In Part 1 of this article, I laid out the mass formation psychosis theory postulated by Mattias Desmet in his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism and how totalitarian minded politicians and bureaucrats manipulated the masses by creating the covid crisis. Now I will focus on how this will impact the Fourth Turning we are currently trying to survive.


Decades of social indoctrination and degraded ability to think critically has left most people hopelessly unable to resist the vitriolic opinions of those under the spell of coronavirus mass formation. Even though they didn’t necessarily believe the covid narrative, especially when it became clear only the very old (especially when tyrant governors inserted infected patients into nursing homes) and the very obese actually died with covid, these people still went along. Even the CDC admitted only 6% of deaths were attributable to covid alone.

Based upon research like the Milgram Experiment, we know average people will obey authority without question, even when they know their actions are causing pain. The conformity research done by Solomon Asch explains why a huge percentage of the global population just conformed to what appeared to be a majority opinion. Asch’s experiment had 8 test subjects, but 7 of them worked for Asch. They asked them which line was the same length as Exhibit 1. The 7 Asch employees answered C. Only 25% of the case subjects consistently answered A. They were cowed into giving a patently absurd answer due to peer pressure and lack of faith in their own judgement.

Solomon Asch study social pressure conformity experiment psychology



Via Mercola

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Story at-a-glance

  • Supply chain disruptions causing food and energy shortages appear inevitable, as both industries are being intentionally targeted and dismantled under the guise of combating climate change, and global economic collapse is a mathematical certainty
  • The economic collapse will usher in programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which will be used to control your behavior and your health
  • The globalist cabal is also pursuing a one world totalitarian government through the World Health Organization, under the guise of global biosecurity
  • Inside the U.S., the transhumanist movement is fusing medicine with Silicon Valley and the national security state. There’s a concerted effort to frame transhumanism — which is really the new eugenics — as health care
  • People all over the world face a long list of growing crises. It’s important to understand these threats, and what you can do to prepare, resist and overcome them. Action items, solutions and guidance are presented for each

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is one of my favorite resources to keep current on everything COVID. They typically interview several experts every day and have amazing staff to compile the information in a useful format. I was excited when Polly Tommey from CHD told me that my interview with her earlier this year was the most viewed on their site. She invited me for another interview for the year in review.

Continue reading “HOW TO SURVIVE 2023”

Will the Economy Collapse Completely in 2023?

World-renowned economist Martin Armstrong from https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/ joins Maria Zeee to discuss his predictions for 2023 including civil unrest, war, and what he sees is the reality of the economic situation globally right now.

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Ominous Military & Financial ‘Nuclear Threats’ Could Erupt In 2023

Authored by Egon Von Greyerz via GoldSwitzerland.com,

The world is today confronted with two nuclear threats of a proportion never previously seen in history.

These threats are facing us at a time when the world economy is about to turn and decline precipitously not just for years but probably decades.

The obvious nuclear threat is the war between the US and Russia which currently is playing out in Ukraine.

The other nuclear threat is the financial weapons of mass destruction in the form of debt and derivatives amounting to probably US$ 2.5 quadrillion.

If we are lucky, the geopolitical event can be avoided but I doubt that the explosion/implosion of the Western financial timebomb can be stopped.

More about these risks later in the article.

There is also a summary of my market views for 2023 and onwards at the end of the article.

Continue reading “Ominous Military & Financial ‘Nuclear Threats’ Could Erupt In 2023”

Insurrection Anybody?

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we’ll need a new definition.”Alvin Toffler

Letter: Buffalo Bill's role in mob who stormed the Capitol | Financial Times

Insurrections galore spark off all of a sudden and 2023 was just born days ago! Want to know why? Because the business model of the global economy is broken and the supposed remedy for that is centralized control of populations and super-strict regulation of all their activities — that is, techno-tyranny (with Marxist characteristics, as the Chinese like to put it). Not everybody wants to ride that bus, and so an epic economic problem becomes an arduous political struggle, here and elsewhere in the world.

Continue reading “Insurrection Anybody?”

My 2023 Predictions

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Ah, the annual predictions piece, the conservative scribbler’s best friend and perennial go-to column, the easiest topic outside fake Indians, perverted presidents, and the gnarly predilections of creepy Never Trump weirdos.

First, let me review how crappy I did last year in a Stream of Kurtiousness video listing my predictions. I thought the Dems would run away from COVID insanity. They kind of walked away, but a lot of sissy Dems are still yearning for public health serfdom. I was sort of right.

I recommended that we make it harder for stupid people to vote. That did not happen. In 2022, stupid people voted in droves.

Continue reading “My 2023 Predictions”

2023: The Future Has Arrived: The End of 500 Years of Conquistador Civilisation

Guest Post by Batiushka

2023: The Future Has Arrived: The End of 500 Years of Conquistador Civilisation


It is often said that the systemic Western European superiority complex, a disease which consists of the self-justified domination and exploitation of the surrounding world, began with the First ‘Crusade’ (1096-1099). Technically, this is true, but before it there were other events which we may call ‘Pre-Crusades’. For example, there was the massacre by the barbarian Frankish leader Charlemagne of 4,500 Saxons at Verden in 782. This bloodbath was the foundation of Frankish Europe, which still survives as the core of the lies of the EU today. After the collapse of Charlemagne’s Europe and a period of consolidation, 200 years later there came the events of the earlier eleventh century which did exactly presage the First Crusade at its end. First, there was the Frankish ‘Reconquista’ Crusade which began to accelerate in the eleventh century in Iberia. Then came the ‘Norman’ (in fact they were the collective campaigns of all the Frankish-made scum of North-Western Europe) Crusades or Conquests in Sicily, Southern Italy and in England in 1066.

Like these ‘Pre-Crusades’, the genocidal ‘conquests’ of the First Crusade essentially took place inside Europe, or else close by in the Near East. These Viking-type raiding and trading military expeditions, led on horseback and operating from castles, were expanded into Western Europe (the Celtic lands invaded from the Frankish base in England) and into Eastern Europe (the Baltics and Russia). However, the revolution came with the export of this aggressive Eurocentric mentality to distant lands through the ‘Conquistadors’ (same word) in what we now call Latin America 500 years ago. They were the fruit of Columbus’ imperialist and capitalist venture of 1492 and were followed by da Gama’s money-seeking ventures to southern Africa and India in 1497. They triggered a global revolution because they led to the worldwide genocide and plunder of other peoples and the destruction of their civilisations. Clive of India, Rhodes of Africa, Clinton of Serbia, Bush of Iraq and Biden of the Ukraine were only the conquistadors of later times. However, today we are seeing the end of their Conquistador Civilisation.

Continue reading “2023: The Future Has Arrived: The End of 500 Years of Conquistador Civilisation”

New Year’s Resolutions 2023

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It is customary to make resolutions for the coming new year. Usually, these are promises made to oneself to do something one regrets not having done yet – or not doing something (again) one regrets having done.

Let’s do some of that.

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Forecast 2023 — Get Out of the Way if You Can’t Lend a Hand

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Why 2023 Will Be The Worst Year EVER - YouTube

“The powerful are panicking, and so they should. Their secrets are leaking.” —Miranda Devine

“It’s all just snake oil. We want to save the planet, and the life upon it, but we’re not willing to pay the price and bear the consequences. So we make up a narrative that feels good and run with it.”Raul Ilargi Meier

“2023 could be a pivotal year for USA if the pervasive lies can be exposed, digested, and believed. All that exposure has to happen amidst continuing boondoggles toward the Great Reset agenda.”Truman Verdun

“More borrowing only ever makes sense if you are expecting a larger economy in the future.  All economic expansion is based on energy.  Countries with energy can expand, those without cannot.”   Chris Martenson

“To be an enemy to America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”Henry Kissinger

“The incorrect narrative provided by mainstream media (MSM) is that climate change is our worst problem. To lessen this problem, citizens need to move quickly away from fossil fuels and transition to renewables. The real narrative is that we are running short of fossil fuels that can be profitably extracted, and renewables are not adequate substitutes. However, this narrative is too worrisome for most people to handle.”Ugo Bardi

Continue reading “Forecast 2023 — Get Out of the Way if You Can’t Lend a Hand”

One Prediction For 2023

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The question that should be on our minds is: how are my household’s buffers holding up?

Lists of predictions for the new year are reliably popular. Here’s 10 predictions, there’s 17 predictions, over here we have 23 and a half… let’s strip it all down to one prediction: everyone’s predictions will be wrong because 2023 isn’t going to follow anyone’s script.

There are several reasons for this. One is that the vast majority of predictions are based on historical comparisons to previous eras. If the current era is unique in its combination of dynamics and instability, previous pathways are not going to accurately predict what happens next.

Recency bias leads us astray. The past 50 years of relatively mild weather, the past 40 years of Bull Markets, the past 30 years of financialization and the supremacy of monetary policy–all of these offer a warm and fuzzy confidence that the future will be comfortingly similar to the recent past. This assumption works pretty well in stable eras but fails dismally in destabilizing, transitional eras.

Continue reading “One Prediction For 2023”

The most important question

Guest Post by The Saker

The most important question

Looks like we will make it to Dec 31, 2022. Will we make it to December 31, 2023?

This question is not hyperbole.  I would even argue that this is the single most important question for at least the entire northern hemisphere.

I have been warning that Russia is preparing for a fullscale war since at least 2014.  Putin basically said just that in his recent speech before the Russian Defense Ministry Board.  If you have not seen this video, you really should watch it, it it will give you a direct insight into how the Kremlin thinks and what it is preparing for.  Here is that video again:

I will assume that you have watched that video and that I don’t need to prove to you that Russia is gearing out for a massive war, including a nuclear one.

Continue reading “The most important question”

15 Facts Which Prove That A Massive Economic Meltdown Is Already Happening Right Now

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Economic conditions just keep getting worse.  As we prepare to enter 2023, we find ourselves in a high inflation environment at the same time that economic activity is really slowing down.  And just like we witnessed in 2008, employers are conducting mass layoffs as a horrifying housing crash sweeps across the nation.  Those that have been waiting for the U.S. economy to implode can stop waiting, because an economic implosion has officially arrived.

The following are 15 facts that prove that a massive economic meltdown is already happening right now…

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Will 2023 Be “Just An Average Recession In An Average Year” Or Will It Be Transformational?

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

It shouldn’t surprise us if 2023 turns out to be atypical and disruptively transformational in ways few believe possible.

It seems expectations about 2023 cleave neatly into two camps: the dominant mainstream view is that 2023 will be economically difficult due to a mild recession, but this will be nothing more than a run-of-the-mill recession.

Inflation will likely moderate but remain higher than recent averages. Everything else–politics, social issues, entertainment, fashion, social media, etc.–will continue on whatever path it is currently on.

In other words, 2023 will be much like any other year.

Continue reading “Will 2023 Be “Just An Average Recession In An Average Year” Or Will It Be Transformational?”

2023 Will Be the Year from Hell

Via Armstrong Economics