$17 Trillion: An Inquiry into the United States Perpetual Motion Machine of Debt and Inflation


“Given control of a central banking system and an inconvertible currency [a currency not backed by gold], a sovereign national government is finally free of money worries and needs no longer levy taxes for the purpose of providing itself with revenue. All taxation, therefore, should be regarded from the point of view of social and economic consequences.”  – Beardsley Ruml,  Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York – 1946

America loves debt. The National debt is $17 Trillion and total debt including private debt in the United States totals $60 Trillion. For the last 30 years the United States has run monthly trade deficits, at times more than $60 billion dollars a month.

How is this possible? How have we not folded under the weight of debt with crippling deflation and rising taxes to pay for the insane levels of public and private spending?

The answer is that we monetize the debt by printing more fiat money (debt) to create inflation, which reduces the weight of debt in real terms despite the fact that future debts continue to rise in nominal terms.

Structurally, this is a Ponzi Scheme. Turns out Madoff was playing T-ball compared to the ever hypocritical Federal Government and the political-media-parade that ran him into prison.

A few authors have crystalized the explanation in perfection. Author G. Edward Griffin in his book “The Creature From Jekyll Island” explains it this way:

“It is a sobering thought that the federal government now could operate, even at its current level of spending, without levying any taxes whatsoever. All it has to do is create the required money through the Federal Reserve System by monetizing its own bonds. In fact, most of the money it now spends is obtained that way. Make no mistake about it inflation is a tax. Furthermore, it is the most unfair tax of them all because it falls most heavily upon those who are thrifty, those on fixed incomes, and those in the middle and lower income brackets. The important point here is that this hidden tax would be impossible without fiat money. Fiat money in America is created solely as a result of the Federal Reserve system. The [politicians] who authorize this process of monetizing the national debt, and the monetary scientists who  carry it out know that it is not true debt. it is not true debt, because no one in Washington really expects to repay it, ever. The dual purpose of this magic show is simply to create free spending money for the politicians, without the inconvenience of raising direct taxes and also to generate a perpetual river of gold flowing into the banking cartel. The partnership is merely looking out for itself.”

And continues…

“Why, then, does the federal government bother with taxes at all? Why not just operate on monetized debt? The answer is twofold. First, if it did, people would begin to wonder about the source of the money, and that might cause them to wake up to the reality that inflation is a tax. Thus, open taxes at some level serve to perpetuate public ignorance which is essential to the success of the scheme. The second reason is that taxes, particularly progressive taxes, are weapons by which elitist social planners can wage war on the middle class.”

Reserve Currency and Inflationary Debt as the New Imperial Empire

“Since U.S. overseas military spending forced the dollar off gold in 1971, a U.S. centered Monetary Imperialism has involved fiat dollar creation. Instead of holding foreign reserves in gold, the world’s central banks hold U.S. Treasury bonds. These are issued mainly to finance U.S. global military spending. Removing gold as a limiting factor on the ability of the United States to run domestic budget deficits and balance-of-payments deficits, American banks have been able to create credit and flood the global economy with fiat credit. This has enabled U.S. financial firms and companies to buy up foreign industry with low-interest fiat dollars, which the foreign recipients turn over to their central banks to recycle back to the U.S. economy by buying more Treasury securities, to finance the domestic budget deficit and payments deficit and so on, seemingly ad infinitum.”Professor Michael Huddson


Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 5.58.40 PMForeign nations believe all Americans are fat and lazy and that may have something to do with the Dollars reserve status globally. The reserve status enables US citizens to buy mountains of plastic crap from China and expensive, high quality products from Germany, France and England with little regard to producing anything in return. In fact, last year the chief export of the United States was CASH. Thats right, cash. Since the highest official export, motor-vehicle parts and motors – $213 billion, was less than the trade deficit $471 billion, cash became the de facto chief export! (Sources: Bloomberg, & WTEx)

This trade system is agreed upon by world leaders ahead of time in secret forums where national sovereignty is of little concern compared to special political interests.

