerve in my tooth. I want to scream in terror and make a run for it. I think our beloved mass murderer – Fauci – fits the bill as the Szell character in this story of corruption, deceit, greed, murder, and obfuscation.

Continue reading “IT’S NOT SAFE OR EFFECTIVE”

Get Prepared With Shelf-Stable Foods

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • It appears we’re in a phase where global systems of food and energy production are being intentionally dismantled in an effort to force into effect what the World Economic Forum (WEF) calls The Great Reset and the Rockefeller Foundation calls Reset the Table
  • Controlling food and shifting us away from a natural diet is an important part of The Great Reset. While the destruction of food production is being justified by the Green Agenda, the real goal is to eliminate naturally-grown foods and replace them with patented foodstuffs, frequently synthetic
  • In addition to restrictions imposed by the Green Agenda, nearly 100 food production facilities in the U.S. alone have also mysteriously burned down since 2021
  • The U.K. has even issued an “urgent warning” that gardening can cause heart disease by exposing you to harmful soil pollutants. So, now they’re trying to convince you that growing your own food is harmful too
  • Prepare for unavoidable food inflation, shortages and famine by stocking up on nutritious shelf-stable foods. A list of suggestions is included

It appears we’re in a phase where global systems of food and energy production are being intentionally dismantled in an effort to force into effect what the World Economic Forum (WEF) calls The Great Reset1 and the Rockefeller Foundation calls Reset the Table.

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The War in Ukraine and the Imminent Impact on Food Supplies… What You Need To Know

Via International Man

Food Supplies

Everyone understands by now that Russia is a large energy producer, but what many don’t know is that when they sit down at the dinner table at night, the entire supply chain (aside from the energy required for transportation) that gets them that dinner involves Russia and Ukraine to a frightening degree.

Our current globally integrated food supply system and mass food production cannot exist without, among other things, fertilizer.

This includes three main categories: nitrogen, potash, and phosphorus fertilizers. Potash is a potassium-rich salt fertilizer that enhances plant quality and is responsible for 20% of global fertilizer demand.

Together with Belarus, Russia has a 40% market share in global production and export of potash fertilizer. What OPEC+ is to the oil market, Belarus and Russia are to the potash market. The two monopolies in this space are Uralkali and Belaruskali, with the Belarusian Potash Company being the latter’s export arm.

Continue reading “The War in Ukraine and the Imminent Impact on Food Supplies… What You Need To Know”

5 signs they are CREATING a food crisis

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

It’s no secret that, according to politicians and the corporate press, “food shortages” and a “food supply crises” have been on the way for a while now. They have been regularly predicted for several years.

What’s really strange is that despite its near-constant incipience, the food shortage never seems to actually arrive and is always blamed on something new.

As long ago as 2012, “scientists” were predicting that climate change and a lack of clean water would create “food shortages” that would “turn the world vegetarian by 2050”.

In 2019, UN “experts” warned that “climate change was threatening the world’s food supply”.

Later the same year, the UK was warned that they could expect a food shortage as a result of “post-Brexit chaos”.

By early March 2020 supermarkets were already “warning” that the government had been too slow to act on the coronavirus outbreak, and they might run out of food. (They never actually did).

Continue reading “5 signs they are CREATING a food crisis”

Food Crisis—The Greatest Threat to Social Stability

Via International Man

Recently, I was in a pharmacy and overheard the pharmacist say to someone, “There’s so much unpleasantness on the news these days, I’ve stopped watching.” The pharmacist has my sympathy. I’d love to be able to ignore the deterioration of the First World. It is, at turns, tedious, depressing, disturbing, and infuriating.

Unfortunately, we’re now passing through what, before it’s over, will be the most life-altering period in our lifetimes. As much as we’d like to behave like ostriches right now, we’d better keep our heads out of the sand and be as honest with ourselves as we can if we’re going to lessen the impact that these events will have on us.

I cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of a possible shortage of food. History is filled with examples of cultures that would endure most anything and still behave responsibly… but nothing causes greater, more unpredictable, or more violent behaviour in a people than a lack of food.

