Does the average European peasant think QE of 60 billion Euros per month will help their lives or improve their financial situation? If they do, they are in for an unpleasant surprise. QE does not help Main Street. It helps Wall Street. Stock markets are set to soar this morning because a central banker is going to print another trillion or so pieces of paper. This will end badly when the next crash proves that central bankers have committed an evil crime against humanity.

What ECB QE Will Do For The World (In 1 Word & 1 Simple Chart)

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“Differenty this time?” or “Einsteinian Insanity’?


With The ECB set to announce a QE4EVA-esque bond-buying initiative within the next hour or two, we thought it worth looking at just what The Fed’s balance-sheet experiment did for inflation expectations (the key narrative that is driving Draghi’s decision) and economic growth (what every politician is demanding Draghi help with)…

The answer… Nothing!!