These are the Bilderberg Meetings and G20 Summits

g20crooks (1)

Professor Michael Hudson continues…

“The link between the dollarized global monetary system and military force became explicit after OPEC quadrupled its oil prices in 1973-74. Treasury officials met with Saudi Arabian and other OPEC officials and explained that they could charge as much as they wished for oil as long as they agreed to hold their reserves in U.S. Treasury bonds or otherwise recycle their export earnings into the U.S. economy by buying stocks, real estate and other property claims, but not ownership of strategic industries. Not to recycle these petrodollars would be treated as an “unfriendly act.” For the United States, this reversed the traditional impact of balance-of-payments deficits on interest rates. Under the gold standard, countries running deficits had to raise rates to borrow enough to stabilize their currency’s exchange rate. But for the United States, the larger its payments deficit grew, the more dollars ended up in the hands of foreign central banks, which had little alternative but to recycle them to the U.S. economy, mainly by buying Treasury bonds. Monetarily, the U.S. payments deficit had become inflationary, not deflationary as was the rule in times past. The payments deficit thus became the means of financing the domestic budget deficit. This circular flow enabled a kind of perpetual motion machine. Banks were able to create their own credit electronically without international constraint, U.S. strategists came to realize that their government could run domestic budget deficits almost without limit while American investors bought up foreign assets and consumers imported more.”

So the Saudis have a close relationship with the U.S. that doesn’t sound believable at all:



Maybe this also explains why when the Saudi’s were implicated in the funding and planning for the 9/11 attacks, George Bush and the CIA were quick to redact those portions of the 9/11 Commission Report.

From NYPost:

“The Saudis deny any role in 9/11, but the CIA in one memo reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically. The intelligence files cited in the report directly implicate the Saudi embassy in Washington and consulate in Los Angeles in the attacks, making 9/11 not just an act of terrorism, but an act of war.”

This long boat ride to hell is only going to end when the U.S. reserve currency status comes to a close. If history is any indication it appears that that may be happening sooner rather than later.


Vladamir Putin is headling a charge for the BRIC nations to euthenize the Dollar.

From RT:

The group of emerging economies signed the long-anticipated document to create the $100 bn BRICS Development Bank and a reserve currency pool worth over another $100 bn. Both will counter the influence of Western-based lending institutions and the dollar.

The new bank will provide money for infrastructure and development projects in BRICS countries, and unlike the IMF or World Bank, each nation has equal say, regardless of GDP size.

Each BRICS member is expected to put an equal share into establishing the startup capital of $50 billion with a goal to reach $100 billion. The BRICS bank will be headquartered in Shanghai, India will preside as president the first year, and Russia will be the chairman of the representatives.

Huffington Post:

The BRICS development bank and contingency fund are the forerunners of a new multi-currency world that breaks US dollar hegemony and the domination of Fed monetary policy geared to the exigencies of US business cycles and economic crises. The US will lose its exorbitant privilege as the world’s reserve currency as the Yuan Zone expands. This will help resolve the US twin fiscal and current account deficits by imposing fiscal discipline on the US. A multi-polar financial world with new international financial centres emerging in Mumbai and Shanghai will be a more stable world, less prone to financial crises or hostage to mal-regulated too-big-to-fail banks and financial institutions in the too-big-to-fail hubs of New York and London. For the BRICS and emerging economies a new dawn can arise with better access to finance both within and across countries, and less prone to disruptive capital flows and irrational exuberance.

As this movement gains headwinds Americans need to be prepared for some real inflation as all those Dollars finally begin to return home to roost.

Military Industrial Complex Explained in 7 Minutes

Guest Post by Kevin at Eco Explained


The Military Industrial Complex Explained in 7 Minutes

In 2014 the US defense budget was over half a trillion dollars, which was more than the next 8 countries combined. The top 5 contractor budgets were:

Lockheed Martin which raked in $15 billion, Boeing $12 billion, General Dynamics $9 billion, Raytheon $6 billion, and Northrup Grumman $5 billion.


When we compare this vast sum of technological, military investment to the greatest threat to western society in the history of the world, ISIS, as implied by Chuck Hagel, one should question why we should be scared at all?

It is estimated that ISIS has an annual military budget of just $25-30 million.

So if we make the impossible assumption (sarcasm) that money buys you weapons, an army, and a military threat, realistically we don’t have to fear China, or Russia, let alone ISIS.

Are you fucking kidding me Hagel!?!?!?! ISIS


Please America Wake TFU!

Politicians and the media have an insatiable fetish for pushing photos of black garbed, desert Rambos doing flips in an outdated jungle gym with AK 47’s slung around their backs, while we have gun ships loaded with laser guided, gps guided, heat-seaking hellfire fuck missiles just miles off shore in the Persian Gulf.