Continue reading “Food Crisis—The Greatest Threat to Social Stability”


“How did you go bankrupt?” Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

Gradually, then suddenly”: How the Protecting Our Democracy Act addresses institutional decay | ACS

“I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty.” – John Adams

Hemingway’s famous quote about going bankrupt connects with so many because it is true on a personal basis and a civilization basis. It applies to individuals and empires in decline – like the American democracy. John Adams realized two centuries ago democracy was no better than monarchy or aristocracy over the long haul. We were handed a Republic by Franklin and his fellow revolutionaries, but we failed to keep it almost from the very birth of this nation.

As we rush towards our World War 3 rendezvous with destiny, aided and abetted by politicians placed in power by globalist billionaires hellbent on the destruction of our way of life, so they own everything and you own nothing, I can’t help but ponder who is to blame and could we have avoided this dystopian outcome.




“Media Isn’t Warning You” That US Careening Towards Food Crisis

Via ZeroHedge

Two weeks after the Russia-Ukraine crisis began, the world is quickly moving toward a food crisis that could affect millions of people. A spillover of the crisis could soon spark agricultural mayhem in the US.

The curtailment of agricultural exports from Russia and Ukraine will have dramatic knock-on effects on global food supplies. Both countries are known as the ‘breadbasket of the world’ and are responsible for a quarter of the international wheat trade, about a fifth of corn, and 12% of all calories traded globally. Another major problem is access to fertilizers, as Russia has banned exports of the nutrients.

It’s not whether or not there will be a food crisis. It’s how big that crisis will be.

Continue reading ““Media Isn’t Warning You” That US Careening Towards Food Crisis”

Food Riots & Civil Unrest

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The computer has shown that this would be a cycle in commodities from 2020.05 into 2024 but it clarified this would be caused by shortages rather than a speculative boom. Simultaneously, it projected a rise in war and civil unrest simultaneously during this cycle. Those forecasts have been correct and I doubt anyone can argue against that fact.

Continue reading “Food Riots & Civil Unrest”

Meatflation Sticks Around As US Cattle Herds Drop Amid Severe Drought

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Via ZeroHedge

A severe drought grips the Western U.S. has caused an unexpected plunge in the cattle herd, indicating ‘meatflation’ will be sticking around this year as consumers pay near record-high beef prices.U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) biannual cattle inventory report for the second half of 2021 shows that the U.S. herd fell 2% a year ago. Bloomberg’s survey estimated a 1% decline.

“Plains squeezed supplies of hay and feed for cattle, prompting some ranchers to sell to slaughterhouses animals usually held for breeding. Now, deepening drought in the southern part of the Plains — where most cattle in the U.S. are raised — could force another round of herd reductions later this year,” Bloomberg said. 

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Farming Insider Warns The Coming Food Shortages Are Going To Be Far Worse Than We’re Being Told

Authored by Michael Snyder via,

The information that I am about to share with you is extremely alarming, but I have always endeavored to never sugarcoat things for my readers.  Right now, there are shortages of certain items in grocery stores across the United States, and food supplies have gotten very tight all over the globe.  I have repeatedly warned that this is just the beginning, but I didn’t realize how dire things have already gotten until I received an email from a farming insider that I have corresponded with over the years.  I asked him if I could publicly share some of the information that he was sharing with me, and he said that would be okay as long as I kept his name out of it.

Continue reading “Farming Insider Warns The Coming Food Shortages Are Going To Be Far Worse Than We’re Being Told”

With globalist puppets in control of every Western nation, brace yourself for their next diabolical move: The weaponization of food

Submitted by Brewer55

Guest Post by Leo Hohmann

Over the last several months, many Christians who deal in the prophetic have been hearing a particular sequence of words in their quiet time – often in dreams – which they believe is from God: “Brace yourself for impact.”

I’ve heard it from more than one person and if you search online you will see others who claim to have heard this same message from God.

I don’t pretend to be a prophet and don’t know for certain what this means. I can only take it at face value: Brace yourself. Something impactful is about to happen.

It could be something literally impactful, like a bomb, an asteroid, a tsunami or some other natural force suddenly crashing into the earth. Or, it could be something impactful in the political realm that forces dramatic changes in our way of life.

Continue reading “With globalist puppets in control of every Western nation, brace yourself for their next diabolical move: The weaponization of food”


Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer