Biden Declares WAR on White America

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

A Putsch in the Making?

Last Thursday night, September 1, 2022, President Biden speaking for the executive branch of the United States government declared civil war on white non-RINO Republicans:

“Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.”

“MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution, they do not believe in the rule of law.

They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence.”

“I will not stand by and watch elections in this country stolen by people who simply refuse to accept that they lost.”

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RED ALERT! This ‘Democrat Putsch’ Exposé Must Be Disseminated Far And Wide

Via State of the Nation

As usual, political analyst Paul Craig Roberts knocks it out of the park.  Truly, if there is one prescient analysis which accurately explains the present status of the Second America Revolution, the following PCR piece is it.  Others might call it America’s Second Civil; and they would also be right.  What most commentators fail to understand is that this epochal conflict, to both save the American Republic by the Right and destroy it by the Left, is really a class war at the core of it.

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