You can sleep easier at night than any human being in the history of the planet, because your country has spent more money on a military budget than was ever necessary for a society for the next 1,000 years.

The only thing Americans should be fearing is hyper-inflation due to a financial collapse of the US dollar from so much irrational, unproductive spending.

The economy is wasting away while the crony capitalists in Washington are most concerned about how to keep the public in a constant state of fear so that they can provide the solution and the spending. Of course every penny will be contracted out to a trusted insider who is then expected to give them a kick back in the next election so that the circle jerk can continue forever.

Well guess what, I’m done.

I don’t fear shit, except unconstitutional abuses of power. Keep babbling about the next Armageddon Washington. I’ll be on my back deck smoking a cigar, mindlessly watching the birds enjoy the seeds from the bird feeder.

Just stop spending hard earned tax payer money on horseshit we don’t need. Your like a poor diabetic child waiting on the corner for the ice-cream man with a credit card.


The History Lesson You Were Never Meant To Hear

Guest Post by Kevin from Eco Explained


It is easy to look at the news and wonder how we got here? Why is there so much disorder? Why are freedoms being destroyed?

Why is there so much fear?

Why is there so much centralized planning?

My answer: The Wall Street elite have created a modern system of enslavement through financial planning. Their goal is to establish a New World Order. A world without freedom or happiness, because 99% of the world population is reduced to the level of a chinese slave peasant working 80 hours a week for bread crumbs. The names you need to become more familiar with are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, and Warburgs to start. The concepts you need to learn are banking, finance, and money creation. Primarily, the creation of the Federal Reserve which was signed into law in 1913.

Start there and you will have a good foundation.

Technology, Conflict and Self-Awareness: 

“The most powerful computer known is the brain. The human brain possesses about 100 billion neurons with roughly 1 quadrillion — 1 million billion — connections known as synapses wiring these cells together.” – Charles Q Choi

The 20th Century saw two great wars, the rise of communism, fascism, nazism, and industrialism in its greatest glory. Through it all, capitalism persevered. It always did and always will, because the freedom to pursue business in its purest and most perfected capacity for individual gain abides all the laws human nature. Although great attempts were made in collectivization and centralization, they all failed in comparison. Human behavior does not naturally reflect the insect, hive mentality: we are not drones. We are an independent species, capable of working within small, unified family-tribes, competing against other tribes for resources. This is the historical backbone of our evolution.

Competition amongst groups rewarded tribes with technological advantages and the human brain became an evolutionary priority as a result. Tool making required a dualistic perspective – the ability to separate oneself from objects – and so at the same time we became self-aware. This means that when we look in the mirror we recognize the image as ourself. This sounds simple enough, but most species except for bottle-nose dolphins, chimpanzees and magpies are able to do this. The problematic recourse is that the more evolution favored analytical, dualistic minds the more separated our awareness grew from others and on the extreme end, some humans developed narcissistic, selfish personalities.

This is the great dilemma of the human condition: Dualistic awareness is the means of our survival, but the experience is sometimes unsatisfying, and isolating. To find balance and perspective all successful tribes developed religious ceremonies intended to create temporary states of altered consciousness that provided relief from the tendency to isolate and disassociate and replace it with a feeling of “oneness.” This is not to say “oneness” is the illusion, rather I would argue the “separation experience” is the real illusion, but we will save that debate for another time. In any case, this is why all attempts in the 20th Century to Collectivize simultaneously revoked religious freedom of expression because they were both competing to satisfy the same emotional niche.

The goal of collectivization was to go beyond the scope of religion in providing humans with a satisfying experience and to use it as a means of economic organization. Collectivism, unfortunately, was nothing more than a carefully constructed utopian sales pitch, intended to rope the masses into docile tribe of cattle that could be herded and manipulated at will. The engineers at the top of society were the ones responsible for utilizing their analytical, dualistic logic while the workers at the bottom were happily removed from enduring the experience of separation and only needed to enjoy the pure bliss of oneness, founded in their devotional trust to the supra-positioned entity guided by an ideology rooted in non-competitive equality.

To function effectively, this requires the masses to possess an unnatural state of retarded mental acuity. It is a rejection of a normal aspect of human experience and the denial of self-responsibilty they innately possess.  The only thing strong enough to drive the masses to deny a part of their own self is and always has been fear: fear of isolation, fear of defeat, fear of emptiness, fear of abandonment, and ultimately, the Freudian root, fear of death. It should come as no surprise then that Centralized societies that have been able to maintain some level of social stability are also skillful at intellectually incapacitating the masses with a perpetual state of fear.

Funding Division to Create Conflict and Perpetual Fear

It is important to note that Collectivism was not born out of a popular rejection of Capitalism as mainstream historians would like us to believe. Rather, Collectivism was born out of expediency by hardened Capitalists to break competition. It is a tool that has been fostered, incubated and supported by Wall Street insiders and Bankers to accumulate greater economic control when and where it has been deemed necessary. Revolutions that appear to spawn from an intellectually, or religiously suppressed minority do not occur as a result of goodwill and self-sacrifice. Instead, the the suppression leads to migration as it did with with the Quakers, and Puritans from England in the 17th and 18th century, and Jews from Germany in the 20th century. Popular revolutions cannot occur without financial support and intellectual leadership and this only happens when one powerful group, pitted against another powerful group, sees a revolution as an opportunity for profit. Without the financial backing and intellectual planning all that can occur is a disorganized riot. Even the American Revolution, which only gained support from one-third of the colonists, required an organized group of intellectual leaders, many of whom were members of the Free Masons and other secret societies to delegate with the French, Spanish and Dutch to provide supplies and munitions to the colonists. Thus, there is a component inherent in all revolutions that requires some level of conspiracy.

One researcher, Professor Antony Sutton wrote several books fully explaining how Wall Street coordinated and controlled the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

It is well documented that Lenin and Trotsky accepted money on behalf of Wall Street insiders to help guide the revolution. In 1917, while Russia was supporting England and the United States in WWI, Trotsky was arrested in Halifax by Canadian and British personnel while he was traveling aboard the S.S. Kristianiafjord on his way back to Petrograd to continue the revolution. Trotsky was considered an enemy of the Russian state and thus an enemy of the Canadian and British Allies. They documented he was carrying $10,000 dollars on his person at the time of arrest, an enormous sum of money at the time. After his arrest, telegrams from the British Secret Service in the United States and New York began to come in requiring Trotsky’s release.

Later in his life Trotsky admitted to having a Wall Street benefactor who provided him with the financial resources he needed to carry out his mission. Even more insightful was Lenin’s explanation of rationale for accepting Wall Street financing:

The Capitalists of the world and their governments, in pursuit of conquest of the Soviet market, will close their eyes to the indicated higher reality and thus will turn into deaf mute blind men. They will extend credits, which will strengthen for us the Communist Party in their countries; and giving us the materials and technology we lack, they will restore our military industry indispensable for our future victorious attack on our suppliers. In other words, they will labor for the preparation of their own suicide.

I’ve studied more of history and I can tell you the rest looks the same. The Soviets were “propped” up throughout the Cold War gaining most of their military technology from secret channels in the West. This helped fuel mass hysteria and fear amongst the American public that was ill-founded, increasing centralized, monopolized economic power, enriching the bankers with unimaginable profits.


Our world is collapsing under the weight of free people fighting against centralization and fear and diminishing natural resources. Stay focused on what matters most, and what will help you the most. Love your family first and foremost. They are your tribe and you are a piece inseparable from your tribe. There is an incorrect amount of emphasis placed on the survival of individual genes. Genes are better understood in the context of other genes. For instance, carriers for sickle cell anemia are resistant to Malaria, but when you have both recessive traits it becomes a disease. You are a unique piece in the puzzle of your tribe that functions as a whole unit. It is the success of this entire tribal unit that determines your individual evolutionary success. The tribe is the whole – not your own body. If you are not religious or spiritual try to reconnect with some spiritual practice within a group, because it will help you connect with others and find balance in your life even if in a literal sense the practice is complete bull-crap.

The financiers and bankers have created a tribe of their own frequently referred to as the “Globalists.” They do not view the world through the traditional filters of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Blacks, Whites, Americans, Chinese, Catholics, Hindus, or Muslims. The Mainstream media pushes theses contrasts on the general public because it puts you in a mindless, incapacitated box of fear. This box is the tribe of the 99%. We are losing severely to the tribe of financiers. They are killing us, weakening us, raping us, murdering us. It is the biggest battle in human history and you are completely unaware of it.

Wake up.